Gifted students are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following domains : intellectual, creative, social and physical. Talented students are those whose skills are distinctly above average in one or more areas of human performance. 1

This descriptor is linked to Gagne’s work as in this document and demonstrated in his A Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent which has a linked video and links to a range of papers on Giftedness and Talent.

Within the Australian system, gifted education can be found with individual students on special programs, within individual classrooms, in specialist classrooms such as OC Classes in NSW, in selective high schools, in specialist high schools, curriculum differentiation, through early entry to schooling and through accelerated progression once within the system.

No individual method is best for all students. Gifted children are individuals and learn best in different ways and situations. They should be matched with the best system possible for them. If this can be done, then there should be maximum achievement and pleasure with their learning.

For information regarding theorists whose theories impact Gifted education, check information included on the Theories page.

This page looks at Gifted programs, system support, associations, support groups and other information for all Australian states & Territories plus other Australian information.



  • Early Entry for Gifted Talented Children
    Eligibility, Information, Procedures for Parents. ‘This procedure aligns with the Gifted and Talented Students Policy 2021’.
  • Gifted and Talented Students Policy
    Policy document plus Implementation Documents for ACT schools. There are also links to Related Policies and Information.
  • Parent Fact Sheets
    Scroll down this page to find these. There are 13 in total with both Word and PDF formats. They include the following titles - Overview/FAQs; Giftedness and Talent; Identification; Social-Emotional Needs; Gifted Underachievers; Dual Exceptionality; Differentiation; Grouping; Programs and Provisions; Subject Acceleration; Whole-Grade Acceleration; Communicating with Schools; Myths and Facts.


  • Gifted & Talented – Association of Independent Schools of the ACT [AISACT]
    ‘Tag : Gifted and Talented. Resources divided into 5 groups : Current research on learning styles; Current research examining the pros and cons of grouping and accelerating gifted learners; Research Supporting the Identification of Gifted Learners; Why do gifted learners underachieve and what does the research say ?; and An excerpt from - Learning by Design : Knowledge Processes’.
  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.
  • ACT Gifted Families Support Group Inc.
    ‘Provides support for gifted children, their families, teachers, psychologists and other professionals. Our group organises engaging educational activities, provides advice and resources and connects members with information and researchers in the field’.
  • Gateways
    A group operating since 1994. While they are not based in the ACT, they do offer input to schools in Canberra with in-school and out-of-school programs both face-to-face and online.

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  • Aurora College
    ‘We are the NSW Virtual Selective High School, providing students in rural and remote areas the chance to study specialist subjects using the latest technology. Our school offers Year 5 and 6 students Opportunity Class lessons in Mathematics, Science and Technology; Year 7 to 10 students Selective School classes in English, Mathematics and Science; and Year 11 and 12 students the opportunity to study one or more Preliminary and/or Higher School Certificate subjects that may not be available in their local school’.
  • High Potential and Gifted Education
    Via this home page you can access the following sections : relevant research; supporting educators in this area; resources and support for parents and carers of children; two short videos; Early Adopter Schools; and several useful tools. There are also links to a series of related aspects and documents below :
  • High Potential and Gifted Education Policy
    ‘Guidance on implementing effective learning and teaching practices to develop the talent of high potential and gifted students. Changes since the previous update’ are also detailed.
  • Selective High Schools and Opportunity Classes
    ‘Selective high schools and opportunity classes are part of the department’s offerings for high potential and gifted students, providing : specialist school settings that cater to their intellectual ability, classes with peers who have similar academic ability and an environment that supports their emotional wellbeing and social development. Opportunity classes are offered in primary school from Years 5 to 6. Selective high schools cater for students from Years 7 to 12’. Resources in other languages are available via this link, while there are also several short videos available on the above site.
  • General information
    ‘NSW public schools offer a range of opportunities for high potential and gifted students including Opportunity Classes and Selective High Schools’ [see above]; also Resources for schools. This page includes sections on High potential and gifted students; Privacy and ethics; Student experience; Equity Placement Model; and Key dates related to both groups [e.g. applications, testing, placement offers]. There is also a link to Resources in other languages.
  • List of Selective High Schools
    This includes ‘Fully selective high schools - coeducational plus male and female; Partially selective high schools; Agricultural high school - day places only, coeducational; boarder places only, coeducational; boarder and day places, male only; boarder and day places coeducational; Virtual Selective High School’.
  • Opportunity Classes available in NSW
    ‘School; Location; Number of Year 5 places in 2023. There are 1 840 places available in Year 5 opportunity classes across NSW in 2023’. They also provide specific information about what Opportunity Classes are and what they are expected to achieve. There are currently 77 schools with Opportunity classes in NSW.
  • Opportunity Classes – Year 5
    ‘What are opportunity classes ?; Application process; Selection Process; Information for applicants; What are the benefits ?; The test; Selection process; Placement outcome information; Locations; Information for Applicants Booklet; and Questions about the test’.
  • Selective High Schools – Year 7
    ‘What are selective high schools ?; Information for applicants; Application process; The test; Selection process; The Equity Placement Model; How do I apply ?; and Outcome’. There is also a link to Key Dates for this process, while you you can also Access fact sheets and videos in other languages.
  • Selective High Schools - Years 8 to 12
    ‘Information for applicants; Application process; Selection process; and Outcome. Download a printable version of the application information for Years 8 to 12 entry here [available when applications open]’.
  • Selective High School and Opportunity Class Placement Policy
    ‘Requirements for placement in NSW government selective classes, Selective High Schools, Agricultural High Schools and Opportunity Classes; criteria for entry and the selection processes for gifted and talented students’.
  • Student Experience
    Includes information relating to students; Privacy and ethics; Student experience; Resources for schools; Key dates; Equity Placement Model; and Resources in other languages.


  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.
  • Australian Gifted Support Centre Services
    ‘Australian Gifted Support Centre offers a wide range of services to gifted children and adolescents, their parents or caregivers and their teachers’. You can also access their Facebook Page.
  • Bachelor of Education Early Childhood - ECCWC301A Gifted Education
    TAFE-NSW, Library Services. ‘Find course readings and relevant, reliable information for your degree. Books, videos, journals, research databases, Australian Standards and more’.
  • Elevate Insights Series
    ‘ELEVATE : agile design for high potential learners is the signature initiative of the team and is amplified by a strategic partnership with the Innovation Unit. AISNSW is proud to present the ELEVATE INSIGHTS Series to celebrate the valuable learning from our work with outstanding educators from all school sectors as they transformed learning experiences for Australia’s most able students. The three ELEVATE INSIGHTS publications are connected and document the overarching learning of school teams that participated in ELEVATE: Agile design for high potential learners. ELEVATE commenced with a Case for Change and supported school leaders to use a disciplined innovation process to redesign practice for high potential learners. Complementary professional learning resources have been created to help ‘spark possibilities’ for other educators’. Multiple document downloads are available.
  • GERRIC : Gifted Education [UNSW Sydney]
    ‘First established by Emeritus Professor Miraca Gross in 1991, GERRIC is one of the only substantial centres devoted to gifted education research, professional development of educators, programs for gifted students, courses for parents, gifted program evaluations in schools/school systems, and gifted education resources/information in the Asia Pacific region and the southern hemisphere. It is also one of only about ten such centres worldwide’.
  • Gifted and Talented Secondary Teachers’ Association
    ‘Its purpose is providing education and it seeks to develop a network of Gifted and Talented Coordinators and teachers in Sydney and NSW; It offers relevant and practical professional development that is also cost effective; Tap into the wealth of knowledge amongst members; Share ideas, resources and programs, as well as acting as an advocacy group that supports Gifted and Talented education in NSW’.
  • Gifted Education [NSW Education Standards Authority - NESA]
    Overview, Definition, Curriculum Strategies.
  • Gifted Families Support Group Inc. - Institute for Educational Advancement
    ‘Run solely by volunteers, GFSG Inc. focuses on bringing together ‘like-minds’, providing a vast array of supportive events and highlighting the needs of gifted children within our community. Covers Resource Categories; Advocacy; Articles and Media; Gifted Programs and Services; Scholarships and Competitions; Schools; Twice-exceptional students’. Email link provided on the above page.
  • Revisiting Gifted Education
    Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation. ‘This literature review summarises the gifted education research base. It synthesises the best-quality available research into the learning characteristics of gifted students. It also provides summaries of the research on effective practices in gifted education for schools and teachers. Review [PDF], Review Summary [PDF], Poster, Podcast, myPL Course. This literature review was originally published 4 June 2019’. Links to a wide range of resources.
  • Study Gifted Education [UNSW Sydney]
    ‘Studying Gifted Education at UNSW allows students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the many issues relating to the educational and related needs of high ability students. Most importantly, students will come to understand the wide range of skills that are necessary to best support these students’.
  • Sydney Catholic Schools - Gifted Education Policy
    Sydney Catholic Schools Gifted Education Policy. A nine [9] section document covering guiding principles, procedures, explanatory notes, appendices and more.

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  • Apply to a Centre for Excellence School
    ‘Centres for Excellence cater for high ability government school students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who have a passion for learning in a specialist area. There are five Centres [listed, with details of specific areas covered by each] for Excellence located in senior secondary colleges and high schools across the Territory. Each centre covers a specialist subject’.
  • Gifted and Talented Students
    ‘This page has information on gifted and talented students and how they are supported in Northern Territory schools’. There are links to the relevant section of the Australian Curriculum website and to the Gifted and Talented Education policy documents. The relevant link indicates you should go to Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting and Certification, see below :
  • ‘Contact the Teaching and Learning Officer [Gifted and Talented] by calling 08 8944 9215 or email :’.
  • Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting and Certification
    ‘These policies ensure consistency and clarity of practice in all areas of curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification in all NT government schools’.
  • Gifted and Talented Students [G&T]
    ‘The Department of Education uses Gagné’s [2008] Differentiated Model of Giftedness and/or Talent. Intellectually gifted students are students whose potential is distinctively above average in intelligence; and talented students are those whose academic skills are distinctively above average compared to same aged peers. The model notes natural abilities [gifts] can be in the areas of mental [intellectual, creative, social and/or perceptual] and physical [muscular and motor control]’.
  • Students with additional needs [Department of Education]
    ‘Students with Additional Needs [SWAN] are identified as students with : a disability, a health condition, behavioural, mental health or wellbeing difficulties, trauma, twice exceptionality [2e] [gifted and/or talented with a disability] a vulnerability as described in the Framework for Inclusion and the Disability Discrimination Act’.


  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.

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  • Gifted and Talented Education
    ‘All Queensland state schools are committed to meeting the learning needs of students who are gifted. Each region receives funding to support gifted education and develop strategies that best meet the needs of students and teachers in their local area’. A brief introduction. Several links among which are included the following :


  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.
  • Enrolment [Early and Delayed] - Prep and Year 1
    One Catholic Diocesan system, including options and requirements for gifted and talent children. Other dioceses would have similar policies.
  • Gifted & Talented
    ‘This position statement is intended to assist Principals and school communities in responding to the educational needs of students who are gifted and talented in our Archdiocesan community of schools’. Brisbane Catholic Diocese. It is anticipated that other diocese would have a similar structure.
  • Gifted and Talented Education [QCAA]
    ‘Gifted and talented education is a diverse and continually evolving area. Gifted and talented students vary in the nature and level of their abilities - they are not a homogeneous group. The following resources have been developed to help schools and teachers learn about recognising and responding to the unique learning needs of gifted and talented students : Recognising gifted and talented students [AV]; Responding to gifted and talented students [AV] and a Supporting Resource List’.
  • Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children
    About Us; Branches; Events; Contact Us. Check the Resources page for Definition, Policy Documents, Research and Reference Articles; Testing and Psychologists; and more.

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  • Gifted and Talented Education
    One of three major areas covered on this page. ‘Government schools and preschools have programs for gifted and talented children as part of the standard curriculum. A number of schools offer specialised courses and programs for students. Three public high schools in Adelaide provide accelerated learning through the Ignite Program. It also has information about Support for gifted and talented learners, Individual education plans for gifted and talented students and Student Mentoring. Links within these section’s include :
  • IGNITE Program - Accelerated Learning at High School
    ‘Three public high schools in Adelaide provide accelerated learning through the Ignite program. They are Aberfoyle Park High School, The Heights School and Glenunga International High School’. Each site details the program at their school. For example, this details the Ignite Program for Gifted Children at Glenunga International High School.
  • Individual Education Plans
    ‘Some gifted and talented students may require an Individual Education Plan [IEP] to help guide their learning and ensure their overall wellbeing’. Details are found in the section on Gifted and talented education on the Student Support Programs page.
  • Specialised Courses and Programs
    ‘The list of Special Interest Schools is a guide to some of the schools offering special programs; Extra-curricular activities - ‘Students can opt to participate in a number of activities in addition to the mandatory curriculum. These are designed to support learning and development; High school student exchange organisations - detail regarding this area’.
  • Starting Preschool or School
    Early or delayed entry to school are options that may be possible in specific circumstances, where it is in a child’s best educational interest. If you think this applies to your child, talk to the principal’. See the When to start Primary School or Reception section.


  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.
  • Gifted & Talented Children’s Association of SA [GTCASA]
    ‘GTCASA is a volunteer organisation committed to enhancing the social, emotional and intellectual development of children and adolescents with high intellectual potential. We organise events for gifted children, their carers and teachers’. You may also be interested in Gifted With a Learning Disability [GLD SA] which is a sub-committee of GTCASA.

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  • Gifted and Talented Students
    ‘Tasmanian Government schools provide a range of extended learning and enrichment opportunities so that their gifted and talented students engage with learning that challenges their thinking, further develops their knowledge or skills and advances their understanding’. Covers : What do we mean by gifted and talented students ?; Early entry to school; Gifted Online – courses for gifted and talented students; Extended learning and enrichment opportunities available; Where can I get more information ?; plus areas covered by the following links :
  • Acceleration of Gifted Students - Procedures [2022]
    ‘This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Extended Learning for Gifted Students Procedure’ that is linked to further down this list.
  • Early Entry to Kindergarten for Children who are Gifted
    This provides information on the Guidelines for this area. You can also access Early Entry to School Frequently Asked Questions here. You may need to complete an Early Entry Application Form and also have a Psychologist’s Assessment Summary Form completed.
  • Extended Learning for Gifted Students - Procedure
  • Gifted Online Courses
    ‘There are online courses for gifted students. These courses are free for students. Teachers in schools can also see the courses. Courses are available in most curriculum areas for students in Prep to Year 10. Courses have activities designed to challenge and inspire gifted students. Students can learn independently or talk to other students from across Tasmania about their learning. There are activities which allow students to learn together. Gifted Online courses are taught by experienced teachers in Canvas. Canvas is a learning management system and is password protected’. There are also question and answer sections on this page, e.g. How do the courses work ?. Further details can be found in the Gifted Online Courses in Tasmanian Government Schools Brochure.
  • Gifted Support
    ‘Learn about different options for supporting the education of gifted children in Tasmanian Government Schools, … ’. It provides information and documents for Supporting Gifted Pre-school Children; Early entry to School [multiple documents]; Extended learning opportunities for students; Acceleration [see above]; Extended Learning Procedures [see above]; Professional learning for educators; and information about Enquiries.


  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.
  • Early Entry to Kindergarten and Prep Procedure
    Catholic Education Commission Tasmania. Includes coverage of purpose and a link to related documents.
  • Tasmanian Association for the Gifted Inc.
    ‘About Being Gifted; Resources; Membership; TAG Events & Activities; News; FAQs; and Contact Us’.
  • The Hutchins School, Centre for Excellence
    ‘The Centre for Excellence is a unique entity at The Hutchins School and aims to promote increased access to and participation in all aspects of schooling for students with additional needs, both in terms of support and extension. Sections on the page include Gifted and Learning Support programs, Learning Support and Gifted classes – Prep to Year 6, Learning Support and Gifted classes – Middle and Senior School, Gifted education, Identification, Early Learning Centre and Junior School programs, Middle School program, Gifted and Talented in Middle School, Senior School programs, Philosothon and Acceleration guidelines’.

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  • Student Excellence Program
    ‘The Student Excellence Program is delivering a range of initiatives to support government schools to provide a great learning environment and build teacher capability to support and extend their high-ability students’. Links related to this are listed below, in addition to the information supplied on this page about a number of aspects :
  • Enrolment
    Covers all aspects of enrolment, a part of which covers Minimum Age Exemption — Early Entry to School Application Form. This contains relevant information and an Application Form.
  • High-ability Students in your Classroom
    ‘Once students are identified as ‘high-ability’ then the appropriate differentiation supports can be implemented. Video; Differentiating for high-ability students; Common models for differentiation; Additional professional learning [includes video]; References plus more.
  • High-ability Toolkit : where to start
    ‘Guidance for primary and secondary schools and teachers on how to identify and support high-ability students. In this toolkit you will find advice and information about : how to identify high-ability students; the needs of high-ability students; and how to support high-ability students. Conversations with Academics - video’, more.
  • High Impact Teaching Strategies and High Ability
    ‘The High Impact Teaching Strategies [HITS] comprise ten instructional practices [links are listed to access these]. Experts rank the HITS as the most effective strategies to improve student learning. The HITS are included as a part of the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model. Here we provide guidance on how to use the HITS with high-ability students. Each of the HITS are described and suggestions are provided for how they can be used in the classroom’.
  • Identifying High-ability Students
    ‘This page guides the identification of high-ability students. It covers : The importance of identifying high-ability students; What we know; From theory to practice [includes a short video, 2:20]; Strategies and tools; Focus questions for professional learning; and References. The menu on the right of this page provides links to a range of related material from a Whole school approach to high-ability to Key terms and glossary and beyond.
  • Selective Entry and Other Specialism Schools and Programs
    ‘The purpose of this policy is to outline the various types of Victorian government specialism schools and programs available to students and to ensure enrolment criteria in these schools and programs are consistently applied’. Details cover selective entry high schools, plus Other specialism schools and programs.
  • Whole school approach to high-ability
    Information covers ‘Planning for high-ability at your school; Data informed practice; Individual education plans [IEP]; School wide case studies; and Professional Learning’.


  • AGATEVic
    Our purpose is ‘to develop a professional association in Victoria that has academic, teacher and psychological expertise in gifted education and talent development to advocate for gifted students’ plus more including Presentations and Events; Membership benefits; Research; Links and Resources; and Events presented by other associations.
  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.
  • Born to Soar
    ‘Our student courses are designed to specifically address the mind of a gifted thinker, to be challenging and fast-paced while allowing for a deep, rich exploration of concepts and ideas. Courses are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and can be undertaken at school or at home’.
  • G.A.T.E.WAYS
    Includes ‘G.A.T.E.WAYS Online - Programs for gifted and talented students from across Australia; city, rural and regional. Accessible via Zoom from school or home. G.A.T.E.WAYS On-site - Face-to-face programs for gifted and talented students run at host schools and other unique venues’. Based in Melbourne but with offices in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra. Also check their document Characteristics of Gifted Children.
  • Gifted and Talented Education - SEAL
    ‘In Victoria, more than 40 government high schools offer programs for very able students which accelerates them through high school and reduces secondary schooling from six years to five years. Learning in core subjects is accelerated for students in these programs and opportunities for in-depth study are provided. Entrance is by examination, interview and teacher reference’. Further information including a list of all schools involved is provided.
  • Gifted and Talented Students
    Catholic Education Melbourne. ‘A Resource Guide for Teachers in Victorian Catholic Schools’.
  • Gifted and Talented Students [CECV]
    Scroll down to read a statement of approach in the area of Gifted and Talented education. You are directed to your child’s school for further information.
  • Gifted Support Network Inc.
    ‘Supporting families with gifted children in Melbourne. Gifted Support Network endeavours to provide relevant information, resources and support to families and educators with gifted children. There is a list of Typical traits of Giftedness with a link that indicates - You’ll find more detailed information on the various traits of giftedness here’.
  • Victorian Association for Gifted & Talented Children [VAGTC]
    ‘The VAGTC is a parent and educator-led not-for-profit incorporated body that is committed to advocating for the identification and appropriate support, education and development of gifted potential in children across the state of Victoria’. They also provide access to Publications, News and Events and various types of support from Resources to Scholarships and more.

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  • Gifted and Talented
    Portal entry which covers all aspects of this area. If you need further information you can also call [08] 9264 4307 or email Links below include the further information on Gifted and Talented Programs :
  • Academic Programs
    ‘Children with exceptional academic ability will have the opportunity to engage in a learning environment that is intellectually stimulating and rigorous. Offered at fourteen [14] public secondary metropolitan schools, two regional schools and online, children foster advanced analytical, critical and creative thinking skills. They follow a program that matches individual learning needs and accelerates learning by extending their skills with advanced and in-depth study’. Listing of schools included
  • Academic Selective Entrance Test [ASET]
    ‘All students applying for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Programs must sit the Academic Selective Entrance Test [ASET]. These sample tests provided are aimed at Year 6 students, however the format is comparable for later years’. You should also check the ASET Tips Sheet which ‘contains some useful tips for children sitting the Test [ASET]. An included video guide is also provided for students [and families] taking the Test [ASET]’. Sections at the bottom of the page cover Sample tests, Rescheduling your child’s test and Illness, Incident or Misadventure during a test.
  • Arts Programs
    ‘There are six schools in the metropolitan area that offer Selective Arts Programs, including an arts college. The programs offered include : Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, Music Theatre and Visual Arts. Selection into these programs is based on talent and aptitude. Applicants must sit the Academic Selective Entrance Test [ASET] and participate in workshops, auditions and interviews’. See additional information in the link above regarding ASET.
  • Gifted and Talented Policiy
    The Gifted and Talented in Public Schools Policy v2.2 is available in PDF format. There is also a link to a Gifted and Talented in Public Schools Policy Bundle which has a the Policy and all supporting documents.
  • GT Online
    Gifted and Talented Online Program. ‘Gifted and Talented Online [GT Online] is an academic program of study designed to meet the needs of gifted and talented students in public secondary schools in country Western Australia in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. GT Online is the online version [for rural and remote students] of the Selective Academic Program taught in selected secondary schools in the Perth metropolitan area and Bunbury. You can also get further information via or call
    [08] 9392 6818’.
  • Gifted and Talented Program 2024 intake Parent Presentation
    ‘Information for Parents. Gifted and Talented Selective Entrance to Secondary Schools and Programs. Application, selection and placement’.
  • Gifted and Talented Scholarships
    ‘Your child may be eligible to apply for a Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Academic Program scholarship’. Details are provided for these.
  • Key Dates and Application Guidelines
    Secondary. ‘Guidelines for Parents; Key dates for Year 7; Key dates for Years 9, 10 and 11. The process of application, identification and placement occurs over a period of several months. The key dates and guidelines are updated regularly and are subject to change’.
  • Languages Programs
    ‘Children with an aptitude for learning new languages have the opportunity to develop their language skills to an advanced level, develop an appreciation and understanding of culture and enjoy a dynamic and challenging learning environment’. Available languages and participating school details are provided.
  • Primary Extension and Challenge [PEAC]
    ‘A part-time withdrawal program for Upper Primary school Year 5 and 6 students in public schools. Identified students are selected to participate in differentiated programs. Delivery modes include : regional based PEAC centres providing a series of specialist courses or programs; co-ordinator/s who establish courses in a range of schools and/or other sites and teachers are released to teach the courses; allocation to schools and multi-age programs that operate within schools; and online delivery of programs’.
  • Selective Schools
    ‘Programs are offered at a fully selective academic school [Perty Modern School] and a selective arts college [John Curtin College of the Arts]. Your child will learn with like-minded peers and follow a curriculum designed specifically for their needs’.
  • Students from Country WA
    ‘Children who wish to participate in a Gifted and Talented Academic, Arts or Languages Secondary Selective Programs have access to a range of options including the Selective Academic Program Online, regional school [Bunbury Senior High School and Albany Senior High School] and at one of two residential colleges [City Beach and Albany]’.


  • Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented [AAEGT]
    ‘The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students. Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation be recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision. In most states and the ACT you may join the AAEGT when you become a member of a state/territory organisation. In Queensland and the Northern Territory you may join the AAEGT directly. Click the relevant link on the membership page to proceed’.
  • Gifted Education [ CEWA]
    ‘Catholic schools celebrate the diversity and achievements of all students, encouraging them to discover their abilities and reach their potential in all aspects of school life’.
  • Gifted WA
    ‘Western Australia’s association for gifted support, advocacy and resources’.
  • WA Gifted and Talented Children’s Association
    ‘GATCA is a not-for-profit, self-help organisation providing teachers and parents with the means to meet the special needs of gifted children at home or school. Membership is open to all those wishing access to information and the tools to support gifted children academically and socially’.

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  • AAEGT - Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented
    ‘The AAEGT is committed to furthering the education of gifted and talented students across Australia. Established in 1985, the AAEGT currently serves members from a range of backgrounds. Our members are parents, educators, academics/researchers and other professionals whose family or work life brings them in contact with gifted children’. Inclusions cover Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, Resources for Parents, Useful Links, Events and Announcements, Gifted Awareness Week information and more.
  • Advocating for Gifted Learners with Disability
    ‘GLD Australia is a national not-for-profit online learning community and support group responding to the needs of intellectually gifted children and adults with specific learning disability or other learning challenges [GLD]. Through the sharing of information, research and personal experiences, GLD Australia members seek to provide support for GLD children and for those who care for, teach and advocate for them. Joining GLD Australia is free. Simply send an email to :’. Information about Resources; FAQs; How to identify GLD children; Information about the group; more.
  • Australian Mensa
    ‘Mensa is the largest and best known High IQ society with over 140 000 members in 47 national organisations, world wide’. Various parts of the site may prove of greater value when first encountering what is available. These include such things as Australian Mensa - Gifted Children, a range of information and options. They also have a Useful contacts and Websites page for Gifted Children, while there is also access to resources, events, grants, merchandise, … .
  • Born to Soar
    ‘Born to Soar provides educational learning opportunities for gifted students through Centres for Gifted and Talented [One Day Schools] currently located in Melbourne, reaching gifted students across Australia and Asia and professional learning for teachers in gifted education’. [Also listed in the Victorian section - Other Sites above.]
  • Directory of Schools for Gifted Children in Australia
    ‘Schools listed here have been nominated by one of our members as being relevant to providing effective programs for gifted children’.
  • Finding a Gifted and Talented Program
    Raising Children Network. ‘Gifted and talented programs at school and in the community suitable for 1-16 years’. Multiple short sections and many links covering a range of topics from What makes a good program for gifted and talented children ? to Support groups for parents of gifted and talented children.
  • Gifted and Talented Children [Kidspot]
    ‘Defining a gifted and talented child; Characteristics of gifted children; Tap into your gifted and talented association. If you think the information matches your child, what should you do next ?’
  • Gifted Education : GERRIC
    ‘The leaders of gifted education research in the southern hemisphere’. Gifted and Talented education from a group at the University of New South Wales. News, resources, information for parents, teachers, students. [Also listed in the NSW section - Other Sites above.]
  • Kids Like Us
    ‘The only organisation in Australia to offer a comprehensive support structure and a sense of belonging for twice-exceptional students through the provision of learning and emotional support, advocacy and peer-to-peer support. Community; Wellbeing; Education; Shop; Funding; Contact Details’.
  • Meeting the needs of Gifted and Talented Students
    ACARA. ‘Definition of students who are gifted and talented; Planning for students who are gifted and talented; Gifted and talented legislation, policies and principles; Links to state and territory resources; Planning for diversity;’ more.
  • Supporting Gifted and Talented Learning
    Raising Children Network. ‘Gifted and talented children have different learning needs from other children the same age. This is because they’re very curious, they learn quickly and they like more complex ideas than other children their age. They don’t need to go over things as often as others do. And they’re often ready for activities, games, books and puzzles designed for older children’. Multiple sections - About Gifted and talented learning; Play activities to support gifted and talented children’s learning; Independent learning ideas for gifted and talented children [includes a video]; Structured opportunities to support gifted and talented children’s learning; and more. Be sure to check the You might also like … listing on the right.

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  • Davidson Institute
    ‘Programs and Support for the Profoundly Gifted’. Interesting to see what approach has been used by those in another country.
  • Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
    The page may not be fancy but the contents are fabulous. As described - ‘the all-things-gifted site, full of resources, articles, books and links to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike. Pick your path and explore them all !’
  • Support for highly able children [British Mensa]
    ‘British Mensa has about 1 600 members under the age of 18. They are full members of the society and are offered the same range of benefits as adult members. British Mensa is able to provide support to parents and educators of highly able children through both our Gifted Child Consultant and our longstanding partnership with Potential Plus UK [which also Supports Children with High Learning Potential]. Potential Plus Families benefit from access to an advice line, the Members’ Area, our electronic resources, discounted events and our Focus newsletter. Schools benefit from access to our advice line, online resources, members area, newsletter, workshops, webinars-on-demand and associate family membership for their parents. Check their Advice Sheets and Resources [Potential Plus UK] which operate to help parents, children and schools’.
  • Gifted Children’s Association of British Columbia
    Connecting to Support the Gifted. ‘The Gifted Children’s Association of BC aims to extend support in navigating the unique developmental journey of gifted children through advocacy, education and collaboration. Our vision is a society that recognises, values and responds to the diversity of giftedness’. Their Useful Links page is varied and extensive.
  • Gifted Development Centre
    ‘A global leader in Assessment, Advocacy and Research for the gifted since 1979. We support giftedness throughout the lifespan. Through our work, we have changed the lives of over 6 000 children and their families worldwide. We also build awareness and understanding of giftedness, through research, advocacy and development of national policy’.
  • Gifted and Talented Network Ireland
    ‘Gifted and Talented Network Ireland is Ireland’s national network of advocates and Gifted Advocacy Support groups for Gifted children in Ireland. Created by Peter Lydon, GT Network Ireland advocates for the educational needs of gifted children and enables parents of gifted children to find support’. An amalgamation of information on multiple topics that will surely provide you with a mass of information to absorb. For parents wanting to access relevant resources you might also wish to access the - Resources for Parents of Gifted Children page.
  • London GTi – Helping Teachers Challenge Learners
    ‘London Gifted & Talented is an organisation that was originally established within the London Challenge to stretch and challenge more able students and build the capacity of their educators to do the same. Our continued aim is to inspire teachers and raise the achievement of all learners through an inclusive approach to more able education’. Free resources, On-demand video and audio guides, more.
  • Mensa Canada
    Fostering Human Intelligence. ‘Discover some of the things we care about : Gifted Youth; Scholarships; Contests; Special Iterests; Young Adults; Leadership; Gatherings; Mental Workouts; and more. Also check the About entry in the top menu - it has a range of information and concepts from Programs to resources and further information about the organisation itself’.
  • National Association for Gifted Children
    ‘NAGC’s mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building and research. Other areas include Information & Publications [Knowledge Centre]; Get Involved; Professional Learning’ and more.
  • New Zealand Association for Gifted Children [NZAGC]
    ‘The New Zealand Association for Gifted Children exists to promote the needs of gifted kids at national level and support and foster initiatives at local level which meet those needs’. Check their services, events and even their view of what giftedness is.
  • REACH Education Consultancy
    ‘REACH Education Consultancy is an agency created specifically to support schools in working successfully with gifted students. However, of most interest might be their Online Course, “Certificate in Effective Practice in Gifted Education”, [recently updated] already used by some Australian teachers as a professional development course.
  • World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
    ‘A world-wide non-profit organisation that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC®® is a diverse organisation networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of all ages’.

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1. Gifted and Talented, Gateways, Updated. 2016. Web. 27 February 2023.

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