Student Competitions
Each year, a multitude of competitions are available for students and schools. These cover all curriculum areas. Some are run by subject organisations, others by governments, private organisations, even international groups.
Competitions are listed in curriculum areas [Language, Mathematics, The Arts, … ] plus Challenges and Other Areas sections. In some cases, the listing is broken into sub-directories, e.g. Language → Writing, Spelling, Public Speaking, Debating, … .
Sporting competitions and events such as Eisteddfods are not listed on either page.
Competitions vary from local, state, national and international level. While most run in calendar years, others start in one year and end in the next, e.g. Tropfest, ANZAC Day. Many are free to enter, others have entry fees either for individuals or teams. In addition, included competitions may apply to different levels or combinations of school levels or ages as indicated.
We have broken the listing into two pages for two reasons. The first limits the size of both pages. The second allows for additions over the coming year from recommendations or our discovery.
A button indicating which group of students it is intended for. Some buttons have an *.
For details see the second last point below. - This is the link to the competition page. Click on it to find information including an overview, entry, rules, date[s], venue, costs, … .
- A short summary of the competition and any special features.
- * = special factors about the competition, e.g. groupings, geographic areas, male/female, homeschoolers or not, … .
- Directions [including links] to essential information such as Entry requirements, Key Dates, special requirements [e.g. number of words for a story], costs, prizes, contact details, etc..
New ! ANSTO’s National Science Week Hackathon
‘The aim of ANSTO’s National Science Week Hackathon is for secondary school students to gain experience in science, innovation and entrepreneurship. Students will also gain creative confidence, valuable team-working skills, interviewing skills, experience with online collaboration tools and have a chance to interact with scientists, professionals and entrepreneurs. Teams will submit a video showcasing their ideas to a panel of scientists. Teachers may choose to use the hackathon to inspire their students in STEM and/or to get involved in National Science Week’.
* The Junior Division covers Years 7-8 while the Senior Division covers Years 9-11. Schools may apply to enter one team in each division. Recommended team size is between 3-7 students. Students within teams can be from different year levels, but must compete in the division of their oldest student
The Frequently Asked Questions page provides multiple sections [click on individual boxes] on all essential aspects. Data is not yet including that for 2024. Monitor for its inclusion in the near future.
‘The Australian Science Olympiads are a national enrichment program for secondary science students. They provide rewarding opportunities for students to extend themselves way beyond school science through challenging exams, stimulating extensions and enrichment programs and international competitions. The Australian Science Olympiad Exams are challenging exams students sit in their school during July and August. Students can access free support to prepare themselves for the exam, and their performance is recognised with certificates and special invitations to residential and enrichment programs. We also offer the Junior Science Olympiad Exam for students in Years 7-10.
Based on their performance at the Australian Science Olympiads Summer School, students will go on to represent Australia at one of the International Science Olympiads in Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Physics and the Junior Science Olympiads.
Registration for the 2024 Australian Science Olympiads will open in mid-2024. We encourage all students and schools interested in taking part in 2024 to sign up for our e-newsletter.
There is a wide range of information about all aspects of these exams available from this page as well as on each of the 5 individual pages below.
Australian Science Olympiad Exams - Biology
‘This is a Challenging online Biology exam for high performing Science students’.
The Australian Science Olympiad Exams are challenging exams students sit in their school during July and August. Other essential information for 2024 can now be found via the links on the Australian Science Olympiads page.
Australian Science Olympiad Exams - Chemistry
This is a ‘Challenging online Chemistry exam for high performing Science students’.
The Australian Science Olympiad Exams are challenging exams students sit in their school during July and August. Other essential information for 2024 can now be found via the links on the Australian Science Olympiads page.
Australian Science Olympiad Exams - Earth and Environmental Science
This is a ‘Challenging online Earth and Environmental Science exam for high performing Science students’.
The Australian Science Olympiad Exams are challenging exams students sit in their school during July and August. Other essential information for 2024 can now be found via the links on the Australian Science Olympiads page.
Australian Science Olympiad Exams - Physics
This is a ‘Challenging online Physics exam for high performing Science students’.
The Australian Science Olympiad Exams are challenging exams students sit in their school during July and August. Other essential information for 2024 can now be found via the links on the Australian Science Olympiads page.
‘The Junior Science Olympiad Exam is designed to take science students in Years 7 to 10 to the next level. The exam is based on general science content [Biology, Chemistry and Physics] and assumes students have a good knowledge of the Australian Curriculum – Science up to a Year 10 level. Some questions in the exam may also involve higher-level content [such as might be encountered by an extended Year 10 student]. A range of analysis questions will also be included for which any necessary extra information is provided. The exam is held online, is two hours long and questions are multiple choice’.
* ‘Students in Year 7 – 10 may sit the Australian Science Olympiads in addition to the Junior Science Olympiads’.
The Australian Science Olympiad Exams are challenging exams students sit in their school during July and August. Other information for 2024 can now be found on the Australian Science Olympiads page above.
New ! Australian-International Model Solar Challenge
‘Developing an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics [STEM] through the use of renewable energies in school aged students throughout the world. The event has been designed to expand student learning and provide a practical experience in designing and building a functioning solar powered vehicle, to gain an understanding of the engineering processes involved and recognise the importance of renewable energy for a sustainable future. It also focuses on getting students to work together as a team and demonstrate, apply and effectively communicate their learnings. Learning outcomes of the Challenge are to be focused on the students’.
* The competition is open to entries from schools, other organisations and private entries in Australia and from overseas.
Video information, Regulations detailing all requirements, Contact details and Registration information. Monitor for 2024 details.
Australian Space Design Competition
ASDC ‘Hosts a number of industry simulation experiences for school students. These combine elements of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics [STEM], with an emphasis on teamwork, marketing and human relations to provide a unique set of challenges for young people’. Linked to the Australian Space Design Competitions [see Science section below].
* Year 8 students are only able to compete if their team contains students in Years 9 – 12.
Further information is found in the FAQ section on the About Us page. Monitor for the 2024 information which should be there in the first part of the year.
New ! Australian STEM Video Game Challenge
ASDC ‘Jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics [STEM] are growing twice as fast as non-STEM occupations. Research shows we need to reach students by age 15 to influence their long term participation in STEM. The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge seeks to : ENGAGE students in STEM subjects, ENABLE students to develop real-world skills and EMPOWER more students to choose STEM careers’.
* There are specific roles for each member within each team - e.g. Game Designer, Artist/Visual Designer, Storyteller, Tester, . . . .
Important Dates for the 2024 Challenge; Who can be a Mentor; Rules for the Challenge, Classification Guidelines; How to register; Student roles within their team; Development Platforms and operating system; and Judging Information are all available on the home page as is the theme for the year - Stars [you can download a theme sheet].
Australian Stockholm Junior Water Prize
‘The Australian Stockholm Junior Water Prize is an annual water science competition for high school students. Students are challenged to create solutions for water challenges – with the national prize awarded at Ozwater. The winner of the Australian competition is invited to participate in the Stockholm Junior Water Prize. The prestigious international award is awarded each World Water Week in Sweden’.
* ‘Entered projects must have been developed while still in secondary school. If students have just graduated from secondary school, but have not yet started university, they will still be eligible to enter the competition. Individuals and groups of up to three students are eligible to enter’.
The Guidelines and Information Kit provides all essential information from what the prize is about to Key Dates and a Timeline. NOTE : that this competition runs across two [2] years with a Project Outline due at the beginning of October, the completed project in mid-December of the next year. If interested in the next event, the most recent competition closing dates ran from mid-July to mid-November depending on the individual state/territory. Monitor for 2024 information to be included during the first part of the year.
BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards
‘The BHP Foundation Science and Engineering Awards are Australia’s most prestigious school science and engineering awards. The Awards are a partnership between the BHP Foundation, CSIRO and the Australian Science Teachers Association [ASTA]. Entry to the Awards is via nomination only through a state or territory Science Teachers Association competition. Student finalists also have the chance to represent the Awards at the International Science and Engineering Fair in the USA’.
The About page covers information on Entry, Student Awards, Teacher Awards, Partners, Alumni and News. Most contain links to further information. For State Competition details which lead up to this one, check the links below.
SEA*ACT : Science & Engineering Fair [ACT]
‘Participation in the SEAACT Science & Engineering Fair provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of science inquiry processes as outlined in the Science Inquiry Skills strand of the Australian Curriculum. It will also enable the community, including other students and teachers, to see project work done by students in ACT colleges, schools and preschools. Selected entries may be eligible for the BHP Billiton Foundation Science and Engineering Awards. Check information found at SEAACT : BHP Billiton Foundation Science and Engineering Awards’.
* Age groupings are - Early Childhood – Preschool to Year 2, Primary Years 3 to 6, Special Education [All age groups] and Secondary/Post Compulsory Years 7 to 12.
Detailed information is available through The Science Fair Book. A Science Fair Tips video is also available on the site. Essential information is now available via the home page above. An entry form is available via the button at the top right of the page. Monitor for 2024 details [the most recent Fair has only just been finished].
STANSWYoung Scientist Awards [NSW]
‘Students are able to submit a scientific investigation or a working model of an invention or you may be able to submit your project to both categories. Young Scientist offers students worthwhile incentives to carry out scientific investigations or inventions. It provides teachers with valuable resources and professional learning opportunities’.
* Age groupings are - Years K-2, Primary Years 3-4, Years 5-6, Years 7-8, Years 9-10 and Years 11-12. There are also separate awards for specific groups in both Primary and Secondary, e.g. Rural Young Primary Scientist. ‘Students from other Australian states and territories can enter the STANSW Young Scientist Awards and be in the running for any of the category or sponsored prizes. However, we strongly encourage students from outside NSW to enter their own state-based competitions and only enter STA NSW Young Scientist if their state-based competition does not have categories that support their project’.
The Competition link in the top menu on the above page provides access to Key Dates, Rules, How to Enter [including entry form], Prizes [Primary and Secondary], Judging, Support and more. Monitor for 2024 information and dates to be added.
Territory Young Scientist Competition [NT]
‘The Young Territory Young Scientist Competition is open to all Northern Territory school students. Encourage your teacher to submit your work [see the above page for these]’. The Competition Booklet lists several good reasons for you to enter the competition.
The Entry Form has a separate link on the home page. The Competition Booklet provides a wealth of information including Categories you can enter, Closing date for Entries, Judging process for each category, links to the Science Awards and more. This still gives all the necessary requirements, entry process, etc. Monitor for the 2024 details in the early part of next year.
Queensland Science Contest [STAQ] [Qld]
‘The Contest aims to stimulate an ongoing interest in the study of science by encouraging students of all ages to participate in the process of self-motivated project work; giving all students of Queensland the opportunity to communicate their passion and understanding of science to a wider audience; and according recognition of effort and achievement to students who participate. The Contest aims to promote the direct involvement of Queensland students in the processes and communication of science’.
* The are seven [7] age divisions for the competition. Details of these are found via links on the Science Contest Information page. Individuals and groups of 2 or 3 students may submit an entry.
The Handbook provides information on all aspects of the competition. Monitor for 2024 information early in the new year.
Oliphant Science Awards [SASTA] [SA]
‘The Oliphant Science Awards are a wonderful opportunity for school students to develop their interests in science through a competition with a range of categories to suit a wide variety of abilities and interests. Learning science encourages students to develop a range of skills such as observation, prediction and communication as well as expanding their knowledge within and between the diverse domains of science’.
Event Information provides details on Key Dates, and has links to Award Categories, New and Country Schools Incentives, Entry Fees, Conditions of Entry, Sponsor Prizes and the Open Day [All details are for 2023]. 2024 topic titles will be released on 5 December 2023.
Tasmanian Science Talent Search [Tas.]
‘The Tasmanian Science Talent Search [TSTS] is an initiative of the Science Teachers Association of Tasmania Inc. [STAT]. It has been operating continuously since 1960 [though not always by the same name]’. Each year there is a specific theme around which the competition is based. Multiple sections appeal to different learners and learning styles.
Each year there is a theme and a Talent Search Information Booklet available from the home page. The latter can be read online or downloaded [PDF]. It contains all essential information including entry dates. 2023 information is now available. Monitor for 2024 details early in the new year.
Science Victoria : Science Talent Search [Vic.]
‘The Science Talent Search is an annual, science based competition open to all primary and secondary students in Victoria. Science Talent Search fits closely with the Victorian Curriculum philosophy of teaching and learning. There is a close match between many STS sections and the Victorian Curriculum Learning Areas, Strands and Substrands. The STS theme for 2023 is Innovations : Powering Future Industries. There are set topics for Creative Writing and Posters/Scientific Wallcharts sections only’.
All essential information can be found via links at the bottom of the above page covering Dates, Registration, FAQs, Judging Day, Exhibition and Presentation Day and much more. You can also access information through Entry Information & Dates page is self-explanatory. Results for the current year are now out. Check with your school coordinator. Monitor for details of the 2024 Talent Search from now till early in the new year.
Science Talent Search [STAWA] [WA]
‘The Science Talent Search is a wonderful opportunity for students to develop their interests in Science through a competition with a range of categories to suit a wide variety of abilities and interests. The Science Talent Search also provides students with an opportunity to expand their scientific literacy, by showing interest and understanding in the world around them and engaging in discussions about Science. The Science Talent Search categories are curriculum based and link directly to Western Australian curriculum’.
Information about Key Dates, Rules, Registration, Entry Categories [3], Prizes, Resources, Judging and Feedback for 2023 can be found on the above page. Monitor for details of the 2024 Talent Search from now till early in the new year.
Updated ! Big Science Competition
‘The Big Science Competition is a 50 minute, multiple choice competition testing science knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable [and interesting]! The Competition is an easy way to challenge students from Years 7 to 10 and track their performance against state or national averages. Competition questions are aligned with the Australian Curriculum – Science’.
Competition Dates plus entry fee details will be available from the site while there are links on the right hand side of the above page, especially the Cost and how to get involved page link. Registrations open in 2024. Event takes place from Monday 6 to Friday 17 May 2024.
ClimateScience Olympiad 2024 [CSO24]
‘The student competition to find solutions to climate change. Already in over 100 countries’. The Olympiad begins with qualifiers [schools can run this and students can participate multiple times - see details], then quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final. A visual step-by-step presentation is available from the home page. There is also a quiz app available.
* ‘The CSO23 has three age brackets : under 16s, 17-19, and 20-25 years old. Solo or in teams of two. Regardless of age, participants compete in the same qualifiers and answer the same type of problem statements. However, we only compare participants within their own age bracket’.
All 2023 details are available from sections on the home page, including the Frequently Asked Questions and also from the Terms and Conditions of ClimateScience Olympiad page. Dates are clearly listed and registration is now open, with an extended length of time to register using the following link - Register. Check the 2024 dates. The Early Bird Qualifiers have already begun but only ran till 24 November 2023.
CQ Junior Robotics Competition [Qld *]
‘Get your students interested in STEM and register a team or come along to the CQ Junior Robotics Competition event. Not only will it be lots of fun, but it will help your students develop pivotal skills in problem solving, creativity, critical thinking and teamwork. Schools and individuals travel to Rockhampton each year from throughout the Central Queensland region’.
* ‘Open to all primary and secondary school students at a recognised education provider within Central Queensland [including Mackay to Bundaberg and out west to Longreach]. There are different divisions that cater for various age groups. Participants may enter as individuals or as a team’.
Details are available from the Participant Information section on the home page and the Mentor Information section on the lower half of the home page. Monitor for 2024 information early in the new year as the last event was held in July.
‘An inquiry-based program, CREST offers students the opportunity to explore STEM topics of interest and provides a framework to support teachers through the inquiry continuum. CREST is a non-competitive program tailored to differing student ability across the inquiry continuum. A number of structured and guided science investigations and technology and engineering projects are available through CREST Online [you need to login, or set up a new free account or join, in order to access this]’.
* The competition has six different award levels : Green, Orange, Blue, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Students conducting a CREST inquiry may work alone or in a team of up to three students.
The school registration process is done by a teacher through the CREST Online Portal. Schools need to renew access each year. All relevant information can be found using the CREST Factsheet [PDF, 237 KB], the CREST Teacher Handbook and/or the Frequently Asked Questions in CREST Online as well as the four sections linked from the boxes on the home page. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
Education Perfect [EP]- Science World Championships
‘As of 2021, the World Series events have been split into Northern and Southern Hemisphere Championships to better accommodate global school schedules. We are in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a free event where students can show off their scientific knowledge. This competition celebrates learning and achievement in Science while providing curriculum-aligned content for students to earn points and participate with competitors all around Australia and New Zealand’.
Check out the video on the Getting Started with Education Perfect Science [Australia] page to learn how to get started. Monitor for 2024 information early in the new year.
‘Expedition Class was created to inspire and motivate students in science and environmental education through a unique model of adventure learning. By collaborating with schools and external organisations and conducting small footprint journeys, the goal was to provide free online learning resources, school visits and professional learning for teachers in Australia and further afield. Expedition Class, through the Bookend Trust, is now an extensive archive of K-10 programs that continues to be open and available to teachers and students worldwide’.
A great way for educators to understand what options are available/involved and stay in touch is to sign up for regular email updates [see bottom of the home page for this option].
Gold Coast Schools Science Competition [Science on the GO]
‘Aims to raise the profile of science in our community and encourages students to demonstrate their scientific abilities by entering a project into one of six categories. Registration is open to divisions from Prep to Year 12 [7 in all]’.
Registrations opened Mid 2023. You can gain previous details from the home page [event date] and from The Science Competition Flyer [2023] and The Science Competition Booklet [2023]. All essential details are contained in the Booklet. Monitor for 2024 details during Terms 1 and 2.
International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition
‘The International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition is an international science competition that enables students from all countries to prove their skills and to unleash their creativity in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. IAAC gives you the unique opportunity to apply your skills to challenging problems’.
* ‘There are two age categories : Junior - under 18 years on submission deadline and Youth - over 18 years on submission deadline [submission deadline, then end of the Qualification Round, previously the end of April]’.
The home page above has information covering Participation, Process and Rounds, Information for Teachers and Schools, Materials and Documents - multiple options including Timetable and Deadlines and various Flyers, FAQs, Costs and more. You can also get updated about future events by using the Get Updates option in the bottom/centre of the home screen. The IAAC 2024 edition starts in mid-February. Monitor for further 2024 details later this year and early in 2024.
Junior Space Design Competition
‘Designed for aspiring young engineers and scientists, who want to learn about the basics of futuristic space settlement design ! Teams of up to four students form a marketing consultancy and prepare advertising material to support a proposed space settlement. The same scenario is used for the JSDC and ASDC competitions each year’.
The home page [above] includes a Timeline, description of the task, registration options, what you receive following registration, information for teachers, examples of previous submissions and access to an online entry form. Monitor for the 2024 version early in the new year.
New ! OneWorld Robotics Competition
‘It is our greatest pleasure to announce the OneWorld Robotics Competition. We would like to invite you, your students and your school to participate in this unique and exciting international competition. Open to all Australian secondary school students in Years 7, 8 and 9, the OneWorld Robotics Competition brings together schools from all over the globe. The OneWorld Robotics Competition offers students the opportunity to develop and apply critical STEAM survival skills in pursuit of solving real-world challenges we are facing right now. There are local competitions [Melbourne and Sydney] leading on to the global competition’.
There is a wealth of information on the site covering all required aspects. Key Dates starting in 2024 and leading up to the Global Competition in Sydney in 2025 are provided.
‘The Robogals Science Challenge is an Australia-wide online STEM competition for girls ages 5-15. It aims to promote innovation and exploration through hands-on projects, which can be completed with a friend, parent, or mentor. The competition format has two main Challenges. Girls are required to complete 2 Minor Challenges before being eligible for the Major Challenge’. It is also part of a global challenge with the same title.
* ‘Participants are entered into one of three age divisions - Junior : 5 – 8 years, Intermediate : 9 – 12 years and Senior : 13 – 15 years. The Science Challenge is only accepting girls and gender-diverse students as entrants in the Major Challenge. This means that boys can still register for the Science Challenge and participate in Minor Challenges, however they cannot enter the Major Challenge’.
About the Science Challenge page details Minor and Major Challenges, Age categories, Key Dates, How to Participate and has a link to Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]. Previously ran from March to October. Monitor for 2024 information early in Term 1.
New ! Science and Engineering Challenge
‘The Science and Engineering Challenge is a national program, running Challenge Days [for high school students] and Discovery Days [for primary school students] across every state and territory in Australia. Click on the relevant state [below] to find events in your area. If you would like to attend an event please contact us for more information. Please Note : Event locations and dates are subject to change . Can’t find an event near you ? Let us know’.
The overriding principles for the SEC qualifying system are simplicity, fairness and sustainability. The following policy will be used to guide schools’ progression through the SEC competition from a regional event to the National Final in 2024. Monitor for further 2024 information to become available.
Science and Engineering Investigation Awards [University of Tasmania]
‘The Awards allow school students to either investigate a topic of their choice following the scientific method of inquiry and experimentation or engineer physical solutions [prototypes] to address specific problems or needs. Students plan what they are going to do, carry out their experiments or create their prototypes, then share their findings with judges from research, industry and education. Participating in the Awards is free and students will receive a certificate acknowledging their efforts’.
Please get in touch if you want to be notified about our programs. Monitor for 2024 information to become available.
Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize
‘The 2024 University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize will be awarded for a short [2-minute] film that communicates a scientific concept in an accessible and engaging way. Films must be based on the 2024 theme, Energy. The main website is an Australian Museum website. Multiple Teacher resources are available.
* ‘Entry is free and open to all primary and secondary school students studying at schools in Australia and its territories. Entries may be submitted by an individual student or a team of no more than six students. It should be entered in the appropriate category for the oldest member of the group’.
The Australian Museum site above provides Key Dates, School Science details, Frequently Asked Questions and Tips for Entrants. Information and details about the 2024 prize are found on the Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize page above.
ASTA. ‘SPECTRA, or Science Program Exciting Children Through Research Activities, is a national science award program developed and administered by ASTA for students between Years 1 and 10. SPECTRA can be used as a class activity; to extend capable students; to encourage and inspire students that find science a challenge; in school science clubs; in homeschooling and by community groups [e.g. scouts]’. SPECTRA Information for Teachers will give greater clarity about the value and process of this.
* ‘SPECTRA is aimed at, but not restricted to, Years 5-10. Junior SPECTRA is aimed at, but not restricted to, Years 1-4. Junior SPECTRA has Spike the Echidna on every card’.
The program is ongoing with no given deadlines. Check details using the PDF downloads available for both Spectra and Junior Spectra available from the home page above. Note the information relating to the change with the cards.
The Amazing Spaghetti Machine Contest [Vic.]
‘Year 10 students from across Victoria with an interest in maths, science, engineering and project management are invited to represent their schools in our annual Amazing Spaghetti Machine Contest. Teams will compete to build the most amazing ‘spaghetti machine’ - an overly complex device that performs a relatively simple task’. Open to Year 10 students in Victoria.
Monitor for 2024 information. The Contest has previously run from early March to early August.
The UNSW Bragg Student Prize for Science Writing
‘The Bragg Prize is an annual award celebrating the best non-fiction science essay written for a general audience and is designed to encourage and celebrate the next generation of science writers, researchers and leaders. Students write a short piece about a nominated theme, which must be 800 words or less’.
* ‘Entry is open to Year 7 to 10 [inclusive] students who, during the entire period of the competition are either enrolled in an Australian secondary school or registered or approved for home schooling by the relevant Australian state or territory authority. If a Participant is under the age of 18 years at the time the Participant submits their entry, the Participant’s parent or guardian must authorise the Participant’s entry into the Competition, and agree to the terms and conditions of the Competition on the Participant’s behalf, by completing the Parental Consent Form’.
There is considerable essential information on the home page, including Links to Entries, FAQs, Teacher resources, Writing Tips, Australian curriculum links and more. Relevant details can also be found in The Teachers’ Guide. 2024 information should be made available in Term 1. Previously ran from late April to the second half of August.
New ! Think Science ! A Nationwide Science Event
‘At ANSTO, we believe science is for everyone ! Think Science ! is suitable for students of all levels and abilities. This teams-based competition encourages an interactive learning environment that provides insights into how scientists work. Teachers will be supported with resources to assist with incorporating investigations and the Science Inquiry skills into class lessons. Most importantly, we aim to make science fun. Think Science ! asks students, in small teams of 2 - 4 individuals, to conduct a first-hand science investigation on a topic of their choosing. Students will document how they followed all steps of the Science Inquiry strand of the Australian Curriculum’.
* ‘There are four categories for entry, each with great prizes : Years 3/4, Years 5/6, Years 7/8 and Years 9/10. Additional prizes for schools in regional and remote areas are also offered’.
‘Competition opens : Monday 25th March 2024. Closing date for submission of entries : Friday 16th August 2024. Winners announced : Monday 16th September 2024. Scroll down the page to find information ranging from How to Enter & Terms of Condition through to Participation Map.
New ! 2024 Young Scientist Awards Program [NSW]
‘The Young Scientist Awards Program celebrates the scientific investigations and technological innovation of K-12 school students across NSW. Since 1992, the Program has been encouraging students to undertake innovative projects and investigations to find creative solutions to real-world problems. The Program aims to encourage and celebrate excellence in STEM through inquiry-based learning’
The Competition Details page covers Key Dates, How to Enter, Rules, Judging, Judging Rubrics, Providing Support and Academic integrity information. Monitor for 2024 information. Previous events have run from the beginning of May to November.
‘The Zayed Sustainability Prize, an evolution of the Zayed Future Energy Prize, is the UAE’s pioneering global award in sustainability and a tribute to the legacy of the late founding father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. The application must be supported by the school and its management’. This is a Biennial competition.
* ‘The Global High Schools award aims to encourage innovation amongst youth, in developed and developing nations alike. It is open to educational institutions targeting high school students of age from 11 years old to 19 years old’.
Information from The Global High Schools page is found here. Note : 2023 Submissions are now closed and finalists were announced in September. Monitor for information regarding the Prize during 2024.
‘The iGEM Competition gives students the opportunity to push the boundaries of synthetic biology by tackling everyday issues facing the world. Made up of primarily university students, multidisciplinary teams work together to design, build, test, and measure a system of their own design using interchangeable biological parts and standard molecular biology techniques’.
* Teams may also be composed of postgraduate students, high school students, or community lab members
Use the menu on the left to access a wide range of information including Competition, Teams, Judging, Resources, Safety, Videos and, most importantly, the Calendar. Check the iGEM Competition Calendar during April and May for the Opening Day of the Competition, then follow information for each of the other 2024 important dates/requirements.
‘The ICQ is a unique chemical education activity. It provides a major focus for secondary school students on the relevance of chemistry in an exciting and stimulating way. The ICQ aims to promote interest in chemistry and the role of chemists in our society. It is not a nationwide assessment of chemistry knowledge, but rather an opportunity to promote chemistry and for teachers to gauge the understanding their students have of the subject. Previously called the Australian National Chemistry Quiz.
* There are six age levels at which students can compete : Junior Division 1 – Ages 12-13 / Year 7; Junior Division 2 Ages 13-14 / Year 8; Intermediate Division 1 – Ages 14-15 / Years 9; Intermediate Division 2 - Ages 15-16 / Year 10; Senior Division - Ages 16-17 / Year 11; and Final Division – Ages 17-18 / Year 12
Dates for Registration to open and for the Quiz can be found on the above page. Past papers can also be purchased via the link at the bottom of the home page. Monitor for information regarding the 2024 Quiz program. Previous years indicate it will be held in August but you will need to monitor earlier in order to take part at that time.
‘The RACI’s Titration Competition is designed to encourage secondary students who enjoy Chemistry, particularly its practical side, to develop their scientific skills and understanding. It provides students an opportunity to experience conducting an experiment in a laboratory environment at a local university in their state and the chance to compete at a national level’.
All relevant details from state/territory through to national level are available from the above page. Monitor for the 2024 update.
A Beamline for Schools Competition
‘Beamline for Schools invites teams of high-school students to propose a scientific experiment that they want to perform at a particle accelerator. The two teams that prepare the best proposals will win a trip to a particle accelerator facility to perform their experiments at a fully-equipped beamline. In 2023 the experiments will be performed at one of the beamlines of the CERN Proton Synchrotron accelerator. A Beamline for Schools competition remains open to teams of at least five high-school students aged 16 and up with at least one adult supervisor, or “coach”.’
* ‘High-school students from all over the world aged 16 and older on the first day of their visit at the laboratory [usually September or October of the year of the competition] are eligible. Younger students may be part of a team, but cannot be invited on site in the event of winning the competition. Participants must be in high/secondary school when submitting the proposal’
‘Details such as requirements, How to Enter, how to submit videos and which are suitable, plus much more can be found via the home page, The Terms and Conditions 2024 page and a page with Examples of Experiments suitable for the Beamline for Schools competition.
International Young Physicists’ Tournament
‘The nature of the tournament promotes scientific research and problem solving stretching the participants to work on very complex problems. The 37th IYPT will be held in Budapest, Hungary in the summer of 2024’.
* ‘In the Australian competition only one team per school is permitted [min 3 students, max 5 students]. An Australian Squad of 8 to 10 students is formed comprising the winning team and five invited members. The five invitations will be based upon observations at the competition and the marks from Stage 2’.
Australian Competition details are found on the Australia Challenge page above. Further information can also be accessed, if necessary, by contacting Mr Alan Allison using the contact details provided. International information can be found via the menu links at the top of the International page above.
Junior Young Physicists’ Tournament
‘The JYPT is an exciting opportunity for teams of enthusiastic Science students in the Asia Pacific Region to come together and participate in “Physics Fights”, collaborate with fellow student scientists from around the region and take home the title of JYPT Champion. Each year the JYPT is held at a different school in the Asia Pacific Region’.
* Students MUST NOT be in their last 2 years of schooling, [unless they turn 16 after the 31st of December of the year of the tournament] AND MUST NOT have participated in national qualifying competitions for the International Young Physicists’ Tournament [IYPT].
Information about the tournament, Problems, venues and the Schedule are found using the menu items at the top of the above page.
Social Science
BlueShift High School Business Case Competition
‘BlueShift is a business case competition for secondary school students. Participants compete in teams of three or four to analyse the business challenge and prepare a written solution to a real business case. Teams with the best submissions present their ideas to a panel of judges at the BlueShift finals held at our Gardens Point campus in Brisbane’. Further information can be gained by Sending an email or by ringing : 07 3138 7873.
* ‘Year 10, 11 or 12 and enrolled in high-school as a full-time student at the time of the BlueShift finals. Teams consist of three to four students in total from the same school and can consist of any combination of students enrolled in Year 10, 11 and 12. A school can register up to three teams each year’.
‘Key Dates for the current competition, plus links to How to Enter information and How to Prepare for the Competition’ are available on the home page above. 2024 competition details - Register your interest for the BlueShift 2024 competition. Key Dates for 2024 are now available on the home page above.
illuminate Enterprise Challenge
‘The illuminate Challenge is the flagship program of illuminate Education Australia, taking students through a five-day innovation process. Teams begin by developing their understanding of a relevant community issue and define a problem they see, they then creatively explore and refine possible solutions, develop business models for sustained impact as well as marketing materials and financials and finally teams present the idea for investment with a prototype of their solution. Our programs provide an opportunity for students to develop a core set of life skills that they can use from the very first day of the program to the rest of their life’.
Interested in the illuminate Challenge, but not sure what type would be best suited to your students and community ? That’s fine, just click here and let’s talk more about what the challenge involves to make the right fit for your students. Express Interest in an illuminate Challenge and register [several options] for our 2024 programs. Scroll down to the Upcoming Programs beginning in November/December with others in 2024, all of which are detailed.
Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition
‘Business Planning enables students to see the interconnectedness in business operations allowing them to have an in-depth understanding of business functions. Introducing the Competition as part of your teaching and assessment will provide a real world context for student learning.
* ‘Open to individual students of any age, attending a registered secondary school in Australia. Groups of up to six students can submit an entry. There are two divisions in the competition’
Check for details about Why you should enter, Divisions, Judging, Prizes and Criteria plus the Application Form [including closing date for entries and where it has to be sent]. 2023 Competition has now been completed. Monitor for 2024 information now and early in the new year.
‘While you teach your students about investing and the Sharemarket, they can put into practice what they are learning by playing the Sharemarket Game. Students receive a virtual $50 000 they can invest, over a 10 week period, in over 200 companies listed on the ASX. The prices students buy and sell at are the same prices as they would get in the live market so this is as close to real life share trading as you can get’.
* ‘Only teachers can register for the Game. Students compete either individually or in a group of 2 to 4 students’.
A Teachers Getting Started Guide is available here. Information on Log Ins and new registrations, Game Features, How the Game works, and much more. Game 2, 2023 has finished - Save the date for Game 1, 2024. Registrations will open on February 15 and the Game will run from March 14 to May 23, 2024.
Suncorp Bank ESSI Money Challenge
‘The Suncorp Bank ESSI Money Challenge is a national financial literacy competition held in Term 3 every year. The Suncorp Bank ESSI Money Challenge uses ESSI Money PLUS as the platform but is a separate competition from the regular game. You must be a Teacher Member of the Financial Basics Foundation in order to register a class for the Suncorp ESSI Money Challenge. The Suncorp Bank ESSI Money Challenge also includes an additional financial literacy quiz that students must complete at the end of the game’.
* In the Suncorp Bank ESSI Money Challenge students are separated into two age categories : 12-15 and 16-18.
Full details can be found via the ESSI Money page.
Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
‘The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition [CEC] aims to empower entrepreneurs – especially young ones – to work for a more peaceful and sustainable world. Participants are invited to submit their ideas and projects with social impact and to make a concrete commitment to one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] and to implement them. The competition takes place in three phases. These are detailed on the site. Essentials including the Procedure of CEC, The Judges and FAQs’. Read as much as you want before considering involvement.
You can become an entrant by using the Register [Get Started] page. You should also consider reading the Community Guidelines prior to being involved. Monitor for 2024 dates. The 2023 competition ran from mid-August to mid-November.
Australian Geography Competition
‘The Australian Geography Competition is a contest for Australian secondary school students, assessing their geographical knowledge and skills. The Competition aims to encourage student interest in geography and to reward student excellence’. For details relating to the International Geography Olympiad [iGeo] check the item 4 below this.
* The Competition is open to students in all Years of secondary school. Primary schools may also enter. Teachers should check past questions for level of difficulty.
Check links to an Entry Form and Discover More plus menu links For Teachers , FAQs, Practice Questions in particular. Dates for the next competition have been listed as 15-29 May 2024. Entries will open in early 2024.
Barbara Petchenik Children’s World Map Drawing Competition
‘The Barbara Petchenik Competition is a biennial map drawing competition for children. The aim of the contest is to promote the creative representation of the world in graphic form by children. The competition is organised every two years. In a national round in all participating ICA member countries, the national winners are selected, which are exhibited during the International Cartographic Conference, where the international winners are selected’.
The homepage provides access to information about all aspects of the competition. All material can be downloaded in either PDF or MS Word format. The next event should be held in 2025 [ it is a Biennial event].
GTA NSW/ACT Young Geographer Awards [NSW/ACT]
‘The Young Geographer Awards invites students to demonstrate engagement with Geography, the discipline and with the tools and skills of Geography through the creation and conduct of an inquiry-based research project. Although it is not essential, teachers are encouraged to incorporate the research and construction of the project into their teaching programs to help support students’.
* Prizes are awarded based on categories as shown in the last Award Flyer [see below]. The competition runs across 2 years [1 year and the first term of the following year].
The previous Flyer provided a range of information about the competition. Registration previously opened in June and closed in late October. Monitor for 2024 information which should prove to be something similar.
Updated ! International Geography Bee
‘The Australia and New Zealand Division of the International Geography Bee was founded to give students throughout Australia and New Zealand a chance to compete at the regional, divisional and global levels in a new academic competition testing comprehensive knowledge of world geography. Our hope is that through the creation of a new worldwide geography competition, students in Australia and New Zealand will further their knowledge of geography in an enjoyable way and make friends with like-minded students from around their nation and their world.
* ‘Any primary or secondary student with an interest in Geography is welcome to compete. Students must be enrolled in a primary or secondary school and not have already graduated high school at the time they take the Championships Qualifying Exam. The International Geography Bee consists of 3 Age Divisions - Varsity : Years 11 and 12; Junior Varsity - Years 9 and 10; Middle School - Year 8 and younger. Homeschoolers can also compete’ .
Check the FAQs page for relevant information. A deadline for registration appears to be about the middle of May.
The International Geography Olympiad [iGeo]
‘The aims of the Olympiad are to stimulate active interest in geographical and environmental studies among young people; contribute positively to debate about the importance of geography as a senior secondary school subject by drawing attention to the quality of geographical knowledge, skills and interests among young people; and facilitate social contacts between young people from different countries and in doing so, contribute to the understanding between nations’.
* ‘An annual competition for the best 16 to 19 year old Geography students from all over the world. The iGeo consists of three parts : a written test, a multimedia test and substantial fieldwork requiring observation, leading to cartographic representation and geographical analysis’.
The 2023 Olympiad has now been held [8 - 14 August 2023 in Bandung, Indonesia]. Information covering The Next iGeo, Test Guidelines, Statutes, National Competitions and more are available from the menu on the left of the home page. Monitor for details about the 2024 Olympiad event.
New ! Map My School Competition
How cool is your school ? ‘This competition is a simple set of lessons where your students use satellite data to map the amount of green shade on your school grounds. Students will calculate the percentage of shade and create a map that meets cartographic [mapping] conventions. The maps the students create are then entered into the competition. This opportunity empowers the students to practice their mapping skills [beginner to advanced] and calculate the percentage of green shade available at your school’.
* ‘The curriculum resources are only mapped to Year 8 but Years 9 & 10 students are still welcome to enter the competition and are eligible to win a judge’s choice prize’ .
For further information check the How the Competition Works section on the Home Page. Teacher Resources are available from the menu at the top of the page. Monitor for 2024 Key Dates and conditions information.
‘The Department of Veterans’ Affairs [DVA] is proud to host the 2024 Anzac Day Schools’ Awards, recognising the commitment of students, teachers and schools to engage with veterans and honour Australia’s wartime history. The theme for 2024 is : Discover the Stories of Veterans in Your Local Community. Your entry must focus on learning about the experiences, service and stories of veterans from your local community. This will support students as they develop a deeper understanding of Australian involvement in wars, conflicts and peace operations’.
* ‘Entries can be submitted by a class, a year level or a whole school’.
‘Entries close at 5 pm AEST Friday 31 May 2024’. Information on the Annual Theme, Ideas for your entry, Prizes covering several categories, Judging, Entry Requirements and a link to contact the Department if you have questions are all available from the home page. There is a also a Anzac Day Schools’ Awards poster available to download.
‘The annual Chief Minister’s Anzac Spirit Study Tour promotes the importance of Anzac Day, Australia’s involvement in various conflicts since, and the importance of peacekeeping missions today. It provides an opportunity for three Year 9 or 10 students, accompanied by two chaperones, to visit battlefields of significance to Australia and the Anzac’.
General Information, Contacts, How students enter, How teachers apply plus Previous Winners can be found using the links on the home page.
Australian History Competition
‘The Australian History Competition will help your teaching in many ways. It provides an interesting, challenging and rewarding experience that will help motivate your students. The AHC also showcases to students and other staff that History is an important subject with opportunities to excel at a national level’.
* ‘The program will provide two separate papers : A Year 7 and 8 paper, broadly based on the Years 7-8 Australian Curriculum : History plus a Year 9 and 10 paper, broadly based on the Years 9-10 Australian Curriculum : History’.
The home page provides Key Dates, Registration information and options [new and previous applicants], Costs, Prizes, Sample questions and FAQs. You can also download a Poster and/or a Flyer from the page. The next version Registrations Open : 31st October 2023 and Close : 31st March 2024. The Competition Date is 27 May 2024 [but can be completed any day between 27 May – 31 May].
Extension History Essay Prize [HTANSW] [NSW]
‘The Extension History Essay Prize is open to essays that satisfy the requirements of the NSW HSC Extension Project, are the product of genuine research and represent ‘interesting and well written history’. The Prize is sponsored by the University of Sydney’s Department of History’. There are also special category prizes which may be entered.
* ‘The Extension History Essay Prize is open to essays that do not present a significant overlap with other senior history syllabus content. Only 2 entries per school’.
Entry requirements, Essay requirements, How to enter and other details are found on the above page.
History Makers School Video Challenge [NMA]
‘The National Museum of Australia is hoping students will explore defining moments in our past, produce a video and learn something along the way for its History Makers School Video Challenge competition. The first step is to choose a defining moment and research it. These links are helpful - Defining Moments in Australian History, Australia’s Defining Moments Digital Classroom and Momentous’. Or entrants can go local and tell the judges about a moment that is unique to their area.
* ‘If entrants live in regional or remote Australia, tell the judges about a defining moment and what it means to the local community’.
The previous year required registration by mid-November. Need more information ? Email :
HTAV Historical Fiction Competition [Vic.]
‘Inspire your Year 5-10 students to create stories based on historical events and people. Students can write about any period of history as long as the entry has a convincing setting that is historically correct in time and place’. Three levels - Years 5 and 6, Years 7 and 8 and Years 9 and 10.
* Remember the competition is open only to Victorian students or students from schools in other states that are institutional members of the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria. ‘Competition categories are for Years 5 and 6, Years 7 and 8 and Years 9 and 10’.
‘The Historical Fiction Competition is on hiatus for 2023. Check back in 2024 for competition details’.
International History Bee & Bowl [Australia/New Zealand]
‘The International History Bee and Bowl are two history quiz competitions which are held around the world. The Bee is for individual students; the Bowl is for teams. This website has all the details on our tournaments for students in Australia and New Zealand. Please explore the site to learn more about how our tournaments work and how you and your school can get involved. If you have any questions, email our Oceania Director, Mr Suopeng Gao at’.
* ‘You must be enrolled in a primary or secondary school at the time of your regional tournament [or have graduated within the past two months and not yet have started university studies]. Check the specific age factors in the information provided. There is no younger age limit – a brilliant and well-behaved 8 year-old is welcome to compete’.
All relevant details can be found on the Register page - Eligibility, Schedule, Format, Costs, Awards, Asian & Oceania Championships Qualification, Registration Forms, Registration Deadline, Online Competition Guide, Online Competition Rules, COBA Test Guide. Current information is for 2023. Monitor to see if anything is planned for 2024 and, if so, when.
International History Olympiad
‘Students can qualify in one of seven [7] ways. The International History Olympiad is a celebration of history attended by some of the best young history students from around the world, featuring numerous competitive and non-competitive events. The Olympiad is held every two years’.
* ‘Any student who qualified and was born in 2012 or earlier can compete. Students competing in the Elementary Division [typically students born in 2011 or 2012, or students who will have only finished the equivalent of 4th, 5th, or 6th grade in the USA by July 2023] are welcome to come if they have qualified but they must come with a parent or guardian’.
Check the second link above for related details about the qualifying process. Monitor the site for further information and specific details related to the process. This is a biennial competition, with the next competition taking place in 2025.
‘The National History Challenge is a research-based competition for students. It gives students a chance to be an historian, researching world history, examining Australia’s past, investigating their community or exploring their own roots. It emphasises and rewards quality research, the use of community resources and effective presentation’. The theme for 2023 is : Change and Continuity.
Check the Key Dates, the Contest Information page, the Criteria page and the FAQ page. You can also use a Information Request Form which gives you an opportunity to Register Interest for 2024. ‘Complete the details on this page and click on “Send”. An email confirming your request will be sent to the email address provided. You will be notified of the 2024 Theme as soon as it is announced and a Welcome Kit will be sent to the postal address provided once that has been produced’.
Peace in the Pacific Study Tour [NT]
‘The Chief Minister’s Peace in the Pacific Study Tour offers Territory students an opportunity to learn about the shared military history between the Northern Territory [NT] and the United States of America. The study tour will visit important military sites in Hawaii to get an understanding of the mutual experience and sacrifice of the people in the NT and Hawaii from their involvement in the bombing of Darwin and Pearl Harbour, and the ongoing importance of peacekeeping missions today’.
Due to coronavirus [COVID-19], the resumption of the study tour will be determined based on advice from relevant authorities.
2024 Premier’s Anzac Student Tour [WA]
The Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize provides young Western Australians with the opportunity to ‘embark on a unique experience as they investigate the ANZAC legacy in the context of nation building between the wars’ and selected aspects that stemmed from this. ‘Students are selected to be tour ambassadors following a written submission and interview’.
* ‘Open to all Western Australian students in Years 8 and 11. Schools conduct their own selection process and can nominate up to three students in each of the two categories of Years 8/9 and Years 10/11’.
‘The 2024 program gives students a unique opportunity to investigate the Anzac legacy, find out more about those who served in the armed forces and to commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the fall of Singapore and 106 years since the signing of the Armistice. A selection panel will choose students as tour ambassadors based on a written submission and interviews which demonstrate their interest in Australian history and understanding of the Anzac legacy’. This is currently under way.
The Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize [Tas.]
‘The Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize [FMMP] is an essay competition that commemorates and preserves the meaning of the Anzac spirit in the Tasmanian community. In 2022, the essay competition was open to all Tasmanian students in Year 9 and was awarded to 6 students. Prize winners will took part in a study tour that travelled in 2023 to visit sites and landmarks related to Australia’s military history. Students also undertake research into individual soldiers as part of the preparation for the Study Tour’. Information is also available from this site.
* ‘Open to all Tasmanian students in Year 9’.
Further information is available from both the pages linked above.
The Premier’s Anzac Prize [Qld]
‘The 2024 Premier’s Anzac Prize is proudly presented in partnership with RSL Queensland. The Premier’s Anzac Prize provides an opportunity for young Queenslanders to gain an in-depth understanding of the Anzac legacy through research, workshops and visits to important memorial sites on the Western Front [UK, France and Belgium]. The Western Front is where Australian service people sacrificed so much during World War I. Queensland high school students and teachers are encouraged to apply for this once in a lifetime opportunity’.
Further information regarding the Premier’s Anzac Prize program and application process has been published on this page. You can access a range of Resources by visiting this page and also this RSL Education Resources page. Applications are now open for the 2024 Premier’s Anzac Prize. Please see prize details and download an application form below.
The Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize [SA]
‘The Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize provides young South Australians with the opportunity to examine and empathise with the remarkable sacrifices of South Australian service men and women during the 20th century. Students who are awarded the prize are invited to participate in a state government fully funded study tour’.
* ‘Open to South Australian students in Years 9 and 10. Each school can submit up to 4 entries. Students can also enter via a community group, such as the Australian Defence Forces cadets. This entry must be submitted through the student’s school and can be in addition to the 4 regular school entries’.
Entry details and How [and when] to Enter can be found on the above page. There are also Contact details should you require further information. Entries were previously closed in early June. Monitor for information about the 2024 prize.
‘The Simpson Prize requires you to respond to the question provided using both the Simpson Prize Australian War Memorial Source Selection [which is found at] and your own research. You are encouraged to discuss and respond to the question from a variety of perspectives, both individual and national, using a variety of sources. You are expected to make effective use of a minimum of four of the sources provided [see link above]. Up to half of your response should also make use of information drawn from your own knowledge and research’. The competition runs across two years.
* ‘Students must be in either Year 9 or 10 to enter. Previous winners are ineligible to apply, however previous runners-up are welcome to apply again’.
Note : Use the How to submit entries page and the Student Entry Requirements page as required. Submissions were due by 5.00 pm Friday 3 November 2023.
‘The Australian Mathematics Trust is a leading provider of mathematics and algorithmics enrichment programs and global competitions. We hold mathematics and algorithmics competitions, administer enrichment activities conducted for students and teachers and publish books on mathematical enrichment for Australian and international students’.
The Australian Mathematics Trust also runs several Mathematical competitions which are listed as a group under the Australian Mathematics Trust heading in the Mathematics section of the Competitions pages.
Four Competitions are listed below.
Australian Informatics Olympiad
‘Students write short computer programs to solve six problems that vary in difficulty. The competition does not test computer literacy or knowledge but is focused on problem solving through programming skills. Each paper consists of six problems and students submit the source code for their solutions online during the three-hour contest. The AIO is suitable for an IT class that has learnt some computer programming, or enthusiastic students that have taught themselves. Students will need some programming experience. In particular they must be able to write code that can open, read and write to files; declare variables and arrays; use loops, conditional [if] statements and simple arithmetic operations. The allowed languages are C, C++, Java, and Python 3. Students only need to know one of these languages to compete. Those new to programming may find Python the easiest language to learn.The AIO challenges students, identifies talent and can open the door to deeper engagement with problems in computer science’.
* ‘There are two papers - Intermediate for students up to Year 10 and Senior for students up to Year 12’.
The event was previously held in August. Monitor for 2024 information and dates.
Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad [AIIO]
‘The Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad is a programming competition for Australian and New Zealand students and is held each year in February. The AIIO is an important part of AMT’s Olympiad program and is used to identify talented students who may be invited to the Informatics Selection School in April, which is an important step in the pathway to representing Australia at the International Olympiad in Informatics’.
All 2024 information will be available from the above page.
Computational and Algorithmic Thinking [CAT] Competition
‘The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking [CAT] competition is a one-hour problem-solving competition designed to encourage student curiosity and promote multiple modes of thinking. Neither teachers nor students need computer programming ability, but the competition helps identify students’ computer programming potential. The competition has a mixture of multiple-choice and integer answers and incorporates unique ‘three-stage tasks’ that encourage students to develop informal algorithms and apply them to test data of increasing size or complexity. The original problems are designed to be quick to solve and highly approachable and range in difficulty from very easy to challenging’.
* The CAT has four divisions : Upper Primary [Years 5–6], Junior [Years 7–8], Intermediate [Years 9–10] and Senior [Years 11–12]. Paper and online versions are available. Cost per student : A$8.00 [Australia and New Zealand].
This year we allowed a three-day window, to give you more flexible scheduling in your classes. While you can choose any day in this range, it’s ideal to have your students sit CAT on the same day. Key Dates for 2024 paper and Online entries and also for the Submission of Student Answer Sheets will be listed on the above page. Check during Term 1 for these.
Oxford University Computing Challenge [OUCC]
‘The Oxford University Computing Challenge [OUCC] is a two-round online competition held in Term 2 and it’s perfect for students who have previously done well in the CAT and those who’d like to progress to the Australian Informatics Olympiad (AIO]. The first round is open to all students and the second round is an invitational for the top 20 students in each division from the first round. It is recommended for students who have done well in the CAT Competition and would like to progress to the Australian Informatics Olympiad. Questions are solved using the Blockly programming language, as well as the programming languages available to students in their schools [secondary levels]’.
* ‘The Challenge has four divisions : Upper Primary [Years 5–6], Junior [Years 7–8], Intermediate [Years 9–10] and Senior [Years 11–12]’.
Details including Key Dates [First and Second Round], Division, Scoring System and Syllabus Areas One and Two will be found on the above page. Previously held in May and June. Monitor for 2024 details during Term 1 in 2024.
‘‘The STEM Video Game challenge 2024 theme is STARS - This year we want you to build a game that incorporates one or more aspects of ‘stars’. Your challenge is to build a game that involves a network in some way. Check out the 2024 theme sheet to get your creative juices flowing’. Students are encouraged to design, build and submit an original educational video game that includes science, technology, engineering and mathematics [STEM] content or themes’.
* ‘You must be enrolled in Years 3–12 in a school located in Australia or are home-schooled in Australia’.
Key Dates for 2024 [the Challenge opened in early October 2023] are found in the What you need to know/Important dates for the 2024 Challenge section of the home page [scroll down to to this]. There is also The Mentors Handbook. [This still shows 2022 information at time of update.] This is also included in the Challenges section on the first page.
Bebras Australia - Computational Thinking Challenge
‘An international initiative whose goal is to promote computational thinking for teachers and students. Bebras is aligned with and supports curricula across Australia. Bebras Australia is run by NICTA under the Digital Careers program. In addition to the Bebras Australia Computational Thinking Challenge, Bebras 365 is available as a free resource throughout the year’.
* ‘The challenge is broken up into five age groups : Years 3/4, Years 5/6, Years 7/8, Years 9/10 and Years 11/12. Two Rounds are held in March and September’. Homeschoolers and after school groups can also take part.
‘You can register your students up to the last day of the challenge. Just remember to allow enough time to complete the challenge’. You need to Login or register if you have not done so previously. Other details via The Bebras FAQ page or download The Handbook [and posters plus other resources] from this page. 2023 dates are still listed. These indicate roughly when the event will be held in 2024. Monitor the site in the period prior to Round 1.
‘Each year, Lockheed Martin hosts Code Quest, an annual computer programming competition where teams of two to three high school students work together to solve problems by using JAVA, Python, C#, and/or C++ programming to complete the quest. The problem set consists of 20 to 30 challenging problems created by Lockheed Martin engineers and computer programmers. Code Quest for Australia/Singapore/New Zealand will be held as Code Quest APAC. The Australia/Singapore/New Zealand Code Quest will take place virtually’.
Australian details covering date and student eligibility and a Contact link can be found on The Code Quest Canberra site. Other details are available via the menu links at the top of the page. Information for Code Quest 2024 will be updated on this page this fall [between 23 September and 21 December] !
‘CyberTaipan is an Australian Youth Cyber Defence Competition modelled on the US Air Force Association’s CyberPatriot program. Throughout the competition rounds, teams of students are provided with a set of virtual images that represent different operating systems. Over a six-hour period, each team receives points for finding and fixing cyber security vulnerabilities, strengthening systems and maintaining critical services. Teams compete for a chance to represent their school or community group in the CyberTaipan National Final’.
* ‘All competitors must be high school-aged students within Australia. Each CyberTaipan team must consist of between two and six competitors enrolled in the participating school, organisation, or community group’.
Key dates can be found here, while the About CyberTaipan page provides directly, or through downloads, all required information. The home page also has links to important areas of information. In 2023 the event ran from August through October. Monitor the site for 2024 dates. These should be available at the latest in Term 2.
‘Open to all. No computer science background necessary. If you think your students should consider a future in tech, this is the free STEM aligned program for your classroom. The Day of AI is a full day of highly interactive teaching materials for students Year 5 to Year 10 about artificial intelligence. The Day of AI materials are designed by MIT, i2Learning, UNSW and CS in Schools to support all teachers with AI education – no need for teachers to have a computer science background’.
* ‘This year, Year 5 to Year 10 students across Australia are invited to participate in a day of creative, fun and hands-on activities to immerse themselves in AI. For schools to participate they will need an internet connection and at least one laptop per two students. If this is not possible under typical circumstances, contact us for additional support’.
Schools were able to register to participate in the Day of AI 2023 here. Additional information is available from the site. Monitor for 2024 details.
‘Your challenge is to design an ad for a real company. Follow their brief, learn about the product or service, know your audience, use persuasive language and think carefully about layout and visual impact. The competition is open to primary and secondary students in WA schools’.
‘Design an Ad – coming soon ! Coming in Terms 2-3!’. Monitor to see when relevant information becomes available.
F1 in schools Primary Challenge
‘There is no age limit when it comes to being excited and educated by Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics [STEM]. The Primary STEM Project attracts people as young as five years of age who are tasked with building a paper version of a miniature F1® car and racing it. Thousands of primary school students participate in this program and it is not uncommon to see entire school halls filled with budding race car builders and their spectators. Getting involved is easy’.
Links on the left of the home page provide details on Getting Involved, Fees & Registration, Resources, Events Calendar [also has a link to Registration] and Contacts. Monitor for 2024 information to be made available.
F1 in Schools [REA Foundation]
‘The world’s largest secondary school technology program. Involves over nine million students from 17 000 schools in 44 nations’. World finals held in September.
* ‘Competition Classes : Professional - The highest level of competition within F1 in Schools - Years 5-12; Development Class : Serves as the middle ground between the Cadet and Professional Class - Years 5-9; Cadet Class : The introductory Class of competition for high school students - Years 7-12; Primary Class : Engages students from as young as five in building and racing a paper-based F1 car; and Mini Project : Broken down into 6 core units of work, with downloadable teaching and learning resources, giving a versatile and manageable program – perfect for any STEM related subject - Primary students’.
You can Download an Introductory Overview and a comprehensive Getting Started to guide you along your journey. New ! Download Getting Started here. Links on the left of the home page also provide access to further information.
‘A large-scale robotics competition, FIRST® Robotics Competition brings together students and mentors to build robots that perform in a competitive but gracious environment against teams from all over the world. In building their robot and doing all the other things that go with a FIRST® Robotics Competition team, students learn valuable life skills like teamwork, collaboration, public speaking, technical science and engineering skills’ and much more.
Check The Calendar page for updates. This includes information about a range of activities. There is also information about events on the left of the home page. These give Date, Event, City and Venue details for a number of Upcoming First Events. These range from 2023 through till the First Signing Day on 20 May 2024. Use the menu at the top for other information.
‘The Grok Cyber activities are designed to provide school teachers with resources to support the teaching of cyber security concepts and to inform students of career opportunities in the field. All activities are classroom ready and aligned with both the Australian Curriculum : Digital Technologies and the ICT Capability’.
* ‘Grok Cyber has 3 parts : Grok Cyber Comp, Grok Cyber Pursuit/Hunt and Grok Cyber Live’. These are detailed on the site. Students can enter individually or through their school.
The Grok Cyber Comp home page provides significant details including Frequently Asked Questions, dates, Cost [FREE], Information for Teachers, with further information via the menu items at the top of the page. The 2023 event was listed by Grok as beginning on 5 June 2023. More details from their Coding Events on Grok page, beginning with the Web.Comp Tournament HTML5 & CSS3 [20 November 2023] and lists the Cyber Comp Cyber Security [27 November 2023], Hour of Code 2023 - CS Education Week [December 2023] and the the NCSS Challenge - Python 3 & Blockly [detailed in the next entry section].
‘The NCSS Challenge is unlike any other programming competition. We’ll teach you how to program as we go along, rather than expecting you to be an expert already. If you’re a seasoned coder, we have something for you too – the problems range from relatively simple to mind-bendingly hard. There’s a Challenge stream to challenge anyone !’
* ‘For school students from upper primary to all levels of high school; there’s a stream to match every student’s ability [Newbies, Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced]’. Each is aligned to specific levels of the Design and Technology curriculum.
Registration and Pricing information is found via the home page above. Grok Access Pricing is found here. FAQs are answered here. Go to the Coding Events on Grok page for dates/details about the remaining streams/competitions. These run across the remainder of 2023 and into 2024.
‘The Hour of Code begins in December. Teacher notes are embedded in the tutorials providing a relevant guide right where it’s needed. We also provide lesson plans with fun unplugged activities. Our resources will guide your students to develop practical computational thinking skills. If you’re not too confident with coding yourself, we have solutions and step by step walkthroughs for each problem and a variety of professional development opportunities available. The Learning Platform has a range of classroom-ready online courses, competitions and activities all aligned to the Australian Curriculum : Digital Technologies. The Platform uses interactive notes and engaging, real world problems. Auto-marking and intelligent feedback allow your students to progress through the courses at their own pace. Check the Hour of Code How-to Guide so you can plan your Hour of Code’.
* ‘Suitable for students in the nominated grade levels - 3-8. Multiple topic choices are available’.
Registration and Pricing information is found via the home page above. Grok Access Pricing is found here. FAQs are answered here. Go to the Coding Events on Grok page for dates/details about the Hour of Code.
‘Web.Comp is a web design competition for school students. We’ll teach you how to build a website as we go along, rather than expecting you to be an expert already. Each week, we’ll release interactive notes with the information you’ll need to complete the week’s web design challenges. The last week will be a web design tournament where you can submit your own design and vote on everyone else’s ! Students can sign up now via the above site’.
* There are three [3] Web.comps - Beginners, Intermediate and Tournament, each designed for different levels based on what learning is suggested.
You can register a new account from the above page, while the Competition FAQs page provides a lot of answers. Most information can be found via the About us link at the top of the home page. Go to the Coding Events on Grok page for dates/details about each. Extensive information can be found on the Competitions page Questions ? Send us an email to This started on 23 October 2023.
‘The Imagine Cup is full of opportunities to gain new skills, access exclusive training, unlock mentorship opportunities, have the chance to win great prizes and make a difference in the world. The world’s premier student technology competition’. Multiple options. Students must be at least 18 years of age and satisfy a number of other requirements. Individual and team competitions.
You need to be able to sign in to a Microsoft account to access the site.
* You must be ‘at least 18 years of age on the nominated date and are actively enrolled as a student at an accredited educational institution that grants high-school or college/university [or equivalent] degrees [including home schools] at any time during the Cup period. If you have not reached the age of majority in your legal place of residence, then you should ask your parent’s or legal guardian’s permission prior to submitting an entry into this Competition’.
The FAQ page has multiple responses to a range of questions plus a link to the Rules and Regulations document [still the 2022 version]. Welcome to the 2024 Imagine Cup provides all the essentials you should require.
Imagine Cup Junior 2024 [AI for Good Schools Challenge]
‘Imagine Cup Junior 2024 provides students aged 13 to 18 the opportunity to learn about technology and how it can be used to positively change the world. The global challenge is focused on Artificial Intelligence [AI], introducing students to AI and Microsoft’s AI for Good initiatives so they can come up with ideas to solve social, cultural and environmental issues’.
The 2023 Imagine Cup Rules & Regulations can be downloaded from this page. It also has a range of help for those wanting to become involved. Though indicating 2024, most dates still indicate 2023. Monitor to see when the inclusions are actually updated.
Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship
‘The Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship presented by Certiport Inc., is a global competition that tests students’ skills on Microsoft Office Word, Excel® and PowerPoint®. Top students are invited to represent their respective countries at the World Championship. The FAQ page [2023 information] and the Official Rules page provide relevant details and indicates 2024 as the year concerned. The Australian Championship co-ordinators are found here - Prodigy Learning.
* Be sure to check the Official Rules page [see link above] for the specific criteria regarding age, etc., for entry.
‘Check the Rules page as this is indicated to be the rules for the 2024 Championship. It covers Contest Period, venue, participation, Winner Determination and Presentation and much more’.
OzCLO - Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad
‘The Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad is a volunteer-run contest about language for secondary school students. The contest challenges students to develop their own strategies in teams of four to solve problems about fascinating real languages’.
* There are two divisions in the OzCLO competition : Junior and Senior. Both divisions attempt the same set of questions. The difference is that they are graded separately. If at least one student in a team is in Year 11 or 12 that team is a Senior team. Teams usually have four [4] members.
Details about the Current Competition [2024, including dates, Preparation Time and Competition Time for each state/territory for Rounds 1 and 2], Registration information, Resources and other information are available via links on the home page. Be sure to check the Frequently Asked Questions page which has a great deal of information.
Premier’s Coding Challenge [Qld]
‘The Premier’s Coding Challenge is an annual statewide initiative for all Queensland students in Years 3 to Year 10 which aims to encourage an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics [STEM] in Queensland students’.
* ‘Entries will be assessed against a set of criteria by a panel of official judges. Primary [Years 3–6] entrants will submit an interactive game, app or animation. Secondary [Years 7–10] entrants will submit an innovative game, app or website’.
Categories, Rules, Prizes, Key Dates, Frequently Asked Questions, a Submission Portal and contact details are all available from the home page. An Award ceremony is to be held 17 November 2023. Monitor for 2024 information to be uploaded. In 2023, the Challenge was opened in early March and ended in late November. 2024 should be similar.
‘RoboCup Junior is a project-oriented educational initiative that sponsors local, regional and international robotic events for young students. It is designed to introduce RoboCup to primary and secondary school children. Created in a true cooperative spirit, RoboCup Junior encompasses not only vital STEM skills, but extends right across a school curriculum’.
* Check regarding minimum ages at international level.
Dates and other essential details for separate states/territories, national and International competitions will be found via their links on the Event Regions page [and also the home page]. Also check Beginners Guide for additional information. You can also check their Season Update Newsletter which includes the information for 2023. Monitor for 2024 information to be uploaded. Work off previous times to note when you need to start searching for new details.
The Student Blogging Challenge Series is on pause for now due to the pandemic and its impact.
‘The Student Blogging Challenge is about embracing all of the benefits of publishing online - from learning digital writing skills and digital citizenship, to developing an authentic audience and connecting with others around the globe. The Student Blogging Challenge has run twice yearly, beginning each March and October’. Further information is found on the About the Challenge page.
‘The challenge ran twice yearly, previously beginning March and October with 8 weekly tasks each time’. Click on this link to sign up for email notifications about the Student Blogging Challenge. Here is our self-paced challenge to keep you going until we return. Paused in mid-2020 due to the pandemic and its impact. Sign up for our newsletter if you would like to be notified when it restarts.
New ! Techgirls Competition
Previously listed as the Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero. ‘The annual Techgirls competition is a 12-week STEM entrepreneurship program in Term 2 of the school year. Girls work in teams with a coach [teacher or parent] and mentor to gain awareness of STEM careers, develop their business and technology skills, to grow their confidence with technology and to enable them to make informed choices about careers in STEM. Techgirls is about young people solving young people’s problems and role modelling is key to supporting their interest in STEM. This award-winning research and evidence-based program has created a ripple effect that will have positive long term implications for all of our digital future’.
* Younger students with the maturity necessary to complete the program [from an age of about 7 years] may also be encouraged to participate.
Previously ran from March to October. Monitor for 2024 information to be used for this competition. Mentor Information, Registration, Judging, FAQs, as well as other information is available through links in the menu on the left of the home page.
The Global Technology Entrepreneurship Program for Girls. ‘Any girl or young woman interested in Technovation is eligible to compete. Teams are composed of 1 to 5 students. Students can only join 1 team. Competition Divisions are based on the age of the oldest student on the team. Students can participate in Technovation Girls for multiple seasons until they reach the age of 18’.
* All students must be between the ages of 8 to 18 as of August 1. All students must identify as female. No males can enter the competition. ‘We are proud to announce a new Beginner Division, open to girls as young as 8 years of age and to announce a new technology option - teams will now be able to create AI projects or mobile apps’.
The Get Started page has all the information needed to participate, from Key Dates for the 2023-2024 Season to Roles within the competition. Other pages on the site also contain interesting/useful information.
‘The Archibull Prize will engage Secondary school students in agricultural and environmental awareness through art, design, creativity and teamwork by providing a blank Archie for students to create an artwork on or to use as the subject of an artwork which focuses on the [nominated] theme’. Find details from the following : Program and Timeline.
The site currently still displays only 2022 information.
‘The Game Changer Awards is an opportunity for children to showcase their innovative solutions to world challenges using project based learning, STEM skills, organisation, teamwork and presentation skills. Teachers, students and parents will have the opportunity to engage, share ideas and start new friendships with people from other schools, companies that sponsor the program and VIP guests from local government and Universities’.
* ‘Teams will be divided into four categories based on year group as shown below. Please note, a team of Years 5 & 6 students is considered eligible but a team of Years 8 & 9 students is not’.
All relevant details to take part in the Awards can be found through the menu items on the left of the above page - especially About, Information, Categories and Entries. Monitor for 2024 information once this year’s program has been concluded in November.
New ! The Game Changer Challenge [NSW]
‘The Game Changer Challenge is the department’s award-winning design thinking competition. Open to public schools across the state, the challenge centres on discovering solutions for a real-world, wicked problem by applying classroom learning. Design thinking is a human-centred process to solving complex problems. Empathy and collaboration are at the heart of design thinking’.
* ‘Teams consist of five students and one teacher per team. Supervising teachers can be from any subject area. The primary category is for students from Years 3 to 6, the secondary category is for students from Years 7 to 12. Schools can have more than one team, providing each student team member is different. One teacher can oversee multiple teams’.
Playbook resources are available on our GCC2023 Teacher Hub and guide teams through the first stages of the challenge. Do you have a specific question or need more detail about this year’s challenge ? Send an email to Monitor for 2024 details.
The TEA Textile Art Piece [TAP] Challenge
‘The theme for 2024 has still to be released. The Challenge is based on the Textile Art Piece only and the Guidelines provided indicate what parameters there are in regard to its completion’.
* ‘Each school may enter a maximum of two [2] entries for each of Stage 4 and Stage 5’.
An Online Entry Form, Guidelines and Criteria and ID Tag are available via links from the above page. Entry closure date is also available from the page above. TAP2023 entries closed Term 3, Week 10. Monitor for 2024 information from early Term 2, 2024 to ensure there is ample time to take part.
VEX Robotics Competition [Tipping Point]
‘VEX Robotics Competition Tipping Point is not just a game that we invented because it is fun to play – it is a vehicle for teaching [and testing] teamwork, perseverance in the face of hardship and provides a methodology to approach and solve new challenges with confidence. There are local, regional, national and world competitions’.
Download documents including the Game Manual. These provide a wealth of information, while Appendix B gives further detail. You may also find information via the Competition menu link on the home page. The updated link provides an opportunity to check all events in Australia for 2023 [end of August through to December depending on venue and event]. Monitor for 2024 information until the end of Term 2, 2024.
Wool4School Student Design Competition
‘Wool4School is an annual student design competition encouraging budding fashion designers to show their nation what they’re made of. The competition is open to most secondary school students in Australia, United Kingdom and Italy. Wool should be the hero fibre, making up at least 70% of the outfit. Your outfit should consist of 1 to 4 pieces. A previous Design Brief was Design for your Hero’.
* There are four [4] categories - Junior Designer Category : Years 7 & 8; Mid Designer Category : Years 9 & 10; Senior Designer Category : Year 11; and Aspiring Designer Category : Year 12.
All essential information can be found on the Competition Terms and Conditions page [Key Dates (August 2023 to July 2024), Eligibility information, Entry Requirements, Judging, Prizes and more]. Registration is available through the About the Competition page. Monitor for 2024 information in addition to the Key Date[s] shown above.
‘Australia’s Largest Trade and Skill Competition ! Competitions [are] held on a Regional, National and International level. All three levels of competition run biennially’. WorldSkills Australia operates in 34 regions across Australia. Check the above page for details or if interested contact your closest Regional Coordinators for more information.
* ‘There are no age criteria to enter the Regionals, however, to be eligible to proceed to the National Championships, the National Age Ruling will apply’.
2023 - The Worldskills Australia National Championships in Melbourne. You can sign up to SkillNews [on the home page] for monthly news updates. 2024 will see the International Competition held in Lyon, France.
‘Think of YICTE like a science fair, but for technology and innovation instead. Our goal is to inspire school students of all technical ability levels to use their creativity and innovation to gain a greater understanding of the diverse possibilities available to them through today’s technology, encouraging students to consider future study and a career in tech, while solving real world problems with their choice of technology, with YICTE being the showcase event for students to attend each year’.
* ‘Teams enter their project in the following school year grade categories 3- 4, 5-6 , 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12’.
Key Dates are found on this page along with a Registration Portal, while Competition Rules are listed here along with Submission Guidelines, Judging Criteria and the Report Structure. Further information can be found on the Information page. Registration opened in February 2023. Virtual Judging ran from August to October. Monitor for 2024 information from Term 1 in 2024.
The Arts
Film [Media]
‘The ATOM Awards feature nearly forty categories covering everything from feature-length films and television programs to animation, short fiction, educational resources, web series and ebooks. They are the second-longest-running film and media awards in Australia’.
* ‘For Entries in School Students there are five [5] categories [1 Primary, 4 Secondary], while there are 23 categories in the General/Open section’.
The home page has links to entering, judging, awards, screenings and more. There are also
Contact Us details for you to seek further information if
taking 2023 to rebuild, refresh and then return in 2024 with new ATOM Awards. Please click here to subscribe to our mailing list
for updates.
Boston International Kids Film Festival
‘The Boston International Kids Film Festival highlights the talent of independent filmmakers everywhere while inspiring young people to share their own stories with the world’. Multiple sections and themes. Also check International Kids Film Festival page for additional details, USA Based. See here for Dates & Deadlines.
* Covers ‘Student Film and Student Documentaries’. Other options available cater to film makers of all ages.
Check The Rules here [right-hand side of page] and other details on the About the Festival page and the How It Works page. Monitor for 2024 dates to be added. Entries opened in January in 2023 and ran until November.
CinéfestOZ Short Film Competition [WA]
‘The competition aims to showcase the talents of this next generation of filmmakers. Submissions are shortlisted to screen at a glamorous, youth-focused, Grand Finale event during CinefestOZ Festival week. Finalists receive feedback from a panel of high-profile, Australian film industry professionals before the winner and runner-up teams are announced’.
* ‘Now open to two age categories, all secondary students in the South West, Great Southern and Geraldton [Western Australia] are invited to enter’.
‘The 2024 competition launched in October 2023 and closes in June 2024. $1 000 cash prize will again be up for grabs with Entry Packs available soon !’ Information about submitting entries, Competition Entry Packs [Years 7-9 and Years 10-12] and more are available from the home page via the links provided.
‘National competition for primary and secondary school students or film-makers under 18 years old’. Part of Flickerfest, Australia’s premier international short film festival, will be held at Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach
* ‘Students enrolled in primary or secondary schools in Australia, or individuals under 18. [This competition is divided into 2 sections : one for primary age and one for secondary age youth/students]’.
FLiCKERFEST 33rd International Short Film Festival, Friday 19 – Sunday 28, January 2024, Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia. FlickerUp submissions closed on Tuesday 7th November 2023. Check the page above for a complete understanding of what is involved.
‘The Martini Film Awards screens the best of JMC Academy’s student and recent alumni work and includes a category known as the Mocktail Award. This is where High School students are also invited to submit their best short fiction, short documentary, short animation, television commercial or music video clip, to be reviewed by industry professionals. Shortlisted films will be shown and the winner will be announced at the prestigious Martini Film Awards to be held in Melbourne and Brisbane’.
* ‘The 2023 Mocktail Film Awards is open to all New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland based high school students who have completed a short film. The judges are looking for : originality, emotional impact, performance, direction and low budget initiative’.
2023 Mocktail Film Award closed in May 2023. Keep an eye out for the 2024 competition - coming soon.
SmartFone Flick Fest - SF3 Kids
‘SmartFone Flick Fest is Australia’s international smartphone film festival for filmmakers of all ages. We are a world-wide festival open to anyone with a smartphone or tablet and a great idea for a short film’. Entry fee applies.
* ‘You must be 16 or younger at the time of filming, your film must be shot entirely on a smartphone or tablet and be 20 minutes or less, the rest again, is up to you !’
Use the Submit link from the menu at the top of the home page. Entry information plus Rules [including dates] and Terms & Conditions are found via this. Entry submissions closed at the beginning of September. Monitor for 2024 information. This should show similar dates and conditions to those of 2023.
‘The 1-Minute Film Competition is an initiative of Australian Teachers of Media [ATOM]. It provides Australian and New Zealand primary and secondary school students with the opportunity to make a 60-second short film or animation and win fantastic prizes in the process’. There is a nominated theme each year.
* ‘Four Categories : Lower Primary [Years F–3], Upper Primary [Years 4–6], Lower Secondary [Years 7–9] and Upper Secondary [Years 10–12]. Any entry created by more than one person should be entered into the appropriate category for the oldest member of the group’.
Check the Terms
& Conditions page and the Rules & Guidelines
page for essential details. These two pages indicate previous dates [can be used as a guideline].
is taking 2023 to rebuild and refresh, then return in 2024 with an all new 1-Minute Film Competition challenge.
Please click here to subscribe to our
mailing list for updates.
‘Trop Jr is our signature event of 16 finalist films, showcasing the work of incredibly talented filmmakers as individuals or in teams, aged 15 years and younger. Each year, Trop Jr includes a “signature item” which needs to be incorporated into the entries to ensure that they are unique and are made specifically for Trop Jr. This year’s signature item is : … ?. Entries must be seven minutes or less and Trop Jr must be their world premiere. Download our Filmmaker Entry Kit for more information, including technical requirements’.
Monitor over the second half of the year for entries to open for the next Tropfest. You can also subscribe to be kept up-to-date. This is a free service.
HIDDEN Rookwood Students [NSW]
‘Rookwood General Cemetery invites students from secondary and tertiary institutions or youth/community groups, either as individuals or as a group, to propose works for HIDDEN Rookwood Students. The artworks will be selected and showcased alongside sculptures and installations within the HIDDEN Rookwood Sculptures exhibition. We are looking for sculptural works that respond to the cemetery and engage with HIDDEN‘s themes of history, culture, remembrance, diversity, love, mourning, spirituality, cycles of life and the passage of time. Frequently Asked Questions’ are answered here.
Click here to express interest in HIDDEN Rookwood Students. Monitor for 2024 information. Check via the main link above.
QIEU Excellence in Art Design Awards [NT/Qld]
‘The Art Design Awards are open to everyone in independent schools throughout Queensland. Poster and Entry Form available’ from the site. The theme for 2024 is still to be notified.
* ‘Invites entries from preschool, primary and secondary school students, teachers and school support staff in non-government schools throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory - 9 different categories’.
The relevant section of the home page provides Award Categories, Entry details [including dates] Presentation Evening [including date] and downloads including two formats for the Entry Form. Monitor for 2024 information to be added.
Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
‘All photographs must be of natural fauna, flora or natural land/sky formations and must have been taken in the ANZANG bioregion. ANZANG bioregion means Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica and the New Guinea region. Entries in all sections are invited from photographers who use either digital or film cameras. Judges will consider the photographic technique plus the aesthetic, artistic and unique quality of all images when making their selections. There are nine categories in the Competition. Up to four images may be entered in each category’.
* ‘For Entries in the Junior section, the Entrant must be under 18 years of age as at the close of Entries for the Competition; Entrant must declare on the Competition’s online entry form that they have their parent’s or guardian’s consent to enter the Competition’.
‘Please read these details carefully as some elements of the competition have changed’. All essential details can be found on the above page [menu on the left]. This includes dates, categories, Entry, costs, Judges, Rules and more. Monitor for 2024 information to be provided. Begin in Term 4, 2023 as this was when it opened previously.
Future Leaders Photography Prize
‘The Future Leaders Photography Prize is designed to recognise talented young photographers. Students are to submit digital photographic work [one photograph for each student]. The work submitted can be on any theme. Submissions must include Student’s Name, School and Year Level’.
‘Monitor for 2024 details. Previously submissions closed at the beginning of May. This should indicate submission dates will open in Term 1. They had to be sent to :’.
‘The Head On Student Awards are open to Australia’s young photographers from Kindergarten to Year 12. There is no theme and you can enter work of any photographic genre or style – flex your creativity ! The Head On Student Awards is one of four categories of the Head On Photo Awards. AUD$1 entry fee per photo’. Terms and Conditions plus information about Finalists, Winners, Prizes and Additional Benefits are available from the page above. Click on the “Enter Student Awards” button and follow the instructions to register and/or submit entries.
Monitor for 2024 information. Previously submissions were needed by late August. This suggests it should commence either late in Term 1 or from early Term 2, 2024.
Updated ! Schools Photographic Competition [ACT]
‘An annual photographic competition for school and college students. This is a great way to encourage young people to express their appreciation of Australian native plants through artistic creativity. In doing so, young photographers have an opportunity to explore and enjoy these wonderful Botanic Gardens – the world’s most comprehensive collection of Australian cultivated plants’. Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens.
* ‘Open to students of high schools and colleges in Canberra and Queanbeyan’.
‘Closing date : Friday 30th August 2024. All entries must be digital photographs taken in the ANBG between 30 August 2023 and 30 August 2024, featuring some aspect of the Gardens such as plants, wildlife or scenery’ .
‘The ATOM Photo Comp is an initiative of Australian Teachers of Media [ATOM]. It provides Australian and New Zealand student and adult photographers with the opportunity to submit a folio of three [3] photographs adhering to a theme and win fantastic prizes in the process’.
* ‘The competition runs across five age-group categories : Lower Primary [Years F–3]; Upper Primary [Years 4–6]; Lower Secondary [Years 7–9]; Upper Secondary [Years 10–12]; and Open [adults]’.
ATOM is taking 2023 to rebuild and refresh, then return in 2024 with an all new ATOM Photo Comp challenge. Please click here to subscribe to our mailing list for updates.
Angelico Exhibition [WA]
‘The Angelico Exhibition for Catholic Students is a prestigious annual event on the Catholic school art calendar. The Angelico Exhibition is named after Blessed Fra Angelico, Patron before God of Artists’.
* There are separate events for both ‘Primary and Secondary students in Catholic Schools in Western Australia’.
Online Entries can be made from the above page. There are separate Angelico Exhibition Information Packs for both Primary and Secondary entrants. Details for both Primary and Secondary. Recent exhibitions have run from June through August. Monitor for 2024 details from earlier in the year.
‘The Canvas Award competition is open to high school students in all Australian States and Territories. Work must be
completed over the past year If you are a high school student with a knack for drawing, painting or using
creative digital mediums, we invite you to creatively interpret the below brief into an illustrated scene :
What will the world look like in 10 000 years’ time and how will humans evolve to adapt ?
Your submission will have a human character situated within their relevant environment. You must include a “PINK ICED
DOUGHNUT” somewhere in your scenes [sprinkles are optional]’.
* ‘High school students from across Australia. You can use any of the listed mediums or any combination of them’ Examples of previous winning entries can be found on the above page.
‘Work must be completed over the past year. Information about What not to Submit and a connection if you have questions that have not been clear to you. Be sure to read the What NOT to Submit list provided as well as the Technical Specifications of entry details. There is an email if you cannot find an answer on the site. Keep an eye out for the 2024 competition coming soon’.
New ! Dream Car Art Contest
‘The Toyota Dream Car Art Contest is a chance for tomorrow’s engineers, designers and creative thinkers to let their imaginations run wild by drawing their Dream Car. Spread across three age aroups [under 8, ages 8-11 and ages 12-15], the top eight Australian entries will win a $275 VISA Gift Card. One lucky Australian entrant will be crowned the Australian National Dream Car Winner and will win a $2 500 VISA Gift Card for their school and another $2 500 VISA Gift Card for themselves’.
* ‘Spread across three age aroups - under 8, ages 8-11 and ages 12-15’.
The 2023 information will provide sample details for the current year. Monitor for when this information is updated for 2024.
Immunisation Coalition Art Prize
‘The Immunisation Coalition Art Prize aims to highlight and promote you as a contemporary artist and support our mission to bring factual awareness of issues around influenza, vaccination and the burden of infectious disease’. Downloadable documents and information for the Art prize from the bottom section of the page.
* ‘Students must be enrolled in primary or secondary school, or the home school equivalent. Tertiary entries are a completely separate category’.
The event has now been completed for 2023. If you would like to receive further information and updates for the Art Prize including reminders, subscribe to our mailing list here. Monitor for 2024 information when it becomes available. These have previously run from November in one year to May in the following year.
Inspire Recycling Action with MobileMuster
‘The competition is free and open to primary and secondary students in Australia during 2023. Entrants can enter either as an individual or as a small group through their school. Full terms and conditions are available [see below]. We’ve expanded the entry artwork across 3 mediums. To participate in the schools competition, students can submit an entry in one of the following : Drawing, Photography or Short Film. The theme for all 3 mediums is Inspiring Recycling Action’.
* ‘Individual Entrants aged under 18 years of age may only enter the Competition with the consent of a parent or guardian. The entry form must be completed by the parent or guardian [who agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions]. There are separate sections for Primary and Secondary. Prizes : $5 000 for the winner in each age group, $1 000 for the finalists in each category’.
Entrants must have submitted their entries by : [a] uploading their Artwork to a sharing platform [such as Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer]; and [b] completing the online entry form via the MobileMuster Competition website []. Terms and Conditions, Judging Criteria and the Consent and Release Form are available using these links. Winners and finalists will be announced in the lead up to National Recycling Week [13-19 November]. Monitor for details about the 2024 competition. Entries have previously been between mid-June and the end of September.
International Student Art Contest – Science without Borders® Challenge 2024
‘This international art competition is open to all students 11-19 years old. The theme for the 2024 Challenge is Hidden Wonders of the Deep. Learn more here’.
* ‘Students must be enrolled in primary or secondary school, or the home school equivalent. There are two [2] categories : Students 11 - 14 years old and Students 15 - 19 years old’.
All entries have to be received by March 4, 2024. Information related to the Challenge, Theme, Prizes, Eligibility, Deadline [see above], How to apply, Judging, Contest Rules and information For Teachers is available from the first page above.
JLTAV Events Poster Competition [Vic.]
‘Students are encouraged to be creative and to design a cover which reflects the Japanese language or Japanese culture’. Up to five entries per school. Please note that students are not able to use images that are already copyright [e.g. Hello Kitty etc.]. No words are required on the poster.
* ‘Students studying Japanese in all JLTAV member primary and secondary schools are invited to design a poster to be used on the front cover of the JLTAV Annual Conference book for conference delegates and the front cover of the Year 12 Morning book’.
Normally starts late in January and closes in early March. Monitor for exact dates.
Updated ! National NAIDOC Week Poster Competition
‘Every year, NAIDOC Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The year’s theme invites us to embrace First Nations cultural knowledge and understanding of Country as part of our national heritage’.
* ‘The competition will be judged in two categories : Foundation to Year 3, and Year 4 to Year 6’.
Use the Awards link at the top of the page to access information. If necessary, contact NAIDOC using the Contact link to gather further detail. Monitor for 2024 information to become available if necessary.
‘OzKids provides a platform for you to enter your work and have it assessed by a panel of experts. All approved entries are published here on the website. Some are selected for publication in our OzKids Magazine and, at the end of the year, the Winners are announced’.
* ‘Grade Categories : Junior - Prep to Grade 4; Middle - Grade 5 to Year 8, Senior - Year 9 to Year 12’.
Scroll down to Register [Box 1], Prepare [Box 2] then Login and Upload it [Box 3]. ‘Closing Date is Midnight September 30, 2024’ Monitor for other 2024 information as necessary.
Shaun Tan Award for Young Artists [WA]
‘This visual art award is open to Western Australian school students and encourages imagination, innovation and creativity’. Multiple levels for different age/grade groups.
* ‘Categories include : Lower Primary - Years 1 and 2; Middle Primary - Years 3 and 4; Upper Primary - Years 5 and 6; Lower Secondary - Years 7, 8 and 9; and Upper Secondary - Years 10, 11 and 12’ Only for schools in Western Australia.
All details of the Shaun Tan Awards are available from the above page. Monitor for 2024 information to be added in the Award Information section.
‘The Lester Prize Youth Award encourages the creative talents of young and aspiring artists. The Prize allows entrants to showcase their works and present their unique artistic perspectives; helps build their confidence to further their art practice; and allows them to share their stories with the wider community’.
* ‘It is open to all High School students across Australia. Categories include : Students - Years 11-12, Years 9-10, Years 7-8; and for Schools : Years 10-12, Years 7-9’.
Use the Artists/Enter link / Submit Your Entry in the top menu, find information about Prizes, then scroll down to the Youth Award section for details about Categories. The 2024 Call for Entries closes on Friday, 9 February 2024, 5pm AWST. Previous winning portraits can be viewed on The Youth Prize page.
Art Gallery NSW. ‘The Young Archie competition invites budding artists between the ages of 5 and 18 to submit a portrait. As well as online, all finalists are displayed at the Art Gallery of NSW held in conjunction with the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes exhibition’. Check the section both for competition dates and also Eligibility dates for each category.
* ‘There are four age categories : 5-8 year olds, 9-12 year olds, 13-15 year olds and 16-18 year olds’.
The Entry page has details covering how entry works, the entry form, FAQs, Enquiries, accessing newsletters, age categories, About your portrait subject, Information for schools, Key Dates [including eligibility dates for entrants], Instructions and Conditions and much more. Entry forms MUST be submitted online. You don’t upload an image. Original artwork needed to be sent previously to the Gallery, between late January and early March, AFTER the online form had been completed. The Young Archie exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW was 6 May – 3 September 2023 and the Salon des Refusés at SH Ervin Gallery [this exhibition is now closed].
ACMF National Songwriting Competition
‘An annual National Songwriting Competition for every Primary and Secondary School, both public and private, in Australia’. Winner automatically agrees to perform their winning song at the request of ACMF for a 12 month period from mid-November.
* ‘All entrants must be school students aged 17 or younger, [as of the original closing date of the competition] and be between Kinder to Year 12 in school year. Homeschooled children are eligible to enter. You can enter either as a school or independently.
‘Stay tuned for winners announcements in November/December’. The Terms & Conditions page provides all essential details. There are also several sections on the home page for specific information [e.g. 202* Competition, About the Competition, Terms & Conditions, a video [3:45], . . . ]. Monitor for 2024 information at the beginning of Term 1, 2024.
Artology - Fanfare Competition
‘The competition is open to young people aged 12-21 years. To enter write a 30 second composition and submit a score and recording online. The competition is looking for compositions that have something to say and draw attention’.
* ‘Selected participants will work with mentor composers to develop ideas’.
‘Entries opened in February and early in June’ Winning participants have been announced. Monitor for 2024 information taking into account the time line from previous years.
Australian Singing Competition
‘Australia’s richest and most prestigious competition for young opera and classical singers’. Suited to senior secondary and tertiary students. Find all details and dates on the News and Key Dates page.
* ‘A citizen or resident of Australia or New Zealand; or any holder of a valid Visa to Australia; an amateur or professional classical singer. It is recommended that the entrant be over 19 years of age’.
An extensive list of details for all aspects of the competition is found on the How to Enter page. The Events page provides a full time line [over 5 pages] from when Entries open [February] to the Final Concert [September].
‘JMC Academy is proud to announce the 2023 songwriting competition for students across New South Wales, ACT, Victoria and Queensland in Years 9-12. The aim of the competition is to highlight the talent of high-school songwriters from across the country and to showcase the creativity of young people. What do you need to submit ? A Demo of your original song in MP3 format [maximum 5 minutes in length]; Lyrics sheet; Completed application form [online using the link on the above page, see the Submit my Entry link’.
* As indicated, the competition is designed for students Years 9-12 in only the four states indicated above. You can record this individually as a singer/songwriter or with your band [up to 5-pieces]. Homeschooled children between the ages 14 – 18 are also eligible to enter.
‘Submissions have now closed. The winner will get the opportunity to work with JMC Academy staff and students to record, mix and master their song ! There are a few Terms & Conditions though, so make sure you familiarise yourself with the rules’. Monitor for 2024 information. The competition closed in late August in 2023 which suggest you should be checking in late Term 1 or possibly Term 2 if you are interested.
Strike A Chord [Musica Viva Australia]
‘Strike A Chord is a national chamber music championship for secondary school ensembles. The competition was created to encourage the next generation of Australian musicians to experience the life-changing possibilities of chamber music, giving students the opportunity to explore their potential and discover the joy of making music with friends’.
* ‘All performers must be enrolled in a full-time Australian school program [or home-school equivalent] as at the nominated date. Groups with a minimum of three and maximum of eight performers can enter. Students do not need to be from the same school. One online entry form per group must be submitted by someone over the age of 18 on behalf of the group’.
We are excited to announce that Strike a Chord will return in 2024. Information is now available on the above web page. Key Dates [staring in February 2024] plus dates for the Coaching Program are available from the above page as well as a wide range of other essential information.
‘We’re looking for the BEST act in high school’. At least 50% of the group/act must be in high school. Details on the site. The Unearthed High Indigenous Initiative runs in conjunction with the Unearthed High program.
Entries previously opened in June and closed in late July. Monitor for 2024 information. It is suggested, based on previous times, to check in late Term 1 or early Term 2 for initial information on both of these programs.