drama [n.]
1. a work to be performed by actors on stage, radio, or television; play. 2. the genre of literature represented
by works intended for the stage. 3. the art of the writing and production of plays. 4. a situation or sequence of events that is
highly emotional, tragic, or turbulent. [Additional information as well.]
- ORIGIN from Late Latin : a play, from Greek : something performed, from drān ‘to do’.
Collins English Dictionary
Drama is a craft that allows people to present the written word in auditory and visual forms. The material can be new or from earlier times such as Shakespearean plays, dramatic or humorous, contain a message [morality plays] or just for entertainment, from one of many genres, English or from another culture, an individual or group presentation, ranging from a reading to full performance with costume and props, a live presentation or using one of many media formats. The options are almost endless.
This page covers drama as used in education settings. Australian sites are provided, as is information on drama lessons, tutorials, frameworks and more. Find links to scripts, skits, plays, improvisations and other drama resources, the majority free. There is information about other roles associated with drama and also community drama sources.
‘Formerly known as the Speech and Drama Teachers’ Association of Queensland Inc.; SDTAQ Inc.. We offer support to teachers and students through events, publications, teaching and learning materials and services’. -
Drama Australia
‘Drama Australia is the peak national body that represents and advocates on behalf of all state and territory drama education associations in Australia. All members of state and territory Drama associations are automatically members of Drama Australia’. It also provides Professional learning and other valuable assistance. -
ACT Drama Association
The homepage has previously been on Facebook. Once this situation has been finalised, we will replace with the new site or notify re what is happening. [This will be monitored closely and will be updated or removed, as the case may be.] -
Drama NSW
‘Drama NSW is the official, professional body which represents the teachers of Drama in NSW. It is run by, and for, early-childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary teachers, drama practitioners and theorists’. Resources, events, Professional Learning, Journal, Members material. You need to be a member to access many of their various resources. -
Drama Queensland
Professional development, publications, podcast, Resources, shop, more. You need to be a member to access their various resources. -
Drama Territory
‘Drama Territory offer PD opportunities both in location and via live streaming. These opportunities will cater for all levels of Primary and Secondary Education’. This is a Facebook Group page, which still appears to be operating. It will be monitored and any changes notified. -
Drama South Australia [DSA]
‘Providing]opportunities for Drama teachers to create connections with each other, to share resources and knowledge and access high quality professional development’. Professional Learning, Resources and Research, Conference, DramaSA Student Awards and more. -
Drama Tasmania
An Association for Drama in Education. ‘At Drama Tasmania we support the teaching and learning of drama and theatre in education. To encourage the use of drama across all levels of learning we promote its value in education and emphasise professionalism in all aspects of teaching’. -
Drama Victoria
‘Established in 1968, Drama Victoria is one of the oldest teacher associations in Australia. We are a not-for-profit organisation run by educators, for educators’. News, Events, Professional Development, Resources, Shop, more. -
The Association of Drama Educators WA Inc.. News and Updates, What’s On, Professional Development, Recommended Links, more. -
SDTAV – The Speech & Drama Teachers’ Association of Victoria
‘A not-for-profit organisation that represents qualified teachers across Victoria in the disciplines of voice and communication, drama and public speaking skills’.
‘Welcome to the ABCDE website, where you will find information about our Provincial Specialists Association plus support and resources for Drama teachers in BC’.
‘CODE creates and distributes educational resources supporting the Ontario Dance & Drama Curriculum and promotes dance & drama education in schools and communities throughout Ontario’.
Drama New Zealand
‘Drama New Zealand is the national body that represents and advocates on behalf of drama teachers, academics, applied theatre workers and theatre in education practitioners’.
‘IDEA is an international not for profit association. It is the peak body for drama/theatre and education. It operates across time zones, countries and cultures. IDEA is open to regional and international associations and to other institutes, bodies, networks, organisations, schools, universities and individuals working in drama/theatre and education’.
ND - National Drama
‘National Drama is the UK’s leading professional subject association for all teachers, educators and theatre practitioners in drama and theatre educational contexts and community settings’. Includes What We Do, Resources, Publications, Get Involved and more.
1 261 Top Drama Teaching Resources
‘Drama Worksheets, Drama Scripts, Elements of Drama, Drama Elements, Drama Powerpoint and Drama Activities’. Use the filters on the left to refine your search. [Total at time of update.] -
Arts POP [Arts - Packages of Practice]
‘Welcome to Arts-POP : a site to turn the idea of arts education into the practice of arts education. This site, which delivers expert advice in the arts through Packages of Practice [Arts-POP], will help Australian teachers develop lessons, units of work and classroom strategies’. The Drama section is found here. Other sections cover different aspects of The Arts [e.g. Dance, Media Arts, Music, . . . .]. -
‘An interactive theatre and arts website servicing the Australian performing arts community and theatre going public’ -
Australian Plays Transform – For Educators
The site includes Teaching Resources, State Curriculum Connections, Australian Cross-Curriculum Priorities and Teaching First Nations Content and Recommended Plays. ‘This list [Recommended Plays] encompasses plays for a diverse range of school ages. Many of the play pages will provide further indication of the intended cast age. You can also get these recommendations delivered via email’. There is also a Find a Play page where you have the option to list your requirements control the search for a Play, Monologue or author. You can Sign up here to access these plays.
Cats, Dogs and Us - Lesson Plans on
Living with Animals for Years 3 and 4
‘Through a variety of activities and discussions, students will analyse the special relationship people have with cats and dogs, develop essential vocabulary about the topic and understand how humans support, live with and use these animals. The unit of lesson plans calls upon the relationships that students already have with cats and dogs and extends their understanding and knowledge of responsibility. This unit is integrated across the KLAs as well as looking at the differing perspectives that relate to people’s interaction with cats and dogs’. Possible activities include ‘Imagine and act out roles and situations participating in dramatic play and role play and/or share role play, process drama and improvisations with each others’. -
Drama for Kids - A Mini Unit
on Emotions and Character [F-2]
‘This unit allows students to explore different emotions and how they impact people. Students will improve personal and social competence while working with others and by themselves for different improvisational tasks. Students will explore narrative perspectives of fairy-tale characters and how they can put themselves in someone else’s shoes’. -
Drama Lesson Plan : Elements of Drama, Character Building and Freeze Frames – Years 3/4
‘In this lesson plan students will learn about some of the elements of drama [role, character and relationships; voice and movement; space and time; and language, ideas, dramatic meaning, mood and atmosphere and symbol] through drama games, character building and freeze frames’. -
Lesson Plan : Elements of Drama, Soundscapes, Role Play and Role Creation – Years 3/4
‘This lesson plan follows on from the lesson above. In this lesson plan students will continue to learn about the elements of drama [role, character and relationships; voice and movement; space and time; and language, ideas, dramatic meaning, mood and atmosphere and symbol] through drama games, soundscapes, role play and role creation’. -
Drama for Kids - A Mini Unit on
Emotions and Character [F-2] - Australian Curriculum Lessons
‘This unit allows students to explore different emotions and how they impact people. Students will improve personal and social competence while working with others and by themselves for different improvisational tasks. Students will explore narrative perspectives of fairy-tale characters and how they can put themselves in someone else’s shoes’. -
Foundation to 2 Drama
Lesson Plans
3 Australian Curriculum lesson plans for these groups. This includes units separately listed in this section. -
Understanding Emotions - A Drama Lesson
Plan for Year 2
‘In this lesson plan students will be exploring how people sound, look and act when they are feeling particular emotions. Students will use masks to transform their body and/or voice to create characters in particular situations. This lesson was created for a Year 2 class’. -
Year 6 Drama Lesson Plan - Anti-bullying
Role Play
‘This lesson plan will enable Year 6 students to unpack social issues and aims to create empathetic relationships with other students by creating self awareness. Thus this lesson provides the following areas of development: social, physical, cognitive and language. The lesson is culturally inclusive and is predicated on role-play pertaining to anti-bullying. The role-plays will be used on the school website, creating intrinsic motivation’.
Australian Theatre for Young People
‘ATYP Education provides both Live and Digital drama experiences for school students of all stages’. Fee-based but reasonable. Their ATYP On Demand, ATYP’s free online classroom. There is also an On Demand Plus Program which has a fee. Teachers should also check the Professional Learning section. -
Drama Australia - Curriculum
Links to curriculum bodies for every state and territory. -
Drama Games for Kids to Engage them in the Classroom - Years 4 - 7
Teach Starter. ‘These theatre games are perfect for engaging students in years four and up and they incorporate important educational elements from ELA class, health class and more, so they’ll end up supplementing their entire education ! Bonus :They make great brain breaks for the traditional classroom too. Oh, and did we mention that we’ve managed to make them fun ?’ -
Drama Tech Space
A blog by Kim Flintoff [previously titled Dramatech Space]. It still covers some drama but also covers a number of other areas as well -
Drama - Scootle
220+ classroom resources including video, interactive, online, images, text and audio. Multiple filters enable you to narrow these to find specific types and topics. -
Drama Teaching Resources
‘An extensive collection of teaching resources to use when learning about drama in your primary classroom. Posters that highlight the elements of drama, drama activity cards, vocabulary word wall cards and ice breaker game cards. Use the comprehensive collection of readers’ theatre scripts to connect reading and drama in your classroom’. -
Education - Sydney Theatre Company
‘Welcome to STC Ed. Our Education programs provide enriching and unique opportunities for students, teachers and lifelong learners to engage with theatre. Check further information via the following - Schools Days, Student Learning, Teacher Learning, Resources, Our Community and Contact STC Education’. -
Helen O’Grady Drama Academy
‘Core programs designed for Students from 5 to 17+. They encompass a huge body of developmental drama’. Operating during school terms. Fee-based and operating in most states. -
NIDA - Schools and Teachers
‘NIDA offers outstanding performing arts educational opportunities for both students and teachers. Whether you are a teacher seeking specialist training, or interested in customised workshops for students, NIDA has a variety of unique and creative options to engage and educate. As the leading arts education institute in Australia, NIDA carefully designs programs to provide dynamic skills development to enhance the early childhood, primary and secondary syllabuses’. Check their Free Teacher Resources and Teacher Training sections in particular. -
The Drama Teacher
‘A blog created and maintained by Justin Cash and packed with resources for drama and theatre teachers at all levels of education’. -
The Drama Teacher - Resources
‘Free Drama Education Resources’. About 400 individual resources at time of update. -
Years 5 - 6 Drama Resources
‘Enjoy browsing our selection of resources for the drama classroom: posters, worksheets, PowerPoints and more. We have materials for enhancing acting skills and understanding the elements of Drama’.
Arts Education K-9
British Columbia Ministry of Education. ‘The revised Arts Education curriculum re-imagines the creative process away from a single, sequential process and toward the notion of multiple processes composed of phases of learning and development that generate quality thought and creative thinkers in any learning domain’. This has now been implemented and includes Drama. A curriculum for Arts : Grade 10 lists several Drama areas available to download or access on the web. Access different grade levels by using the Change Grade link.
Digital Theatre - Teaching with DT+
‘Bring the power of performance to your teaching. Inspire your English and Drama students with full-length productions, expert insights and thousands of time-saving resources in a range of formats to suit multiple learning approaches’ Separate English and Drama sections.
Drama Education Network
‘Curriculum, Teacher Training and Products for Arts Integration and Literacy in Pre-K, K-12, and College’. There is also a section for Staff Development.
USA. -
Drama Games for Kids
‘Here you’ll find the most comprehensive resource of drama games for kids and teaching drama tips. Drama games are an important part of any drama curriculum because they can teach valuable theatre skills while allowing students to have fun, build confidence, stretch their imagination and grow as an ensemble. Our goal is to provide you with the very best drama games that will help make your drama club spark to life. Check back often as we’ll be updating regularly’.
USA. -
Drama Lesson Plans
Designed for Years 7-9. ‘Our lesson pans have been carefully crafted to bring out the best in your students. Developed by drama teachers and road-tested with thousands of pupils each scheme of work explores a specific topic from across the broad school curriculum. Drama strategies are used to grow confidence, develop communication and build inter-personal skills. Most importantly, we believe that learning drama should be totally inclusive and fun for every student’.
Drama Resource - Drama Downloads – quick and easy !
Drama Games, Online Drama, Strategies, Teaching Tips, Lessons, Primary Drama Ideas, Apps, Books, Downloads, Videos, Webinars, Courses, and more.
Drama Toolkit
‘Drama Toolkit is a resource and support website for Drama teachers, workshop facilitators and Drama practitioners. A one stop shop for Drama that aims to take out the frustration of coming up with original Drama Lessons, Session Plans and Schemes of Work, so you can concentrate on using the Arts as an amazing tool for children and young people’.
Drama Teaching Resources
‘Enhance your drama classroom with our premium quality resources, designed to take your students’ learning experience to the next level. Our vast collection of resources includes lesson plans, activities, exercises and scripts, all specifically tailored for drama classrooms. Also check their Plays for Middle School and Plays for High School pages. Also check their Theatrefolk Podcast’.
Theatrefolk - Drama Teaching Resources
‘Enhance your drama classroom with our premium quality resources, designed to take your students’ learning experience to the next level. Our vast collection of resources includes lesson plans, activities, exercises and scripts, all specifically tailored for drama classrooms’.
Ultimate List of Dramatic Play Ideas for Preschoolers - Pre-K Pages
‘Pretend play is one of the most effective ways to help young children learn important academic skills in preschool. Setting up your dramatic play centre as a basic home-living or housekeeping centre is a great way to get started. But if you really want to engage and motivate your little learners, then you’ll want to try out some of these creative dramatic play ideas to give your centre a makeover’.
Creative Drama - Teaching Theatre Online
Resources for Your Classes. FREE and fee-based resources. Some are only free for a short period of time. As the site creator indicates - I’ve compiled resources that you and your students can access easily. That is, you can link to the web page, video, or PDF on your preferred online teaching platform and your students will be able to open the link, usually without having to provide login information/email’. -
National Drama - Learning Resources
A fascinating collection. ‘Here we have collated some external resources from various organisations to support your teaching. This is not an exhaustive list and we will keep updating. Please quality assure BEFORE sharing with your students. National Drama is not responsible for the content of these external links. Members of National Drama can access teaching and CPD resources via our Member Resources page by logging into their account’.
Recommended Links
A compilation collected by DramaWest. Multiple sections covering Government; WA Performing Arts Companies and Major Venues; National Organisations with Touring Engagement; Digital Engagement; Educational; and Associations for Drama Teachers. -
Theatre Links
Previously included under the title of Justin’s Drama and Theatre Links. As they indicate - “Thousands of categorised Theatre Resources”. Of the greatest interest may well be the ones in the Education Section. Be sure to check the whole menu listing for an even wider range of options. -
Theatre on a Shoestring
An extensive collection of link groups from Actors and Acting via Costume Design and Improv to Shakespeare and Theatre Education. Everything from lesson plans to resources for young playwrights. -
Virtual Theatre Education Resources [The Epic Crowdsourced List]
– Theater*ish
Includes links each with brief title/note under the following headings - ‘Digital Teaching Tools & Resources for Teachers; General Resources for all levels; Playscripts Available Online; Videos of Full Productions Online; Organised by Grade Level [high school/Key Stage 4 & 5/Year 10-13/Upper School; Middle School/Key Stage 2 & 3; Elementary School/Primary School/Lower School; Organised by Focus Areas; Lighting Design; Costumes/Make Up; Sound Design; Acting; Improv; Musical Theatre; Directing; Stage Management; Dance; Puppetry; Now available - 100 Virtual Theatre Games;’ and more.
Readers Theatre
An ‘alphabetical listing of readers theatre scripts with number of parts’, e.g. One Handed Catch [7], Billy GoatsGruff [6]. A really extensive list.
USA. -
Reader’s Theatre Editions
‘Reader’s Theatre Editions are free scripts for reader’s theatre [or readers theatre] adapted from stories written by Aaron Shepard and others - mostly humour, fantasy and world tales from a variety of cultures’.
USA. -
Readers Theatre Educational Resources
14 inclusions available for download. A different collection even though there are several stories to be used which are linked to the country’s source.
USA. -
Readers Theatre on Pinterest
‘Discover Pinterest’s 10 best ideas and inspiration for Readers theatre. Be inspired and try out new things’. -
Reader’s Theatre Scripts [Reading A-Z]
‘Perform without the need for props, costumes, or a set ! The scripts also provide an opportunity for group interaction and student cooperation’. -
Reader’s Theatre Scripts and Plays
‘Readers Theatre is a dramatic presentation of a written work in a script form. Readers read from a “script” and reading parts are divided among the readers’. -
Readers Theatre Teaching Resources
Twinkl. About 80 resources suitable for a range of ages. A mixture from traditional to the preset day. -
Results for Reader’s Theatre
Teachers Pay Teachers. A vast number of inclusions covering multiple aspects. Some come as individual items [small fees] while others come as bundles [more expensive]. If the number at the top is accurate you should be able to find everything you could ever want. -
Stories to Grow By - Readers Theatre
‘Our collection of Readers Theatre Play Scripts for Kids and the Classroom come from our award-winning Stories for Kids. We offer Readers Theatre Playscripts at every grade level for free’.
A number of these are free to use. The cost of the others varies depending on a wide range of factors.
11 Short Play Scripts for Teens in High School
‘We understand it can sometimes be difficult to search for and find a short play script. MB’s plays are free to use for educational purposes such as in high school drama class. Great for high school students’. all apparently for no charge. Check their FAQs if any doubts arise. A second site can be found at 16 One-Act Play Scripts for High School Students. Their home page links to monologues, scripts, plays and scenes.
USA. -
Alex Obt - Free playscripts for camp and school
‘This site is no longer being updated. These scripts are all freely available for download and use under an Attribution-ShareAlike license. You have my permission to download them, tweak them to meet your own needs, and perform them for free. All I ask in return is that you attribute the script to me [and my co-authors where applicable], and let me know if you’re putting it on ! You may also like to make a donation. You can find the latest versions, and more, over at my new Alex Bryant - I’m Nobody site’. -
ArtReach - School Plays
‘School Plays & Musicals written especially for young performers. Perfect for a large cast of younger students and easy for teachers to direct. Instant download available for all school play packages’. Fee-based. Check the Plays link in the top menu for a wealth of information.
USA. -
Australian Plays Transform
2 700+ plays you can search amongst using their Find a Play [top menu] process which allows you to be very specific about a range of aspects. There is also a Resources section including material for both playwrights and educators. Fee-based.
Drama Games for Kids
‘Drama Notebook is a leading resource of royalty-free plays for schools. Perfect for drama teachers, classroom teachers, after-school professionals, theatre companies and parent volunteers worldwide. Please take a moment to read about how the royalty-free script library works … . Be sure to check the other information via the menu at the top’ and alphabetical listing of all scripts/plays further down the home page. They also have a Pinterest page of 400 Free Plays to Use In Your Classroom.
USA. -
Dramatic Publishing
‘Your source for plays and musicals since 1885’. Secondary school and higher. Find the plays you want by using the Find a Play or Musical search engine on the right of the homepage. Fee-based.
USA. -
Drew’s Script-o-Rama
He now also has a second, “jazzed-up” version of Script-o-Rama. As well as the scripts, there is also a wealth of other resources, linked via the menu on the left. -
Fox Plays
Scripts, Books, Musicals, Plays, Christmas Music, School Music, Preview Scripts, contact details. Fee-based but some sections are free - online previews, production notes and lyric sheets for musicals as examples of this.
Free One Act Plays for Drama Class
‘Are you looking for original play scripts to use in your classroom ? Drama teachers and directors may use these one-act plays free for educational purposes. Written by playwright Wade Bradford, this collection of short plays primarily includes comedies. Your young cast and students can hone their skills on these scenarios that include time travel, talking turkeys and even a little romance’.
USA. -
Free Drama - Free Monologues, Scripts and Skits for Actors and Teachers Free Drama
‘Online Acting Scripts for Schools and Stage. Freedrama provides Monologues with 100% free script previews, as well as Short Skits, Comedy Scripts [funny, silly plays with humour], Duologues [2 actor scripts] and School Plays for teachers and students. You may use any Freedrama scripts for online lessons and performances. Making performance videos of Freedrama plays is always allowed. These scripts may be used for FREE but PLEASE do NOT repost the TEXT of any script online in any way’. -
Free Play Scripts ! [The Drama Teacher]
‘An annotated list of websites offering a wide variety of free online play scripts for drama and theatre teachers and their students’.
Lazy Bee Scripts - Scripts for Ages 5 to 12
‘Currently, we have 153 scripts in this category. Click on the underlined text to see descriptions of the plays. [From there, clicking on a title will take you to the script.] Click this link to browse through the whole collection of scripts suitable for this age-group. You can check out our best selling Schools and Youth Theatre scripts [filtered for this age group], or follow the links below to narrow-down the search …… ’. Multiple search methods to find what you want. They are fee-based with a special page to help find the exact price for individual items. The Lazy Bee Scripts Home Page provides much more information.
MYpita Drama
‘The following plays were written for intermediate students. Please feel free to revise and use as you wish. Please help this to be a growing resource by sending plays [those not copyright protected] that others may use to president@pita.ca for posting’.
Playscripts, Inc.
‘Playscripts, plays and musicals represent a great diversity of voices, styles and stories. They have been enjoyed in over 100 countries. We license amateur and professional productions, publish standard acting editions, binder books, collections and eScripts. Explore our 2 309 plays and musicals by 1 675 authors !’
USA. -
Playstage Junior - School Plays and Pantos
‘Royalty-free downloadable school plays and pantomimes’. Check the options in menu at the top of the page and be sure to read the introduction to see exactly what options are available. Listed under a number of groups. Fee-based. Christmas Plays to Traditional Stories. There are also two further links at the bottom to plays for Teenagers and for Older Actors.
Scripts for Kids Drama Plays
‘We offer original play scripts for primary and elementary schools & high school drama scripts. Scripts for kids 4-14 years. The best way to see a list of all play scripts is at Robert Reed’s Google Site’. Fee-based but appears reasonable. Some free scripts.
Lois Walker’s Scripts for Schools
‘Scripts for Schools has been providing teachers and community groups with Theatre Scripts, Choral Reading [Choral Speaking Scripts], Play Scripts and Puppet Play Scripts for the past twenty six years. Our scripts continue to be used by schools and community groups around the world’. Fee-based but fairly cheap.
Seomra Ranga - Drama Links
‘These links are just suggestions of websites that teachers may wish to visit to compliment their classroom teaching. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each individual teacher or school to determine whether the links provided are suitable for children to visit’. Most, but not all, are built around scripts though their content may still prove useful.
Simply Scripts
‘A database of hundreds of downloadable scripts, movie scripts, screenplays and transcripts of current, classic and maybe a few soon-to-be-released movies, television, anime, unproduced and radio shows’. -
Stage Partners
‘Stage Partners was created with the simple idea that regardless of whether you are a new drama teacher or an experienced artistic director, finding the perfect new play should be easy, engaging and exciting. Stage Partners has just what you need for your high school theatre program. You can browse all the plays. They are also free to read [newest releases, one-act plays, full-length plays, … ]. Search for plays using several filters. Find what are new releases and the best sellers. Check the range of play collections. They even provide an additional range of free resources for you to to use. They have been used by a number of Australian schools’.
USA. -
Teaching and Curriculum Resources for Drama Teachers
‘High School Plays, Middle School Plays, Teaching Resources, Practical Technical Theatre DVD Series’, more. Fee-based.
Ten Minute Plays and Scenes
‘Offers royalty free plays and scenes, ten minutes plays, scenes, plays for children, plays for small theatre groups’, more.
USA. -
Theatrefolk - You need great plays for your students. We can help
264 [at time of update] for Middle School and High School. Find by Grade level, Play Length, Cast Size, Genre, Gender, Actor Experience Level, Other Uses and/or Playwright. Each listing has additional information on the right hand side.
Arts On The Move
‘Arts On The Move provides drama teaching resources for schools, youth theatres, drama groups and young actors, Playscripts and Musicals and Drama Teaching Materials. You can also find Drama in Education information by using the Education link in the top menu’.
History of Western Drama; Classical Greek Drama, Classical Roman Drama, Medieval, Elizabethan and Jacobean, English Restoration Comedy, Modern and Postmodern, Opera; Pantomime; Mime; Ballet; Creative Drama; Asian Drama; Notes; Sources; Links. Wikipedia. -
Drama Warm Ups and Circle Games
‘These are all games which I use. I made the list for an inset session at my school, using Drama Club members to demonstrate in their after school session so staff could watch. I thought other people might find them useful too’.
Free Monologues for Acting Auditions
An overview of how they are best used plus links to a variety of monologues : dramatic, comedic, for males, females and teens, Shakespearean, movie and even one minute examples. -
Free Monologues for Kids and Teenagers
‘Drama Notebook holds a Monologue Contest every month for students aged 6-18. We are building a collection of fantastic original monologues for kids and teens entirely written by students. Winners are chosen monthly and featured on this page. While the monologues in this collection are FREE, they are copyright protected. They may not be reproduced in written form and published elsewhere. They may be used for educational settings without asking for permission. They may be used for auditions, performed in educational settings, used in school and community theatre performances and video-taped without asking permission’.
Drama - LibGuides at The Australian National University
History of drama and Access information about periods from Greek Drama to Symbolism and Expressionism while there are related links immediately below these. You can also Click on the links in the top, right section.
HAT The History of Australian Theatre
‘Here you will find links to over 900 photographs, articles, books, a blog, a searchable database of over 18 000 names associated with Australian theatre and a database of theatre programs. These links will take you off site. You can find them below’.
History of Theatre [PBS LearningMedia]
‘Instructor Elizabeth Jewell discusses the history of theatre from ancient Greece to the 20th century. She covers the Greek development of the stage, the Roman contribution of pantomime, the processionals of the Middle Ages, commedia dell’arte, Shakespeare, 17th century French comedy and the contributions of Henrik Ibsen and Anton Chekhov to the modernisation of theatre’. Also has links to Support Materials for Teachers and Support Materials for Use with Students.
USA. -
History of Theatre 1 - From Ritual to Theatre
This is the first of a number of videos following the development of theatre [see listing on the right of the screen]. You can either search the remainder or subscribe using the provided subscription link. [10:23] -
History of Theatre Timeline [By the School Fool]
Click on date boxes for further, brief information. -
History of Western Theatre : Greeks to Elizabethans
Wikibooks. A second book covers History of Western Theatre : 17th Century to Now. -
Theatre Styles and Playwrights Timeline
Dates and brief details fro an extensive number of period/influences. -
The Story of Theatre
Victoria and Albert Museum. ‘The V&A’s Theatre and Performance collections chart the fascinating history of theatre in Britain from the middle ages to today. From early dramatic forms, such as mystery plays and court masques, to the alternative and ‘in yer face’ drama of the late 20th century, via the patriotic wartime entertainment of the 1940s and the foundation of institutions such as the Arts Council and the National Theatre’.
5 Brilliant Ways Anyone Can Use Improv in the Classroom [We Are Teachers]
‘As a performer and improv instructor with The Second City’s Training Centre, Improv for Creative Pedagogy and The iO’s Training Center, Jessica teaches other educators how to use improv in the classroom. “Improv encourages listening, team building, and brainstorming”, says Jessica. Those central tenets, along with cooperative learning, make improv a fun and impactful addition to a learning environment. So you’re not an SNL comedian and you don’t have to be. Check out these easy ways to start using improv in the classroom’.
USA. -
15 Engrossing Drama and Improv Games For Teens
‘Whether your teen is shy and introverted or is always hyperactive and extremely outgoing, drama games will help channel all her energy into a positive action. We have compiled a list of brilliant improv and drama games for teens’.
23 Reasons for Teachers to Apply Improv in the Classroom [One Rule Improv]
‘Every year, school systems adopt new educational interventions and initiatives. This can be overwhelming to educators, as it puts a strain on time, resources and emotions. A no- cost, high impact intervention that is easy to integrate into classroom practice and curriculum is improv. Yes, improv, the comedic art form made of short games where player create a scene, story or situation spontaneously. This is an amazing and transformative educational tool’.
USA. -
25 Fantastic Improv Games for Students - Teaching Expertise
‘Improv games have an essential role in team building and getting one’s creative juices flowing but classic ice-breaker-style games like “two truths and a lie” are tedious and dull. Improv games also help participants develop their listening skills and gain spatial awareness all while having tons of fun. Have a look at these innovative improv games to spice up any lesson and get children and adults alike thinking out-of-the-box’.
USA. -
500+ Amazing Improv Games For All Ages [Theatre Links]
‘Each entry describes the goal of the game, the ability level, the rules to be applied and the skills acquired. These games will prove useful for theatre lovers, drama students, teachers, community groups and more. Have fun !’
Fun Improv Games and Exercises for Kids
‘Here you will find an extensive list of improv activities that will lead to hours of fun and laughter. Improv is a great way to boost social skills, teamwork and critical thinking’. -
Improv Encyclopaedia
‘The largest collection or resources for improvisation theatre on the web’. Free. Also available to download as a PDF document.
USA. -
Improv for Teenagers ? A Lesson Plan
‘Improvisational theatre is a fantastic tool in the drama classroom and one many teachers use. It helps students learn to react and respond to unexpected situations and builds confidence and creative abilities. With young students, it is a good idea to give them some time to come up with a piece of improvisational theatre, but with older students you can challenge them by asking them to come up with something on the spot. Below is a lesson plan I have used many times. It helps to break the ice and gives teenagers a fun, low-pressure introduction to improv. This is a lesson plan for a 90 minute class for adolescents titled Introduction to Improv’.
USA. -
Improv games for the Drama Classroom
‘It takes time for a teacher to build up a class to get them comfortable with improv but it is well worth the effort. Here’s some improv games, activities and terminology to get your teen drama classes firing’. Use the menu at the top to find related materials you may be able to use.
USA. -
Improvisation Activities
Childdrama.com. 25 topics at time of update. Other drama areas may be accessed from the menu on the left.
USA. -
Theatre and Improv Games for the Classroom and Beyond
‘Improvisational acting teaches you to think quickly and to read other people as you perform. You’ll also sharpen your wit as you learn how to react to your audience’. Multiple games are supplied.
Medieval Drama
‘Internet resources for the study of Medieval and Early Renaissance Drama. Links for Chaucer, The Arthurian Legend, Medieval Drama and more’ right through to Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. -
Medieval Drama and The Mystery Plays [The British Library]
‘The mystery plays and morality plays of the 15th and 16th centuries were very different from modern drama. They were performed in public spaces by ordinary people and organised and funded by guilds of craftsmen and merchants. Hetta Howes takes us back in time to show how these plays portrayed scenes from the Bible, conveyed religious doctrine and encouraged their audiences to lead Christian lives’.
The Medieval Drama
Article covering areas from jugglers and pageants through to tropes, liturgical and mystery plays, Morality plays and Interludes. Also check the Medieval Theatre Database which provides annotated links to Medieval Theatre and Medieval Theatre : Other Resources. -
Medieval Drama Links
Links for miracle, mystery and morality plays, more. -
Medieval Theatre - Plays, Costumes & Staging
‘Learn about medieval theatre, from medieval liturgical drama to farce. Explore the medieval stage, medieval theatre costumes and popular medieval plays’. Video and Lesson Transcript from Study.com
ElizabethanDrama.org - Making Elizabethan Plays Understandable and Fun to Read
‘This website is dedicated to rescuing and presenting for the first time ever easy-to-read, fully annotated Elizabethan plays. My hope is that some of you will be inspired to try to read some of these great plays. The plays on this site have been edited and annotated for the modern audience’. Use the links at the top but don’t forget to check the FIND AND READ OUR PLAYS link at the top of the main section. -
Elizabethan Theatre and Drama
No Sweat Shakespeare. ‘The simple definition of Elizabethan theatre and drama is that it is drama written during the reign of Elizabeth I, but that is absurdly simplistic : Elizabethan drama is much more than that’. Check the links on the right for a mass of information about Shakespeare and his writing.
Free Shakespeare for Kids Scripts
Select the links to free scripts from among the initial contents on the above page. You should also check the advice in the section below this as it could prepare you and save time when doing any production.
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Introduction to Shakespearean Drama
An easy to follow slide show. This then leads into a further selection of slide shows about Shakespeare and his writing. Don’t forget to use the Recommended listing on the right or the annotated links at the bottom of the home page. -
Read Shakespeare’s Plays as Modern English Ebooks
‘Read Shakespeare’s plays easily in the style of an exciting teenage novel. Master the plot, characters, themes and language of Shakespeare’s plays. Follow the original act and scene structure of Shakespeare’s text. Download and receive both a PDF and EPUB version !’ Fee based but very reasonable. -
Shakespeare’s Plays
‘Summaries of William Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare’s plays portray recognisable people in situations that we can all relate to - including love, marriage, death, mourning, guilt, the need to make difficult choices, separation, reunion and reconciliation. They help us to understand what it is to be human and to cope with the problems of being so. Click on a play to read a full synopsis’.
Shakespeare’s Plays [Shakespeare Online]
‘Here you will find the complete text of Shakespeare’s plays, based primarily on the First Folio and a variety of helpful resources, including extensive explanatory notes, character analysis, source information and articles and book excerpts on a wide range of topics unique to each drama’. -
Shortened Shakespeare
‘Recommended short versions of Shakespeare scripts for children and young people to perform. Each lasts 40-50 minutes’. Use the links provided to access these. Also be sure to check the accompanying lines, sections, etc., which provide further information and resources.
So You Want To Be An Actor
A short but very accurate statement from the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance in Australia. Click the Download button to find this.
Breaking into Acting For Dummies
‘Breaking Into Acting For Dummies demystifies the behind-the-curtain side of showbiz to help you understand how it really works, who the decision-makers are, what they’re looking for when they’re picking talent and how to get them on your side’. -
Breaking Into Acting
For Dummies Cheat Sheet
How to Prepare for an Acting Audition. ‘Breaking into acting takes more than catching a lucky break. Take steps to show up prepared for your acting audition, like keeping your clothes measurements with you. Keep accurate records of your acting expenses so you can deduct them from your taxes. Learn to deal with the frustration of acting and keep your hopes of becoming an actor alive’. -
How Do I Break Into Acting ? [Acting Magazine]
‘Breaking into acting is different for each actor. There is no uniform way to jumpstart an acting career. However, there are a few basic items that every actor needs to get started in show-business, including experience, training, a headshot and acting résumé and representation [if possible]’. Be sure to read all of the sections including those further down the page you are on. -
How to Become an Actor : Getting Into Acting in Australia
‘Are you an inspiring actor looking to break into the business in Australia ? Want to go beyond community theatre and learn how to be an equity actor and make money from your passion ? Read on for tips on how to become an actor and how to get into acting in Australia so you can take steps today that will get you closer to your dream’.
How to Become an Actor or Actress in Australia
Check the Contents listing for the full range of sections. Covers a wide range of information and suggestions.
How to Start an Acting Career According to 9 Experts
‘Wondering how to get into acting ? The entertainment industry can feel unwelcoming and impenetrable and for someone just starting an acting career it’s tough to find a toehold. So we asked nine industry professionals, from directors to acting coaches, for their best advice for an aspiring actor hoping to make it in Hollywood or on Broadway. Here’s their take on how to start acting, with tips on everything from improv classes to defining what success means to you’.