Within each state & territory and national curriculum, there are multiple subject [learning] areas. The most important are considered Key/Core Subject Areas. These are common in all jurisdictions, with a number of additional subject/learning areas also common, depending on individual state or territory emphases.
While areas may be common, titles may vary between states & territories. This is more common with areas other than English [Language], Mathematics and Science. It is even more common with sub-areas, especially in secondary years.
This page provides information regarding core areas, titles by state/territory/national curriculum, and links to listings and syllabuses for subject areas.
The following three groups make up the Australian curriculum. There are links to these in the National section below.
There are 8 nationally agreed Learning Areas plus one [1] optional subject. They are English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Health & Physical Education, Languages and Work Studies [optional in Years 9 and 10]. As shown below these may be listed by varying titles in different state and territory jurisdictions.
There are also General Capabilities. These include Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology [ICT] Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social capability, Ethical Understanding and Intercultural Understanding.
There are further Cross Curriculum Priorities including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History and Cultures, Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia and Sustainability.
In Primary schooling, you learn about Science rather than Chemistry, Physics or Biology. You cover Social Sciences rather than History, Geography, Economics, Commerce or Business Studies. Many topics in Primary schools are done as Integrated Units involving more than one key area. For example, a unit on culture in a particular country could include aspects taken from all key areas.
In Secondary schools courses often begin as integrated areas but evolve into individual subject components as students progress through the years. They are also supplemented by new studies such as Career and Vocational areas. In senior years, ‘State and territory curriculum, assessment and certification authorities are responsible for determining how the Australian Curriculum content and achievement standards are to be integrated into their courses. The state and territory authorities also determine assessment and certification specifications for their courses and any additional information, guidelines and rules to satisfy local requirements, including advice on entry and exit points and credit for completed study’. [Senior secondary curriculum - The Australian Curriculum. Also see the Senior secondary curriculum V9 Australian Curriculum which also provides the latest information.]
From Year 9 of Secondary school there is also an option of Vocational Education [VET] courses. In some states there are also Endorsed Programs. For example, in Western Australia, the ‘ Endorsed Program may have been developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, or it may have been developed by a private provider or a school and subsequently endorsed by the Authority’.
In each Key/Core Subject Area are sub-topics depending on school level :
English -
Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking, Viewing,
Literature, . . .
Mathematics -
Number, Measurement, Chance & Data, Space,
Algebra, Calculus, . . .
Science -
Earth & Space, Energy, Living Things,
Investigating, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, . . .
Social Sciences -
History, Geography, Commerce, Cultures,
Indigenous Studies, Civics, Environmental Studies, . . .
The Arts -
Dance, Drama, Media, Music, Visual Arts, . . .
Health & Physical Education -
Health, Drug Education,
Physical Education, Sport, . . .
Core languages are Chinese, French, German,
Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, . . .
Technology -
Information Technology, Design & Technology,
Home Economics, Agriculture, Textiles, . . .
Links to all subject areas are provided for each state and territory in the following sections through links to framework/syllabus listings.
Titles for the Key/Core Subject Areas are provided for each state below.
F-10 content areas are listed above, as is the optional choice. Fifteen senior secondary subjects across English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography have been endorsed by the council of federal, state and territory Education Ministers as the agreed and common base for the development of state and territory senior secondary. For implementation in each state/territory, see included details below.
Information regarding The Australian Curriculum is provided via the links below. For extended information, use the initial link and then the various menus available.
The Australian Curriculum V9.0
ACARA. ‘When endorsed by Education Ministers the next version of the Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0, has been published on a new website for implementation from 2023’. Meanwhile V8.4 continues and includes :
F-10 Curriculum [The Australian Curriculum]
This section covers the Learning Areas, General Capabilities and Cross-curriculum Priorities. -
Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages
‘Opportunities to learn an Aboriginal language or a Torres Strait Islander language are becoming available in an increasing number of Australian schools. An aim of the Australian Curriculum Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages is to support these opportunities. The illustrations of practice to be published progressively on this page demonstrate Language Revival [LR] and First Language Learner [L1] programs that are being implemented in schools. They illustrate different contexts for, and flexible ways of, using the Framework’. -
Implementation of the Foundation - Year 10
Australian Curriculum
‘The implementation of the Australian Curriculum is the responsibility of state and territory school and curriculum authorities, which decide how and when the Australian Curriculum is implemented in their jurisdiction’. Links are provided to all relevant bodies for each. [Read more about the review on which was based the changes to be made in v9.0.] -
Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Foundation-Year 10 Australian Curriculum 2017
‘The monitoring report contains feedback collected between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019. Responses were received from departmental, school and curriculum authorities in all Australian states and territories. Feedback was also collected from ACARA’s advisory and reference groups’. -
Senior Secondary Curriculum
Overview, links to existing core areas/subjects, videos, Information Sheets/FAQs. -
Parent Information
‘This section of the website provides information for families and carers about their children and the Australian Curriculum. Download The Australian Curriculum : an overview for parents to learn about how the Australian Curriculum is organised’. -
Student Diversity
‘ACARA is committed to providing a curriculum that supports all students to achieve their full potential. Students may have one or more of the elements of student diversity represented on this page’. -
Use the menu link [Resources - built around Resources / Publications] at the top of the page to access a wide range of resources and several publications.
Review of the Australian Curriculum
‘On 12 June 2020, Education Ministers agreed that it was timely to review the Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum, which had been in place since 2015. ACARA is to complete the review by the end of 2021. If approved by Education Ministers, the revised Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum will be released on a redesigned Australian Curriculum website by the start of 2022’. A link to the new 9.0 version is included in the introductory paragraph. Relevant items linked to the review are listed below :
Media Release
Issued 12 June 2020. -
Curriculum Review Process Paper
‘This document describes the process used by ACARA to review the F–10 Australian Curriculum,commencing in June 2020’. -
The Shape of the Australian Curriculum
‘Describes the processes for quality assurance and review of the Australian Curriculum, including the aims for the review of the Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum [Version 8.5] commencing in 2020’. - Terms of Reference - Review of the Australian Curriculum F-10
Timeline F–10 Australian Curriculum Review
Up to 2022 when the New Australian Curriculum website goes live.
Recurrent funding for schools
‘The amount of recurrent funding provided by the Australian Government is available in various reports. To see those reports, go to the reports on school funding page. More information can also be found in the School funding Glossary’.
Learning Areas are titled - English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences [HASS], The Arts, Languages, Health & Physical Education [HPE] and Technologies plus the General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities detailed above. Several other items are listed on Our Curriculum page listed below.
ACT Curriculum Requirements Policy
‘This policy sets out the responsibilities for the implementation of the ACT Curriculum in school plans and teaching and learning programs in ACT public schools’. -
BSSS Frameworks
Provides access to subject area Frameworks, plus access to A/T/M/C courses downloadable information about each in .docx format [Word]. Access various course grouping, [e.g. A/T/M/C/V plus R, E and H Courses, as well as New and Updated Courses and Frameworks for 2022 . In addition there are menu links to a range of related information. -
Everyone Everyday
‘The Everyone Everyday teaching resources are no longer available through this website. To access the updated program please contact the Everyone Everyday team at’. -
Our Curriculum
Link to The Australian Curriculum, Health and Wellbeing, Religious Education, Aqua Water Safety and Awareness, Program and the Board of Senior Secondary Studies.
Learning Areas up to Year 6 are - English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society & Its Environment [HSIE], Personal Development, Health & Physical Education [PDHPE], Creative Arts.
Learning Areas for Years 7-10 are the same except Science & Technology is separated into two entities [Science and Technologies]. Several areas are broken into individual subjects [e.g. Creative Arts - Dance, Drama, Music, Photographic and Digital Media, Visual Arts and Visual Design] with the addition of VET in Years 9 and 10.
Learning Areas for Years 11 and 12 are the same as for Years 7-10, However, the individual Syllabus list is extensive as you can tell from the Syllabus A–Z listing [See link below].
Curriculum [NESA]
For further information select either Kindergarten-Year 10 or Year 11-Year 12 from the menu. This will provide access to specific stages and Learning Areas. Here you will find Content and Outcomes, Syllabuses, senior courses, more. -
Curriculum [Support and Teaching
Curriculum Updates, Leading Curriculum, Teaching Practice, Key Learning Areas, Early Learning, Literacy and Numeracy, Career learning and vocational education and training, Multicultural education, Strategies and initiatives, Connect with other department teachers, Across the school and Quick Links. -
NSW Curriculum and Syllabuses
‘Curriculum Structure; Key Learning Areas; Curriculum requirements and credentials; Syllabuses; Types of courses [6 sections here including endorsed courses]’. -
NSW Curriculum
‘The NSW Government is reforming the curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 12 so every student is prepared and ready for their future. On this page : Review findings and A Plan for improvement’. -
NSW Curriculum Reform [2]
Includes links to NSW Curriculum Review Final Report; the NSW Government Response to the NSW Curriculum Review final report; view videos; a Summary of NSW Curriculum Review recommendations and several other resources. Designed to begin making an impact by 2022. -
Syllabuses A–Z [Kindergarten to Year 10]
Alphabetical listing of all areas with syllabuses and a range of other support material including Life Skills Statements. Included is a total K-10 syllabus listing. -
Syllabuses A–Z [Stage 6]
Alphabetical listing of all core area subjects, Endorsed Courses, VET, VET Content Endorsed Courses and Life Skills.
Key Learning Areas are titled - English, Mathematics, Science, Health & Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences [HASS], The Arts, Technologies and Languages. An additional area covers Indigenous Languages & Culture.
NT School Curriculum
Introduction, Primary Years Curriculum, Middle Years Curriculum and Senior Years Curriculum. Links to related subjects, materials and sites. -
NT Certificate
of Education and Training
Information on Obtaining an NTCET, Credits and grades, Subjects studied, Vocational and community learning, Admission to university and the link to SACE South Australia, on which it is based.
Major Key Learning Areas for P to Year 10 are - English, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Society and Environment [SOSE], Technologies, Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Languages other than English [LOTE] and Work Studies, while also having General Capabilities and Cross-curriculum priorities .
In Senior Years [11 and 12] they are titled - English, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business & Economics, Arts, Health & Physical Education, Languages, Career Development and ICT & Design. A complete A-Z listing of all subjects is found on the Senior Subjects link below.
Australian Curriculum in Queensland [QCAA]
‘Queensland schools plan, teach, assess and report using the Australian Curriculum in Prep–Year 10. Includes : Learning Areas; General Capabilities; Cross-Curriculum Priorities; Implementation Advice; Professional Development; Frequently use resources; Career/Work Education’. -
Implementing the Australian Curriculum
in Queensland
‘The QCAA provides advice and resources developed to support teachers as they plan, teach, assess and report using the Australian Curriculum in Prep–Year 10. The QCAA has worked in partnership with the schooling sectors to develop the following advice’. -
Learning Areas P-10 [QCAA]
‘Disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding are described in the Prep to Year 10 Australian Curriculum learning areas. The learning areas include : English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Languages and Work Studies. Select an Australian Curriculum learning area to view curriculum, advice and resources’. Further information via links on the left-hand side. -
Past Curriculum Documents
‘Past Queensland curriculum documents remain a valuable resource, providing guidance for scope and sequence’. Includes previous Year 1-10 Syllabuses, Lower Secondary subject areas plus other sections. -
Senior Subjects
‘A–Z subjects; Applied subjects; General subjects; Short Courses; listing by subject area [e.g. Mathematics]; Syllabus amendment notices’; more. -
Year 10 Guidelines
The Year 10 Guidelines also provided information and advice for schools using the previous curriculum till the end of 2020. ‘This page contains past curriculum documents. For current curriculum resources, visit the P–10 Australian Curriculum section’.
Key Learning Areas for Reception to Year 10 are titled - English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Health & Physical Education and Languages. There is also Work Studies [an elective for Years 9-10].
Details of the subjects for Stages 1 and 2 for Senior years are found through the SACE Subjects link below.
Curriculum for Year 10 to 12 students
‘SACE and the Australian Curriculum; Advanced Technology Project; International Baccalaureate Diploma Program [Years 11 to 12]; Additional programs; and Further study options’. -
Curriculum in South Australia - from Early Years to Year 12
Department for Education. ‘Early years; Schooling – Reception to Year 10; Years 10 to 12; and Keeping Safe : Child Protection Curriculum’. Links to related information including curriculum and subjects. -
Curriculum in South Australian Schools
Covers Reception to Year 10; Years 10 to 12; Vocational education and training for school students; Alternative Schooling; Specialised courses and programs. Additional links to related material. -
For parents and families
A special presentation covering multiple topics including a section for Curriculum and learning. -
SACE Subjects
Senior Secondary. ‘Access draft subject outlines, subject summaries and information relevant to the subject by following the links.’ -
SACE - Other Recognised Learning
‘The SACE Board recognises and grants SACE credits for appropriate qualifications, subjects, courses, or learning experiences gained by local, interstate, or overseas students’. -
The Australian Curriculum [V9.0]
‘The Australian Curriculum is taught in government schools for Reception to Year 10 students’. This link will give access not only to subjects, but also General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities information.
Learning Areas are titled - English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities & Social Sciences [HaSS - includes History 7-10, Geography 7-10, Civics and Citizenship 7-8, Economics and Business 7-8], Health & Physical Education, Technologies, The Arts, Languages, My Education [Career and Life Planning] while there is also access to Vocational Education and Training [VET] qualifications.
Australian Curriculum Years 11-12
‘Fifteen senior secondary subjects across English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography have been endorsed by the council of federal, state and territory education ministers as the agreed and common base for the development of state and territory senior secondary courses’. Details are provided for each. -
The Department of Education, Tasmania. Overview, links to relevant documents [e.g. Australian Curriculum website]. In addition, there is also a selection of Parent Fact Sheets [for Department of Education schools] which includes a sheet on Curriculum that contains information, subjects, a brochure and a number of other links. -
Programs and Initiatives
Covers the latest versions of these, e.g. eLearning Programs and Australian School-based Apprenticeships. -
‘TASC is responsible for the development of appropriate standards, the accreditation of courses and the assessment and certification of student achievement in senior secondary schooling across all educational sectors in Tasmania’. Courses [Accredited] are listed on this site [184 at time of update]. Students have access to the TCE Course Planner [TASC] which covers available courses.
Learning areas include English [also English as an Additional Language - EAL], Mathematics, Science, The Humanities [includes Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography, History], The Arts [includes Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts, Visual Communication Design], Health & Physical Education, Languages and Technologies [Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies]. Additional Priorities include - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures; Learning about Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia; Learning about Sustainability. There are also Capabilities [including Critical and Creative Thinking and; Ethical, Intercultural, and Personal and Social capabilities]. ‘The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards’.
School Studies Search
‘This listing of studies by school is based on which studies are actually taught by a school. Many schools, however, increase the range of studies available to students by sharing arrangements with other schools or providers; so students can enrol in studies at other schools or providers, such as Virtual School Victoria or the Victorian School of Languages [VSL]. Details of these arrangements can be obtained from individual schools’. Secondary years. -
VCE Study Designs
Listing of subject areas with links to resources for implementation. High-achieving, interested and able students may consider including a study from the Higher Education Studies Program as part of their VCE. A 2023 VCE Study Designs wall chart is available for download via this link. -
Previous Curricula
‘In January 2017 Ausvels was replaced by the Victorian Curriculum F-10 as the mandated curriculum for Victorian government and Catholic schools [see link below]. Archived copies of the AusVELS curriculum are held by the National Library of Australia’. You can also access the Victorian Essential Learning Standards [VELS] which was the curriculum before Ausvels. Click on “Domains” to see the subject listing. -
Victorian Curriculum : Foundation - Year 10
‘The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. It incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards’. Provides an overview, Curriculum information and and Levels information.
Learning Areas include - English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences [including History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business], The Arts, Languages, Health & Physical Education, Technologies, VET Industry Specific and Endorsed Programs. For a complete listing of General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities select the “Teaching” menu item on the K-10 Outline page.
For information regarding the Western Australian Curriculum visit this site. ‘The Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline lays out the Kindergarten to Year 10 curriculum for all children in Western Australia. It provides teachers and supporting staff with information to help plan and assess learning programs, and report those outcomes’.
K-10 Outline
‘It sets out the mandated curriculum, guiding principles for teaching, learning and assessment and support for teachers in their assessment and reporting of student achievement’. -
Years 11 and 12
‘Here you will find materials and information relating to Years 11 and 12 including : an overview of the changes to the WACE and the course materials, “Syllabus and Support material documents” [see below] and the WACE Manual’. Also : News, Event information and Useful Links. -
Years 11
and 12 - Endorsed Programs
‘An endorsed program is a significant learning program that has been developed for senior secondary students. The program may have been developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, or it may have been developed by a private provider or a school and subsequently endorsed by the Authority. Endorsed programs can be delivered as part of the school curriculum or as extra-curricular activities’. Check other details listed for these. -
Years 11 and 12 - Syllabus
and Support Materials
Major learning areas [e.g. Mathematics] and a full listing of subjects within these. Click on the area headings [e.g. Technologies] to access information regarding individual courses within that learning area. -
Years 11 and 12 - Interstate Languages
‘The School Curriculum and Standards Authority accesses a number of language courses from other states through processes established as part of the Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages [CCAFL] or through arrangements made with individual states. Students can study Interstate Languages courses through a community language school or as part of a school program. These courses are available to students in Year 11 and Year 12’. Lists are provided for WACE versions of interstate language Syllabuses as well as Other interstate language syllabuses. -
VET Industry Specific Courses
Information regarding what these are, specific courses and levels and their recognition for the WACE is also included.