The Commonwealth and all states & territories have programs to provide financial support for students and their families. These vary but include items like Education Tax Refunds, concession transport cards, specialised transport for students with disabilities, bursaries, scholarships, accommodation assistance, textbook allowances, more.

This page provides information for those about which we are aware.


  • Updated ! Financial Assistance for Families
    ‘The Future of Education Equity Fund provides financial support to eligible families, helping students access everyday essentials that assist with their education and wellbeing needs. It supports families with students who are enrolled in years P-12 in ACT schools [including non-government schools] or another approved form of education who meet the eligibility criteria. The following payments are available to those who meet the eligibility criteria : $400 for preschool students; $500 for primary school students; and $750 for high-school and college students’. Eligibility information is supplied on the site. All ACT public schools are resourced to help students access everyday essentials. Information is also supplied covering this process.
  • Updated ! School Services
    Transport ACT. Multiple topics are covered including a Student MyWay Guide [covers alternate travel options], Journey Planner [linked with School timetables and maps], General Information including Fares; Students with Disabiity; Parents travelling on school services; Charter buses for school excursions; and Rural services to ACT schools. They also have Active travel and safety programs. Further information about fares can be found in the Fare Concessions section of the Transport ACT site.
  • Special needs transport for students
    ‘Special Needs Transport may be available for eligible students : from home to the closest appropriate disability education setting located in an ACT public school, or from school to home [or respite or after school care if it is available within the existing transport routes and if there is space on the bus]’. Information covering Eligibility, Applications for the current year and other related information is found on the above page.
  • Transport for Students with Disabilities ‘The Special Needs Transport [SNT] program is administered by the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate[the Directorate], for eligible students with a disability living in the ACT and attending ACT public schools. For further information on applying for the SNT program go to the New !Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate website or contact them using the contact details provided’.
  • New ! Youth Allowance [Services Australia]
    ‘Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work’.

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  • New ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • Updated ! Assisted School Travel Program
    ‘Transport to and/or from school for some students with disabilities, behaviour disorders and learning difficulties, when parents or caregivers responsible for transport are unable to do so’. A wide range of information covering Key Dates, Eligible Service Providers, Contact Information and much more is available on the above site.
  • Updated ! Course Fees & Fee Support Information
    TAFE NSW. ‘A range of criteria apply for course fees, access to government subsidised training, student loans, payment by instalment, fee concessions and fee exemptions that are available to eligible students. For an indication of your course cost, follow the steps below : First of all New ! find a course you are interested in. Choose a location and study-mode by clicking on the Course Fees and Information button. Scroll down to the Fees information panel. If your course is Smart and Skilled, click on the Calculate Your Fee button to find your individual pricing indication’.
  • New ! Independent Schools Scholarships and Bursaries
    ‘ISSB is a directory of independent school scholarships and bursaries on offer across NSW. Simply search, learn and then apply. Your child’s brightest future begins here’.
  • Rural and Distance Education
    This area includes the following links and information about these :
  • Updated ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • Updated ! Scholarships and allowances for rural students
    ‘A range of allowances and scholarships are available for students in rural and remote locations who live away from the family home to attend school’. These include Living Away From Home Allowance; Boarding Scholarships for isolated students; Australian Government Assistance; and Further information, the last including contact details for gaining additional information.
  • New ! School student travel []
    ‘Students may be eligible for free or subsidised travel to and from school or TAFE under the School Student Transport Scheme [SSTS]’. Numerous options are available including : School Opal card or school travel passes; School Drive Subsidy; Assistance for boarding school students; New !Assistance for students with a disability which covers Key Dates, Parent’s information; Schools; Eligible Service Providers; Appeals and Contact details for further information, plus other aspects; Travel outside of school; plus Information for both school staff and students.
  • New ! Scholarships for high school students
    ‘Your high school child may be eligible for a scholarship. Learn more about the scholarships available and how to apply. Public Education Foundation scholarships, Boarding Scholarships for Isolated Students [see Rural Students entry above for further details] and Related information’.
  • Updated ! Youth Allowance [Services Australia]
    ‘Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work’.

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  • New ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • Updated ! Australian Government Student Assistance
    Information from including Assistance for Isolated Children [AIC, see above], Abstudy plus a range of contact information covering these and there is also multiple links to the NT Student Assistance Officer.
  • Student financial help and scholarships
    Links to specific information on the following areas [including the one above] :

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  • New ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • New ! Financial help - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
    ‘Financial help is available for high school students to complete their senior studies and for students who are studying at TAFE or university. Aspects include : ABSTUDY; Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme [see above]; Indigenous Youth Mobility Programme; New !StudyAssist; and New !Other financial help while studying at school’.
  • Grants and Appropriations
    ‘Each of the profiles of the appropriations and allowances shows purpose, eligibility, calculation, payment processes and data requirements’. See below for some of these.
  • Updated ! Investing for Success
    ‘Duration of program runs from 2015–2025. State schools are expected to use funding to support students in achieving improved outcomes across all levels of schooling’.
  • Updated ! Living Away from Home Allowance
    ‘The Living Away From Home Allowances Scheme [LAFHAS] supports eligible Queensland families whose children need to live away from home to attend a state school or an accredited non-state school. What support is available; Eligibility; Remote Area Disability Supplement [RADS] eligibility; Payment details; LAFHAS Rates list; How to apply; Related links; and Contact Details’.
  • School Transport
    Department of Transport and Main Roads. School Transport Assistance Scheme, statements, Code of Conduct, behaviour, even bus replacement options. Also check the School Tickets and Fares site at TRANSLink. Enquiries about school transport assistance for students with disability should be made with the school attended.
  • New ! State Schools Resourcing Framework
    ‘The New !State Schools Resourcing Framework [SSRF] guide [PDF, 936KB] provides a concise explanation of Queensland state school resourcing arrangements and the New ! Grant and Appropriation Profiles show what funding the department may pay directly to state schools’.
  • Updated ! Student Hostels Assistance
    ‘The Department of Education provides recurrent and capital assistance to eligible non-profit organisations providing hostel accommodation in rural areas to accommodate geographically isolated primary and secondary students [including students with disabilities] so they may have daily access to schools’.
  • Targeted Funding
    ‘Targeted funds are allocated to certain schools in recognition that, to achieve desired educational outcomes or to provide appropriate educational experiences, these schools require enhanced funding levels’.
  • Textbook and Resource Allowance
    ‘The Department provides assistance to parents of secondary school age students attending state and approved non-state schools to contribute towards the cost of textbooks and learning resources’.
  • New ! Youth Allowance [Services Australia]
    ‘Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work’.

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  • Updated ! Adelaide Metro fares and Tickets
    This section provides information about ticket types and costs plus sections on regular fares, Concession fares and Child, Primary and High School student fares.
  • New ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • Updated ! Payments and Financial Support Schemes
    Includes those for Aboriginal students or apprentices; Centrelink customers; Child Care; Defence Force Families; Grants [find grants for young people on the New !GRANTassist website; International students; Pensioners; Students in remote and isolated areas; young people at school, training or in an apprenticeship; School Card; Help paying your fees; Scholarships; Travelling Allowance; Youth Allowance. and Related information. Check to see if any are relevant to your circumstances.
  • New ! Scholarships
    ‘Schools, universities and other educational institutions offer scholarships based on various criteria. These may be merit-based or related to the cultural or social background of students. External institutions and benefactors also fund scholarships for various reasons, including needs-based or career specific. You can search for grants available to young people living in South Australia on the New !GRANTassist website’.
  • Updated ! School Card Scheme
    ‘Low-income families who attend government school can get financial help with school fees – materials and services charges – through the School Card scheme. If your school fees are less than the School Card subsidy, you could also get help with expenses such as uniform, camp and excursion costs. There are multiple cards/grants able to be accessed. Parents should speak directly to their school about financial help’.
  • Updated ! Travel Concession and Allowances
    These include - Public transport concessions; School travelling allowance; Tertiary education fare allowance; and State Education Allowance. There are details provided and/or links to further information regarding each of these.
  • New ! Youth Allowance [Services Australia]
    ‘Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work’.

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  • Updated ! Apply for the Spectacles Assistance Scheme
    ‘The Spectacles Assistance Scheme provides financial assistance to purchase spectacles for eligible Tasmanians. To apply you must send a completed New ! Application Form [PDF, 522KB] and your optometrist’s script to the Statewide Spectacles Assistance Scheme, GPO Box 125, Hobart TAS 7001 or email . You can contact the Spectacles Assistance Scheme on - 1800 232 148’.
  • New ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • Updated ! Awards & Scholarships
    These incude ‘Young Archies Awards; The Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize; the Tasmanian Training Awards; and The Hardie Fellowships’. Most have links to further information.
  • Updated ! Student Assistance Scheme [STAS] Guidelines
    ‘STAS is one of the forms of financial assistance available to assist with the cost of school levies. The scheme provides assistance for low-income families towards the cost of levies for students enrolled from Kindergarten through to Year 12. Application forms are available from Government and independent schools and colleges within Tasmania, the Department for Education, Children and YoungPeople and Service Tasmania Shops, or online. For specific enquiries regarding assistance completing the application or application procedures please contact : Financial Assistance Services on 1800 816 057 or via email at’.
  • Updated ! Student Accommodation
    ‘Accommodation or accommodation services are available in all regions for Department for Education, Children and Young People [DECYP] students. These services are run by the Department, TasTAFE and/or community providers, Anglicare Tasmania and Colony 47’. It covers both the North and the South Regions.
  • Updated ! Travelling to School
    ‘Regardless of how your child gets to and from school, safety is one of the most important factors to remember’. Sections cover Walking to School; Travel by Bus; Driving your child to school; and Where to Start to find the information you want. There are a number of links available in the last section to assist with this.
  • New ! Youth Allowance [Services Australia]
    ‘Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work’.

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  • New ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • New ! Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
    ‘The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund provides payments for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions and sports and outdoor education programs. An Overview, Key Dates information and Guidelines’ are all included.
  • Updated ! Help with School Costs and Fees
    Links to other ‘options if you’re having difficulties with school costs. A number of these are also included in this collection of links. There is also informtion about how to get advice. Under special circumsatnces you can also get assistance from State Schools’ Relief [see more information below]’. There is also information on how to apply for assistance.
  • Updated ! School Students - Public Transport Victoria
    Concessions and options for students eligible for transport to and from school. Several specific items are listed below :
  • Updated ! State Schools Uniform Relief
    ‘State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students and their families, each year. Our simple and practical service ensures that all students can attend school in warmth and comfort with a greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem, which in turn enhances their educational engagemen. 1 in 10 Victorian state school students are supported by State School’ Relief’.
  • New ! Student Concessions Victoria [Youth Central]
    Check the list provided on this page - from How to get a Student Discount all the way to Links from other bodies.
  • Updated ! Student scholarships
    ‘The Department of Education manages a range of scholarships on behalf of various trusts. Scholarships support students and families to assist with the cost of education and engagement in further study at primary, secondary and tertiary level’. There is also information covering Eligibility, the Scholarships [student levels], Things to do before you apply, How to apply and Entering your school results. ‘Some scholarships ask for information about your child’s school and community activities. This part of the application is usually completed by your child’. There are also Tips for filling out the Application Form, You also need to have Principal Verification of the application.
  • New ! Youth Allowance [Services Australia]
    ‘Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work’.

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  • New ! Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
    ‘A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs’. Information included on the page covers the following areas : Who can get it; What payment you can get and how much; How to claim; and How to manage your payment [options and obligations].
  • This following section includes details about items listed below. More can be found by checking the Western Australia Education Department’s document covering Student Allowances Guidelines 2023. It includes the current guidelines.
  • New ! Financial Assistance – WA College of Agriculture, Denmark
    ‘The Western Australian Department of Education makes available a student Boarding Away from Home Allowance [BAHA] each year to families with children attending primary and/or secondary school’.
  • New ! Boarding Away from Home Allowance
    ‘The Western Australian Department of Education makes available a student Boarding Away from Home Allowance [BAHA] to families with children who are attending primary and/or secondary school. Eligibility factors apply’.
  • New ! Gifted and Talented Scholarships
    ‘Your child may be eligible to apply for a Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Academic Program scholarship’. Details are provided for these.
  • New ! Secondary Assistance Scheme
    ‘The Secondary Assistance Scheme comprises of an Education Program Allowance which is paid to the school and a Clothing Allowance that is paid to the parent. [If the student is enrolled in a public school, the parent may nominate the clothing allowance be paid to the school]’. Information about eligibility and How to Apply are found on the site.
  • New ! Secondary Schooling Scholarships
    ‘We are committed to helping children succeed in school. As part of this commitment, we coordinate a number of financial scholarships, grants and prizes for young people in secondary school so they can focus on achieving their education goals. All scholarships are awarded in Term 1 each year with funds fully allocated at that time. Applications for most of our scholarships open in late October each year and close in the second week of December’. Information is provided about Eligibility, Application, Assessment and Successful Applicants.
  • Updated ! Student Travel Subsidies
    ‘Find out more about the scheme, including the entitlements, whether you are eligible, proof of eligibility and how to apply. The Student Travel Subsidy Scheme provides travel assistance to eligible full-time enrolled school and tertiary students who live in Western Australia to overcome geographical isolation from schools and other educational institutions’.
  • Transport Concession Guide
    TransPerth. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary students, other Concession Passes. Also see the Student SmartRider page. This is ‘the cheapest and most convenient way for students to travel. Find out what it is and where you can get one’.
  • New ! Youth Allowance [Services Australia]
    ‘Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work’.

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In addition to the information supplied above, you should also check information regarding scholarships/allowances/assistance by going to the Scholarships pages. Others have been included in state listings above.

Check regarding scholarships/allowances/assistance from individual institutions. These are often found in major daily papers in each state at appropriate times of the year. Most non-government schools advertise in February & March for scholarships applicable in the following year.

The following links apply to all states and territories. Most are Commonwealth Government funding programs.

  • Abstudy
    Financial assistance for people of Indigenous descent to undertake secondary or tertiary study. Check details for granting this. Multiple options include Your school child living at home; Your child living away from home to go to school; When you’re in high school, university or other higher education; When you’re an apprentice and when you’re in custody.
  • Updated ! Child Disability Assistance Payment
    ‘An annual payment if you get Carer Allowance when looking after a child with disability or medical condition’.
  • New !Disability Gateway - Financial Support
    ‘The Australian Government provides financial support to people with disability, their families and carers. Disability Gateway can help connect you to these supports and services and provide you with the right information. Call 1800 643 787 Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm AEDT/AEST, or visit’.


  • Updated ! Saver Plus
    Brotherhood of St Laurence. ‘Participants make regular deposits towards a savings goal over a 10 month period and attend workshops to build their financial management skills. When participants reach their savings goal, ANZ matches the amount - up to $500 - towards education costs’.

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In addition to the information supplied below, you should also check the Scholarships pages for information regarding scholarships/allowances/assistance from individual universities. Similarly, a number of colleges also have scholarships/allowances/assistance. Information can be found through individual College sites and in some cases the Scholarships link noted above.


  • Abstudy
    Financial assistance for people of Indigenous descent to undertake secondary or tertiary study. Check details for granting this. Multiple options include Your school child living at home; Your child living away from home to go to school; When you’re in high school, university or other higher education; When you’re an apprentice and when you’re in custody.
  • Updated ! Defence Force Jobs - Find your Ideal Role
    As well as providing general information about all aspects of defence force jobs, this looks at positions at ADFA [Defence Forces Academy, check under Education] and the help that is available. You do have to sign up for a minimum period of service wherever they send you.
  • New !Disability Gateway - Financial support
    ‘The Australian Government provides direct financial support for people with disability. Visit the Centrelink New !Payment and Service Finder and the New !National Disability Insurance Agency to see what financial and other supports you may be able to get’.
  • New ! Education - Services Australia
    ‘Support and payments while you study, retrain or complete an apprenticeship’. There are four [4] major sections : School - ‘Resources, referrals and support for parents with children at school. Information to help your child decide what to do after school. Higher Education - Help and support with further study, including university and TAFE. Apprenticeship - Help and support during your apprenticeship or traineeship. Retraining - Support while you retrain or improve your skills. Information about finding the right training and starting a new job’.


  • New ! Study Asist
    ‘Information for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study’. Indvidual parts are detailed below.
    ‘A loan given to eligible fee-paying students to help pay part or all of their tuition fees. You can borrow up to the amount of the tuition fee being charged by your provider for your unit of study’. Now a part of Study Assist.
    What it was/is, eligibility, repayments, booklet, other information, more. Now a part of Study Assist.
  • Paying back Your Loan
    Directs you to a number of links to find precise information about this process. Now a part of Study Assist.
  • Updated ! OS-HELP loans and Study Overseas
    ‘If you are enrolled in a course of study with an approved Australian higher education provider and you wish to undertake part of your study overseas, you may be eligible to access a HELP loan for the portion of your overseas exchange’. Now a part of Study Assist.
  • New ! SA-HELP
    ‘Your university or higher education provider can charge you a fee each year called the Student Services and Amenities Fee [SSAF]. This fee is to cover things at your campus like child care, food services, financial advice, sporting and recreational activities or employment and career advice. SA-HELP is a loan available to you pay for all or part of your SSAF. For more information, view the fact sheet on the home page’.
  • Updated ! Study and Training Support Loans
    Australian Taxation Office. ‘Explains income contingent loans for undertaking higher education, trade apprenticeships and other training programs’.
  • VET Student Loans
    VET Student Loans is a loan scheme that assists eligible full fee paying students studying an approved vocational education and training [VET] qualification to pay their tuition fees. Important note : you must be studying at an approved VET Student Loans provider, able to offer an approved VET Student Loans course in order to access VET Student Loans assistance’.


  • Updated ! Research Training Program
    ‘The Research Training Program (RTP) provides block grants, on a calendar year basis, to higher education providers (HEPs) to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking research doctorate and research masters degrees, known as higher degrees by research [HDRs]. Students can be offered RTP Scholarships for one or more of the following : tuition fees offset, stipend for general living costs or allowances related to the ancillary cost of research degrees’. Guidelines, Stipend Rates, Application Process and Contact details are provided.


  • FastWeb
    If you are looking to study at an American university, this could be the site for you. It helps find free scholarships and information about colleges.
  • Student VIP
    You need to join StudentVIP to access all areas. A portal that includes numerous money saving processes, including StudentVIP Textbooks, ‘Australia’s biggest textbook market. The cheapest way to buy textbooks - because there’s no commission. Just two happy students’. Also Subject notes, Helpful tutors and more

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