Special Education covers the education of children with particular needs. Gifted students, who also have specific needs, are treated separately.

Special Education provides programs and support through several methods. This can be through the regular classroom, with support of modified curriculum or additional human resources, placement in special classes within regular schools, which may be smaller in size, allowing for more individual attention or, if impairment is significant, it may mean placement in special schools, again with smaller class groups and other modifications.

In addition, there are other resources such as transport, building modifications, Individual Education Plans and technology, all designed to make learning as easy, enjoyable and effective as possible.

Even collection of data has changed, as can be seen through the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability process.

All systems prefer an inclusive approach wherever possible, taking into account the level of impairment involved, the special needs of an individual student and the needs of other students who may be affected.

This page looks at general information from all Australian states & territories.

You might also consider the range of inclusions on the Special Education Resources page for further information. These include links to associations, curriculum information plus Australian and International Resources including technology, apps and software.

This page does not attempt to target individual impairments or disorders. These can be found from a variety of other, specific sources.


  • Information Resources for students with disability and their caregivers [Department of Education]
    ‘The content of these resources was created by students with disability and their caregivers, based on consultation with a range of disability organisations and education authorities across Australia. These resources were funded by the Australian Government. What each resource covers : Each resource is available in English, Easy Read and Auslan. There are also versions in 8 languages. Click on the resource title to see these options’. Several examples of the resources and related information are given below :
  • Disability Standards for Education 2005
    ‘The Disability Standards for Education 2005 [DSE] clarify the obligations of education and training providers under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 [DDA]. The DSE seek to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as students without disability. The Australian Government has released : Information resources to help students with disability and their caregivers understand their rights under the DSE and Information resources for education providers and educators explaining their obligations under the DSE’.
  • Financial Support - People with disability
    ‘The Australian Government’s Services Australia delivers a range of payments and services supporting people in need, including people with disabilities’. Select the Health and Disability section as a starting point.
  • Leading Learning 4 All
    Leading Learning 4 All is for all school leaders, wherever you are on your professional journey. The content of Leading Learning 4 All is intended to initiate changes in your thinking and practice regarding students with disability and additional learning needs by promoting a ‘community of inclusive learning practice’ - a place where all learners have equal opportunities to achieve and where there is school-wide understanding of what is involved in enabling this to happen’. This is a resource available to all school leaders.
  • Students with Disability [Department of Education]
    ‘The Australian Government supports the rights of students with disability to have the same educational opportunities as students without disability. The Australian Government believes that we should strive for a high-quality school system that assists all Australian children to reach their full potential. There are support programs in place to help ensure students with disability have the same educational opportunities as other school students so they can fully participate in the economic and social life of the community’. Check menus at the top and on the left of this page for specific aspects.

States & Territories


  • Disability Gateway - ACT - Connecting you to information and services
    Provides multiple annotated links to a range of education-based information including areas such as ACT Department of Education and other educational sites. There are similar pages for help via the Supporting inclusion in early childhood education and care [Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan] and Tertiary Education [see details immediately below]. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick ACT/Education/and both Early Childhood Education and Primary and high school. This will allow you to access material precisely.
  • Disability Gateway - Tertiary Education [ACT]
    ‘When you finish high school, you could go on to do further studies or training. The Australian Government and other authorities provide strategies, services and support for young people with disability. They’ll help you to get the most out of your tertiary experiences’. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick ACT/Education/Tertiary education. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level.
  • Enrolment Policy for Catholic Systemic Schools
    Information regarding the enrolment of Students with Disabilities can be found on page 4 and especially on pages 9, 10 and 11.
  • Students with Disability [Education ACT]
    Covers Programs and Supports, Transitions [see below], Eligibility for Disability Programs, Enrolments - from 2023 all ACT Public Schools will offer Disability Education Programs [Small Group Programs] for those families who choose this option, Eligibility for programs, Enrolling, Specialist Schools, Transfers in from other systems, Enrolment Reviews and Appeals, Student Centred Appraisal of Need, Individual Learning Plans, NDIS and School Education, Contact numbers and more. Most of these are detailed below :
  • Contact Us
    Includes Contact details for Disability Education and Special Needs Transport.
  • Disability Criteria for ACT Students
    11 page document covering all criteria. January 2021 [Editorial change January 2023].
  • Disability Education Reference Group
    ‘The reference group provides an opportunity for the community to have an important role in formulating advice to the Directorate on the education of students with a disability in ACT public schools’. Multiple documents available including Minutes, Communiques and the actual Terms of Reference.
  • Specialist Schools and Education Centres
    Provides school/centre details including contact details, address, telephone, website and map.
  • Strengthening Inclusive Education
    ‘As part of the Future of Education Strategy, the Education Directorate is working with people with disability to create a future of education underpinned by inclusion and equity – where a universal sense of belonging is fostered and students with disability are included at school’. Further details can be gained from this site.
  • Student Centred Appraisal of Need
    ‘This booklet is designed to assist parents, carers and staff to prepare for the Student Centred Appraisal of Need meeting. It contains information about the process and the groups of descriptors that have been divided into ten areas of educational need. It is these ten areas that will be discussed in detail at the appraisal meeting’.
  • Students with a Disability : Meeting their Educational Needs
    ‘This policy confirms the Education and Training Directorate’s commitment to supporting students with disability in ACT public schools’. Links to related policies.
  • Students with Learning Difficulties
    ‘Students with identified Learning Difficulties are supported in public schools through a range of services and programs in order for them to reach their full educational potential. This information provides an overview of these programs for parents and carers’.
  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS]
    Provides information about its implementation in the ACT and What Education Related Supports will the NDIS Fund ?.
  • Transition Toolkit
    ‘The Transition toolkit is available to help parents and carers support students with disability and developmental delay with the transition to school or next year level’.
  • Transport for Students with Disabilities
    Covers Special Needs Transport. For further information on applying for the SNT program go to the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate website.


  • Disability Gateway - NSW - Connecting you to information and services
    Provides multiple annotated links to a range of education-based information including areas such as NSW Department of Education and other educational sites. There are similar pages for help via the Supporting inclusion in early childhood education and care [Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan] and Tertiary Education [see details immediately below]. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick NSW/Education/and both Early childhood education and Primary and High School. This will allow you to access material precisely.
  • Disability Gateway - Tertiary Education [NSW]
    ‘When you finish high school, you could go on to do further studies or training. The Australian Government and other authorities provide strategies, services and support for young people with disability. They’ll help you to get the most out of your tertiary experiences’. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick NSW/Education/Tertiary education. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level.
  • Disability, Learning and Support
    ‘In this section : Personalised support for student learning, Early childhood, Primary, Secondary, Leaving School, Programs and Services, Resources, Disability Strategy’ and more. Related sections include :
  • Assistive Technology
    Sections include ‘What is assistive technology ?; Making decisions about assistive technology; Professional learning; Accessibility options on a range of technology; and Assistive technology and the NDIS’.
  • Assisted School Travel Program
    ‘The Assisted School Travel Program [ASTP] provides individualised transport to and from school for 10 500 eligible students across NSW. Find out more about how specialised transport to and from schools can be provided to eligible students with disability’. This is for the Primary School sector. Find out more about how specialised transport to and from schools can be provided to eligible students with disability on this Assisted School Travel Program. There is also specific information for High School Students.
  • Disability Inclusion Action Plan
    ‘The NSW Department of Education strategy to better engage people with a disability. It covers Legislative and Policy context; Key areas for action; Consultation; Key Outcomes; and two [2] specific Focus Areas’. Word Format.
  • Early childhood
    ‘On this page : Support for children with disability; Early intervention classes; Support teachers; and Access to support. Parentline operate a free early childhood intervention infoline for parents and carers who have children with disability. Free information, referral to services and general support and counselling is available by calling 1300 1300 52. Calls can be made from anywhere in NSW’.
  • Educational Options [Primary School]
    ‘The department provides a range of options to support students with disability and additional learning and support needs across the primary years’. Sections cover Mainstream Classes, Support Classes and Support at school.
  • Educational Options [Secondary School]
    ‘Mainstream Classes, Support Classes, Support at high school, School learning and support team and Adjustments to learning and teaching’ sections are covered.
  • Getting ready for school - A Guide for Parents of a Child with Disability
    ‘A starting school guide for parents of a child with disability is available in 35 languages’ These range from Arabic to Vietnamese [and also include an English version] and are available in PDF format.
  • Inclusive Education for students with disability
    Policy. ‘Guidance to support the inclusion of students with disability and additional needs in NSW public schools’. This replaced the previous Assisting Students with Learning Difficulties Policy and People With Disabilities - Statement of Commitment inclusions.
  • Learning and Support
    ‘Identifying learning and support needs; Learning and support resources; and How learning and support works. Learning and support resources are available in every mainstream school to help any student experiencing difficulties in learning in a mainstream class, regardless of the cause. This includes support for students with : learning difficulties, mild intellectual disabilities, behaviour needs and Autism Spectrum disorders or mental health disorders [with lower level support needs]’. There is also information regarding Staff Training related to this.
  • Low level adjustment for Disability
    ‘The low level adjustment for disability equity loading is an allocation to support students in mainstream classes who have additional learning and support needs. Supporting our students; Key messages; Funding allocation; and Further information’.
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS]
    ‘About the NDIS; NDIS micro modules; How schools can support families; Advice and support for schools; NDIS fact sheets and resources; and Frequently asked questions on the NDIS’. Scroll down for greater detail with each of these sections.
  • Programs and Services
    ‘These programs and services are designed to offer students personalised learning and support to meet their individual needs.’. 9 specific areas provide further detail.
  • Resources for Disability, Learning and Support
    ‘Locate organisations, policies and resources that can help or get further information’. Also lists links to a range of documents, some of which are already included above.
  • Schools for Specific Purposes [SSPs]
    ‘Schools for specific purposes [SSPs] provide specialist and intensive support in a dedicated setting for students with moderate to high learning and support needs. They support students with intellectual disability, mental health issues or autism, students with physical disability or sensory impairment and students with learning difficulties or behaviour disorder. They cater for students from Kindergarten to Year 12 who meet the Department’s Disability Criteria’.
  • Specialist Allied Health and Behaviour Support Provider Scheme
    ‘The scheme supports schools that may need to engage specialist allied health services to ensure learning adjustments are appropriate and effective for students’. In addition to the text presentation there is also a Full length video about the scheme and also a Transcript of the content.
  • Specialist Support Classes by School and Support Needs Type
    ‘This dataset is an indication of current support classes operating in NSW public schools. Data is for government schools and is updated at the beginning of each term. Parents and carers are advised to contact their local public school to discuss all support options available. Support types included’. Preview and/or download the information.
  • AISNSW - Students with Diverse Needs
    ‘The Student Services team works in collaboration with AISNSW member schools to assist in addressing the needs of students who may require additional planning, support and adjustments arising from : disability additional learning support academic/curriculum, additional learning support for behaviour/social emotional development, mental health difficulties, gender identity and gender expression or a combination of the above’. Several sections for teaching staff, particularly Planning Tools and Resources and the contents of the AISNSW Resource Centre.
  • Catholic Schools NSW
    Access Special Schools listing by selecting either a location OR a school name then selecting Special School from the options that follow.
  • Disability Support Services [TAFE NSW
    ‘We understand that every student has individual needs that may impact on their ability to study and we are committed to supporting students who have a disability. Appointments with Teacher Consultants are free and information provided is confidential. You can call us on   131 601 or    1300 362 890 [for TAFE Digital Disability]’. What disability support do you have available ? answers most of your questions while also listing a range of related questions to follow up.
  • Special Education
    ‘Special education refers to teaching practices that meet the individual needs of students with disability. All students are entitled to participate in and progress through the NSW curriculum. Schools need to provide adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment activities for some students with disability’. NSW Education Standards Authority.
  • Who’s Going to Teach My Child ?
    A Guide for Parents of Students with Special Learning Needs”. This book, while done some time ago, still reflects many of the things you want to know.

Top of Page


  • Children with a disability [NT.GOV.AU]
    Sections include ‘Children with a disability; Your child‘s needs; Helping your child to learn; Safety; Child care and school; Growing up; The online world; Coping with prejudice; Your needs; Feelings of grief; Signs of unresolved grief; Your rights; Relationships in your family; Grandparents; and More information’.
  • Enrolling Students with Disability
    ‘This page has information on the criteria and the process for the enrolment of students in specialist schools and centres’. Criteria are provided for Early Years plus Primary, Middle and Senior Years, The Enrolment Process, even the Appeal Process [including appealing a decision] should this be required.
  • Framework for Inclusion 2019 - 2029
    Department of Education. ‘The framework recognises that any learner may need additional support at some stage. It promotes an environment in Northern Territory Government schools which is inclusive, fair and focused on delivering learning to meet individual needs. Priority actions to guide the implementation of the framework fall into three themes : Actions focused on children and students, families and communities; Actions focusing on developing the capability of schools and school staff; and Actions focused on improving system. The framework will be implemented in three phases – 2019-22; 2023-2025; and 2026-2028. Progress will be reviewed at the end of each phase, to measure our impact and facilitate planning for the next phase. The framework will be evaluated in 2029’.
  • Get school support for your child [NT.GOV.AU]
    ‘Students with a disability in the Northern Territory have a right to access a full and inclusive curriculum that meets individual needs. The Student Wellbeing and Inclusion Programs and Services [SWIPS] provides wellbeing and inclusion services for students in all government schools. This includes students with hearing, mobility and vision impairments, autism and intellectual disabilities. These services are delivered by professionals including specialist teachers, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists and social workers’. As well, there is information on Types of support; How to access support; Specialist educatiuon settings; Support outside of school; Further Information; Information for teachers and Contact details.
  • Inclusive Education Support Grant
    ‘If you’re an eligible organisation working with children with disability, you can apply for funding for services or programs that improve their education’. Also indicates : What you can get funding for, Who can apply, How to apply, After you apply and Reporting and Evaluations. Contact details are also provided.
  • Social and emotional support for students
    ‘This page has information on the support available to students and families in schools, including counselling and chaplaincy services. All schools have a wellbeing and behaviour plan in place to support students and create a positive learning environment. Contact your school for further information’.
  • Special Education Courses
    ‘Special education courses are available to school leaders, teachers and support staff through online courses and activities. These courses can be accessed through your regional manager or principal’. Contact details plus access process are listed.
  • Students with Disability [Department of Education]
    ‘Read the following documents for students with disability’.
  • Support Organisations
    ‘This page has Information on organisations in the Northern Territory providing support if you have a child with a special need, disability or [who requires] mental health support’. Listings are provided for Special education and disability and Social support and mental health.
  • Support services for parents, families and young people - Disability
    ‘If you want more information about supporting your child with a disability contact these support services’. Each is named and has either/both an online link or telephone number.
  • Transport for students with special needs
    ‘This page has information covering Transport Provision, How to apply, Application process, Notifying absences, Request changes to transport and Review of Transport Support’. There is also a link to the policy for this area


  • Disability Gateway - QLD - Connecting you to information and services
    Provides annotated links to a range of education-based information including areas such as Queensland Department of Education and other educational sites. There are similar pages for help via the Supporting inclusion in early childhood education and care [Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan] and Tertiary Education - see details immediately below. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick QLD/Education/and both Early Childhood Education and Primary and high school. This will allow you to access material precisely.
  • Disability Gateway - Tertiary Education [QLD]
    ‘When you finish high school, you could go on to do further studies or training. The Australian Government and other authorities provide strategies, services and support for young people with disability. They’ll help you to get the most out of your tertiary experiences’. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick QLD/Education/Tertiary education. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level.
  • Inclusive Education [Education Queensland]
    Overview, multiple links for special areas including Students with Disability, Student health, safety and wellbeing and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education. Relevant sections from among the groups [particularly those for students with disability] include :
  • Assistive Technology
    ‘Assistive technology in education is any hardware, software or system of technical components and processes that enhances the capacity for all students to engage more effectively with the curriculum and their learning environment. This can range from “high tech” technology, such as electronic devices or power wheelchairs, to “low tech” devices such as a pencil grip, supportive seat or a simple switch. Assistive technology can support teachers to provide teaching and learning that is accessible to all students. Assistive technology supports students with diverse learning needs’.
  • Every Student with Disability Succeeding Plan
    Programs and Services, Special Schools, Early Childhood Development programs and services, related links, more. You can download A copy of the 2021-2025 plan [PDF] using this link.
  • General information for students with disability
    Includes information about ‘ Enrolment options, What are reasonable adjustments ?, Resources provided to help schools make reasonable adjustments, Early childhood and getting ready for school, Starting and finishing school, How parents and carers can be involved, Community supports and the NDIS plus Making an enquiry or complaint’. There is also information for those with a specific disability.
  • Inclusive Education Policy
    ‘The Inclusive Education Policy applies department-wide including all state schools and educational settings. This policy sets out the Department of Education’s [the department’s] commitment to continue to work towards a more inclusive state education system and the principles which will guide that work’.
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS]
    Fact Sheet. ‘The National Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS] is now available throughout Queensland. The NDIS funds support that helps eligible people with permanent disability in their daily lives to participate in the community and reach their goals. Covers Children aged 0 to 6 years, Older children, Students in Year 12 and leaving school, How parents can access NDIS as well as a listing of Local Area Coordination Partners [area, name, contact details]’.
  • Regionally allocated Specialist Support Staff Resource
    ‘To assist schools to provide for annual stock and requisites, equipment and materials for specialist support staff. All State schools with specialist support staff are eligible’. State schools will transition to the new model over 2 years in both 2023 and 2024
  • School Transport Assistance Scheme
    Programs for Students with Disabilities. Explanation of what is involved in the program, e.g. eligibility, types of transport, Online applications and related links. Translink.
  • Student health, safety and wellbeing
    Sections include ‘Student Wellbeing Package, Student health, Supporting students’ wellbeing and mental health, Student support services and Students with diverse needs’.
  • Students with Disability
    Covers a diverse range of information including ‘Who are students with disability ?, Reasonable adjustments resourcing [RAR] allocation, The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability [NCCD], Extensive plus, Prep and new students to state education, All disabilities targeted, Transition to the new model, News and stories’ and more. From 2025, all state primary, secondary and special schools will be resourced based on the adjustments schools report making.
  • Support to non-state schools
    ‘Non-state schools have their own systems and resources to support students with disability. The department also supports non-state schools by providing a range of disability-specific supports and services’. Details of these can be found on the above page and in the Support services to non-state schools document [PDF].
  • Supports for students with disability
    ‘Queensland state schools work to ensure the success and wellbeing of every student with Disability through every stage of learning in an inclusive education system. General Information and Disability-specific information. If your child has a condition, disorder or disability that is not outlined on this website, contact your child’s school for information or advice’.
  • Inclusive Education [Queensland Catholic Education Commission]
    Information plus links to resources. This covers all the areas being used to assist development with those children demonstrating specific needs.
  • Student Diversity [Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, QCAA]
    ‘The QCAA supports Queensland teachers and schools to provide a high-quality curriculum that promotes excellence and equity for all students. Planning inclusive educational programs builds on students’ strengths, abilities and targeted levels of learning, so that all students can succeed.’. Students with disability section includes sections covering Reasonable adjustments, Inclusive education, Supporting students through Reasonable adjustments, Abilities Based Learning and Educational Support [ABLES] and AARA in senior schooling.

Top of Page


  • Disabilities and Special Needs
    Multiple sections. Covers Hearing impaired - children 0-5 years; Deaf and hard of hearing - school children; Speech and language impairments; Disability support at preschool and school; Equipment and assistive technology; Learning difficulties and disabilities; Support for complex health needs or disability; and Respite care. South Australian Government.
  • Disability Gateway - SA - Connecting you to information and services
    Provides annotated links to a range of education-based information including areas such as South Australian Department of Education and other educational sites. There are similar pages for help via the Supporting inclusion in early childhood education and care [Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan] and Tertiary Education - see details immediately below. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick SA/Education/and both Early Childhood Education and Primary and high school. This will allow you to access material precisely.
  • Disability Gateway - Tertiary Education [SA]
    ‘When you finish high school, you could go on to do further studies or training. The Australian Government and other authorities provide strategies, services and support for young people with disability. They’ll help you to get the most out of your tertiary experiences’. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick SA/Education/Tertiary education. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level.
  • Disability support at school
    Information for families and students, Contact details. Sections include - Statewide Inclusive Education Services [SIES], Support for children who are hard of hearing, Contact details for Inclusive Teaching and Learning information, Unit, Support for children with autism and Support for children with a hearing impairment. Related links include : Related information and links to other pages in this section. Other departmental pages and information are detailed below :
  • Children and Students with Disabilities Policy
    Overview, aim and scope of the policy. You can download a copy of the policy in PDF format [12 pages].
  • Disability support at Preschool and Kindergarten
    Sections include ‘Eligibility, How to get support, Inclusive preschool programs, Speech and language programs, Early Intervention Service – Deaf and Hard of Hearing [EIS-DHH], Statewide Inclusive Education Services [SIES] and Specialist preschools for children with disability’.
  • Health and Disability Programs
    This page covers information sections about ‘Inclusive education funding, National Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS], Access Assistant Program [AAP], Health Education Interface [HEI] referrals, Registered Nurse Delegation of Care, MyTime program – facilitated peer support. Hospital School of South Australia [HSSA] and Principles of inclusion for students with disability’.
  • Learning Difficulties/Learning Disabilities
    Information includes possible causes, What is a learning disability, Talk to your child’s teacher, Support programs and services, Resources, Related information [including links] and more.
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS] and Educational Services
    ‘Educational support programs; NDIS service providers access to schools, NDIS for daily living while at school, Post school transition, NDIS in the community – Respite Care Program, Registering for NDIS support and Privacy’.
  • School and Further Education
    Covers ‘Pre-school and school, Leaving high school and planning for the future, Further education, Studying at TAFE, Training and apprenticeships, Studying at university, Other study options and Related information’.
  • Special Education - AIS SA
    For those interested in their child enrolling at an indpendent school, you can find information at the above link covering Choosing the Right School for Your Child and Search our Member Schools. These may provide initial assistance. To access their full site must be able to log in. To find more about their targeted program for Special Education, you would best be advised to contact AISSA directly. Details can be found on their Contact Us page. Explain your needs and they will surely help you.
  • Special Education - Catholic Schools SA
    ‘We acknowledge that students with disabilities may have additional needs in the school setting. In response, an Enrolment and Support Process ESP has been developed to support families and schools and reflect our legal obligations. As a parent/carer you know your own child and his/her needs. The Special Education consultants, family and the school work in partnership throughout the enrolment process. For further information regarding enrolment please see our brochure, which is available for download below’
  • Support for students with disability to transition from school to work
    ‘Transition programs are available to give eligible students with disability targeted career education. The programs help students develop the skills to successfully transition from school to further education, training or employment. Students will: : connect with employers; gain work preparation, work readiness skills and work experience; participate in employer and industry immersion; have recognition of learning to complete the SACE; be supported to access School Leaver Employment Supports [SLES]; and transition to a pathway of employment, further education or training in their last year of school’.
  • Support in Schools - Barkuma
    ‘We provide services to high school students with disability to create, pursue and achieve their life goals. Each service is tailored to students at different stages in their lives. Explore our school supports below’. Contact details are provided on the page.
    ‘SPELD SA is a not-for-profit organisation providing advice and services to children and adults with specific learning difficulties and those who care for, teach and work with them. SPELD SA works with the Department for Education, Catholic and Independent schools, as well as universities, TAFE colleges and other organisations’.


  • Disability Gateway - TAS - Connecting you to information and services
    Provides annotated links to a range of education-based information including areas such as Tasmanian Department of Education and other educational sites. There are similar pages for help via the Supporting inclusion in early childhood education and care [Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan] and Tertiary Education - see details immediately below. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick TAS/Education/and both Early Childhood Education and Primary and high school. This will allow you to access material precisely.
  • Disability Gateway - Tertiary Education [TAS]
    ‘When you finish high school, you could go on to do further studies or training. The Australian Government and other authorities provide strategies, services and support for young people with disability. They’ll help you to get the most out of your tertiary experiences’. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick TAS/Education/Tertiary education. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level.
  • TasTAFE - Disability Support
    Overview, Available supports, Make an appointment for assistance today [contact details provided], Crisis Support and more.
  • Independent Schools Tasmania
    ‘Each independent school is fully autonomous and separately accountable to its parents and community. We promote freedom of choice and diversity in education to support the needs of each individual student’. Scroll down to find details about special people including Inclusive Education Consultants [2]. Contact details are available.
  • Suppoting Student Need - Students with Disability
    ‘All students have the right to feel safe, supported, included and engaged in learning. Schools need to make sure that all students with disability have the support they need to learn and participate in all parts of school life’. Sections include : Our Commitment, Our Key Support Areas, National Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS] plus further links in the menu on the left which provide Information for Families. Also check what is included in this Frequently Asked Questions resource ranging from Key Information to If evidence of a disability has not been confirmed for my child, who do I talk with ? [28 in total]. Related information includes :
  • Development of a needs-based funding model for students with disability
    Final Report 2019. ‘The new funding model aims to better support inclusive practice by allocating resources to the educational adjustments required to meet the individual needs of students with disability’.
  • Educational Adjustments - Model Overview
    ‘The Education Adjustment Disability Funding Model is based on student needs and is guided by key principles. The model delivers resources to Tasmanian government schools to support educational adjustments that they provide for students with disability. The model was developed using both research and consultation. KPMG’s final report is available at Development of a Needs-Based Funding Model for Students with Disability – Final Report [PDF, 700KB]. Key information includes Overview of the Model and structure, Underpinning Principles and What to expect with moderation’. Be sure to check the content of the listing on the right hand side of the page. You might also find value in the Frequently Asked Questions about Educational Adjustments.
  • Providing NDIS services at School
    ‘Sometimes families or NDIS providers may ask Principals if an external provider can deliver NDIS services for a student at school, during school time. Principals have the ultimate decision-making authority about who comes onto a school site. When Principals review a request like this, there are things they must consider. If they approve the request, Principals will contact the family and the NDIS provider will need to complete an NDIS Engagement Agreement [docx, 455KB)’. Further information is available from the site.
  • Nurturing Unique Abilities
    ‘Supporting Students with Disability - 2017 Update. The purpose of this document is to provide the public with an update on progress in improving support for students with disability’.
  • Resources and Information - The Department of Education Tasmania
    ‘In relation to supporting students with diverse learning needs, the following resources may assist : Programs, Initiatives and Events; Parent Fact Sheets, Inclusive Practice – Illustrations of Practice [Videos available at Students with Disability – Illustrations of Practice]; My Education’ plus others already included in this listing.
  • Specialist Services to support students with disability
    ‘The Department of for Education, Children and Young People provides the following specialist services to support the access, participation and engagement of students with disability in Tasmanian Government schools’.
  • Supporting Student Need
    ‘Supporting every student to participate and achieve no matter their background, disability or language. We provide resources supporting inclusion and wellbeing to improve learning outcomes for all students. Links from the page go to Support in schools for students with disability, Educational Adjustments Disability Funding, Tasmanian Autism Diagnostic Service and Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on students with disabilities among others.
  • Supporting students with disability in Tasmanian Government Schools
    Annotated links go to information about Students with disability, Specialist services, Natiuonal Disability Insurance Scheme [NDIS] in Schools and the Students with disability Inclusion Advisory Committee which has a range of information and documents.
  • Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disabilities
    ‘This procedure sets out a consistent approach to managing the Department for Education, Children and Young People’s Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disability. This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Student Transport Management Policy and is to ensure services are provided in an equitable, efficient and cost-effective manner across the State’. Downloadable document covering Guidelines and procedures.
  • What laws and policies guide inclusive education in Tasmania ?
    ‘Some important state, national and international laws and plans help guide our work to provide inclusive and equitable education in Tasmania’. Access a number of these from this page.
  • Support for Students
    Catholic Education Tasmania is inclusive of all students and caters for students with additional needs and those with a disability. Tasmanian Catholic schools and colleges have access to our centralised Student Support Services to deliver appropriate support to students with additional needs and/or disabilities. A range of expertise, personnel and resources are provided to support all students’ access to and participation in learning’.

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  • Disability Gateway - VIC - Connecting you to information and services
    Provides annotated links to a range of education-based information including areas such as Victorian Department of Education and other educational sites. There are similar pages for help via the Supporting inclusion in early childhood education and care [Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan] and Tertiary Education - see details immediately below. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick VIC/Education/and both Early childhood education and Primary and high school. This will allow you to access material precisely.
  • Disability Gateway - Tertiary Education [VIC]
    ‘When you finish high school, you could go on to do further studies or training. The Australian Government and other authorities provide strategies, services and support for young people with disability. They’ll help you to get the most out of your tertiary experiences’. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick VIC/Education/Tertiary education. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level.
  • Disability & Inclusive Education [Department of Education & Training]
    Programs and Initiatives include : Information for early childhood and school-age children with additional needs; Starting, attending and leaving school with a disability; Disability support at school, Programs for students with disability; Physical disability at school; Supporting diverse learners - students with learning difficulties; Intellectual disability at school; Help for children with additional needs at Kindergarten; Autism at school; Communication needs at school; Hearing loss support in early childhood and school; Vision impairment support at school; and Education for all [videos and resources that help explain what inclusive education is, what it means for students with and without disabilities and the benefits]. Related pages include :
  • Abilities Based Learning and Education Support
    ‘Abilities Based Learning and Education Support [ABLES] is a curriculum assessment and reporting suite. ABLES has been aligned to the teaching and learning cycle to provide advice and strategies to inform classroom practice’.
  • Assessment Service for students with Disability
    ‘Schools can refer students for assessments to help them find out if a student is eligible to apply for support under the Program for Students with Disabilities [PSD].​ The assessment categories are intellectual disability and severe language disorder with critical educational needs’. Further details from the site.
  • Autism Education Strategy
    ‘The Victorian Government has committed more than $19 million over four years to deliver the Autism Education Strategy. The strategy will improve learning and wellbeing outcomes for autistic students’. You can download the Autism Education Strategy - Easy English [PDF], Autism Education Strategy [PDF] or the Autism Education Strategy - Plain text version [DOCX]. There is also a video [with transcript] plus several additional aspects are detailed.
  • Education - Information for Parents
    ‘Practical information for Victorian parents and carers to support their child’s learning needs. Disability and Inclusive Learning is one of several sections linked from this page’.
  • NDIS information for Schools
    ‘Role of schools; Responsibilities of schools and the NDIS, School programs affected by the NDIS, School leavers and NDIS employment supports, Further information about the NDIS and Contact [regional information]. An Easy English version of this topic is available for parents and carers : The NDIS and your child at School [PDF - 561.34kb]’. Be sure to check the menu on the right which will take you to a diversity of related information.
  • Program for Students with Disabilities
    ‘The Program for Students with Disabilities [PSD] is one of the supports available to help schools meet the needs of eligible students with disability and high needs who attend Victorian government schools. The funding is given directly to schools through the Student Resource Package. Schools use the funding in different ways, depending on the needs of each student’. Five major links are listed, each with short descriptors. Be sure to check the menu on the right which will take you to a diversity of related information.
  • Program for Students with Disabilities Guidelines
    ‘The Program for Students with Disabilities [PSD] provides funding to assist schools to support eligible students with disability and high needs who attend government schools. The funding is provided directly to schools through the Student Resource Package’. Information covers Eligibility for PSD, Types of applications, Timelines, Operational guidelines and forms and Students turning 19 or older. There are also links to PSD Categories [e.g. Physical disability, Visual impairment, . . . ]. Be sure to check the menu on the right which will take you to a diversity of related information.
  • Resources for families of children with additional needs
    VRQA. ‘On this page : Developing an appropriate learning plan; Disability support services; Financial support; and Social support groups’. Links and introductory information are provided for each of these.
  • School Operations - Conveyance Allowance Program : Policy
    ‘The purpose of this policy is to ensure that schools support eligible families to receive financial assistance with the cost of transporting students to and from school where the student attends an eligible specialist school’. Sections include Policy, Guidance and Resources. Contact details for the Conveyance Allowance Unit are included on this home page.
  • Students with Disabilities Transport Program [SDTP] : Policy
    Three major sections : Policy, Guidance and Resources. There are also links to Related Policies, Relevant Legislation and Contact details for the Student Transport Unit. Sections include Policy, Guidance and Resources.
  • Transitions and Pathways
    ‘Information on how to support students with disability or additional needs who are starting or leaving school’. 5 sections : Transition to Primary School for children with disability; Transition to secondary school for students with disability; A Job Well Done; Career education and workplace learning for students with disability; and Transition support for students with disability.
  • Travel education for students with Disabilities
    ‘The Travel Education Framework [TEF, docx - 9.39mb] is a resource for specialist schools to create a program that gives students the knowledge, skills and confidence to travel independently to school on public transport’.
  • Travel Support to Specialist Schools – Information for Families
    ‘Whilst families are primarily responsible for ensuring their children attend school, the Department has a number of options available to support families in accessing a specialist school. Conveyance allowance is a financial support provided to parents through the school; Who is eligible ? ; What is a designated transport area [DTA] ? ; Who do I contact to find out about travel support ? ; The Principal is required to consider a number of things when assessing the travel support options available to your child’ plus several other sections.
  • Statewide Vision Resource Centre
    DET, Victoria. ‘We provide specialist teaching, professional learning, materials and technologies to support Victorian students who are blind or have low vision’. Be sure to check their Resources and Educational Programs sections in particular.
  • Support students with additional learning needs
    ‘Information, teaching materials and programs to support students with disability and additional needs. If you’re a parent, see our parenting site 11111for information on additional needs’.
  • Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd - Diverse Learning Needs
    The Parent Handbook for Victorian Catholic Primary Schools. This section covers Diverse Learning Needs which covers this area. The Parent Handbook for Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools has a similar section. Both provide considerable detail.
  • Centre for Developmental Disability Health
    ‘An academic unit at Monash University to improve health outcomes for people with developmental disabilities through a range of educational, research and clinical activities. Supports mainstream health services to build their capacity to address the health needs of adults with intellectual and associated developmental disabilities’.
  • Disability [Department of Families, Fairness and Housing]
    ‘We aim to improve the quality of life for people with a disability through the provision of a broad range of supports and community services’. Sections include Disability supports and services contacts, Aids and equipment, Support packages and Your rights. There are also related sites listed.
  • Independent Schools Victoria
    ‘Independent education helps students to develop values, skills and dispositions, so they can thrive at school and beyond’. Multiple sections include : Diversity, Choice, Independence; Facts and Figures; Teaching and Learning; and a School Locator. Use these to contact individual schools of your choice and ask for specific information regarding your child’s needs.


  • Disability Gateway - WA - Connecting you to information and services
    Provides annotated links to a range of education-based information including areas such as Western Australian Department of Education and other educational sites. There are similar pages for help via the Supporting inclusion in early childhood education and care [Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan] and Tertiary Education - see details immediately below. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick WA/Education/and both Early childhood education and Primary and high school. This will allow you to access material precisely.
  • Disability Gateway - Tertiary Education [WA]
    ‘When you finish high school, you could go on to do further studies or training. The Australian Government and other authorities provide strategies, services and support for young people with disability. They’ll help you to get the most out of your tertiary experiences’. Be sure to use the filter section on the left. Tick WA/Education/Tertiary education. It provides annotated links for specific sources of assistance relating to this level.
  • Diverse Learning - CEWA
    ‘Catholic Education Western Australia promotes education for all, celebrating the diversity and achievements of all students and encouraging them to discover their abilities and reach their full potential. Students with diverse learning needs are supported through individual learning programs, developed collaboratively between parents, students and schools’. Students with Disability may provide the most relevant information for this area.
  • Independent Schools - Search For a School [AISWA]
    Access information on independent schools in Western Australia using the process on this page. Then search for information regarding their programs, funding and other support for students with a disability. If you want further information contact the individual school direct. You should also check original site for information regarding learning about disability through their Professional Learning program that is of a very good quality.
  • NDIS - School Education
    ‘On this page : What is the school education system responsible for ? ; Examples of supports the school education system should provide; What are we [NDIS] responsible for ?; Examples of supports we may fund; and an example for one child’.
  • One Classroom - The School of Special Educational Needs : Disability [SSEND]
    ‘SSEND builds the capacity of Western Australian public schools to ensure students with disability [diagnosed or imputed] are able to access the curriculum on the same basis as their peers. School principals or their delegates can request assistance from SSEND for students with eligible diagnosed or imputed disabilities’.
  • School of Special Educational Needs : Medical and Mental Health
    ‘The School of Special Educational Needs: Medical and Mental Health [SSEN:MMH] provides educational support for students whose medical or mental health prevents them from successfully participating in their enrolled school programs. Support is available to both public and private school students’.
  • School of Special Educational Needs : Sensory
    ‘The School of Special Educational Needs : Sensory [SSEN : S] provides educational support for children with hearing loss and/or vision impairment. As our service is government funded it will be provided at no cost to the school, parents or guardians of eligible students with hearing loss and/or vision impairment’.
  • Westetrn Australia - Department of Education
    Pages relating to special educational needs include :
  • Children with Special Educational Needs
    ‘If you think your child has special educational needs, you should consult your family doctor, paediatrician or other professional with expertise in this area. If your child is already enrolled in school you should speak with their teacher, the school psychologist and principal. Sections include : Support for my child at school; Which school is right for my child ?; Discussing my child’s needs; Support services for schools; and Sharing information about my child’.
  • Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018–2023
    ‘This plan is our commitment to meet the diverse needs of students in public schools in partnership with parents, staff and school communities. It identifies strategies we are adopting to enable equitable access and inclusion of people with disability in our services, schools and employment’.
  • Disabilities Advisory Panel
    A document detailing the role and impact of this panel can be downloaded in PDF format.
  • Education Support Centres and Schools
    ‘If your child has a special learning need, they may be eligible to attend an education support centre or school. Some offer early intervention programs, specialist programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other programs for children with more specific needs. Education support centres are located alongside primary and secondary schools’.
  • Enrolment Framework for Students with Disability in Public Schools
    ‘This framework provides information and advice for the enrolment of students with a disability in public schools’. Links go to both Policy and Procedures documents with downloads for each.
  • Funding Public Schools
    Department of Education. ‘Funding is allocated to schools based on the learning needs of students and school characteristics. The model is the mechanism by which funding is allocated to public schools for each student enrolled and additional funding for students needing extra support. For further information on the model refers to the overview of the Student-centred Funding Model’. There is also a short video on the above page with information on the in-depth review of the model.
  • School Psychologists
    ‘Working in a range of educational settings, school psychologists provide services in the areas of mental health and wellbeing, disability, behaviour, learning and motivation, incident management, change management and organisational development’. A link is provided so you can contact the School Psychology in WA Team if required.
  • Service Providers in Schools
    ‘Schools and Service Providers have a shared interest in achieving positive educational outcomes for students with disability. Schools, families and Service Providers are committed to supporting students to reach their potential, enjoy meaningful relationships and participate in their communities. Watch the video to understand the process of working together’.
  • Special Education Funding
    ‘Special education funding is allocated to non-government schools for eligible students with special education and high support needs. The amount of funding received depends on each student’s year level and level of disability. The rates are outlined in the 2023 Special Education funding rates’.
  • Special Transport Information - Education Support Students
    Comprehensive information is provided under the following headings : ‘Eligibility - Educational Support Students; Entitlement - Educational Support Students; Education Support Facilities; and Travel by Education Support Vehicle’.
  • Student Health and Wellbeing
    Multiple sections. Includes Bullying, Student Health Care, Mental health, Violence, Progressing through school and more.

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