Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world and there are a vast number of languages spoken and learned through a mix of methods including schools, community language schools, ethnic schools and associations, colleges and universities. At least 69 are indicated as being taught [Community Languages Australia], though there are several which dominate. Some European and Asian languages have been designated as core languages.
Indigenous Languages and the Australian Deaf Sign Language [Auslan] are addressed separately.
This page looks at Languages Other Than English learning in all states & territories. It includes programs, places including schools, government support, national strategies, more.
‘To speak to someone in a language other than English please telephone the Telephone Interpreter Service. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 13 14 50 ’. To go further than the above information, you need to have permission to enter the site. - Language Pathways Plan
Languages [The Australian Curriculum]
Covers The Australian Curriculum section on Languages which is part of the curriculum applied by ACT Education.
NSW Department of Education, Curriculum. ‘Welcome to the Languages section where educators can find resources to support and enhance languages programs in NSW public schools’. Sections include :
Includes Students in Years K-6
This includes information about the Community Languages Program K-6 and the Bilingual Schools Program in Primary Schools. -
Stages 4 and 5
‘The study of 100 hours of one language over one continuous 12 month period is mandatory between Years 7-10, but preferably in Years 7-8 [Stage 4]’. -
Stage 6 - Years 11 and 12
‘In Stage 6, there are 34 languages offered. There are up to five courses of study available in Languages at Stage 6 level : Beginners, Continuers, Extension, Language in Context [formerly Heritage] and Language and Literature [formerly Background Speakers]’.
Languages in Kindergarten
to Year 10
‘Learning languages opens minds to difference where diversity is valued. Proficiency in languages encourages effective engagement with the global community. The study of Languages strengthens essential foundational skills in literacy. It also fosters intellectual and emotional development, and cultural understanding. The Languages K–10 Framework is available at : Languages K–10 Framework [PDF, 99 pages, 1.8 MB]’. There is also a .DOCX version available. -
Languages Stage 6
Years 11 and 12. Alphabetical listing of Language syllabuses plus Content Endorsed Courses. ‘See information and forms regarding eligibility to undertake Stage 6 Languages courses’.
Languages NSW
‘The Languages team at the Learning and Teaching Directorate [part of the NSW Public Schools Portfolio] has officers to support both primary and secondary languages teachers’. -
The Secondary College of Languages
Background information, locate schools, enrolment, curriculum, more. A list of their campuses [with the languages taught at each] is found here. Previously known as the Saturday School of Community Languages.
Aboriginal Interpreter Service
13 sections covering aspects ranging from Aboriginal language and plain English guide to Video and phone interpreting service. -
Alice Springs Language Centre
‘Our main role is to deliver quality language programs in all government schools in the Alice Springs region in accordance with the National Australian Curriculum. ASLC teaches a variety of languages to over 2 000 students from Transition to Year 12. Currently, languages taught in schools include Arrernte, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish’. -
Book an Interpreter
‘If you would like to book for an interpreter, complete the form below. Submit a new form for multiple bookings. Required fields are marked with an asterisk [*]’. -
the Conversation
A Blueprint for Languages Education in Northern Territory Schools. It ‘provides a long-term vision for building the capacity of our sector leaders, school leaders and classroom educators, and emphasises the essential measures for tracking the success of languages education by offering strategic actions to guide the work that needs to take place at all levels of education’. -
Languages and Culture
72 page document covering a wealth of information including specifically targetting stated aims. -
and Translating Service NT
‘The Interpreting and Translating Service NT works with government and businesses to help them communicate with Territorians who speak languages other than English’. Information regarding the process and what areas are covered are available from this site. -
What Works
‘A discussion of languages policy for Northern Territory schools’. 94 pages which are available to download in a single file.
After Hours Ethnic Schooling
‘Community language classes outside regular school hours’. -
Ethnic Schools Association of Queensland Inc
‘Community-based, public organisation whose members provide after hours language and cultural education for all students’. -
Schools Through Languages
‘Learning a language is part of equipping young people to succeed in a globalised world’. Linked with the Equity and Excellence Education Strategy. You can download the Equity and Excellence Education Strategy Booklet [PDF, 11.4MB] using this link. -
Languages other than [LOTE]
Past curriculum documents in this area. Links to other resources and guidelines. QCAA. -
P–10 Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Languages Syllabus [QCAA]
‘The P-10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Syllabus provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge of and communication skills in the target Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Language. The syllabus describes the aims, strand descriptions, community models of knowing, organisation [content descriptions and elaborations], achievement standards and assessment for the subject’. The site also gives you access to download a copy of the syllabus and a range of links to related information and resources. -
P-10 Languages
‘The Australian Curriculum : Languages is designed to enable all students in Australia to learn a language in addition to English. The organisation of the curriculum addresses learner background in the target language by providing a number of pathways and entry points of study to cater for background language learners, first language learners and second language learners’. -
P-10 Languages Australian Curriculum and
Resources [QCAA]
‘The Australian Curriculum : Languages available for use. In the Australian Curriculum, The Languages learning area comprises a Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages and 13 subjects’. -
Queensland Languages Library
‘The Queensland Languages Library provides resources, reference and alerting services to practising teachers and instructors in Queensland Government, Independent and Catholic schools, Queensland Universities, TAFE institutions and After Hours Ethnic Schooling programs’.
Community Language Schools SA
‘The umbrella body representing 97 ethnic schools authorities teaching 48 different languages.’ Also has Informationa and Resources for Teaching and Learning. -
Early Learning Languages Australia
Education Services Australia. ‘ELLA is a fun, digital, play-based language learning program for preschool children. It was developed as part of an Australian Government initiative to encourage more students to study a language. Nine languages are available in 2018 : Arabic, Chinese [Mandarin], French, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Modern Greek and Spanish. ELLA is delivered through a series of play-based apps on tablet devices, supported by a helpdesk, workshops and a website with support materials and reporting’. -
Investigating Pedagogies
for Language and Culture Learning
‘Outlines the relationships between Australian policy framework for Teaching and Learning, the Teaching for Effective Learning Framework, the Australian Curriculum : Languages and the Shape of the Australian Curriculum : Languages’. -
Languages offered at Government Schools
Schools offering languages, Specialist language providers, Contact details. -
National Statement and
Plan for Languages Education
Downloadable document covering this. [PDF 142KB]. -
Schools offering a Aboriginal Language Program
for all Students
Sixty one schools offer an Aboriginal languages program, including 8 Aboriginal languages. This includes a listing for Anangu schools. -
Teaching and Learning Languages : A Guide
From UniSA. Multiple section. The document is available as either a PDF or a .doc format. -
The School of Languages
‘The School of Languages is a specialist government school. Our classes are held in 18 teaching centres across the Adelaide metropolitan area. All lessons are delivered after hours, usually in the 5 to 8 time slot’.
European Languages - Adult
Education Tasmania
French, German and Spanish, all covering different levels. -
French TASC
‘The study of French contributes to the overall education of learners, particularly in the areas of communication, intercultural understanding and general knowledge’. -
Languages [The Australian Curriculum v8.4]
Covers all languages in the F-10 Curriculum. [Monitor for version 9.0 which will soon be implemented.] -
Languages Learning Area Overview
Covers the Years 9-12. Includes listing of courses, planned changes over the next few years and more. -
K-10 - Languages - Chinese
The document, as with those below, covers this area in the Australian Curriculum, which is implemented by the Department.
Other languages include French; German; Indonesian; and Italian as well as Japanese [and Chinese] as non-alphabetic languages. All are still from v8.4 of the curriculum. [Monitor for version 9.0 which will soon be implemented.]
Pages - Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages
‘The CCAFL Project is a long running national collaborative curriculum and assessment model that supports the national provision of high quality languages education at the senior secondary level. It does this by sharing responsibility for the provision of small candidature languages and monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the project on an ongoing basis’. -
Community Languages Victoria
‘Represents over 200 community languages schools in Victoria. Community Languages Schools provide quality languages educational and cultural maintenance programs to over 34 000 students in a range of 55 languages in Victoria’. Previously listed as Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria. -
East Melbourne Language Centre
Multiple languages, workshops and exam preparation. -
Provision in Victorian Government Schools, 2020
A covering document of 170 pages that covers all aspects. PDF format. -
Teaching Resources
‘Links to web sites, online resources and tools that provide learning and teaching support for teachers’. -
Languages [Victoria Education and Training]
Policy, funding, support, school programs, assessment, reporting, professional learning, research and the Victorian Languages Strategy. -
Professional Learning
‘Information, resources and tools to help teachers with their professional learning’. Includes links to Subject Associations, Cultural Organisations and Regional Project Officers. -
Promoting the Benefits of Language Learning
‘A research paper outlining the benefits of learning a language based on research findings’. Automatic download [.docx]. -
Research and Evaluation of the Content and Language Integrated Approach to Teaching and Learning Languages in
Victorian Schools
2013. ‘The report on the trial includes findings from surveys of parent, student and staff attitudes and case studies of the six participating schools’. -
Running a Language Program
‘This guidance contains the following chapters : What makes a quality language program, Start a new language program, Staffing a language program, Language assistants program, Language program funding, resources and support, Approaches to teaching languages, Complementary language providers, Promote learning a language and Languages data and research’. -
Teaching Languages : Quality Counts
‘The Victorian Government’s Vision for Languages Education requires all government schools to teach a language at Prep level, at a minimum, by 2015. This is the first step towards providing high-quality languages programs from Prep to Year 10 by 2025’. -
Grouped under First Languages, Second Languages, Classical Languages, Aboriginal Languages of Victoria, Chinese Language, Culture and Society as well as Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages [CCAFL].
AISWA Languages
‘All about teachers sharing their stories to inspire, encourage and support the learning and teaching of languages’.
You now need to be able to log in to access this site. -
Curriculum Guide - Languages other than English
‘Identifies the outcomes all students should achieve as a result of the learning programs they undertake in Western Australian schools’. -
Overview of the proposed implementation of Languages studies under the Western Australian curriculum, starting in 2016. This is for the years P-10. A copy of the Minister’s letter to schools about this program at the beginning of 2016 [and running to 2023 can be downloaded here. -
School Curriculum and Standards
Authority - Courses [Years 11and 12
Covers courses for the West Australian Certificate of Education. Language courses are detailed in the listing. Note that Aboriginal Languages of Western Australia are also listed for implementation.
Asian Languages Research and Reports
In Conversation; Research Reports; Australian Curriculum Review; What Works series; Research & Policy updates; and Policy. -
Early Learning Languages Australia
‘The Early Learning Languages Australia program [ELLA] program is a digital, play-based program which includes a series of interactive applications [apps], aimed at making language learning engaging and interesting to young children in preschool and the early years of school’. Federal Government site related to this. -
Language Learning Space
‘View the latest Professional Learning topics for language teachers. Log in to explore the Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese sites’. Australian Government site. You can also visit the full Early Learning Languages Australia [ELLA] site here. -
Languages [ACARA]
‘Designed to enable all students to engage in learning a language in addition to English’. Background, Languages development, downloads, other information. You can also access the v9.0 curriculum by visiting this page - Implementation of the V9 Australian Curriculum. Languages appear to still be linked to the v8.4 curriculum. Check the state/territory links for when the change-over will occur. -
NALSAS Strategy
National Asian Languages and Studies in Australian Schools. Professional Learning, curriculum materials, reports, publications, bibliography, What’s New ? and a NALSAS Links page. Be aware, many of the inclusions may no longer be in use as this was done some time ago. It would be very good in a comparitive process with later developments. -
Student Achievement in Asian Languages Report
‘The Student Achievement in Asian Languages Report was released on 6 February 2012. The aim of the project was to conduct research to describe the achievements of students in learning particular languages [Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean] at Year 6/7, Year 10, and Year 12’. Available as one PDF document or in 4 separate sections
Abbeys Language Book Centre
Multiple books for a range of languages are presented. These are all fee-based across a wide cost spread. -
Asialink [UniMelb]
Events, Professional Learning [study tours, exchanges, courses, conferences], leaders program, fellowships, corporate events, more. The relevant area can be found at the Asia Education Foundation site. Professional Learning and Research are two of the main sections. -
Assessment of Language Competence Certificates
‘An initiative of the Australian Multicultural Foundation, in collaboration with ACER. Includes listening and reading comprehension tasks in a multiple choice format designed to be both challenging and to enable all students to experience success’. -
Community Languages Australia
‘Carrying out a number of crucial roles in the creation, maintenance and profile of Australia’s over 1 000 community language schools’. -
Foreign Languages [LOTE] Educational Resources
and Supplies [Teacher Superstore]
More than 200 resources covering multiple languages. Fee-based. -
Languages Australia
‘Languages Australia is part of The Chat Laboratory. We operate in all states and cover all major cities and small towns in Australia. We offer Microsoft Teams based online language classes. Our teachers are based all around the world and they will work with you to fit your schedule’. -
Language Teacher Resources
‘Our products are available for teachers of Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Indonesian, French, German, Spanish and English as a Second Language. Packages contain detailed lesson plans, assessment and behaviour management tips, vocabulary lists, planners for a term and year, as well as a comprehensive guide for teachers full of tips and tricks from our years of language teaching experiences. All resources are available as an instant digital download’. Fee-based. -
‘Languagenut is a professional language support tool which helps create interactive and engaging lessons. The tool is designed for students aged 5-14 years’. Free trial available. Costs per individual or school are quite reasonable. -
Language Videos
Previously supplied through VEA but now available through ClickView. This page opens to those suitable for secondary students. Those suitable for Primary students are found using this Clickview link. Languages are clearly indicated. -
Learning Languages Other Than English : A Texas
‘Free five-part [online] video series demonstrates how the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Languages Other Than English [TEKS for LOTE] are being implemented in classrooms across Texas. It is centred around classroom scenes and includes interviews with students, teachers, parents and administrators’. Now an archived site but still fully functional. -
Learn Spanish Online - Lingvist
‘Learn the words you really need and improve your vocabulary in as little as 10 minutes per day’. App. Free trial, then fee-based. You should also check the resources available from listing on the page above. -
LTA Education
Formerly known as LOTE Teaching Aids. ‘You can view all LTA Education resources by choosing your language on the language menu on the left. First click on the language you require and then choose your resources from the product list titles’. -
‘Your search for Languages Other Than English returned 107 results. You can View details and/or View the resource’ -
The Language Teacher Helpmate
‘One of the biggest challenges you can face at the beginning of a teaching career is building a bank of resources and we want to help you with that. Here at the Language Teacher Helpmate, we provide : links to curriculum documents; ideas, activities and materials for teaching in the Language classroom; links to professional Language teacher associations; suggestions for further professional reading; … and much more !’