Behaviour Disorders are conditions that are more than just disruptive behaviour. They are related to mental health problems that lead to disruptive behaviour and emotional and social problems. Attention Deficit Disorder [ADD] is an example of a behaviour disorder. Children with behaviour disorders typically need a variety of professional interventions including medication, psychological treatment, rehabilitation, or possibly other treatments. 1
Even taking these factors into account, inclusion is a preferred educational option wherever this is possible and every effort is normally made to achieve this. Where this is not possible, special classes or special schools involving curriculum and staffing modification are used.
The Special Education Resources page provides further options from Australia and overseas.
This page looks at associations, selected educational sites, children’s sites, parent sites, government bodies, conditions, strategies, software, magazines, journals, resources, technology and other information.
Association for Behaviour Analysis Australia
‘ABAA Australia is a professional organisation that looks to support the development and advancement of the field of behaviour analysis in Australia’. The Events and Resources for the Public may prove the most useful to educational people of all the sections provided. -
Ability Action Australia - Positive Behaviour Support
‘At Ability Action Australia, we understand that every behaviour serves a purpose. If you or a loved one has behaviour difficulties we can provide support to act in more appropriate ways’. -
Association for Positive Behaviour Support Australia
‘The Association aims to improve the access to and scope of PBIS [Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support] implementation across Australian schools. This is being achieved through a cooperative approach that promotes innovation, the sharing of information and resources across and between university and school sectors’. -
Australian ADHDOrganisations
12 links grouped under states/territories. They cover from students to adults. There are also additional links to related bodies. These are part of the information available from the national body - ADHD Australia. -
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy [AACBT]
‘The lead Australian organisation dedicated to promoting and supporting the full range of behavioural and cognitive therapies’. Information about the association, events [including Conference information], Member Resources, Useful Links and more. -
Australian BPD Foundation Limited
‘About BPD —> What is BPD and the Resources [with multiple sections]’ may prove the greatest value. -
Australian Psychological Society
Community information, Psychology Topics [including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Anger, Bullying [and more], publications, find a psychologist, . . . . You should also check the Education section [see top menu] which provides access to webinars, e-learning and On-demand learning opportunities among others. -
Autism Spectrum Australia [Aspect]
‘Autism Spectrum Australia is Australia’s largest service provider for people on the autism spectrum. Our specialised, evidence informed schools program is the largest in the world’. -
Behaviour Works Australia
‘We bring behaviour change researchers together with government and industry to find behavioural solutions to real-world problems’. Based at Monash University, the site has three major sections covering Research, Education & Training and Resources. Research section may prove of greatest interest. -
Emerging Minds
‘Emerging Minds develops mental health policy, interventions, in-person and online training, programs and resources in response to the needs of professionals, children and their families. We partner with family members, national and international organisations to implement evidence-based practice into the Australian context. Our resources are freely available at this web hub’. -
Growing Early Minds - Behaviour Support for Children
‘Behaviour support can help children and their families prevent or reduce behaviours of concern, which usually occur when a child’s needs are not being met by their environment, further impacting their quality of life. Our psychologists use evidence-based models that focus on a range of preventative strategies to assist with developing new skills, communicating effectively, managing emotions and so much more’. -
behaviour support and restrictive practices – for participants
NDIS. ‘The NDIS Commission’s behaviour support team is responsible for providing clinical leadership in behaviour support and promoting the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices. The goal of behaviour support in the NDIS is to improve quality of life outcomes for people with disability and reduce and eliminate restrictive practices’. -
What is an NDIS Positive Behaviour Support Plan ?
‘An NDIS Positive Behaviour Support Plan [PBSP] is a document developed to improve a person’s quality of life. We develop a PBSP using a strengths-based and person-centred approach. This means that as we consider behaviours of concern, we focus on a person’s strengths, goals, wants and needs. A PBSP includes strategies and recommendations which focus on environmental changes, with no emphasis on changing the person who is experiencing an impact to their quality of life. We include strategies which improve skills and we teach more appropriate replacement behaviours, so that behaviours of concern no longer have a useful purpose’.
ADDults with ADHD [NSW]
‘Addressing the needs of adults with ADHD and other related conditions and their families’. -
‘We’re here to support individuals and families in Western Australia whose lives are impacted by ADHD, along with those who treat, teach and work with people living with ADHD’. -
Canberra & Queanbeyan ADHD
Support Group
Includes sections About ADHD, News and events, Parent Info, ADHD Adults and Resources. -
Behaviour - Developmental Disability WA [DDWA]
‘DDWA believe that people with disability who behave in challenging ways, are trying to communicate to the people around them that their needs are not being met and that their behaviour is trying to tell us that something in their world is not right. The information [below] is designed to help understand and better respond to people who can sometimes behave in challenging ways’. Be sure to check the information available under the headings in the top menu. -
Mental Health Australia - State Peak Body Information
‘Here is a list of the State Peak bodies of community mental health services’. -
What is behaviour ? [NSW DofE]
‘Behaviour is how someone acts. It is what a person does to make something happen, to make something change or to keep things the same. Behaviour is a response to things that are happening : internally - thoughts and feelings; externally - the environment, including other people. Observing behaviour is the easy part. It is understanding why someone does what they do that is much more complicated. The key to understanding behaviour is to understand why it is occurring, what is being communicated or what is needed’.
Association for Positive Behaviour Support [APBS]
‘Promoting research-based strategies that combine applied behaviour analysis and biomedical science with person-centred values and systems change to increase quality of life and decrease problem behaviour’.
USA. -
Attention Deficit Disorder Association [ADDA]
‘Providing information, resources and networking opportunities to adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [AD/HD]’.
USA. -
‘Autisable is a community-based website that connects anyone who wants to discuss any topic associated with autism’.
USA. -
Behavioural Issues in
Children & Adolescents [CAMHS UK]
‘Children’s behavioural issues can signify an underlying mental health issue. Seeking professional assessment is an important step in identifying the root cause and providing the support that can lead to the best possible outcome for both child and parent’.
UK. -
Behaviour Support – Ministry of Education
See the range of approach[es] our nearest neighbour uses in this area. There is no reason why some of these could not be implemented in Australian situations and have support for teaching staff and others.
This opens to A List of Behavioural Disorders with details about each. Links to a range of related articles.
USA. -
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
‘The nation’s leading non-profit organisation serving individuals with AD/HD and their families. One specific program, The National Resource Centre on ADHD [NRC], was established to be the national clearinghouse for the latest evidence-based information on ADHD’. Be sure to check the sections listed in the top menu.
USA. -
Council for Exceptional Children with Emotional & Behavioural Disorders
‘As a Special Interest Division of the Council for Exceptional Children [CEC], the Division for Emotional and Behavioural Health [DEBH] is a community of educators dedicated to supporting students with emotional and/or behavioural disorders and those whose behavior puts them at risk for failure in school, home, or communities’.
USA. -
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre - Behavioural Disorders
‘There are several types of behavioural disorders. These disorders affect the way a child or youth acts or behaves. Some people think a child or youth with a behavioural disorder is “bad” and may even blame a parent for their child’s behaviour. But these disorders are real problems that affect many children and youth’. Sections include - How do I know ?; What mental health problems go along with Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders ?; What can be done ?; Where to from here ?; and Resources.
Check other relevant state/territory links on the Special Education page.
Behaviour [Qld.]
‘Working together with students, parents and the broader community, our staff strive to ensure school communities are inclusive spaces for everyone. This website provides information and resources to build and sustain positive school cultures across Queensland’. Multiple sections include Supporting student behaviour, Procedures, guidelines and forms and Resources and publications. -
Behaviour Management and Strategy [SA]
Information for families and students, including links to Learning and Better Behaviour Centre information. -
Behaviour Management Policies [WA]
Among this extensive listing there are very specific policies, procedures and guidelines relating to behaviour. -
Behaviour Support [SA]
‘Student mentoring, Better Behaviour Centres, Complex autism education program, Mental health and trauma targeted learning services, Learning Centres – exclusion programs for students with complex needs, Support, suspension and exclusion, PBL framework for schools plus Violence prevention and response’. -
Behaviour, Supporting Student [Education Queensland]
Information, resources, multiple sections. Also check the Positive Behaviour for Learning page which ‘is a whole-school framework that promotes positive behaviour across a school and helps schools develop safe and supportive learning environments’. It creates a safe and supportive environment that has a strong evidence-base and is used in many Queensland state schools -
Behavioural issues [Victoria]
‘What to do if you have concerns about your child’s behaviour’. Section links assist : If you have concerns about your preschooler’s behaviour and If your school-aged child has difficult behaviour. -
Behaviour – Students [Victoria]
This page covers three [3] sections - Advice, Guidance and Resources. This advice assists Victorian government schools to create positive climates for learning and to support student behaviour. The Guidance ‘provides schools with information about promoting positive behaviour, a tiered response approach for student behaviour, responding to challenging behaviours and professional learning opportunities for school staff. It also includes information about detention, suspension and expulsion’. Refer to the Resources section for new resources on teaching students about face coverings. -
Behaviour Support Plan Template [Victoria]
This includes Student behaviour details; Prevention Strategies; Teach Strategies; Reactive Strategies; Monitoring; and Evaluation sections to assist in achieving solutions. -
School Behaviour
Support and Management Plan: : Guide For Schools [NSW]
‘This guide supports schools in the development of their school behaviour support and management plan’ and is connected to resources such as the Positive Behaviour for Learning initiative. Also check the Module 14 - Suggested reading and references page. -
Specialist Schools and Education
Centres [ACT]
Special schools, centres, contact details, further information. -
Specialist Support Classes in Mainstream Schools [NSW]
‘Specialist support classes cater for students with moderate to high learning and support needs including students with behaviour disorders’. Covers a range of information including links to Specialist Schools and Itinerant Support Teacher information. -
St Joseph’s, Alice Springs Flexible Learning Centre [NT]
‘An initiative of Edmund Rice Education Australia Youth+ and operates within the Diocese of the Northern Territory Catholic Education Office’. -
Student Behaviour - Department for Education, Children and Young
People [Tas.]
‘Schools work in a shared partnership with you and the school community to model and promote supportive, positive behaviour and establish clear behavioural expectations. The teaching of personal and social capabilities, and ethical behaviour is part of the school curriculum’. Learn more by Downloading the Print version of the Student Behaviour brochure. -
Student Behaviour in Public Schools Procedures -
Department of Education [WA]
‘These procedures apply to all principals of public schools, Directors of Education and the Executive Director, Statewide Services. Definbitions of terms are provided and there is a link to the associated policy’. -
Student Health and Wellbeing [WA]
‘Our schools are committed to providing a quality education for all students in a safe, inclusive and caring learning environment. We offer a range of support services and programs [see Student Health and Wellbeing] to ensure your child feels a sense of belonging and receives the best possible education. In some instances, you may wish to also check the information about the School of Special Educational Needs [Behaviour and Management]’. -
Student Support Services [SA]
Department for Education and Child Development. Behaviour Issues - Social and Emotional are one section of this service. -
Student Support Services [Vic.]
‘This policy sets out how schools access Student Support Services and how this service works as part of the Department’s multi-disciplinary Area team supporting schools and students’. There is a Student Support Services Booklet for Parents which contains a lot of information about these people and what they can do. -
Understanding children’s
behaviour [Vic.]
‘The term behaviour guidance is used throughout these notes to reflect current research and theories on the most positive and effective way to help children learn skills associated with managing their own behaviour’. Multiple sections plus links to related material.
Approved Specialist Schools and Centres [NT]
The site provides links to all specialist schools and centres. A link is provided to find further information about enrolments. Check individual schools to find their specific offering. -
Arndell School
One of multiple schools in the NSW Department of Education. Others include Casuarina School, Coffs Harbour Learning Centre and Highlands School. -
Berry Street [Vic.]
‘Berry Street’s innovative approach to education serves as the foundation for our own multi-campus school and has positively impacted teacher practice in mainstream and specialist schools across Australia and beyond’. -
Behaviour Centres for Early Intervention [SA]
‘There are 2 groups of Better Behaviour Centres. The first is the 4 metropolitan primary centres. They provide 2 days a week in the program and 3 days back at school, with support given to schools during this time. Students are placed for around 3 and a half to 4 terms. The second group is the 2 regional secondary centres. Depending on student and school needs, they provide full-time and part-time programs for 2 terms. Students are not suspended or excluded from their home schools at the time of placement’. -
Denise Kable Campus [Queensland]
‘Students are recommended for this program by their current school or Behaviour Support Coach’. -
Education Support Centres and Schools [WA]
‘Some offer early intervention programs, specialist programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other programs for children with more specific needs. Education support centres are located alongside primary and secondary schools. Education support schools are separate primary and secondary schools that have on-site access to multi-disciplinary teams’. -
Specialist Schools [ACT]
Individual schools are listed along with additional information, drawing area and a link to the school website. -
Specialist Services - Department
of Education, Children and Young People
Individual sections cover all support processes within schools. Tasmania. -
Student Support Services [SA]
Multiple sections cover a range of options. Parents can also find information via the Student Support Services - An Overview for parents and carers which is available to all. -
The Currajong School [Vic.]
‘Respect • Responsibility • Resilience. The criteria for enrolment are social, emotional and behavioural disorders while the length of placement is three years [longer if required]’. -
The John Berne School [NSW]
Run by Marist Brothers for children with emotional, social and behavioural problems who may not otherwise complete schooling. Pastoral Care and Behaviour Management provide the rationale and process by which they work.
A selection of the most prominent conditions are included in this section. You should also check the Special Education Resources page for additional information
10 Best ADHD
Videos of 2020
‘Check out these videos about ADHD to get an in-depth overview of the disorder and learn ways you can get help’.
USA. -
US National Institute of Mental Health. Use the options for types of publications at the top of the page.
USA. -
ADHD - A Guide for Families
Guidebook in multiple sections. Access to a video [YouTube]. Links to a range of related information and sources.
USA. -
ADHD : An Overview
Smart Kids. Part of a section on this disorder, which also includes Evaluating Your Child for ADHD and ADHD : The Non-Hyperactive Child.
USA. -
Fact Sheet
From the Learning Difficulties Coalition of NSW.
‘The latest ADHD News articles published daily. Includes news on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder’.
UK. -
Articles and Key Findings About ADHD [CDC]
‘Key Findings, Featured Articles, Scientific Articles’. They also have a page which gives access to Research on ADHD.
USA. -
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Raising Children Network]
What it is, signs & symptoms, diagnosis, factors affecting, everyday life, ADHD and teenagers, links.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Better Health, Victoria Fact sheet. Links to related fact sheets.
Exercise Is ADHD Medication
An interesting article from The Atlantic Makes for interesting reading.
USA. -
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [healthdirect]
‘Key Facts; What is ADHD ?; What are the symptoms of ADHD ?; What causes ADHD ?; When should I see my doctor ?; How is ADHD diagnosed ?; How is ADHD treated ?; ADHD across the life course; Complications of ADHD; Resources and support; and Related information on Australian websites’.
Kids Health Information : Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD]
The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. ‘Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] is a long-term problem that results in poor concentration and control of impulses. It can affect a child’s learning and social interactions and can have a big impact on family functioning’. They also have a page on ADHD – ways to help children at school and home.
ADHD Medications for Children and Adults
‘Ritalin, Adderall, Focalin, Strattera, Wellbutrin : Are ADHD drugs right for you or your child ? Here’s what you need to know, including common side effects and how to take them responsibly’. You can also download the information in PDF format.
ADHD - Stimulant Medication
RCH, Melbourne. This is now part of a larger presentation covering several aspects of ADHD and ways of dealing with its onset [see item above].
ADHD - Therapies
Better Health, Victoria. Medication, side effects, non-medication therapies, diet and ADHD, where to get help, things to remember, more.
ADHD Treatments
Extensive listing of topics covering medications and related ADHD factors.
Definition, Signs and Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment and Therapies, publications, research and more.
Understanding ADHD - Information for parents [Emerging Minds]
‘This fact sheet provides information for parents about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children’. There is also a wide range of other information about this condition. Be sure to scroll your way through them.
Unlocking the Potential of Gifted Kids with ADHD
‘Teaching and parenting these twice-exceptional [and easily bored] students takes persistence and creativity, but the hard work is more than worthwhile when their gifts are unlocked’. Interesting article with a range of embedded links.
Autism Awareness Australia
‘Our goal is simple : to improve the lives of all Australians on the autism spectrum and the families who love them. We empower parents and carers with quality information and resources’. Items range from Autism : What next ? through to a Video Library and other Resources.
Autism [HealthDirect]
Multiple sections ranging from What is Autism Spectrum Disorder [ASD] ? to Related information on Australian websites. The site also includes links to other sources of similar information.
Autism Spectrum Australia [Aspect] - Fact sheets
‘We’ve put together some great fact sheets. Check them out to learn more about autism, Aspect and supports’. 12 Fact Sheets [at time of update] covering a wide range of information and aspects. PDF format.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Better Health, Victoria. Section links are listed near the top of the page. Related pages on the right-hand side of the page. There are also links to other sources of help.
Autism Spectrum Disorders Fact Sheet
Learning Difficulties Coalition of NSW. Updated in 2023.
Autism : What is it ?
Raising Children Network. ‘About autistic children and autism; What causes autism ?; Signs of autism; Autism diagnosis; Concerned about your child’s development : what to do; and Autism and neurodiversity’.
Help with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and Related Developmental Disorders
‘This site provides help with over 350 fact sheets of autism-related information, with an emphasis on practical strategies, as many families cannot afford the more expensive interventions, or may be geographically isolated and cannot access autism support services’.
Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders [CDC]
‘People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention. It is important to note that some people without ASD might also have some of these symptoms. But for people with ASD, these characteristics can make life very challenging’. Links to related aspects of the condition.
The Australian Autism Handbook
‘The Complete Autism Handbook offers guidance, expert advice and above all support to parents raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder. From the early signs and symptoms of ASD through to diagnosis, the intervention programs, medical theories and schooling, health professionals recommend The Complete Autism Handbook’. Out of stock at time of update. Check the page for details about when it becomes available.
The Australian Autism Handbook [2]
‘The essential guide to parenting a child on the autism spectrum. The Australian Autism Handbook offers guidance, expert advice and above all support to parents raising a child on the autism spectrum. From the early signs of autism through to diagnosis, co-occurring conditions, therapies and supports, medical theories and schooling, this book covers it all. It includes the voices of many parents and autistic adults, telling their stories in their own words. Health professionals and parents alike recommend The Australian Autism Handbook’. Available from Booktopia and also available for Kindle as well as in print form from Amazon.
What is autism ?
National Autistic Society UK. Multiple sections, videos, More about Autism,. ‘Find out more about autism by watching our film narrated by Alan Gardner, the Autistic Gardener’.
Bipolar Australia
‘Bipolar Australia is the peak national, not-for-profit organisation, supporting everyone affected by bipolar disorders including people with the condition, their families and carers, mental health services and professionals. Includes Bipolar Information and Resources’.
Bipolar Disorder - Fact Sheet - ABCT
‘In general, this disorder is characterised by recurring periods, called episodes, in which mood becomes elevated or down for weeks to months at a time. These debilitating shifts in mood are accompanied by changes in energy, activity levels, and thought patterns that can ultimately impair the ability to carry out day-to-day responsibilities [e.g., school, work and home tasks]’.
Bipolar Disorder [Beyond Blue]
Select Bipolar Disorder [or scroll down] to access the information. Brief description with some links included.
Bipolar Disorder [Healthdirect]
‘What is bipolar disorder ?; What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder ?; What are the different types of bipolar disorder ?; What causes bipolar disorder?; How is bipolar disorder diagnosed ?; How is bipolar disorder treated ?; Can bipolar disorder be prevented ? What are the complications of bipolar disorder ?; Resources and support; and Related information on Australian websites’.
Bipolar Disorder - Symptoms and causes
[Mayo Clinic]
‘Overview, Symptoms, Mania and Hypomania, Major depressive episodes, Other features of Bipolar Disorder, Symptoms in children and teens, When to see a doctor and When to get Emergency Help, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications, Co-occurring conditions and Prevention’.
NIMH - Bipolar Disorder
NIMH. ‘Overview, Signs & Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatments and therapies [e.g. Medications, Psychotherapy], Free Brochures and shareable Resources, Multimedia and links to journal articles and other data.
Bipolar Disorder [Sane Aust.]
What it is, symptoms, causes, how many sufferers, finding out more. The page provides access to a Factsheet [several languages], Guide [Quick Facts] and a Forum Insight [the latest discussions].
Everything you need to know about bipolar disorder [ReachOut Aust.]
‘Learn about the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder, as well as the different types and treatments, and how you can find support; What is Bipolar Disorder ?; What are the different types of bipolar disorder ?; What causes bipolar disorder ?; What are the signs and symptoms ?; What treatments are there for bipolar disorder ?; What should I do if I think I have bipolar ?; and Find support for bipolar [links] ?’.
Conduct Disorder
Better Health, Victoria. Characteristics, influence of the family, other factors, diagnosis, treatment, where to get help, more.
Conduct Disorder [Healthline]
‘Types, Symptoms, Causes, Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatments’.
Conduct Disorder [Psychology Today]
Definition, symptoms, causes, treatments.
Conduct Disorder Information Sheet
Psychnet.UK. ‘A pattern of repetitive behaviour where the rights of others or the social norms are violated and in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated, as manifested by the presence of three [or more] of the following criteria in the past 12 months, with at least one criterion present in the past 6 months’. List and details provided.
Conduct Disorder Resource
About, Frequently Asked Questions, Facts for Families, Clinical Resources, Research and Training, Books, Getting Help. Related information links listed on the left.
Quick Guide to Conduct Disorder
‘In this guide you’ll find the signs and symptoms of conduct disorder, how it’s diagnosed and options for treatment’. Check the menu on the left for quicker links to specific aspects
What is Conduct Disorder ? [Johns Hopkins Medicine]
‘What is conduct disorder in children ?; What causes conduct disorder in a child ?; Which children are at risk for conduct disorder ?; What are the symptoms of conduct disorder in a child ?; How is conduct disorder diagnosed in a child ?; How is conduct disorder treated in a child ?; How can I help prevent conduct disorder in my child ?; How can I help my child live with conduct disorder ?; When should I call my child’s healthcare provider ?; Key points about conduct disorder in children; Next steps’.
An Overview of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder [DMDD]
‘Introduction; Symptoms; Causes, Diagnosis; Treatment; Coping; and A Word From Verywell’.
Childhood Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
[DMDD] [aifc]
‘Previously known as Childhood Bipolar Disorder, DMDD is seen as a persistent, chronic and severe irritability. The child seems to be in a persistent angry or irritable mood showing frequent temper tantrums and outbursts of anger’. Diagnosing Symptoms lists the most common symptoms associated with disorder. Where to get Help provides multiple helpline details.
Depression and Mood Dysregulation Disorder in Children and Adolescents [Children’s Health Issues]
‘Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment’. Links in the left-hand menu also gives access to related conditions, some of which are also included here.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
Disorder [Children and Adolescents]
Psychology Today Australia. ‘Like adults, children and adolescents can get depressed, displaying persistent sadness and loss of interest in once pleasurable activities, including a sense of discouragement and feelings of hopelessness. More often, however, children display a mood of irritability rather than one of sadness. Chronic, unrelenting moods of irritability and anger punctuated with severe and recurrent temper tantrums are the distinctive features of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Experts estimate that the condition affects 2 to 5 percent of children and is more common among males than females. Covers Definition, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment’.
NIMH - Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
‘DMDD is a childhood condition of extreme irritability, anger and frequent, intense temper outbursts. DMDD symptoms go beyond being a “moody” child - children with DMDD experience severe impairment that requires clinical attention’.
Anger taking over ? It could be Intermittent Explosive Disorder
PsychCentral. ‘Symptoms of IED; Impulse control disorders; Causes of IED; Treatment and medicatio; and Recap. Intermittent explosive disorder is a formal mental health diagnosis characterized by outbursts of intense anger or aggression that would be considered disproportionate to the situation at hand’.
International. -
Intermittent Explosive Disorder - an overview [ScienceDirect]
This inclusion is more for people who wish to see details of some of the research and findings related to this disorder. Links are given for both parts or the whole of included items.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder [Psychology Today]
‘Intermittent explosive disorder is marked by frequent and distinct episodes in which an individual fails to resist aggressive impulses or reactions grossly out of proportion to any provocation. Sections include Symptoms, Causes and Treatment. For more, see Impulse Control Disorders’.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
- Symptoms and Causes [Mayo Clinic]
‘Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications, Prevention’.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder : Treatment, Symptoms and
Healthline. ‘What is intermittent explosive disorder ?; What are the symptoms ?; How is it diagnosed ?; What causes it and who’s at risk ?; How is it treated ?; and What are the complications ?’.
Signs & Symptoms of Intermittent Explosive Disorder
QANC. ‘Intermittent explosive disorder [IED] is an impulse-control disorder characterized by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger. The disorder is typified by hostility, impulsivity and recurrent aggressive outbursts. Sections include : Causes and Risk Factors of Intermittent Explosive Disorder; Signs and Symptoms of Intermittent Explosive Disorder; Effects of Intermittent Explosive Disorder; and Co-Occurring Disorders’. There is also a link to the original article.
Living with Oppositional Defiance Disorder [Kids Helpline]
‘Let’s look at what Oppositional Defiant Disorder is and some strategies that can help to manage it’.
ODD : A Guide for Families
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The menu on the left of the screen on the second page provides links to a wide range of content related to this disorder.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD]
Better Health, Victoria. ‘What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD] ?; Characteristics of ODD; Link to conduct disorder; Family life and ODD; Diagnosis of ODD; Treatment of ODD; and Where to get help’. Related pages shown in a menu on the right of the page.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder [Children 5-12
‘Key Points; What is oppositional defiant disorder [ODD] ?; Diagnosing oppositional defiant disorder [ODD]; Behaviour management plans for oppositional defiant disorder [ODD]; Working on oppositional defiant disorder [ODD] at home; Working with schools on oppositional defiant disorder [ODD]; Looking after yourself when your child has oppositional defiant disorder [ODD]; Risk factors for oppositional defiant disorder [ODD]’.
Oppositional Defiance Disorder [ODD]
Kid Sense Child Development. ‘What is Oppositional Defiance Disorder [ODD]?; What are the common features of Oppositional Defiance Disorder ?; Why should I seek therapy for my child with Oppositional Defiance Disorder ?; What does the diagnosis of Oppositional Defiance Disorder really mean for the child ?; Other useful resources’.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD] in Children
Multiple sections covering ‘What is oppositional defiant disorder ODD in children ?; What causes ODD in a child ?; Which children are at risk for ODD ?; What are the symptoms of ODD in a child ?; How is ODD diagnosed in a child ?; How is ODD treated in a child ?; How can I help prevent ODD in my child ?; How can I help my child live with ODD ?; When should I call my child’s healthcare provider ?; Key points about ODD in children; and Next Steps’.
Tips for Managing Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD]
Educare. ‘Oppositional defiant disorder [ODD] is a childhood behavioural condition characterised by hostility, obstinacy and defiance toward peers, parents, teachers and other authority figures. Approximately one in ten children below the age of twelve years are believed to have ODD and boys outnumber girls by two to one’. Several sections. They also provide a link to an ADDitude page titled How to Discipline a Child with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. There are also several other links to additional information sources.
5 Assistive Technologies [2022] to Help With Autism
‘Thanks to rapid improvements in digital technology, approaches to teaching new words, expanding and encouraging use of language and supporting non-verbal people with autism are all moving to programs for laptops, tablets and smartphones. We’ve outlined the five best assistive technologies to help with autism in 2022, which you can download to your digital devices [most are free]’. -
Behaviour & Discipline
‘Learn about the basic discipline philosophies and find out which is best for your child’. About 178 links to a wide variety of resources are provided [at time of update].
Behaviour Disorders
Information includes education and medication. Use the Categories filter on the right side of the page to specify your particular interest[s].
Behavioural Disorders in Children
Better Health, Victoria. Good introduction with a summary and further specifics looking at both behavioural disorders and further information.
Child Behaviour Disorders [MedlinePlus]
Sections on Basics, Learn More, See, Play and Learn, Research, Resources and For You [Parent Handouts], Start Here, Diagnosis and Test, Treatments and Therapies, Related Issues, Specifics, Clinical Trials and Journal Articles are available.
Emotional Disturbance Updated ! [Fact Sheet]
Their ‘Quick Jump Menu offers : Definition, Characteristics, Causes, Frequency, Help for School-Aged Children, More about School, The Importance of Support, Resources of More Information and References. There are also sections for specific disturbances - Anxiety disorders, Bipolar disorder, Conduct disorder, Eating disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder and Psychotic disorders’. There is also a wealth of links to other sources of information and resources. PDF Version is also available.
Positive Behaviour Support [Autism SA]
‘Positive Behaviour Support [PBS] aims to improve quality of life and to increase an individual’s choice and control over their life. The implementation of PBS supports can decrease behaviours of concern, teach new skills and create environments that people can engage in activities that bring them joy’. This site comes from South Australia, but you should be able to access similar sources inh other states and territories.
Programs for Parents and Carers
‘At Berne, staff regularly engage and collaborate with parents and carers about their child’s educational needs. Parents and carers are supported to best assist their child educationally, socially, emotionally and behaviourally’. If you are unable to access this, check similar availability in your own state/area.
Resources - Behaviour
Dept. of Education, Queensland. ‘Resources to assist schools and their communities to support appropriate student behaviour’. There are three [3] sections - For students, For Families and For Schools. A mix of information and annotated links to resources which have been found to be of value.
10 Potent Behaviour Management Strategies
‘Here are the top ten research-based behaviour management strategies in reverse order according to their impact. Last Updated : 21 September, 2021’.
30 Ideas for Teaching Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Leah Davies, M.Ed.. ‘The following list may assist teachers who work with ADHD students. For an overview of this disorder see, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children’.
‘Hundreds of classroom interventions to help elementary school and high school students with ADD or ADHD’. You can also get a PDF booklet with 101 Classroom Interventions for a small fee [US$3.97].
Behaviour Management Strategies for Teachers [TeacherVision]
‘From behavioral observation to conflict resolution, the printables and articles below will help you manage classroom discipline. Read veteran teachers’ tips and advice on establishing rules and incorporating effective behavior management strategies in your classroom. You’ll find advice for handling disruptive behaviour and environmental interventions for minimizing its effect on other students. Our forms and charts are excellent tools for documenting and tracking your students’ behaviour. They are particularly helpful references for parent-teacher conferences’.
Behaviour Management Tools
TES Australia. 1 000+ listed resources, some free - others not. You can refine your search using the filters on the left.
Behaviour Resource Bank
Special Education Support Service. ‘The Behaviour Resource Bank is a compilation of SESS Advice Sheets which present some of the many strategies that may assist schools to meet the needs of pupils who display challenging behaviour related to special educational needs’. Available to download in PDF format.
Inclusive Teaching : Supporting Students [ADCET]
‘It is important that expectations regarding student behaviour, rights and responsibilities are clearly established from the outset’. This presentation from ADCET starts at this point and provides you with a range of options to overcome many problems. Not only do they provide specific assistance, they also provide links to a range of other sources of assistance in this area.
National Safe Schools Framework : WellbeingResources
‘Explore teaching resources designed to assist with wellbeing education in the classroom. Find free, quality-assured, age-appropriate and curriculum-aligned teaching resources in a variety of formats to help you create and maintain a safe, inclusive and positive learning environment’.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Multi-page listing of resources - Challenging and Aggressive Behaviours, Data Collection, Individualised Education Plans [IEP], Positive Behaviour Support Resources, Teacher Information, grouped under 4 sections plus a Teacher Information section.
Student Discipline & Behaviour Management Help and Advice Centre
There are two lists each covering multiple links to specific information on Behaviour Strategies and Case Studies. All are PDF files.
Teaching Strategies
RMIT. ‘Access here to find out more about some of the following strategies’. Classroom Management, Feedback, Groupwork and Collaborative Learning, Questioning and Reflection. Some are in PDF format, many have direct links to specific resources from educational bodies.
Applied Behaviour Analysis [ABA]
‘Applied Behaviour Analysis is a strategy for teaching children with special needs. Learn how ABA works and how to apply it in the classroom or at home’.
Behaviour Contracts to Support Good Behaviour
‘Explicit Contracts can help students improve Problem Behaviour. ’Overview, suggestions, further reading, related articles, information on positive consequences. A related link provides access to a collection of Behaviour Tracking Contracts, Incident Reports and Worksheets. These are available in both MS Word and PDF formats.
Intervention/Mental Illness Instructional Support Planning [PDF]
A fully-developed document simply needing an individual’s details and specific needs. While Canadian, it could be applicable in most educational settings or, as a basis for a newly developed procedure.
Behaviour Versus Classroom Management
‘We sometimes make the mistake of interchanging the terms behaviour management and classroom management. The two terms are related, one might even say intertwined, but they are different. Classroom management means creating systems that support the kind of positive behaviour across a classroom. Behaviour management is made of strategies and systems that will manage and eliminate difficult behaviours that prevent students from succeeding in an academic environment’.
Inclusion Strategies
‘Find ways to create an inclusive environment with interactive and multisensorial lesson plans’. 4 Sections.
Behaviour Interventions [E4L]
‘Behaviour interventions seek to improve achievement by reducing challenging behaviour in school. This entry covers interventions aimed at reducing a variety of behaviours, from low-level disruption to aggression, violence, bullying, substance abuse and general anti-social activities. The interventions themselves can be split into three broad categories [see the site for details about these]’. -
Behaviour Support
‘Information, strategies and resources for teachers, schools and wellbing staff to support positive student outcomes. This toolkit includes information and resources for parents, teachers and leaders’. Multiple sections. Department of Education, NSW. -
Effective behaviour supports in
schools [E4L]
Evidence for Learning. ‘This Guidance Report explores the best international research evidence on effective behaviour supports and describes examples from Australian researchers and educators about how to put that evidence into practice. We hope the evidence and illustrations help school leaders to reflect on and refine behaviour approaches in their settings. As many interconnected factors influence behaviour, we encourage readers to use the report in conjunction with other resources to support students’ overall learning, wellbeing and engagement’.
State and federal and both agencies and government-related groups.
Behavioural interventions [NDIS]
‘This is a brief overview of information about behavioural interventions, taken from the Autism CRC report Interventions for children on the autism spectrum : A synthesis of research evidence’. Presented as a series of questions with relevant responses/clarifications. -
What is behaviour ? - Principles for effective
‘Behaviour is how someone acts. It is what a person does to make something happen, to make something change or to keep things the same. Behaviour is a response to things that are happening : internally - thoughts and feelings; externally - the environment, including other people. Observing behaviour is the easy part. It is understanding why someone does what they do that is much more complicated’. From this page you can access links to two other resources and work within the three sections listed under Understanding behaviour.
Appendix D : Behaviour support plans and positive behaviour supports for students [Ontario.CA]
‘A behaviour support plan is a written plan that is designed to target the underlying reason for behaviour, replace the inappropriate behaviour with an appropriate behaviour that serves the same function and reduce or eliminate the challenging behaviour [Caring and Safe Schools in Ontario, 2010]. In school boards, behaviour support plans are sometimes referred to as behaviour management plans’. Table of Contents is found at both top and bottom of the page. -
‘Provides resources and tutorials on a wide variety of teaching methods and curriculum, including behaviour and classroom management’. Select from their Featured resources or use the Resource Locator to find a specific resource that you can use or check what is available in their Professional Development section. Behaviour and Classroom Management has 141 items at time of update. -
Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports [PBIS]
Office of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education. ‘Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioural, academic, social, emotional and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing’. Check the content of their Topics listing and their Publications listing which is extensive. You can also download Presentations and watch their videos. Well worth visiting.
For all other educational journals, see the Education Journals page.
Association for Behaviour Analysis Australia - Journals
Scroll down the page for a listing of a number of journals - link to the journal site and a brief description of what can be found in each. 12 journals listed at time of update, e.g. Education and Treatment of Children [Project MUSE - Designed to be valuable to educators and other child-care professionals in enhancing their teaching/training effectiveness]. -
Attention Magazine
Published by CHADD . ‘CHADD’s bi-monthly magazine is rich in practical information, clinical insights and evidence-based strategies for managing ADHD’. Available online and in print. There are some articles which are freely accessible. Only the Digital Edition is available internationallly. -
Beyond Behaviour
Table of Contents, However, you need to be a member to access all material though there are some Free Access articles available [including PDF downloads], e.g. Supporting Teachers in Supporting At-risk Student Behavioural Development [July 2022]. and there is one issue of the journal available as a Free sample [see the Browse Journal container at the top right of the page. There is also a newsletter, Behaviour Today and a second journal titled Behavioural Disorders [this has similar options/limitations to Beyond Behaviour].
1. Behavioural and Emotional Disorders in Special Education. ThoughtCo : For Educators, Updated on July 03, 2019. Web. September 2022.