blog [n.]

‘A blog is an online diary or journal located on a website. The content of a blog typically includes text, pictures, videos, animated GIFs and even scans from old physical offline diaries or journals and other hard copy documents. Since a blog can exist merely for personal use, sharing information with an exclusive group or to engage the public, a blog owner can set their blog for private or public access.
When a blog is made publicly accessible, anyone can typically find the blog through links available on the blog owner’s individual or business website, their social media profiles, emails and e-newsletters and online keyword search engines. Many blog owners also set up blogs on websites devoted to the creation, storage and sharing of blogs’.
What is a Blog ? - Jamie Spencer

‘A blog [a truncation of the expression web log] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries [posts] typically displayed in reverse chronological order [the most recent post appears first]. Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, “multi-author blogs” [MABs] emerged, featuring the writing of multiple authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other “microblogging” systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into societal news streams. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning “to maintain or add content to a blog”’.
Wikipedia, October 2021

podcast [n.]

A multimedia file [audio or video] that is part of a feed. An author can publish podcasts on a regular schedule and when the author publishes a new podcast anyone who is subscribed to the feed using an aggregator will get the file downloaded automatically. The feed can be thought of as the series of podcasts that have been published. Some refer to the whole feed as the podcast. The word podcast comes from Apple’s iPod and the word “broadcast”. Podcasts can be thought of as files that are broadcast to and viewed by its subscribers.

tweet [n.]

‘A tweet is an online posting, or “micro-blog” created by a Twitter user. The purpose of each tweet is to answer the question, “What are you doing ?” You can publish a tweet using a computer or a mobile phone. Once published, the tweet will appear on the Twitter home pages of all the users that are following you. Each tweet is limited to 140 characters or less, so you must choose your words wisely. [Why is Twitter called X now ? Elon Musk’s rebrand explained and where it’s going next]’.
Definition from The Tech Terms Dictionary

There are blogs, podcasts and tweets [Twitter/X] on almost every imaginable topic, from bloggers of all kinds. On this page we have included quality educational blogs selected from Australia and overseas.

Even though we have been selective, still check the source carefully. Be satisfied to have information from an expert, but not as confident with information from someone without standing in that area.

Take care when accessing any internet material to ensure it is suitable and appropriate, as well as safe, for the persons using them !

This page provides links to a range of each of these formats both from Australia and internationally. Many are award winning in their particular format.




  • 500Hats
    ‘The Teacher Librarian in the 21st Century. This is an effort to give back to the profession and the professionals who have given me so much’.
    ‘Thoughts and ideas about Australian education’ from the Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
  • Australian Environmental Education blogs
    ‘Australian Environmental Education blogs - a place to discover more about the natural world’.
  • Be You
    Run by Beyond Blue and covering professional learning regarding mental health in early childhood and school settings [includes previously listed Kidsmatter material as well as other sources].
  • Classroom 2.0
    ‘The social network for those interested in Web 2.0, Social Media and Participative Technologies in the classroom. We have over 85 000 members from 200 countries’.
  • Combatting Schooling Injustice : Comenius Dreaming
    ‘About schools : especially social justice, human rights and equity in education, peace building, gender, environment and food politics and good education policy and process’.
  • Commentary from Carlton [Andrew Norton]
    Mostly concerned with the higher education area. From someone with a lengthy and diverse connection to the area.
  • Dan’s Blog
    ‘What did you do at school today ?’ Dan Haesler. Use the menu at the top to access posts on different aspects.
  • Education Blog [Good Universities Guide]
    ‘Whether you’re in school, at university, looking to return to study or preparing to graduate, the following article sections will provide you with everything you need to know’.
  • Education Stories
    ‘News that inspires, informs and supports growth in today’s classroom’. Select your specific interest area from the options in the top menu, e.g. School, Leaders, Students, . . . .
  • Education WA
    ‘If you are looking for a bit of opinion on education in general and occasionally of education in WA, this is the right place’.
  • Education Watch International
    ‘Comments from Australia on the mostly parlous state of modern education by John J. Ray. Primarily covering events in Australia, the U.K. and the USA - where the follies are sadly similar’.
  • EduResearch Matters
    ‘Australian educational researchers continually produce quality research that is used across Australia, and internationally, to influence educational policy and practice. A voice for Australian educational researchers’.
  • E-Learning Provocateur
    ‘The meaning of the title, E-Learning Provocateur, may not be readily apparent. It refers to my intention to provoke deeper thinking in the digital learning space and in L&D more broadly’. Ryan Tracey.
  • English Archives - Pasi Sahlberg
    While the sub-title is Finnish Education Reform, most recent commentary is about Australia. Most interesting to read and well written and thought out. Has links to other blogs plus further offerings through the menu at the top.
  • Filling the Pail
    “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – As W. B. Yeats never said. ‘I am a teacher living and working in Australia. Supported by my school, I have developed a love of educational research. I am now embarking upon a PhD. Everything that I write reflects my own personal opinion and does not necessarily represent the views of my employer or any other organisation’.
  • IEAA - International Education
    Commentary about the international education sector in Australia.
  • Little Lifelong Learners
    Check the latest posts on the blog. Access resources, check out the free stuff, check out the workshops, become a member or much more. Specifically designed for children in the early years of learning, their parents and teachers.
  • MathsPig
    ‘It’s about FUN maths, MEDIA maths and especially DUMB maths. Anyone can tackle these problems. This blog simply encourages clear thinking with numbers’.
  • Modern Teaching Blog
    Modern Teaching Aids. ‘A bustling hub of ideas, inspiration and support for your classroom and beyond. Join our community of passionate educators as they share their knowledge of everything from organisation hacks to teaching trends and learning techniques’.
  • OnLine Opinion - Education
    The Education [People > Education] section is just one of many areas covered by this blog - check the daily inclusions to see the variety of opinions about many things.
  • Open Colleges
    ‘Check out our valuable collection of tips and insights. If you want the latest career advice, study tips and news, you’ll find it all right here’.
  • RIC Teaching Ideas
    Several hundred blog entries covering most curriculum areas. Multiple options for searching between both free and fee-based resources.
  • SLAV Connects
    ‘Encouraging teacher librarians and educators to actively engage with ICT, to share tools and experiences, to network on a global scale, and to embrace dynamic teaching and learning opportunities’. Formerly named Bright Ideas.
  • Articles - Teacher Magazine
    ‘Teacher is published by the Australian Council for Educational Research [ACER], a not-for-profit organisation, independent of government and education systems. Teacher is proud to promote quality teaching and leading, assisting school improvement at a grassroots level’.
  • The Educating Parent
    Links to all the sites on Homeschooling as well as a collection of valuable information from Beverley Paine. Select the blog from the menu at the top.
  • The Inspired EC Blog
    ‘What really sets us apart is our approach to working with early childhood professionals. We do not believe that it is up to us, or anyone for that matter, to give all the answers. We pride ourselves on asking the questions and supporting educators to come up with their own answers’.
  • The P.E. Geek
    ‘A Physical Education teacher from country Victoria, with a passion and enthusiasm for the role emerging technologies play within teaching and learning. He is first and foremost an advocate for lifelong movement and physical activity, however realises the power of 21st century technologies that can shape new age teaching pedagogies’.
  • The Remote Teacher Blog
    ‘It’s time to feel successful, confident and live the life you dream of remote. If you’re anything like me, you want … a calm classroom, time to adventure, success for your students. That’s why we created this website. To help you feel confident in your remote teaching classroom’. You can find a podcast in that section below, while you also have the opportunity to visit and benefit from The Remote Teacher main site. Here you can link to the blog, the podcast, courses, a shop, a Facebook group and connect not only with the authors but also other remote teachers. A massive amount of quality help is available through all these avenues. This is a valuable source of assistance and help for those considering the possibility of teaching in a remote setting.
  • The Spoke
    Early Childhood Australia’s Blog. ‘An extensive source of articles on early childhood research, policy and practice’.
  • Top Notch Teaching
    Not only a blog, but resources, a store for specific items and much more. You can subscribe or simply be assisted in many ways by the content included.
  • Top Teacher - Teaching Resources Blog
    ‘Our website is home to high quality, modern, time-saving teaching resources following a play-based methodology that make inspiring your little learners easier and more fun !’
  • We Hear You – An ACECQA blog
    ‘We Hear You, the ACECQA blog, contains feature articles and guest posts from a variety of contributors offering unique perspectives from the children’s education and care sector’.
  • Wingaru Education Blog
    ‘Aboriginal Education for everyone. Everyone loves to have a yarn, about all sorts of things. Here, you’ll find hundreds of articles about a broad range of things, including stories, educational thought-leadership pieces, teaching trends, social issues and more. Enjoy and share’.
  • Wootube2
    Well worth visiting with not only for the content but for the format he uses [YouTube videos - 251 at time of inclusion] and Learning.

Top of Page



  • Astrid Seele
    Educator and writer born in Germany but with German, Scottish and now Australian influences. ‘Topics include the educational philosophy of the International Baccalaureate, the benefits of an holistic education, friendship issues in the digital age’ and more.
  • Bits
    ‘Talk about teaching composition. Get ideas for teaching with Bedford Bits, blogs from our community of scholars, authors and editors. Come on in, look around and tell us what works for you in the composition classroom’.
  • Blog Post of the Day
    National Education Policy Centre. ‘Features a selection of interesting and insightful blog posts that apply a researcher perspective to important education policy issues. The views expressed by the bloggers are entirely their own’.
  • Cult of Pedagogy
    Jennifer Gonzales. ‘You have reached the meat [or hummus, if you’d rather] inside the sandwich that is Cult of Pedagogy. This is where most of this site’s accumulated wisdom lives. To help you find what you need, I’ve chunked all the posts into three big buckets. Start there, or scroll down to see an index of topics. If you want to get more specific, use the search bar at the top of this page. Still can’t find what you’re looking for ? Contact our support staff. If they can’t help you find it, they’ll add your topic to our list of future blog posts’.
  • Dangerously Irrelevant
    ‘Ruminations on technology, leadership and the future of our schools’.
  • Diane Ravitch’s Blog
    ‘A historian of education and Research Professor of Education at New York University with a site to discuss better education for all’.
  • Education [Education Week]
    If you want to know what is happening in US education, particularly school level education, this could be the one to visit. Covers a very wide range of topics.
  • Education in the Age of Globalisation
    Yong Zhao. ‘Creative, Entrepreneurial and Global : 21st Century Education’.
  • Edutopia
    ‘You’ll find practical classroom strategies and tips from real educators, as well as lesson ideas, personal stories and innovative approaches to improving your teaching practice. If you have any thoughts or comments about these articles, please don’t hesitate to let us know’.
  • Eduwells – Education futures and learning how to learn
    ‘I provide professional development in both pedagogy and technology and speak on matters of future focused education. Thanks for visiting and appreciating my work’.
  • FreshEd with Will Brehm
    ‘An interview-style podcast that showcases cutting-edge research in the field of education. It is used in dozens of university courses around the world. FreshEd’s catalogue includes five shows, FreshEd with Will Brehm, Flux, The Thinking Ear, Eduquê and Aula Divergente’.
  • Future of Education
    A blog with a number of contributors covering multiple topics related to education in the UK. Everything from Exam Boards to ‘Education reform is more than a question of what’.
  • HELLSTRÖM : Pedagogiikkaa ja koulupolitiikkaa
    Don’t panic. This is a Finnish blog from Marttii Hellström. It means Pedagogy and school policy. Fascinating - and you can read it in English using the Google Translate option at the top of the home page. Well worth the effort.
  • Higher Ed Gamma [Inside Higher Ed]
    One of a range of blogs covering multiple aspects of higher education. A second site, Higher Ed Policy [Inside Higher Ed] which covers ‘Observations and discussion on the most current and compelling issues in higher education policy’ can be found here.
  • Infusing Technology [TeachersFirst Blog]
    ‘A place to get short yet very informative articles on how to integrate web-based resources into your classroom. Our blog authors demystify edtech jargon and encourage teachers to continue to develop themselves professionally. An eclectic collection of materials for self-directed teachers, this blog will inspire you to try new methods in your instruction while explaining both how and why you should’.
  • Intercepts – A listening post monitoring public education and teachers’ unions.
    Education Intelligence Agency. ‘EIA provides quick, accurate information concerning the public education establishment. This is done through daily blog updates and weekly e-mail communiqués containing the latest news and inside information about public education and teachers’ unions’.
  • IOE Blog
    ‘Expert opinion from academics at the UCL Institute of Education [IOE], the UK’s world-leading centre for education and social science research’.
  • Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
    ‘Major research interests focus on the history of curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, school reform and the uses of technology in classrooms’.
  • My Learning - George Couros
    ‘Stories of learning and leading. I have a passion for exploring the connection between innovation and relationships for learning’.
  • Online : Trending Now [Inside Higher Ed]
    ‘Unique insights from Ray Schroeder, senior fellow for UPCEA : the Association for Leaders in Online and Professional Education, e.g. While We Were Watching ChatGPT, Something Else Astounding Emerged, . . . ’.
  • Schools Matter
    ‘Explores issues in public education policy and it advocates for a commitment to and a re-examination of the democratic purposes of schools’.
  • The Answer Sheet
    ‘School Survival Guide for parents [and everyone else]. The Washington Post’.
  • The Edvocate
    If you’re interested [or just working in] special education you might well find the contents of this blog interesting.
  • The Grade [Alexander Russo]
    ‘The Grade provides independent analysis of media coverage of education, helping to promote and improve the quality of that coverage. It also publishes weekly columns, a free newsletter featuring timely media commentary and an annual update on newsroom diversity in education journalism’.
  • UK Education - Microsoft Industry Blogs
    Replaces previous schools blog they used to have. Concentrates on various technological aspects.


  • 15 Best Education Blogs For Parents
    ‘The best Education for Parents blog list is curated from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority and freshness. Here are 15 Best Education blogs for Parents you should follow in 2023 [and beyond]’.
  • 17 Essential Teaching Blogs [A Complete Guide for 2023]
    ‘Education and Teaching blogs are the best way for educators around the world to keep up with new pedagogy and seek answers to their teaching woes’. Covers a number of levels.
    INTERNATIONAL [many from the UK].
  • 52 Education Blogs You Should Follow
    ‘If you are a teacher, student, parent, or administrator, you should be following education blogs. Why ? Simply because blogs are an ever-increasing way to spark ideas, creativity and innovation. The following list is a compilation of blogs for those interested in education’. TeachThought.
  • 90 Best Library and Librarian Blogs To Follow in 2023
    Includes blogs from around the world [including Australia]. Only 75 appear to be freely accessible.
  • Teaching Blogs
    ‘Teaching Blogs ranks and scores hundreds of education blogs. Check out the top 100 and beyond to stay up to date on what people are talking about in the education space’.
  • Top 12 Best Education Blogs [for 2020]
    ‘DialMyCalls takes a look at our top 12 favourite education blogs to start your classroom out on the right foot’. Links from EmergingEdTech to The Curriculum Corner, Think Inclusive to The Innovative Educator. Clear information for each inclusion.
  • Top 100 Education Blogs [OEDB]
    ‘Please note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of all of the great education blogs out there. Also note this list is not ranked but is ordered alphabetically within each topic. Blog Topics are E-Learning, Education News, Education Policy, Internet Culture, Learning, Library and Research, Specialty, Teaching and Technology’.
  • 100 Best Education Blogs for Educators and Teachers
    ‘The Best Education blogs from thousands of top Education blogs in our index using search and social metrics’. Feedspot.

Top of Page




  • New !  Field Notes [ACER Discovery]
    ‘The podcast aims to share honest conversations with leading educational practitioners about how they use evidence to improve learning outcomes for their students. The premiere episode, ‘Using data to reengage readers’, features Marc Kralj, ACER’s Education Consultant, in conversation with Darren Leech, the Head of Learning at Marist College Canberra. The episode delves into how Marist College has effectively utilised data to put in place strategies to ensure their students become engaged readers’.
  • Fizzics Education
    Education with a science twist. Narrow your search by using the Topics Menu on the right hand side of the page. Find other material using the menu at the top of the page. Runs through till 2023. Related items can be found at STEM Teaching Units & Courses.
  • KPMG Talking Tertiary – Podcast series
    ‘Join us on a journey across the tertiary education landscape as we explore topics including the future of work, digital transformation and system reform and what it all means for students, institutions and policy makers in Australia’. Not added to for some time but still interesting and thought provoking.
  • Meet The Education Researcher
    ‘Emerging issues and the latest ideas from across the world of education research. Hear from a range of academics about their current research work in schools, universities and beyond. Hosted by Neil Selwyn from Monash University, Australia’.
  • QUT Teacher Podclass
    ‘A podcast series that’s all about supporting and inspiring teachers, hosted by award-winning journalist Madonna King’.
  • Teachers’ Education Review
    ‘The Australian podcast for teachers that bridges the gap between research, policy and practice’.
  • Teach Podcast
    ‘Teach, a South Australian podcast about teaching and learning. This series is an open discussion about life as an educator and the best educational approaches to drive quality learning. You’ll hear from expert teachers and inspiring school leaders who have tried, failed and triumphed and have the scars and gold stars to show for it’.
  • The Early Education Show
    ‘Lisa, Leanne and Liam discuss the policy and politics of young children and early learning in Australia each week’.
  • The Every Student Podcast
    ‘A series of conversations with educators who are delivering quality teaching and learning to improve opportunities for every student in their care’. A little dated but still of value. Education NSW.
  • The Pedagogue Cast
    ‘This is a space for teachers at all stages of their career and lovers of learning. Tune in as hosts Justin and Stas unpack different concepts and research that impact the way students learn, the way we teach them and the way we can maximise both’.
  • The Remote Teacher Podcast
    ‘Insightful, useful interviews with key characters, services and agencies who can enhance the outcomes for remote students … and remote teachers ! To listen to these podcasts on your long drives out remote you have a few options’. Read about the ways they can help you benefit from the experience and help you to help others. You can find a blog in that section above, while you also have the opportunity to visit and benefit from The Remote Teacher main site. Here you can link to the blog, the podcast, courses, a shop, a Facebook group and connect not only with the authors but also other remote teachers. A massive amount of quality help is available through all these avenues. This is a valuable source of assistance and help for those considering the possibility of teaching in a remote setting.
  • Vocational Voices
    ‘The official podcast of the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Listen to leading experts discuss current trends in vocational education and training. Listen, follow and subscribe via your favourite podcast apps’.
  • What now ? What next ? …
    Insights into Australia’s tertiary education sector. ‘Claire Field talks with leaders and experts from within the Australian tertiary education sector and across the global ed-tech sector’. Also available at Listen Now - Stitcher with an extensive listing of available episodes.
  • ‎Wow in the World
    ‘The #1 podcast for kids and their grown-ups. Hosts Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz share stories about the latest news in science, technology, and innovation. Stories that give kids hope, agency and make us all say “WOW”!’


  • 10 Podcasts for Early Childhood Educators
    InformEd. ‘Are you looking for a good podcast for early childhood educators ? Here is a list of some inspiring shows recommended by your fellow teachers who are also keen to learn, grow and listen to provoking discussions’.
  • 20 Best Australian Teacher Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023
    ‘The best Australian Teacher podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness’.
  • 20 Best Educational Podcasts for Children [Twinkl]
    ‘Everyone knows how much children enjoy moving around and asking questions. Luckily, podcasts provide a useful way to entertain children for those times when you’re too busy to be there to save the day. So, we’ve listed our favourite educational podcasts to keep your children busy, while learning something new. Topics range from science to animals and even story writing. You are bound to find a podcast in this list to suit your child’.
  • 50 Educational Podcasts You Should Check Out
    InformEd. Use the menu on the left for specific topic areas or simply scroll down the list and read the annotations before choosing. Includes Australian and International podcasts on a significant range of topics.
  • 50 Best Australian Education Podcasts
    ‘The best Australian Education podcast list curated from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority and freshness’. You need to provide a Google account link or an email address to access the contents.
  • Best Australian Education Podcasts [2023]
    A truly diverse range of podcasts. Each listing has a short descriptor, author, etc.. Related topics are linked in a top menu on the page.
  • Early Learning Podcasts
    NSW Department of Education. ‘Early Learning matters podcasts aim to inspire high-quality early childhood practice and build educator capacity’. Annotated links for the listed podcasts in the main menu on the page.
  • Education Review - The latest in education news
    A wide range of topics from mental health to reading aloud, supporting students with ADHD to Universities struggling to place student teachers plus a vast range of others.
  • Pod Network [VOCEDplus] Harvesting Tertiary Education Research
    ‘Access a collection of themed pages with links to topic-specific research and resources. Pods cover broad topic areas of VET research while Podlets cover sub-topics and are narrower in focus’



  • 2¢ Worth
    “Teaching & Learning in the new information landscape . . . ”. David Warlick.
  • Campus by Times Higher Education
    ‘Advice, insights and solutions for the challenges facing higher education from academics, faculty and staff at institutions around the world. Hear teaching tips, writing pointers, discussions on the big issues, forecasts and first-hand experiences from university leaders’.
  • Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
    This is the podcast, but the writers also have a blog and video. Their introduction is “If you can’t stop talking about teaching [even during happy hour] . . . , If you buy teaching books with your own money and wake up in the middle of the night with lesson ideas . . . - Welcome home, friend. This place was built for you”.
  • EdQuarter Presents : The Education Station
    ‘Join us for our captivating weekly podcast where we discuss the sector’s hottest topics. From government policy and parental pressures to remote learning and cybersecurity, we explore the ins and outs of education with leaders from across the edtech scene, as well as higher and independent education’. Not added to for some time.
  • Ed’s not Dead
    ‘Every week, Ed’s Not Dead tackles the hottest education issues of the day, including the charter school movement, how to promote equity in schools, federal and state policy debates and teacher strikes. We interview education leaders like American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and author Zaretta Hammond. We offer Betsy DeVos constructive feedback. And we nerd out on pedagogy and school organisational structure’.
  • Education Bookcast
    ‘Education Bookcast is a podcast principally for teachers and parents who would like to know more about education. We cover one education-related book or article each episode, going over the key points, placing it in context and making connections with other ideas, topics and authors’.
  • Education Evolution
    Podcast Episodes. ‘Founded by Maureen O’Shaughnessy, Education Evolution is designed to start the conversation to transform the education system of today. Alternative education strategies including working with parents and colleagues, classroom management, lesson planning, activities, games and more’. Not updated for some time. However, the detail for each item makes them still worthwhile with many having further links that can still be used effectively.
  • Game Changers - Listen Notes
    Philip Cummins and Adriano Di Prato. ‘The Game Changers podcast aims not only to put a spotlight on the innovative ideas shaping the landscape of 21st century schooling, but to enter into a deep dialogue with those brave pioneers, the true game changers in education. These individuals, these leaders in education, don’t wait for permission. They are courageous enough to make real change in their learning communities as they foster the growth of each young person in their care and equip them with the necessary character, confidence and competencies to flourish in a new world environment. These are their stories’.
  • Getting Smart Podcast
    ‘This podcast highlights developing trends in K-12 education, post-secondary and lifelong learning. Each week, Getting Smart team members interview students, leading authors, experts and practitioners in research, tech, entrepreneurship and leadership to bring listeners innovative and actionable strategies in education leadership’.
  • Grammar Girl, Quick & Dirty Tips
    ‘Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Grammar Girl makes complex grammar questions simple with memory tricks to help you recall and apply those troublesome grammar rules’.
  • Inside Education - a podcast for educators interested in teaching
    ‘An Irish perspective on education for all who value teaching’.
  • Modern Education Movement
    ‘On our podcast, we shine a light on education solutions for the modern age, so parents wanting a better alternative to traditional education can make confident, informed choices. We interview knowledge experts on topics like financial literacy, mindset, and differently wired kids. We also have a lot of fun talking with parents and kids who share their unique inspiring stories about their own learning path’.
  • School’s In [Stanford]
    ‘Our award-winning podcast and SiriusXM satellite radio series explores current issues in education with hosts Dean Dan Schwartz and Denise Pope’.
  • ‎TED Talks Education
    ‘What should future schools look like ? How do brains learn ? Some of the world’s greatest educators, researchers and community leaders share their stories and visions onstage at the TED conference, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos free on, with an interactive English transcript and subtitles in up to 80 languages’.
  • ‎The Education Gadfly Show
    ‘For more than 15 years, the Fordham Institute has been hosting a weekly podcast, The Education Gadfly Show. Each week, you’ll get lively, entertaining discussions of recent education news, usually featuring Fordham’s Mike Petrilli and David Griffith. Then the wise Amber Northern will recap a recent research study’.
  • The Harvard EdCast
    ‘The Harvard EdCast keeps the focus simple : what makes a difference for learners, educators, parents, and our communities. The EdCast is a weekly podcast about the ideas that shape education, from early learning through college and career. We talk to teachers, researchers, policymakers and leaders of schools and systems in the US and around the world - looking for positive approaches to the challenges and inequities in education’.
  • The ThoughtStretchers Education Podcast [We Grow Teachers]
    Formerly the TeachThought Podcast. Listen, Think, Learn. It also includes ‘the archives of 300+ TeachThought Podcast conversations !’


  • 31 Best Educational Podcasts to Learn Something New in 2023
    ‘We share with you 31 of the most informational and inspiring podcasts that can help you learn something new. No matter what you want to learn - general knowledge, science, finance, history, personal development - we have you covered’.
  • 50 Best Podcasts for Kids and Teens PreK-12 in 2023
    ‘Podcasts are a terrific way to learn something new, whether you’re at home, in the car, or in the classroom. They cover a wide variety of topics, so there’s something to interest pretty much everyone. These podcasts for kids and teens are sure to engage young listeners and start interesting conversations. Plus, we’ve suggested enrichment activities to go along with each one ! We’ve divided the list by grade level because some might be more intense or cover more mature topics than is appropriate for younger students. You are the best judge for your own kids or students, though, so we recommend vetting all material before sharing’.
  • 60 Best Educational Podcasts
    ‘The best Education podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness’. You need to provide either a Google account link or an email address to access their contents.
  • TeacherTube
    ‘Our goal at TeacherTube has been to provide an online community for sharing instructional and education videos for college students, high school students, middle school students and elementary school students. We seek to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, students, schools and home learners’. Be sure to read the extensive information on the home page to clarify where the best for you is available.

Top of Page


A reminder that Twitter [and therefore Tweets] technically no longer exists with its renaming to X. As well there are now other options such as Threads, Linked In, Mastodon, . . . . Tweets under another name will certainly continue, but what it will be called has still to be decided and also accepted by the wider community. For now, they are still Tweets on this page. Getting to these sites can often require a new direction procedure, presumably depending on where the user is based.



  • Bec West
    @BecWest81. ‘QLD Foundation DP. Passionate about equity, creativity and innovation. Global Teacher Prize - Top 10 Finalist 2021. CommBank Teaching Fellow 2021’. You can also access 100 of her videos at Talkin’ Chalk 100 Videos [Teaching Tips and Advice].
  • Dan Haesler
    @danhaesler. ‘Trying to do my bit to enhance Engagement, Leadership & Wellbeing in Education’.
  • Eddie Woo
    @misterwootube. ‘Mathematics teacher @NSWEducation; Leader @MathsGrowthTeam; Education Ambassador @Sydney_Uni; Author @WWWofMaths; Videos at’.
  • EduTweetOz
    @EduTweetOz. ‘Showcasing a different Australian educator every week’.
  • Eleni Kyritsis
    @misskyritsis. ‘2017 ACCE Australian Educator of the Year. Deputy Head of Junior School. Also check @TeachTechPlay by the same creator’. [The last twitter account has not been added to for some time.]
  • Judy O’Connell
    @heyjudeonline. ‘Educator, learner, blogger, librarian, technology girl, author and consultant. Playing in higher education. Online innovation for life’.
  • Roger Pryor
    @pryorcommitment. ‘Educator, speaker, blogger & musician fascinated by the ability we have via social media to Connect, Collaborate, Design & then Create other ways to do things’.
  • Stephen Harris
    @Stephen_H. ‘Passionate about innovative learning. Founding Director SCIL.

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  • Alfie Kohn
    @alfiekohn. ‘Author and lecturer on topics in education, parenting and human behaviour’. Not added to for a while.
  • Andreas Schleicher
    @SchleicherOECD. ‘OECD Director for Education and Skills. @OECDEduSkills helps identify and develop the knowledge and skills which are key to a better and fairer society’.
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education
    @chronicle. ‘The Chronicle of Higher Education - The leading news source for higher education’.
  • Diane Ravitch
    @DianeRavitch. ‘I write about education. I blog at’.
  • Discovery Education
    @DiscoveryEd. ‘Discovery Education is the worldwide EdTech leader whose state-of-the-art digital platform supports learning wherever it takes place’.
  • Dr. Catlin Tucker
    @Catlin_Tucker. ‘I love learning ! International Trainer, Blended Learning Coach, Keynote Speaker and Bestselling Author. Expertise : Blended Learning and Online Learning’.
  • EdReal
    @Ed_Realist. ‘No Dewey-eyed dreamers here’. You can also access a second viewing of it at
  • Education Week
    @educationweek. ‘Inspiring you through K-12 news, analysis and opinion. Empowering you to make a difference in your community’.
  • Educators Rising
    @EducatorsRising. ‘We’re a national network of inspired, rising educators, starting in high school. Are you ready to change the world ? There’s power in teaching’.
  • Larry Ferlazzo
    @Larryferlazzo. ‘High School teacher - ELL, English, Social Studies, IB; Author or Editor of 12 books; podcast host; Education Week teacher advice columnist’.
  • OECD Education [EduSkills]
    @OECD_EduSkills. ‘Work on education and skills provides policymakers with the information they need to improve the quality of education worldwide’.
  • Randi Weingarten
    @rweingarten. ‘American Federation of Teachers President, committed to improving schools’.
  • Robert J. Marzano
    @robertjmarzano. ‘For 50 years, Dr. Marzano has translated educational research and theory into practical strategies for educators’.
  • SchoolDuggery
    @SchoolDuggery. ‘Keeping an independent eye on schools and education. Less likely to agree with you than you might assume. Ofsted rated “Tenacious”’.
  • UKEdChat
    @UKEdChat. ‘ UKEd Chat is an open community of educators who share teaching ideas via online discussions, videos, downloadable resources, articles, magazines, podcasts and conferences, all completely free’.
  • Vicki Davis
    @coolcatteacher. ‘Best teacher blog winner, HOST 10 Minute Teacher Podcast, ISC Research Top Global Edruptor 2021, #edTech teacher, author’.


  • 9 Twitter Accounts Every Educator Should Follow
    Pikmykid. ‘I wanted to share a few accounts I found extremely beneficial to the Education community. Some are very popular, and some have only a few thousand followers but amazing content’.
  • 10 Twitter Accounts Every Teacher Should Follow
    Resilient Educator. ‘Without question, Twitter has become a hotspot for education-related tips, tricks, and talks. From nonprofits to everyday teachers, here are a few accounts we like to follow’. Appears to have not been upgraded for a while but some sections are well worth visiting. Try @boredteachers for example.
  • 40 Essential Education and Teacher Twitter accounts and Hashtags [from 2021]
    ‘Twitter is a marvellous tool for all sorts of hobbies, niches and industries. Education is no exception. If you’re a teacher on Twitter, a whole world of tips and insight from education thought leaders, organisations and fellow teachers is at your feet’. Check the menu on the right for specific education topics.
  • 44 Education Twitter Chats Worth Your Time [ISTE]
    ‘To get you started, check out this list of 41 education chats curated by the ISTE community, organised by chat type. If you don’t find something for you on this list, check #EDUChatList, which hosts an easy to use list of chats happening each day’.
  • What are the Best Education Accounts On Twitter ?
    ‘Which are the best education accounts on twitter to follow ? Whether you agree with what the following leaders and leading resources included, they still exert influence over the education industry. Follow them for a while and use them to discover even more names and faces currently shaping schools across the world’.

Top of Page


Creating a Blog

  • Class Blog [Digital Technologies Hub AU]
    ‘In this lesson sequence students investigate features of a good blog focusing on such things as the concept, purpose, audience and critical features. Year band : 5-6’. Curriculum Links, Assessment and multiple Learning Sequence steps.
  • Classroom Blogs : . . .
    Educational Free Blog Sites for Students and Teachers. If you’re thinking of setting up a blog for your class, here’s your guide to getting started with educational blogs for students free and paid’.
  • Blog with the best
    ‘More bloggers and independent creators choose WordPress than any other blogging tool. Tap into intuitive, flexible tools that put writers, bloggers and creators first’. Provides a step-by-step process to completion.
  • Blogs & Websites For Education
    ‘By educators, for educators. We are the oldest and most trusted web publishing platform for teachers and students’.
  • How to Start a Blog
    A Really Simple Beginners Guide. A step by step tutorial showing you how to create a stunning blog in just 20 minutes’.
  • How to Start a Blog in 2023
    ‘A free Step-By-Step Beginner’s Guide to create a blog in 20 minutes’.
  • How to Start a Blog : The Complete Beginner’s Guide 2022
    ‘Do you want to learn how to start a blog ? To save you time, I’ve created this free step-by-step blog tutorial to teach beginners how to make a blog quickly and easily. It’s not as complicated as many people think’. Check the Table of Contents on the upper, right of the page.
  • How to Start a Blog – The Definitive Guide for Beginners
    ‘I’m going to show you the exact steps you need to follow to set up a blog, no technical skills required. Don’t worry - I’ll walk you through every step with lots of screenshots and answer all your questions in the comments’.
  • TeachersFirst : More Blog Ideas for the Classroom
    Safety First [be sure to read this !], then click on Lots of Ideas and Teacher as Blogger’ to access material. These are just the first of the points to follow. Use the arrows at the bottom of the menu box to go on to find a range of others. Also be sure to check the menu on the left for other options within this area.
  • Using Blogs in the Classroom
    Sweetland Centre for Writing, University of Michigan. PDF download on specific aspects, plus text presentation covering all relevant parts of the process.

Creating a Podcast

Creating a Twitter Feed

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter for Educators
    ‘Thousands of educators around the world have grown by leaps and bounds professionally by getting connected on Twitter. But what about those that aren’t on Twitter yet ? How do you get started ? Here is a guide to help you’.
  • Cheat Sheet : Twitter For Teachers
    ‘For those just getting started, I’ll explain a few basic terms to help you easily and quickly navigate your way around Twitter. For those who already use Twitter, you may want to jump down to the next section, Benefits for Educators, or simply download the Twitter Cheat Sheet ’. Part of a larger site - Twitter For Teachers : A Beginner’s Guide - listed below.
  • Eight Videos to Help Teachers Get Started Using Twitter
    ‘Videos to help teachers get started with using Twitter. The idea is to make them short and to the point and provide specific instructions on how teachers can use Twitter’. While they are a decade or more old, they still appear relevant.
  • Guide to Using Twitter in Your Teaching Practice
    ‘Below, you will find some great resources for your school community to help jump into using social media, specifically Twitter, as a learning tool. Click on a link below to access a resource’.
  • How To Use Twitter : Critical Tips For New Users [WIRED]
    ‘How to setup your account, login, search and find your voice on Twitter’.
  • Nanci’s Blog
    ‘This page contains videos and other resources related to using Twitter for educational purposes. Hashtags, Twitter Resources and Classroom Ideas, Videos’ and more.
  • The Twitter Guide For Teachers [eLearning Industry]
    ‘At the Teachers Guide to Twitter you will find : How as a teacher can you effectively utilise Twitter, a creative writing lesson plan using Twitter, 15 creative ways to use Twitter in the classroom and 15 videos on how as a teacher can you use Twitter in classroom’. Check the Read Also section on the right for further information.
  • Twitter
    A listing of 17 links to material related to Twitter as developed, presented or linked to material by Kathy Shrock’.
  • Twitter For Teachers : A Beginner’s Guide
    ‘The Honest-To-Goodness Beginner’s Guide To Twitter For Teachers In 10 Steps’. See one component - Cheat Sheet : Twitter For Teachers higher up in this listing.


  • 25 Best Teacher Instagram Accounts To Follow
    ‘We rounded up some of the best teacher Instagram accounts to follow for great ideas, great content and classroom inspiration. Check them out and get ready to scroll until your thumbs hurt’.
  • Facebook Guide for Educators
    A tool for teaching and learning. ‘The guide is aimed at educators working with young people within schools, colleges, universities, work based learning, formal and informal learning settings. It looks at the way in which Facebook can be used’. Created by an education think tank.
  • New !  Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything
    ‘As an educational technologist, I continue to learn each day. When I develop new presentations or explore a new passion, I create a page of resources. This site will serve as the entry point to these resources, ideas, tips and tricks. The links to the pages are below’ [this intro on the home page]. One example of her high quality work can be found at New ! TIKTOK in the classroom - Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything. ‘When looking for TikToks from creative educators, there are some broad categories you can access that will lead you to all kinds of great stuff ! And then, you can also search on specific content and grade level hashtags, too !’ There are multiple links available to help you get started.
  • Social Media for Teachers : Guides, Resources and Ideas [Edutopia]
    ‘It can be a challenge to incorporate social media into lessons. There are many grey areas for teachers to navigate, like setting guidelines, accessibility at school, and student safety. But to help teachers navigate this ever-changing landscape of social media tools, here are some of the best guides on the web for four popular networks, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest’. A little dated but still very applicable.


  • 5 Steps for starting an educational channel
    ‘YouTube educational channel creators, Mary Doodles, Nurse Bass, and Greg and Jared from Wisecrack, share 5 steps to help you get an educational channel started. And if you’re already a YouTube pro but thinking about making learning content on your channel, we’ve got you covered too’. [2:40]
  • 10 tips from Wisecrack for growing your educational channel
    ‘Greg and Jared, creators from Wisecrack, share their top 10 list of tips to help boost your educational channel’s discovery and grow you audience, including what you should put in your channel trailer, banner image and more. They also share ways to help you connect with audiences around the world’. [3:36]
  • Creator Basics : How to set up and customise your channel [Creator Basics]
    ‘In this video, we’ll show you what you need to know to start a YouTube channel and grow as a creator on YouTube. We’ll walk you through how to create a channel and how to customise it with personal branding like a profile picture and channel banner’. [2:10]
  • How to make a Khan Academy style educational video
    ‘In this video I demonstrate how to make a Khan Academy style video using Quicktime and Sketchbook. Both programs are free. This is a beginner tutorial for teachers to help with adding video to google classroom’. [14:13]
  • How to start an educational channel [YouTube Channel for Teaching]
    A popular channel which takes a realistic view of the process, though it may not initially look it. Be sure to check out the introductory comments [in full] as there are specific aspect videos listed [e.g. Make Educational Videos at Home, Cost-Effective Digital Classroom Setup, . . . ] included. [10:08]
  • How to Use Twitter - 2023 Beginners Guide
    ‘Want to learn how to use Twitter ? I’m going to show you exactly how to use Twitter, step by step’. [14:12]
  • If I Were Starting A YouTube Channel In 2023, This is What I’d Do
    ‘Want to know how to start a YouTube channel this year ? Here is exactly what I would do to get started on YouTube. After reviewing and helping 1 000 or more channels, these are the steps I’d take’. [30:36]
  • YouTube Creators
    ‘New to YouTube ? Start Here !’ There are also other Playlists [use the link to access these] covering other aspects you may also find useful


A number of other sites can also be found on the Technology & Design Resources page and the Duty of Care page.

  • 15 Strategies Educators Can Use to Stop Cyberbullying [Open Colleges]
    ‘The advent of technology has brought with it familiar problems in new forms. Yet cyberbullying is unique in many ways. What makes cyberbullying so different than in-person bullying ? [See suggestions.] As educators, we need to be specifically aware of cyberbullying. Although the research about cyberbullying is still emerging, there is some consensus on best practices. There are a few things we can do as educators to curtail cyberbullying’. A quality presentation that covers many options plus multiple explanations.
  • eSafety Commissioner
    Provides information, advice and support for ‘Educators, Parents, Kids, Young People, Women, Seniors, Diverse Groups and also addresses a range of Key Issues’ related to staying safe online while still being able to benefit from the best of what is available. They also provide The eSafety Guide where you can ‘Learn about the latest games, apps and social media, including how to protect your information and report inappropriate content’.
  • eSafety Strategy 2022-25
    ‘The eSafety Strategy outlines how we will prioritise our activities to help Australians of all ages enjoy safer and more positive experiences online through until 2025. Download the PDF file or read the strategy on this page’.
  • How to Be Safe on the Internet [with Internet Safety Rules]
    ‘The Internet is a huge part of many people’s everyday lives. It’s fun, useful and informative, but can also be dangerous, no matter how safe you feel while browsing. By getting into the habit of using good Internet safety practices, you can protect your information and your identity for years to come’. Last updated in December 2022. WikiHow.
  • Online Safety
    A wide range of information about all aspects for remaining safe when online. Addresses all groups and includes links to additional information including areas covered on this page. Still available though it has now been archived.
  • Playing IT Safe [How to stay safe online]
    ‘Helping parents, carers and educators teach young children how to stay safe online’. Use the relevant section for each.
  • Social Media Policy [NSW]
    ‘Developed to provide department employees with standards of use as they engage in conversations or interactions using digital media for official, professional and personal use’. Other state and territories would have similar documents. Last updated 17 February 2023. Details of changes can be found on the site.

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