Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. There is a high percentage of the population for whom English is not their first, or sometimes even their second language. Significant numbers arrive in Australia with no English language at all. Indigenous people may also have a different first language.

All systems work to provide English language skills so that everyone is able to access all areas of life and participate fully, irrespective of age, previous nationality, wealth or any other factor.

This page looks at English as a Second Language, or EAL/D studies in all states & territories. It covers programs, New Arrivals, interpreting & translation, funding, guidelines, Commonwealth support, more. Other information covers English Language schools, ESL jobs and journals.

Check the ESL Resources page for further assistance.





    ‘Our members work within a range of contexts including school education, adult new arrivals programs, ELICOS, tertiary studies and research programs. We aim to support all teachers and learners of English as an additional language within the ACT’.
  • English Language : Canberra Institute of Technology
    ‘CIT English language courses assist students to achieve functional English so they can maximise settlement opportunities in Australia. They are designed to improve skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, from beginner to advanced level’. Links to their range of courses are also included, most are available full-time or part-time.
  • English Language Teaching Centres [Canberra]
    Links and information about ‘Australian National University College; University of Canberra College; and Canberra Institute of Technology’.
  • University of Canberra College English Language Centre [UCCELC]
    ‘The University of Canberra College English Language Centre has prepared international students for entry to the University of Canberra since 1969’. Links to several options.

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  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect : Advice for Schools
    2020. ‘Guidelines for the successful operation and management of EAL/D programs in government primary schools, high schools, Intensive English Centres and the Intensive English High School’.
  • EAL/D School Evaluation Framework
    ‘The EAL/D School Evaluation Framework is a tool that school communities can use to evaluate how well their school is working towards achieving a sustained whole school EAL/D student support strategy’.
  • Intensive English Centre [IEC] Guide
    Introduction; Support; Centres; How they operate; Principals and others; Contacts.
  • New Translations
    ‘The department adds new translations of information and documents regularly’. [Also see the Translations section in the Interpreting and Translations link below.]
  • Supporting EAL/D students in schools
    ‘EAL/D student support aims to develop EAL/D students’ English language competence and improve their learning outcomes throughout the curriculum’.
  • English as a Second Language
    HSC Course. Syllabus, Documents [PDF and/or Word], Assessment and examination materials, Other support materials. For Years K-10 see the Students learning English as an additional language or dialect information.
  • English as an Additional Language/Dialect Education
    ‘A series of conversations with educators highlighting practices that support effective teaching and learning for EAL/D students. Listen to podcast episodes’. There are also links to specific areas of this learning.
  • New !  English as an additional language or dialect [EAL/D] effective school practices - school resource
    ‘This resource is designed to support schools to implement the findings from the English as an additional language or dialect [EAL/D effective school practices research. The research identified the teaching, leadership and school organisational practices that were characteristic of schools which produced sustainable improvements in EAL/D student learning. This resource provides practical strategies and reflection questions to help teachers and school leaders develop a school and classroom environment where EAL/D learners are supported to achieve to their full potential. Based on the research, five effective practices have been identified for successful EAL/D education in schools’.
  • English Help For Parents
    ‘Being able to communicate and understand the written and spoken word is an important building block to learning. These resources will help you support the development of your child’s English skill’.
  • English Language Proficiency
    ‘The loading for English language proficiency is a resource allocation for students learning English as an additional language or dialect who are migrants, refugees or humanitarian entrants or the children of migrants, refugees or humanitarian entrants’. Explanation of the process. Multiple sub-topics are covered.
  • Intensive English Centres
    ‘Intensive English Centres and the Intensive English High School provide intensive English tuition to newly arrived, high school aged students whose first language is not English. In addition, the IECs and the IEHS provide orientation, settlement and wellbeing programs to prepare students for learning in a NSW government high school and to participate in Australian society’. There is a Contact List for all the centres. There are also Questions and Answers on a number of topics. A second listing and other details are also found at this NSW Department of Education International Education page.
  • Updated !  Intensive English Centres [IEC]
    This site provides links to episodes of an EAL/D Conversations Podcast. It opens at Episode 3 : Intensive English Centres [EC] [Duration 10:13]. A descriptor is available on the above page.
  • Intensive English Centres Online
    NSW DE International Education. ‘From Term 1 2021 [February], students in Years 7-11 who are outside Australia will be able to study with an Intensive English Centre online. This initiative has been created to allow students to study at an IEC while waiting for Australian borders to reopen’.
  • Interpreting and Translations
    Services to assist parents of children requiring ESL assistance [among others]. Government schools. Also check the Translated documents page where you will find a wide range of documents are available in a significant number of languages.
  • Languages
    ‘Welcome to the Languages section where educators can find resources to support and enhance languages programs in NSW public schools’. They also provide opportunities for students whose first language is not English.
  • Meeting the needs of students for whom English is an additional language or dialect
    Australian Curriculum. Definition of those in need; Planning; Legislation, Policies and Principles; Links to ACARA resources; and Links to state and territory resources.
  • Multicultural Education
    Includes an overview section on English as an Additional Language/Dialect education, Interpreting and translation services and Refugee education.
  • Planning EAL/D support
    ‘EAL/D teachers work in cooperation with class teachers and other specialist teachers to support EAL/D students. All teachers are responsible for establishing a class environment that promotes differentiated learning and values cultural and linguistic diversity’.
  • Teaching English Language Learners across the curriculum [TELL]
    ‘Professional learning to support teachers of EAL/D learners across the range of school subject areas’.


    ‘ATESOL NSW’s members come from all education systems and sectors : early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary, ELICOS, adult and community education. Our mission is to advocate on behalf of and improve educational outcomes for learners of English as an additional language or dialect [EAL/D], including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who speak traditional Indigenous languages, creoles and varieties of Aboriginal English’.
  • English Language Centre [The University of Newcastle]
    ‘The University of Newcastle English Language Centre specialises in teaching English to students from all over the world’.
  • English Language Courses Online - TAFE NSW
    ‘Over 20 English language courses to get you where you want to be, faster’. Further information. Also check their link to the Adult Migrant English Program [AMEP].
  • Mary MacKillop Catholic College
    This school is one of three in the Sydney Catholic System having an Intensive English Centre. Information on a Catholic Intensive English Centre and English as an Additional Language or Dialect program. Another is Patrician Brothers College Fairfield. Most other diocese would have similar centres.
  • Adult Migrant English Program - AMEP [Navitas English]
    ‘Learn English and digital skills to further your education, start a new career or get greater independence’. Navitas has multiple centres in Sydney plus one in Canberra [ACT].
  • Quality Centres [NSW]
    NEAS. Lists a significant range of centres which ‘are Quality Endorsed by NEAS against the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. These centres partake in annual quality review and continuous improvement activities with the support of NEAS’. Universities, colleges, academies, … .

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  • English as an additional language/dialect [EAL/]
    ‘NT EAL/D Learning Progressions are used to identify students’ English proficiency levels and determine the level of support needed to progress in and through learning English’. Documents include :


  • English as a Second Language
    Overview; links to Intensive English Units; English as a second language in schools; and English as a second language for Indigenous students [see details below].


  • Updated !  English Language Courses
    Charles Darwin University, VET. ‘The English Language, Literacy and Numeracy team offers English classes to improve your general English skills, help you prepare for further studies and help you obtain and maintain employment’.
  • STEPS Adult Migrant English Program [AMEP]
    ‘The Adult Migrant English Program is funded by the Australian Government and provides unlimited hours of free English language lessons to eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants’. The courses listed are based in the Northern Territory.

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  • Advice for Parents
    ‘Parents play a very important role in supporting student learning’. Available to download in multiple languages.


  • Bandscales State Schools [Queensland]
    ‘The Bandscales provide a map of EAL/D learner progress in learning the English language in the school context. Their purpose is not to describe an intended EAL/D curriculum. Rather, they are descriptions of typical second language acquisition and development. They enable teachers to assess the language and learning support necessary to enable EAL/D learners to access the intended curriculum across all learning areas’. An Introductory Guide to the Bandscales is found here.
  • Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
    ‘Schools respond to the educational needs of students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds’. A range of links to policies, documents and information on this page. These range from Indigenous Partnerships to Guidelines for using interpreters, Intensive English Centres to International students needing help with EAL/D.
  • New !  English as an Additional Language or Dialect [EAL/D]
    Advice to parents. ‘Parents play a very important role in supporting student learning. Students do better in school when their parents are involved in their education. Your child’s school will support your child to learn at home. You can ask the school questions about learning at home. Your child’s classroom teacher or EAL/D teacher can help’.
  • New !  English Language Support
    ‘English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D), formerly known as English as a Second Language [ESL], is a specialised field of education concerned with teaching English to learners who do not speak Standard Australian English as their first language. EAL/D learners in Queensland. Identifying EAL/D learners in need of support. Supporting EAL/D learners. Assessment and reporting’. The information is available in a number of languages.
  • Information for English language support in Queensland state schools
    Introduction and links to further specific details..
  • Identifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ‘English as an additional language or dialect [EAL/D]’ students
    Procedure to be followed, plus link to a range of resources including some of those listed here.
  • Updated !  Investing for Success
    Includes a range of support among which is the funding for students in this area of learning.
  • Teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander EAL/D learners
    Clear structures to provide appropriate assistance to develop appropriate skills levels. ‘The Framework is applicable to teachers working in remote, regional and urban contexts across Australia’. Used in several states/territories.


  • Adult Migrant English Program - AMEP [TAFE Queensland]
    ‘The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) offers free basic English language classes to help you settle into your new life in Australia. The AMEP is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. In Queensland, the AMEP is delivered through TAFE Queensland’.
  • Diversity in Independent Schools
    Independent schools ‘support students with English as an additional language or dialect’ as part of their diversity [see pages 8, 9].
  • English as an Additional Language/Dialect [EAL/D]
    Brisbane Catholic Education Schools. ‘BCE provides a school wide approach to supporting EAL/D learners with the aim of progressing their academic learning outcomes and supporting their social and emotional growth’. Each Queensland Diocese would be expected to have similar processes.
  • English Language Courses [TAFE Queensland]
    ‘TAFE Queensland offers intensive English language courses that will set you on the path to reaching the English language level you need to advance your studies. Our English language courses have been developed to offer you comprehensive everyday and academic English language skills in an accelerated learning format’.
    ‘Queensland Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages is Queensland’s only professional association concerned primarily with the teaching of English to speakers of other languages [TESOL] across primary, secondary and tertiary contexts’.

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  • Language and Literacy Levels across the Australian Curriculum : EALD Students
    ‘Developed by the Department of Education and Child Development, South Australia. The EALD Program, Literacy Secretariat, DECD would like to acknowledge the foundational work laid by the SACSA ESL Scope and Scales’.
  • New !  LEAP - Levels
    ‘LEAP is an assessment, monitoring and reporting document for all teachers, which can be used to inform learning design. The LEAP Levels listed below are primarily an assessment, monitoring and reporting tool to be used to inform programming and planning for EALD learners”.
  • Student Support Programs - Support to Learn English
    Select Support to learn English to access information. You can download a brochure with a wide range of information. There are multiple language versions of this from Arabic to Vietnamese.
  • English as an Additional Language
    SACE. ‘Stage 1 English as an Additional Language is designed to improve students’ general proficiency in the English language. There is an emphasis on communication, comprehension, analysis and text creation. This subject leads to Stage 2, which has a focus on developing students’ academic literacy skills’. Information for students in Years 11 and 12. Links to 3 related documents [.docx format].
  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect Program
    ‘This information is for non-department teachers and others seeking resources or employment by the department as English as an additional language or dialect [EALD] teachers; Community Liaison Officers [CLO]; Bilingual School Support Officer [BSSO]’.
  • English Language Support
    Covers English Language Courses and Services; Support to learn English; and Support for non-English speaking students. Linked primarily with International students.
  • Intensive English Programs
    SACE. Refers to these in relation to Years 11 and 12 gaining Other Recognised Learning Credits. Select this option from among the range of Other Recognised Learning Programs.
  • Interpreting and Translating
    SA.GOV.AU. Statement relating to the process in state schools. Links, including one to the state Interpreting and Translating Centre.
  • Student Support Programs
    Covers three main programs - Support to learn English [see document section above], Gifted and Talented Education and Student mentoring [may also be relevant].
  • Support for students from non-English speaking backgrounds
    ‘Provides support for students of non-English speaking backgrounds and their families at schools and new arrivals centres’. Links to related information including Early childhood education and care, Schools, Ethnic schools and Financial assistance.
  • Support to Learn English
    ‘Students with minimal English who have recently arrived in South Australia may be eligible for support to learn English for living and studying in South Australia’. Details cover : An Intensive English Language program [Primary] and a New Arrivals program [Secondary]; Who is eligible ?; Locations of all centres; links to related information. Translations in multiple languages are available. Information in three age groups - Students 5 to 12 years old, Students 13 to 18 years old and Students over 17 [who want to study full-time in an adult environment].


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  • Updated !  EAL Support and Model
    ‘The English as an Additional Language [EAL] Service support model and guiding principles’.
  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect 2
    Department for Education, Children and Young People. A specific option from the Year 11 and 12 Course Guide.
  • English as an Additional Language Support
    ‘The Department of Education supports all culturally and linguistically diverse English language learners and their families to succeed as connected, resilient, creative and curious thinkers and members of the Tasmanian Government school community. The English as an Additional Language [EAL] team works with schools’ to help achieve this.


  • English as an Additional Language/Dialect
    Catholic Education Tasmania. ‘Meeting the needs of learners from diverse cultures and language backgrounds is the focus of English as an Additional Language/Dialect. Our schools and colleges are provided with educational support and funding to help them meet the needs of newly arrived students, as well as those students requiring support with learning English as an additional language or dialect’. You can also access information titled Who are EAL/D students ?.
  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect - TASC
    ‘English as an Additional Language or Dialect courses, accredited by TASC, specify access requirements. The requirements ensure fair and equitable access to those students whose engagement in the learning outcomes would be most beneficial’.
  • English Language Centre [UTAS]
    ‘Our highly qualified English language teachers really care and use award-winning English materials that teach you about Tasmania’s island culture whilst giving you the language, communication and academic skills you will need to succeed in whatever you choose to do. University of Tasmania’s English Language Centre’.
  • English Language Program - Academic [ELICOS]
    ‘TasTAFE offers the English Language Program – Academic to provide English as an Additional Language [EAL] students the opportunity to obtain the English language competency necessary to enable enrolment in certificate and/or diploma courses at TasTAFE’.
  • English Language Services [TasTAFE]
    ‘We offer a range of opportunities to improve your English language, including preliminary courses and short courses, through to qualifications at Certificate I – Certificate III level. Courses include English as a Second or Other Language’. There is also a link to gain information about AMEP support.
  • TESOL Providers in Tasmania – TasTESOL
    Brief information and weblinks to each of these.

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  • EAL Developmental Continuum P-10
    ‘Provides evidence based indicators of progress, linked to practical teaching strategies, to support the assessment of EAL students and the development of effective learning programs’. Now archived.
  • EAL - Provision for Newly Arrived Students
    ‘The purpose of this policy is to ensure schools are aware of the requirement to inform parents or carers of newly arrived students for whom English is an additional language of the intensive English language support available for their children and how it can be accessed’.
  • EAL Reports
    Access reports [back to the late 1990s]. These are all available in PDF format and in DOCX back to 2013. Only available in PDF format back to 1997.
  • EAL Support and Funding : Policy
    ‘This policy outlines the requirements for schools receiving English as an Additional Language Index funding and best practice considerations for the delivery of school education programs to support EAL students’.
  • International Student Program [ISP]
    ‘Explains that the International Student Program School Toolkit [in the Guidance tab] is the definitive compliance guide setting out all requirements for Victorian government schools participating in the International Student Program’.
  • Interpreting and Translation Services
    ‘This policy outlines the requirements and available services relating to communicating with parents and carers who require interpreting and translation assistance’.
  • The EAL Handbook
    ‘Advice to schools on programs for supporting students learning English as an Additional language’.


  • Adult Migrant English Program - AMEP Courses
    ‘The Adult Migrant English Program is delivered at around 300 locations across Australia in major cities as well as regional and remote areas. There is also a Distance learning option’. Scroll down the page and select Victoria from the listing provided.
  • CECV - Diverse Learning Needs
    Catholic Education Commission of Victoria. Scroll down this page in the Primary Handbook for the relevant entry. A similar section is found in their Secondary Handbook.
  • English Courses [Holmesglen TAFE]
    ‘Your opportunity to learn the language skills for further study and employment. We have courses for international students and visitors, as well as English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students [ELICOS’. Similar options are available at Kangan Institute and Bendigo TAFE. Check other TAFE institutes for similar options. You can use the Contact the TAFE and Training line for assistance if needed.
  • Victoria University - English Language Courses
    One example of universities running English language courses at the territory level. Check with others for further options.
  • VicTESOL
    ‘VicTESOL : Supporting English language teaching, learning and multicultural education’.

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  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect Teacher Resource
    ‘This publication comprises : an overview of the characteristics of students learning EAL/D and their particular needs; advice for teachers regarding linguistic and cultural considerations and teaching strategies; a glossary of terms used in the resource; references’.


  • Adult Migrant English Program [AMEP]
    Scroll down the page to find ‘The AMEP service providers in Western Australia’. Each provides telephone and web links for all of these.
  • Updated !  English as an Additional Language or Dialect [CEWA]
    Catholic Education Western Australia. ‘Catholic Education Western Australia is inclusive of students for whom English is an Additional Language or Dialect with many schools highly trained in dealing with social, pastoral and academic needs of EAL’D students’.
  • The EAL/D Hub
    ‘An online professional development course for teachers. It’s about providing high-quality education to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and in particular, those students who have first languages other than Standard Australian English and are learning Standard Australian English as an additional language or dialect’. Available to all state school teachers. Catholic and Independent school teachers need to check with their schools.
  • Updated !  WATESOL
    ‘Our members teach at primary, secondary and/or tertiary institutions and come from the ELICOS sector, adult migrant colleges, Catholic Education, Independent schools, and Education Department of WA. WATESOL has been serving the West Australian TESOL Community for over 30 years’. SCSA.

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  • Adult Migrant English Program
    ‘We provide free English language tuition through the Adult Migrant English Program [AMEP]. You may be eligible for AMEP if you are a migrant or humanitarian visa entrant. Learning Engli​sh can help you to settle into your new life in Australia. People attending face to face classes will also have​ access to free childcare for children under school age’. Available in all states and territories. There is also a ​ Distance Learning Option.
  • New !  AMEPOnline
    ‘Welcome to AMEPOnline ! Online English learning resources for the Adult Migrant English Program. AMEP helps eligible migrants learn English so they can participate socially and economically in Australia’. The Department of Home Affairs.
  • Updated !  AMEP - Find a Class
    ‘The Adult Migrant English Program is delivered at around 300 locations across Australia in major cities as well as regional and remote areas. You can go to face to face classes, join your class online, or learn remotely by distance learning. For more information on where providers are located and how to contact them see New ! Providers and locations’.
  • AMEP - Volunteer Tutor Resources
    New resources, Topic Packs and further information.
  • AMEP Brochure
    A brief introduction covering the major points about the program.
  • ​​​Find an English​​ Class
    ‘The Adult Migrant English Program is delivered at around 300 locations across Australia in major cities as well as ​regional and remote areas. Find the details of your closest service provider on the map [below]’.
  • Providers and Locations
    ‘The following providers deliver the AMEP for the Australian government. ​Please click the relevant tab below to find ​your closest service provider in your State or Territory’.
  • Reform of the Adult Migrant English Program [AMEP]
    Information about changes to the program including Legislative Changes. Multiple documents can be found via links on this page.
  • Updated !  Services Australia
    This government department also provides information about the program. includes Who can join, How long you can study and Where you can get more information.


  • Australian English Language School List
    ‘This page lists the best English language schools in Australia alphabetically by city’.
  • Directory of English Language Schools in Australia
    Alphabetical listing of location, then the school[s] and their web link. 90+ schools listed at time of update.
  • English Australia - Find a College
    ‘English Australia Member Colleges are located in all of Australia’s major cities as well as a range of regional locations. They can be private or government; independent or attached to a high school, TAFE college, private vocational provider or university’. Use the search process provided.
  • English Language Company - Study English in Sydney
    ‘General English, General + Business English, English for Academic Purposes [EAP] and IELTS Exam Preparation. Our unique study system allows you to customise your course to suit your individual needs and interests. We offer a range of major English courses which are complemented by your choice of electives so you can learn exactly what you need’.
  • English Language [ESL] Schools Directory
    ‘Below you will find a listing of all ESL programs in Australia - click on any Visit website link to view more information, or refine your search within Australia by city’.
  • English Language Schools in Australia
    ‘Choose from 852 English courses at 53 language schools in 15 cities in Australia’ at time of update.
  • - English Language Schools in Australia - Ranking 2022
    ‘112 Best language schools in Australia [ranked based on student reviews]’.
  • NEAS – Quality Centres
    ‘NEAS provides a number of services that support the English Language Teaching [ELT] Community’. Search using one of the various filters available on the home page or simply enter the Centre or Course name if you are already aware of this. Related information also available.
  • University English Language Centres Australia
    ‘University English Centres Australia [UECA] is a network of Australian universities offering a variety of English Language Courses for Overseas Students [ELICOS], TESOL teacher training and professional development programs’.


  • Dave’s ESL Cafe
    ‘The Internet’s meeting place for ESL and EFL teachers and students from around the world’. This section covers jobs.
  • ESL Jobs []
    Position, Employer, Location; Brief description, When listed, more.
  • ESL Jobs World
    ‘Discover hundreds of exciting opportunities to Teach English as a Second Language. New jobs are added every day so post your resume and begin today’. Provides email newsletters covering vacancies. Use the filters on the right to refine your search.
  • ESL Teacher jobs in Australia [Jora]
    Position, Location, Brief description, When, more.
  • ESL Teacher Jobs in Australia [SEEK]
    Position, Centre, Location, Salary, Brief description. Receive new jobs for this search by email.
  • TESOL Jobs in Australia [SEEK]
    Position, Centre, Location, Salary, Brief description. Receive new jobs for this search by email.
  • TESOL Teacher Jobs []
    Position, Employer, Location; Salary indication, Brief description, When listed, more.


For other educational journals, see the Education Journals page.

  • Australian Online Journals
    ACTA. Title, link, brief description for each journal included.
  • English Language Bulletin
    ‘A weekly digest of the most important news affecting English language teachers worldwide. Free for members and non-members’.
  • ESL
    ‘ESL Journal is for students and teachers of English as a Second Language’.
  • TESL Canada Journal
    ‘The TESL Canada Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed journal publishing in the areas of teaching and learning of official languages [English and French]’ and more.
  • TESOL in Context
    ‘The peer-reviewed publication of the Australian Council for TESOL Associations [ACTA]. Readership includes TESOL/EAL professionals working in all sectors of education : universities, primary and secondary schooling, early childhood settings, adult migrant programs, vocational training, ELICOS and TESOL teacher education, both in Australia and internationally’. Open Access.
  • Updated !  TESOL Journal
    ‘TESOL Journal [TJ] is a double-blind peer-reviewed, practitioner-oriented electronic journal that publishes articles based on current theory and research in the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages [TESOL]’.
  • TESOL Quarterly
    ‘A refereed professional journal, it fosters inquiry into English language teaching and learning by providing a forum for TESOL professionals to share their research findings and explore ideas and relationships in the field’.


For other resources, see the ESL Resources page.

  • English Baby !
    ‘Visit every day for a new, free English lesson ! Our online English lessons feature real English conversations about popular culture’. There are also other resources.
  • Google Books - ESL
    A range of books on this area. Some provide full text, others have various portions available. You need to check individual books to see what applies.
  • How English sounds to non-English speakers
    Skwerl. A short film in fake English. As seen on QI’. [4 min.]
  • International English Language Testing System [Australia]
    ‘Measures ability to communicate in English across all four language skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking’. Extensive information on all aspects available from the site. A Computer-Delivered IELTS is now available. Details on this page.
  • LearnEnglish Kids
    ‘LearnEnglish Kids is brought to you by the British Council, the world’s English teaching experts. We have lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children. For parents, we have articles on supporting children in learning English, videos on using English at home and information about English courses for your child’.
  • Learning a language ? Speak it like you’re playing a video game
    ‘Marianna Pascal shows how the secret to speaking a new language with confidence is all about attitude, not ability’. It applies to English as well as every other language. [15.5 min.]
  • Teaching English without Teaching English
    Roberto Guzman, TEDxUPRM. ‘In this talk Roberto discusses his three phase system which he uses to teach English without teaching English, to improve the learning experience for students and the teaching practice for professors’. [19 min.]


  • ePrepz
    ‘With ePrepz you get access to hundreds of different types of quizzes, exercises and practice tests that are based on the TOEFL exam’. Fee-based but reasonable.
  • Good Luck TOEFL
    ‘Studying for the TOEFL exam can be scary, difficult, and confusing. Good Luck TOEFL gives you the answers’.
  • The TOEFL Test
    ‘There’s a TOEFL® test for every stage of English-language proficiency to guide learning, inform teaching and help students achieve their academic goals’.
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language
    History,Format and contents, TOEFL ITP Tests, TOEFL Junior Tests, TOEFL Primary Test, Linking TOEFL iBT Score Ranges to other scores, Notes and References, External links. Wikipedia.
  • TOEFL Study Guide
    An 8 chapter presentation from an Introduction, through Format and Scoring, the various sections of the test, even covering how to Quell Test Jitters. Summary version followed by an expanded version.
  • Exam English
    ‘This web site is for people studying for an English language exam. These pages contain free online practice tests for the most important international ESL exams’. UK, but covers international tests including IELTS and TOEFL®.
  • What is the TOEFL ? and how to prepare for it
    ‘TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language and is the most popular standardised test of English proficiency. Most people will end up taking the iBT, so in order to prepare for it, it’s best to know as much about it as possible. This includes the time, structure and number of questions’. Multiple sections covering many aspects.

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