ESL, also commonly called EAL/D, or even ESOL, is common in our multicultural nation. Like several other resource listings, these are usable across multiple curriculum areas.

Resources range from flashcard programs to resource directories, musical activities to information about TESL/TEFL.

Additional information such as associations and government involvement may be found on the English as a Second Language [ESL] page in the Education section of this site.

Be aware that some of the listed resources are specifically designed for teachers, while others can be used by anyone who finds them of value.

We have tried to ensure resources are free to use wherever possible.

Remember some sites are not Australian. Check carefully to be sure they conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. spelling, terminology, guidelines, … .



  • ATESOL NT - Research & Resources
    Research, articles, other resources including film and story books.
  • #AusELT - Resources
    ‘#AusELT is a community of enthusiastic, dedicated ELT professionals based in or near to Australia and New Zealand. This list of resources was started because we felt there was little published material out there with an Antipodean focus. Sections include : Apps; Culture & Lifestyle; Expressions and Idioms; International Students; Movies, TV & Videos; News & Articles; Pronunciation; Published Resources; Songs; Websites & Blogs’.
  • English Learning Resources
    AMES, NSW. ‘Our bookshop features a wide range of educational resources developed and sourced by our in-house Resourcing, Learning and Innovation team. From basic resources for learning English to advanced industry-specific training resources for teachers working with students who have English as their second language, there is something for everybody’. Fee-based.
  • ESL Resources
    ATESOL, ACT. ‘We present a list of Australian only resources and websites for teaching English to speakers of other languages’. Also has links to Libraries in Canberra as well as Museums and Galleries.
  • ESL School EAL/D Resources
    Australian Council of TESOL Associations. More oriented for professional learning for those working in the school and Adult sectors.
  • TasTESOL - Resources
    ‘TasTESOL YouTube Channel; TESOL providers in Tasmania; Resources from TasTESOL events; Other teaching resources’; more.
  • VicTESOL - Resources
    One of the broadest ranges of resources. However, you need to be a member to access these. Teaching and Learning Cycle Project; Symposium Resources; Updates; Resources; eBulletin Archive.


  • AMEP - Resources
    Resources for ‘Pre-Beginner; Beginner; Post Beginner; and Intermediate’ levels. You can also find classes listed on the ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Find an English​​ class page.
  • Aussie English for Beginners
    ‘A series of books published by the National Museum of Australia. The definitions and histories of words and phrases are provided by the Australian National Dictionary Centre, and the cartoons are by David Pope. The first two books in the series focused mainly on single words, although there were some idioms. The third book focuses exclusively on idioms’.
  • Beginning ESL : support material for Primary New Arrivals [FUSE]
    ‘A resource providing practical, easy to use resources which support oral English language work in the classroom, for teachers of newly arrived English as an additional language learners. The resource contains sixteen units of work including : teacher notes, activities and worksheets’.
  • EAL Listening Practice and Resources
    ‘List of Listening Resources That You Can Access For Free; How To Use These Free Resources [a Step-by-Step Guide]; Let Me Walk You Through How I approach These Listening Exercises; Time to Test Your Listening Skills’. Formerly VCE Study Guides.
  • English as an Additional Language
    DET, Victoria. Multiple resources are found on the Resources page. Resources are also found on other pages such as the Assessment and Reporting page.
  • English as an Additional Language [EAL]
    ‘A range of resources to assist with implementing the F–10 English as an Additional Language [EAL] curriculum are available’. Annotated links provided.
  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect Teacher Resource
    ACARA. Detailed information for teachers.
  • Language Games for EAL Students [FUSE]
    ‘These photocopiable materials can be used to make language games for English as an additional language and languages students, across all year levels. The games consolidate and reinforce skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, and give students a chance to use a range of language functions important for working and playing with others’. Click on the View Button at the bottom of the main image to read online what is available, or the Download Button for a PDF version of the booklet.
  • Meeting the needs of students for whom English is an additional language or dialect
    ACARA. Two resource sources are linked from the menu at the bottom of the page.
  • Resources
    NSW Education. ‘The following resources are used to support EAL/D teaching and learning. Teacher and Students resources’ are both listed. Includes a range of bilingual dictionaries.
  • Scootle
    Some resources are listed. Filter using the options on the left.
  • Tools to Enhance Assessment Literacy [TEAL]
    ‘An online resource for teachers of primary and secondary level students who are learning English as an Additional Language in Australia. It brings together a range of tools and advice for the assessment and reporting of the English language proficiency and progress of students within an ‘assessment for learning’ framework’.


  • Adele’s ESL Corner
    ‘This website is free for anyone to use on the Net. It's designed as a tool with which students can consolidate what has already been introduced in the classroom or learnt through self-study. It doesn’t present grammar rules or show students how to answer questions apart from examples in some exercises’.
  • AMEP Research Centre - Resources
    Macquarie University. ‘To find the resources you need to browse according to the resource type’. Includes Reviews of Australian resources.
  • Australian ESL resources : What’s free ? [Clare Harris]
    ‘I’m talking here about free Aussie resources, because I think that – at lower levels especially – it’s so important for learners to get local information and culture, as well as language’.
  • Bookery Education
    ‘Australia’s largest online and retail specialist for teachers and students of English as a second language [ESL, ELT, TESOL and TEFL], linguistics and foreign languages’. Fee-based.
  • Boyer Educational Resources
    ‘Resources focus on English grammar, pronunciation, reading, writing as well as listening and speaking skills’. Fee-based, but you can try some free Sample Units and free Learning English worksheets, using the link provided.
  • EAL/D Teaching Resources, Worksheets & Activities [Teach Starter]
    ‘An extensive collection of English as an Additional Language/Dialect teaching resources. EAL/D students learn English at the same time as each learning area through English’. 164 teaching resources at time of inclusion.
  • EAL Worksheets and Activities - Inclusion Resources
    ‘All of Twinkl’s EAL resources have been created by EAL specialists for teachers, professionals and parents to use when teaching and supporting children who are learning English as an additional language. Simply select the specific area of EAL you need support with from the options below, and you’ll be taken through to our world-leading resources for EAL students’.
  • English as an Additional Language [Psych4Schools]
    ‘This article is an excerpt from the eBooklet English as an additional language. Download the complete eBooklet for full access to strategies and resources, including : Giving instructions; Use best classroom practice to support learning [continued]; Develop social skills and self-efficacy; and Resources].
  • ESL-SPIN [ESL Small Publishers Independent Network]
    ‘We are all English language teachers, writers and now micro-publishers, living and working in Australia, who have joined together to support each other. Explore this site to find out more about us, our resources and our publishing journeys’.
  • ESL Teaching Resources
    TES [Australia]. A huge number of annotated links to resources. Filter levels using options at the left. Fee-based.
  • Explore Rhymes Lyrics, Rhymes Songs, and more !
    Pinterest [Aust.]. Rhymes, lyrics, songs, chants, more.
  • Learn English [ABC Australia]
    Articles; Video Courses; Listening Resources; listen and learn; About Us; Search. Related ABC sites include English Language Learning, [You need to enter the title into the search box and click on the search to access the listing], Everyday English [Secondary], Learn a Word [Primary] and Life Chat With Learn English. ‘Life Chat with Learn English, explains common words and phrases through role-plays based on daily life situations in Australia’.
  • EYLF EAL/D - Social Communication Cue Cards [Twinkl]
    Specific area menu on the left. A mix of free and fee-paid resources listed over several pages.
  • Looking Learning : A Visual Dictionary
    ‘Born out of the sheer necessity to create a language learning tool which is “outside the square” in its formulation. The visual dictionary has a library of over 7 000 word pages plus over 9 600 suffix additions’. Fee-based.
  • Massive Open Online English Course [MOOEC]
    ‘An open online course focused on teaching the English language at all levels. Lessons are organised into established levels of proficiency and approved by a committee of professional English language practitioners’.
  • ReadingWritingHotline
    ‘Teaching-Learning Resources and Workbooks for Adult Literacy Tutors’. Resources come from multiple countries.
  • Speech Active - English Pronunciation & Fluency Training
    ‘Provides online English Pronunciation training to ESL students studying in Australia and overseas’. Fee-based, but there are some free resources on the site, including a free starter course. Previously listed as Star Pronunciation.
  • Teach Children ESL - Songs, Chants, and Action Rhymes
    Pinterest. Pins for a wide range of options. Pins for other ESL learning options as well.
  • The Book Next Door
    ‘Australian ESL materials for adults and young adults. Australian ESL resources [with instant lessons and photocopiable teacher’s guides] that can be used by teachers and volunteers as ‘extra’ support for learners’.
  • The Literacy Resource Hub - Resources [EAL]
    Multiple sections including Readers for adult learners; Grammar; Pronunciation; Learning by Theme; and Apps and other tools. Further sections are linked at the bottom of the page.
  • Urban Lyrebirds
    ‘Innovative English language resources that use song and stories to inspire learners and reinvigorate the classroom’. These 8 booklets are now listed at a different source. They are also fee-based.

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  • 50 Essential Resources for ESL Students
    Briefly annotated links grouped under topic headings such as Grammar and Usage, Vocabulary and Writing and Quizzes and Worksheets.
  • 34 experts offer their tips for English Fluency
    Short, mostly one sentence suggestions. Brief overview and information about each person involved.
  • A Collection Of Links For Learning & Teaching The English Language
    Online College Courses. ‘Many excellent resources for ELL and ESL exist online, from full-service websites to reference tools and communities, all designed to make the task of educating ELL students just a little bit easier and more effective’.
  • Activities for ESL Students
    Information, resources, quizzes involving English and a number of languages including several Asian ones. One section includes Self-Study Grammar Quizzes about places around the world. ‘Over 1 000 activities to help you study English as a Second Language’. [No longer being developed.]
  • An English Pronunciation Guide for English Language Learners
    ‘For many languages, the way that sounds are written are consistent. Once you know the system, pronouncing things correctly can be easy. That’s for most languages, but English is different. Uses one poem. This poem is broken up into 6 section. Each section has a Part A, Part B, and Part C’.
  • Basics of English Grammar
    ‘Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will not only help you create your own sentences correctly but will also make it easier to improve your communication skills in both spoken and written English’.
  • BBC - Learning English
    ‘Teaching English to global audiences since 1943, offering free audio, video and text materials to learners around the world. Many of our materials are delivered as full length courses but each component of the course is standalone and can be studied on its own’. Worth visiting.
  • Breaking News English
    ‘Free, ready-to-use EFL/ESL lesson plans on the latest breaking news - in 7 levels. New lessons uploaded every 2 days. Each lesson includes a 26-page PDF containing all skills, activities, a 2-page mini-lesson, 5-speed listening, multi-speed scrolled reading, interactive dictation, 30+ online quizzes’, more.
  • Busy Teacher
    ‘Browse our database of 17 300 free printable worksheets and lesson plans for teaching English. No matter if you teach kids or adults, beginners or advanced students - BusyTeacher will save you hours in preparation time. No registration required’.will save you hours in preparation time. No registration required.
  • Conversity - Conversations about Diversity
    ‘Conversity is a set of 48 conversation cards, designed to spark conversations about different aspects of diversity. The cards are full of photos, sealed for durability and packaged in a bright, sturdy case. It’s a learning tool that offers a way to have fascinating and sometimes challenging conversations about our differences’. New Zealand. Fee-based but reasonable.
  • Daily Grammar
    ‘Consists of 440 lessons and 88 quizzes. Lessons 1-90 cover verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Lessons 91-300 cover the parts of the sentence, such as appositives, predicate nominatives, direct objects, prepositional phrases, clauses, and verbals. Lessons 301-440 cover the mechanics of grammar, which is also known as capitalisation and punctuation’.
  • Dave’s ESL Cafe
    Resources section covers Grammar Lessons; Idioms; Lesson Plans; Phrasal Verbs; Slang; and Quizzes. The site also has forums, a Job centre and finding positions for teachers.
    ‘Teachers and students will find Printable Ebooks, Powerpoint Lessons, video slides and audio podcasts, ESL worksheets,quizzes, audiobook readers, powerpoint and more resources for teaching and studying English as a second language’.
    CHINA, in English.
    ‘Browse the resources on EAL HUB’.
  • EAL Resources
    A collection based on TES resources.
  • Early Learning HQ - EAL Resources
    ‘A collection of planning documents for teaching English as an Additional Language, all of which have been kindly submitted by an experienced early years teacher’.
  • EduFind Language Resources
    ‘This collection of free English learning resources is designed to help you study whatever aspect of conversational English is most interesting or important to you at the moment. Improving your English a little each day is the most effective way to learn English’.
  • Effortless English Blog and Video Podcast
    ‘Video and blog posts teaching everything you need to know about learning English’. Multiple courses available.
  • efl4U
    Free worksheets, collections for sale. Each indicates recommended time/age/type of activity. Check the Priceless Quotes using the link in the top menu. Fee-based but very cheap.
  • Emojis in the English Classroom
    ‘Emojis? In the classroom ? Yes ! Part of engaging students in the English language is showing them how language changes over time. How people communicate through text and direct messaging apps has driven a lot of evolution in communication. Emojis have a special place in English as a Second Language [ESL] classrooms’.
  • English Activities
    ‘Select an English topic to start. Each English topic is 10 pictures with its accompanying written text and spoken English recording’. Part of a larger English Activities for ESL learners site.

Top of Page

  • English as a New Language - Lesson Plans, New Ideas
    Briefly annotated links to a vast array of sections and topics.
  • English as a Second Language
    ‘Starting point for ESL learners who want to study English through the Web’. Separate online resources, chat rooms, bulletin boards, information about teaching English, more. Linked to the ESL Fast - A huge free online English learning resource site.
  • English, baby !
    ‘Catch the Lesson of the Day for the latest cool English lesson. Search to find thousands of other lessons on hundreds of topics, and have fun with our Vocab Quiz to study our database of over 15 000 vocabulary words’.
  • English
    ‘This site offers more than 4 000 pages of free printable resources for teaching and learning English and ESL. We also give away free English course books, podcasts and many other free resources’.
  • English Language
    Language information, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, tools, learning English, teaching English, culture, English business and more.
    SPAIN, in English.
  • English Language Learners [Edutopia]
    ‘Discover ways to optimise instruction to address the needs of students who are learning English’. Discussion points, videos, other resources, more.
  • English Marketplace
    ‘English Marketplace makes learning easy. Choose from hundreds of fresh lessons, sourced from the best and organised just for you. Best of all, it’s FREE to join and begin browsing for learning that fits your needs’. More suited to older students.
  • English Page
    ‘Free online English lessons and ESL/EFL resources’. Check the main menu for specific areas and topics.
  • Englishpath
    ‘We provide ESL books, English conversation activity worksheets, lesson activities, ideas, games, quizzes, discussion suggestions, role plays, interactive learning and lots more for English language students and teachers’. Fee-based.
  • English Tools
    ‘We have over 25 tools for learning English. Our tools are designed for English teachers and learners alike; some are also helpful for native English speakers. Our English tools range from simple tools that can alphabetise your sentences or generate word searches to worksheet creators. Most of the tools have lots of options for customisation’.
  • ESL Directory - Resources
    ‘The ESL Directory is the premier international student resources for locating English as a Second Language programs from all around the world’.
  • ESL Fast
    ‘A huge free online English learning resource’.
  • ESL Games and Apps for English Language Learners
    ‘Teaching English to children requires several different educational approaches, but there are a variety of apps and games designed to make learning English fun. It is important to choose games that are age and language-level appropriate. Listed [below] are some examples of apps and games specifically made for children’.
  • ESL Games World
    ‘This site is dedicated to helping teachers by providing fun esl games for classrooms, powerpoint game templates, printable board games, interactive games for classrooms, Games for ESL Kids, Grammar Games, Vocabulary Games, Reading Games’.
    CHINA, in English.
  • ESL Kids
    ‘Free ESL printables for teaching kids including flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and children’s song lyrics. A great resource for teachers of ESL kids’. Check their Worksheet Generator. Also check their ESL Kids Links to further resources.
    JAPAN, American Teacher.
  • ESL Lounge
    Worksheets, board games, flashcards, more. 500+ resources to choose from. Free and Fee-based sections. You should also check the Student Site site which is linked to this. They have also collated a list of Other Useful Sites you may wish to consider.
  • ESL Printables
    ‘A website where English Language teachers exchange resources : worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc.. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions’.
  • ESL Toolbox
    ‘ESL Toolbox is a resource hub for students and teachers of ESL. Find links to resources for grammar, reading, listening, vocabulary, and more. Links to various online resources have been collected and organised here in one place so that students and teachers only need to remember and use one website’. Resources appear to be free.
  • FlashAcademy - Free Resources
    ‘Download free language learning resources for your classroom’. Filter by type, topic and level.

Top of Page

  • Fun English Games for Kids
    ‘Find a wide range of free teaching resources that are perfect for students learning English, ESL classes and teachers looking for ideas online’.
  • GrammarCheck
    A blog covering a range of topics that actually go beyond just grammar. Check not only the blog section but also the infographics and the GrammarChecker. Also check the About section for details about the author and a video on how to use the program.
    THAILAND, English teacher.
  • Grammarism
    ‘Interactive multiple choice tests and fill in the blank quizzes for beginner, elementary and intermediate level English learners. Free resources ! Printable English grammar worksheets with answer keys for teachers, students, adults, ESL, TEFL and self-study. Past, present, future verb forms with simple questions and answers. Master the basics of English. Improve your speaking and writing. 127 Topics - 9 503 Tests/Worksheets - 203 510 Exercises’.
  • Grammarly
    ‘Grammarly’s powerful algorithms check for contextual spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. For each mistake the software flags, it provides explanation cards to help the writer learn grammar rules through practice and repetition’.
  • Interesting Things for ESL Students
    ‘This web site is for people studying English as a Second Language [ESL] or English as a Foreign Language [EFL]. There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer assisted language learning activities’.
    JAPAN, in English.
  • iSLCollective
    ‘An international community of more than a million ESL-EFL language teachers sharing self-made language teaching materials. Enjoy our free teaching resources whether you’re teaching English as a second language or foreign language in a school or via one-on-one tutoring. Please consider sharing the printable worksheets and powerpoints you created or type in your teaching tips and ideas for others to benefit from’.
  • English
    ‘An English vocabulary and grammar guide’. Done in topics:sub-topics.
  • Lanternfish
    Resources for ESL children. Check flashcards in particular. Extensive listing in specific topics/activities.
    KOREA/USA, in English.
  • Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day …
    An American teacher’s blog where you can ‘catch [him] talking about websites that will help you teach ELL, ESL and EFL’. Some topics are peculiar to the USA, but there are a large number that are universal. Among the sections are those listed below.
    ‘Welcome to ! - over 100 English grammar exercises with examples that focus on Australian English. We’re part of the family of websites, so you know that our content is of the highest quality. We plan on adding new exercises regularly, so make sure to bookmark us and come back often !’
  • LearnEnglish Kids
    British Council. ‘We have lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children. For parents, we have articles on supporting children in learning English, videos on using English at home and information about face-to-face courses around the world’.
  • Learn English with English4Today
    A huge range of resources from grammar to videos, vocabulary to software. More suited to older English learners.
  • Learn English with Pictures and Audio
    English words and related photographs designed to help develop vocabulary. Now has audio to enhance the other contents.
    ISRAEL, in English.
  • Learning English as a Second Language
    ‘Provides a large and growing collection of English as a Second Language [ESL] tools & resources for students, teachers, learners and academics, covering the full spectrum of ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP subject areas’. Fee-based for most material.
  • Learning English with Laughter
    Provides a full curriculum, teaching tips and a wide range of activities. Used in more than 100 countries.
  • Learning Village
    ‘EAL blended learning for learners in schools 6-14 - ‘The Village’, 11-18 ‘The Islands’’. Programs are fee-based but there are also some Free EAL resources.
  • Linguapress -Free EFL English resources for teachers & students
    ‘Resources include Graded English reading resources; Advanced and intermediate English; articles and short stories in graded and simplified English; accompanied by vocabulary notes and ideas for the classroom; Word games in English; Thematic crosswords in graded English, and other puzzles; An Online English grammar; Other pages with information for teachers and students of English as a foreign language’. Some material is fee-based.
  • Mrs Hurley’s ESL
    This opens on the Teachers Resources page. Annotated links grouped in topical areas.
    ‘Learn English online with our free lessons. Millions of EFL and ESL learners have opted for us to learn English ! We provide lessons, exercises and much more - materials and resources for teachers and learners’.
    MOROCCO, in English

Top of Page


Includes jazz chants and other musical activities.

  • One Stop English
    ‘Onestopenglish is the number one resource site for English language teachers, providing access to thousands of resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, audio, video and flashcards. Subscribe for just £18 per year [approx. $30-35 depending on exchange rate] to get unlimited access’.
  • New !  Play Your Way to Better Grammar ! Fun ESL Activities for English Class
    Crossword Solver. ‘Let’s be honest; learning English grammar might not be at the top of your English language learners [ESL] list of fun, especially if you’ve got a group of reluctant non-native speakers. Still, it’s a necessary step to get to grips with a new language and improve fluency. These teacher-approved resources spin English grammar and vocabulary on its head to engage your learners while still improving their English language skills’.
  • Project HappyChild - Free Worksheets
    Worksheets in several European languages, with English and another language side by side. Resources not linked to ESL, at the bottom.
  • Quill
    ‘Great diagnostic resources to determine what your ESL students know and do not know with regards to writing. After the diagnostic they recommend certain workshops for students based on data. It has diagnostics for all levels ’. Free. Could also be used with non ESL students.
  • Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
    Check the Listening Activities menu at the top for an extensive listing of levels, topics, areas and more. Another site from the same creator is Daily ESL : English for Everyday Living which ‘presents short conversation starters or readings you can study and then try to apply in everyday situations’.
  • Real English
    ‘Go directly to one of the 720 Exercises in Real English®. Choose a blue link to Beginner or Intermediate. It is not necessary to sign up in order to use all the videos and lessons about the videos on this site’.
    FRANCE, in English.
  • Resources and Tools for Teachers
    ‘We offer a wide range of free teacher tools and resources. Ranging from sensitive topics such as religion and holidays to professional development, our Teacher Guides and Articles will help new and current teachers tackle the art of teaching. Our Lesson Plans for Teachers are engaging and based on standards, so that teachers can easily incorporate them into an existing curriculum’. Subject and Grade Level listings.
  • TeachingEnglish
    ‘Find free classroom materials to download, from short activities to full lesson plans, for teaching kids and adults. There are also articles on aspects of teaching, and free teacher development and teacher training materials’. BBC and the British Council. Free registration recommended.
    ‘Resources and materials for ESL teachers including printables and grammar worksheets, PDF lesson plans, online quizzes editor and teacher-focused articles & resources. Also provides access to questions from students and teaching forum topics’.
  • Writing 101 - Writer
    ‘For both individual writers and teams, we’ve put together a library of resources to help you communicate better, everywhere you write’. Just on 50 individual sections on specific aspects, plus more Free resources at the bottom to help you.
  • Yo-Yee English Flashcards for Children
    ‘Our flashcards come in 3 levels : Starter, Step-up and Speaker. We recommend ordering full sets with 18 core subjects. They are also great for parents who are home schooling their children’. Fee-based, but there are some free downloads.
    A GERMAN owned company with headquarters in Hong Kong, in English.


  • English Central
    ‘Learn English while watching Plans Page provides relevant charges for each option available.
  • engVid
    ‘Free English video lessons. 311 video lessons by experienced native-speaker teachers’.
  • JenniferESL
    ‘Develop your fluency in English through oral reading’. US$1 per month for access to material. Other plans are available from her other site at English with Jennifer [Patreon] where she ‘is creating videos and opportunities for live instruction’. Multiple plans are offered.
  • Learn English in 365 Lessons
    A year’s worth of short videos. Most appropriate for those starting to learn English. Videos developed on YouTube.
  • Real English ESL Videos
    Video lessons covering a wide range of topics from informal greetings through to more complex topics. Each has a specific language purpose. ‘It is not necessary to sign up in order to use all the videos and lessons about the videos on this site’.
    FRANCE, in English.
  • Youglish
    ‘Use YouTube to improve your English pronunciation. With more than 100M tracks, Youglish gives you fast, unbiased answers about how English is spoken by real people and in context’. You can choose from Australian, UK and USA English. [You can also access 16 other languages as well.]

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