Physical Education in schools concerns the involvement of children in fitness activities, sports, Health and Drug Education, gymnastics and some aspects of dance. All are designed to encourage a healthier, more enjoyable lifestyle.
Please note : A number of resources were once listed on this page due to the Physical Education Resources page being archived. All Resource pages have now been de-archived so these have been moved permanently to the Physical Education Resources page. To access these, please use the P.E. Resources button in the menu above.
This page looks at the State & Territory information - including curriculum; sections covering fitness activities, minor games, aerobics; sources of assistance; lesson plans; and Australian Physical Education groups.
The ACT education system is linked to this body for Physical Education and Health. As one statement indicates - ‘Our vision is Quality health and physical education for every student in NSW & ACT’. -
Board of Senior Secondary Studies
A list of the courses in Health, Outdoor & Physical Education offered in Years 11 and 12. Each can be downloaded in MS Word format and range from Human Movement to Sports Studies. At this time, each runs till the end of 2023. -
Exercise Science A-T-M : ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies
‘Exercise science examines theories of the biological, physiological, biomechanical and psychological, the interrelationship and influences on performance and participation in physical activity. Students develop insights into the science underpinning sports performance and movement. When students undertake practical activities in Exercise Science they gain knowledge through experiential learning’. -
Health and Physical Education - The Australian
The Australian Curriculum forms the basis of the curriculum in ACT schools from Foundation to Year 10. This link will provide a basis for what is involved with this learning area. -
Health and Wellbeing - Education
‘The following resources provide further information on current initiatives implemented at ACT schools including : PE Pulse Network [still available but not implemented at this time], Fresh Tastes [Health], Healthy Schools Network ACT, It’s Your Move and Kids at Play Active Play’. -
Physical Activities Policy - Education ACT
‘This policy establishes a standard for conducting any Physical Activity that maximises the learning outcomes for all students, whilst minimising risk and ensuring appropriate duty of care arrangements’. You can access a range of related documents and policies from the listing on the right. -
Physical Activity Foundation
‘All Kids, More Active, More Often. Programs, resources, health information’. Move It Challenge, Active Kids and more. -
School Sport ACT
‘School Sport ACT [SSACT] is the peak body for School Sport delivery in the ACT. SSACT actively promotes school sport for all ACT students through the support of regional, state and national representative opportunities and pathways’.
‘The NSW body which is part of a national professional association representing people who work in the areas of Health Education, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, Dance, Community Fitness or Movement Sciences’. They provide resources, professional learning and awards plus much more. -
PDHPE - Personal Development, Health and
Physical Education K - 10
Syllabus, Foundation Statements, Parents Guide, other resources, Modules, case studies, programming advice. ‘Through the study of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education courses, students develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes needed to take action to protect and enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing in varied and changing contexts’. -
PDHPE [Personal Development,
Health and Physical Education] Stage 6 [Years 11 and 12]
‘Here are the Stage 6 syllabuses and course descriptions. Each syllabus provides examination and assessment materials and other support materials’. The Content Endorsed Course for Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies [Stage 6] Syllabus which enables students to further develop their understanding of and competence in a range of sport and recreational pursuits is found using this link. -
Physical activity - Healthy lifestyle programs for Primary
‘Schools can do lots of things to promote and encourage physical activity amongst their students. This can be through Physical Education, Sport, lunchtime physical activity and other learning areas. This section provides teachers and out of school hours teachers with access to teaching resources, government guidelines and programs relating to physical activity’. Also has Physical activity teaching resources and Physical activity links that would provide additional assistance. -
Physical Activity and Sports Studies 7–10 [NESA]
‘Students engage in a wide range of physical activities in order to develop key understandings about how and why we move and how to enhance quality and enjoyment of movement. The course includes Life Skills outcomes and content for students with disability’. Sample Units of Work and other resources can be found when you Sign in to access information here. -
Physical Education
‘Physical Education is not about playing games or sport, nor is it about simply building fitness or accumulating a minimum amount of physical activity time spent in lessons – the focus should be on purposeful learning’. There are a range of learning areas in the PDHPE sector including Drug Education, Leading PDHPE K-12 and Child protection and respectful relationships education in addition to the sporting and activity sectors. -
School Sport
‘The School Sport Unit [SSU] provides carefully planned, adaptable and enjoyable physical activity experiences for all students in NSW public schools. Covers Representative Sport, the Premier’s Sporting Challenge, School Programs, Sport Policy And Guidelines, Professional Learning’ and more. NSW Department of Education. In addition to these, you can also access the following as part of this site :
Code of Conduct
This ‘underpins core values of the NSW Department of Education in which every student is known, valued and cared for’. -
Disability and Participation
‘Find information on opportunities for students with disabilities and find information and register for participation based programs that provide further opportunities for students to participate in sport and physical activity’. -
PDHPE K-12 - Resources
‘Quality resources and professional learning aligned to the NSW Personal Development, Health and Physical Education [PDHPE] syllabuses’. These are added to with material on the PDHPE 11-12 curriculum resources where you can ‘Select a stage or syllabus to search for resources. Search the HSC hub External link for more quality resources aligned to the NSW HSC syllabuses’. -
Physical Activity timetables
These ‘provide examples of how the minimum requirements of planned physical activity can be demonstrated’. -
of sexuality and sexual health education in NSW public schools
‘The principles comprise a framework to guide the development of effective sexuality and sexual health education in NSW Public school settings. Schools need to make decisions at the local level based on the needs of their students and broader community and within the context of department policies and procedures’.
School Sport Unit : NSW Combined High Schools Sports Association
‘NSW Combined High Schools Sports Association provides opportunities for secondary students to participate in competitive sport at the state level and above. Applications and Forms, Handbook, State-wide competitions, Contacts, Apparel, State results’. -
School Sport Unit : NSW Primary Schools Sports Association
‘NSW Primary Schools Sports Association [NSWPSSA] provides opportunities for primary students to participate in competitive sport at the state level and above. Applications and Forms, Handbook, State-wide competitions, Contacts, Apparel, State results’. -
Sport and Physical Activity [Policy Library]
‘Sets out the requirements related to mandatory weekly participation in sport and physical activity for schools and their students. This includes identifying local procedures that support the planning and delivery of high-quality, safe sport and physical activity programs’. Policy in practice will allow you to ‘Review policies and requirements relevant to physical education programs in NSW government schools’. -
Sport Safety Guidelines
‘The Sport Safety Guidelines are in place to assist schools in developing appropriate risk assessments for sport and physical activity. It also includes Specific sport and physical activity guidelines’.
‘The leading professional association representing teachers and other professionals working in the fields of health and physical education in the Northern Territory’. -
Curriculum Framework
Health & Physical Education curriculum across the three levels is listed. To view the curriculum you need to use the link to The Australian Curriculum [v. 9.0], now being used by the Northern Territory. -
eLearn [Department of Education]
‘eLearn is an interactive website providing high-quality resources to support teaching, learning and school and system improvement. It’s a one stop-shop for all Department of Education employees, both school-based and corporate staff. New resources and materials are continuously added to eLearn. Check back regularly for new content !’ -
NT Health Nutrition and Physical Activity
Northern Territory Health. Aspects relate to what is happening, or should happen, across all levels in schools. -
Physical Education [SACE]
‘Renewed Stage 2 Physical Education. Students explore the participation in and performance of human physical activities. It is an experiential subject in which students explore their physical capacities and investigate the factors that influence and improve participation and performance outcomes, which lead to greater movement confidence and competence. Physical activities can include sports, theme-based games, fitness and recreational activities’. Key documents, Stage information, Video resources, more.
Renewed Stage 2 Physical Education was taught for the first time in 2020. -
Safety in School Sport Policy
This is the PDF version of the report. You can download a Word Format copy of the document [.docx] here. -
Sport Education NT
‘Contributing to every young Territorian’s success at school and resilience in life. Regions, Sport Pathways, SSENT Calendar, News and Results’, more. -
Student health, safety, wellbeing and behaviour [Department
of Education]
‘The policy information for child safety and wellbeing, and the support of children and students’ health needs is below’. 12 areas are covered. -
Swimming and Water Safety [Department of
Policy and Procedures, Supporting Documents, Templates and Frequently Asked Questions. ‘Educators can also access more resources on swimming and water safety on elearn [see link above]’. -
Year 10 Health and Physical Education Subject Outline [2020]
Background, Pathways, Content, more. This detailed presentation is similar to that for other levels across the schooling spectrum [taking into account developmental levels].
Providing support including Professional Development, Events, Resources and more. -
Education and Intervention
‘This information provides guidance to principals regarding the implementation of drug education and intervention programs in schools. State school principals make decisions regarding how the program is implemented in their context. Specialist resources available for state schools via QLearn’. -
Health and Physical Education Senior Subjects
‘There are 2 types of senior subjects in the area of Health and Physical Education - General and Applied Syllabuses. Links on the page cover these as well as Learning Area News’. Specific to this major area are a Physical Education General Senior Syllabus [2019, Version 1.3] and a Sport & Recreation Applied Senior Syllabus [2019, v1.0]. -
P-10 Health and Physical
Education [QCAA]
Overview [with further information here - Learning Area Overview], Australian Curriculum [v8.4], Teaching and Learning, Assessment. There is also a Learning area overview presentation : HPE [PPTX, 2.4 MB] available to inform you. -
P-10 Health and
Physical Education Assessment Resources
A range of resources [which can be filtered to specific levels] to assist teachers. -
Physical Activity and Health
‘A suite of resources have been gathered and developed to assist parents/carers and students to implement a home-based health and physical activity program that supports their wellbeing and continues their educational development whilst unable to attend formal wellbeing and Health and Physical Education classes at school’. -
Physical Activity
in State Schools
‘The department recognises the importance of physical activity in the health and wellbeing of children and young people. Engaging in regular physical activity of at least moderate intensity is part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular physical activity enhances students’ ability to learn and supports student health and wellbeing’. -
‘Aiming to provide member schools with opportunities to equip young women to meet and enjoy life’s challenges. To achieve this aim, the Association seeks to provide quality sporting opportunities and social interaction within a school environment, which balances performance, participation, tradition and innovation’. -
Queensland Representative School Sport
‘Queensland Representative School Sport facilitates competitive pathways in 21 sports for students between the ages of 10–19 years. Students from affiliated schools across all sectors of education have the opportunity to compete at school, district, regional, state and national levels of competition’. -
Senior Syllabus Resource Search
Filter using the options available in the top section of the page [Learning Area, Syllabus Type, resource type, Unit] selecting Health & Physical Education from the Learning Area filter. -
Student health
Supporting student health and wellbeing. ‘The Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing policy statement provides advice for Queensland state schools to ensure systems are in place to promote and support the health and wellbeing of students when at school or involved in school activities. Requirements and responsibilities for state schools in regard to student health and wellbeing are included in the following departmental procedures - see titled links covering both Departmental Procedures and Guidelines’.
Provides support including Professional Learning, Active Programs, Resources and more. -
Game On
‘The South Australian Government has invested in Game On : Getting South Australia moving, a forward-looking framework that outlines a collaborative approach to ensure physical activity and play can fit seamlessly into the daily lives of South Australians’. -
Health and Physical Education - Australian Curriculum SA :
Teachers & Leaders Resource
‘In this section : Health and PE animation [essence] – key elements of the Australian Curriculum health and PE learning area – video and Health and Physical Education scope and sequence - print’. -
Health and Physical Education [The Australian
‘The Australian Curriculum : Health and Physical Education [F–10], as implemented by South Australia, aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to enable students to access, evaluate and synthesise information to take positive action to protect, enhance and advocate for their own and others’ health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity participation across their lifespan’. Version 8.4 of the curriculum. There is a link in the top, right corner of the home page that will take you to the V 9.0 Australian Curriculum. -
Healthy eating resources for early childhood educators [SA Health]
‘The following resources can help you support and promote healthy eating [and physical activity] for children in various early childhood care settings and for a range of issues’. A similar site is Healthy food environments in schools [Wellbeing SA]. FoodChecker is just one of their offerings from this page. -
Movement and Physical Activity
Catholic Education South Australia. Overview of this in Catholic Schools. Separate sections look at different year groupings. The site delivers ‘a combined series of lesson plans that include warm-ups, fitness activities and games to develop movement skills, collaboration, problem solving and decision making. There are links to supporting resources and notes for parents’. -
Physical Education [SACE]
‘Renewed Stage 2 Physical Education. Students explore the participation in and performance of human physical activities. It is an experiential subject in which students explore their physical capacities and investigate the factors that influence and improve participation and performance outcomes, which lead to greater movement confidence and competence. Physical activities can include sports, theme-based games, fitness and recreational activities’. Key documents, Stage information, Video resources, more.
Renewed Stage 2 Physical Education was taught for the first time in 2020. -
School Sport SA
‘School Sport SA is responsible for administering primary and secondary school sports programs throughout the state. Affiliation is open to every government and non-government school’. -
High Schools with Special Interest or Specialist Programs - Sports
‘This list shows some of the secondary schools which have specialist interests or offer special programs. The school or program you are interested in might not be listed, so please contact the individual secondary school to find out what they offer. If the school has an asterisk [*] at the end of the school name, it means the school is approved by the department to select students for entry via an audition, test or interview the year before starting at the school’. A wide range of sports are included in the options available.
ACHPER Tasmania
‘Through effective engagement with teachers and communities, ACHPER Tasmania works to promote the value of health and physical education in schools’. Events, Resources, more. Currently appears to be operating through the Australian ACHPER site. -
Get Moving Tasmania
‘On this website you will find a range of physical activity information that can help you and your community get moving’. Includes the Premier’s Physical Activity Council and resources. -
Health and Physical Education : Structure - The Tasmanian Catholic
‘Learning area, Structure, Strands, sub-strands and threads. The Australian Curriculum : Health and Physical Education is organised into two content strands : personal, social and community health and movement and physical activity. Each strand contains content descriptions which are organised under three sub-strands’. -
Health and Physical Education Learning Area Overview
Years 11 and 12. Details all currently available TASC subjects and VET courses. Subjects and Courses are presented in three parts - You have … , TASC/Courses, May Lead to … . There are also Learning Area Courses listed lower on this page. You can Filter these to select specific courses using the options on the left. The Wellbeing Menu item [top of the page] provides information and resources linked to this now connected area. -
Move Well, Eat Well
‘Tasmanian government initiative that supports the healthy development of children and young people by promoting physical activity and healthy eating as a normal positive part of every day’. -
SATIS [Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools]
‘SATIS promotes physical, emotional and social well-being by fostering and administering a quality sporting program providing competition between schools in an environment which encourages participation, diversity, integrity and sportsmanship’. -
State Sport and Recreation Organisations
‘This page lists web links to state sport and recreation organisations in Tasmania. It includes links to all local sport and recreation organisations from cricket to taekwondo, as well as a range of other relevant organisations’. -
Tasmanian Curriculum F-10 -
Health and Physical Education
‘Currently Tasmanian Government primary and secondary schools use the Australian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education’. Covers : Year Levels, Strands, General Capabilities, Cross Curriculum Priorities and Additional Information. Version 8.4 of the curriculum. There is a link in the top, right corner of the home page that will take you to the V 9.0 Australian Curriculum. The Understand how Health and Physical Education works section is well worth reading. Resources can be accessed via this Resources link.
‘News, Events, Professional Learning, Resources. Through effective engagement with teachers and communities, ACHPER Victoria works to promote the value of health and physical education in schools and achieve Victoria’s education goals’. -
Active schools
‘Active Schools aims to ensure that all Victorian students have the skills, confidence and motivation to be active in life’. Information from What is an Active School ? to Becoming an Active School. There is considerable information plus links to further resources and information. One useful link is to the Get Active Victoria website which provides additional [and family] information. -
Fundamental Motor Skills - An Activities Resource For Classroom Teachers
A little dated but still considered useful. ‘The resource provides over 260 activities which teachers can incorporate into a school physical education program in the teaching of fundamental motor skills’. -
Health and Physical
‘Materials and approaches to teach health and physical education in schools’ covering 10 different aspects which include several under the Health rather than the Physical Education component. -
Health and Physical Education
Victorian Curriculum. Introduction, Structure - Strands and Sub-strands, Learning in Health and Physical Education, Scope and Sequence, Resources and a Glossary [which downloads automatically]. -
Physical and Sport Education -
Delivery Requirements Policy
‘The purpose of this policy is to ensure schools conduct the minimum required amount of physical and sport education’. -
Physical Education and Sport - Safety
‘The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all physical education classes and sporting activities are conducted safely’. -
Physical Education Study Design [VCE]
Senior Secondary years. Introduction, Assessment and Reporting, Units of study, more. ‘The assimilation of theoretical understanding and practice is central to the study of VCE Physical Education. Students participate in practical activities to examine the core concepts that underpin movement and that influence performance and participation in physical activity, sport and exercise’. The Health and Human Development Study Design, including relevant information, is found here. -
School Sport Victoria
‘Actively promotes school sport for all Victorian school students as a means of supporting schools programs in developing their students’ health and wellbeing’. Information for Parents, Teachers, Students and Community. -
Health Promotion - Achievement Program
‘The Achievement Program is a free Victorian health and wellbeing program that creates healthier environments for working and learning. The program supports a whole-of-school approach to health and wellbeing to support short- and long-term health outcomes by making healthy changes to the school’s physical environment, policies and practices and overall health promoting activities. The Healthy Schools Achievement Program offers a comprehensive framework and helpful resources around seven health priority areas’ [details on the site].
Western Australia
‘ACHPER WA aims to increase the health, education and uptake of physical activity in Western Australians of all ages, especially in school-aged children and young people’. -
Health and Physical
Education [K-10]
Access multiple documents for this curriculum [including the curriculum itself], Syllabus descriptions for each stage, Overview, Ways of Teaching and much more. Use the Filter options on the left to help access specific aspects. -
Health and Physical
Education [Years 11 and 12]
Includes Years 11 and 12 Health Studies, Years 11 and 12 Physical Education Studies and Years 11 and 12 Outdoor Education. These are courses for the Western Australian Certificate of Education [Years 11 and 12]. -
K-10 Outline - Support Materials
‘New curriculum support materials for Pre-primary to Year 10 are now available, to assist teachers to implement the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. These materials can be accessed using the Year level or Learning area buttons’. -
Key ABLEWA Resources
‘Curriculum, Support resources, ABLES Assessment Tool, Online Professional Learning Course, Research Behind ABLES, Information for Parents, Contact details’. -
Physical Health and Wellbeing [Domain Guide]
‘This guide supports early childhood education and care services and schools to gain a deeper understanding of the AEDC physical health and wellbeing domain’. A copy of the Physical Health and Wellbeing Domain is found using this link. -
SSWA – School Sport WA
‘School Sport WA [SSWA] is an association of school teachers whose principal purpose is to promote, organise and coordinate sporting competitions for school students at a local, regional, interstate and international level. School Sport WA caters for all students and encourages maximal participation in a range of quality sporting programs’. -
Student Health and Wellbeing [Department of Education]
‘We offer a range of support services and programs to ensure your child feels a sense of belonging and receives the best possible education’. This listing includes mostly health and welfare based aspects rather than purely Physical Education, e.g. Mental Health, Drug Education, Road Safety and External Support services.
Aerobic Exercises for Kids [Energetic Juniors]
‘Here are some aerobic activities your child may enjoy. Choose activities that are age appropriate and that your children will enjoy. If they are having fun, there is a much greater chance they will want to continue being active. If you need some more specific ideas, keep reading !’ -
Aerobic Exercise : Types, List and Benefits
Multiple topics from Aerobic Exercise Facts to What equipment is involved. -
Aerobic for Kids : 15 Exercises And 10
‘Aerobics is a form of exercise that combines strength training and stretching along with rhythmic movement. In this post, we tell you about the benefits of aerobics for kids and give you some easy exercises that you could try with your children’. -
Aerobic Exercise : What you need to know What it is; How often; How hard; progression; balanced fitness program; Precautions. ‘An important health and fitness message is that people of all ages can benefit from regular aerobic exercise’. -
Aerobic Fitness Lesson Plan []
‘Teach your students about aerobic fitness with this lesson plan. Students will start off watching a video defining aerobic fitness and giving examples and benefits, then learn how to develop aerobic endurance with a text lesson. Questions, activities and a quiz help learning stick’. You need to subscribe to access this.
10 Fun At-Home Aerobics Videos For Kids You Never Thought Of !
[Aerobics Stepper]
‘Here I’ve packed all the top 10 best aerobics videos for kids to give them a boost of extra energy and enjoy family time with our kids’. -
7 Best Aerobics Exercises for Kids
‘Aerobics are one of the finest and the most interesting ways of introducing exercise to children. Have a look at the Top 7 Aerobics Exercises for Kids in this video’. [1:19] -
14 Best Aerobic Exercises for Kids
‘Aerobic exercises are good to increase heart rate and cognitive functions. If the little ones perform this workout everyday they can prevent many health issues, such as cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases’. [10:40] -
20 Aerobic Workout for Kids - No Repeats
‘By doing these exercises, the little ones will work with their whole bodies, strengthening their muscles and burning many calories throughout the workout’. -
Little Sports Videos
An extensive range of videos of differing lengths [with a few other sources also represented] using aerobic or cardio activities. Worth checking to see if there is anything you feel would be of value. Another collection can be found at Aerobics for Kids.
Australian 24 Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Young People [5 to 17 years]
‘These guidelines are relevant to all apparently healthy children and young people irrespective of gender, cultural or linguistic background, geographic location, or the socio-economic status of the family. Children and young people are encouraged to live an active lifestyle with a daily balance of physical activities, sedentary behaviours and sleep that supports their healthy development. These guidelines may be appropriate for children and young people with a disability or medical condition; however, a health professional should be consulted for additional guidance’. -
ACHPER [Australia]
“Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation ”. A world of resources and advice for Physical Education, Health, Dance, etc.. State branches, where these exist, have been included in each state or territory listing included above. -
‘ACPE has paved the way for countless individuals to achieve success in the sports, dance, health, business and physical education sectors’. -
Australian Sports Commission - AIS
‘Australia’s strategic high performance sport agency’ with national and state based centres. You should also check the related Physical Literacy - Resources section of SportAus, which has a range of material that can be used in schools. There is also a section with Information and Resources for Schools and Teachers. Select this from the Menu link near the coat of arms at the top of the home page. -
Australian Sports Foundation
‘We assist hundreds of organisations every year to raise funds for Australian sport through our Sport Incentive Program and we provide small grants to community and grassroots sporting organisations to grow participation in sport’. -
Clearinghouse for Sport
‘The Clearinghouse brings together Australia’s leading sport and active recreation agencies – using the Australian Sports Commission as the principal information coordination point – to share news, evidence and insights about sport and human performance’. -
Healthy and Active Children [healthdirect]
Multiple options providing information about improving health and physical activity for children, e.g. Benefits of physical activity for children [healthdirect] and Safe exercise for children [healthdirect]. ‘Free Australian health advice you can count on’. -
Inclusive Practices [Sport Australia]
‘Inclusive activity cards designed to assist the delivery of sports-based activities that cater for all levels of ability’. Just one aspect of the Sport Australia resources. -
Munch & Move
‘Munch & Move offers training and resources to educators working in NSW early childhood education and care services. The training aims to assist educators to implement a fun, play-based approach to supporting healthy eating and physical activity habits in young children. The Munch & Move program fits within the new National Quality Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework’. -
Parents’ Voice - Physical Activity
The site opens at this section. It is part of an online movement of parents who are interested in improving the food and activity environments of Australian children. Very clearly set out and should be helpful. As they say - ‘There is so much more to physical activity than maintaining a healthy body weight. Some of the benefits for kids include . . . [see the page for further detail about these]’ -
Physical Activity and Exercise Guidelines for all Australians
Australian Government Department of Health. ‘Australia’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines outline how much physical activity you should do, the importance of reducing the time you spend sitting or lying down and how much sleep children and young people should get. Needs vary depending on your age. This page covers About the Guidelines, Physical activity guidelines by age. Order the relevant Guidelines, Summary by age and How we developed the guidelines’. -
School Sport Australia - “Education through school sport”
This is the national body. State bodies have been included in sections above. Calendar of Events, Sports, International Tours, School Sport Offices, News and more. -
Sport Integrity Australia - Education
‘We provide education resources about sport integrity for all levels of athletes, their parents, teachers, coaches and support personnel. We are always creating new content to help you, so keep an eye out for new resources as we create them’. ASADA became part of Sport Integrity Australia in 2020 and is now found at Anti-Doping [Sport Integrity Australia].
12 Fun Physical Education Games
‘Watch as students learn fun games that can be adapted at any level ! Check out more awesome videos on my page. Adapted Physical Education Activities and Games for individuals with and without disabilities’. Be sure to check other possible options among the inclusions in the menu on the right. -
46 Elementary PE Games Your Students Will Love
‘There’s nothing kids need more to break up a day spent sitting still and listening than a fun PE class to let off some steam. There have been countless reinventions of and variations on old classics as well as completely new games. Although there is no shortage of options, we love that the supplies required remain relatively minimal. Regardless of your students’ athletic abilities, there is something for everyone on our list of elementary PE games’. -
Elementary PE Games []
‘This site is designed specifically for anyone wanting to keep large groups of kids active. With all of our games, our mission is to keep the most amount of kids moving for the most amount of time possible. To this end, we do our very best to outline games with the smallest amount of equipment possible’. Multiple sections including New Games. -
Fun Gym Games for Kids ! [KidActivities]
‘Looking for some fun gym games for kids ? Look no further. Whether you are looking for games for your physical education class or just some games to play in an empty gym, these games are sure to lead to hours of physical exercise and fun’. A second set of games can be found at 18 Fun PE Games Needing No Equipment. -
PE Games on the App Store
Apple. ‘Games for Physical Educators. Access 150+ Games and Activities to take your classes to the next level. View the playing area, equipment and instructions for each game. Create a simple lesson plan for your upcoming session and easily view these on the go. Find a game that you like and want to remember it ? Simple press the star button to add it to your current lesson’. 8 categories of games. Powered by AI-driven features, this app revolutionises the way you plan lessons. -
P.E. - Warm-up Ideas
Select ‘Newest First, Highest rated first, Most popular first or go Random’. Access other learning areas from the top menu. A second page is found at PE Games Teaching Ideas. -
‘The PE games you will find on this site are used by professional physical education teachers as part of successful programs in school gyms. Browse the categories at the top to enjoy quick and easy video descriptions to learn a new game for your class !’ Alternatively [or in conjunction] visit PhysEdGames, which has 340 videos covering a wide range of games. ‘PhysEdgames provides physical educators with video lessons on various PE activities, sports, basketball, volleyball, baseball, fitness, soccer, hockey, football, badminton, LOGs, dodgeball, warm-ups, tag, creative, teamwork, in the gym, outside and more’. -
Physical Education Games -
‘When properly designed, games can create ideal settings for student learning in physical education. Each game in this collection has been purposefully crafted to help students meet specific learning targets. By far the most popular resource on, our standards-based games database will provide you with great content for your physical education program’. Eight groupings are listed -
The PE Shed - PE Games
‘The PE Game Ideas section provides you with Physical Education resources which will help you to plan PE Warm Up Games, PE Tag Games, PE Thinking Games, and PE Coordination Games. Within each section you will find a whole range of different games which will excite and challenge your students’. -
Traditional Aboriginal Games & Activities
- Creative Spirits
‘Traditional Aboriginal games have many benefits and enjoy growing interest. Here’s a collection and brief description of traditional games’. -
Youth Group Games
Includes ‘New, Water, Icebreakers, Relaxed, Active, Camp, No Prep, Team Building and More’. You might also check their Top Ten Collections and/or their Game Categories listing. -
Yulunga, Traditional Indigenous Games
‘Suitable for children and adults of all ages, abilities and backgrounds, Yulunga can be used in schools around Australia as an educational resource and as a guide to inclusive, structured sport within communities’. Filter your selection using the Bands of Learning and Game Category options. Download the full resource here in PDF format.
13 Fun and Engaging Outdoor Games for Kids of All Ages
‘We’ve put together a guide of outdoor games for kids by age group so you can skip to your child’s age or check out other ideas for games your child might enjoy with an older sibling’. -
19 Best Playground Games & Activities For Kids
‘The best playground games and activities provide organised play to get and maintain kids’ interest. We have provided a variety of games and activities to use for school recess, camps and neighbourhood playgrounds. Have fun !’ -
30 Classic Outdoor Games for Kids
‘From perennial favourites Hide and Seek, Telephone and Capture the Flag to the less common Blind Man’s Bluff, Spud and Crack the Whip, this list has something for everyone’. -
35 Fun Outdoor Games for Kids of All Ages
‘If you need some fun outdoor games for kids, look no further. Below you will find an extensive list that can be played in a variety of weather types. In this category, you’ll find a nice variety of games for mixed-age groups . . . Some old games and some new games’. -
50 Classic Games You Can Play Without Equipment [Stacker]
‘Using a variety of sources including game-focused websites, parent/children-dedicated blogs, and historical entertainment sites, Stacker came up with a list of 50 classic games that just about anyone can play with virtually no equipment. The list omits the many games that require even the most basic items like previously mentioned balls or jump ropes’. -
1960s Playground Games [Schoolhouse Museum]
‘Dianne Robertson and Robyn Minard attended North Ryde Public School in the 1950s and 1960s. In this oral history they recount their memories of playground games’. -
Easy Outdoor Games and Activities for Kids
‘The following list highlights classic, fun games that don’t require a lot of components or setup’. -
Increasing Physical Activity in Schools . . .
‘Numerous physical educators are taking their classes outside onto the playground due to limited space and/or equipment, large class sizes, inadequate budgets and as an intervention strategy in the increasing epidemic of childhood obesity. Teachers still want to provide students with the best possible learning experiences given limited resources and increase children’s physical activity levels’. Common sense article which includes a number of games/activities. -
Kid’s Games
Detailed description of children’s games that were commonly played in school playgrounds. It covers skipping, ball strength, circle games, more. Still available but not updated for some time. More than 200 games listed. -
List of traditional children’s games
‘Most children’s games include at least two of the following six features in different proportion : physical skill, strategy, chance, repetition of patterns, creativity and vertigo. This is a list of games that used to be played by children, some of which are still being played today’. Listed alphabetically. Areas include Tag games, Hiding games, Games with equipment, Jumping games, Memory games, Parlour games, Hand games and Other traditional children’s games. Wikipedia. -
Old Playground Games for Kids to Enjoy [Persil]
‘Do you remember the old playground games you used to play as a kid ? They’re still a lot of fun today ! For generations of children, playground games have been an essential part of an exciting school day – running around, getting messy and sharing experiences with their friends. Our Kids Today project worked closely with children to find out what matters to them – and, as the video below shows, we discovered that our kids want to have time to relax, have fun and just be kids. Today, we’ve collected the rules to some classic [and exciting] kids’ playground games you might remember, to help your children make the most of their playtime’. -
Playground Games Teaching Ideas [Twinkl]
‘This is a useful list of ideas for playground and outdoor games, involving little or no resourcing. From ‘Jumping Beans’ to ‘Noughts and Crosses’, these child-friendly games are designed to bolster a wide range of physical and mental skills. All can be done in the school playground for everyone to get stuck in and involved. It is the perfect accompaniment to home teaching sessions, allowing you to get your children out and about during breaks’. -
Street Play
One aspect is urban games. As the authors say - ‘While it’s impossible to document and categorise every game any kid ever played in the street, we’ve tried to hit the major ones here’. Select The Games [Streetplay] from the menus at the top or on the left. You should also check their Site Links to see other games sites. -
The 51 Best School Playground Games For Kids
‘Playground games and sports are a popular option in schools as they help build a sense of togetherness and unity that is all too often overlooked. That’s why we thought we would give you a head start by selecting and sharing some of our favourite games with you. All the games we’ve listed can be adapted to suit the children you’re working with and all of them help encourage unity, team play and healthy competition’.
Active for Life [VicHealth]
‘Active for Life is an evidence-based resource to help better understand the challenges around children’s physical activity and inspire better practice to integrate more movement in children’s daily lives’. Several downloads are available including the Active for Life Resource, the Active for Life – At school resource and also useful links to further information. PDF document. -
Best Fitness Apps for Keeping Kids Active
‘We have gone ahead and cultivated a list of the best activity apps for kids, which include various methods of activity, including fitness, exercise, workouts, yoga, dancing and running’. -
Easy Fitness Activities for Kids
‘These easy fitness activities for kids make exercise so much fun that your children won’t notice they’re working out. On the following pages, you’ll read about innovative and easy fitness activities that your kids will love’. -
Fit for Fifty
How to get fit using the 5BX fitness program. -
Fitness Activities for Physical Education
‘Bulletin Board Ideas; Fitness Testing; Best Practices; Fitness Lesson Ideas [in Grade levels]; Related information’. -
Fitness Circuit Course - Action for Healthy Kids
‘Fitness circuit courses are a fun and interactive way for kids to be physically active. Fitness courses consist of setting up several stations with different activities for students to rotate through in short periods of time [usually one or two minutes]. Courses are best in open spaces such as the gym or playground, but if space is limited, other areas such as hallways and classrooms can also be creatively used’. -
Games and Activities for Special Needs and
Autism Child [ParentCircle]
‘It’s through play that your child understands the world around him, learns problem-solving, builds self-esteem and improves his/her motor and social skills. Not to mention the sheer fun of playing. For a child with special needs, the rigorous standards and the competitive nature of traditional games can be overwhelming. So, here are some games and activities for your child to let her hair down and have some serious fun’. -
Get Movin’ : 15 Fun Fitness Activities
for Kids
‘Getting kids to “work out” can be challenging. But there’s no need to stick to run-of-the-mill, boring exercises like jumping jacks, push-ups and sprints. We put together a list of some fun and creative fitness activities for kids that will get them moving in no time at all’. -
Physical activity for children and teenagers with disability [Raising Children Network]
‘Why physical activity is important for children with disability; Types of physical activity; How much physical activity do children with disability need ?; Encouraging children with disability to be active; Finding or creating accessible physical activities for children with disability; Disability-specific sports and physical activities; and Physical activity resources for children with disability’. -
Pre-K Games to Play in Gym
‘Preschool students typically love physical activity. Gym is likely one of their favourite classes at school because they get to move freely and release energy. Physical Education teachers should take advantage of this excitement by designing fun and engaging movement games for their preschool students. Such games will help preschoolers stay healthy and practice basic age-appropriate skills such as body awareness, motor skills and rhythm’. -
The Best Fitness Apps for Kids [ACTIVEkids]
‘We’ve rounded up the best apps aimed at keeping kids [and parents !] active and moving, so pick one your family is sure to enjoy and start downloading’. -
The Walking Classroom®
‘The mission of The Walking Classroom is to help strengthen the physical, mental and academic health of children. The program teaches children to establish and maintain healthy lifestyle habits, while also building their health literacy and core content knowledge. Students walk, listen and learn’. -
Top 10 Free Physical Education Apps
‘We gathered the best free Physical Education apps for teachers to take your teaching to the next level. Check out our recommendations below and comment at the bottom if there are any we may have missed. Challenge yourself to learn new technology and incorporate these apps into your teaching’.
For other educational journals, see the Education Journals page.
ACHPER Publications
‘ACHPER has two publications. They are Active + Healthy Journal and Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education’. Members are able to access an electronic format when logged in. -
Advances in Physical Education
‘Articles, Archive, Indexing, Aims & Scope, Special Issues, Journal Stats’ and more. This is an open access journal. -
Health and Physical Education - Journals & Databases
Guides at University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Well annotated links for both journals and databases. Even includes videos and multiform collections. -
International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
This ‘is a Peer Reviewed Journal. The prime focus of the journal is to publish articles related to the current trends of research. This journal provides a platform with the aim of motivating students and personnel in Sports and Physical Education’. This is an open access journal. -
JOPER :: The Journal of Physical Education Research
‘The JOPER is an open access international journal that has four annual issues [March, June, September and December], with its own issue number and supplements if necessary for each issue. JOPER publishes in both printed and online version. It is devoted to the promotion of physical education and allied sciences’. -
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management
‘A peer reviewed open access journal. The journal is published per article and covers all areas of the subject such as physical fitness, sport organisation management, health care etc.’. -
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
[Human Kinetics]
Use the Browse button in the top menu to access articles. Indicates there are 33 000+ articles. Some are open access [these are indicated by a green open padlock in the top right corner of the write-up]. -
Journals for Physical Education and Sport
Annotated links. Most are not free but may be accessible through libraries or other educational institutions. Also provides access to other journals and newsletters. -
PHE America - Physical and Health Education
Amazing site for those interested in PE. Check the menu on the left hand side for everything - Quick Reads, Current Issues to Adapted PE and Technology in PE. Articles provide further information. Based in the USA. -
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
‘Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy publishes research that reports educational practices in all appropriate contexts including, but not limited to, school physical education, club sport, and active leisure programs. The journal considers papers that discuss a broad range of physical activities, including aquatics, dance, exercise, gymnastics, outdoor and adventure activities, meditative and martial arts and sport. Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal’. -
Top 40 Physical Education Blogs and Websites in 2022
For those who relate more to blogs than journals. It contains a diverse range of inclusions. It lists quite a number of Australian blogs in this area, not the least of which is The P.E. Geek which is well worth visiting. -
Top Journals in Health and Physical Education - Health and Physical Education
Hackney Library at Barton College Library. Well annotated description of each link to a journal. All are worth consideration.
7 Best Running Games for Kids
‘Most kids like to run naturally, but having them run around a track just for the sake of exercise takes away the fun. Therefore coming up with organised games that will let them run around is a great way to get your kids do some exercise. Here are some outdoor running games for kids you can try’. -
7 Games to Make Running Fun for Kids
‘These seven ideas for workouts disguised as games not only train young bodies, but score high on the fun factor as well’. -
11 Fun Running Games for Kids
‘Running games are a fun way to fit physical activity into your day without feeling like you’re doing a workout. Here are 11 to try. Running games for kids - and kids at heart - are designed to help boost physical fitness levels as well as self-esteem’. -
15 Fun Running Games For Kids
‘Why not encourage children to run and be physically active ? MomJunction helps you make running fun and exciting with these 15 best running games for kids’. -
15 Best Running Games For Kids - PE Running Games
‘What’s important here is to remember to let the kids have fun activities and games with complete enjoyment. You want them to enjoy the running activities as much as possible so that they’re fully engaged in the event. Let’s check out some of the most fun running games for kids for their overall development’. -
17 Fun Running Games for Kids [Plus Key Kids Running Tips]
‘We’ll start off with some specific fun running ideas and then go in to more tips around kids running. If we can’t get them out the door, none of those other tips matter ! Here are a few of the things that worked for getting Katie’s kids excited about running without pushing them’. -
45 Fun Relay Races for Kids
Relay Race Ideas and Activities. ‘Here you will find an assortment of relay race activities and ideas to use for any event. These relay activities are sure to keep kids of all ages having fun and even getting some physical exercise along the way. Relay races are a great way to teach kids how to be part of a team as well as learning social skills’. -
57 fun physical activities for kids aged 2 to 4 [Active For Life]
‘Children between 2-4 years old don’t only need a lot of movement, they also need a lot of variety of movement. This age group is ready to move in new and exciting ways ! This list of 57 fun activities for kids is the ultimate go-to for any playdate, home child care setting, or a morning or afternoon with a caregiver. Whatever the situation, short attention spans mean that it’s a good idea to have a few of these up your sleeve’. -
A PE Lesson Plan
Incorporating Running Games For Children
‘The following lesson and handouts provide an exciting way to channel your students’ energy and help them set personal goals in fitness’. From the past [2010] but still usable and applicable. -
Fun Activities to Get Kids Into Running [Runner’s Tribe]
‘The best way of engaging children in running activities is through participating in several fun running games. Such games let them get the much-needed exercise to be healthy. In this article, we will be sharing fun activities that make kids run’. -
Fun PE Running Games for teachers and parents to do with their kids
‘Just because running is fundamental doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Instead of heading out to the track to run laps, why not spice up the routine ? Here are twelve fun running games for kids of all ages to try out during your next PE class or play at home with the family’. -
Healthy Kids : 5 Easy Running Games …
For large groups of kids. ‘To stay fit and healthy, here are my top 5 easy to play running games for large groups. You only need a large space and some very simple supplies, if any, for these easy running games’. -
Just Run - Session Activities
‘The drill packages have been developed to best prepare young legs and bodies for running. They are fun to do and improve agility, balance, coordination, strength and conditioning and are the perfect complement to JUST RUNNING for school age children. A video demonstration is found in the section “ Informational and Training Videos” on the website’. -
Running Games for Kids to Encourage Exercise
‘Planning organised games that involve running is a great way to get kids to exercise while still having fun. Whether you’re looking for running games for a sports practice, physical education class, a birthday party or just to play in the backyard, here are some games that are always a big hit with kids’.