‘Duty of care is a common law concept that is underpinned by case law. Both a school and its staff owe a duty to take care of students while they are involved in school activities and this extends to situations where students are present at the school outside normal school hours or engaging in school activities that are off-site. A duty of care arises when a teacher/pupil relationship exists. This statement may seem simple, but it can be difficult to determine in practice where the school’s duty starts and ends’. [School Governance, CompliSpace]

Duty of Care applies not only with students but also with all teaching and other staff [often thought of as workplace safety] in educational settings at all levels from Early Childhood to tertiary. Some aspects have a lengthy history, e.g. workplace safety. Other factors have stemmed from recent changes following technological advancements such as the internet and rapidly increasing concerns in areas such as mental health and respectful relations.

In simple terms Educational institutions have a duty of care to students, staff and any others who use them. Some of these requirements are on a government level, e.g. mandatory reporting of child abuse and Working with Children Checks. Others include areas from Bullying to Cybersafety, Mental Health to prevention of harassment [in many forms]. Appropriate levels of supervision for all activities is absolutely mandatory.

All employing bodies, people in supervisory roles and teachers take these responsibilities seriously. This is especially so when young people are involved.

This page looks at duty of care in relation to staff and students in all states & territories. It ranges from codes of conduct to child protection, Occupational Health & Safety to supervision, in and out of school activities, … . Policies and guidelines from multiple sources are provided. In addition, a collection of resources have now been added which will continue to expand.



  • Being Safe Online
    ‘The Directorate has brought together a range of resources to support schools in delivering an enriching digital program aimed to educate our students about online safety. Details and links are grouped under the following headings : Resources for Students; Resources for Teaching Staff; Resources for Families; and a separate section covering Cyberbullying’.


  • Child Protection and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Policy
    ‘All staff in public schools have a responsibility to act to protect students from child abuse and neglect in addition to mandatory statutory reporting obligations. This policy supports reporting by school staff of child abuse and neglect’. Links to Implementation Documents and Related Policies and Information in the column on the right.
  • Critical/Non-Critical Incident Management and Reporting Policy
    ‘This policy must be read in conjunction with the Critical/Non‐Critical Incident Management and Reporting Procedure’. You can also access links to related policies in this area from this page [column on right].
  • Safe and Supportive Schools Policy
    ‘Canberra public schools are committed to providing positive and engaging environments where young people feel connected and respected, achieve success and are fully engaged in education. This policy provides guidance for Canberra public schools on promoting a safe, respectful and supportive school community’. An extensive list of Implementation Documents are linked via the column on the right of the page, covering areas including Positive Behaviour Support Planning, Building Positive Partnerships, Code of Conduct, FAQs and Fact Sheets for Parents and carers as well as many others.
  • Supervision of Students on School Sites Policy
    ‘This policy establishes the arrangements for proper supervision of students while they are on school sites’.


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  • Anti-racism Education - Advice for Schools
    ‘Understanding Racism; Countering Racism; resources; Principal Checklist for anti-racism education’.
  • Code of Conduct
    ‘The department is preparing young people for rewarding lives as engaged citizens in a complex and dynamic society. Our Code of Conduct helps set high standards to guide our work and our professional relationships’. You can access the current Code of Conduct using this link.
  • Digital Citizenship
    Covers being ‘Respectful - Understanding online behaviour and its effects; Responsible - Thinking critically and being digitally aware; Safe - Protecting your security, privacy and wellbeing’. Multiple Resources assist the development of these characteristics. This is the new policy introduced from Term 1 Week 1 2020.


  • Child Protection : Responding to and reporting students at risk of harm
    ‘Sets out roles and responsibilities of staff in relation to child protection including training, reporting on safety, and supporting children and young people, as well as monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements’. Implementation documents and Related Information can be accessed via the links in the left-hand column.
  • Keeping Your Child Safe Online
    Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong. Part of their Student Safety and Wellbeing area. Includes a range of links to other aspects in this area.
  • Professional and Legal Responsibilities of Teachers
    From the currently being revised Teachers Handbook for government schools. Specific sections are listed in the menu on the left.
  • Social Media Policy
    ‘This policy has been developed to provide department employees with standards of use as they engage in conversations or interactions using digital media for official, professional and personal use’.
  • Student Welfare
    ‘A framework for school communities to review student welfare, determine key issues for action and develop and implement student welfare actions and initiatives’.
  • Anti-bullying
    ‘The department’s website has information on cyberbullying and cybersafe families, as well as what to do if your child is experiencing cyberbullying. There are general resources on bullying as well. The information on this website has been developed by the NSW Department of Education in consultation with the Association of Independent Schools of NSW and Catholic Schools NSW. NSW public schools will find additional information in the Updated ! Policy Library providing access page to a range of policies. Use the ABC selection process to access those you feel may impact this area.’. What is bullying ? may also be of use.
  • Updated !  Employee Responsibility
    ‘Explains an employee’s legal and moral duty to apply their knowledge and the department’s policies and procedures in ways which will benefit students, the department and the wider community’.
  • Updated !  Evidence-based Mental Health and Wellbeing Programs for Schools
    ‘Schools use a range of strategies to support student wellbeing, including classroom practices, curriculum, wellbeing staff, and department-based resources and initiatives. Schools may also choose to implement other programs to support specific wellbeing needs’.
  • Sport Safety Guidelines
    Requirements for all sport and physical activity; Specific guidelines; Risk management; Consent forms; further information. A Sport and Physical Activity Policy is available here.
  • New !  Student Wellbeing Programs and Providers
    ‘Information on engaging external providers, including quality assured programs and professional learning for staff’.
  • New !  Wellbeing
    ‘Increase your child's physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Explore articles and advice to help manage common health and wellbeing issues’.
  • Wellbeing Framework for Schools
    ‘The Wellbeing Framework for Schools supports schools to create teaching and learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. Wellbeing in our public schools is driven by the themes of Connect, Succeed and Thrive’.
  • Working with Children Check
    ‘The Working with Children Check - WWCC - is a screening mechanism to prevent certain persons from engaging in child-related work’. Implementation Documents and Related Documents are found via links in the right-hand column.


  • Duty of Care - SafeWork NSW
    Definition and explanation of this term as it is applied in NSW [PCBU - Person conducting a business or undertaking].
  • Education and Training - SafeWork NSW
    Introduction; ‘Top Causes of Injury; Common Hazards; Resources to help you; Safety Management resources; Business resources; Safety Support Services; Keeping up to date; Links to relevant organisations [unions and associations]; Legislation’.
  • Health and Wellbeing - The University of Sydney
    ‘Overview; Mental health; Mindfulness and relaxation; General health and wellbeing; Academic wellbeing; Supporting others’. Other universities will have similar systems.
  • Student Wellbeing Policy
    Sydney Catholic Schools. ‘The wellbeing of all students is at the heart of Catholic Education enabling a learning environment which provides for the spiritual, physical, emotional, cognitive and social wellbeing of its students and staff’. Similar procedures will apply in other dioceses.
  • Supporting Students and Staff
    ‘Supporting students to achieve their potential at school means sustaining effective whole-school wellbeing practices and building confidence and expertise among teaching staff. A robust approach where students thrive, provides a solid base on which to support all students, regardless of their needs. AISNSW is committed to assisting independent schools to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students’.
  • TAFE NSW - Work Health and Safety Policy
    ‘TAFE NSW seeks to ensure the health and safety of everyone in its workplaces. We have a duty of care for students, workers and visitors while they are at TAFE NSW workplaces or participating in authorised activities’. [The policy is currently under review.]

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  • Student Safety and Wellbeing
    ‘Disclaimer : This information sheet is not intended to be used as legal advice or as policy; rather, it is a sheet to be used to inform those who are unsure of what a duty of care is and to whom a duty of care is owed’.
  • Teacher Responsibilities Guide
    Department of Education. ‘The guide aims to help teachers meet the needs of students, work with parents or caregivers and other staff, and liaise with the public. It also provides clear statements of expectations for teachers in a Northern Territory Government school’. You can download a copy of The Guide using this link.


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  • Cybersafety in Queensland Schools
    Overview; Information for Parents; Resources; Links to information; and much more.
  • Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum
    ‘The Department of Education, in partnership with the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, has developed the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum for Queensland students. The Curriculum consists of classroom lessons across 3 phases of learning : Prep to Year 2, Years 3 to 6 and Years 7 to 9. The Curriculum is aligned with the Australian Curriculum : Health and Physical Education [Version 8.1] and is available to all Australian teachers through password-protected websites. It aims to teach children about personal safety and awareness, including cybersafety and phone safety, by focusing on three key safety messages : Recognise, React and Report’.


  • Managing Risks in School Curriculum Activities Procedure
    Overview; Responsibilities; Process; Resources; Definitions; Legislation; Other Resources; PDF download.
  • Managing Students’ Health Support Needs at School Procedure
    ‘The procedure outlines the measures state schools must take to support students with health support needs at school, so that all students can safely participate in all aspects of school life’. Version 2.2 [2022].
  • Student Protection Procedure
    ‘This procedure outlines the responsibilities of employees and visitors to state schools and State Delivered Kindergartens when dealing with student protection concerns and responding when, it is suspected that a student, or an unborn child, has been harmed or is at risk of harm’.
  • Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Procedure
    ‘This procedure outlines the responsibilities of school staff when supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all students in state schools; and the processes that will enable schools to support students’ mental health and social and emotional wellbeing across a continuum of support from promotion to specialised intervention and case management’. There are links to a range of supporting information in the menu on the right-hand side of the page.
  • Wellbeing of Students
    ‘The wellbeing of students is the department’s first and foremost priority’. Specific coverage for the Covid period.
  • Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing
    ‘This category contains policies and procedures about safe, supportive and healthy work environments for staff and others involved in departmental activities. Refer to Student Safety for additional information about schools and students’. Multiple policies and procedures.
  • Updated !  Inclusive Education
    ‘Our priority - Success and wellbeing for all children and students through each stage of learning in an inclusive education system’. Links to the Every Student Succeeding - State Schools Improvement Strategy 2022–2026 plus a range of other procedures and options.
  • Pregnant and Parenting Students
    Overview, link to guidelines, links to other agencies.
  • Student Health, Safety and Wellbeing
    Provides links to information on 6 major areas - Student Wellbeing Package; Supporting students’ wellbeing and mental health; Students with diverse needs; Student health; Student support services; and Supportive school discipline.
  • Supporting Student Behaviour
    ‘Outlining a range of resources and information to support student behaviour. Includes Positive behaviour for Learning; Intensive Support; Bullying and Cyberbullying - preventing and responding; Home and School Relationships; Procedures, Guidelines and Forms; Resources and Publications’.


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  • Bullying and Harassment
    ‘Identifying bullying and harassment; Report bullying and harassment; Bullying and harassment support’.
  • Bullying Prevention Strategy – a community approach
    ‘Bullying prevention requires a whole-of-community response. To develop the strategy, the Department for Education has worked with Catholic and independent school sectors, government departments and non-government organisations. These public consultations in 2018 shaped the strategy’. A copy of the strategy, CONNECTED - A community approach to bullying prevention within the school gates and beyondcan be downloaded using this link .
    New website presently being developed. Monitor for this.
  • Children’s health and wellbeing Multiple sections including ‘Bullying and harassment; Child abuse; Drugs and alcohol; First aid and medical emergency; Health care plans and forms; Healthy eating; Sun protection in schools and preschools; Infectious diseases and exclusion; Medication; Mental health - children and teenagers; School Dental Service; and Toilet independence’.
  • Creating Outdoor Learning Environment Resources
    Includes a Standards document, risk management information, Australian standards updates [when relevant] and more.
  • Cyberbullying Support
    ‘Support guide for your child; Recognise the signs; What to do as a parent’.


  • Duty of Care to Children and Young People Guideline
    ‘All Department for Education staff owe a duty to take reasonable care to protect those children and/or young people in their care and control from a reasonably foreseeable risk of harm’. Links to - Duty of care policy [Documents section above]; Child protection policies and guidelines; Protective practices guidelines; Child protection curriculum and more. Staff login required.
  • Identifying Bullying and Harassment ‘Information for children and parents to identify what constitutes bullying, and harassment and when it is a crime’. Links to legal advice sources.
  • Keeping Safe : Child Protection Curriculum information for Parents and Carers
    ‘Respectful relationships and consent education; Why we teach children about keeping safe; Curriculum; More information’.
  • Keeping Safe : Child Protection Curriculum information for Educators
    ‘Respectful relationships and consent education; Educator responsibilities; Training; Update training; Documents and resources; Implementation; Whole site planning; Communicating with parents and carers; Other organisations’.
  • Protective Practices for Staff
    ‘Guidelines for staff working or volunteering in education and care settings in their interactions with children and young people’. 2nd Edition, revised 2019.
  • Safety and Wellbeing
    ‘Bushfires; Child protection; Attendance at School or Preschool; Bullying and Cyberbullying; Behaviour Support; Health; National School Chaplaincy Program; Sun protection in schools and preschools; National School Chaplaincy Program; Problem sexual behaviour in children; Gender diverse, intersex and sexually diverse children; Consent and sexual consent; and New mental health service for schools’.


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  • New !  Our Approach to Child and Student Wellbeing
    ‘Our services for education, care and protection are working together to ensure all children and young people are known, safe, well and learning. We know schools play an important role in supporting the wellbeing of children and young people and when students feel valued, safe and supported they are in their best position to learn’. It also links with The Child and Students Wellbeing Strategy - see the Documents listing below.
  • Cyber Safety Resources
    ‘Making sure your child is safe online is a shared responsibility between the community, parents, schools and students’.


  • Online Safety in Tasmanian Government Schools
    ‘The online world is a fundamental part of our modern lives, providing access to everyday services, social media networks, entertainment and education. You, your child’s school and the online community have the responsibility to model and promote a positive and safe online environment’.


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  • Child Safety
    ‘The Victorian Government has introduced a range of measures to better protect children. These measures include The Child Safe Standards, Reportable Conduct Scheme and Organisational Duty of Care’. Designed essentially for the early childhood sector.


  • Duty of Care Policy
    ‘This policy assists school staff to understand how to meet their legal duty of care to students. Policy; Guidance; Resources’. Linked to this is the Personal Liability of School Employees Policy which has a positive introduction.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing — Employees : Policy
    ‘This policy outlines the risk management methodology for identifying and managing psychological risks and hazards, including workplace climate, to support the mental health and wellbeing of employees in schools. Policy; Procedure; Resources’.
  • Outdoor Activities and Working Outdoors : Policy
    ‘This policy outlines the Occupational Health and Safety requirements for outdoor activities that are organised or managed by schools. Policy; Procedure; Resources’.
  • Protecting Children — Reporting and Other Legal Obligations : Policy
    ‘The purpose of this policy is to ensure school staff are aware of and comply with their legal responsibilities to protect the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and explain the process following a report to Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Child Protection service [Child Protection]. Policy; Guidance; Resources’.
  • Risk Management - Schools
    ‘This policy sets out the requirements for schools to identify and manage risks that might affect their students, staff or operations. Policy; Guidance; Resources’.
  • Student Engagement
    ‘The purpose of this policy is to assist schools to create an effective local student engagement policy which provides the basis on which schools develop and maintain safe, supportive and inclusive school environments. Policy; Guidance; Resources’.
  • Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing
    OHS Management Service; Reporting and management of Incidents and Hazards; Workers’ Compensation and return to work; Useful Contacts; Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing Services. Also, currently, Covid-19 support information.
  • Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing Services
    ‘The Department provides a range of employee safety and support services including those listed on this page’
  • Principal Health and Wellbeing
    ‘This page explains the Department’s Principal Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the initiatives to promote a safe and supportive environment for school leaders to be their best. Advice; Guidance; Resources’.
  • School Focused Youth Service
    ‘School Focused Youth Service [SFYS] is available to support students from Years 5 to 12 who are attending school but vulnerable to or showing signs of disengaging from school. The service is available to students across government, Catholic and independent schools’.
  • Student health and wellbeing
    ‘Support services, guidance and materials to make sure students are healthy and safe at your school. The site covers Student Wellbeing, Specific conditions, Health education and Support roles’.
  • New !  Student health, wellbeing and inclusive education
    ‘Student health, wellbeing and inclusive education; Early childhood programs; School-based programs; Supporting the teaching profession; Programs for parents and carers; Celebrating the Education State’.
  • Support for students with high care needs
    ‘If your child has high care needs their school may be able to apply for extra assistance so your child can take part and learn at school’. Be sure to check the Related Links [on the right] to access further, specific information.


  • Child Safety : Information for Parents [CECV]
    ‘The care, safety and wellbeing of children is an essential and shared responsibility of everyone who attends, works or is involved in Catholic schools’.
  • Codes of Conduct and Ethics [VIT]
    Download a copy of the Code of Conduct and/or the Code of Ethics from the site.
  • Education Sector - Worksafe Victoria
    ‘Health and SafetyGuides [2]; Early Childhood education and care sector [multiple aspects]; Injury Hotspots [multiple aspects]; Information for every workplace; Common Hazards; and Multiple Resources’.
  • IEU VICTAS Member Benefits
    Industrial Protection and Legal Advice are the first listed the follow Training, various savings and communication.
  • Investigations [VIT]
    ‘The VIT must conduct an investigation when it has completed a preliminary assessment of a notification or complaint and has decided to conduct an investigation. The VIT must also conduct an investigation when it has decided to suspend the registration of a teacher on an interim basis’.
  • Safety, Health and Security [North Metropolitan TAFE]
    Includes Duty of Care as part of this. While this applies to one TAFE campus, there would be similar procedures on all TAFE campuses.
  • Supervision & Duty of Care
    Australian Education Union. ‘This webinar outlines the legal and industrial requirements around the student supervision responsibilities of ES, with a particular focus on working with small groups and yard duty. Sorry, this content is for members only’.

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  • Bullying
    ‘Every school is expected to have a safe, supportive, respectful and positive learning environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence, so student wellbeing and academic outcomes are maximised. Preventing bullying involves everyone talking together openly and respectfully’.
  • Cyber Safety
    ‘The internet is a great way to socialise, learn, work, play and be entertained — but with technology comes risks. Do you know how to keep your child safe online ?’


  • New !  External Support Services - Department of Education
    ‘In addition to support services available through us, we also encourage you and your family to access these services if you require urgent support’.
  • Mental Health
    ‘Schools strive to be safe, supportive and inclusive communities. They provide programs and opportunities to improve a student’s sense of belonging and their skills in understanding themselves and others, managing relationships and problem solving’.
  • Student Health and Wellbeing
    ‘Our schools are committed to providing a quality education for all students in a safe, inclusive and caring learning environment. We offer a range of support services and programs to ensure your child feels a sense of belonging and receives the best possible education’. Includes sections for Healthy living; Mental Health; Bullying; Violence; Road Safety; Cyber safety; and more.


  • Duty Of Care Policy
    This is the policy which is in operation at the Muresk Institute for those in education or training.
  • Duty of Care Policy for Minors Attending TAFE Colleges
    ‘This policy informs TAFE Colleges of their responsibility to ensure reasonable care is provided for the safety, health and welfare of students under 18 years of age [minors] participating in vocational education and training programs’.
  • Friendly Schools
    ‘Friendly Schools is the first and most comprehensive whole school social and emotional development and bullying [including cyberbullying] prevention initiative for schools. It has been developed through extensive research over 20 years and 11 large empirical trials with approximately 30 000 Australian children and adolescents’.
  • Learning and Wellbeing [CEWA]
    ‘Ensuring that children and young people are able to thrive academically in a secure and safe environment is our highest priority’. There are three sections under the title Psychology, Safety and Wellbeing for this area covering Student Wellbeing, Updated ! Psychology, Safety and Wellbeing Team and Updated ! Student Safety.

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  • A Teacher’s Duty of Care
    2009, Dennis Sleigh. Article from Education Today. An article that has stood the test of time.
  • Does ‘duty of care’ apply to support staff as well as teachers ?
    ‘Education support staff are increasingly aware there can be legal consequences for the things that happen in the course of doing their jobs. Students get hurt. Parents get angry. People get sued. Senior IEU Victoria Tasmania Industrial Officer Denis Matson explains what you need to know as a member of the support staff and your obligations’.
  • Education Law Articles - Duty of Care
    Presented by a legal firm. Multiple examples of situations, actions, results.
  • National Tertiary Education Union - Assistance for Members
    ‘If you need advice about a workplace or industrial matter, the first step is to contact your local Branch office [if you do not have a Branch office, contact your state or territory Division office]. Once you have given your details and provided any relevant information, we will contact you for a discussion about your matter and the most suitable way forward’. A second site is entitled Assistance for new members
  • Advice : QTU
    This section covers a wide range of topics relating to employment from transfers to salaries, playground duty to work cover and beyond. It also provides the best way to contact and seek help from them. Queensland Teachers’ Union.

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This is still only an initial collection of resources related to the area. Others will be added as they are found.

  • Bullying. No Way !
    ‘Supporting school communities with evidence-informed resources and activities for a proactive approach to bullying education and prevention’.
  • Educators - Be You
    Beyond Blue. ‘The Educators Handbook has all the essential information you need to start your Be You journey. For a full introduction to Be You for educators, download the : Educators Handbook : Early Learning Services or the Educators Handbook : Primary and Secondary Schools, read and get started on your Be You journey. We also have handbooks specifically aimed at pre-service educators in both early learning and primary and secondary schools. Finally, there are also handbooks designed for leaders in early learning services and primary and secondary schools’. Check the Quick Links on the home page for access to other information.
  • eSafetyeducation
    Australian Government. ‘Online safety resources and training for teachers, schools and communities’. Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Video Library, Helpful Links, and popular topics, Factsheet, Policies and Guidance, Professional Learning and The eSafety Guide. You can also Report abuse using this section. Sections also for Parents, Kids, Young People, Women, Seniors, Diverse Groups and Key Issues. Sign up to get the latest releases to your inbox.
  • eSafety Office
    ‘This is the official YouTube channel for the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner. The Office is a one-stop-shop for online safety. Our videos help children, parents and teachers navigate the tricky waters kids can sometimes face in the online world’. Over 200 videos available.
  • eSmart
    Alannah and Madeline Foundation. ‘eSmart supports schools to review and improve operational systems, practices and knowledge-base across the whole school community. By implementing change through the eSmart suite of programs, schools can improve student wellbeing, encourage positive use of technology and decision-making, while reducing bullying, cyber bullying and anti-social behaviour. Our eSmart offering includes a range of programs and products. There is a specific For Teachers section’.
  • Headspace Schools [Headspace]
    ‘Our programs and initiatives are designed to support the mental health and wellbeing of school communities through evidence-based mental health promotion, prevention, early intervention and postvention services’.
  • Head to Health
    Australian Government. ‘Head to Health has more than 500 digital resources to support your wellbeing and mental health. You can start by exploring the resources below or use Search or SAM to find resources that best suit you’.
  • Internet Safety Guide for Kids [CyberGhost Privacy Hub]
    ‘Online Threats to Kids; How to Protect Your Kids from Online Threats; Keeping Kids Safe on Social Media; Online Security Tips for Parents; The Internet and Teenagers; and The Bottom Line’. Well thought out and presented.
  • Kids Helpline - WebChat Counselling
    ‘Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free [even from a mobile], confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available via WebChat, phone or email anytime and for any reason’.
  • National Online Safety - E-safety Guides for Schools
    A vast collection of specific guides for parents and students each targetting specific topics, even specific programs.
  • OPEN PARACHUTE - Australia
    ‘Teachers are not trained to be mental health experts. With pre-prepared Online Lessons created by Clinical Psychologists, your teachers can now support the mental health of all your students. Our curriculum is delivered 100% online and can be facilitated by teachers in a classroom setting, or accessed from home by students, teachers, and parents’.
  • Resources - CompliSpace
    ‘Subscribe to receive School Governance in your inbox each week. Fill out the form to receive a welcome email with our latest resources for school leaders. ’One example is Managing Social Media Risks in Schools. You need to subscribe to access documents but you can unsubscribe at any time.
  • Respect Matters Education Resource
    ‘Respect Matters is the Australian Government’s program to support respectful relationships education in all Australian schools. It is an engaging, flexible, online program that helps students develop safe, healthy and respectful relationships’.
    ‘ReachOut Schools provides free educational resources, digital tools and practical tips to encourage the development of positive mental health and wellbeing across schools, and extend the impact of existing programs. Classroom Resources; Teaching Programs; Teacher Wellbeing; Information and Support’. Also check out their Wellbeing Fives.
  • Recommended External Resources
    The University of Melbourne. ‘Explore external online mental health resources recommended by counsellors’. Annotated links grouped under these headings : Mental health websites; Self-help programs and resources; and Apps.
  • Respect. Now. Always. [Universities Australia]
    ‘This world-first, sector-wide program aims to prevent sexual violence in university communities and improve how universities respond to and support those who have been affected. It builds on work done by individual universities in Australia over many years to develop policies, reporting procedures and support services’.
  • Staff Wellbeing Toolkit
    ‘Developed in response to the excessive stress and duress faced by Australian educators, the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit is a self-paced, internally managed development platform suitable for all staff’.
  • Student Wellbeing Guide for Schools
    Brainstorm Productions. ‘This guide provides an overview of student wellbeing – what it is, why it matters and how to nurture it in your students. This guide is designed to be a useful resource for teachers, families and other members of the school community, who all play a part in enhancing the resilience and wellbeing of students’. It includes a specific Teacher Resources section.
  • Student Wellbeing Hub
    ‘The resources available on the Student Wellbeing Hub help to create learning communities that promote student wellbeing and the development of respectful relationships’. It also includes the following :
  • Australian Student Wellbeing Framework
    ‘Discover how it supports Australian schools to create learning communities that promote student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships’.
  • Evidence and Research
    ‘This section will do the hard work for you of translating insights from the latest evidence and research into practical everyday actions within Australian schools. Learn from experts and find practical professional learning resources’.
  • Wellbeing Resources
    ‘Explore teaching resources that assist with wellbeing education in the classroom. Find free, quality-assured, age-appropriate and curriculum-aligned teaching resources in a variety of formats to help you create and maintain a safe, inclusive and positive learning environment’. Also includes some resources previously available from the Safe Schools Coalition Australia website.
  • The CyberPass
    ‘CyberPass is an online education tool that parents and children can work through to learn skills and techniques on how to be safe and responsible users of online technology. It includes quizzes and a huge range of support content for parents and children. It’s free for parents and only $5/child you sign up. 12 months subscription’. Aimed at children from Year 3 up. Also see details at the top of this page regarding access.
  • ThinkUKnow
    ‘Led by the Australian Federal Police, our program includes : Presentations for schools and community groups; Online learning resources; Activities to do at home; Fact sheets and guides; and Educator resources’.
  • Wellbeing Tools for You - Be You
    ‘Wellbeing encompasses the health of the whole person – physical, mental, social and emotional. As an educator, it’s important to be aware of your own needs and to seek additional support when you need it. These resources and apps help you to explore your understanding of wellbeing and mental health, and find the best strategies for you’.

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