These resources are usable in multiple curriculum areas. They cover areas such as resource databases, commercial software suppliers, lesson plan databases, planners and organisers, worksheets, … . A selection of Australian-based suppliers are included.
Included are resources for people with specific home schooling requirements - Preschool, Christian, Islamic, Montessori, Special Needs, …
You can also view teaching resources on separate curriculum resource pages.
Be aware that some of the listed resources are specifically designed for teachers, while others can be used by anyone who finds them of value.
We have tried to ensure resources are free to use wherever possible.
Remember some sites are not Australian. Check carefully to be sure they conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. spelling, terminology, guidelines, … You should also be aware that some resources listed may only be available in that other country, e.g, government schemes and resources.
50 Best Australian Picture Books
‘Some are newly published, others are classics that have stood the test of time. Some are very obviously Australian with unquestionably Australian themes, settings and characters. Others are just great books by exceptional Australian authors [though I must admit a few of the authors have been adopted by Australia !]. I have sorted the titles into the following sections - 1. Popular Classics About Australian Animals; 2. Picture Books About Australian Places & Landscapes; 3. Picture Books about Australian History; 4. Books About Australian People & Lifestyles; and 5. Just Great Books By Australian Authors’. -
310 Australian Homeschooling
Actually 314 “pins” for topics from Australian Curriculum resources through to Apps in Education. You should be able to find something useful among this collection. -
438 Australian Homeschool
Resources, Ideas and Information
‘A board to save ideas for Australian Homeschool curriculum ideas, resources and information. Collection by Aussie Upper Primary Teachers’. [Teaching resources primary, History teaching resources, Australian Curriculum.] -
10 000 Top Australia Homeschool Teaching Resources
Twinkl. As the number indicates, there is a very wide choice. Use the filters on the left [Ages, Refine by language and Refine by type] to narrow your search. There is also further information under other Twinkl inclusions below. -
‘While we are no longer taking orders directly, please continue to order via the links below - thank you - we appreciate your continued support. We are working on various projects for Australian families and hope to have more links and announcements soon’. -
All-Australian Homeschooling Help [Australian Homeschooling Summit]
‘Ever wanted to go to a big homeschooling conference, but couldn’t because they just don’t exist in Australia ? Here’s the solution – the Australian Homeschooling Summit. It’s all online, so us homeschoolers can go to a homeschooling conference without leaving our couches ! Instead, we can kick back on the couch and access live homeschooling workshops and troubleshooting from some of the most well-known and highly respected people in Aussie homeschooling’. -
Always Learning Books
‘Save time and simplify homeschooling and unschooling ! Learn from experienced home educators how to write your own curriculum. It really is that easy !’. -
Aussie Home Educators
‘I have gathered together a collection of active Aussie home ed blogs; active within the past 12 months [2022] to help build community. This collection will be ongoing, please share your blog or fellow Aussie home ed bloggers’. Large range covering from Autism to Travel Schooling. -
Aussie Readers
‘My aim in writing this program is to provide quality reading instruction for home schooled children. Our at-home learning programs are broken up into weekly lessons. Four lessons include an explicit instructional video and supporting activities to develop introduced skills and the fifth lesson contains an enjoyable storybook lesson’. Fee-based but very reasonable. -
Australian Christian Home Schooling
‘Australian Christian Home Schooling [ACHS] is the oldest and largest provider of home schooling support in Australia. With over three decades of experience, we support hundreds of families across Australia and overseas. Please take the time to explore our content-rich website. And if you can’t find the information you’re seeking, please contact us. We’d be delighted to assist’. -
Australian Curriculum Lessons
‘Lesson Plans, Teaching Resources and more’. -
Australian Education Online Resources
Annotated links. These are the “Web Reviews” from the “Resources” section. -
Australian History Mysteries
for Home Schools
Primary Level ‘Inquiry Units that focus specifically on the Key Inquiry Questions in the Australian Curriculum : History and Extension Case Studies that encourage students to investigate some of the mysteries in Australian History in greater depth’. 25 Case studies and 10 extension case studies. A Demo Case Study is available from the site. Fee-based but reasonable. -
Australian History Mysteries for
Home Schools 2
Secondary Level. ‘Website containing inquiry learning case studies that are directly relevant to many aspects of Australian Curriculum : History Years 7, 9 and 10. Its current 26 case studies include a wealth of video, print and interactive content’. You can gain a free, short sample of each case study. Fee-based but reasonable. -
Australian Homeschool
Curriculum Student [and Parent Toolkit]
Education Perfect. ‘Access our extensive curriculum-aligned library of resources. Create custom lessons catered to homeschool learners of all abilities. Support learner understanding of core learning outcomes for all year levels of your chosen Australian Homeschool Curriculum. Assist learners with their understanding and acquisition of key skills and concepts. Track and report learner progress over time’. -
Australian Homeschooling
‘Looking for an Australian homeschooling group, network or support group ? You might find links to groups you can contact on this page. Otherwise, read the section below on How to FIND Your Homeschool Group. [An Australian Home Education group is also known as a homeschooling group]’. -
Design Your Homeschool - Shaping Individuals
‘You can find Homeschooling Australia suppliers here’. -
Educational Aids School Supplies Online [Australia]
‘Educational aids and school supplies’. Covers all curriculum areas. Fee-based materials. -
Educational Resources for Schools [SBS Learn]
‘SBS Learn is the educational arm of the wider SBS Outreach initiative, focusing on creating quality materials for teachers aligned to the Australian curriculum’. Select by Subject and/or Year, Popular Resources, Latest Resources and Best of Resources. -
Euka Future Learning
‘After 7 years as Complete Education Australia, we’re excited to unveil our new identity as Euka Future Learning’. Major sections include : Why Homeschool; Resource Centre [includes resources and FAQs]; Our Curriculum; Latest Resources, Tools and Advice; and more. -
For Families - Digital Technologies Hub
‘Find out more about Digital Technologies to help your child learn to code and create using digital technologies and discover relevant careers’. Includes Student resources, For Parents and carers and Ideas to get started. - New !
Free Resources - HEA
‘The HEA endeavours to keep this curated list up to date. If you have resources you think should be on the list, or see any broken links, please email the Subscriptions Team. Enjoy !’ -
Fun, Fitness & Learning
‘Fun, Fitness and Learning offers games, activities and resources for children between the ages of 7 and 16. There are books to buy, free games to download and free activities each week’. Tutoring is also available in Hobart, Tasmania. -
Home Education Association
State Information, including applying to home educate your child[ren]; Educational Discounts [includes free and additional resources]; Events and webinar information; Articles; and more. Now 20 years old. -
Home Education Bundles [Teacher
Each bundle links to a Year level from Foundation to Year 6. Each provides a package of materials. Fee-based. -
‘HomeLearn provides an integrated program that helps your child ‘Cover the Core’ curriculum with ‘Room to Explore’ their interests and all matched to their reading level. Overview; Levels; Subjects; Topics in Sequence; Program; FAQ; Blog’. -
Homeschool Curriculum
Cluey Learning. ‘This article offers everything you need in order to familiarise yourself with the Australian National Curriculum and state variations. It also suggests ways you can incorporate these into your homeschooling plans’. You can also access Cluey homeschooling programs. These are fee-based. -
Homeschool in a Box
‘A complete program inclusive of all learning materials, easy to follow educator guides, readers and novels, already printed and collaborated worksheets, science materials, art supplies all in alliance to the Australian Curriculum but taught your way at your pace. Homeschool in a box can [also] assist with preparing your application for your state’s home education unit and reporting periods’. Fee-based. -
Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide
[Updated for 2022]. ‘This guide covers homeschool registration in Australia, homeschooling facts and figures, socialisation and homeschool support groups and answers all the questions you need to know to help you get started homeschooling in Australia. There’s a lot of helpful information here, so I’ve also put it in a PDF ebook that you can download, print and refer back to’. -
Home Schooling Supplies [Australia]
Victorian supplier [with contact details for other states] who has home schooled her own children. ‘Our supplies are a collection of high quality, attractive, Australian books that are self-instructional, if used in the right order, and contain answers. We provide the core subjects of Phonics, Maths, English, Spelling, Society and Environment [HSIE] and Science. We also have a variety of Art, Craft, various electives and literacy for all levels’.
Homeschooling Support
and Resources
‘State-specific information links covering Government Requirements; Registration details; Support networks; FAQs; More details’. -
How to Homeschool 101
‘My Homeschool is run by real life home schoolers who have already successfully homeschooled their own children from Kindy through to university entry. We understand the Australian curriculum and we understand homeschooling. Providing homeschool friendly resources from Kindy to Year 10 is our thing. Lightening your planning and paperwork burden is our passion’. Free trial available. The Australian Homeschooling Programs by Curriculum page provides both information and costs. -
Learning Potential
Australian Government App. ‘Learning Potential provides parents with helpful information and tips on things they can do at home, to build on the education their child receives in school’. Covers all learning areas. -
Little People’s Literacy
Australian Literacy Educators Association. ‘ALEA has developed a series of modules to support parents and carers with activities that can be shared with children. The activities have been designed with an emphasis on learning through collaborative play and shared discovery. Click on each module [below] to access and download the module content’. -
Maths Australia - The BEST Homeschool
Curriculums on the Market
‘We’ve put together a list to share some of our favourite materials, programs that have been tried and tested to work. We know from experience that it can be hard to know what to choose and where to start. So these recommendations are here to support and hopefully inspire you whether you’re new to this, or you’re needing a clean slate and a fresh start’. -
‘Online Learning Management Tool based on the Australian National Mathematics Curriculum for Years 5 to Year 10. It provides a comprehensive mathematical problem solving tutorial available to all students and a fun game to develop fluency with number skills’. Fee-based. -
Must Watch
TED Talks for Homeschoolers
‘TED Talks for Homeschooling High School- a gathering of creative and mathematical TED talks for inspired homeschooling discussions’. -
My Careers
If you are looking to decide what career path you want to follow, then this site has a process designed to help individuals. Some young people may have it all worked out. Others may know what they want but are not sure how to go about achieving it. Others may not be sure about either aspect. If you are not in the first category, then this site could prove very helpful. Their ‘platform guides you through interactive career exploration’ which is designed to help you achieve your goal. Why not see whether you and your family think it could help you ? -
My Homeschool
‘My Homeschool is run by real life home schoolers who have already successfully homeschooled their own children from Kindy through to university entry. We understand the Australian curriculum and we understand homeschooling. Providing homeschool friendly resources from Kindy to Year 10 is our thing. Lightening your planning and paperwork burden is our passion’. Free trial available.
These few examples are Australian. There are a much larger number in the Planners and Organisers section of the International listing below.
Homeschool Planners [Etsy]
Extensive listing of planners, all listed with AU$ prices. Previously listed as an international link. Also supplies in the UK, Canada and Germany. - Updated !
Simply Homeschool Yearly Planner
‘The Simply Homeschool Yearly Planner is a beautiful practical planner to help you organise your homeschool year, term, week and day. The Simply Homeschool Yearly planner contains, stickers to create your own tabs, 2022 and 2023 reference calendars, a 2022 monthly planner and 52 weekly pages so it is as flexible as your homeschool life’. Fee-based, but reasonable.
Precision Academics©
‘Offers the world’s largest independent collection of resources to support students who have special learning needs. We have nearly 20 000 pages of resources, organised into easy to understand Workbooks. You can choose the exact programs you need, specially matched to your child or young adult’s individual strengths, challenges, interests and age’. Costs are within the scope of families [and schools] and you can also download some free samples from the site. -
‘We have links to a variety of resources which cover one or more subject areas, and many are free/low cost. HEN also has Pinterest boards for many topic areas with links to learning resources such as websites, games and hands-on activities at https://www.pinterest.com.au/HomeEducationNetworkAustralia. We also share resource suggestions every week in our Facebook group HEN Vic’. -
Resources and Activities
Extensive, quality information available from the Australian War Memorial. Check the menu on the left for specific resources. -
Simply Homeschool
‘Simply Homeschool is a smorgasbord of lessons and programs. We’ve done all of the planning for you. We support you to choose what you do and in what order. We’ve linked all programs to the Syllabus so you know you have everything covered’. Simply Homeschool Maths For Your Family is one example of what they offer. Fee-based. -
Skwirk [Home Educator]
‘Skwirk helps busy home educators cover the Australian curriculum whilst fostering independent learning and recording student progress. Skwirk is easy to navigate through subject, topic and chapter and can be used as an integrated program for six key subject areas or as a springboard for further discussion and revision’ Choose a price plan that suits you … . [See this at the bottom of the above page.] -
Steiner Education
Australia - Home Schooling Curriculum Request
Perhaps not something normally linked to Steiner Education. However, you can subscribe to a class curriculum for individual levels from Kindergarten to Years 9 & 10. Fee-based but worthwhile if you are interested in the Steiner process. - Updated !
Teacher Superstore - Home Education
Bundle - Australian Curriculum : Year 1 Educational Resources and Supplies
‘This Home Education Bundle - Australian Curriculum : Year 1, offers a starting point for educating students at home’. Links to other levels are listed on the right [Primary levels]. -
Teaching Treasures
Material and activities that can be used for regular as well as gifted and talented students. Done in subject areas. -
That Homeschool Life
‘Ideas; Encouragement; Resources; Stories; Tools; Coaching; Neurodivergence; E-Course; Membership;’ and more. Join up to access a wealth of material. You should also check Australian Homeschool Resources by the same creators. -
The Best Online Resources for Australian Kids
Learning from Home
‘Here are a collection of 50+ online resources to use in homeschooling. We’ve attempted to curate the best resources we could. You will notice that many of the websites are Australian as we wanted to include quality links that align with the Australian curriculum’. -
The Educating Parent
‘We hope you enjoy the articles and activities and find the links and recommended resources useful’. Vast collection from Beverley Paine. THE site to visit for information and resources. -
The Educational Warehouse
Teaching, Homeschooling, School. ‘The Educational Warehouse specialises in resources for primary and secondary grades for classrooms and the homeschooling environment. We carry a range of new and second-hand resources on a wide variety of subjects that we continue to keep adding to each day. With our used resources we don’t sell anything that we would not use ourselves’. -
The Ultimate Guide to the
best Australian Picture Books
Introduction, First 5 Forever, then Our Favourite Australian Picture Books. Classics as well as recent additions. -
Twinkl HomeEd
‘Regardless of where you live in Australia or your preferred style of homeschooling, Twinkl has an amazing number of resources waiting for you. Each resource has been designed in conjunction with home educators to meet the specific needs of your child, no matter what stage of their homeschooling journey they are at’. You can also download a Free Home Education Starter Pack for children 5-7 Years as an example of what is available. -
Unbound Homeschooling
‘Blog, The HASSle Free Curriculum, The HFC Bulletin, The easy Way Homeschool Planner, Resources’ and much more. -
Vocal Adrenaline Performing Arts
‘We teach singing, piano and acting with lessons catering for all ages from beginner to professional. We are also offering a Free Introductory Lesson for all new students !’ Based on the Gold Coast, this studio has been used by other Home Schoolers. Previously linked through Facebook. -
Why on Earth Homeschool ?
The case for Christian homeschooling. ‘Why on Earth Homeschool is in two parts. Part 1 is about what is wrong with school while Part 2 is about what is right with homeschooling’.
20 of the Best
Homeschooling Websites and Learning Resources
Learning Liftoff. ‘From free lessons to educational videos, experiments, games and activities, these 20 sites provide some amazing resources for any family interested in teaching kids at home. Whether you’re a full-time homeschooling family, or you just want to supplement your child’s education, there’s something on this list for everyone’.
USA. -
26 Free Basic Drawing Lessons - Drawing for
‘These drawing exercises to download include all the fundamental step-by-step sketching tips you need to get started. You can download these lessons right now and embark on a whole new journey of artistry’.
USA. -
50 Great Online Tools for Homeschool
Kids in 2022
‘Best Kid Stuff has listed 50 free homeschool tools that can be useful for parents. Some are educational games, some are web publications, some are videos; educational, free homeschool apps and audiobooks are there too. They’re all free and they’re all backed by reputable, trusted publishers and content creators’.
USA. -
56 Free Homeschool Reading Resources
‘The free reading resources I’ve listed range from teaching phonics, reading and reading comprehension for all ages. So, even if you have older kids, there are still valuable websites here to check out’. She also has similar links for 56 Free Homeschool Maths Resources; 56 Free Homeschool Science Resources; 56 Free Homeschool Social Studies Resources - History, Geography and More and 56 Free Language Arts Resources for Homeschoolers.
USA. -
100+ Free Homeschool Curriculum Resources
‘Our list includes over 100 resources for free lesson plans, complete curriculum resources to use for lesson plans. This encompasses preschool, elementary, middle school and high school needs. There are some sites listed with complete curriculums and others that specialise in specific curriculum and subjects’.
USA. -
120 Digital Resources for Home-Schooling :
Special Education, Social and Emotional Learning and More
‘This comprehensive list of resources covers everything from adaptive technology to the basics of reading and maths. It even includes suggestions for field trips and physical education. We hope you find this list useful and encourage you to share it with your networks !’
USA. -
2021 Top 100 Educational
Website Awards
‘Many of these resources you may have already been acquainted with, however, some of them are rising stars in the homeschooling world’. Select a Resource category from the menu on the home page.
USA. -
Christian Families Homeschooling Special Needs Children
NATHHAN. ‘What families are using for … ; Resources by Subject; Free downloads for Homeschoolers; Homeschool magazines and websites’. Be sure to check the Links to other web sites.
USA. -
Explore Free Homeschooling Resources [A2Z
‘Are you looking for free online homeschool resources to help your homeschooling budget ? Then this is the section for you! We have scoured the internet to round up free websites, videos, games, printables, field trips, and much more to help make homeschooling easier, cheaper and fun for you and your children’.
USA. -
Free Educational Podcasts
Homeschooling-ideas. ‘Educational podcasts are a wonderful way of homeschooling for free. As well as podcasts, I have included some other MP3 type resources’. Select items using the menu on the left as well as the highlighted items.
UK. -
Free Homeschool Resources
‘Curriculum, printables, unit studies, sites – resources that help families homeschool for free and frugal. Collection by Curriculum Choice’ and others. Pinterest Board. Now with more than 2 100 pins. -
Free Homeschool Resources 2022 : Best No Cost
Homeschooling Tips
‘Try these free homeschool programs, printable activities, curriculum worksheets and more, including free elementary [Primary] homeschool curriculum to high school curriculum and teacher resources websites for frugal homeschool’.
USA. -
Free Homeschool Resources
‘Join the Free Hub for access to our free notebooking pages and Homeschool with Notebooking Quick Start Guide’. Full access to all the material is available through a subscription process which, while in US$s, is still quite reasonable. Worth considering.
USA. -
Homeschool Central
‘Has been around for many years helping homeschoolers of all types. Whether you are just beginning or you are a pro, we have information that will make your job easier’. US-based. Some sections will not be all that relevant, others will.
USA. -
Homeschool Freebie
‘You found it ! Amazing Free Resources for your Homeschool !’ Some material may be less relevant in the Australian setting. Many items come as PDF books.
USA. -
‘Search our site for home schooling items, or browse for homeschool curriculum for your students and children. The wide-array of microscopes, toy and craft items will enhance your educational experience.’.
Homeschooling Today
A Print or a Digital subscription provides a wide range of resources and information e.g. Fresh Ideas, Teaching Tips, Ongoing Support, Digital Back Issue Archive, Seasonal Activity Guide. Cost is different but quite cheap for either format.
USA. -
Homeschool Journey
‘History Portfolios, Nature Portfolio, Unit-Study Portfolio [coming soon], Blog, Bible/Fine Art’ and more. Fee-based.
USA. -
How to Homeschool for Free
Thoughtco. ‘High-quality homeschooling resources are available online at no cost’. Includes Apps, how to code and much more in addition to ‘standard’ resources.
USA. -
Life Learning Magazine
‘A source of support and information about non-coercive, interest-led, home- and community-based, learner-directed education for all ages [also known as life learning, unschooling, natural learning, and free-range learning]. Our goal is to make our complete archive available on this website, in addition to all the newly published articles that we are adding on a regular basis’.
Mama Jenn - Helping you homeschool with ease & creativity !
‘My goal is to help you homeschool with ease and creativity by providing educational activities, crafty ideas and homeschool resources along with loads of free printables that can be used by anyone with a heart to make learning fun and engaging’.
USA. -
Online Learning Home
‘This site provides a child friendly environment for learning just about anything and everything ! Ideal for homeschooling and vacation activities’.
VIETNAM, in English. -
Online Secular Homeschool Worksheets
- Elementary [Primary] Resources
Twinkl. ‘Are you teaching your child from home ? That can be a difficult task with all the planning, organising and assessments, as well as the regular parent tasks. Let us take some of that stress away from you with these online homeschool worksheets. You can easily browse through the activities on these pages to find resource packs that include all the essentials for your homeschool lesson’.
The majority are fee-based, though often not expensive. Many originate from the US. Be careful to ensure they suit your needs. Some are for particular operating systems - PC, Mac.
- New !
9 Awesome Homeschool Planners to Choose From
‘These are nine of my favorite homeschool planners. And in the last 20+ years of homeschooling, I’ve tested quite a few! Browse through the selection and find the right planner for you’. -
Best Planners for Homeschool Moms [All Different
‘A planner is an essential tool for the homeschool mom. You can use a printable planner to organise not just school, but your whole life. There are many different homeschool planning tools out there, so let’s check out some of the best planners for homeschool moms’.
USA. -
Custom Homeschool Planners [PurpleTrail]
‘Our homeschool planner is an essential tool for any parent navigating the challenges of teaching at home. We allow you to fully customise the planner to fit your unique everyday needs, as we recognise that no two situations are the same’.
USA. -
DonnaYoung.org Printables and Resources
‘The sections are linked across the top of every page on my website. If you get lost here, just try backing up or going to the section where you think something should be. The list below [on this page] shows the sections along with a few links on some of the topics’. An extensive range of planners and forms for various processes. Fee-based but reasonable.
USA. -
Edu-Track Home School 1.46
‘The premier home school record keeping and lesson planning software. Dramatically improve the quality, accuracy, and organisation of your home school, lesson planning and record keeping’. -
FREE Homeschool Planner
Digital and Printable Versions. One large planner with smaller planners forming part of this. At no cost, this is a genuine bargain.
USA. -
Homeschool Planners
‘There are a variety of homeschool planners and organisers available online, both free and for purchase. The organisers are in several formats’. There are a number of Free Planners and Organisers to download on this page.
USA. -
Homeschool Reporting Online
Fee-based [US$20.00 per annum] but there is a Free Trial period available.
USA. -
Homeschool Tracker
‘A flexible, online tool for homeschool record keeping, planning and reporting’. Multiple pricing options available.
USA. -
The Best Homeschool Planners - Wander Homeschooling
‘What is the best homeschool planner for your family ? I’m showing off the best planners to organise your homeschool year’. Other resources [including free resources] also available from the site.
USA. -
The Ultimate FREE Homeschool Planner :
30+ Printables !
‘I understand the stress that homeschooling can generate without a clear organising system. I hope that the printables I have included here will make organising a whole lot easier for you and me’.
THE PHILIPPINES [in English]. -
The Ultimate Printable Homeschool Planner
[Teach Beside Me]
‘In this planner, you can keep track of your lesson plans, your learning goals for your kids and also your day-to-day activities. You can keep track of books you have read or want to read, plan out your field trips and keep track of online homeschool resources you are using’. There is also a wide range of other resources you might find useful and usable
Around the World Preschool
‘This is a growing list of children’s literature lesson plans and resources from around the world, along with age-appropriate activities and other ideas to go along with these stories. They are suitable for children aged 4-8. Here you will also find a collection of top quality multi-cultural and environment-friendly stories about people and places from around the world’.
FREE Learning Apps for Preschoolers
[Homeschool Giveaways]
‘Do your preschoolers want a device of their own ? Do they like “doing school” with their older siblings ? It may seem counter-intuitive to allow your little ones to use learning apps for preschoolers, but they can be useful’.
USA. -
Free Preschool Printables for Your Homeschool Preschool
‘Discover over 100 free preschool printables that you can use with your young learners. You’ll find printables that teach beginning maths and literacy skills. There are holiday-themed preschool printables. And, you’ll discover printables based on your favourite preschool picture books’.
USA. -
Homeschool Routine - Preschool
‘This is a little glimpse into what a day looks like for homeschooling our 3 year old and 1 year old. We have a pretty relaxed approach to preschool and all learning. I try to make things fun and playful for our kids and encourage learning as a part of that’. Check other links to similar resources on the right menu and in the expanded introduction.
USA. [19:50] -
My Homeschool Essentials - Preschool And Tot School At Home
‘These are my MUST HAVE, items that we use over and over again. Homeschooling can get overwhelming really quick, so having all your ducks in a row before you start helps a ton ! Most of these are worth their weight in gold’. Check links on the right for further videos by the same author.
USA. [18:25] -
Pre-K Homeschool Curriculum : Free Resources for
Ages 3-4
The FRUGAL Homeschooling Mom. ‘The following is a HUGE list of options for online freebies, DIY ideas, downloads, online games and other curriculum choices ! Mostly free, all are frugal’.
USA. -
Resources for Homeschooling Preschoolers [Mimi’s
‘When it’s time to start thinking about homeschooling your preschooler, there are some simple and easy ideas to get you going. Don’t stress about homeschool with your young children ! We have some fun and helpful resources and advice on how to get started with learning activities at home’.
USA. -
The Top Homeschool Blogs
for Preschool Resources
‘After individually searching through more than 600 websites, we found fifteen that we feel are doing an outstanding job of providing resources, information and advice to parents of young families’. They provide well-annotated links to these.
USA. -
Tip Tuesday : How to Homeschool Your Preschooler
‘For today’s Tip Tuesday I’m sharing my tips on what to teach when homeschooling your preschoolers ! In this video I share quite a few ideas’. Other related videos are available from the menu on the right and also the expanded introduction.
USA. [33:54] -
Toddlers and Preschoolers
in Homeschool
Annotated links for activities, advice and other online sources of information. Includes Activities, Advice about Homeschooling with Toddlers and Social Networks for those Homeschooling Toddlers.
USA. -
Ultimate List of Free Preschool
Curriculum Resources
‘I have done a lot of research and have created the ULTIMATE List of FREE Preschool Curriculum Resources from around the web. I also have a free preschool planning guide that you can download to help you along the way. Try can also read my post on How to Homeschool Preschool to make it all easier’.
10 Resources for Students With
Special Needs [Homeschoolology]
‘Some of the tools I found are free apps or apps that you can download and purchase for your handheld devices, phones or iPad. Also, the tools are for students with different types of needs and some of them are useful for more than one purpose, so I am just using the term Special Needs generally to describe what you will find when you visit the links on the list’.
USA. -
101 Great Resources for Homeschooling
Children with Autism
‘Apps; Articles; Blogs; Books; Curricula; Podcasts; Supplementary Resources; Support Groups; and Websites’. They also have a site with 15 Best Comprehensive Homeschool Curricula for Children with Autism 2020.
USA. -
120 Digital Resources for Home-Schooling : …
Special Education, Social and Emotional Learning and More. ‘This comprehensive list of resources covers everything from adaptive technology to the basics of reading and maths. It even includes suggestions for field trips and physical education. We hope you find this list useful and encourage you to share it with your networks’. Table of Contents provides multiple listings.
USA. -
Curriculum Resources That Address Special
Needs Learners [Homeschool.com]
‘Our experience over the years has shown that there are a handful of tried and tested curriculums that fit children with special needs. We’ve pulled together some of the highlights that we have found helpful and we hope you find it to be a great starting point’.
USA. -
Homeschooling Special Needs Children [Time4Learning]
‘If you are exploring the option of homeschooling your special needs child, the following information can help’ : Lesson Demos; links to homeschooling children with specific disabilities [8 listed at this time]; and Starting Guide. Click here to find out more.
USA. -
Homeschooling with Dyslexia - Free Dyslexia
‘I compiled this list of free dyslexia resources that I have used and appreciated. Check back often as I will be updating this page regularly’. Includes ebooks, Tips for Teaching, explanations of specific disabilities, Dyslexia screeners and more.
USA. -
Special Education Homeschool Resources
‘The purpose of this article is to get you acquainted with various homeschooling styles, to help you find special education homeschool resources specific to your child’s special needs and to introduce you to some veteran homeschooling mums via their blogs’. Multiple sections cover different aspects. One example is Special Education Homeschool Resources ADHD - Special Ed Resource.
USA. -
Special-Needs Homeschooling Resources
‘Homeschooling with Special Needs; Articles on Special Needs; Links [annotated]; Children with Hearing Difficulties [links] and more’.
USA. -
Special Needs Resources : How-to Guide for Homeschooling
‘Homeschooling any student comes with its own set of challenges and special needs students are no exception. However, homeschooling can benefit a special needs student like nothing else can. Parents can easily schedule the school day around any necessary doctor appointments or therapy visits and, more importantly, make sure the students learn in a style that works for them’. Multiple articles, Resources for Planning, IEP [Individual Education Plan] Information, Choosing Curriculum, Special Needs Tips and more.
USA. -
SPED Homeschool - Specialised Education at Home for Struggling Learners
‘Providing resources, training, tools and encouragement that empower families to home educate students with unique learning needs’. Their Homeschool Resources includes not only general but also specialised resources. You should also check their 110 Getting Started Homeschooling ideas [special educational needs] page. It has ‘115 Pins for helping families get started in homeschooling their child with special educational needs’.
‘Online spelling program that makes practising for spelling tests fun. Over 30 000 words, including plurals, contractions, past and future tenses’. Free and fee-based memberships. They also have an app available for multiple systems.
USA. -
Starfall ‘has expanded to include Language Arts and Mathematics for Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grade. Starfall’s emphasis on phonemic awareness, systematic sequential phonics and common sight words in conjunction with audiovisual interactivity has proven effective in teaching emergent readers. Our low-cost membership program expands the free content to include animated songs, mathematics and reading activities spanning K-3’.
USA. -
TED-Ed - Lessons Worth Sharing
‘Browse hundreds of TED-Ed Animations and TED Talks designed to spark your child’s curiosity. You’ll also find thousands of other video-based lessons organised by age-level and subject. Create lessons around any TED-Ed Animation, TED talk or YouTube video. You can search for and select a video, then add interactive questions, discussion topics and more. You can easily share the lessons and track the results. Enter your email to have a handful of engaging lesson plans, organised by age group that span all subjects, delivered to your inbox every day’. Well worth visiting !
The Best
Homeschooling Resources Online
‘Whether you’ve made the decision to homeschool or you’re still considering the option, here are resources to offer help and guidance’. Several sections.
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The Home School Mom
‘Whether you are considering homeschooling, are just exploring the idea, or have made the decision to start, we can help. From our newsletter to the wide range of resources on our website, we are your comprehensive homeschooling resource’.
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The Homeschool Resource
Free Homeschool Resources for Every Age And Every Subject. ‘I’ve rounded up the best free homeschool resources from apps and whatever the internet has to offer. Plus, I’ve categorised, labelled, and packaged them up for you. Yes, all of the following resources are totally free. 100% zero money’. -
Tips for Homeschooling Maths
‘Home-school maths can involve many different opportunities for learning. Playing maths games and talking about maths concepts during everyday activities are just two examples of ways to help elementary and middle-school students develop strong maths skills ’.
Web Page Sites for Montessori Students
‘These are sites that I have found for my students. A short review of each site is included’. Primarily in the Science and History areas. -
Where to find
Free Printable Homeschool Curriculum
Annotated links to a range of these. The introduction is interesting and the author is clear that while free material may not always be what you want, there is plenty out there to choose from.
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Your Complete Guide to Secular Homeschool
‘You have options - a lot more than you think. Now they’re all in one place. Everything you need to make informed decisions and find the best fit for your family. We’ve updated the guide with dozens of new resources including a brand new section all about app-based learning ! You’ll find educational apps for all ages from preschool to high school’. This is the 2021 update of this information.