Resources for all areas of Mathematics from algebra to trigonometry, lessons to Maths portals, interactive activities to games & puzzles. Some material has been transposed from the original Mathematics page.
Be aware that some of the listed resources are specifically designed for teachers, while others can be used by anyone who finds them of value.
We have tried to ensure resources are free to use wherever possible.
Remember some sites are not Australian. Check carefully to be sure they conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. procedures, spelling, terminology, guidelines, … .
Check for Mathematics competitions and challenges on the Competitions page.
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
‘The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers [AAMT] is the leading organisation representing mathematics education in Australian schools’. Sections include Teachers - covering Resources, Curricula, Exchange, Events, Journals, Maths Store and more; Students - AMT Programs, National Mathematics Summer School, National Talent Quest and more. All can access News and Media . Teachers can also access Communities [online] and Students can access Other Activities and competitions [see link in the Other Resources section below. -
Australian Mathematical Society
‘The Australian Mathematical Society [AustMS] is the national society of the mathematics profession in Australia. The Society cooperates with a number of related organisations’. They also have a Resources section with links to a wide range of these. Check the top menu. -
Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute [AMSI]
‘AMSI works with schools, universities, industry, philanthropy, government and the community to help shape policy and skill Australia for the future’. It also has a range of Education Resources. You can also access their Teaching Modules [Calculate] and Modules for the Senior Curriculum [Years 11 and 12]. -
Canberra Mathematical Association
Scroll down to check the Our Favourite Resources listing on this page. -
Educators SA - Resources
‘Rebecca’s top resources for Maths’. A selection of annotated links. -
Mathematical Association of NSW Inc.
Find out much more from the site including information about Teacher Events, Student Activities and Resources. -
Mathematical Association of Tasmania
‘A non-profit, volunteer-run organisation supporting Tasmanian Mathematics teachers and students from Kindergarten to Year 12’. Use the Links page to access links to a wide range of Australian and international resources. -
Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the NT
Professional Learning and Student Activities are just two of the useful sections on this site. -
Primary Mathematics Association of South Australia
Multiple links take you to Professional Learning, the PMA Challenge, Learner Activities, Resources and More … . -
QAMT – Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers
Multiple sections include Resources, Competitions, Events and support information. -
The Mathematical Association of South Australia
‘The SA Affiliate of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc. [AAMT]. We have members from reception to tertiary institutions’. Three major sections cover Professional Learning, Student Activities, Updated ! Resources and, even better, New ! Teacher Resources. -
The Mathematical Association of Victoria
‘Our Association has over 1 400 members from all sectors of education including individuals, schools, universities and other institutions. This provides membership benefits to a growing network of over 15 000 mathematics educators ’. Sections include The MAV Shop, Services and News, Student Activities, and Resources [including multiple sections such as Primary Resources]. -
The Mathematical Association of Western Australia [MAWA]
‘MAWA has grown into a vibrant organisation that provides support for anyone with an interest in mathematics including teachers, parents and students’. Major sections include Educators, Parents & Students and The Maths Store.
Australian Maths Trust - Resources
‘We publish a range of books, past papers and merchandise to support our mission to develop a nation of creative problem solvers. Some of these resources you can purchase in our online store and we have many free resources available too !’ They also run a number of Competitions & Programs. -
F-10 Australian Curriculum
Mathematics [QCAA]
Providing an Overview; The Australian Curriculum [Rationale, Aims, Key Ideas, Structure Documents]; Teaching and learning [includes Resources]; Assessment. -
Learning Potential Resources
Australian Government. ‘You want to help your child develop their literacy and numeracy skills, but working out how can be tricky. How do you find activities that reinforce and build on the concepts and skills your child will encounter in the classroom ? The answer : this website’. Covers the following : Babies, Toddlers, Preschool, Primary School, Secondary School and more. -
Links to Mathematical
Sample Units K-10
New South Wales. Find an extensive listing of sample units covering a myriad of topics by clicking on Mathematics K–10 [2012]. There is also a range of STEM Support material, including Mathematics, covering all six Stages. -
NDLRN. ‘Designed to assist teachers to find, use and adapt teaching and learning materials that are aligned to the mathematics subject area of the Australian Curriculum’. -
Mathematics - Australian Curriculum
SA Teachers & Leaders Resource
A selection of presentations - print/video/audio/interactive resources, … . These range from a presentation titled Maths Expert to one called The Randomiser Tool. -
Mathematics Lessons Archives [Australian
Curriculum Lessons]
Click on Mathematics in the top menu to select the relevant educational level from Foundation to Year 10. -
National Literacy and
Numeracy Learning Progressions
‘Successful teaching and learning to address student needs in relation to [literacy and] numeracy requires the teacher to have an understanding of where the student is now and where the student needs to go next in their [literacy and] numeracy development’. -
SACE - Mathematics
‘Stage 1 Mathematics provides the foundation for further study in mathematics in Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics’. Scroll down to the Support Materials link. This includes Learning and assessment plans, Assessment task exemplars, Teaching and learning programs and Subject advice and strategies. -
‘Scootle resources currently aligned with the Australian Curriculum : Mathematics. Use the filters to refine the curriculum results shown by year level, strand, general capability or cross curriculum priority’. -
STARportal [Mathematics]
Office of the Australian Chief Scientist. Enter Mathematics in the search box. There were 69 activities at the time of updating. -
STEM Professionals in Schools
CSIRO. ‘A national volunteer program that facilitates partnerships between schools and industry to bring real STEM into the classroom’. This replaces the previous Mathematicians in Schools. -
Victorian Curriculum :
Mathematics - Resources
‘A range of resources to assist with implementing the Victorian Curriculum F – 10 are available. Please visit the following websites to access these resources [links open in a new window] : Victorian Curriculum F – 10 Resources and Support and Curriculum Planning Resource Please use MS Edge or Internet Explorer to access all features of this website. The Mathematics - Resources page links to ‘Planning resources’, ‘Teaching resources’ and ‘Assessment resources’ to support teachers to implement the curriculum’.
Abacus - Educational Maths Resources, Games & Classroom Activities
‘Our range of maths resources covers more than 700 engaging maths games, activities and classroom supplies for all year levels from Pre-Foundation to Year 12. All mathematics teaching resources we supply are designed to make maths learning exciting, engaging and fun in order to provide teachers and students with all the support they need for teaching and learning maths and numeracy’. Fee-based. -
A Maths Dictionary for Kids plus Maths Charts
Extensive mathematics dictionary for all levels. Descriptor, graphic for each word/phrase selected. From Abacus to Zero. Free and printable. -
AMT Competitions and Programs for Students
Summaries of these with links to further information [AAMT]. -
Calculate [AMSI]
‘Calculate supports teachers with free mathematics materials, classroom resources and online professional learning for teachers from Foundation to Year 12 and is an effective way for teachers to support and enhance their existing maths program’. -
Cluey Learning - Secondary Maths [Australian Curriculum Learning Programs]
‘Maths programs for Years 7-10, mapped to the Australian National Curriculum and tailored to your needs’. Other programs for Primary and Senior Secondary. -
Curriculum Materials - Cool Australia
Units and Lessons for all levels - Foundation to Year 12. Use the filters at the top of the above page. -
Count Us In - ABC Education
‘Dodly and Flynn take viewers through a lively and fun exploration of maths, using animation, songs and rhymes to explore various areas of mathematics. Suitable for primary children [F-2]’. 15 episodes. -
Dr Paul Swan Maths - Resources & Downloads
‘Resources by Category; Resources by Year Level; Resources by Topic; Games & Puzzles; Booklets; Class Planning; Interactive; Miscellaneous; Videos; Bond Blocks; and Special Items’. -
Getting Ready in Numeracy
[GRIN®] Intervention Program [Monash Education]
‘The GRIN Intervention Program is a professional learning program for primary and secondary mathematics teachers and tutors. It aims to address difficulties that students experience when learning mathematics. This program is currently being delivered in primary and secondary schools across Victoria, with positive feedback from numeracy leaders, school principals and students’. -
IM²C - Supporting resources
‘From this page, you may access a range of support materials related to mathematical modelling. The resources are designed to meet at least two purposes : To support students, parents and team supervisors as they prepare for the International Mathematical Modeling Challenge [IM²C] and to encourage and support the greater use of mathematical modelling more generally as part of mathematics teaching and learning in schools’. -
Interactive Mathematics
‘Learn maths while you play with it ! Interactive Mathematics uses LiveMath, Flash and Scientific Notebook to enhance mathematics lessons. Topics range from Grade 8 Algebra to college-level Laplace Transformations’. -
‘Students completing their final years of high school can download these free maths exams and trial exams produced by’. Other resources available from the menu at the top, left. Resources are primarily from Victoria and NSW. -
IXL Maths
‘Completely aligned to the Australian national curriculum, providing comprehensive coverage of each learning objective’. Fee-based but quite reasonable. -
Let’s Count Program - The
Smith Family
‘Let’s Count supports early years educators and parents to develop the mathematics skills of children in their care by noticing, exploring and talking about mathematics in their daily lives’. -
Make It Count : Maths and Indigenous Learners
‘Make It Count is for educators working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners in mathematics education. It is a teaching and learning resource and a professional learning tool. It offers pathways, possibilities and ideas for schools and professional learning communities to make their own inroads and innovations into improving mathematics and numeracy learning outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners’. -
Mathematics - Australian Teaching Resources
Twinkl. Use the menu on the left to select specific areas and the menu at the top to access the appropriate educational level [EYLF to Year 10]. Free and Fee-based options. -
Mathematics - Teacher Superstore
‘Australian Curriculum Maths teacher resources and student workbooks to help you meet curriculum requirements. 400 Products Found [at time of last update]’. Use the filters on the left to direct more specific searches A second page, Mathematics Educational Resources and Supplies, has ‘high quality materials for a full range of Mathematics learning areas, including Algebra, Fractions, Geometry, Mental Maths, Measurement and Problem Solving’. -
16 animated or live presentations covering a range of Mathematical activities. Some Count us In episodes, ABC Singsong [Numbers], Ecomaths and MathsXplosion to name a few. ABC TV Education. Primary level students. -
Mathematics [Essential
‘Written by experienced teachers, innovative mathematics books and ebooks to support teaching and learning with many opportunities for students to practise real life maths skills’. Fee-based. -
Mathematics [VRQA]
‘You may find these resources useful for including mathematics learning in your child’s educational program’. -
Mathematics Hub
‘The Mathematics Hub supports Australian teachers to teach mathematics and numeracy in engaging and informative ways that will improve mathematics and numeracy outcomes for their students. The Hub provides a range of resources from a number of different teaching pedagogies. Course content will be aligned to the Australian Curriculum to help teachers develop and enhance their mathematical knowledge, identify where students are at in their learning and provide engaging mathematics and numeracy lessons in the classroom’. -
‘Welcome to Mathletics ! Supporting mathematics learning for students across Australia, both in the classroom and at home, through interactive activities, games and challenges’. Fee-based. Home Subscription Pricing is found here. -
ABC. Topics are presented in the following grade groupings - Years F-2, Years 3-4, Years 5-6, Years 7-8 and Years 9-10. Click on the View All > button at each level. -
‘Online resource, offering over 200 lesson ideas for mathematics teachers from 0-12’. Free sample tour, but full access is through subscription. Costs appear reasonable. Designed more for teachers than families. -
MathsLinks Network - Resources for Maths Teachers
‘MathsLinks is a directory of 1 827 [and counting] useful links found on the web for teaching Maths, with a focus on the Australian curriculum. This site aims to not only collate the best maths activities on the web, but present them in a meaningful way’. Major areas cover Links, Faculty, Starters and Kits. There are also Mini-sites. While this is geared to the teachers there is also a Maths at Home section covering resources for learning Maths at home. -
Maths Online
‘A high quality, independent online maths tutoring program based on Australian state curricula for Years 7 - 12. Developed by experienced Australian teachers. Features hundreds of fully animated and narrated maths lessons with over 15 000 exam-style questions to test a student’s mastery of maths’. Fee-based, but reasonable and a Free Trial is available. -
Maths Resources for Teachers [Resources for Teaching
‘Scroll down to view our helpful range of Maths resources for teachers and parents. Maths can be a challenging subject for students. We have created maths resources that are fun and easy to understand for various abilities within primary schools’. Fee-based. -
‘Mathspace is an all-in-one learning resource, wherever you are. We bring all of your learning tools together in one place, from video lessons, textbooks, to adaptive practice. Encourage your students to become self-directed learners’. Now includes the Eddie Woo videos as an integral component. -
Maths Australia
‘Maths Australia provides an effective, hands-on and multi-sensory approach to learning maths. Want to see multisensory maths in action ? In these demonstration videos, you’ll get to see the hands-on approach to multi-sensory maths. It makes teaching maths simpler for you and learning maths more enjoyable for your student/s’. Perfect for teachers and tutors wanting confidence in how to teach their students, or parents wanting an extra level-up’. -
Maths Australia - Mega Bundle Free Downloads
‘The Maths Australia Mega Bundle free download is packed full of downloadable and printable resources, quizzes, maths practice sheets, print-on-demand graph paper, planner pages and more. We’ve combined ALL our previous free downloads into this one mega resource [plus we’ll keep adding to it]. And it’s free !’ - New !
Maths Lesson Plan Libraries
Department of Education, Australian Government. ‘One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching’. -
Program offered in sections related to school levels. Information for parents, free online assessments, FAQs, sample lessons, more. Online or software. Some Free games. -
‘MATHTRAK has identified over a thousand essential skills [called Key Concepts] for Years 5 to Year 10. Each of these Key Concepts has an interactive lesson that teaches the skills involved in the Key Concept and a unique quiz question that tests if the learner has mastered that Key Concept’. Fee-based but there are some free sample quizzes and lessons. -
ORIGO Education - Mathematics Educational Resources
‘Our instructional approach builds on students’ natural ability to develop understanding and number sense. It helps students avoid misconceptions and promotes confidence with efficient thinking strategies. Games and practical applications help to cement the concepts and skills. Options also available for both free and paid professional learning opportunities’. -
OTRNet - The Online Teachers’ Resource Network
‘We offer quality, innovative education resources that will assist students from K to 12 learn mathematics. Our aim is to “Connect classrooms to the curriculum”. The materials available through OTRNet have been prepared by people with classroom teaching experience and have been trialled and developed with students and in classrooms’. -
PR1ME AUS - Scholastic Australia
‘The PR1ME Australian Edition is a synthesis of the effective pedagogy used in PR1ME Mathematics International Edition for the Australian Curriculum. It provides teachers with explicit models of HOW to teach mathematical concepts, strategies and problem solving’. Free webinar available. Other details available via the site. - New !
‘You source of quality Maths problems, aligned to the Australian curriculum, complete with enabling and extending prompts’. - New !
Questacon - Teacher Resource - Hands On STEM Activities
Briefly annotated links for a mix of activities including Maths, STEM, Coding and Technology. -
‘QuickSmart Numeracy focuses on understanding and recall of basic number facts, performance of elementary calculations, acquisition of appropriate mathematics language, and problem-solving skills. The primary aim of QuickSmart is for the students to develop automaticity’. An Information Pack is available here while information on how to implement QuickSmart Numeracy at your school can be accessed here. SiMERR, University of New England. -
reSolve - Promoting a Spirit of Inquiry
‘reSolve : Maths by Inquiry is the flagship mathematics education program from the Australian Academy of Science. reSolve provides curriculum-aligned teaching teaching resources and Professional Learning Modules to support teachers to promote a spirit of inquiry in school mathematics, from Foundation to Year 10’. -
Resources for Mathematics Teachers [AAMT]
A listing of the major resources available from this group with links to each. One of these is Growing Mathematically which is based on Multiplicative Thinking. -
Secondary Mathematics - Oxford University Press
‘Everything you need for teaching Junior and Senior Mathematics, with focus on all curricula. Here you’ll find a range of print, digital and blended resources’. Their Primary Mathematics Resources can be found via this page. Material is normally fee-based. -
Smash Maths - Interactive Learning for the Australian Mathematics Curriculum
‘Learning objects to consolidate mathematics in our classrooms [and at home] are categorised by topic and ordered according to year level’. Number & Algebra and Statistics && Probability sections are Subscriber only while the Measurement & Geometry area has free access. Subscription is quite cheap. -
‘Sumdog is aligned to the Australian National Curriculum, for Years 1-7, so you can easily evaluate progress against your own teaching. The games fit into planned lessons to reinforce learning or offer extra support at school or home for areas that need improvement’. Not restricted to Mathematics. - New !
Teaching Resources [reSolve]
‘reSolve teaching resources are sequences linked to the Australian curriculum content descriptors and proficiency strands of fluency, understanding, problem solving and reasoning. Sequences vary in length from a single lesson to long term investigations. Each teaching resource is carefully designed to develop progressive understanding through tasks that encourage a spirit of inquiry. Use the search bar [below] to filter resources by strand and year, or to search for keywords, topics, or curriculum descriptors’. -
Teach Starter - Maths Teaching Resources
‘These numeracy teaching resources include lesson and unit plans, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, posters, games, maths investigations, activities and interactive widgets. You can also make your own customised maths mentals and multiplication quizzes using the widgets provided’. -
TES - Mathematics [AU]
Filter selections using a range of options from the listing on the left. Thousands of resources at varying prices. -
Top Drawer Teachers
AAMT. ‘Resources for teachers of Mathematics’. Grouped under sections for Fractions, Mental Computation, Patterns, Reasoning, Statistics and Geometric Reasoning.
All Videos [AMSI]
Several pages of briefly annotated links to videos covering Mathematics and Mathematical usage related to a range of careers, e.g. Reaching the Stars with Maths, Cryptography and Sports Statistician . Nearly 40 videos included. -
Australian Mathematics Curriculum Videos
A wide range of short videos on specific topics and aspects of Mathematics. Variable lengths for each video. -
Australian Maths Videos
A collection of videos, from Eddie Woo to Mini Maths Movies, Maths Antics and more. Australian and International presentations. -
ClickView - Videos
Free Teaching Resources For Australian Curriculum. ‘Watch some of the great educational videos we have in our library to inspire your teaching. While you’re there, be sure to check out the accompanying lesson plan resources for ideas to implement in the classroom’. You will need to scan the listing for specific Mathematics videos. -
ClickView - Mathematics Resources for Secondary Teachers
‘Hundreds of curriculum-aligned videos. No matter the topic or learning level, ClickView is here to help with hundreds of educational videos and secondary Mathematics resources. All videos are accompanied by useful teaching resources, such as downloadable worksheets, ready for you to use with your students’. -
HSC Hub - Mathematics
Select a course, then follow up with videos on specific topics by Eddie Woo, e.g. Year 11 Mathematics Standard - Applications of Measurement - A set of 55 YouTube videos presented by Eddie Woo and others on applications of measurement. -
Links to related Mathematical videos. More suited to secondary students and higher. Author is a Maths professor at an Australian university. -
Mathseeds [ABC]
‘ABC Mathseeds teaches kids aged 3-9 the core maths and problem solving skills needed to be successful at school with fun, highly interactive and rewarding lessons. ABC Mathseeds combines highly structured lessons with fun motivational elements that keep children engaged and keen to learn’. -
Maths Videos Australia
Choose your state, then Choose your Subject & Unit. NSW, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia are listed. The Senior Maths Curriculum for South Australia, Tasmania, ACT and Northern Territory are also included but in a combined section. -
Mini Lessons : Maths : ABC iview
‘Australian teachers teach important numeracy skills in these ten [10] minute lessons’. This is Series 1. It contains 15 episodes. There also links to other mathematics resources in the More Like This section at the bottom of the page. - Updated !
Student demonstration videos on Mathematics Proficiencies resource
The Australian Curriculum. ‘The Mathematics Proficiencies resource on the Australian Curriculum website has been updated with student demonstration videos to accompany student worksheets. The annotated clips feature students at different year levels demonstrating the understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning proficiency areas of the Australian Curriculum : Mathematics, whilst undertaking mathematical tasks’. -
‘Browse the main channel, connect with me on Twitter & Facebook, read the blog, download worksheets & resources, or select a playlist’. A second site is on YouTube and is called Eddie Woo. There is another YouTube site called Wootube² containing videos specifically designed for teachers. -
Year 9 & 10 Maths Video Tutorials for
the Australian Curriculum ‘Over 2.5 hours of video tutorials to help prepare them for Year 12 Methods’. Scroll down for the full listing including How to Prepare for Year 11. Fee-based but reasonable.
8 YouTube Channels for
Learning Mathematics
‘These range across education from the Khan Academy to MIT Courseware’.
USA. - New !
80+ Best Math Websites
for Teaching and Learning [in 2023]
‘The internet is full of incredible new ways to teach and learn maths, from games and videos to lessons and even complete curricula. Teachers, students and parents can all benefit from these online learning resources. This list of the best maths websites has options for every skill level, from learning to count to advanced maths like calculus. You’re bound to find a new favourite’.
USA. -
AAA Maths
‘AAA Maths features a comprehensive set of thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons’. Use the menu of topics on the left of the page and the grade levels at the top of the page.
USA. -
BBC Bitesize - Maths
‘Mathematics is the study of numbers, calculations, shapes and equations, written using special notations and symbols’. From early years to tertiary level.
UK. -
Classroom Resources [NTCM]
‘Activities with Rigour and Coherence; Resource Libraries; Reasoning and Sense Making Task Library; Student Explorations in Mathematics; Illuminations; Problems of the Week’ more. You might also like to consider their Tips for Teachers.
USA. -
‘Building a completely new maths curriculum with computer-based computation at its heart’. Check the Materials page for a range of materials, videos and resources.
USA. -
Cornell Maths Gateway
Secondary resources available through annotated links. Select Mathematics from the Index on the left, then a specific topic from the Mathematics links on the right.
USA. -
Dreambox Learning Teacher Tools
‘Find online maths tools for teachers for use with your interactive white board or projector to make maths lessons clear for your whole class. Each lesson includes tutorials on how to use the manipulatives and ideas for incorporating the tools into classroom lessons’.
USA. -
Early Years Maths Resources For Schools &
‘Support the key early years learning goals such as counting, mathematical language and pattern recognition with this wide range of maths preschool resources’. Fee-based.
UK. -
Easy Math - School Maths made Easy
Free advice and information on a number of mathematics topics [see list on the right of the page] appropriate to middle and secondary school.
USA. -
Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative - Online Learning
‘Professional learning modules; Series : We organise the resources in our Idea Library into series so that you can browse curated collections according to your interests; Bulletin board : Browse a collection of our favourite and regularly updated blogs, newsletters, and Twitter feeds with the best ideas regarding early mathematics’, more.
USA. -
European Mathematical Information Service [EMIS]
‘EMIS was founded in 1995 as the central portal for electronic maths resources in Europe. Since then, with the support of the European Mathematical Society and many publishers, FIZ Karlsruhe has developed the largest open access electronic library in mathematics ELibM as the core of EMIS, as well as many more useful resources’. Teacher rather than student resources.
Free Online Maths Courses [Open Culture]
‘Get free Maths courses online from the world’s leading universities. You can download these audio & video courses straight to your computer or mp3 player’. Part of a larger 1 700 listing of university online courses.
USA. -
Free Printable Maths Worksheets, Tests and Activities
‘Assess student understanding of arithmetic, algebra and geometry concepts with these maths worksheets for K-12 students. Worksheets labelled with a padlock are accessible to Help Teaching Pro subscribers only’. There are also links to similar material for other subject areas [menu on the left]. As well, this group offer their Test Maker™ where you can ‘create your own quizzes, tests and worksheets for free’.
USA. -
How to Make Maths Fun : Ideas and Resources
for Teachers
‘Sometimes all it takes is a little thinking outside the box to find non-traditional ways to make maths fun and get students excited about learning. Here are five tips and five of our favourite online maths resources to help your class learn to love maths’.
USA. -
to Make Maths Learning Fun with Microsoft Office
‘Here are the maths related templates in the most popular applications included in MS Office. You can download and adapt them to your needs’.
IB Maths Resources from Intermathematics
‘Maths IA – Maths Exploration Topics. Find over 300 examples of Maths IA exploration topics and ideas for IB mathematics students doing their internal assessment [IA] coursework. Topics include Algebra and Number [proof], Geometry, Calculus, Statistics and Probability, Physics and links with other subjects’.
UK. -
K5 Learning
‘Online reading and maths enrichment program for kids’. Includes Free worksheets [by grade], Maths Videos [Each video is accompanied by links to worksheets for additional practice, Free Preschool and Kindergarten Numbers & Counting Worksheets [Printable] and even a Free Ebook : How to Help Your Kids Succeed in School.
Khan Academy
Select Maths from the Courses menu [top, left], then the specific topic you need for the level required for your child[ren]. Resources are free though you have the opportunity to make a contribution if you are able. Two sections - Pre-K/8th Grade and also High School/College levels. One example of their work is the Early Maths section.
Kids Maths Games Online
‘Enjoy a wide range of free maths games, interactive learning activities and fun educational resources that will engage students while they learn mathematics. Find cool maths games, interesting facts, printable worksheets, quizzes, videos and so much more !’
USA. -
Living Maths Book List
‘A collection of living maths books and stories that can be used to teach and/or reinforce various mathematical skills. Divided into categories based on the mathematical skill addressed in the book’.
USA. -
LTP - Math
Mathematics Sites for Educators’. Links under headings : Interactive Web Pages, Resources, Fractal Resources, Macintosh Software. NASA.
USA. -
Math and Multimedia - All for Free
‘This page is a list of articles about free ebooks, software, videos and resources in Mathematics and Multimedia. You might also want to check the Post List page which contains the newest posts in major categories. The complete list of posts arranged by month can be found in the Archives page’.
USA. - New !
Math Blaster HyperBlast 2 Lite
‘From the makers of the award winning Math Blaster series ! Over 20 years making math fun ! Hop on your HyperCycle and discover maths facts like you’ve never seen them before ! Race through levels shooting and dodging fast-flying obstacles to reach the Alien Boss ! Use your maths skills and smarts to battle and defeat the Alien Boss’. Apple only.
USA. - New !
Math for Kids [Brighterly]
Journey to Better Grades and Confidence in Maths !. ‘Our interactive learning program focuses on “Why” instead of “What”, which helps children understand Math concepts instead of memorizing. We don’t duplicate the school’s study program, instead we focus on areas and concepts, where your child needs help to catch up’.
USA. -
Maths [Edutopia]
‘Explore and share tips, strategies and resources for helping students develop in mathematics. Create your free Edutopia account today for a personalised experience. Every week you’ll get practical classroom strategies - for the grades you choose - delivered to your inbox’.
USA. -
Maths Central
‘Math[s] Central is an internet-based resource for teachers and students of mathematics. Under the direction of Dr. Harley Weston, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Math[s] Central has earned several awards’.
Mathematics [Cambridge University Press]
‘A solid foundation of research from leading educational thinkers, expert authors and mathematics teachers around the world underpins the resources we publish. Find out more and download a sample of any of our maths resources’. Many items are fee-based. Some of the other sites listed are also included on this page.
UK. -
Mathematics Resources for Teachers
‘Focus on various mathematical themes, such as geometry, algebra, probability and statistics, money, measurement and more ! Incorporating other subjects - such as art, reading, and science - into your maths lessons will help hold your students’ interest in the subject. You’ll find resources here that are appropriate for whichever grade level you teach’. More than 5 000 resources at time of update.
USA. -
Math[s] Games
‘Fun maths games are the trick for making a difficult subject become second nature for kids. Try our free maths games for kids to build skills in counting, number recognition, shapes, addition, and subtraction’. Also Printable Worksheets, Guided lessons, Lesson Plans and more.
USA. -
‘Math Game Time offers a wide selection of free and fun games designed to help children build their basic counting and shape recognition skills. Children will sing along with our fun counting videos and laugh along with some of their favourite characters as they count together. These free Pre-Kindergarten maths games and worksheets will also help kids build their basic skills in a way that seems more like play than work’.
USA. -
Math Nook
Maths games. A wide range of Maths games by Grade level, Games to play by category, other games clearly annotated with skills involved, Quick Maths Games and more. There are also Mobile Apps and Teaching Tools.
USA. -
‘The aim of Mathplanet is to spread mathematical knowledge all over the world, completely free of charge. We offer courses in high school maths such as Pre-algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Geometry. The educational material is focused on US high school maths. However, since maths is the same all over the world, we welcome everybody to study maths with us, for free’. Includes video material.
SWEDEN [in English]. -
‘Access hundreds of quizzes and other interactive activities that will help you enjoy and improve your maths whether you are at school or at home. There are thousands of carefully designed questions to improve maths knowledge and help develop fluency in important maths skills’.
UK. -
Maths for Kids
‘Children can choose from ten levels and different kind of exercises : additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, problems, numbers and measuring exercises. Online competitions, exercises and maths games. Mathematics for children aged 6 to 11, Year 2 to Year 6, Grade 1 to Grade 5’.
FRANCE [but material is in English]. -
Maths is Fun
‘The idea behind the site is to offer mathematics as well as some fun bits and to combine the two wherever possible. The main content of the site is aimed at Kinder to Year 12. Hopefully there should be something for everybody’.
USA. - New !
Math Lesson Plans []
‘In this section you will find Maths lessons from Kindergarten through high school. Lessons come with options for modifications and differentiation in order to help you cater to the needs of your students. Many of the lessons are aligned to Common Core State Standards. With that said, these lessons can easily be integrated into an existing curriculum Math curriculum for any grade. The lessons you see here were submitted by real teachers working in schools across the United States’.
USA. - New !
Maths Lesson Plans For teachers
‘Creating a powerful, multi-disciplinary lesson plan with support and extension activities takes time. We get it. Tha’s why we’ve created dozens of them to save you time, focus on specific curriculum objectives and help get the most from the resource. Plus they’re completely FREE, download and go’ Other material available can attract a fee.
‘Mathsphere’s aim is to help your children with their maths, both at school and at home. Teachers already use our software in over 15 000 schools worldwide !’ Fee-based and free resources on the site.
UK. -
Maths Salamanders - Math Worksheets Education
‘We have a huge bank of free maths resources, puzzles and games for you to use and enjoy. The home of the free maths worksheets for kids aged Kindergarten and up’. Includes material for both the UK and also Australia.
UK. -
Maths Subject Centre [Education World]
‘Your one-stop shop for free maths teaching materials. Be sure to check out the sidebar on this page for links to maths lesson plans, printable work sheets, other tools and resources. Click links [below the introduction] to read articles of practical interest to maths educators across the grades’.
USA. -
Maths Worksheets
‘We feature over 2 000 free maths printables that range in skill from grades K-12. For a complete teacher curriculum resource please check out our Math Subject Centre’. Listed in topic area directories [40 at time of update] plus 10 directories of NEW Worksheets.
USA. -
Mathematics World Cup
‘Online mathematics competition for children. Simply print and play to take part, then come back and check your scores’. Multiple levels and activities suited to children ages 7 to 11. A huge amount of information about taking part, including FAQs, is available on the site.
UK. -
Math Worksheets Land
‘The Largest Selection of Math Worksheets on the Internet ! We Now Have Over 64 000 Printable Pages’ [at time of update]. Select by Topic and/or Grade levels.
USA. -
Multiplication Games ‘As the name implies, here you can learn all the multiplication tables no matter what grade you’re in. We have tables for all levels. The exercises on this site are provided in the form of multiplication games. Not only is this a lot of fun, you’ll learn maths to boot. The most popular multiplication games are listed [below]. Look for a fun task, try to solve all the multiplication equations and keep beating your record’. -
MYP Mathematics Resources [Oxford
University Press]
‘Ensure strong results from age 11 right through to 18, with dedicated support for the IB and Cambridge curricula’. Fee-based.
UK. -
‘NRICH provides thousands of free online mathematics resources for ages 3 to 18, covering all stages of early years, primary and secondary school education - completely free and available to all. It is an innovative collaboration between the Faculties of Mathematics and Education at the University of Cambridge which focuses on problem solving and on creating opportunities for students to learn mathematics through exploration and discussion’.
UK. -
‘This site offers an introduction to mathematics and its variety of topics. It’s not just for kids, it’s for everyone [even if you aren’t a number nut]. Try our site map, that will show you all of the topics we cover’.
USA. -
Projects for Maths Fairs
‘Maths Projects for Science Fairs offers a list of ideas for maths-based science projects for middle- and high-school students to use at their local, regional or national science fairs’. CMS
Access a range of basic mathematics quizzes on the four operations [scroll down], or make your own in the same areas. You can grade the quizzes and even show the correct answers.
USA. -
Songs for Teaching
‘Multiplication and Division Songs [and Raps]; Music for Teaching Multiplication Tables, Skip Counting and Division’. Individual songs, even full albums.
USA. -
Statistics Resources
for Businesses and Educators
Statistics resources listed under several headings including Statistics for Beginners, Educational Resources, Online Textbooks and Quizzes.
USA. -
TeachMathematics [IB]
‘Rich, engaging classroom activities that promote mathematical thinking. An emphasis on inquiry, discovery, technology, critical thinking, hands on and fun. Read our New ! Tech Tools or take a video tour of the site’. Trials available but fee-based to continue.
The Mathematics Shed
Select from the extensive menu list on the left of the screen for the shed that has the category you wish to work with. A variety of formats within the categories.
UK. -
Top IB Math Resources Websites [2022 Official Rankings]
‘A student-led initiative to list and rank the Top IB Maths Resources & Websites online for International Baccalaureate [IB] students. With the growing accessibility of digital resources, IB students can better develop understanding and broaden their knowledge outside of their classroom’. This site is listed as OFFLINE when checked. We will do a final check on the update day. If still interested, check regularly. -
‘Free mathematical activities, puzzles, problems, visual aids, investigations and lots more. Enter Transum Maths to see how teaching and learning this fascinating subject can be fun’. Created by a practising teacher.
Trigonometry - Dave’s Short Trig Course
The Table of Contents covers 18 sections. Select a specific topic using the menu in the bottom centre topic listing.
USA. -
Underground Mathematics
‘Rich resources for teaching A level mathematics. Enabling all students to explore the connections that underpin mathematics. Quick Links to an Overview, How-to Guide, Underground hub and Your Mathematical Classroom’. Linked to the University of Cambridge and Cambridge Mathematics.
UK. -
Uniform Polyhedra
Information about polyhedra; animated presentations of each. Suitable for use by students. ‘An expanded version of these Web pages can also be found in the Mathematica notebook from the Illustrated Mathematics CD-ROM’.
SWITZERLAND [in English]. -
Wolfram MathsWorld
‘MathsWorld is the web’s most extensive mathematical resource, provided as a free service to the world’s mathematics and internet communities as part of Wolfram Research’s commitment to education and educational outreach. In January 2022, an upgraded and redesigned MathsWorld site was released’. Select from the topics listing [home page] or the Alphabetical Index [menu on the left].
USA. -
Worldwide Centre of Mathematics
‘Learn mathematics with Centre of Maths high-quality, free and affordable maths textbooks and resources. Studying from home ? We’ve made our entire calculus video series available free of charge’. Suited best for tertiary or senior secondary levels.
7 Best Maths Software for Windows, Mac
‘Here is the list of the top 7 maths softwares available online that you can either use for yourself or for your kids to brush up on their mathematics skills’. - Updated !
15 Best Maths Software to
Solve Maths Problems Quickly
‘Whether you are a mathematician or a university student, here is a curated list of the 10 best maths software that you will find pretty interesting and helpful in solving a variety of your maths problems’. -
Best Open Source Windows Mathematics
Software 2022
‘Browse free open source Mathematics software and projects for Windows [below]. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source Mathematics software by OS, license, language, programming language, project status and freshness’. Sourceforge. -
Best Software
4 Download
6 pages of listings with details, a download link and the option to save the software detail to a list you can refer to in the future. -
Cluefinders Series
Primary student level programs designed to provide learning and enjoyment. -
Free Math Textbooks [Open Culture]
‘Free textbooks [aka open textbooks] written by knowledgeable scholars are a relatively new phenomenon. Below, find a meta list of Free Maths Textbooks, part of our larger collection’. Titles range from Abstract Algebra : The Basic Graduate Year through to Yet Another Calculus Text. -
‘The world’s favourite, free maths tools used by over 100 million students and teachers. Free digital tools for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard and more’. -
List of open-source software for Mathematics
Computer Algebra Systems; Geometry; Numerical Analysis; Statistics; Multipurpose Mathematics software; Theorem provers; References. ‘This is a list of open-source software to be used for high-order mathematical calculations’. -
Mac Maths and Arithmetic Software
‘The comprehensive list’. Primarily freeware and shareware [even a donationware inclusion]. -
Math Assistant [Microsoft
‘The Math assistant was build to help students, parents and teachers automatically generate simple equations for students to solve using a random number generator selection method. All four operations are supported with a total of 4 equations per operation and an option to regenerate equations. Three difficulty levels are available to choose from. More equation options and more graphics are on the way’. -
ORMS - Classification
A collection of software, grouped under Category headings, that is primarily suited to the tertiary level.
PC WIN - Mathematics Software
Extensive listing [26 pages at time of update] of freeware and shareware for many aspects of mathematics. Shareware is fee-based but usually significantly less than commercial prices. -
SageMath - Open-Source Mathematical Software System
‘SageMath is built out of nearly 100 open-source packages and features a unified interface. SageMath can be used to study elementary and advanced, pure and applied mathematics’. -
SEN Teacher - Mathematics Free Software Downloads
‘Free Special Needs teaching resources since 1999’. -
Superkids Maths Worksheet Creator
‘Have you ever wondered where to find maths drill worksheets ? Make your own here at SuperKids for free ! Simply select the type of problem, the maximum and minimum numbers to be used in the problems, then click on the button. A worksheet will be created to your specifications, ready to be printed for use’.
Top 12 Free Mathematics Software of 2021
‘Whether you are a high school student or a college one, you will find this software quite interesting and helpful in all types of maths problems’.
100 Maths YouTube Channels With Videos & Tutorials to Teach
and Learn Mathematics
Compiled by Feedspot in April 2022. -
Basic Maths For Kids : Addition and Subtraction
‘In this maths video you will learn all the basics of addition and subtraction. Recommended for Kindergarten’ level. [21:39] -
BBC - The Story of Maths, The Language of the Universe
‘A documentary with subtitles. Episode 01 - Acquainted with the fundamental mathematics in our lives, Marcus du Sauto explores the mathematics of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece’. [56:15] Episode 2 is The Story of Maths. The Genius of the East which includes areas such as China and India. [57:.15] -
Educational Video Library - Mathematics
20 videos including a number of “How to … ” topics. Last updated February 2022. Lengths from 6.5 to 30 minutes. -
Free Education - Audio/video
Courses - Mathematics
‘This is a comprehensive collection of audio/video courses and lectures in mathematics and its applications from educational institutions such as MIT OpenCourseWare, UC Berkeley Webcasts and NPTEL Courses. There are thousands of open lectures available online, various topics in mathematics and its applications’. -
Free Video Lectures
‘The online lectures are going to explain the core concepts and then we subsequently build upon your foundation to help you solve advanced and complex problems. With our varied online video tutorials, people can learn some of the most mind boggling mathematical concepts and gain proficiency in the same’. Tertiary level. Note : Not all video lectures are free. -
From Concrete to Abstract—The Montessori Math Approach
‘At an elementary school in South Carolina, tactile materials, colour coding, and vocabulary changes help students grasp high-level math concepts’. [4:19] -
Greatest Mathematics Videos
Not your everyday mathematics, these 5 videos look at some very uncommon mathematical things. They range in length from 7 to 34 minutes. -
How to use maths tools in Office 365
Brief introduction. [1:30] - New !
Just Maths
‘JustMaths was born from the passion and spirit of three full-time teachers who have a genuine belief in the power of collaboration and sharing ideas and best practice. We originally wanted to create a set of resources based around key topics – the main thing we have learnt over the years is that students need a highly focused, carefully targeted support package, giving them 200 video clips just doesn’t work ! JustMaths Online was originally based around “The Top 40”, but it exploded [to support the 9-1 GCSE] into “The Big Fat 50”, and then “The Super 60”’.
‘Boost your child’s maths skills. These videos are short and focus on specific math skills which children need to master under specific topics. The tutorials are easy to follow’. In addition to the videos there are also Maths eBook downloads, interactive Maths games and Math worksheets. -
Learn Mathematics from START to FINISH
‘This video shows how anyone can start learning mathematics and progress through the subject in a logical order. There really is no finishing point but this will get you through all of the basic undergraduate mathematics from start to “finish”. I also included some graduate topics’. There is also a list of the books used as part of the video. [18:04] -
Mashup Math - Free Math Videos for Kids [Grades 1-12]
‘Our video lessons are made using animation software and are created to meet the specific needs of visual learners. You can access our complete library over 100 K-12 math video lessons on YouTube. Sign up for free’. -
Math Antics
Basic Maths Videos [and Worksheets]. ‘Please watch the video … Then visit our Information page for answers to more questions. Check out the Samples of our Printable Materials. Check out our Video Lessons. They’re all free to watch. most of the topics we currently teach are typically covered between 3rd and 8th grade’. A minimal subscription [US$10 at time of update] allows full access to everything. You can also access their videos on Mathantics [YouTube]. 18 videos at time of update.
USA. -
Mathematics Lessons - TED-Ed
‘Discover video-based lessons organised by subject and age or Video-based lessons organised by theme. You can also access interactive experiences created with other organisations and read articles and updates from TED-Ed’. -
Mathematics Videos - School
An extensive collection of videos of varying lengths on all aspects of Mathematics. They range from presentations to animations. It includes some from other sites also recommended in this collection. There are 25 main videos plus numerous shorts and others. -
Maths Videos : How To Learn Basic Arithmetic Fast - Online
Tutorial Lessons
‘This online maths video tutorial/lecture shows you how to learn basic arithmetic fast and easily. It contains plenty of examples and practice problems including drill quizzes to help you boost your maths skills to the next level. Whether you’re high school, college or an adult who wants to learn maths, this video is for you’. [1:12:08] -
Maths Videos [Math Goodies]
‘Use these instructional maths videos to help explain your topic of the day. Step-by-step maths videos cover a range of topics from basic operations and number properties to Algebra and Geometry’. -
Maths Videos [Math Game Time]
‘Math Game Time’s free maths videos incorporate both learning and fun. These educational videos span a range of grade-levels and subject areas from Pre-K through 7th grade. Some of these videos feature actual Maths teachers providing step-by-step examples to help children solve problems. Other maths videos incorporate songs, animation or favourite characters to help bring important concepts to life’. -
‘Learn maths from a teacher you can understand. Safe, moderated content taught by dozens of different teachers for your unique learning style’. Select level, e.g. High School; select a course, e.g. Algebra; Choose a Topic, e.g. Quadratic Equations; Begin a Lesson, e.g. Factoring out Greatest Common Factor; find 11 videos by 6 teachers. A similar structure applies to all areas. -
Math with Purpose Video Library
‘Math with Purpose Teaching and Learning Video Library houses 500+ videos aimed to educate students, teachers and parents on the #1 math program in the world from Singapore. Simply find your textbook series, choose your grade level and chapter, and CLICK ! Hundreds of videos there for you to make your teaching so much easier’. -
Singapore Math® videos for distance learning and home …
‘MyMathVideos© provides you with a certified math instructor trained in Singapore Math® to fit the needs of any curriculum you choose. Each Singapore Math® video is taught as if your students have a live teacher’. Fee-based but reasonable. - - Maths videos
Thousands of short videos for Elementary [Primary] and High School students. These are grouped under specific topics e.g. Decimals and Percentages, Fractions, Calculus, even Educational Songs. -
The Organic Chemistry Tutor
‘This channel focuses on providing tutorial videos on organic chemistry, general chemistry, physics, algebra, trigonometry, precalculus, and calculus’. There are about 30 videos for Mathematics at tertiary and senior secondary level. USA. -
Mathematics. There are 5 209 [at time of update] videos freely available for your use. Filter the videos by using the Subcategories [e.g. History of Maths, Mathematics for Young Learners, Number Sense, … ]. -
What Happens When Maths Goes Wrong ?
Maths Republic. Matt Parker. A semi-serious presentation of just this. The presenter is the author of a book entitled Humble Pi - about times when maths does not work. [1hr 7.5min.]