curriculum [n.]

[pl. curricula (UK) or curriculums (US)] - the subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes.
- ORIGIN : Latin ‘a course, but of the kind that one runs around [it came from currere, to run]’.

syllabus [n.]

[pl. syllabuses or syllabi] - [a plan showing] the subjects or books to be studied in a particular course, especially a course that leads to an exam.
- ORIGIN : From Late Latin syllabus, “list”, ultimately a misreading of Greek sittybos, “parchment label, table of contents”, of unknown origin.
Cambridge Dictionary and Online Etymology Dictionary.

As part of a federal system, each state and territory previously developed their own curriculum. A national [Australian] curriculum is now being implemented covering Foundation [first year of school] to Year 12.

As The Australian Curriculum [The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website is now live] site indicates -
The Australian Curriculum sets the goal for what all students should learn as they progress through their school life – wherever they live in Australia and whichever school they attend’.

At the same time -
‘The Australian Curriculum can be used flexibly by schools, according to jurisdictional and system policies and schedules, to develop programs that meet the educational needs of their students and that extend and challenge students. Schools implement the Australian Curriculum in ways that value teachers’ professional knowledge, reflect local contexts and take into account individual students’ family, cultural and community backgrounds’. [The Australian Curriculum]’.

Each of the Australian Curriculum and the state and territory sections is structured in the following way :

  • The body/bodies in charge of curriculum;
  • Information about the curriculum in that sector including other bodies, specific policies, other documents/reviews/ . . . , then finally,
  • Any related information considered worthy of inclusion.

This page covers the Australian Curriculum, curriculum and syllabi in all states & territories, other curriculum sources and related information, . . . .



  • Assessment [ACARA]
    ‘We are responsible for the development of the National Assessment Program [NAP]’.
  • Curriculum
    ‘ACARA has developed the Australian Curriculum that provides teachers, parents, students and the community with a clear understanding of what students should learn, regardless of where in Australia they live or which school they attend’. [See link to the Australian Curriculum below.]
  • News and Media
    Media Releases; News; Facts; Presentations and Articles; Publications; Resources for parents and carers; education blog; Presentations and Articles; Video Library; Newsletters; more.
  • Publications
    These range from NAPLAN National Reports through Curriculum Publications to Perspectives on the My School website.
  • Reporting
    ‘ACARA is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing, evaluating and reporting statistical and related information about educational outcomes’.
  • Video Library
    More than 120 videos at the time of the last update. There is a huge variety of topics from An Introduction to Digital Technologies to the National Assessment Program.



  • Australian Curriculum
    Now v9.0 . F-10 Curriculum; Senior secondary curriculum; Parent information; Student diversity; Resources/publications. As they indicate - The Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website is now live. If you still want to check information from the Version 8.4 curriculum, you need to use this link - The Australian Curriculum [Version 8.4].


  • F-10 Curriculum
    This first major section of the site covers the following :
  • F–10 Curriculum Overview
    ‘The Australian Curriculum sets high aspirations for what all students should know and be able to do, and supports improvement in Australia’s educational performance’. Includes : Why do we have an Australian Curriculum ?; About the Australian Curriculum; Three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum [including video; Information about the 3 other major areas [also see below]; Planning, teaching, assessing and reporting; Implementation of the Australian Curriculum; Resources; and FAQs. Separate sections are listed below.
  • Learning Areas
    You can Quick Select [as it initially appears on the page] or Advanced Select [more options to specify exactly what you are seeking] your options. Find information on subject areas and the year level in which you are interested.
  • General Capabilities
    ‘I want to view general capabilities for … . Select the general capability you want to view from the options’ listed on the page, e.g. Critical and Creative Thinking.
  • Cross-curriculum Priorities
    ‘I want to view cross-curriculum priorities for … . Select the cross-curriculum priority you want to view from the options’ listed on the page, e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures’.
  • Overview
    ‘Senior secondary subjects are available for the English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences learning areas. Explore the links [below] to view each senior secondary subject on the Version 8.4 Australian Curriculum website’.
  • English
    ‘English; English as an Additional Language or Dialect; Essential English; Literature’. Links go to the v8.4 entries.
  • Mathematics
    ‘Essential Mathematics; General Mathematics; Mathematical Methods; Specialist Mathematics’. Links go to the v8.4 entries.
  • < Science
    ‘Biology; Chemistry; Earth and Environmental Science; Physics’. Links go to the v8.4 entries.
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
    ‘Ancient History; Modern History; Geography’. Links go to the v8.4 entries.
  • Senior Secondary Curriculum Overview
    ‘Visit the Senior Secondary Curriculum Overview’. Link goes to the v8.4 entry.
  • Student Diversity
    This section of the site covers the following. ‘The Australian Curriculum promotes the development of inclusive teaching and learning programs by building on students’ interests and abilities. ACARA is committed to providing a curriculum that supports all students to access, participate and progress in their learning. The Australian Curriculum provides all students with equitable access to a curriculum that encourages excellence and high expectations for all students. On this page you’ll find links to resources that help teachers respond to student diversity, e.g. Planning for diversity, Meeting the needs of students with disability, Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students, Meeting the needs of students for whom English is an additional language or dialect and Jurisdiction and sector resources’.
  • Illustrations of Practice
    ‘ACARA has developed a set of videos and associated resources known as illustrations of practice, to demonstrate effective pedagogy and practice in diverse contexts. These have been filmed across a range of schools, year levels and teaching and learning environments. They demonstrate how the three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum, learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities, can be integrated into learning plans. Note the copyright information at the bottom of the page’. This comes from v8.4.
  • Planning for Student Diversity
    ‘The Curriculum, Abilities, Standards, Evaluation [CASE] process is the suggested approach for teachers to use when personalising student learning. When teachers use the CASE process to plan teaching, learning and assessment, they go a long way to ensuring that every student’s entitlement to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning experiences is prioritised. The Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0 provides advice within each learning area for supporting students with diverse needs. Please visit the Understand the learning area sections via the F–10 curriculum selector tool and see Key considerations’.
  • Meeting the needs of Students with a Disability
    ‘Teachers are required to provide learning opportunities and choices for students with disability on the same basis as those offered to students without disability. The Australian Curriculum supports this by providing a curriculum that can be used flexibly to meet the needs of all students. The content, process, products and learning environment should be adjusted in response to student goals, abilities and interests’.
  • Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students
    ‘Gifted and talented students benefit from rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities based on the Australian Curriculum content. These learning opportunities should take account of each student’s individual strengths, abilities, interests and goals. Planning with the 3 dimensions of the Australian Curriculum allows teachers to support gifted and talented students in meeting their full potential’.
  • Meeting the needs of students for whom English is an additional language or dialect
    ‘Australia is a culturally and linguistically diverse nation with many students for whom English is an Additional Language or Dialect [EAL/D] accessing the Australian Curriculum. Many are learning English as a third or fourth language and come from varied backgrounds, experiences and English language proficiencies. This group includes First Nations Australian learners who may have rich language experiences and who do not use Standard Australian English [SAE]’.
  • Jurisdictional and sector resources
    ‘When planning for students with diverse needs, teachers are encouraged to look closely at the advice provided by jurisdictions and school sectors. The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability [NCCD)] is a national database enabling schools and jurisdictions to better understand the needs of students with disabilities’.


This major section of the curriculum site covers the following information :

  • Download The Australian Curriculum
    You can download a copy of the curriculum. Each component can be downloaded in .pdf format. You can also download the complete F-10 package in Excel format [.xslx]. This is the v8.4 version.
  • Publications
    ‘Primary Matters; Curriculum activity Report; Program of Research [2017- 2020]’.
  • Resources
    ‘This site houses a range of resources that can be used to support teachers as they implement the Australian Curriculum. The resources have been developed by ACARA after intensive work with a range of schools and teachers. The resources include illustrations of practice, work samples, connections to the curriculum and teaching and learning tools [as well as links to reports and relevant research]’.
  • The Australian Curriculum - Mobile Edition
    ‘Developed for iPad. The complete Australian Curriculum for F-10 and Senior Secondary. All F-10 and Senior Secondary documents, available without an internet connection !’.


  • Asia Education Foundation
    ‘Asia Education Foundation [AEF] connects our school leaders, teachers and students across Australia and 23 countries in the Asia-Pacific through engaging virtual, online and face-to-face exchange programs. By connecting with each other, building relationships and networks, and learning with and from each other, we can grow together and create an inclusive, diverse world. Our curriculum resources support teachers and school leaders to provide these learning opportunities for students. Our virtual exchange and physical exchange programs connect teachers and school leaders across countries, schools and contexts to collaborate and learn with and from each other’.
  • Education Ministers Meeting [Department of Education]
    ‘The Education Ministers Meeting is a forum for collaboration and decision-making on : early childhood education and care, school education, higher education and international education. Australian, State and Territory government ministers for education attend the meeting. The Commonwealth Minister for Education is the Chair of the Education Ministers Meeting’. The current Work Priorities from 2022 are detailed.
  • Education Services Australia
    ‘Education Services Australia is a ministerial not-for-profit company committed to making a positive difference in the lives and learning of Australian students. ESA works with all education systems and sectors to improve student outcomes, enhance teacher impact and strengthen school communities. ESA provides development, sharing and deployment of nationally owned technical data and assessment systems, digital teaching and learning resources, tools and services and information and communications technology services’.
  • Education Services Australia [ESA] Solutions
    ‘ESA has clients with a range of ideas and requirements. We team them together with smart, innovative solutions created with user-focus and simplicity in design. Our staff expertise comprises technology, UX, content development, project management, content curation and quality assurance. Select a product or service below to learn more’.
  • National Museum of Australia
    ‘Explore classroom resources all linked to the Australian Curriculum and inspired by defining moments in Australian history or objects in our collection. Australia’s Defining Moments Digital Classroom - Explore our pioneering digital resource, taking Australian history into classrooms around the country, in partnership with Gandel Philanthropy. You May Like offers further resources for you to consider’.
  • What is the Quality Schools package and what does it mean for my school ?
    ‘This fact sheet provides an overview of the Government’s Quality Schools package [PDF and .DOCX versions available]. The Schooling Resource Standard and Quality Schools, Quality Outcomes [PDF version available], along with Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System provide newer information about activities. Their School Funding Glossary, ‘a list of words and phrases used when describing Australian Government school funding’ may also prove useful and interesting.
  • Schools Online Thesaurus
    ‘The Schools Online Thesaurus [ScOT] provides a controlled vocabulary of terms used in Australian and New Zealand schools. It encompasses all subject areas as well as terms describing educational and administrative processes. The thesaurus links non-preferred terms to curriculum terms. It also relates terms in a browsable structure. These features make ScOT an ideal vocabulary to integrate into search mechanisms of learning management systems’.
  • Scootle
    ‘Scootle - a national repository that provides Australian schools with digital resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum’.

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  • ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies
    In relation to curriculum ‘the principal functions of the Board are to accredit or register courses taught by recognised educational institutions; to approve recognised education institutions for teaching vocational education courses and to establish guidelines for the development of courses’ in the senior secondary area.
  • ACT Education Directorate
    ‘We aim to develop and deliver educational services to empower each child and young person in the ACT to learn for life’. See curriculum information in the next section.


  • ACT Senior Secondary Curriculum
    ‘The ACT senior secondary system recognises a range of university, vocational or life skills pathways. A defining feature of the system is school-based curriculum. School-based curriculum provides flexibility for teachers to address students’ needs and interests. College teachers have an opportunity to develop courses for implementation across ACT schools. Senior secondary curriculum makes provision for student-centred teaching approaches, integrated and project-based learning inquiry, formative assessment and teacher autonomy’. Links to a range of other areas from BSSS Courses, Curriculum Development, New and Updated Courses and Frameworks as well as Recently Expired Courses.
  • The Australian Curriculum
    ‘All ACT Kindergarten to Year 10 schools use the Australian Curriculum. From Semester 1, 2024 all schools in the ACT that currently implement the Australian Curriculum V8.4 will move to the Australian Curriculum v9.0’. Parents and others may be interested in The Australian Curriculum – An Overview for Parents.
  • Catholic Early Learning Curriculum Guide
    This provides further information about the Early Learning Curriculum.
  • Curriculum – Catholic Education
    ‘Our schools align to the relevant National or State based curriculum requirements. ACT schools are committed to delivering the Australian Curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 12’.
  • Curriculum Policy
    The Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Catholic Education Office.
  • Curriculum Requirements Policy
    ‘This policy sets out the responsibilities for the implementation of the ACT Curriculum in school plans and teaching and learning programs in ACT public schools’.
  • Monitoring of the Australian Curriculum Report 2019 : an ACT cross-sectoral response
    ‘This report is the collaborative work of the ACT Education Directorate [ACTED], Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn Catholic Education [CECG] and the Association of Independent Schools ACT [AISACT]. All sectors work together as integral partners in the implementation of the ACT’s Future of Education : An ACT Education Strategy for the Next Ten Years and support ACT schools in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum’.
  • Our Curriculum
    ‘Australian Curriculum; Languages in Schools; Health and Wellbeing; Religious Education; Aqua Safe Water Safety and Awareness Program; Board of Senior Secondary Studies’.


  • The Future of Education Strategy
    ‘The ACT Government believes every child deserves a great education and the life chances which flow from it. Our education system must support all children to overcome and achieve. The Future of Education Strategy sets out how the ACT Government will strive towards this for the next generation. It applies to the whole system including all schools, government and non-government’. FAQs on this page answer many possible questions.

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  • NSW Education Standards Authority
    ‘The NSW Education Standards Authority is an independent statutory authority reporting to an independent Board and the NSW Minister for Education. Making sure all children and young people in NSW leave school ready to take advantage of life’s opportunities, as well as to rise to its inevitable challenges, is at the heart of what we do. We achieve this by supporting the school sectors to deliver the best possible outcomes for students through high-quality syllabuses, assessment, teaching standards and school environment’. For specific area information see links in the next section. NESA content will soon be improved and moved to a new location on the NSW Government website so it is easier to find and read. Content will be moved in stages. Users will be redirected to when content has been moved.


  • Implementing New Syllabuses
    ‘See which year new primary and secondary syllabuses will start to be taught in NSW schools’.
  • News
    ‘All news; News stories; Official notices; Media releases’.
  • Kindergarten - Year 10
    Select Kindergarten - Year 10 from the top menu. ‘Years [linked to stages]; Learning Areas; Understanding the curriculum; Diversity in Learning; Resources; Leaving school. New NSW Curriculum Reform syllabus : Implement from 2023’.
  • NSW and the Australian Curriculum
    ‘In NSW, Australian Curriculum is incorporated into K–10 syllabuses and is represented through codes and icons within syllabus documents. For Stage 6 courses, Australian Curriculum is the agreed common base for development of courses with flexibility to modify, re-order and supplement the Australian Curriculum to maintain the breadth and high standards of NSW senior secondary curriculum and to ensure compatibility with the NSW assessment and examination system’.
  • Parents’ Guide
    ‘Schooling in NSW; Transitioning to school; Primary school K–6; High school : Years 7–10; High school : HSC; HSC minimum standard; NESAParent Charter; Parent Guide to the NSW Primary Syllabuses and more.
  • Student Guide
    ‘Study and Exam Resources; Exam Checklist [multiple sections e.g. Check assessment requirements for your course, Know the rules]; Results; Receiving your HSC; Life after school’. For students in Years 11-12.
  • Syllabus Development Process
    ‘The new syllabus development process was successfully piloted for the K–2 English and Mathematics syllabuses. It has since been further reviewed and refined, in consideration of the timelines and stakeholder feedback, and scaled for application with the remaining K–12 syllabuses. The new syllabus development process strikes a balance between rigour and flexibility, and ensures a continued focus on engagement with teachers and education stakeholders. For more information, see the NSW Curriculum website’.
  • Year K-10 Syllabuses
    Listed alphabetically and includes those for K-10 and 7-10. Running from Aboriginal Languages to Work Education.
  • Year 11 - Year 12
    Select Year 11 - Year 12 from the top menu. You will find information on ‘Learning Areas; HSC; Leaving school; Understanding the curriculum; Diversity in Learning; and Resources’.
  • Syllabuses A–Z [Stage 6]
    All syllabuses listed alphabetically from Aboriginal languages to Work Studies [CEC].


  • Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW
    This is an archive-only site. Operated prior to NESA. Links to other NESA sites; Authority Portals; Partner Websites; more’.
  • Curriculum for Record of School Achievement [Years 7 to 10]
    ‘The curriculum for the Record of School Achievement provided by a registered and accredited non-government school must meet the requirements of the Education Act 1990 [NSW]. The curriculum from Year 7 to Year 10 for students who are candidates for the RoSA must meet the study requirements for each key learning area as detailed on the ACE website and be taught in accordance with a syllabus developed by NESA and approved by the Minister’.
  • Curriculum for Higher School Certificate [Years 11 to 12]
    ‘The curriculum for the Higher School Certificate provided by a registered and accredited non-government school must meet the requirements of the Education Act. Schools must refer to the ACE website and NESA Official Notices for details of their responsibilities’.
  • Literacy and Numeracy Strategy
    2017-2020. ‘As part of the strategy, NESA is also working on a range of strategies and resources to help teachers boost students’ literacy and numeracy skills’.
  • Program Builder
    ‘Program Builder is being phased out as part of the NSW Curriculum Reform. Previous syllabuses are being incrementally removed and Program Builder should no longer be used once new syllabuses are implemented in schools. For more information on new syllabus releases go to our detailed Curriculum Reform timeline’.

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  • Northern Territory Board of Studies
    ‘The Northern Territory Board of Studies [NTBOS] provides advice on curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification to all schools in the NT. The Board also issues certificates of educational attainment and manages student awards including the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training [NTCET]. Go to this Department of Education website for more about the Northern Territory Board of Studies [About the Board; Members; Policies and Guidelines; and Publications]’.


  • Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting and Certification
    ‘The Department of Education [the Department] is committed to improving education outcomes for every child in the Northern Territory [NT] by optimising curriculum provision, using best practice assessment principles and ensuring integrity in all reporting and certification obligations’. Policies and Guidelines; Curriculum policy; Procedures, guidelines, support documents and resources; and more.
  • Keeping Indigenous Languages and Cultures Strong
    ‘A plan for the teaching and learning of Indigenous Languages and Cultures in Northern Territory schools’.
  • Northern Territory School Curriculum
    Covers Primary Years Curriculum, Middle Years Curriculum and the Senior Years Curriculum.
  • Northern Territory Preschool Curriculum
    ‘A curriculum for teachers to implement the five outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework and supports intentional teaching of language, literacy and numeracy through play based learning’. Links to Early years learning framework and Families as First Teachers.
  • NTBOS Year 10 Curriculum
    ‘This page contains information for teachers about the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training [NTCET] including forms and guidelines; NTBOS Year 10 templates; Stage 1 and 2 information; Other documentation’.
  • STEM in the Territory Strategy 2018-2022
    ‘STEM in the Territory is addressed in the Australian Curriculum through the learning areas of Science, Technologies and Mathematics, and through the general capabilities of Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology [ICT], Ethical Understanding, Personal and Social Capability and Critical and Creative Thinking. The STEM in the Territory Strategy 2018–2022 is a response to the National STEM School Education Strategy and will guide and support schools to prepare students for life-long learning and work by supporting quality STEM education opportunities, ensure all young people in the NT are equipped with coding skills as an emerging essential literacy, implement professional learning opportunities for teachers and trainers in STEM education and pedagogy and expand enterprise education and innovation programs so students receive advice and training in newly emerging industries’. You can Download the STEM in the Territory Strategy 2018–2022 [PDF version] here.
  • Teaching & Learning [Catholic Education Northern Territory]
    ‘Primary Years; Middle Years; Senior Years; Vocational Education and Training; Numeracy; Literacy; Religious Education; NAPLAN Assessment and Reporting; Inclusion Support Services; and Aboriginal Education’.
  • The Northern Territory Indigenous Languages and Cultures Curriculum
    ‘The revised Northern Territory Indigenous Languages and Cultures Curriculum is now complete and available for schools. The curriculum was developed by a reference group led by Indigenous educators from across the Northern Territory. At the heart of the curriculum is cultural knowledge, organised across three strands’.


  • NTBOS Publications
    ‘Annual Reports; Confirmed Minutes; Strategies and Discussion papers’.

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  • Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
    ‘The QCAA is responsible for Kindergarten guidelines and senior secondary syllabus development and for providing resources and services to help teachers develop curriculum, teaching and learning programs from Kindergarten to Year 12. It also provides testing, assessment, moderation, certification and vocational education and training services to Queensland’s education community’. Links to major sections and responsibilities.


  • Australian Curriculum in Queensland
    ‘Queensland schools plan, teach, assess and report using the Australian Curriculum in Prep – Year 10. Includes P–10 Australian Curriculum Newsletter; Learning Areas; General capabilities; Cross-curriculum priorities; Implementation Advice; Professional development; P-10 Resources Search; Frequently used resources; and Career/Work Education’.
  • Curriculum [Education and Training] - Queensland Government
    ‘The P-12 Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework [P-12 CARF] specifies the curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements for all Queensland state school principals and staff delivering the curriculum from Prep to Year 12. Contact your school to discuss your child’s assessment and curriculum. School contact details are available by phoning 13 QGOV [13 74 68] or searching the Schools Directory’.
  • Curriculum [Department of Education]
    ‘Stages of Schooling; Curriculum into the Classroom [C2C]; P–12 curriculum, assessment and reporting framework; learning@home; CARA guidelines; Respectful relationships education program; Australian Curriculum; Queensland Academies; STEM Hub’.
  • ISQ - Educational Performance & Development
    ‘Independent Schools Queensland’s [ISQ] advocates for excellence in teaching and learning in every classroom to ensure students can achieve their full potential, regardless of their background or personal circumstances. ISQ supports member schools to implement evidence-based practices that improve student outcomes. The suite of learning, teaching and leading programs help to empower educators while building quality teaching practices and improving student outcomes’. They are currently moving to a new site. Monitor for further information in the months ahead.
  • QLearn
    ‘QLearn is the department’s new digital learning management system for student learning that has replaced The Learning Place. QLearn is a simple, engaging and reliable learning ecosystem that can support every student and learner at every stage of their learning journey. The QLearn Learning Ecosystem is comprehensive and includes’ a range of items as listed on the page. These include some still to arrive. It also discusses the roles to be played by students and parents.
  • Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
    Covers curriculum for the following school groups :
  • Kindergarten
    Includes the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline [QKLG] [PDF version can be downloaded using this link].
  • Prep – Year 10
    There are multiple sections including the Australian Curriculum, Transition from Kindergarten to school; Transition to senior secondary and NAPLAN. There are also links to other areas.
  • Senior Secondary [Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority]
    ‘Information about the QCE and Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement [QCIA]; links to senior pathway planning and QCE resources for school communities; links to subject syllabuses and teaching and assessment resources; information about assessment and results; information about vocational education and training [VET]; information about the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank [ATAR]’. Links to each of these, also links to other related areas.
  • Teaching & Learning QCEC
    Includes sections on Curriculum; Early Childhood Education; Inclusive Education; Vocational Education and Training plus more.


  • News and Data [Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority]
    ‘This contains our Annual Report; brochures and factsheets, newsletters and magazines for students, schools and parents/carers; memos about actions required by schools; statistics on student enrolments and assessment outcomes; and syllabus amendment notices’.
  • Past Curriculum Documents [QCAA]
    ‘This page contains past curriculum documents. Past Queensland curriculum documents remain a valuable resource, providing guidance for scope and sequence’.
  • Reports and Papers
    ‘This page provides links to QCAA [Developing the new QCE system and Retrospectives] and QSA [Consultation with ACARA and Review of Senior Syllabuses]’.

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  • Education Standards Board SA
    ‘The Board is an independent statutory authority responsible for the registration and regulation of early childhood services and registration of schools for domestic and overseas students. This work is carried out to ensure high-quality education services and high standards of competence and conduct by providers. The Board’s priority is to minimise any risks to the safety, health and wellbeing of children. We respond with regulatory action that is responsive and proportionate to the risks and harms being addressed’.
  • SACE Board of South Australia
    ‘The SACE Board of SA is responsible for the accreditation of subjects, the recognition of learning, and the assessment of student learning that contribute to meeting the completion requirements of the South Australian Certificate of Education [SACE]. The SACE Board provides the SACE to schools in government, independent and Catholic sectors in South Australia and assesses the achievements of students in the Northern Territory and at centres across Asia’.


  • Curriculum [Department for Education]
    ‘An overview of curriculum taught to South Australia students from birth to Year 10. The national Early Years Learning Framework guides the learning of children from birth to 5 years of age and through the transition to school. It is a guide to the programs in a range of early childhood settings. The Australian Curriculum is taught in government schools for Reception to Year 10 students’. The Keeping Safe : Child Protection Curriculum link is also found on this page
  • Curriculum and Learning in Schools []
    ‘Assessment and school reports; Curriculum in South Australian schools; Programs and extra-curricular activities; and Student support programs’.
  • Curriculum and Teaching
    Department for Education. ‘Curriculum taught in SA; Year 10-12 curriculum; Remote teaching activities; Curriculum programs; Teach Podcast; Library - Education Leaders’ Day; Pathways to further education and employment; Teaching and Learning Resources; Teaching for effective learning; Assessment; Technical colleges for VET in high school’.
  • Curriculum in the Early Years
    ‘Curriculum taught in South Australia; Literacy and numeracy; Learning from home; Learning with your child [GreatStart]; and Child Protection curriculum’. Select Early Years from the options available.
  • Curriculum in South Australian Schools
    ‘Curriculum describes the core knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities students should learn as they progress through school’. Included on the page is information on the Curriculum for Reception to Year 10, Curriculum for Years 10 to 12, Vocational education and training for school students and links to other related websites.
  • For parents and families
    Select Curriculum and Learning from the options provided. You will also find information about Early Years; Primary and Secondary; Literacy and numeracy; Reports and assessments; School Sport SA; Aboriginal school programs and initiatives; and STEM learning.
  • Learning & Teaching [Catholic Education South Australia
    ‘Our teachers deliver a comprehensive curriculum in their classrooms, supported by school leadership and our parents - in a partnership designed to ensure every student experiences success according to their unique characteristics and talent. Our schools use the Australian Curriculum as the basis for their teaching and learning programs’.
  • Making the Australian Curriculum work for us in SA
    Leading Learning. ‘A resource for SA schools to support working with the Australian Curriculum, to design engaging and intellectually stretching learning experiences for all students. Provided are a range of stimulus and workshop materials to lead ongoing professional development’.
  • SACE and Subject Renewal
    ‘Subjects in the SACE are regularly renewed to make sure students are learning the skills and capabilities to succeed in the 21st century. During the renewal process we work with educators, industry specialists, students and the wider community. View the list of subjects currently being renewed and a snapshot of future subjects’.


  • CSER Digital Technologies Education [University of Adelaide]
    ‘We run a range of Digital Technologies programs for Australian teachers, including our free, online CSER MOOC courses, free professional learning events and our National Lending Library’.
  • Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment Policy [SACE]
    ‘The SACE Board of South Australia is committed to providing all students with opportunities for success in completing the South Australian Certificate of Education [SACE]. The SACE Board, as an education provider, and schools, as educational institutions, share responsibilities and obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Disability Standards for Education 2005 to make reasonable adjustments in curriculum and assessment to enable students eligible on the grounds of disability to participate in programs, and associated assessments, on the same basis as other students’.
  • World-class education in South Australia by 2028
    ‘Our strategic plan outlines the work we have done, our current focus and the future steps as we build a world-class public education system in South Australia. The plan focuses on 6 key levers and outlines the reforms we will implement over the next 3 years to help us achieve growth for every child and student in every public preschool and school in South Australia. This plan is for everyone – staff, parents, carers, employers, the South Australian community – a coalition committed to our world-class ambition. Download a copy of Strategic Plan – Towards 2028’ [PDF format].

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  • Approved Learning Frameworks
    ‘The National Quality Framework includes two approved learning frameworks that support and promote children’s learning. Approved learning frameworks; Updated frameworks; Birth to five years; Resources for educators; Resources for families; School-age children - Resources for educators; Resources for families’. There are also Key links for curriculum information listed in the lower section of this page.
  • Curriculum [Parent Fact Sheets]
    ‘What your child will learn in Tasmanian Government Schools. The curriculum refers to the courses and subjects that are taught to students. The best way to find out what your child is learning about is to ask them directly. We also encourage you to speak with teachers and the school principal if you would like more detailed information about the curriculum.’.
  • Catholic Education Tasmania
    ‘Learning and Teaching - Australian Curriculum Contents; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education; Early Learning; Gifted Education/Extended Learning; Vocational Education and Training’. They also have an F-10 Curriculum page which uses the Australian Curriculum and The Tasmanian Catholic Education Good News for Living Religious Education Curriculum.


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  • CECV - Your Child’s Learning - Primary
    ‘All our schools meet the curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements set by the Victorian and Australian governments. Catholic schools base their curriculum on the Victorian Curriculum F–10, including Towards Foundation Levels A–D, which sets out what every student should learn during their first 11 years of schooling’.
  • CECV - Your Child’s Learning - Secondary
    ‘Catholic schools base their curriculum on the Victorian Curriculum F–10, including Towards Foundation Levels A–D, which sets out what every student should learn during their first 11 years of schooling. Some Catholic secondary schools offer the International Baccalaureate, which includes its Middle Years Program [students aged 11 to 16] and Diploma Program [students aged 16 to 19]’.
  • Curriculum Programs Foundation to Year 10 : Policy []
    ‘This policy outlines the requirements for school-based curriculum programs in Victorian government schools across Foundation to Year 10’.
  • Curriculum Planning
    Department of Education. Includes ‘on this page - Curriculum frameworks and advice; Resources; In practice examples; Additional resources’ [using Maths as the basis for the presentation].
  • Policy and Practice - Policies for Students with disabilities or additional needs in government schools
    ‘On this page : Inclusive practice; General inclusion policies; Health and medical policies; Engagement policies’. Each section provides much greater detail.
  • Revised Victorian Curriculum F-10
    ‘Victoria will soon start rolling out the next version of the F-10 curriculum. Find out when and how’. Currently offering information about current structures and requirements.
  • Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
    ‘On this page : Overview and benefits; Timeline; Placing teachers at the forefront; Reporting; Stay up to date; and Contact’. There is a range of information provided for each these sections.
  • Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework
    ‘The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework [VEYLDF] focuses on early experiences and learning from birth, and gives best practice advice to early childhood professionals on ways to support children and families through the first eight years of a child’s life’.
  • Victorian Curriculum F-10
    ‘Sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. It incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards’. A second page for this is also found at the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
  • Whole-School Curriculum Planning Resources
    ‘These curriculum planning webpages offer school leadership a range of resources to support planning and documenting a comprehensive whole-school curriculum’.
  • Download the Curriculum
    Use this page to download any/all curriculum documents.
  • Frequently asked Questions
    These range from What is the relationship between the Australian Curriculum and the Victorian Curriculum F–10 ? to What are the reporting requirements for the Victorian Curriculum F–10 ?.
  • VCAL Curriculum
    ‘The VCAL has four curriculum areas, called strands. For further information about VCAL, Contact the VCAL unit’.
  • VCE Curriculum
    ‘Study Designs; International Programs; Higher Education Studies; FAQs; General Advice and Policy; I want to … ; Northern Hemisphere Timetable; plus Student Guides’.
  • VCE VET Programs
    ‘VCE VET programs are VET qualifications approved by the VCAA following consultation with schools, industry and training providers. They lead to nationally recognised qualifications and provide an opportunity for students to receive credit towards their VCE, VCE VM, VPC or VCAL’. The listed VCE VET programs can be included in the VCE, VCE VM, VPC or VCAL


  • Previous Curricula
    Covers and has links to, ‘Ausvels which was the Foundation to Year 10 curriculum [2013-2016] for Victorian government and Catholic schools. , Victorian Essential Learning Standards [VELS] [2005-2013] and Curriculum and Standards Framework [1995-2005]’.
  • Quick Guide to the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2022
    ‘This guide provides an overview of the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model, originally released in 2019, and its alignment with the new Framework for Improving Student Outcomes [FISO] 2.0 . FISO 2.0 places students at the centre of school improvement, represented by the shared student outcomes of learning and wellbeing’.

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  • School Curriculum and Standards Authority [SCSA]
    ‘The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is responsible for Kindergarten to Year 12 curriculum, assessment, standards and reporting for all Western Australian schools. The Authority; Kindergarten to Year 10; Years 11 and 12; Student Information; Parents and Community; International Schools; Publications; Events; Forms. To keep up to date, subscribe to our monthly online circulars [available from the home page]’. The Frequently Asked Questions page should prove helpful.


  • Learning and Wellbeing [CEWA]
    Includes Diverse Learning, Psychology, Safety and Wellbeing and Learning programs which incorporates Curriculum K-12.
  • The Anglican Schools Commission - Curriculum
    ‘Western Australian Anglican Schools Commission schools meet all requirements of the Western Australian Curriculum Council and offer a comprehensive range of subjects to students in accordance with the WA Curriculum Framework. The curriculum follows a developmental sequence from Kindergarten through to Year 10. At Years 11 and 12, students are able to undertake a comprehensive range of Tertiary Entrance subjects. They are also able to undertake vocational courses and school-based apprenticeships’.
  • Western Australian Curriculum [Department of Education]
    Overview covering the Kindergarten to Year 10 curriculum and information about the Western Australian Certificate of Education. ‘There are eight learning areas. You can find out about the specific content for each learning area and each year level from Pre-primary to Year 10 at School Curriculum and Standards Authority’.
  • Western Australian Curriculum [SCSA]
    Pre-primary to Year 10. ‘The Western Australian curriculum encompasses ACARA’s Australian curriculum English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, year-level syllabuses for Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Technologies, The Arts and Languages remain broadly consistent with the Australian curriculum but have been contextualised to make them more suitable for Western Australian students and teachers’.
  • K-10 Outline
    ‘For all students from Kindergarten to Year 10. It sets out the mandated curriculum, guiding principles for teaching, learning and assessment and support for teachers in their assessment and reporting of student achievement’.
  • Guiding Principles
    ‘The Guiding Principles for Western Australian Schools promote equity and excellence in Western Australian schools. The Guiding Principles are also informed by the The Alice Springs [Mparntwe] Education Declaration and the Australian Curriculum’.
  • Implementation Requirements
    Done in calendar years to 2023 with the implementation position clearly indicated
  • Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines
    ‘The Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines reinforce the themes of the Authority’s Kindergarten and Pre-primary Statement for Western Australia and the Guiding Principles for Western Australian schools outlined in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline’. You can download the whole document or individual parts of the Framework from this site [PDF format].


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The following links connect to curriculums from other countries.


  • Alberta Education - Programs of Study
    ‘Find out more about what students learn in Alberta’s K to 12 education system and get resources to support their learning. Alberta’s Early Childhood Services [ECS] to Grade 12 curriculum is outlined in provincial programs of study, which identify what students are expected to learn and do in all subjects and grades’.
  • British Columbia - New Curriculum
    ‘Sets education standards for students in grades K to 12 through the provincial curriculum. These are called Prescribed Learning Outcomes [PLOs]. PLOs outline the expectations for what students should know and be able to do at each grade and within each subject area’. Access information by using the Quick Links, Search by Subject, or use the menu links at the top of the page.
  • The Ontario Curriculum
    ‘Elementary curriculum and also the Secondary curriculum. Information given by Grade and Subject’. Each subject gives access to Curriculum context, Grades, Resources and Downloads. Additional information is also available on related aspects, e.g. Program Planning and Assessment and Evaluation. This curriculum is available in PDF only.
  • Saskatchewan Curriculum
    ‘Browse by Grade or Subject. Use Quick Links and by hovering over the Grade indicators in the top menu [this opens up a drop-down menu to specific areas for that level]. In addition to curricula, numerous resources are always available on this website under each grade or subject by opening the link All Resources for This Curriculum’.


  • The New Zealand Curriculum
    ‘The National Curriculum is composed of The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa which set the direction for student learning and provide guidance for schools as they design and review their curriculum. Although both come from different perspectives, each start with a vision of young people developing the competencies they need for study, work, and lifelong learning, so they may go on to realise their potential’. Downloads available - Curriculum; Revised technologies area; Curriculum achievement objectives by level.
  • The NZ Curriculum Online
    ‘This site offers information, resources, news, advice, and guidance, inspiring school stories, practical ideas, research reports, how to get support, and much, much more. There are also two curriculum documents available [as indicated in the above link]. Click on one or both and you will be taken to a page where you can download a wide range of documents including copies of both as well as other material’.


  • Curriculum and Subjects [Primary]
    ‘The primary school curriculum is designed to give children of school-going age a strong foundation in learning. Learn about the school syllabus, subjects and programs. Overview; Mother Tongue languages; Subjects and syllabuses; Subject-based banding; Learning support’. Click on individual links for further information.
  • Courses and subjects for Secondary Schools
    ‘Courses are pathways that shape a student’s journey through secondary school. Each course offers a suite of subjects catering to students’ strengths and interests. Eligible students can transfer between courses, or take certain subjects at a higher level through subject-based banding’.


  • England - National Curriculum
    ‘The national curriculum for England to be taught in all local-authority-maintained schools. Curriculum by Key Stages; programs of Study by subject; Other curriculum subjects; Curriculum assessment; Curriculum interviews’. Covers all levels.
  • Northern Ireland - Curriculum [CCEA]
    ‘The Northern Ireland Curriculum was introduced in 2007 and covers all 12 years of compulsory education. It’s a curriculum that focuses on the learning process and learners’ needs, as well as their knowledge, understanding and skills’. Aims and Objectives; Skills and Capabilities; Areas of Learning; Learning Experiences; Attitudes and Dispositions; Assessment. Links to other areas on the larger site.
  • Scotland - School Curriculum and Qualifications
    ‘The Curriculum for Excellence [CfE] is the national curriculum used from nursery to secondary school. It was implemented in 2010. It comprises a broad general education up to the end of S3 [third year in secondary] followed by a senior phase of learning from S4 to S6. Emphasis is placed on inter-disciplinary learning, skills development and encouraging personal achievement’. Links to a range of further information.
  • Wales - Curriculum and Assessment
    ‘Curriculum for Wales; Curriculum for Wales 2008; Curriculum Plans; Curriculum Reviews. Current school curriculum’.
  • Wales - Education is changing
    ‘The biggest change is a new curriculum for schools and funded non-maintained settings in Wales from September 2022[up to Year 6 and some of Year 7]. It will affect all schools other than independent schools. The curriculum has been made in Wales but shaped by the best ideas from around the world. The new curriculum will be taught in all schools and funded non-maintained settings up to Year 7 from September 2022. It will then roll out year by year until it includes Year 11 by 2026’. You can access Guides from the above page, as well as check FAQs and look at some videos about the change.


  • Common Core State Standards
    ‘The Common Core State Standards establish clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do in Maths and English language arts from Kindergarten through 12th Grade. On this page you can find the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts. The standards are temporarily located on this page while we work to address technical challenges with Thank you for your patience and we will share an update on when we have one’.
  • Edinformatics - US Curriculum Plans
    ‘Every state [e.g. California] and most major US cities [e.g. Philadelphia] are developing their own curriculum frameworks. Most have the completed frameworks online’. Also has links to other curriculum bodies and numerous educational databases.
  • Why Does Every State In The U.S. Have A Different Educational Curriculum ?
    TeAchnology. ‘At present, the state curriculum is developed by the state with the help of education experts, school systems, school administrators and teachers themselves. A curriculum guide is often presented on the district level. The teachers often have the upper hand in developing the modules of what will be included in their teachings’. Links to all state education departments. Use these to find curriculum information for each state.


  • International Baccalaureate ®
    This group operates several programs for different age groups with a curriculum that is not necessarily the same as that in standard schools. Over 5 000 IB World Schools [IBWS] worldwide.
  • Montessori Curriculum & Program
    ‘Programs at our Montessori schools are defined by the practical application of sensory-based and self-directed learning through the authentic Montessori Method. From the beginning, our experienced teachers prepare children to be focused, independent and innovative learners, as well as responsible, respectful and mindful individuals’.
  • Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum [PEEC]
    ‘PEEC is a research-based, explicit Positive Education curriculum that has been developmentally sequenced from Early Learning [age four] through to Year 12. The curriculum is built on ten years of experience with Positive Education at Geelong Grammar School and is designed in consultation with world-renowned researchers in the field of positive psychology’.
  • Curriculum - Rudolf Steiner School
    ‘Curriculum Overview For Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary’. There is an Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework ‘developed in response to the 2009 Federal Government’s proposal to create a mandatory Australian Curriculum for all schools’.


  • ACSA
    ‘The Australian Curriculum Studies Association Incorporated [ACSA] was established in 1983, providing a national forum for dialogue between those engaged in curriculum work. It is a broadly based educational association supporting the professional interests of educators in curriculum work from all levels and sectors within and beyond Australia’. Publications, IDEAS, Projects, Awards, Conferences, Webinars, Events.
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
    ‘A global community dedicated to excellence in learning, teaching and leading’. Their journal, Educational Leadership, is worth considering. They also have a range of webinars available to members. USA.
  • Australasian Curriculum Assessment Certification Authorities [ACACA]
    ‘ACACA is the body for the chief executives of the authorities in the Australian states and territories and in New Zealand responsible for curriculum, assessment and certification in education’.
  • CCR
    CCR brings together non-governmental organisations, jurisdictions, academic institutions, corporations, and organisations including foundations’. NSW and Victoria are members.
  • Curriculum Development
    ‘IBE-UNESCO. IBE-UNESCO is the global centre of excellence in curriculum and related matters. As a leading UNESCO Institute we are recognised and valued for the specialist knowledge and expertise that we bring to Member States promoting new shared global understanding of curriculum issues ’. Use the filter options to refine what you are looking for.
  • Kraus Curriculum Development Library
    ‘This searchable database of curricula, frameworks, and standards brings together educational objectives, content, instructional strategies, and evaluative techniques for all subjects covered in PreK-12 and Adult Basic Education’. Please click here for a PowerPoint tutorial. Please click here to download a free version of PowerPoint Viewer.


For all educational journals, see the Education Journals page.

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