culture [n.]
1. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. 2. the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. 3. Biology, the cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc. in an artificial medium containing nutrients. 4. the cultivation of plants.
- ORIGIN Middle English [denoting a cultivated piece of land] : the noun from French culture or directly from
Latin cultura ‘growing, cultivation’; the verb from obsolete French culturer or medieval Latin culturare, both based
on Latin colere ‘tend, cultivate’ [see Cultivate]. In late Middle English the sense was ‘cultivation of the
soil’ and from this [early 16th century], arose ‘cultivation [of the mind, faculties, or manners’];
CULTURE [Sense 1 of the noun] dates from the early 19th century.
Oxford Dictionaries
Australia has many things in common with the rest of the world. There are though, several parts of our national identity and culture which are peculiar to us. These are detailed in the sections below. They include emphasis on physical as opposed to mental achievement, the concept of mateship, Australian idiom, language and humour, … . The concept of multiculturalism is also included. Be aware culture and national identity are always changing.
Other specific information relating to Indigenous culture and beliefs can be found on this page for Indigenous Resources.
This page covers topics A to L including areas such as Art & Culture, Australian Identity, Humour, Educational Activities, Australian Values, Language, . . . .
The Second Page covers topics M to Z including areas such as Mateship, Myths & Stereotypes, Multiculturalism, Social & Cultural Features and Sport.
Journals, databases, primary documents, reference material and other information are included where these are relevant.
A - F
The role of Arts, Music and Literature within Australian culture.
A History of Australian
‘A history of Australian art – interactive timeline. Welcome to our Australian art compendium, which features everything from nature studies by settlers to contemporary photography about race and gender, plus undisputed classics like Tom Roberts’s 1891 painting A Break Away ! – described here by Guardian art critic Jonathan Jones as ‘a national icon’. Navigate back and forth by clicking on the small images along the top’. -
Contemporary Australian Poetry
An Introductory Sampler. Recommendations from the ABC Radio National program Poetica. Links to a range of books demonstrating this style. Compiled in 2013. -
Art in Australia [National Library of Australia]
‘Art in Australia has been made available online through Trove as a result of a joint project between the University of Wollongong Library, the University of New South Wales Library and the National Library of Australia. It will appeal to followers of early twentieth century art and the wonderful aesthetics of those years. It contains articles by or about significant Australian artists’. -
Arts & Culture [ABC]
A compilation of programs on iView covering a range of areas such as Arts Docuseries, Australian Made Music, Australian Artists, Art and Culture Revealed, Arts and Culture : A-Z, … . -
Arts in Australia [Wikipedia]
‘The Arts in Australia refers to the visual arts, literature, performing arts and music in the area of, on the subject of, or by the people of the Commonwealth of Australia and its preceding Indigenous and colonial societies. Overview, Visual Arts, Literature, Performing Arts, References, Links’. Wikipedia. -
Australia in Brief
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. ‘Australia in Brief provides an authoritative overview of Australia’s history, the land, its people and their way of life. It also looks at Australia’s economic, scientific and cultural achievements and its foreign, trade and defence policies’. PDF and DOCX formats. Chinese, Spanish and French editions as well. -
Australian Art
National Gallery of Australia. More than 41 000 links to material related to Australian Art. You can filter your selections by using the options at the top of the page. Includes, talk, exhibitions, Learning Programs, Exhibitions, Videos and much more. -
Australian Art History
Timeline of Australian Art. Includes sections on ‘Indigenous Art, Art Periods Since 1600, Movements Schools and Groups and Key Events in Early Australian Art History’. What is currently included is still worth viewing and often provides linkages to further information. -
historical and cultural attractions
Tourism Australia. ‘Discover Australia’s rich cultural history in a range of museums around the country. See works by the best international and Australian artists in major institutions, small commercial galleries and in city laneways. Attend a full-scale performance at iconic venues such as the Sydney Opera House, or catch a gig by up-and-coming local musicians in a bar or pub. Read on to find Australia’s finest historical and cultural offerings’. -
Culture of Australia
Historical development of Australian culture, Symbols, Language, Humour, Arts, Religion, Public Holidays, Cuisine, Clothing and apparel, Sport, Folklore, Attitudes, Beliefs and Stereotypes, links to related information. Wikipedia. -
Curator Insights
‘Free Podcast. Explore works from the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ Australian collection and discover how local history and art intersect’. Individual items relate to specific artists of renown. Requires iTunes. -
First Nations First ‘First Nations First recognises and respects the crucial place of First Nations stories at the centre of Australia’s arts and culture. Since 1973 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders have brought a guiding voice on matters relating to First Nations arts and culture and to the broader arts and cultural sector’. -
How Australian Traditions Work
‘G’day, mate ! You didn’t think we could start an article about Australian traditions without the ubiquitous greeting of the continent, did you ? While that tradition has been globally recognised as genuine Aussie, there are plenty of other Australian cultural customs that may come as a surprise’. Multiple pages and topics. -
Humanities Networked Infrastructure - HuNI
‘HuNI [Humanities Networked Infrastructure] combines data from many Australian cultural websites into the biggest humanities and creative arts database ever assembled in Australia. HuNI data covers all disciplines and brings together information about the people, works, events, organisations and places that make up the country’s rich cultural landscape’. -
List of Australian Artists
Vast, alphabetical listing of artists of all types and all periods of Australian history. Links to further information. Wikipedia. -
Portrait Stories
‘The Gallery displays hundreds of famous Australian faces, from Nick Cave to Captain Cook, Deborah Mailman to Princess Mary of Denmark and uses ’video, multimedia and sound to present some of the stories of the artists and subjects in the National Portrait Gallery’s collection’ Portrait Stories - National Portrait Gallery ‘Portrait Stories is a trusty digital companion [iPad App] to the collection. Use it to peruse the portraits and learn more about the people who have shaped Australia’. [App. Rating - 5.0]. -
Donald Horne
and the story of the publication of The Lucky Country
Article by his son, in response to another commentary. -
Top 10 Modern
songs [Australian Geographic]
‘We’ve given you the top classic Australian songs and now, here’s the list of the best modern Aussie tunes. Music has played a huge part in shaping the Australian culture. It forms part of a larger History & Culture presentation covering a diverse collection of topics.
What sort of humour is considered Australian ?
A Beginner’s Guide to Aussie Humour
‘Australians’ unique strain of humour [combined with the accent and the Australian slang], has been bewildering visitors for decades. Here are a few pointers to help you navigate the murky waters’. Several aspects with links to fairly current examples of each. -
Aboriginal Humour [Creative Spirits]
‘Aboriginal humour has carried people over many an abyss. Meeting Aboriginal people on Koori Time usually means you have to wait. Sections include - Humour is part of being Aboriginal, Aboriginal humour is different, Sample Aboriginal jokes, Aboriginal sketch shows, Australia’s only Aboriginal comedy competition’. -
Aussie Jokes for Kids
‘All the Australian themed jokes may not always lighten up your kid’s mood but a joke with a good comic sense might at least get a chuckle. Here is our best collection of Australian Jokes especially for kids’. -
Australian Comedy
‘Comedy is central to Australian cultural identity. The history of Australian comedy and the distinctly Australian humour, reflects the country’s search for a national identity based on both Australia’s convict origins and the convict sense of humour and also Australia’s physical characteristics’. Overview and extensive links. Now archived on Trove. Most links from the page also go to Trove versions of those pages. -
Australia Explained
: A guide to Aussie humour [Ep.5]
‘Have you ever got perplexed by jokes your Aussie friend makes ? Have you seen an Australian person who says things to make others laugh in some unexpected situations ? In this fifth episode of Australia Explained, we look into the unique Australian humour, which has been bewildering visitors to the land down under for decades’. SBS. -
Australian Comedy films [Wikipedia]
Search alphabetically or by subcategories [the latter take you to further collections of films about specific comedy types]. Films range from the early 1900s through to the 2000s. Each link goes to a new page with a significant amount of further information for each film. Wikipedia -
Australian Comedy [Wikipedia]
‘Australian comedy [or Australian humour] refers to the comedy and humour performed in or about Australia or by the people of Australia. Australian humour can be traced to various origins and today is manifested in a diversity of cultural practices and pursuits. Australian sense of humour; Formative years : early Australian comedy; Modern Australian comedy; Awards and festivals; and Australian comedies and comedians’. -
Australian Humour
‘What Makes Aussies Laugh ? We don’t want to offend anyone with a sensitive nature so please be aware that the Australian Humour page contains some swear words’. -
Australian Humour
- What makes us laugh ?
ABC. ‘One expert says it is most notable because there is no place or occasion where a good joke is considered inappropriate. So what makes you laugh ?’ Comedy excerpts included. Full audio of the presentation is available. -
Behind the Lines - 2022
‘Behind the Lines is an annual exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House. It celebrates the role of political cartoonists in Australia and highlights the power that their drawings have in contributing to our daily political and social discourse’. Check not only individual cartoonists [e.g. Bill Leak, Johannes Leak, Warren Brown] but also other exhibition years [2019, 2018, 2017, . . . ] by clicking on the year you want in the All Years section toward the bottom of the page. There is also a collection of Learning Resources available using the link at the top of the page. -
Cartoons and Comics : Bill Leak
Political Cartoons by one of Australia’s best ever cartoonists. Interestingly enough, he was followed by his son Johannes Leak, who is just as good. You can also find examples of the son’s work at Johannes Leak Illustration. -
Humour and slang in the Australian workplace
Resources for International Students. ‘The use of humour is common in many Australian workplaces. Being able to laugh at yourself and with others is viewed as a positive quality. Here are some common Australian words and phrases. Select each of word or phrase to see what it means and how it is used’. -
A country’s culture is often reflected in the cartoons about its way of life. This is one example. Cartoons by Nicholson reflect Australian, rather than international events. Multiple items included as well as several other sections [e.g. Rubbery Figures, Animations, … ]. -
Stan Cross - The Australian Media Hall of Fame
‘Cross created perhaps Australia‘s best-known cartoon, known by its caption “For Gorsake, stop laughing - this is serious”. His art portrayed typical Australians, from farmers to jackaroos, doctors and diggers. For The Herald in Melbourne, he created the adventures of Wally and the Major in a comic strip syndicated for decades in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji and celebrated in 18 annual books from 1943 to 1960’. The cartoon is on this page. You will see and understand why it is as famous as people claim. -
The Loaded Dog
The quintessential, humorous Short story by Henry Lawson. Provides a perfect example of ‘Aussie humour’. Audio version available on the site. -
The Political Cartoon Gallery
‘The Political Cartoon Gallery is Australia’s largest and finest on-line gallery for original Australian political cartoons and caricatures’. Copies available for sale.
Identity, and what makes it, is an integral part of any culture. The following provides information about the ‘Australian’ identity. For information about “Mateship”, see the section on the second Australian Culture page.
12 Australian Identity - LibGuides at Servite College
Includes information about Identity, What gives us our identity ?, Reviews and journals, several videos, . . . . Year 8 History studies. -
Aboriginal Identity [Aboriginal Stories]
‘A Story About Aboriginal Identity’. More information on Aboriginal Culture, as well as other articles like this, are available from the site. -
Aboriginal Identity :
Who is ‘Aboriginal’ ?
Creative Spirits. ‘People who identify themselves as ‘Aboriginal’ range from dark-skinned, broad-nosed to blonde-haired, blue-eyed people. Aboriginal people define Aboriginality not by skin colour but by relationships. Light-skinned Aboriginal people often face challenges on their Aboriginal identity because of stereotyping’. -
Australian Identity - What Makes Us Australian ? - Year
11 English
‘Considering what Australian identity is to you. Use the following worksheet to help you consider and examine what Australian identity means to you. Answer the following questions to help you discover what being Australian means to you’. -
Australian Democracy and Identity
‘Year 8 Civics and Citizenship LibGuides at Presbyterian Ladies’ College [WA]. Looks at Australian Identity, Australian Values and Multiculturalism and Indigenous Australians and the Australian Identity’. Includes multiple sub-topics and several video clips. -
AOS : Australian Identity
‘As part of this AOS you will be able to closely examine how the idea of a ‘typical’ Australian is portrayed in a variety of texts in different media - film, novel, art, popular culture, the media and song’. Three main areas : Culture, Identity and Stereotypes; ‘The Castle’; and Australia Now. -
Australian Identity - AT
The Australian Curriculum
‘In age- or stage-equivalent groups, students participated in a series of structured, teacher-moderated discussions of Australia’s democratic institutions and their personal understanding of, and engagement with, notions of diversity, difference and unity’. Video presentation. -
Australian Identity [Australian Literary Studies Journal]
Using Australian literature as the basis of a range of articles about Australian Identity. Uses material developed over nearly 5 decades. -
Australian Identity [Australian Screen - an NFSA website]
‘The following clips have teachers’ notes related to this topic’. 52 clips, each with a brief annotation. They also cover a considerable period of time. -
“Australian Identity Quotes, Quotations & Sayings”
‘Results for “Australian Identity” sorted by relevance. 500 matching entries found’. -
Australian Identity : What
does it mean to you ?
‘Trying to define national identity is like searching for the end of a rainbow. It isn’t something that can be found or a place we can collectively reach; it’s something that unfolds over time and through generations. It’s also something that is contested and evokes a sense of belonging individually’. Article with images and video from Monash University. -
Australian Identity :
Who is an Australian ?
‘This topic starts with a fun introductory activity in which students can learn some facts while getting to know their classmates better. A Worksheet provides a focus to extract and summarise material relating to cultural identity’. Unit of work from Multicultural Australia. -
Australian Identity : A Cinematic Roll Call
‘Since the beginnings of cinema in Australia from around 1896, Australian films have charted a range of views of the Australian identity, and in this article, I have identified four main strands’. Fee-based. Links to related material. -
Community and Remembrance
‘This topic provides a study of identity and diversity in both a local and a broader context. Moving from the heritage of their local area, students explore the historical features and diversity of their community. They examine local, state and national symbols and emblems of significance and celebrations and commemorations, both locally and in other places around the world’. Other Sample Scope and Sequences can be found on the History K-10 Syllabus 2012 page. -
Exploring Australian Identity ideas
Australian art, Australian artists, Australian painting. 107+ pins, most having an article plus image and links to related material. -
Humour, Multiculturalism, and the Aussie Spirit : The Australian Identity in 2012
This is a serious, social review. It can be freely downloaded in PDF format. You can also connect to the following : Australia’s National Identity and The New Australian identity : Five shifts. Either/Both can be downloaded. -
Is there an Australian identity ? - 2022
In essence, this works around 20 questions with brief responses to each. There is a linked page titled What is Australia’s identity ? - 2022 which has the same structure, even with a number of the same questions and responses, though others are different. -
Changing Face of Modern Australia
This covers the period from 1900 to the 1940s. Other periods and aspects are also covered. Click on the More Information link for related information. -
The Influence of the Bush on European-Australian
Identity in Australian children’s literature
Lengthy text article from 2007. The article downloads and you need to re-load it from your download folder to your browser.
What values do Australians see as important ? Also check the sections on Mateship and Myths on the second page.
Australian Cultural Values
Lisa’s Study Guides. ‘A focal point of the English Language Study Design is the construction of the Australian identity through language. In order to understand how language is used to reflect the Australian identity, it is important to first understand what values or standards of behaviour an Australian identity is comprised of’. You can also download a PDF copy of the Australian Cultural Values Guide for your own studies. -
Australian Values
‘Australian values based on freedom, respect, fairness and equality of opportunity are central to our community remaining a secure, prosperous and peaceful place to live. Our values define and shape our country and they are a reason why so many people want to become Australian citizens’. This is also part of a package available to visitors and new residents and can be found on this Meeting our Requirements - Australian values page from the Immigration and Citizenship section of the Home Affairs Department. There is also a third page available on Australian Values which also links to the Australian Values Statement available from the second page included above. -
Australian Values
‘This is the official channel for Australian Values; run by the Department of Home Affairs’. For greater detail, including a listing of common values - click on the > at the end of this section of the introduction. An extensive range of videos of varying lengths and with some in other languages. There is also a section covering ANZAC Day. -
Australian Values Study [Social Research Centre]
‘Since 1981, the World Values Survey has tracked changes in the values and beliefs of citizens in 97 countries, including Australia. The Australian component of the World Values Survey is referred to as the Australian Values Study or AVS. The Australian National University has been responsible for the AVS since 2005, with data collection carried out by the Social Research Centre. We surveyed more than 1 800 Australians during 2018 and several key themes have emerged’. -
Australian Values : What do Australians value ?
‘So what are Australian values, what does an Aussie truly value, what do we really care about ?’ Listing, then brief commentary on each item on the list. -
What are Australian values ? [The Values Project]
‘As part of the Values Project, we collected data from over 7 000 Australian adults between 18 and 75 years of age. And, here is what we learnt’. Brief summary of the results. -
What Are the Six Australian Values ? Core Australian Values [ValuesAustralia]
A tongue-in-cheek presentation that still manages to cover the actual values. A light-hearted approach to the study of genuinely important Australian values. -
What is Aboriginal spirituality ?
Creative Spirits. ‘Aboriginal spirituality is deeply linked to the land which “owns” Aboriginal people. All objects are living and share the same soul or spirit Aboriginal people share’.
Educational units and lessons about Australian Identity, most developed by education departments.
Australian Identity - Topic 9 - Primary Teaching Resources
‘Australia is made up of lots of different groups and each group has it’s own set of beliefs, values and practices. Then what are Australian beliefs, values and practices ? What does it mean to be Australian ?’ -
Australian Identity Teaching Resources
Teachers Pay Teachers. A considerable number of resources [1 600+] related to this topic. As the name of the group suggests, these have been developed by teachers with the cost factor in mind as well as the topic contents. -
Australian Painting - Redefining the Landscape and Identity
‘Australia, more than any other nation, shows the power of art to hasten or represent social change, and use the landscape to define social identities’. Use the Menu bottoms below the statement above to get specific areas. A second page with the same title but different artworks can be accessed here, here. -
Culture and Diversity
‘Our students identify with multiple cultural identities and ancestries. Culture can impact our perspectives, behaviour, how we interact in the world and our personal identities. Understanding contemporary Australian culture helps teachers build culturally inclusive teaching and learning. Students explore difficult questions around power relations, notions of identity, and cultural complexity. Teachers ensure stereotypes are not promoted’. Check the media listed at the bottom of the page. NSW Department of Education. -
Culture is Life - Education
‘Our education projects include curriculum resource development, social impact campaigns and teacher training. All materials are developed by a collective of First Nations educators and young people to inspire teachers to creatively embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, peoples and cultures in their classrooms’. Multiple options and topics are available. -
Democratic Struggles
This is a Lower Secondary option for this Civics topic. ‘At a glance - Student introduction. Focus question 1 : What is democracy and what was Australia like before we had it ? Focus question 2 : How did democracy develop in Britain ? Focus question 3 : What influence did the Chartists have on the goldfields and did the struggle at Eureka contribute to the establishment of democracy in Australia ? Focus question 4 : To what extent and when were the Chartists’ six points achieved in Australia ? Focus question 5 Why didn’t all adults get the vote at Federation and how did those excluded work to achieve it ? -
Dictionary of Sydney - Education
‘We are pleased to extend our resources to include units of study for primary and secondary students. We believe that an understanding of Australian history cultivates a rich foundation for school students to acquire an understanding of global perspectives and to honour our past and present heritage’. Archived in 2021 but still available for use. -
Discovering Democracy Units - The Units
‘The Discovering Democracy Units are the electronic version of the Discovering Democracy Units books’. Select the specific unit based on the topic and the school level. Example topics have been individually included below. -
Getting Things Done
This is a Middle Secondary option for this Civics topic. ‘At a glance - Student introduction, Focus question 1 : How can Australian citizens influence government action ? Focus question 2 : How do governments and political parties respond to new issues ? Focus question 3 : How can Australian citizens influence the media and how does the media influence governments and political parties ? Focus question 4 : How are disputes between State and Federal governments resolved ?’ Discovering Democracy Units. -
Identity and Culture [ASO - Australia’s audio and visual heritage online]
13 collections related to Identity and Culture - from Australian Identity to Multicultural Australia. These are part of a larger collection linked to education and learning about Australia. ‘The clips in this collection are accompanied by teachers’ notes created by specialist curriculum writers. Expert curators’ notes also provide useful background material’. -
Learning About
Identity Through Art and Self Portraits - An Art Lesson Plan for F-2
Australian Curriculum Lessons. ‘Students learn to understand who they are in terms of identity and begin to understand how history can affect their identity. They also learn about common characteristics of Aboriginal artwork and its different interpretations, as well as attempting to draw human characteristics or faces’. -
My Culture and Identity
Twinkl. ‘Take your EYLF class on a journey through the many sides of Australian cultural identity with these dedicated activities, worksheets and resources. Whether you’re learning about languages, different countries, or any other factors that make us different, we have plenty of activities that will engage even younger learners in thoughtful discussion about the nature of identity and culture’. -
National Identity
Presentation from Radio National by Sara Cousins. Based around the theme of National Identity it poses a range of questions and ideas that could lead to interesting discussions. -
Popular Culture 1945 - Present
History Teachers’ Association of Australia. ‘Music has been chosen as the exemplar to indicate the range of approaches and activities that can be utilised in a study of popular culture’. Program, Learning Sequences, resources, even Unit Assessment. Year 10. -
Raffaello Carboni’s Perception of Australia and Australian Identity
Article by Gitano Rando on Carboni and his views of an emerging Australian identity. [Carboni was involved in the Eureka Stockade.] Secondary students. -
‘Resources developed to support the delivery of anti-racism education in the classroom. They will assist students to engage positively with other peoples and cultures and to better understand Australia’s cultural diversity and history’. Activities for Years K-2, Years 3-12 and Activities on computers. -
Sport and Australian Culture [National Library of Australia]
‘This resource is aligned to the Australian Curriculum : Health and Physical Education for Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students. Students will engage with a rich selection of sources and be challenged to draw their own conclusions about the role of sport in Australia’s culture and history’. -
The People Make a Nation
This is an Upper primary option for this Civics topic. ‘At a glance - Focus question 1 : Was Australia always organised in states and territories ? Focus question 2 : What were the arguments for and against Federation ? Focus question 3 : How did the people make the nation ? Focus question 4 : How does the Australian federal system of government work ?’. Discovering Democracy Units. -
The Road to Australia
Mawson Primary School. ‘This is a Year 6 unit integrating History, Geography, English and Technology curriculum areas. It is aligned with the Australian Curriculum and addresses the question : Who were the people who came to Australia and why did they come ?’ -
Voices of Australia
An education resource for Australian secondary school teachers. ‘Allows for the different stories of Australian people to be heard and celebrated in the classroom. Students will increase their awareness about experiences of diversity, discrimination, race relations, friendship and respect. Curriculum linked’. -
What Sort of Nation ?
This is a Middle Secondary option for this Civics topic. ‘At a glance - Focus question 1 : What sort of nation has Australia been? What sort of nation is it today ? Focus question 2 : How has immigration shaped the kind of nation we are ? Focus question 3 : How do economic factors shape and reflect the kind of nation we are ? Focus question 4 : What responsibilities do individuals, communities and governments have for the welfare of Australian citizens ? Focus Question 5 What kind of country do we want Australia to be: ’. Discovering Democarcy Units. -
Who’ll come a Waltzing Matilda with me ?
‘Aims to reveal some of the important primary and secondary sources that have informed the stories, myths and interpretations behind the song. Explore the original sources that tell the multiple stories of Waltzing Matilda’. Archived site available on Trove. ‘This site aims to reveal some of the important primary and secondary sources that have informed the stories, myths and interpretations behind the song’.
G - L
Australia - Cultural life [Britannica]
‘Australia’s isolation as an island continent has done much to shape - and inhibit - its culture’. Multiple sections from Daily life and social customs to Cultural Institutions and through history and change to the cultural impact of recent times. -
Australian Culture
Category listing for Wikipedia pages. 39 sub-categories plus 67 further pages at time of inclusion. The main article for this category is Culture of Australia [see also [4] below]. -
Australia’s Cultural Diversity
Includes ‘Overview; Diversity of birthplace; Diversity of language; Diversity of religion and spiritual beliefs’. From RacismNoWay. -
Australia’s Culture Portal
‘Connecting you with Australian Culture online’. Now archived through Trove. -
Cultural Cringe
Origin, By country [in seven [7] countries including Australia], Connection with cultural alienation, bibliography, references, further reading. Wikipedia. -
Culture of Australia
Historical development of Australian culture, Symbols, Language, Humour, Arts, Religion, Public Holidays, Cuisine, Clothing and Apparel, Sport, Folklore, Attitudes, Beliefs and stereotypes, References and See also. Wikipedia. -
Culture of Australia [Countries and their Cultures]
Article with extensive data on many aspects of Australia and Australian life. -
Explore Inked : Australian Cartoons [National
Library of Australia]
‘Please enjoy this journey through Australian history with some of the best cartoons from the collections of the National Library of Australia’. The Stan Cross inclusion [Stop Laughing … ] is among the best ever. -
Oral History and Folklore [National Library
of Australia]
‘Our Oral History and Folklore collection records the voices that describe our cultural, intellectual and social life. The collection consists of around 45 000 hours of recordings, the earlier ones dating back to the 1950s when the tape recorder became available’. Folklore recordings, Interviews with distinguished Australians, Interviews with people who have lived through significant social trends and conditions and Environmental sounds. -
Culture [NAA]
‘Popular culture – magazines, music, radio, television and social media – have helped create a shared Australian identity. It is continually changing and reflects Australian society at the time’. -
Pop Culture - Year 10 Modern History
‘Culture, in the broadest of terms, refers to the meanings, values and ways of life of particular groups, nations and classes. Pop culture is generally seen as a set of ‘signifying practices’ that produce meaning’. A range of background readings and videos provide significant information for discussion. -
The Cultural Atlas
SBS. ‘The Cultural Atlas is an educational resource providing comprehensive information on the cultural background of Australia’s migrant populations. The aim is to improve social cohesion and promote inclusion in an increasingly culturally diverse society’. Australian Culture is one major area covered as part of this. Information on other cultures is provided, including specific areas such as Core Concepts, Religion, Family, Greetings, Naming, Dates of Significance, Etiquette, Do’s and Don’ts, Communication, Other Considerations, Business Culture, Population Statistics and References. There is also a Glossary and Training and Resources. -
What is Australian Culture ? - WorldAtlas
‘The way of life of the Australian people draws its influences from diverse sources with the British, who had previously colonised Australia and the native Australians having the most significant impact. The most dominant influence in their way of life comes from Western traditions’.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following may contain images and voices of deceased persons.
The Dreamtime, with multiple stories, as well as several other Beliefs.
Aboriginal Dreamtime
A wide range of videos [including a few listed below] covering the Aboriginal Dreamtime. Some cover specific stories, others lead to story groups, some feature discussions and explanations. You may need to be selective in regard to some of the offerings which appear to be out of place. -
Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories
‘Here are Dreamtime stories from Aboriginal Australia’. They include the story titled Thukeri. ‘This Dreamtime story is about two men who lived on the shores of Lake Alexandrina and who belonged to the Ngarrindjerri people’. This story is also available as a video. Thukeri [video] was made for secondary classes. -
Dreamtime Stories and the Creation Myths of Australia
Ancient Origins. ‘These Aboriginal origin stories or “Dreamtime” stories play an important role in Aboriginal art and are considered a place where every person exists forever. Here we’ll explore a small selection of Aboriginal creation myths to whet your appetite for more’. -
Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories - Japingka Aboriginal Art Gallery
‘The history of the Dreamtime word and its meanings says something about the development of the ideas held about the Aboriginal world and how they are expressed through art. Dreamtime Stories List - Click on any of the Dreamtime stories in the visual list below to read. Learn More About the Dreamtime’. -
Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories,
Year 3 and 4
‘This series of lessons will allow students to explore and analyse traditional Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories. Upon completion of the program, students will write their own Dreamtime stories’. Displays links to the Australian curriculum. -
Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime – also known as The Dreaming
‘The oldest stories in Australia are the oral Aboriginal stories passed down through generations for thousands of years’. -
Australian Dreamtime
‘Aborigines have the longest continuous cultural history of any group of people on Earth, dating back - by some estimates - 65 000 years. Dreamtime is Aboriginal Religion and Culture’. Explanations of these beliefs. -
Dreamtime Introduction - Aboriginal Australian Art &
Multi-section presentation. Dreamtime Introduction, Dreamtime Meaning, Songs of the Dreamtime, Dreamtime Chart and Dreamtime Symbols. -
Dust Echoes - The Mimis
Dust Echoes is a series of twelve beautifully animated dreamtime stories from Central Arnhem Land, telling stories of love, loyalty, duty to country, Aboriginal custom and law’. Select the remainder from the listing at right. [4:50]. For other videos check the listing on the right of this page. Further information is found via FUSE. -
How the Kangaroo got its Pouch
One of a number of Dreamtime stories. [5:37] There are links to other stories from this page via the menu on the right. -
The Dreaming
‘The Dreaming is an award winning animation series recommended by educational institutions throughout Australia and is widely used as a teaching resource for across the curriculum studies in schools and learning institutions in each State & Territory for Years 1-10. These animated films are based on Australian Aboriginal storytelling [oral histories] that have been maintained as a body of knowledge for over 40 000 years. The Definitive Dreaming Series’. Purchase details available. -
What are Wandjinas ?
Creative Spirits. ‘Wandjinas are sacred. Inappropriate Wandjina figures. Where can you purchase Wandjina images ?’
The Dreamtime, with multiple stories, as well as several other Beliefs.
12 Canoes
‘We are the Yolngu people of Reimagining, in the northern part of Central Arnhem Land in Australia’s Northern Territory. This website is built for us, for everyone. There are 12 stories here about where we live, about how we came to be, about our history and about how we live now. We welcome you to know about us, about our culture, this way’. May require Adobe Flash to run.
Brilliant ! -
65 000 yrs - the great history of Australian Aboriginal Astronomy [Kirsten Banks]
‘This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organised by a local community’. [11:40] -
Aboriginal Culture
‘Australian Aboriginal culture varies throughout the continent and people from different regions have different languages, weaponry, utensils, tools, basketry, art styles, ceremonial dress and beliefs in their Ancestral Beings’. 15 Aboriginal Culture Topics are listed. -
Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Histories and Cultures [The Australian Curriculum, Version 8.4]
‘These illustrations of practice offer rich contexts and ways for embedding the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority in and across the learning areas of the Australian Curriculum for Years F-10’. You should now also check F-10 Curriculum - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures [The Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0]. -
Aboriginal astronomy [AIATSIS]
‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been observing the skies for millennia. It is where ancestral beings exist and observe. It is both a map and guide to navigation, seasons and cultural practice’. -
Aboriginal Culture
38 individual items with most related clearly to Aboriginal culture. Image, Heading and brief descriptor for each with further information once you select an item of interest to you. -
Aboriginal Culture and Heritage [Victoria]
‘Discover more about how to recognise, respect and protect Aboriginal culture and heritage’. -
Aboriginal Culture and History [Aboriginal Cultural Capability
Victorian Public Sector Commission. Though opening at this section, there are multiple sections available from the menu on the right side of the page. There are also specific links to additional information. Some sections will prove of greater value than others. -
Aboriginal Culture [Creative Spirits]
‘The page links on this website are a collection of what I read about Indigenous culture mainly in Aboriginal newspapers. Select from the categories to learn more about a specific field of Aboriginal culture’. -
Aboriginal Symbols Glossary
‘Many of the symbols used by Aboriginal artists are a variation of lines or dots. Similar symbols can have multiple meanings according to the art region and the elaborate combination of these can tell complex Dreamtime stories’. There is also access to information about Aboriginal Symbols & Iconography. -
Australian Aboriginal Culture [ Wikipedia]
‘Oral tradition, Arts and Crafts, Astronomy, Beliefs, Customary Law, Ceremonies and sacred objects, Cuisine, Fire practices, Language[s], Literature, Medicine, Music, Sport and games, References, Bibliography, Further reading’. -
Australian Aboriginal Astronomy [Wikipedia]
Also see Australian Indigenous Astronomy : 65,000 Years of Science [1:20:54], Aboriginal Astronomy [Behind The News, ABC] [video plus Teacher Resource and links to further information] and Aboriginal Astronomy resources [UniMelb. These are linked to the curriculum]. -
Brief Introduction to Australian Aboriginal Culture
‘This presentation was made to briefly educate people on the culture of Aboriginal Australian people. This presentation was created by two Aboriginal university students with the purpose to create awareness in the workplace’. [4:24] -
Inclusion - First Nations Course
‘The First Nations Course is designed to assist people in understanding the importance and advantages of Australian Indigenous cultural diversity. The course explores themes central to understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures as they apply to the workplace. Each theme is brought to life through a series of bespoke Indigenous artworks created by leading artist Elizabeth Close from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in central Australia. The image on this page is of courtesy Elizabeth Close’. -
Indigenous Australian Astronomy
‘Aboriginal people have strong connections to the land as Australia’s first peoples. They are also known as the first Astronomers and through oral tradition, they pass down stories and beliefs that govern their way of life. The night sky played a significant part of their lives from navigation, when to hunt and gather, to spiritually connecting them to worlds beyond. I will be sharing their stories and connections to the Great Southern Skies, and what is currently being done in Australia to promote indigenous astronomy to the public’. [1:00:54] -
First Nations Cultures
State Library of Queensland. Includes sections covering Languages, Community History, Contemporary Stories, Blogs, Exhibitions and Recordings, Showcases, Family History, various Collections and Indigenous Knowledge Centres. -
Hidden Histories
‘Wangka Maya’s Hidden Histories Project sheds new light on some of the little known stories of early contact between Aboriginal people and white people. While some of these stories are extremely sensitive, Wangka Maya believes it is important they are recorded’. -
‘NAIDOC celebrations are held around Australia in the first full week in July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC originally stood for ‘National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee’. This committee was once responsible for organising national activities during NAIDOC Week [see History of NAIDOC] and its acronym has become the name of the week itself’. -
Our Dreamings
‘Our Dreamings is an interactive Multimedia CD-ROM. This educational resource with comprehensive educational notes and links is highly recommended for teachers, students, art lovers and anyone wanting greater understanding and appreciation of Australian Aboriginal art and culture’. -
The Flight of Ducks
‘Australian online documentary spanning more than 70 years. It began when F.J.A. Pockley [my father] travelled to Central Australia in January 1933 where he undertook a private camel expedition from Hermannsburg Mission to Mount Liebig. He brought back cinefilm, photographs, journals, Aboriginal objects. The collection provides insight into the end of the frontier period when there were still isolated groups of Aborigines yet to experience non-Aboriginal contact’. Click on the top duck for an index. -
The Role of Family & Kinship
in Aboriginal Culture
‘The notion of family in Aboriginal culture is closely tied to themes of connectedness and kinship. In this setting, family structures are pivotal to identity formation, understanding one’s own spiritual and cultural belonging and assists in establishing strong links with community. Ultimately, family and kinship are a cohesive force that bind Aboriginal people together’. -
Understanding Aboriginal Dreaming
‘The Dreaming explains the origin of the universe and workings of nature and humanity. It shapes and structures life through the regulation and understanding of family life, the relations between the sexes and obligations to people, land and spirits’. -
Why are culture and identity important ?
‘No matter who you are, we all have culture. Each person’s culture is important; it’s part of what makes us who we are. As we learn about Indigenous culture, we can begin to relate to each other better, recognise the cultural history of this land and value the ongoing, rich cultural legacy of this place we call home’. For related material click on the Discover and Learn menu item at the top, then select Our Cultures and select from the remaining 6 items available.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
City of Sydney. ‘Observing customs demonstrates respect for cultural traditions and histories’. -
Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome
to Country
Reconciliation Australia. ‘Welcome to Country is delivered by Traditional Owners, while an Acknowledgement of Country can be offered by any person’. Further details from this page. -
Ethical guidelines
for research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
National Health and Medical Research Council. ‘Guidelines Framework, AIATSIS Code of Ethics’, other sources of information, explanations and more. -
Ethical Protocols for Working with Indigenous Australians
Subject Guide from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Islander Studies. -
Indigenous Cultural Protocols
SBS Guidelines. -
Mainstream Media Coverage of
Aboriginal Issues
Creative Spirits. ‘Media easily skew their reporting of Aboriginal issues towards common stereotypes, making Aboriginal people feel angry. If journalists cannot find a balanced view they risk prosecution’. Multiple sections in this article. -
Protocols for Consultation and
Negotiation with Torres Strait Islander People
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. ‘Practices such as Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country enable the wider community to share in Aboriginal culture and Torres Strait Islander culture and lead to better community relationships and understanding’. -
Protocols for using First Nations Cultural and Intellectual Property in the Arts
‘The protocol guides are available free on the Council website’. -
Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols Guide
An explanation of what protocols are, plus an explanation of what to say/do in a range of specific circumstances. -
Welcome to Country
Queensland Government. Covers What is Welcome to Country ?, When is a Welcome to Country required ?; What is an Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners and Elders ?, An example of an Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners and Elders and Is there a fee for a Welcome to Country ? -
Welcome to Country
and Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners [Aboriginal Victoria]
‘A Welcome to Country or an Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners recognises the continuing connection of Aboriginal Traditional Owners to their Country’. -
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement
of Country []
Very clear information relating to Who, When and What.
Includes not only general language but also information on Idiom, Slang and ‘Strine’.
Indigenous language
information is found on the Indigenous Languages page.
Aussie Slang Dictionary
‘Fair Dinkum Australian Slang Mate’. You can also select special areas e.g. Food Slang, Rhyming Slang and The Outback. -
Australia Decoded
‘Lavishly Illustrated, Fully Searchable Australian English Dictionary. Including : Strine and rhyming slang; Words borrowed from the Aborigines; Information about government, settlement [colonisation], Aboriginal culture, geology, flora and fauna, cities, national parks and much, much more’. Go to the Site Map : Australia Decoded page and select the initial letter[s] for the word[s] you are seeking.
Highly Recommended ! -
Australian Dictionary - Australian Slang, Aussie Slang Phrases & Sayings, Words, . . .
‘The free online slang dictionary for Australian English and Aussie slang. Thousands of Australian slang words and Aussie phrases defined and rated by our users’. -
Australian place nicknames search [School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics,
A huge number of towns, cities and more, some with multiple nicknames, others with only one. Multiple options both for finding those already included plus an option to provide new words. -
Australian Slang Terms : The Official Aussie Dictionary
“The Official Australian Dictionary”. ‘Before you test out a new Aussie slang phrase, consult the official Australian slang dictionary and make sure you actually know what you’re saying’. -
Australian Slang Dictionary ‘It wasn’t easy but we’ve tried to include uniquely Australian slang here and to exclude British and American slang even though these are commonly used in Australia’. -
Australian Slang Dictionary [R-Z]
‘Completing the guide to speaking ’Strayan. We conclude the list of fair dinkum Aussie slang terms and phrases. Have a stickybeak’. The Australian Slang Dictionary [A-F] can be found by using this link while the Australian Slang Dictionary [G-Q] can be accessed using this link. Australian Times. -
Australian Slang - Speaking Like An Aussie
‘English is the main language of Australia but for the first time visitor or uninitiated you could be forgiven for thinking you’d come across an entirely new language. We don’t want to offend anyone with a sensitive nature so please be aware that the Australian slang page contains some swear words.’. -
Colloquialism and Slang Collections
If you become interested in slang, its origin and use, you could do worse than access some of the items listed in this bibliography. The same applies to information with Regional Australian English which often has different words for the same thing. -
Glossary of Slang and Peculiar
Terms in Use in the A.I.F. 1921-1924
‘Compiled by the newly formed Australian War Memorial’s librarians over the period 1921 to 1924. A snapshot of the language of the soldiers who had fought for Australia and the Empire in the Middle East and Europe. Over 900 terms are included. We can get a real sense of how the average soldier spoke [the swear words that no doubt were also a central part of the soldiers’ vocabulary did not make it, although some are alluded to]. We also gain a sense of how Australian soldiers brought to the battlefields a distinct Aussie identity revealed in this language’. Australian National Dictionary Centre. -
How to understand Australians
- Slang Words & Expressions
‘Want to know how to understand Australians ? Learn these everyday slang words to help you understand Australians when they speak English’. This is the transcript of the video which you can view, also titled How to understand Australians - Slang Words & Expressions [15:35]. -
Is Australian a Language ? The Languages Of Australia Explained [Lingalot]
‘Australian is not a language but they do speak a distinct version of English that has been influenced by Australian culture and history over the years. As well as English, 50 000 people in Australia actually speak an indigenous language [more on these later]. This post will discuss the different languages spoken in Australia [there’s a lot !] and what makes Australian English so different to American English’. -
Let Stalk Strine !
‘Taken from a publication called “Strine” by Afferbeck Lauder. Published by Ure Smith, Sydney. A lexicon on modern Strine usage’. -
Meanings and Origins of Australian Words and Idioms
‘A selection of Australian words, their meanings and their etymologies’. Listed alphabetically. Australian National Dictionary Centre. -
The A-Z of Aussie Slang [Australian
‘Your ultimate guide to the origins of our unique words and phrases. Think you know your Australian slang ? You may have been barking up the wrong tree for donkey’s years’. Kel Richards provides a wealth of information on how such terms and words were created. -
The Australian Slang Dictionary : . . .
Containing the words and phrases of the thieving fraternity, together with the unauthorised, though popular expressions now in vogue with all classes in Australia. Compiled in 1895. Even the introduction is fascinating. Many of the words and expressions have now gone out of use, but the book provides a narrow window to a much earlier age. Read Online. The Catalogue entry at the National Library provides other details as well as links to related works also available through the National Library. -
The Gold Rushes and Australian English
A Resource for Researchers, Teachers, and Students. ‘The documents are intended to encourage students to do their own work with source material’. 13 groupings. Australian National Dictionary Centre. -
The Macquarie Australian Slang
Download the Introduction here. You can also download the whole of the dictionary as a PDF if you are interested. There are 24 downloads to get a complete copy. -
The Vocabulary of Australian English
‘This document outlines some of the most important sources of Australian words, and some of the important historical events that have shaped the creation of Australian words. Borrowings from Australian Aboriginal Languages; English formations; The convict era; British dialect; British slang; Gold; and Wars’. Australian National Dictionary Centre. -
The Ultimate Aussie Slang Dictionary
Wander Inn Bunbury Backpackers. ‘Australia’s everyday language, which is rich with slang, reflects experiences from the country’s history. From borrowings of Aboriginal language words, through convict sources, the gold rushes and bushranging to the First World War, words have emerged to describe essential aspects of the Australian character and identity’. Go to page 14 to start the actual listing. Be sure to read the Disclaimer. -
Yeah, nah : Aussie slang hasn’t carked it, but we do want to know more about it
Monash Lens. An interesting article linked to research into ‘Metaphors and Identities in the Australian Vernacular’.