Resources are provided for all areas of English language learning from grammar to writing, spoken language to spelling and covering all levels. They should be matched with resources found for example, on individual pages such as Poetry and ESL Resources.

Be aware that some of the listed resources are specifically designed for teachers, while others can be used by anyone who finds them of value.

We have tried to ensure resources are free to use wherever possible.

Remember some sites are not Australian. Check carefully to be sure they conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. spelling, terminology, guidelines, grammar, … .





  • Australian Curriculum - English Teacher Resources
    ‘R.I.C Publications. With English being a core part of students’ education, it is important that high-quality, reliable English educational resources are available. We have a number of series written directly for the Australian Curriculum strands of English Language, Literature and Literacy. There are also a wide variety of teacher resources, blackline masters and student workbooks that cover specific aspects of the English language’. Fee-based.
  • Australian Curriculum English Resources Years 7–10
    ‘WordFlyers is the result of three years of research and development. The online literacy program is specifically built to address the Language and Literacy strands of the Australian Curriculum for Years 7–10’.
  • Australian Curriculum Lessons - English Lessons
    Headed Digital Downloads. Nine pages of links [image, descriptor, year level]. Use the Latest button for ways of viewing the resources.
  • Australian Curriculum SA Teachers & Leaders Resource - English
    Resources directed to teachers. Many have video presentations, some discussions, some audio. They all look at the process of working with the curriculum to achieve the best possible results. Check similar usage with other subjects and further Resources using the menu link.
  • Australian English Curriculum Resources - Scootle
    ‘Scootle resources are currently aligned with the Australian Curriculum: English. Use the filters below to refine the curriculum results shown by year level, strand, general capability or cross curriculum priority’.
  • Cool Australia - English Resources
    ‘Teachers, educators and parents of any learning level can access our full library of free resources by simply signing up via our registration page. No payments, no strings attached. Our resources are created by teachers for teachers. They are curriculum aligned, easily adapted and create positive change through action-based education’. 664 options in the English section at the time of the latest update.
  • Curriculum Resources [Australians Together]
    ‘Comprehensive lesson and unit plans to help you teach the Australian Curriculum and meet the cross-curriculum priorities’. Select resources from the level listings at the bottom of the page. Covers other subjects as well.
  • English Australian Curriculum Worksheets and Teaching Resources [TpT]
    Increased to 5 280 options at time of latest update. Multiple filters on the left to narrow your search. This includes a cost filter.
  • English Educational Resources [Teacher Superstore]
    ‘Australian Curriculum English teacher resources and student workbooks to help you meet curriculum requirements’. Use the filters on the left or the top to refine your choice from the 3 204 resources [at time of latest update].
  • English for the Australian Curriculum
    ‘This resource was a national initiative to support the teaching and learning of English and literacy from Foundation to Year 10, produced in partnership with Education Services Australia and others’. Also check the Supporting resources page for further help. Note that updated Secondary units have moved to AATE Digital.
  • English - Sample Units
    Select English [K-10] from the subject listing. You can also access Sample Scope and Sequence resources, Sample Work options and a Program Builder from the menu on the left.
  • English Work Samples Portfolios [The Australian Curriculum]
    Listed by year level showing Above satisfactory, Satisfactory and Below Satisfactory levels.
  • F-2 English Resources for the Australian Curriculum [Twinkl]
    This opens to the F-2 resource collection. You can also access other levels. Check the menu on the left for specific aspects, e.g. Interactive Games, Language, Literacy, Literature, … .
  • FUSE - English
    ‘Start exploring resources aligned to the Victorian Curriculum. Find Content Codes in the the More Details section of each resource. This area is being progressively updated’. 248 resources at time of last update. Dept. of Education and Training, Victoria.
  • National Literacy [and Numeracy] Learning Progressions
    ‘Successful teaching and learning to address student needs in relation to literacy [and numeracy] requires the teacher to have an understanding of where the student is now and where the student needs to go next in their literacy [and numeracy] development’. Now includes a separate section with Updated Literacy and Numeracy Progressions.
  • Reading Australia
    ‘Our curriculum-mapped units of work are written for teachers, by teachers, to help you introduce local titles into your classroom. We have 108 primary and 152 secondary resources at the time of update for a vast range of books, from Australian classics to modern award-winners’. One major criteria is to meet the needs of the Australian Curriculum.
  • Skwirk - Online Education
    ‘We know you need more than boring text to learn - so we’ve created animations, videos, games, activities and more to help you develop your understanding, complete assignments and revise for assessments, across English’ and several other subjects. Free trial then a subscription to continue using the system.


  • Free Resources [HEA Australia]
    A small, free collection compiled by the Home Education Association which covers a number of subject and topic areas including the English language.
  • Fun and Educational Websites for Kids
    Listed by a Queensland school. Annotated links to sites for Literacy, also other subject areas. Levels and specific aspects of language are provided.
  • Literacy and English
    DET, Victoria. ‘Practical advice and high impact teaching practices that improve outcomes in reading, writing, speaking and listening’. The home page also groups them in school levels, as well as a Guide to the Literacy Learning Toolkit split into three school levels. Note that navigation of these resources is currently being further developed and may change from the current procedure.
  • Literacy and English Teaching Resources
    ‘Teaching materials, support and professional development to help you improve literacy outcomes in the classroom. Literacy Teaching Toolkit; Leading Literacy and Numeracy improvement; Designing Foundation to Year 2 literacy lessons; Teaching Resources; Assessment; For Koorie students; Get parents involved with literacy; Professional Development; Literacy and Numeracy strategy; Literacy Portal; English as an additional language [EAL]; Learning difficulties; and Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy support initiative’.
  • Literacy Teaching Toolkit
    ‘Practical advice and high impact teaching practices that improve outcomes in reading, writing plus speaking and listening’. Note that navigation of these resources is currently being further developed and may change from the current procedure.
  • P-10 English Australian Curriculum and Resources
    QCAA. ‘Select a year level to proceed to curriculum, assessment and reporting resources’.


  • Learning Potential Resources
    Australian Government. ‘You want to help your child develop their literacy and numeracy skills, but working out how can be tricky. How do you find activities that reinforce and build on the concepts and skills your child will encounter in the classroom ? The answer : this website’. Covers the following : Babies, Toddlers, Preschool, Primary School, Secondary School, more. Language areas include Communication and Literacy with some items in other areas.
  • Literacy Teaching Strategies
    AITSL. ‘A teacher leads a meeting of Year 2 teachers in planning explicit literacy teaching strategies to meet the needs of students from diverse language backgrounds. She models a lesson for teachers with a Year 2 class demonstrating ‘Making Connections’ to develop students’ comprehension skills prior to reading and writing a text, by making connections to their world knowledge’. Video presentation [4:01]. Check other videos in this area on the right edge of the screen.
  • NSW Centre for Effective Reading
    ‘The resources below cover assessment processes and teaching strategies that support all students, especially those with reading difficulties’.



  • ABC Education Learn English
    ‘ABC Learn English is a free service by Australia’s public broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]. it is designed to help people learning English as an additional language. On our site you will find articles, video and audio content that will make learning English fun and engaging. We have a large and active learning community on Facebook and you can also watch our videos on YouTube’ plus much more.
  • ABC Kids - Early Education - Language
    ‘Language and literacy development begins right from the start ! Storytelling, listening, talking, viewing, reading, writing, along with a range of other modes of communication including drama and the arts. This collection will spark a love of language and communication in its many forms’. A range of videos is available.
  • ABC Reading Eggs
    ‘ABC Reading Eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivates children to keep exploring and learning’. You should also check their large range of apps, Android and iPad, as detailed on their Educational Apps for Kids page [not all are for the language sector]. Free trial available to parents and teachers.
  • ABC TV Education - English
    This opens to the Primary school section, while you can access a range of resources for Secondary schools here. Video presentations are included in both sections..
  • Primary English : ABC iview
    You can also access similar material for Secondary Students here.
  • Australian Teacher – English
    This is the English resources page with several downloads. You can also access possible resources from several of the other pages.
  • ClickView - English Teaching Resources for Primary Schools
    ‘Use video to create ‘aha’ moments in your primary English lessons. Video content is useful for teaching many components of English, including grammar and sentence structure. Our collection of primary English videos is constantly evolving in response to your feedback’. Free trial, then you need to subscribe.
  • ClickView - Secondary School English Teaching Resources
    ‘Bring the study of English to life for your students. ClickView offers a huge range of educational videos for use in the secondary English classroom. We regularly produce high-quality, curriculum-aligned videos and add these to the collection. The best free-to-air content is also available ad-free to complement learning and teaching in your classroom’. Free trial, then you need to subscribe.
  • English - Australian Curriculum Teaching Resources [Teach Starter]
    ‘2 390 teaching resources [at time of latest update] that will make your classroom buzz’. Yearly subscriptions can provide two different levels of access to the resources. There is also a second page titled English Teaching Resources [Teach Starter] which may prove useful.
  • Hardie Grant - Children’s Publishing
    ‘We excel at making books that capture imaginations and encourage reluctant readers. We are the largest Australian owned children’s publisher and pride ourselves on publishing first and foremost for kids’. This is the Australian site.
  • Keep Kids Reading
    ‘Very useful for worksheets. They have a particularly good CVC section. Aussie spellings, too !’ Much of the material is free.
  • Kidz Book Hub
    ‘Publishes well known author educators and aims to provide high quality literacy learning materials for teachers, parents and students at the early childhood level and at the beginning reading level in primary schools’. Be sure to check the Teachers’ Guide for further resources. Free trial, then you need to subscribe to continue.
  • Kookaburra Educational Resources - English
    Primary school level resources are on this page. 256 resources [at time of latest update] To access secondary resources in this subject are you need to go to their Secondary English page, where there are 183 [at time of latest update] resources. Fee-based.
  • Updated !  Language and Literacy in Young People
    These resources mostly come from research work at Curtin University. They provide both interesting and unusual resources to help specific groups of children with special needs. Free to download.

Top of Page

  • Lesson Zone AU - English
    Choose Learning AreasEnglish — then select the specific topic from the options in the Reading, Writing and Listening/Speaking sectors, or use the menu on the left. Requires a subscription to access either individually or from a school.
  • Literacy Ideas
    ‘The purpose of is to provide teachers and students with a collection of guides, resources and tools to improve literacy levels for all ages and ability levels. Writing guides for all text types, Writing Skills, Reading Skills and Language Skills’. Some sections have additional links to resources in that area.
  • LiteracyPlanet
    ‘LiteracyPlanet gives educators the tools to create personalised learning pathways that scaffold the literacy skills of every student, no matter their age or ability. With access to your personal reporting dashboard, you have the ability to easily track student progress, use real-time data to differentiate instruction and ensure continuous progress in reading and writing development’. Free trial then fee-based.
  • Literacy Shed +
    The “Literacy Shed” component is completely free [see Resources menu item]. You can also access the different by scrolling down the page and clicking on the boxes. If you wish to access the comprehensive unit plans then there is a subscription charge.
  • Literacy Solutions
    ‘Resources to Support the Teaching of Reading and Writing. We offer cost-effective strategies and products that deliver measurable results’. Check the Resource Index links on the right hand side of the page.
  • Modern Teaching Blog - All Time Favourite Literacy Resources
    ‘Developing literacy skills in young students is extremely important in the early years and a large proportion of the school day is spent teaching these skills. In this blog, I have compiled a list of my ALL TIME favourite literacy resources that I use regularly in my classroom and explain the different ways they can be used’.
  • Pearson Primary Products
    529 products [in the two nominated areas at time of latest update], each clearly described. Fee-based. You can use the filters on the left to narrow your search to areas covering English and Languages & Literacy Click “Show more +”.
  • Pearson Secondary Products
    529 products [in the two nominated areas at time of latest update], each clearly described. Fee-based. You can use the filters on the left to narrow your search to areas covering English and Languages & Literacy Click “Show more +”.
  • Plain English Foundation
    Free writing tools. ‘We've created these tools to help you write clear, compelling and concise communications. Keep your writing skills sharp with our tips, and quizzes’.
  • Primary English Resources [Tes]
    ‘Tes resources has a huge range of teaching ideas and activities for use in primary English lessons. Breathe new life into your English lesson plans for Years 1 to 6 with our unrivalled range of resources, materials and ideas, including Reading and writing worksheets, Phonics flashcards, Guided reading activities and Handwriting worksheets’. Free and fee-based, the last being quite affordable.
  • Primary School Literacy Resources - PLD [Promoting Literacy Development]
    ‘PLD provides an Australian, evidence-based approach to structured synthetic phonics [SSP] for primary school educators. Aligned with the Science of Reading, PLD’s SSP approach extends from the junior primary through to upper primary years and thereby facilitates a whole school approach’. The About PLD Literacy page gives further detail. Fee-based.
    ‘The CleverOnline Printable Worksheet Generator. Create literacy, language, ESL, vocabulary and grammar printables in seconds’. There are also video tutorials for those who want to view them. Multiple options. Free and Fee-based subscriptions.
  • Resources for Teaching English
    Resources for Teaching Australia. ‘Browse through our wonderful range of English resources for primary school teachers below. We have a wide variety of worksheets and activities for teaching English in an engaging and effective way ! 87 items at time of latest update. Fee-based but quite reasonable’. Use menu on the left to access these resources.
  • Search Tes Resources
    Stated to have 3 173 items at time of latest update. Use the filters on the left to narrow your search - Years, Subjects, School System, Curriculum, Awarding body, Featured, Resource Types, File Types and English components. Fee-based but very reasonable.
  • Secondary English Teaching Resources [Tes]
    ‘English Activities for Years 7 to 12. From Year 7 to Year 12 you’ll find English lesson plans, teaching ideas, PowerPoint presentations and classroom resources covering the entire English curriculum’. Popular topics can be accessed using the buttons below the search box. Fee-based but quite reasonable.


  • Apps – Decodable Readers Australia
    ‘Our apps have multiple functions, allowing your child to read independently, to be read to and the ability to tap words to hear each sound. Each of our phonics apps contain the entire level collection, meaning when you purchase the app, you will have access to all 20 books from that level on your device. Your child will then be able to read their favourite books at home or on the go’. Fee-based.
  • Educational apps to help with literacy development [Source Kids]
    ‘We’ve done some research and have listed some of the apps that consistently get recommended as being great for helping children with special needs develop essential skills in print awareness, spelling, vocabulary, phonics and writing’. Prices range from free up and availability for different systems is indicated. You can also check related information on Fun apps for speech and language development.
  • Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy on the App Store
    Apple. Not Free. ‘The immensely popular Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy is now available as an interactive QBook with wonderful narration by David Tennant [Doctor Who]. It also has video narration in 3 sign languages’ including Auslan.
  • Oz Phonics
    ‘Oz Phonics is an iPad-based reading system that caters for beginning readers and students from non-English speaking backgrounds. In addition to iPad apps, we provide free printable worksheets and firmly believe that interest and help from a teacher or parent, are what makes a good educational app great’. Fee-based.
  • Phonics Alive !
    ‘The Phonics Alive ! family is a unique concept in structured Phonics education designed for use in the classroom and at home’. Fee-based but a reasonable price. No longer seems to be widely available.
  • PM eCollection eReader
    ‘The PM eCollection eReader app allows teachers and students to use PM eBooks for independent and guided reading. Watch the video to learn more about the PM eCollection. Watch the video to learn more about the PM eCollection or tap continue to go to the bookshelf now’. You can sample the collection. Fee-based to get full access.
  • Reading Comprehension - Autism Apps
    Check the What we think section on the page for the FAQs which provide really clear information.
  • Reading Doctor®
    ‘An evidence-based program designed to improve phonemic awareness and phonics skills. Suitable for K-3 students and older students with reading difficulties’. Available online and via apps. Fee-based.
  • The Ultimate List of Reading and Literacy Apps for Children
    ‘The best apps are structured in a way that children are motivated to play, but also learn at the same time, often without even realising they are doing so. Educational apps and games are developed with children in mind and are a far cry from traditional homework or the spelling or mathematics flash card games of days gone by’. The Scots College. Strong for younger students.
  • Top Early Literacy Apps 2020 [Spelfabet]
    Here are some ‘of my favourite early phonemic awareness and phonics iPad apps for young children. There is a video showing them being used. In addition, there is a second listing of other early literacy iPad apps [IMHO] worth considering for young children’. There is also a short listing of Beginners’ decodable books which allow children to practice phonics skills.
  • Story Box Library
    ‘An online, education resource that has a growing library of Australian children’s books read to camera by well-known Australian identities, e.g. musicians, sport people, comedians, authors, actors etc.’. Fee-based, but very affordable for both families and schools.
  • The Sound Way to Spelling, Writing and Reading
    ‘The Sound Way is an online, Direct Instruction, Face-To-Face, Phonic Based literacy program that provides students of every age with a clear, tangible and full understanding of how the English language works … this enables participants to become independent learners !’. Fee-based. It may be considered expensive.
  • Twinkl - Prep/Kindergarten Writing Worksheets [Foundation Resources]
    ‘Take a look at this lovely selection of teacher-made resources to help guide your foundation-stage children through their journey of learning to write. These Prep and Kindergarten writing worksheets, activities and games are a great way of introducing various areas of writing to your children, helping them to become writing masters in no time at all’.

Top of Page




  • ABC Printables
    ‘We have a huge collection of ABC preschool printables to allow pre-k, toddler and kindergarten age children practice in a variety of ways. Alphabet worksheets, cute alphabet puzzles, plus alphabet matching, free letter tracing, cute letter recognition activities and alphabet mats. Simply print the free pages in the pdf files to make learning fun with over 1 000 choices’.
  • Alphabet/Prewriting on Pinterest
    835 pins [at time of latest update] for information and ideas.
  • Alphabet Worksheets
    In addition to the wide range of alphabet worksheets, there is also an extensive series of other aids for English language learning.
  • Little Owls Resources
    ‘ALL resources on this website can be downloaded for free in PDF format. Click on the resource cover images below to find out more’. You can also access their Little Owls : Premium site for a small fee. ‘Simply use the drop-downs in the top navigation bar or use our quick link menu page buttons on this page to find what you’re looking for’.
  • PreKinders Alphabet Assessment Awards
    ‘These printable alphabet assessment awards will help you determine which children know letters and also inform parents of their progress’.
  • Preschool Tracing Activities
    A downloadable tracing book to develop pre-writing skills. Subscriptions for multiple resources available at very reasonable cost. Individual items are fee-based but cheap.
  • BBC Teach
    ‘Whether you’re at home or at school, you can use BBC Teach for free. Our website is home to thousands of free curriculum-mapped videos, arranged by age-group and subject. Free primary and secondary school teaching resources’. It has a number of specific areas listed in the menu at the top of the page.
    Similar BBC resource pages can also be found at these Bitesize sites :
  • BBC Bitesize - English
    ‘English skills include speaking, listening, reading and writing. Part of “Learn and Revise”’. 17 sections cover all levels of school. [There is also an app for Bitesize]. Several examples are given below.
  • English for Adults - BBC Teach
    ‘Free videos and downloadable worksheets to help adult learners improve their reading, writing, spelling and grammar’.
  • BBC Teach - KS1 English
    Covers children from age 6-8. ‘Covers Games; Phonics; Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling; Reading and Writing [alphabet, handwriting, understanding texts]; Speaking and Listening; and Types of Texts [types of fiction and Poems]’.
  • BBC Teach - KS2 English
    ‘A phase of primary education for pupils aged 7 to 11. By Year; Games; Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling; Reading and Writing; Speaking and Listening; Types of Texts; and Links’.
  • BBC Bitesize - KS3 English
    Covers children from 11 - 14. Wide range of topics covered from Fiction Texts to Spoken English. Multiple sub-topics within each area. Links to further information.
  • English Language Arts [Edutopia]
    ‘Explore and share tips, strategies and resources for helping students develop in English language arts’. You might also check their site for Literacy where you can ‘Find and share strategies for helping students read for knowledge, write coherently and think critically about the written word’.
  • English Language Teaching Worksheets
    ‘English Worksheets for teachers and learners’. Covers Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading and Reading Comprehension. Within each section are listed multiple worksheets, puzzles, etc., for topics within each of those nominated sections.
    TURKEY, in English [English teacher].
  • English [Teaching Ideas]
    ‘Explore this section for a huge range of free resources and ideas for all of your English lessons’. [Previously listed under the title of Literacy Reading.]
  • English Worksheets Land
    Printable worksheets listed by grade level and topics [Abbreviations via Commas, Compound Words and Sentence Structure to Writing Prompts]. Aligned to the American English Language Arts Common Core Standards.
  • Free Literacy Resources [SparkleBox]
    ‘Free printables for phonics, writing, grammar, stories, rhymes and more’. Use the boxes to select the section you wish to work with. Designed for Primary level students. Other areas beside literacy are included in the top menu.
  • Get Literacy Resources
    International Literacy Association. ‘ILA’s robust body of resources supports literacy professionals and educators from every corner of the world, at every stage of their career. ILA Resource Collections, Resources by topic, Resource collections, Glossary’ and much more.
  • GiggleIT Home
    International Association of School Librarianship. ‘We invite you to enjoy the creative and informative works by students ages 8-20 collected in regional eBooks from around the world on the GiggleIT eBooks page. The GiggleIT for Educators section on the home page provides details about accessing the units. The Resources page’ offers a diverse range of resources.
  • Grammar Gorillas
    ‘Select the correct part of speech to complete the sentence. Each time you select the correct word, the Grammar Gorillas get a banana’. Suitable for Years 2 - 6. Check the bottom of the page for other activities. You can also access further resources via their Reading page. Don’t forget you can load more on several occasions.
  • J. K. Rowling &Harry Potter Teaching Lesson Plans and Activities
    Activities, ideas developed to use the phenomena to aid language and reading development and enjoyment. Covers 6 books. Other areas are provided as options - select from the menu on the left.
  • International Children’s Digital Library
    ‘The International Children’s Digital Library has thousands of free digital books online. Most are picture books. Books in more than 50 languages are available to download through apps for iPads and smartphones’. Many options to select by.
  • Language Arts and Writing Resources [Grades K-12] [TeacherVision]
    ‘The subject of Language Arts includes the alphabet, writing, vocabulary, spelling, speech, penmanship and grammar. Our most popular lessons and printables will help your students master these resources. Find alphabetising worksheets, grammar exercises, cursive handwriting practice sheets, creative writing activities, vocabulary drills, pronunciation guides and much more’.
  • Language Arts Lesson Plans and Resources
    ‘This page contains links to lesson plans and resources for teaching reading, spelling, writing, journalism, communication, debate and drama. Resources and lesson plans for Poetry Lesson Plans and Reading as well as Children’s Literature and Adolescent and Young Adult Literature have been relocated to separate sites, but are still accessible from the site index’.
  • Language Arts Worksheets [Teachers Pay Teachers]
    Filter the listing by Format, Grade level, Prices and Resource Type. Fee-based and variable, but cost appears reasonable though check which currency is used.

Top of Page

  • Literature Learning Ladders
    ‘This web project helps users make the connection between theory and practice by exploring online resources related to literacy, themes, literature circles, technology and learning. Although the project is no longer being updated, feel free to explore this online resource’. Multiple sections, each section worth visiting.
  • My Big World
    ‘My Big World nurtures your early learners’ curiosity like no other resource can. With magazines for every child, we put the world into your students’ hands. Eye-popping photos and playful text bring your seasonal themes to life. Every themed issue is paired with high-quality, multimedia teaching tools that deepen learning and help explore your seasonal themes even further’.
  • National Council of Teachers of English - Resources
    ‘Council books, journals, meetings and Web resources help provide professional support throughout the many stages of your teaching career’.
    ‘Designed to be language-based, multi-sensory, structured, sequential, cumulative, cognitive and flexible. Nessy programs are designed to help students of all abilities learn to read, write, spell and type, especially those who learn differently’. Fee-based.
  • Reading A-Z Program
    ‘Already being used in nearly half of the school districts in the U.S. and Canada and 155+ countries worldwide, discover how Reading A-Z’s affordable, easy-to-use teacher resources fill the teaching gaps left by many reading education programs’.
  • Reading and Literacy Resources
    Compiled by the Oklahoma State Department of Education in the US. Links are grouped under a series of topic headings including Teacher and Student Resources, Phonemic Awareness, Books and Stories and Adolescent Literature to name a few.
  • Updated !  Reading Rockets
    Strategies, Techniques, books, authors, articles, five streaming videos on areas related to reading and literacy. Research based. PBS, USA.
  • ReadTheWords
    ‘Web based service that assists people with written material. We do this by using Text To Speech Technology. Users can generate a clear sounding audio file from almost any written material’. Free [with some limitations] and Fee-based [but reasonable].
  • ReadToday : A Language Learning Platform
    ‘Read Today ! is an integrated learning system that includes targeted colouring books and free interactive online lessons’. Video demonstration of how the program works.
  • Read, Write, Think
    ‘Explore Resources by Collections . Collections feature curated sets of lesson plans, teaching materials and professional learning resources on topics frequently taught in classrooms’. Lessons, standards, web resources, student materials. Section for Summer Activities.
    USA. Sample pages include :
  • Collections
    ‘Collections feature curated sets of lesson plans, teaching materials and professional learning resources on topics frequently taught in classrooms’. You can also explore resources by grade from the same page.
  • Comic Creator
    ‘The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts [prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature and so on]. The tool is easy to use, made even easier with the Comic Strip Planning Sheet’.
  • Genre Study : A Collaborative Approach
    ‘Students explore literary genres by completing a series of genre studies, each spanning two to three weeks. The concept of genres is introduced through class discussion, during which students determine the main characteristics of various genres’. A complete lesson procedure is provided ranging from objectives to assessment.
  • Richard Lederer’s Verbivore
    While there are other sections, this opens on the Language Links page. Here there are links to a variety of language areas from grammar and language history to rap glossaries and oxymorons. As the author says - ‘This is not a definitive list, and it will continue to grow as I unearth more sites’.
  • Sadlier Phonics
    ‘This proven Phonics program provides explicit instruction and abundant practice for phonemic awareness, alphabetic knowledge, decoding skills, sound-symbol correspondences and manipulating and building words. You will use a variety of learning opportunities - traditional, hands-on and online and inform instruction with multiple, grade-appropriate assessment options’. Fee-based.
  • Shakespeare in Bits
    ‘Shakespeare In Bits brings William Shakespeare’s most widely studied plays to life with an immersive, digital approach. Each title is packed with features to support the study and teaching of the Bard’s works like never before. Signing up gives you instant free access to sample scenes and resources from all plays’. Pricing is available from the site.
  • SightWords
    Free Resources to Teach Your Child to Read. Dolch and Fry Sight Words, teaching sight words, printable sight words [both lists] in multiple sizes, lesson plans, games, more.
  • Sight Words [Dolch List]
    ‘Free Sight Words Games, Printables and Videos. Learning Sight Words can be a challenge. Worse, it can be boring. But there is help ! Here at you will find a treasure trove of free fun games, videos and printables’. Groups from Pre-Primer to Grade 3. Multiple activities, with audio, supportive reactions for correctness, visual cues. Activities use the Dolch words which constitute ‘approximately 50 to 70 percent of any given general, non-technical text’. App now available.


  • 15 Apps For Improved Reading Comprehension
    ‘Reading comprehension is a matter of decoding, reading speed, and critical thinking about the text, all of which can improve with tiered practice. [See 50 apps for struggling readers.] So below, in an order of general complexity, are 15 apps for improved reading comprehension, ranging from word and sentence fluency, to recall, to critical thinking skills, to reading speed’. Fee-based but variable. Teachthought.
  • CAST Universal Design for Learning Book Builder
    ‘Use this site to create, share, publish and read digital books that engage and support diverse learners according to their individual needs, interests, and skills’. You need an account, which is free. Check the Notice : box at the top.
  • Grammarly
    ‘Free Online Writing Assistant. Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly. Get suggestions from Grammarly while you write in desktop applications and sites across the web - as you move between apps, social media, documents, messages and emails’s.
  • New !  Reading and Writing Program - Night Zookeeper
    ‘Night Zookeeper is a children’s brand on a mission to make learning fantastically fun and help kids unlock their creativity. Our reading and writing program has helped over 1 million children aged 6-12 to develop their reading, writing and creative thinking skills. Discover our free printable reading and writing resources, designed for parents, teachers and homeschoolers to use with children aged 6 to 12. Visit our online shop. Browse our learning resources, activity packs, our story books and much more’.
  • One Best Thing
    Early Literacy with iPad. Personalising Learning for the Primary Classroom. Apple. Free. ‘See how one early elementary teacher creates a range of content targetting sight word recognition and early literacy skills accessible to the students via iPad’.
  • Technology Integration Resources
    While not specifically for language development, these resources may help you develop resources for use in this field whether it is audio, video, wikis and more.
  • Wordle Game [Play Unlimited Wordle]
    ‘You can now play Wordle as often as you want with our new Wordle Game. As always : You are looking for the correct five-letter word within six attempts !’ The rules of the game are clealy listed, while there are also links to 4, 6 and 7 letter versions. [I quite enjoyed checking out the game !]
  • Updated !  Songs and Games
    Go to the left of the page and scroll down to both Songs and Games. This section covers Children while there is a second section for Teenagers and a third for Adults. Use the filters across the top section to find specific topics and resources for any given level.
  • SpellingCity - Teaching Resources
    ‘VocabularySpellingCity’s Teaching Resources pages provide free lesson plan ideas, great supplemental materials and spelling resources for teachers in all subject areas and grade levels’. A Premium Membership carries a charge.

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  • Starfall
    ‘Starfall’s emphasis on phonemic awareness, systematic sequential phonics and common sight words in conjunction with audiovisual interactivity has proven effective in teaching emergent readers. Starfall activities are research-based and align with Individual and Common Core State Standards in English language arts [and mathematics]’. Fee-based subscriptions but reasonable.
  • Startwrite
    ‘Startwrite, the Handwriting Worksheet Wizard will help teachers, homeschoolers and parents create handwriting lessons quickly and easily. Create fun handwriting worksheets for your children and your children will want to learn’. Video tutorial. Includes NSW, Queensland and Victorian writing formats. Fee-based.
  • Story Arts Online
    Use the menu in the lower section of the home page. ‘Storytelling in the Classroom; Lesson Plans & Activities; Story Library; Articles, Links; Curriculum Ideas Exchange; Storytelling Store; and Story Arts Theatre’, more.
  • StoryPlace
    The Children’s Digital Library. ‘Our Pre-school Library is full of great activities for you to explore. Choose a theme below to start the fun’.
  • Storytime Magazines for Schools
    ‘Storytime magazine is the UK’s only story magazine as well as having thousands of readers from all over the world’. While the magazine is fee-based, there are free Teaching Resources available as well as a newsletter.
  • Teaching English - Resources
    ‘Find a wide range of practical resources to use in your classroom, whether you are teaching primary students, secondary students, or adults and business students. There are over 400 full lesson plans to choose from, covering different topics and themes. We also have shorter activities, as well as ideas for using songs, poems and stories to help your learners improve their English in engaging, motivating and enjoyable ways’.
  • Teachit - Resources
    ‘Teachit English allows teachers to share resources with each other to avoid reinventing the wheel ! You’ll find varied and interesting approaches to teaching English [at KS3-5] including worksheets, role-play activities, lesson ideas, quizzes, games and drama activities, all carefully crafted and edited by experienced English teachers’. Free and fee-based resources.
  • The Literacy Shed
    ‘Aims to provide exciting teaching ideas for the resources we would love to use if only we had the time to find them. A huge array of short films and animations with teaching ideas and resources’. Check the About section of the More … item in the top menu for further details about the rationale for the site.
  • Vocabulary and Word Skills Lesson Plans and Learning Activities
    Four pages of annotated links to activities for different aspects of vocabulary. Part of a much larger English resources site.
  • Vocabulary Games []
    Free and Online. ‘Students will love expanding their vocabulary through vocabulary games that teach how to use suffixes and prefixes, as well as the differences between adjectives and nouns. Early literacy concepts games like these show students that play has a place in learning’.Filters allow to you to narrow the search for a specific requirement. Subscription required.
  • Vocabulary Games and Practice Activities
    ‘Vocabulary games can help you remember words and learn the differences between similar words. This page lists online [interactive] or PDF vocabulary games. Vocabulary game sections include Matching Games, quick Word Unscramble Games and Puzzles’. Also used with ESL students.
  • Word of the Day : . . .
    The Word of the Day includes word, grammatic form [e.g. noun], how many letters in the word and multiple definitions [meanings]. As well, you can also use the site to help you as a Word Unscrambler, Anagram Solver, Scrabble Calculator, Crossword Solver and finding Words starting or ending with specific letters. There are additional sections covering Words by Length and English Language help [e.g. Parts of Speech, Words with Vowels, . . .].

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