Included below are poetry collections, specific poets and their work and writing techniques for forms of poetry from nonsense verse to Haiku, ballads to cinquains, limericks to free verse.

This page covers topics for the Poetry component of English. It provide access to information about Poets, poetry and poetry writing.

A number of Poetry competitions are detailed on the Student Competitions page, primarily in the Writing section of the Language Competitions.




  • 10 Australian Poets You Should Know
    ‘Famous for bush poetry predominantly, some of the most well known poets are iconic for their radicalism, poetic form and style. Discover the top ten best Australian poets that you must know before travelling to a city as art-inspired and culture-heavy as Melbourne’.
  • 21 Best-loved Poems, Ballads and Songs
    ‘This book was created to familiarise Australian students with our best-known works of literature and song lyrics. Having children study these works will help our unique culture and history to live on into future generations’.
  • 60 Classic Australian Poems for Children
    ‘The 60 poems in this collection appear in their original, or near original, form and are wide-ranging in their subject matter : animals, the countryside, the struggle of bush life, early transport, sport, growing old, being young and having fun with words ! But whether they are humorous, serious or playful, they are simply a joy to read’.
  • 100 Australian Poems You Need to Know [AustLit : Discover Australian Stories]
    A mix of well known poems and a wide range of poems from other sources and less well known. An interesting collection. Not the access to Austlit and what may be involved with this.
  • ABPA - The Australian Bush Poets Association
    Award-Winning Poetry. Yes, people are still writing Australian Bush Poetry. ‘This section contains the first-prize-winning poems, collated from ABPA and other bush poetry written competitions throughout Australia from 2008 to 2023 inclusive’.
  • An Australian Christmas poem [author unknown]
    Night Before Christmas in Aussie land. A truly Australian version of “The Night before Christmas”
  • An Australian Poem A Day
    ‘A celebration of poetry for a previous National Year of Reading’. Covers both modern and classical poets.
  • A Pod of Poets
    ‘A series of eleven, 40-minute podcasts of Australian poetry, read by the authors. The poets come from all over Australia; some are emerging talents and some are established; several of them are on the school syllabus’. Audio, transcripts, more. Now held by Austlit. You need to be able to log-in to access the material. You can do this with your library card if your library is listed. If not, check with your library.
  • Australian Bush Poetry
    Waltzing Australia - Featuring the Bush Poetry Works of Tim Borthwick. ‘The poems capture a range of topics, as wide and varied as the land itself. As incidents have come to light, they have been captured in verse. He has also paid tribute to some of our well-known and not-so-well-known bush characters who have all helped make our country what it is today’.
  • Australian Bush Poetry Classics
    A series of classic poems presented , ranging from The man from Snowy River to Said Hanrahan. They vary in length from 3:25min. to 7:47min.. 14 in all.
  • Australian Bush Poetry, Verse & Music
    ‘If we look back through history, the bush poetry that has survived and there has been plenty of it, reflects quite accurately the times in which those people lived. There are stories of droving treks, exploits of endurance, great feats of horsemanship, the pain of separation, in fact you could find a poem on almost any topic you would care to name’. Has sections on Bush Poets [old and new] and Poetry Writing Tips. One example of what is offered is the poem Drought by Will Ogilvie [1869-1963].
  • Australian Children’s Poetry
    ‘Showcasing poetry by Australian Children’s Poets - A to Z, Links to further information, Blog & Poem of the Day’ and more.
  • Australian Literature : Poetry [National Library of Australia]
    Advice on finding material in their collection. Covers both Poets and poetry. It also has links to other sources including libraries, journals, many with full texts available.
  • Australian Poetry Library
    ‘Australian Poetry Library represents the work of 171 Australian poets and contains 42 359 poems – all free for you to view’.
  • Australian Poetry PowerPoint Features and Examples
    Twinkl. ‘Download this poetry PowerPoint to find some lovely examples of Australian poetry and lots of information cards to help you teach features of poetry. This handy Australian poetry resource pack is perfect to support teaching narrative poetry to your students. It includes background information about a variety of poetic features that are commonly found in epic poems. This includes stanzas, similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, hyperbole, verse poetry and oxymoron’.
  • Australian Poetry Slam
    ‘Australian Poetry Slam is a live literary performance program where the audience chooses the champion. APS is run by Word Travels, a Sydney-based literary arts organisation. With 60 slams across the nation, the best writers perform for the chance to win the Australian Poetry Slam National Final at Sydney Opera House’.
  • Banjo Paterson Poems Resource Pack Twinkl.
    ‘Let your children enjoy the beautiful poetry of Banjo Paterson with this resource pack of Australian bush poems for kids. Simply press “download now”, and you’ll have access to three PowerPoint presentations of three of Banjo Paterson’s most famous poems : Clancy of the Overflow, The Man from Snowy River and The Man from Ironbark. In each PowerPoint, you’ll find the poems written out in full, against beautifully-illustrated backdrops. This format is a great way to break longer poetry down into more manageable chunks for younger children’.
  • Best Poems Encyclopaedia - Australian Poems
    ‘Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous Australian and New Zealand Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones . . . ’.
  • Henry Lawson
    ‘Australian writer and poet’. Full text plus audio for each poem listed.
  • List of Australian Poets
    ‘The poets listed below were either citizens or residents of Australia, or published the bulk of their poetry whilst living here’. Links each to more detailed information on a second site. Wikipedia.
  • Poems From The War - World War 1
    State Library of Queensland ‘The poems, which cover the period 1914-1919, were published in The Bulletin magazine and the Sydney Mail newspaper and provide a wonderful compilation of the works of various poets, many of them soldiers in the front lines. A small selection of the poems appear below the introduction’.
  • Modern Australian Poetry [Trove]
    ‘Archived from Includes introductions and links for poets and their works from the 1930s to 2008 and onwards’.
  • Poetry [ABC]
    ‘Dig into all things poetic and improve your understanding of many aspects of Poetry from Shakespeare to a Poetry Slam and much, much more’. 21 sections in total at time of update.
  • Poetic Forms [Poem Analysis]
    Brief descriptions of different poetry forms ranging from Acrostic through Haiku to Triplet.
  • Poetry and Songs, 1786-1900
    ‘These poems and songs are either written in Australia, by Australians, or regarding Australia. The list includes two works which were created with no direct relationship to Australia, but which have been included as they are an iconic part of Australia’s military traditions : “The Ode of Remembrance” [1914] and “In Flanders’ Fields” [1916]’. A second page Poetry and songs 1901-1954 carries this into the 20th century. They also include a selection of songs dating from 1954 on.
  • Red Room Poetry
    Poets, New Australian poetry, contemporary Australian writers & poetry education. ‘Reflecting the diversity of Australian voices, RR commissions and publishes poetry of all styles and stages [page/performance/spoken word/experimental/digital/musical/visual]’. Significant listing provided in alphabetical groupings.
  • The ABC Book of Australian Poetry [Reading Australia]
    ‘This anthology, compiled by Libby Hathorn, contains over eighty poems dating from 1885 to the present day representing the diversity of Australia. In order to assist you in selecting poems for your classroom, a table of poems [PDF, 271KB] has been organised, but this is in no way prescriptive. Suggestions are offered about the year level to target and themes and the poetic devices you can explore, but your own context will inform what you do’.
  • The Poet Les Murray
    Bibliography, poems, teaching resources, links, more.
  • Wallis & Matilda - Banjo Paterson Poems
    ‘Below is an alphabetical list of all of Banjo Paterson poems put to music and recorded by Wallis and Matilda and music clips of their songs. Each poem listed is a link to the full text of the poem. Click the Play music clip links below to hear a short music sampler of the song’.
  • What is Australian Bush Poetry ? [Twinkl]
    ‘Australian Bush Poetry, also known as a ‘Bush Ballad’ is defined as poetry with rhyme and meter that depicts Australia, Australians and the way of life in Australia. Bush Poetry originally began as a style of poem that incorporated elements of folk music and explored life in the Australian bush. This form of poetry, however, has adapted from the traditional ballads and shanty style tales of life in the outback to a broader representation of life in Australia. In the modern day, Bush Poetry can explore a range of different ideas, from Australia’s rich history to modern issues such as, politics, medicine and environmental concerns. In this teaching wiki, we will explore the origin and history of Australian Bush Poetry and provide some examples of famous Bush Poetry. We’ll also explore the characteristics of this poetry and what makes it a unique and important aspect of Australian culture’.
  • What is Bush Poetry ?
    Shelley Hansen. ‘According to the Australian Bush Poets Association website, by definition Australian Bush Poetry is metred and rhymed poetry about Australia, Australians and/or the Australian way of life’. Check list of Award-Winning Poems listed in the menu on the left. These demonstrate what she means.


For specifically Australian children’s poetry and poems, see more links in the section above.

  • 12 Best Poetry Websites for Kids
    Interactives and Collections. ‘Use these free websites to help children and teens learn, practice, listen to and enjoy poetry. These resources are helpful for parents, teachers, and kids alike. Many of them have forms, tips, and scaffolding. A few even give your kids the opportunity to submit their finished works of poetic art for online publication. As an added bonus, many of the sites also have lesson plans for teachers’.
  • 59 All types of Poems for Kids [Rhyming Poems for Kids]
    ‘Children might not be interested in the mechanics and techniques involved in poetry writing. However, there is an effective way to get them interested in poetry. The key is to read them plenty of poetry written with children in mind. Many children’s poems feature things that interest children, things they can relate to, like missing the school bus or cafeteria lunches. Funny poems are the best for getting kids motivated to write their own material’.
  • 86 Most Popular Teen Poems - Intense Poems About Life By Teens
    ‘Poetry about teen life really requires a website all its own. Being a teenager is a complicated business and Teen Poets write some of the most intense poems. The teenage years are a time when we experience some of life’s most difficult issues for the first time’.
  • Best Poems for Kids of All Time [100 Best Poems]
    Besides the main 100 listing, check the Navigation list for other collections of poems.
  • Children [Poetry Foundation]
    Articles about children’s poetry from a wide range of authors from around the world.
  • Children’s Poems - Poems For Children
    118+ poets and 742 poems. ‘Poems about children. Read the best children’s poems. Browse through all children’s poems’. There are also 200 quotations relating to poetry.
  • Children’s Poetry
    ‘A free, online poetry resource providing famous poetry for children by the World’s most popular Poets. Whether your search is for Classic Childrens Poetry or Modern poetry for children you will find the poetry for children of your choice on this Children’s Poetry section’.
  • Cool Links for Kids
    ‘I have listed below a pile of fun websites for kids like us that I find interesting and fun. The first stuff is an alphabetical listing of interesting web pages of poets and authors I enjoy’.
  • FizzyFunnyFuzzy : Fun Poetry For Kids
    ‘Find out if elephants are real, what lurks within your school bag and why some pirates shouldn’t set sail !’ Sections include Latest Poems, The Top Ten, Lucky Dip, Poetry Themes, All the Poems and Latest News.
  • Forms of Poetry for Children
    25 different formats with explanations and examples for each of the types covered.
  • Planet Poetry
    ‘Welcome to planetpoetry® for quality, modern children’s poetry. I hope my poems challenge you and make you laugh and cry and think ! I also hope they inspire you to write your own. ! Daniel’s poems have featured on the BBC’s CBeebies and in many anthologies’.
  • Poems For Children by Famous Poets
    ‘There are many famous poems for children. Poets like A. A. Milne and William Blake wrote many poems for children that can inspire them to find their voice and representation through poetry, even from an early age’. Specific examples are provided and also an extensive listing of poets whose work is considered worthwhile.
  • Poems for Kids [Storyberries]
    ‘Nursery rhymes, funny poems, rhyming poems, baby poems, limericks and more. Settle back and enjoy our children’s poems and rhymes that every child will love’. In addition there are also Free Kids Audio Stories, Best Stories Collections [1 hour long for each and linked to specific ages] and more.
  • Poems for Kids - Pitara Kids’ Network
    ‘Our large assortment of poems for kids include evergreen classics as well as new poems on a variety of themes. You will find original juvenile poetry about trees, animals, parties, school, friendship and many more subjects. We have short poems, long poems, funny poems, inspirational poems, poems about environment and poems you can recite’.
  • Poems For Kids To Recite
    Rainy Day Poems. ‘Below you will find our monthly pick of a favourite poem to recite along with poems that children of different age groups can memorise to recite. The monthly pick will be new each month while the poems grouped by age will continually be added to, for a broader selection of choice’.
  • Poems Kids Like []
    The following is ‘a selection of poems kids love by poets like Lewis Carroll, Jack Prelutsky, Shel Silverstein, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes and more. Many of these poems are especially suitable for younger children and students in elementary school’.
  • Poetry4Kids
    ‘The funny poetry playground of children’s author Ken Nesbitt. Here you will find lots of funny poems for kids, classic children’s poems, games, poetry lessons and activities, plus a rhyming dictionary, videos, author visit information and lots more’.
  • Poetry for Kids
    ‘Here are some different types of poems to try in your classroom or at home for fun’. Title, descriptor, examples and links to further resources for that specific format. Types range from Acrostic via Cinquains and Haiku through to Shape [or CONCRETE] and there are both instructions and examples for each.
  • Road Trip Activities for the Car : Poetry Writing
    ‘Luckily, through reading and practice, it’s possible to pick up the basics of poetry writing and start honing your craft. It’s also possible to work with kids so they can start developing their own voice and learn how to express themselves through the medium’. Two main sections cover Poetry Writing Basics and Poetry Writing Resources, the latter a listing of annotated sites you might find useful.
  • Short Poems for Children []
    ‘25 of the Best Short, Rhyming Poems to Teach Your Kids’. There are also 400+ Popular Poem Themes, Teaching Poetry information, Poem of the Day [you can even Subscribe to the FREE Poem of the Day e-mail], even a separate Start Here section.
  • Teen Ink - By Teens, for Teens
    ‘Teen Ink offers some of the most thoughtful and creative work generated by teens today. We have no staff writers or artists; we depend completely on submissions from teenagers around the world for our content’.
  • The Best Poems for Kids - Pan Macmillan
    ‘Poetry for children can make kids laugh, think about the world around them and inspire their own creativity. Here’s our selection of some of the best poems for children’.
  • The Children’s Poetry Archive
    ‘Poetry doesn’t just live in books - it lives in the sounds that words make. When we read poems out loud we breathe life into them and we can picture them in our imagination. The Children’s Poetry Archive is a place where you can listen to poems read out loud. We have poems read by the poets who wrote them as well as poems which other people have recorded for us. We think everyone has a favourite poem, it’s just that they haven’t heard it out loud yet. We hope you find your favourite here’. The Teaching Space is well worth visiting.
  • The funEverse
    ‘A free resource for schools and children where poets, illustrators and kids come together to exercise their creative funny bones and write funny verse’. There is even a blog you can visit.
  • The Poetry Zone
    ‘Poems by children and also teaching resources for schools. Competitions, Poets Talk, Video Zone, more’. Send us a Poem, Poets talk, Book Reviews, Competitions, Video Zone, Roger Stevens and a Teachers Zone.
  • Web Links – Poetry Websites [Poetry4kids]
    ‘These are links to websites devoted to children’s poetry’. Imagine going to GiggleVerse or Verse with Verve. A number of these are already included on this page.
  • Wits, Whims, and Wicked Kids, Poetry for Children
    A diverse collection of poems covering a wide range of topics and forms. Compiled by H. E. D. Oz. It also has a listing of More Great Poetry Sites


  • What Is Classical Poetry ?
    What exactly is this type of writing ? There’s been a vast array of poems written throughout history and poets across the world consistently release new works that add to our global library of poetry. Because poetry has been present throughout so many eras of human history, it can be difficult to know where the cutoff mark is in the time frame that defines whether something is classical or modern. To answer these and related questions, we’re taking a look at classical poetry, its characteristics and several examples of classical poems throughout history’.
  • 10 Classic Children’s Poems Everyone Should Read
    ‘We’ve tried to select ten of the very finest classic poems for children for this post. For classic nursery rhymes, check out our pick of the best children’s nursery rhymes in a separate post’.
  • 10 Greatest Poems Ever Written
    Society of Classical Poets. ‘From least greatest [10] to greatest greatest [1], the poems in this list are limited to ones originally written in the English language and which are under 50 lines. Each poem is followed by some brief analysis. Many good poems and poets had to be left off this list’.
  • 14 Classic Poems Everyone Should Know
    ‘There are some essential classic poems everyone should know. These poems form the tradition of the English language, linger in the memory and shape our thoughts. You may recognise some of these lines, but knowing the author and the date will improve your claim to cultural literacy’.
  • Top 25 Short Famous Classic Poems To Memorise of All Time
    ‘On this list, you’ll find twenty-five of the best short, classic poems that are great to Memorise. These poems range in length, but not in quality. Each one presents the reader with a memorable narrative or depiction of an emotional scene that makes them perfect to devote time to and always have ready to recite’.
  • 31 of the Best and Most Famous Short Classic Poems Of All Time
    ‘Here is some of the best classical poetry for you to enjoy’.
  • An Intro to Classic Poets [Little Infinite]
    ‘Most of us were introduced to classic poets in school. But there is a big difference between reading poetry because you have to and reading poetry for fun. Don’t let preconceived notions keep you from diving into a little classic poetry. Many of these poets have been inspiring writers for centuries. Their work is beautiful, innovative and showcases the time it was written’.
  • Bartleby Verse
    ‘With tens of thousands of poems by thousands of authors, offers one of the largest and oldest free full-text collections of verse on the web’.
  • Classical Poems
    Extensive listing with some unexpected inclusions. Links to other poetry groupings and poet listings. The Explore Poems section on the right gives you the opportunity to narrow your search to specific types such as nature, school, butterfly, laughter, . . . and the list goes on .
  • Classic Poems [Poets’ Graves]
    Extensive listing of poems from a wide range of poets. Listed in two groups - A-H and J-Z. Check the menu on the left for further links to poetry information.
  • Classic Poems Resource Pack
    Twinkl. ‘This great classic poem resource pack is excellent to use for performance poetry or drama lessons, as well as during handwriting practice to add some differentiation into your lessons. After learning about classic poems, why not encourage children to write their own with this Write and Perform a Poem Activity ?’
  • Classic Poetry Primary Resources
    Twinkl. ‘This selection of teacher-made resources is excellent for teaching children about the classic poets from the past, reminding all of us why this type of poem is thought-provoking, inspiring and fun. Our range of PowerPoints and print-outs of poems from a variety of authors offers a great time-saver when it comes to hunting down resources. Take a minute to have a browse, there might even be some classic poems you had forgotten about’.
  • Luminarium
    Includes sections on Metaphysical and Cavalier poets as well as Medieval Literature, Renaissance Literature, 17th Century Literature and Restoration and an 18th Century collection.
  • Kenn Nesbitt’s
    ‘Read and Rate these Classic Children’s Poems. Here are the most recently added classic children’s poems for you to read and rate. I post more classic poems regularly, so please check back often. Have fun ! Read them all ? Want more ? Click here for hundreds more funny poems’.
  • Old Possum’s Book of Cats [TS Eliot]
    ‘Thomas Stearns Eliot was a poet, dramatist and literary critic. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry. Cat burglars, magicians, thieves, and troublemakers populate the colourful cast of this wonderful book’. You are able to sign in using one of several options [free] to access the complete document. You can also read more at An introduction to Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats done by The British Library.
  • The Best Poems Ever
    ‘Picking the greatest poems ever written is a very subjective task and a matter of personal taste and fancy [so if you disagree with my choices, please feel free to compile your own]. Perhaps the most interesting thing about my personal canon is that many of the poems are fairly recent’. There is also access from the home page to other “best of” groupings such as The Best Short Poems of All Time. Many are quite different.
  • The Canterbury Tales - Harvard’s Geoffrey Chaucer Website
    A presentation that has both Middle English and Modern English versions of these, with each line and its translation adjacent. 27 sections altogether. You can also find further information about Chaucer and his works using the menu items at the top of the page e.g. How to read Chaucer, Chaucer’s World, Resources and METRO Resources. If you would like to listen to a Middle English version in a variety of recording formats, you should try The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer - Project Gutenberg.
  • The 32 Most Iconic Poems in the English Language [Literary Hub]
    ‘Turns out, despite frequent [false] claims that poetry is dead and/or irrelevant and/or boring, there are plenty of poems that have sunk deep into our collective consciousness as cultural icons. [What makes a poem iconic ? For our purposes here, it’s primarily a matter of cultural ubiquity, though unimpeachable excellence helps any case]. So I have listed some of them here’. Ranges from Samuel Taylor Coleridge to Rudyard Kipling and T.S.Eliot.


  • 10 Best Love Poems Ever ! [Writer’s Digest]
    ‘My top 10 list of the best love poems ever. I’ve tried to find a version of each poem online. Just click the links’. A diverse collection of poets from around the world. You may also find the Write Better Poetry section useful.
  • 10 Greatest Love Poems Ever Written [Society of Classical Poets]
    ‘The poems I have chosen this time cover the full spectrum of responses to love, from joy to anguish and sometimes a mixture of both’. There are also links to other small collections of similar poems. ‘If you are looking for love poems in more modern language, you will probably find the 10 Best Love Poems of 2022 or 10 Best Love Poems of 2021 useful’.
  • 58 Absolutely Beautiful Love Poems To Read Right Now
    ‘These love poems I’ve collected vary widely. Some are classic love poems. Some rhyme. Others don’t. Most are romantic. A few are sad or angry. All of them are beautiful. All of them are about love. Since the days of epic poetry, poets have used sonnets, free verse, villanelles, slam poetry, short poems and even instagram poetry to describe love’.
  • 100 Most Popular Love Poems
    ‘Poems about Love speak about the passion, desire and vulnerability of being in love’. Other types of poems can be found listed in the menu on the right.
  • Best Love Poems
    Links to a vast number of poems covering love. Take a pick, find who wrote the poem and what aspects of love they wrote about.
  • Love Poems [Academy of American Poets]
    ‘Popular love poems, from classic to contemporary, to share for weddings and anniversaries, on Valentine’s Day and year-round. These poems are perfect to express romantic love, a lovely friendship, or a love that’s complicated’. Groups cover Classic love Poems, Contemporary Love Poems, Love Poems for Specific Occasions and even Poems for Anniversaries. There are even Essays on Love & Poetry.
  • Love Poems and Poetry
    ‘Here you will find love poems and poetry of all sorts and types’. Use the extensive Categories menu on the left to select specific poems and poets.
  • Love Poems and Quotes
    ‘The most romantic love poems on the web’. Also poems, quotes for friendship and inspiration.
  • Love Poems [Poetry Foundation]
    ‘Classic and contemporary love poems to share’. Sections include Classic Love, Teen Love, Romantic Love, Funny Love, Sad Love, Friendship and more.
  • Love Poems - Rhyming and Free Verse Love Poetry
    ‘Free love poems and verses for romantic love messages and notes. Short, long, sad, teen, relationship love poetry, more. Find the words of love you’re looking for right here’. Check the menu on the left for related collections of poetry linked to specific groups and times.
  • Love Poetry
    ‘A free, online love poetry resource providing the famous love poems from the World’s most popular Poets. As well, We have devised a Top 20 List of our favourite poems. It was an extremely difficult task and obviously our choice, in the end, was based on personal preferences ! We hope the list will provide our readers with as much pleasure as these famous verses have given to us’.
  • The 20 Best Romantic Love Poems of All Time
    ‘These love poems will make you sound like the hopeless romantic you’d like to be’.


  • A Poetry Lover’s Guide to the Web
    ‘We look for poetry which expresses genuine feeling : love, tenderness, despair, wistfulness, rage … The guide consists of 100 poems and 65 links to other poetry collections and guides. The poems are English-language with a few non-English poems whose translations are, in themselves, great poetry’.
  • All Poetry - The world’s largest poetry site
    ‘The web’s largest poetry writing group - from beginners to experts. Improve your poetry, create a fan base and read the best poetry of our generation. Allpoetry is home base for poets’.
  • Christmas Poems
    For links to a selection of Christmas poems, visit this page on our web site.
  • Commaful - Discover our best poetry !
    ‘Here you’ll find many types of poems on a variety of topics written by poets from all over the world. You’ll find poetry that can teach you new things, make you feel, and make you think. Some of the poems might rhyme. Others might be lyrical. And others might just change your life’.
  • Every
    ‘Dig deep enough and you will discover a wealth of poems and poetry resources, from vibrant, populous forums for posting and commenting on surprisingly good and terrifyingly bad poetry, a Poetry Showcase where you may submit your own poems and enjoy the poems and reading recommendations of your fellow poets and poseurs, a full-text archive of classic poems and a remarkably extensive, useful, poetry links collection and bookstore. Haiku generators. A poetic table of the elements. And more’
  • Famous Poets and Poems
    ‘This site is dedicated to poetry and to the people who make poetry possible : poets and their readers. is a free poetry site. On our site you can find a large collection of poems and quotes from over 631 poets. Read and Enjoy Poetry’.
  • My Poetic Side
    ‘Register to : Post your poetry; Create an ebook with your poems for free; Write down the books you read; Save your favourite poems, authors and posts; Leave your comments; and Make friends’. In addition, there is a vast range of poetry plus further information.
  • Poemhunter
    ‘Best poems by famous poets all around the world on Poem Hunter. Read poems and quotes from the most popular poets’. Poetry E-books, Manage your Poems, Poem of the Day, Top 500 Poems, Top 500 Poets, Forum, more. Huge collection.
  • Poem of The Week
    ‘The Mission of the Poem of the Week is to increase the appreciation of the variety of poetry in the English language and to provide a resource for educators at large’. The archive can searched by Poet, Title and First Line or by Occasion. Still not added to for some time.
  • Poem of the Week [ABR]
    ‘Each week a different poet will introduce and read his or her poem. We are delighted to be making a lasting record of these poets’ voices. We hope that you enjoy hearing these poems, freely available on our website’. You should also check their Poem page, where they have new poems on a regular basis.
  • Poetry 101 : Resources for Beginners
    Academy of American Poets. ‘How to read a poem; recommendations; glossary; reading guides; Poetry forms and techniques’, more.
  • Poetry 180
    American Library of Congress. ‘Poetry 180 is designed to make it easy for students to hear or read a poem on each day of the school year. I have selected the poems you will find here with high school students in mind’. You can also access a comprehensive guide to locating poetry resources available on the Library of Congress Web site. Some may not directly apply but you may still find them of interest and worth reading.
  • Poetry Articles
    Really a collection of collections. ‘Here is a list of all the great articles about poems on Poem of Quotes.
  • Famous Poets : Classical to Modern Poetry are found here. Find all the other pages on poetry here including links to ParentsCorner, Quotes and Tools.

Top of Page

  • Poetry Daily
    ‘Our purpose is to provide readers with a window on a very broad range of poetry offered annually by publishers large and small - to make it easier for people to find poets and poetry they like - and to help publishers bring news of their books, magazines and journals to more people. Each day, we bring you a new poem from new books, magazines and journals’
  • Poetry Foundation
    ‘The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience’. There are sections included for Educators, Listen, Online Resources [including partner sites and Teacher-specific Resources] and Poets from many periods.
  • Poetry In Translation
    A. S. Kline's Open Access Poetry Archive. Presents ‘modern, high-quality translations of classic texts by famous poets as well as original poetry and critical works’. All texts are downloadable in PDF, EPUB, Mobi, WORD and HTML formats.
    A Resource site for Poetry and Poets. ‘Here you can learn about the history, meaning and types of poetry, as well as terms often used when reading and studying poetry. There is also the resource page : a series of links to various poetry sites for daily poetry, poetry organisations, poet biographies and more. And there is our selection of poetry from various famous poets’.
  • Poetry Out Loud
    By clicking on Find Poems in the menu you can access Poems, Poets, Collections, Poetic Forms & Terms and Random Poems. While there is a national Poetry competition [only in the United States], it is an interesting concept someone might like to consider in Australia. This Poetry Out Loud - National Endowment for the Arts page gives a detailed description of what is involved. There is also a range of resource material for teachers.
  • Poets’ Corner
    ‘The Collection covers over 7 459 works by 800 Poets including some of the best known works in the English language - and many obscure and forgotten works that are well worth reading’ [at time of update]. The menu on the left provides access to an extensive range of information.
  • - Poet Biographies
    ‘Search more than 3 000 biographies of contemporary and classic poets’. Try their Poem-A-Day - ‘the original and only daily digital poetry series featuring over 250 new, previously unpublished poems by today’s talented poets each year’.
  • Representative Poetry Online
    Poems : All Poems, Advanced Search, Random Poem; Poets : Poets, Advanced Search, Random Poet, Poet Honours; Poetry : Timeline, Criticism, Glossary, Bibliography; On this Day . . . ’ and more.
  • Robert Frost - Biography and Poetry
    Extensive bibliography covering both his life and his poetry. The page also links to several other well-known poets. You can also ‘Search more than 3 000 biographies of contemporary and classic poets. Browse all poets, filter the list by state and schools and movements, or search by name below’ on this page.
  • Shadow Poetry
    ‘A place for writers to walk out of the shadows. A Poet’s writing resource. Includes What is Poetry ?, Types of Poetry, Haiku, A-Z Handbook, Famous Poets, Bestbook Poetry Guide, Word Wizard Competition, Magnet Poetry, Poetry Quotes and Bookstore’.
  • Shmoop - Poetry Study Guides
    Select from among those listed on 40 pages. Use the Navigation menu at the bottom to access specific aspects within the guide. If you click on one of the images, e.g. A Birthday you will go to a new page which provides you with considerable information, Resource links [possibly with links to audio and video] with a More → button that takes you to the full text of the poem.
  • The Hypertexts
    ‘An on-line poetry journal with a simple goal : to showcase the best poetry, literary prose and art available to us. We simply publish the best poetry we can find’. The Site Guide on the home page will assist you to achieve this.
  • The Poem Tree
    ‘This site is an online poetry anthology, with an emphasis on metered poetry, both traditional and modern. Some excellent free verse is also included’. Use the menus on both sides of the homepage to access resources. Note that : This site isn’t being expanded at this time.
  • The Poetry Archive
    Connecting with the voice of poets. We have a fundamental belief that poetry should be accessible to everyone. The website currently features over 2 000 poems you can listen to without charge, with examples of the best of every kind of English-language poetry. New recordings are added all the time. Hearing a poet reading his or her work remains uniquely illuminating’. The Children’s Poetry Archive listed in the Children’s Poetry section above is part of this site.
  • Top Resources on Poetry
    Reading Rockets. ‘Explore how to introduce poetry to young readers, 10 Ways to Use Poetry in Your Classroom, Using Poetry to Teach Reading . . . , plus many other sections covering related ideas on how poetry can be integrated. Visit our National Poetry Month section for further resources’.
  • Types of Poetry
    ‘All of the different types of poetry and literary terms can be found on this site together with many examples of the different styles and kinds of poetry. Additional examples of famous, different poems and poetry can be found by clicking the above links to different Examples of Dark Poetry, Examples of Romantic Poetry, Examples of Teen Poetry, Examples of English Poetry, Examples of American Poetry, Examples of Wedding Poetry and Examples of Robert Frost Poetry’.
  • Walt Whitman : A Resource Guide
    ‘This guide compiles the many Whitman resources spread throughout the Library of Congress website. In addition, it provides links to external websites on Walt Whitman and a selected bibliography of publications about Whitman and his writings’.


  • 9 Poems for a Tough Winter [The Atlantic Daily]
    ‘A scary season looms; poems can steel the spirit, or offer a distraction. Our writers and editors offer nine selections for exactly those purposes. Store them in your heart’s cellar and retrieve as needed’ American poems by people from Ogden Nash to Ross Gay. Click on the link next to the title/poet to access the full poem and often some details about the poet.
  • 10 Great Winter Poems Everyone Should Read
    Interesting Literature. ‘Here are ten of the best winter poems, from Thomas Hardy’s New Year meditation to Christina Rossetti’s classic Christmas carol. As you might expect, snow features heavily in many of these poems, so wrap up warm before you follow the links provided [on the title of each poem] and start reading’.
  • 10 Winter Poems To Cozy Up To [JSTOR Daily]
    ‘It’s winter, the perfect season for curling up with a poem - or ten. Winter strikes different poets in different ways; some of these poems are as pensive and quiet as a long dark night, while others shimmer with holiday twinkle. We’ve gathered some examples of verse about the season, from famous poets like Dylan Thomas and H.D., to others who may be new to you’.
  • 15 Reflective Winter Poems For Cold Nights [Book Riot]
    ‘Instead of lamenting the shortest day of the year, many winter poems focus on the fact that the days start growing longer again at the solstice. Cold, darkness, and the unknown can be powerful symbols, but these winter poems celebrate the solstice as a time for contemplation and renewal’.
  • 15+ Poems About Winter : Embracing The Chill [Pick Me Up Poetry]
    ‘Whether curled up on your couch or bundled up in some heavy clothing while on an adventure, these chilling winter poems will have you dreaming of snow and ice. So grab your favourite hot beverage and lets get started’. There are also links to other collections using the Poetry Collections link in the top menu.
  • 30+ Warming Winter Poems
    ‘Classic Poems, Winter Haikus, Playful and Festive Winter Poems, More Winter Poems to Warm Your Heart and Quotes About Winter’. Also has a link to Poems about I Miss You.
  • 39 Delightful Winter Poems for Kids of All Ages
    We Are Teachers. ‘We’ve put together this beautiful collection of winter poems to share with kids of all ages. We hope you and your students enjoy them’. Includes - Winter Poems for Elementary [Primary] Kids and Winter Poems for Middle & High School Students. Links to other poetry collections are found on the right side of the page.
  • 41 Classic and New Poems to Keep You Warm in Winter]
    ‘A collection of classic and new poems for the Winter Season’. Grouped in time periods. Links to other poetry collections.
  • Funny Winter Poems or Funny Poems for Winter
    ‘Humorous and funny Winter poems and/or funny poems about Winter. Read, share and enjoy these hilarious Winter funny poems ! Also, try our sister website’s powerful search engine for poems or see our other Winter Poems [Poetry Soup]’.
  • Great Winter Poems [Writers Write]
    ‘The beautiful snow and ice, the extreme cold and harsh winter storms have inspired many poets and writers over the years. Here is a selection of winter poetry from renowned poets to inspire you’.
  • Twelve Beautiful Winter Poems [Pan Macmillan]
    ‘A selection of classic and contemporary poems about winter from Robert Frost, Gillian Clarke, Edgar Allen Poe and more to enjoy during the coldest season’.
  • Winter Poems
    ‘A Collection of Winter Poems and Poetry from the most famous Poets and Authors’. Access other collections from the menu on the left e.g. Poem of the Month, Thematic Poems, . . . .
  • Winter Poems [Australian Children’s Poetry Website
    Poem of the Day - includes Poem, Poet and a statement from the poet about what thoughts helped create the poem. Some are quite unusual, e.g. Sneezin’ Season !
  • Winter Poems []
    Four sections list a wide range of poems about winter. The complete poem for each is then provided below in the order listed. You can even take a Memorise Test for a poem you choose.
  • Winter Poems of Famous Poets
    ‘Some poets are admiring the peace and glory of snowfields while others are expressing their tensed expectation’ of what is still to come.
  • Winter Poems - Best Poems about Winter
    ‘Winter poems from famous poets and the best, beautiful poems to feel good. Best winter poems ever written. Read all the poems about winter’.
  • Winter Poems [Poetry Foundation]
    Done in sections including Winter Love, Snowy Wonder, The Blizzard of the Self, Winter is coming, . . . and more.

Top of Page


  • 7 Poetry Activities Students Love
    ‘Getting secondary students to read and write poetry [and enjoy it] can be difficult. So, I’ve gathered some tools that engage students in meaningful [but fun !] writing and discussion. Keep reading as I reveal the poetry activities my students love the most’.
  • 8 Poetry Websites for Kids [Proud to be Primary]
    Resources for Teaching Young Poets. ‘Use them to help kids learn how to write poems, the difference between poetry styles and much more’.
  • 10 Easy Hacks on How to Write a Poem You Can Be Proud Of
    ‘Want to know how to go about writing a poem ? It requires vivid imagination, along with a good grip on the language, sincerity of emotions and proper presentation skills’.
  • Don J’s Bestbook Poetry Guide Articles [Shadow Poetry]
    21 chapters, broken into multiple sections each. Suited to older students.
  • General Poetry Resources, Lesson Plans and more
    @Web English Teacher [Varsity Tutors]. ‘This page features lesson plans and activities for teaching specific types of poetry or poetry in general’. Sites and Activities for Specific Poets and Collections of Poetry are also available.
  • How to Use Techniques and Styles in Poems
    Multiple styles. Links to related areas. To view a more comprehensive definition list, go to Poetry Dictionary.
  • How to Write a Poem : Follow These 8 Tips for Poetic Success
    ‘Despite the challenge, writing poetry is a very fulfilling creative experience and we have exactly what you’re looking for to learn how to nail this art form’. Scroll down to the Table of Contents to make use of each section.
  • How to Write Poetry and Seven Types of Poems Students Love
    ‘With over fifty acknowledged styles of poetry there is plenty on offer to students of all ages and ability. We will look at seven [7] different styles of poetry and strategies for teaching it in the classroom. These styles of poetry are most commonly taught in elementary/primary classrooms’.
  • How to Write Poetry [Creative Writing Lessons]
    ‘Would you like step-by-step advice on how to get poetry ideas and turn them into poems ? You’re in the right place’. Check the Table of Contents for full details of all the help available, both general and specific.
  • Library of Congress Poetry Resources
    ‘The Teachers’ Page is a resource designed to help teachers and other educators incorporate primary source materials, including those in American Memory and the Library’s other digital collections, into the classroom. The Teachers’ Page includes lesson plans, primary source sets and other resources related to poetry’.
  • Materials for Teachers
    ‘Here you’ll find poetry lesson plans, poems for kids and for teens, essays about teaching, a calendar of teaching resources for the school year, a glossary of poetry terms and more. Our lesson plans, most of which are aligned with the Common Core, have been reviewed by our Educator in Residence with an eye toward developing skills of perception and imagination’.
  • Poetry Terms [YoungWriters]
    ‘We have created a list of different poetry terms, with their definitions. Just click on the poetry term for which you would like to see the definition’.


  • 12 Poetic Forms You Should Try
    ‘If you’re interested in writing poetry, you might also be interested in trying these 12 unique poetic forms. There are endless poetic forms you can try with new ones always being invented. Writing form poetry can be both a valuable exercise or give a new and interesting angle to a poetic idea. In this video, we’ll talk about 12 different poetic forms of all different poetic families that you can try in your own work’. [14:37]
  • 50 Classic Poems Read By 12 Celebrities : Morgan Freeman, Jodie Foster, Gary Sinise and more
    List provided on the home page with poem, reader and time for each. [1:34:32.]
  • Celebrities reading poems - Great voices speaking great words
    ‘A collection of world famous poetry being recited by famous celebrities who are known for their resonant voices and charismatic delivery. There are of course many great poems, poets and voices missing from the collection. If you have any recommended readings, please suggest and I will consider them for a future video’. [38:27].
  • Elements of Poetry
    ‘There are 6 basic elements of poetry : Stanza, Rhyme, Rhythm, Tone, Imagery and Figurative Language - Let’s start with STANZA’. [4:23]
  • How to Write Acrostic Poems
    ‘This video defines this type of poetry and describes the process of writing acrostic poems with examples. Have fun trying to write an acrostic poem !’ [2:23]
  • How To Write A Haiku Poem [Step-By-Step Tutorial]
    ‘In addition to telling you how to write a Haiku, I make up a poem that fits the Haiku template and write it out for you in the video ! A Haiku has 3 lines with a specific number of syllables on each line [5, 7 and 5]’. [2:47 ]
  • How to Write a Poem
    ‘Poetry is not only an enjoyable form that will let you experiment with language, ideas and creativity, but also a great exercise to improve your prose. If you’re not sure where to start with this playful and inventive form, we’ve broken the process into eight simple steps !’ [8:07]
  • How to Write a Poem - Tips for Beginners
    ‘Ever wanted to write a poem but haven’t known where to start ? Have a homework assignment to write a poem ? I’m here to help you. I’ll explain the basic techniques of writing poetry such as rhyme, form, poetic devices and more. [14:37]
  • Parts of a Poem - Elements of Poetry - Poetry for Beginners
    ‘Poems differ from other types of writing. They do not have paragraphs or sentences; they have Stanzas and lines instead. You will learn the elements of a poem today’. [3:30]
  • Poetry for Beginners : Parts of a Poem
    ‘Teachers, I hope your students enjoy this interactive video that will help them identify the parts of a poem. They don’t have to have the foldable to follow along and learn ! Grab the interactive foldable I’m using in this video : This interactive set includes quizzes and practice activities too ! Check out my other poetry resources :’. More poetry videos are listed in the introduction section on the main page. [11:51]
  • Poetry for Kids : Learn about the different types of poetry and the parts of a poem
    ‘Poetry for kids is a fun introductory video to all of the different types of poetry. We all love to hear a good story and one way to tell a great story is through Poetry. Poems are made up of different parts. The title of a poem is the name of the poem. The theme of a poem lets the reader know what the poem is about. A single line in a poem is called a verse and a group of lines in a poem, separated by a space, is called a stanza. In this video we learn all about the different kinds of poems and your kids will learn to how to recognise them in a fun engaging way’. [9:25]
  • The Elements of a Poem [Khan Academy]
    ‘Poetry is a special kind of writing - if ordinary writing is like talking, then poetry is like singing. This video will describe the parts of poems and how to think about them’. [5:05]
  • What makes a poem . . . a poem ? Melissa Kovacs
    ‘What exactly makes a poem . . . a poem ? Poets themselves have struggled with this question, often using metaphors to approximate a definition. Is a poem a little machine ? A firework ? An echo ? A dream ? Melissa Kovacs shares three recognisable characteristics of most poetry’. [5:19
  • What’s With Poetry ? [Chapter 1]
    ABC. ‘It is easy to dismiss poetry as too difficult, but really all you have to do with poetry is read it and then think about how it makes you feel. Yes, there are rules to poetry, but there are rules to most things we enjoy. Watch this video as Matt from the Sydney Story Factory explains how writing poetry is just another way to tell a story’. [4:10] Three other video chapters also available.
  • Online Resources : The Poetry Foundation
    Resources for teachers from General Poetry sites, Teacher-specific resources, Single-poet archives and Audiovisual archives. Links to other Poetry areas and Partner Sites.
  • Poetry Class
    ‘Find a wide selection of poetry lesson plans and activities covering the whole spectrum of key stages and exploring many themes and forms of poetry. Each resource has been created by our team of poet-educators and poetry-passionate teachers’.
  • Poetry Class - Teaching Resources
    Select resources from the menu on the left plus use the two primary links from the descriptor below the heading. ‘Choose from many different poetry lesson plans and activities covering a range of key stages and aspects of poetry. Search for what you are after by theme, key stage or topic’.
  • Poetry Resources
    From the National Council of Teachers of English in the US. Interviews with Poets, NCTE Verse, Poetry-Themed Journals, Poetry Books, Poetry Lesson Plans, Blog Posts and much more.
  • Poetry Teaching Resources [Teach Starter]
    ‘An extensive collection of poetry resources to use in your primary classroom. Use one of the comprehensive poetry units to guide your students from the learning of the poetry concepts through to their completed piece of text. Use the Element of Poetry Workbook to consolidate students understanding of the concepts. Worksheets are also provided for diamante, autobiographical, colour, ballad, ode, haiku, shape, simile, limerick, cinquain and acrostic poems. Use the poetry PowerPoint teaching presentations and posters as visual aids for students throughout their work on poetry’.
  • Poetry Writing Lessons for Kids
    ‘Here are many of the poetry writing lessons for children that I have created to help you become a better poet, including how to write funny poetry, poetic rhythm, poetic forms and other styles of verse, as well as lesson plans for teachers and video lessons’.
  • Rhyme Zone
    ‘Find rhymes, synonyms, adjectives and more. RhymeZone is the best and fastest way to find English words for writing poetry, song lyrics, essays and more. It has been running continuously since 1996’. You might also be interested in the OneLook Dictionary Search which, while not specifically tied to Poetry could still be useful.
  • Services to Schools - Poetry
    Developed by the National Library of New Zealand. ‘Find out how poetry enhances wellbeing through self-expression and empathy and engages children with reading and writing. Using wordplay, humour and insights into the ordinary and extraordinary, poetry captures emotions and can confront serious issues’. Sections of the site cover : About poetry, Poetry in the classroom and school library, New Zealand poetry, The power of poetry, Spoken word or performance poetry, Verse novels and Poetry books and resources.
  • Strategies for Teaching Poetry : The Ultimate Guide [Just Add Students]
    ‘Teaching poetry can be intimidating - for both students and teachers. But it doesn’t have to be ! This post dives into ways you can teach poetry in fun and effective ways. Read on !’ You might also be interested on their other items which include What is blackout poetry and how to teach it ? which is both different and interesting.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing Poetry for Beginners
    The Guide ‘starts with getting to know the types of poetry and identifying which forms pull you. That’s where this guide to writing poetry for beginners comes in. Use this article as a beginner’s guidebook’.


  • All Types Of Poems
    ‘Poetry Forms, Definitions and Examples’. Click on headings to access further information. Also has links to a range of poems under topic headings.
  • Cinquain Poem Writing Template
    ‘Use this teaching resource when studying poetry in your classroom. It features some background information about cinquain poems, a writing template for ideas and a page for students to create their own cinquain poem’.
  • Different Types of Poetry
    ‘All of the different types of poetry and literary terms can be found on this site together with many examples of the different styles and kinds of poetry. Additional examples of famous poems and poetry can be found by clicking the links’ beneath the main heading.
  • Haiku and Senryu
    ‘An informative guide to writing Haiku and Senryu by Kathy Lippard Cobb including : Definition of Haiku, Helpful Hints, Juxtaposition in Haiku, Definition of Senryu, The Difference Between Haiku and Senryu while also featured is a section on Tanka by Kathy as well, with multiple informative links’.
  • Tanka Poetry Defined : 3 Examples of Tanka Poems
    ‘Tanka poems, which originated in Japan, are short poems intended to evoke vivid imagery and reflection for the reader. They are free verse, so they do not have to rhyme, but must follow specific syllable patterns’. Haiku and Tanka Poems [Masterpieces of Japanese Culture] is another page that looks closely at Japanese poetry forms.
  • What is Haiku ?
    ‘Haiku is an ancient form of Japanese poetry often containing [in English] a total of 17 syllables shared between three lines that are arranged in a pattern of 5-7-5’. A second site can be found at Haiku [Academy of American Poets].
  • Introduction to Poetry Types
    Includes ‘What is Poetry, Poetry Quotes, Traditional Poetry Forms and Invented Poetry Forms’. You will undoubtedly be very surprised at the number and names of many of these.
  • These Types of Poems Will Surely Generate Kids’ Interest in Poetry
    ‘Alphabet poetry need not be rhythmic rather the flow of alphabet is given more importance. Here, we shall explain the different types of poems for kids.
  • Types of Poems
    Creative Writing Now. ‘Here you’ll find explanations of different types of poems, with poetry ideas and creative writing prompts to try them yourself ! At the bottom of the page, you’ll find links to read about more poem types and techniques’.

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