Home schooling is a viable, educational alternative which appears popular in other countries, especially the United States and which is gaining increasing popularity in Australia.
Home schooling provides an alternative educational solution for people holding particular beliefs, or having genuine concern about specific circumstances relating to a given situation. But - it is not just a simple and easy solution for every problem that may occur.
Those considering involvement in this process must understand there are not only potential benefits but also specific responsibilities associated with such a decision. Removing a student from a situation causing major concern is only the first step.
Then come obligations linked to legal requirements and most importantly, the effective and ongoing education of your child, as this will affect not only their education but future life. It must be done with due care and understanding for it to be effective. Done properly, it can work very well. Done wrongly, it may have devastating consequences.
This page looks at Home Schooling in all Australian states & territories. Registration, Support Groups and Other Information is provided in each state/territory listing.
The Second Page looks at beginning home schooling, home schooling blogs, magazines and journals, researchand specialist areas in addition to general information. Australian material is included in these sections wherever poissible.
The Home Schooling Resources and Online Learning Resources pages provide access to additional resources from both Australia and overseas.
Home Education [ACT]
Requirements, Legislation [note the final point], Contact details, recent amendments to the Home Education process and more. The Frequently Asked Questions may help find answers to your questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
‘Registering for home education for the first time; Curriculum requirements; Record keeping and reporting; Obligations of home educating parents; Renewing your home education registration; Support for home educating parents’. Link to other information using the menu on the left. -
HOME LEARNING - Resources for Students and Families
‘This resource has been established to support parents and students in home learning. The resource library provides access and information about digital platforms, online resources and activity ideas that support your child in their learning. The family guides supports you to manage your child or young person’s learning and to stay healthy, safe and connected’. Use the links to specific areas and watch the video providing further information. -
Homeschooling in Canberra [ACT]
My Homeschool. ‘Here is a quick overview of the basic facts that you need to understand for homeschooling in the ACT. I’ll start with a few frequently asked questions’. It also includes a diverse range of topics related to homeschooling in the ACT, legalities and all. -
Support & Services
‘Home education in the ACT is supported by the ACT Education Directorate and the community groups listed below’. These include resources, possible funding, Community Groups, other services, Student ID cards and more.
Christian Home Education Canberra
‘Established as a means of communicating within our group and with people who are interested in home education in the ACT’. Subscription for membership. -
‘HENCAST was a voluntary organisation made up of parents and carers to support each other on their home school journey. Without volunteers required to meet the legal requirements of an incorporated association, the organisation has voluntarily cancelled its association status. This means that HENCAST is no longer taking memberships. There are other home schooling organisations both locally and nationally’. -
Home Education Association Australia [ACT]
‘The HEA is pleased to announce that home educators’ voices have been heard and the new amendments that passed in late November 2019 means that the ACT is now leading the way with one of the more enlightened and sensible registration systems, balancing the safety of children and the right to an individual education’. A wide range of information and support processes. -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while ACT Support groups begin on p. 54 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format.
New South Wales
Schooling Registration
NSW Education Standards. A wide range of information including Support information, Sample home schooling plans, Sample patterns of study, Curriculum Reform and Recommencement of home visits, plus information in all of the following links. -
Guidelines for Home Schooling Registration in NSW [2021]
‘The purpose of the Guidelines is to provide information for parents about home schooling registration, the process for seeking home schooling registration, including the requirements to be met, the curriculum and how to access NESA syllabuses and where to access other information’. -
Schooling Registration - Forms
Download the following from these pages : Application for Initial Registration, Application for Renewal Registration and Application for Certification of Completion of Year 10.
Enrolment of Students Policy
NSW Department of Education. Multiple documents in one place. -
Home Schooling Consultative
NESA. ‘The terms of reference for the HSCG are consistent with the recommendation of the Inquiry, that is, the HSCG is to : oversee consultation between the BOSTES and the home schooling population; provide input to and review the design and implementation of home schooling policies and procedures; and provide ongoing advice and assistance to the BOSTES’. -
Information [NSW Education Standards]
‘Resources [including Programming Tools], information about support groups and the Smart and Skilled Initiative’.
Blue Mountains Home Education Network
‘Information and support from Local Groups within the network’. -
Homeschooling in NSW [&
Homeschool Groups in NSW]
A listing of many groups from across the state. Part of a larger presentation covering multiple aspects of Homeschooling in NSW. Check the bottom for options to read other posts such as Is homeschooling expensive ? Exact breakdown of costs for a year. -
‘Everything you need to succeed in your homeschool . . . all in one place’ Watch the video, then check the various sections. -
Support Groups & Contacts - NSW
Support Groups, Associations and individual contacts which may prove useful, whether you are just starting to homeschool or you would appreciate having access to others who might be able to help you. -
Sydney Home Education Network
‘A non-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers, providing an online platform for Sydney-based home educators to connect with each other through activities, meet ups and events. Membership to SHEN provides the opportunity to subsidise annual sports carnivals and events to the Opera House run by its volunteers’ -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while NSW Support groups begin on p. 47 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format.
Home Education
NT.GOV.AU. Home Education, Apply for Home Education, After you apply, Financial support, Training for home education parents, Educating your child while travelling and Part-time home education. -
Home Education Learning Plan
Advice on what and how it is to be completed. It must then be sent to the Home Education Project Officer. - Registration for Home Education
This form can be used for either new or continuing families. ‘A parent or guardian of the young person concerned must complete this form and You must complete an application for each young person being home educated’. Monitor later this year for the specific closing dates in 2023 linked to 2024 registration.
Home Education - Documents
Department of Education. The following documents - Home Education Policy, Home Education Guidelines and Home education - Application guidelines for parents are available in PDF and .docx formats. Click on the Meaningful learning - Careers, VET and home education link to access the required forms.
Darwin Homeschool Network [Facebook]
‘This group is to support Darwin Home Educators. If you are enquiring about Homeschooling in the Northern Territory please go to our other group - Home Educators Northern Territory [see below]’. -
Home Education Association - NT
Information which includes a Registration Overview plus other relevant information. -
Home Educators Northern Territory [Facebook]
‘This group was initially set up to offer support for home educators in the Northern Territory or those wanting to find out more about Home Education. Please note that we have no religious or political affiliations and while we understand families may choose to home educate for these reasons we do not welcome posts of a religious or political nature. Please keep all discussion relevant to home education’. -
NT Homeschool Network
Facebook page. ‘A page dedicated to bringing together and supporting homeschoolers in the Northern Territory’. -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while Northern Territory Support groups begin on p. 65 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format.
Home Education
‘Maintained by the staff of the Home Education Unit to support the parents of Queensland who home educate their children. The Home Education Unit assists parents with registration’. The Useful Links collection may provide additional information you may not have considered. There is specific information about :
Includes a link to an Online application [see above] and the Application for Registration[Word Document, .docx]. -
Contact Details
These are listed under the heading Contact us on this page. -
Home Education [Queensland Government]
‘About Home Education; Your responsibilities; What home education children can and can’t do; How to apply for registration; Preparing an educational program; Reporting your child’s progress; and Contacts’. -
Home Education in Queensland
‘This procedure provides an overview of registration for home education in Queensland and outlines the process of registration’. -
Home Education : Reflect, Review, Report
This looks at a range of components related to home education , including input from parents. Interesting, especially for people who may be considering going down this path. [6:23] -
Information plus a series of links to further resources that will assist you to navigate your way in this area. -
Senior Secondary Pathways
‘Senior secondary pathway designs are the responsibility of registered home educating parents. For eligibility requirements, parents should refer to the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority [QCAA] or the tertiary pathway provider. When a young person stops being of compulsory school age [16 years] or completes Year 10, they enter the compulsory participation phase. During the compulsory participation phase, a young person must participate in an eligible option’. See the above page for details related to this.
- Education [General Provisions] Act 2006
Includes information on Home Schooling. See Chapter 8, Part 5 [page 9]. -
Secular Homeschooling [Homeschool .com]
‘We’re excited to announce that A2ZHomeschooling and Homeschool.com have merged to bring you the most comprehensive homeschool support system in the community ! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to look around and discover the wealth of tools, resources and support that await you’.
- Home Education Association - Queensland
Your Responsibilities, Support Groups, Associations, How to Register, individual contacts and more that may prove useful to both new and existing homeschooling families. -
Homeschooling on the Spectrum [Qld. Support Group for ASD Families]
Facebook page. ‘If you would like to join this group, please send an admin a message with a little about yourself [admins can be found in the members panel]’. -
Sunshine Coast Homeschool Community
Facebook page. ‘A place for Sunshine Coast Homeschoolers to connect’. -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while Queensland Support groups begin on p. 35 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format. -
Townsville & North Queensland Homeschool Group
‘We are homeschoolers from Townsville and surrounding areas. We welcome all types of homeschooling families. Our group is made up of Mums, Dads, aunties, Grandparents, carers etc., who all have the understanding that they are in charge of their own child/children’s education and enjoy meeting up with other homeschool families for social mornings and planned educational activities with their children’.
Guide to Home Education in
South Australia
‘The purpose of this guide is to provide information for parents about home education in South Australia, including : the requirements for home education, alternative education options and exemptions, the conditions and criteria for home education approval, planning your home education program’ and much more. -
Home Education [SA.gov.au]
Getting approval for home education, Home visit, Learning program, Related information. Contact Home Education Coordinator on :
8226 1327. -
Request for Home Education Application
Initial request for a Home Education Application Form.
Learning Without School
Resources for home educators. ‘Save time and simplify homeschooling and unschooling. Learn from experienced home educators how to write your own curriculum. It really is that easy !’ -
Open Access College
‘Open Access College, an amalgamation of the SA Correspondence School and the School of the Air [SOTA], was established in 1991. The mainstay of education for remote and isolated families, students enrol for a variety of reasons including health, travel, elite sport or work commitments. School based students enrol to access single subjects not available in their school’. Check the Enrolment Criteria page, especially the College based students section to see what is possible in relation to home education students. -
Secular Homeschooling [Homeschool .com]
‘We’re excited to announce that A2ZHomeschooling and Homeschool.com have merged to bring you the most comprehensive homeschool support system in the community ! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to look around and discover the wealth of tools, resources and support that await you’.
South Australian Home Educators
Facebook page. ‘This group is for families who are home educating / home schooling or in the process of submitting their application. The group serves as registration and general home ed support’ -
Adelaide & SA Pre-Homeschoolers Connect
‘A group for those with children of all ages looking to homeschool in the near or distant future. From parents of babies to those with older children already homeschooling and everyone in between. A group to ask questions or connect with others in South Australia’. -
Home Education Association
Information covering major points about home education in South Australia. -
Homeschooling Groups in Adelaide
‘Below are some of the home educator groups and then homeschooling groups in Adelaide and its surrounding suburbs. Accompanying the name and link are the descriptions as per Facebook’. -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while South Australian Support groups begin on p. 30 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format.
Home Education Registration
Details from the Office of the Education Registrar. - Tasmanian Home Education
Advisory Council [THEAC]
Facebook. ‘Established in 1993 to advise the Minister for Education and the general public on matters to do with home education and to register and monitor individual home education programs’. -
Sections include Roles and Responsibilities of the Council, Council and Staff and Home Education Information - the last by far the most extensive.
Home Education News and Information
Office of the Education Registrar. Links to various information across the top of the page plus articles of various kinds and news in the main section. -
How to Apply for Home Education
Office of the Education Registrar. Home Education – How to apply; Home Education Application Form [PDF and Word formats]; Home Education Summary and Program – Requirements and Standards; and Home Education – HESP template [PDF and Word formats]. -
Access over 27 000 items.
Home Education Association - Tasmania
Covers a number of areas and has links to further information. -
Bold Gorilla. A listing of groups. Most have an internet page. Others supply alternate contact details, e.g. person & phone number. 16 groups are listed and detailed at time of update -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while Tasmanian Support groups begin on p. 66 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format.
Home Schooling [Vic]
Department of Education, Victoria. ‘Find the requirements for home schooling your child, including how to register and the options for combining home and school education’. Two pages provide most required information.
Combining School and Home Education
Information on How to partially enrol your child plus a link to a brochure titled Guidelines for Partial Enrolment for Registered Home Schooled Student
‘A home schooling family is eligible to approach their neighbourhood government school to seek to partially enrol their child [of compulsory school age] in specific activities. Families will be required to provide the school with a copy of the official letter issued by the VRQA confirming their child’s registration for home schooling’. -
Guide to Home Education
in Victoria
[DOCX - 5.85mb]. ‘This guide outlines the services and support available to families who educate their children at home. The booklet is designed to assist you to ensure that your home educated children are given the best opportunities to maximise their learning and development potential’. -
Home school your Child [Victorian Government]
‘On this page : Your responsibility; What you need to do; Learning plan; Services and support; Combine home and school; Complain; and Regulations’. -
Partial enrolment - Combine School and Home Education
[Victorian Government]
‘On this page : School subjects and activities; How to partially enrol; Partial enrolment responsibilities; Student attendance; Transport to school; Assessment and student reports; Parent payments; and Get advice or provide feedback’.
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority [VRQA]
‘We register children for home schooling in Victoria’. Three main areas on the site - About home education, Registration and Reviews and resources. There is also a News section to which you can subscribe.
Guide to Home Schooling in Victoria
‘Resources - By learning area; Application and review; Other VRQA resources; and Other agencies’ resources’. Includes documents, videos, more. Other links can also be found in the menu on the left of the page. -
Registration for Home Education
‘On this page : When can I register ?; What’s required : the learning areas; How to register; Assessing your application; School enrolment during the application process; Outcome of your application; and Maintaining registration’. Again, check items in the menu on the left.
Education and
Training Reform Regulations Review 2017
Homeschooling parents should be aware that this may include some regulation[s] which could affect homeschooling procedures. Note that this has been modified several times since then. PDF and Word versions. -
Home Education Network [HEN]
Information, Registration, How To, Resources, What’s On; Membership; Shop; About HEN; and Contact details. A significant resource full of useful information and resources.
Home Education Association - Victoria
An extensive range of information on multiple aspects and including some interesting resources. -
Home Education Groups
Contact information for a number of interrelated groups. Home Education Network, Victoria. -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while Victorian Support groups begin on p. 55 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format. -
Victoria Home Learners’ Network Association
‘A non-profit society created to support home learning families in the Greater Victoria area. Our membership is comprised of families who follow diverse home learning paths – from traditional approaches to home schooling to “radical” unschooling and everything in between. We carry insurance as now required by most event venues and act as a resource for the community to organise group events’.
Home Education [WA]
Covers all aspects, including Eligibility, Registration, Develop a Curriculum Program, and Report on progress and a further listing of Resources. -
Home Education Policy
This is version 4.1 with a last update 15 January 2021. -
Home Education Procedures
Allied to the Policy listed above. Download available.
Home Education Advisory Panels Guidelines
You are able to Download a copy here. -
Homeschooling in WA - How to register and get
started [Cluey]
‘Under the School Education Act [1990], you can choose to homeschool your child at any stage during their compulsory years of education [6-17]. But first you must apply for a certificate of registration from the Western Australian Department of Education [DET]. This will be valid for the entire period of your child’s compulsory education unless you choose to enrol your child in school, or registration is cancelled under Section 53 of the Act’ -
Home schooling in
Western Australia [Western Australian Government]
‘Parents wanting to educate their children at home need to register under the School Education Act 1999. Find out about home schooling’ as well as links to related services and information.
Home Education WA
Previously listed as Home Based Learning Network. ‘Seeks to meet the growing needs of all families in the home based community here in Western Australia’. Provides access to resources, discounts, etc., Forums, Articles, Events Listing, a Member Benefits Page listing available guidance [including mentoring], Advocacy, Parents Workshops, Resource Database and more. -
Home Education Association - Western Australia
A range of information from Registration assistance to resources and more. -
Homeschooling in Western Australia [& Homeschool
Groups in WA]
A range of general information on multiple aspects of home schooling plus 13 groups listed for you to consider. -
The Educating Parent Support Groups Directory
The primary listing of support groups of every kind for home educators in Australia. Links begin on p. 9 while West Australian Support groups begin on p. 61 of the document. The complete document can be downloaded in PDF format.
Home Educators
Provides the accepted commonwealth definition of home educators plus current downloads of material related to this. -
Homeschool Educators Exempt from Centrelink Activity Test
Scroll down to Home Educators Exempt from Centrelink Activity Test. There is information and a series of links for very specific details. Also check the Exemptions for Principal Carers site which also includes Exemptions from mutual obligation requirements for principal carers [Services Australia].
You need to become a member to access the material included. Virtually all of these are available as Facebook pages.
ADF Homeschooling Families
Australian Defence Force families. You need to be able to log in to access this site [Facebook]. -
ADHD Adults Homeschooling ADHD Kids
‘This group is for adults with ADHD who are currently homeschooling or are considering homeschooling their ADHD child in the immediate future. Only members can see who’s in the group and what they post’. -
Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Home Schooling Network
‘Connect with the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Home Schooling Network on Facebook’. About the group, Posts, Photos and Videos. -
Australian Home Education Advisory Service
‘AHEAS is here to help you set up the best homeschool for your family’. Based in Melbourne, Victoria. -
Dyslexia Homeschool Australia
F‘A group for parents of dyslexic children in Australia who are also homeschooling. A place to share ideas, resources and information and connect with others on a similar journey’. -
Early Childhood Homeschool Australia
‘A group for early childhood homeschoolers to share ideas [ :) ]. Anyone can find this group. Only members can see who’s in the group and what they post’. -
Empowered Australian Homeschoolers and Unschoolers
‘This group has been created for Victorian Homeschoolers and Unschoolers to share knowledge and information to help us survive and thrive during these increasingly difficult financial times’. -
Home Education Australia Community
‘HEA membership is only $60/family and includes over $700 worth of benefits - PLUS supports the wider Australian homeschool community with the free 1300729991 phone Helpline, email and rego support, advocacy work in all states and website & articles. This group is sponsored by the Australian not-for-profit association, HEA - hea.edu.au’. -
Home School and Teachers Connect Australia
Facebook. ‘This is an Australian group to connect parents and teachers [and businesses] and to find help and free resources around home schooling’. -
Homeschool Australia
‘This is a support group for Australian families already homeschooling [ages 3+]. If you are still considering homeschooling please join The Educating Parents group - see their link further down this listing. -
Homeschool Camps & Conferences Australia
‘A place for those who are currently home educating to find and share details of all organised home education camps and conferences across Australia for the homeschooling community’. -
Homeschoolers, External Students and Parents in South Australia !
‘A bit of everything for everyone in South Australia ! Mainly spreading the word about events/education/pages, etc., From what’s happening around the state to meeting new friends/groups ! -
Homeschooling Gifted Kids in Australia
‘This is a group for those homeschooling [or contemplating homeschooling] their gifted children in Australia. Everyone here has a different story, a different journey and it is important we all be respectful and supportive of each other. Having a gifted child is not always easy and this is a safe place to discuss the bad as well as the good’. -
Montessori at Home Australia [3 years & over]
‘This is a group for people living in Australia/NZ, interested in homeschooling with a Montessori approach or wanting to create a Montessori environment at home’. -
Muslim Home Education Network Australia
Homeschooling information; Lesson Plans; Resources; Downloads; Activities; Contacts; and much more. -
Natural Learning and Unschooling
‘Natural learning [also called unschooling] is a philosophy which believes that children will learn what they need to know when they are ready to do so. Proponents of this philosophy vary in their approach, but all are child led. In many ways it’s as much a parenting approach as an educational one’. A presentation from Home Education Network. There are also links to other sites and events. -
Resources for Special Needs - Australia
‘Welcome to Resources For Special Needs. This group is for Therapists, Teachers, Parents and Carers working with people with Special Needs - Please post any iPad apps, software or any products and resources you think may be useful to help parents teach their beautiful children at home’. -
The Educating Parents Homeschooling and Unschooling
‘This is an ON-TOPIC group - posts that are considered by the Admins as not about home education will be deleted without notice. It is not a curriculum group - no posts ‘teaching’ subjects please. This is not a parenting group, or a ‘support’ group. It is a group for finding information about Home Education in in Australia, primarily for families needing to decide if it will work in their situation. Download the free Getting Started with Home Education Guide in our Resource Directory - The Educating Parent Resource Directory 2023, for information about homeschooling and unschooling in Australia’. -
Unschool Australia
‘Support group for families already embracing a natural learning, life learning or unschooling approach to life and education for their children. If you are new to the concept and want more information about it please join our sister group - The Educating Parents’. [See above.] -
Unschooling Queensland Info
‘A place to share unschooling information, news resource materials, and ideas. A page to answer unschooling questions, share local unschooling events, relevant research on unschooling and homeschooling related subjects’. -
Waldorf Steiner HENS - Home Education Networks and Parenting
‘Welcome to our community ! We have a group for all to share here, or join our site just for Australian educators at http://www.meetup.com/waldorfsteinerhensaust/. We started in Tasmania and are now inviting others to join us from all over Australia, so we can all communicate together. You can contact any of the organisers in the areas listed if you want to meetup in person, or just RSVP and come to an event’.
Accelerate Christian Home Schooling
‘After many years of homeschooling, we understand the need families have to belong to a like-minded group and have access to a network. To understand which educational model best suits you and your child, consider the comparisons’ provided. -
Christian Heritage College
A tertiary group who [provide] information about their courses and related aspects as well as specific information about Scholarships. -
Australian Museum Eureka Prizes
‘Rewarding excellence in the fields of research and innovation, leadership, science engagement and school science’. Find Key dates, fast facts, more. -
Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide [Updated
for 2023]
‘This guide covers homeschool registration in Australia, homeschooling facts and figures, socialisation and homeschool support groups and answers all the questions you need to know to help you get started homeschooling in Australia’. -
- Australia
‘Choose your country to get an overview of the legal status and resources on homeschooling with a list of local contacts that can help you find out about mandatory homeschool requirements’ Use the FIND MY COUNTRY button to select the country of your choice. Country information, Headlines, contact information, more. -
Leaping From The Box
‘Homeschooling and Unschooling email lists, support groups, message boards, forums and newsletters for those practicing home education in Australia [the Land of OZ, Aussies], including Brisbane, Queensland, Perth, Sydney and Victoria. Locate fellow homeschoolers. Make new friends. Share resource ideas and curriculum/textbook information’. -
Home Education Guide For Australians [My Homeschool]
‘Are you considering home educating your child ? It can be a daunting task, but with the right resources and support, it can also be a rewarding experience for both you and your child. This comprehensive guide will provide you with everything you need to know to confidently educate your child at home’. -
The Educating Parent [merging Beverley Paine’s Homeschool Australia and Unschool
‘My aim is for The Educating Parent to become a premier resource offering reassurance and information for home educating families across Australia and beyond, tapping into decades of practical homeschooling and unschooling experience’. A site you should not miss.