Resources for all areas of Physical Education from fitness to body image & self-esteem, P.E. portals to sports measurement, games to playground fun. Some material has been transposed from the previous Sports page.
We have tried to ensure resources are free to use wherever possible.
You should also check the Physical Education page. This contains state and territory information, a much larger listing of associations and other sport related bodies and links to specific areas. A number of resource links from that page have now been moved to this page.
Remember some sites are not Australian. Check carefully to be sure they conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. spelling, terminology, guidelines, … .
- Updated !
Resources for activities as well as professional learning. Most are fee-based though some are free downloads. -
Australian Curriculum - Health
and Physical Education [R.I.C. Publications]
‘Offers educational resources to support the Australian Health and Physical Education curriculum while promoting understanding and application of positive lifestyle habits in students’. Use the filters on the left to find the appropriate year, age, format, product type, series and price range. -
Gymnastics for All Resources
Gymnastics Australia. Multiple options including down to KinderGym. Fee-based. -
Physical Education Studies Teachers’ Association [PESTA]
‘Physical Education Studies Teachers’ Association is an organisation formed to promote the teaching of Physical Education Studies [PE]) and to foster the professional development of PES teachers’. -
Play by the Rules
South Australia. ‘Here you can find a wide range of free downloadable resources for you to use in your organisation. Simply click on the resource area that interests you. Templates; Articles; Magazine; Interactive Scenarios; Audio Files; ebooks; Infographics; General posters and post cards; Safe, fair and inclusive case studies’. -
Playing for Life - Sport Australia
‘Fun and active games to develop children’s skills, confidence and lifelong interest in sport’. -
Resources - Sport Australia
‘We have a range of tools and information that are designed to help sporting organisations create great sporting environments for children. Browse the Sport Australia website or view some of the featured resources below’. -
School Courses
‘The listed courses are offered by SASMA for school students’. Fee-based. For further details about courses and cost check on this School Courses page. -
School Sport Australia
Education through school sport. ‘Our purpose is to provide a strong and connected representative school sport system that is educative, inclusive, collaborative, dynamic and sustainable’. Championship Calendar, Sports, International Tours, News and much more. -
Sport Integrity Australia - Secondary Schools Resource Kit
‘This document contains free resources for teachers, coaches, students and parents that cover key sport integrity and anti-doping topics’.
Health and Physical Education
Education and Training Victoria. ‘Materials and approaches to teach health and physical education in schools’. -
Health and Physical Education : An introduction
for teachers
Short video from ACARA. ‘Listen to members of the Health and Physical Education Advisory Group and critical friends discuss the features of the curriculum’. [6:13] -
Health and Physical Education - Scootle
‘Aligned with the Australian Curriculum : Health and Physical Education. Use the filters to refine the curriculum results shown by year level, strand, general capability or cross curriculum priority’. -
P-10 Health and Physical
Education Assessment Resources
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. ‘Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed judgements about the achievement or capabilities of individuals and cohorts. It plays an integral role in improving student learning and informing teaching’. Multiple levels and aspects available. -
NSW Dept. of Education. ‘Quality resources and professional learning aligned to the NSW Personal Development, Health and Physical Education [PDHPE] syllabuses [separate sections for each]’. You can also access Physical Literacy information and resources by using their staff only access. The School Sports Unit also provides access to multiple resources. Finally, you can also access New ! PDHPE, which includes Units of work, Learning from home programs, Associated resources and Distance education resources. -
Physical activity and health
Education Queensland. Introduction followed by four health and activity sections at the bottom geared to different age groups. Click on each for access to collection of links to a wide range of resources and other support. -
Physical Education
and Sport Resources
Education and Training, Victoria. Select your particular area of interest and find a wide range of appropriate resources - New !
Physical Education Resources -
‘Our physical education resources are designed alongside industry experts to help engage your students more deeply. Aligned to both primary and econdary curriculum’. There are also resources for Health and all the traditional educational sectors. -
UniSport Australia
‘UniSport Australia [UniSport] is the peak governing body of university sport in Australia. We promote and foster the importance of university sport as an integral part of university life at 43 member universities, who collectively represent more than one million students nationwide’.
Australian Sporting Commission
Information on Australian sports, Institute of Sport, supporting sport, participating in sport, research, sports news, more. A number of specific links from this body are included in other sections of this page. -
Fun Moves - Teaching fundamental movement
skills in the early years
‘These Fun Moves videos were developed by the Central Coast Local Health District Health Promotion Service to support early childhood educators teach preschool children the 13 fundamental movement skills’. Includes Manual, Fact Sheets, Videos, Music, Posters, Storybooks and a Family Information Session Package. -
Healthy Lifestyle Programs for Primary
Schools - Teaching resources
Health NSW. ‘A guide to syllabus and other resources provides teachers with some support materials for physical education and physical activity within the school’. Also check the links in the menu at the top left. -
Kids’ health - Healthdirect
There is a range of topics covered under this heading. Some you will just find interesting for other reasons, but there are a number relating to physical health such as Safe exercise for children, Benefits of physical activity for children and Developing life skills through sports to name a few. There are also links to further articles on the same topics. You can also search for other sections related to this through the “Health topics A-Z” link in the top menu. -
Sporting Schools
‘Sport Australia, in partnership with key supporting organisations, has developed resources to help schools and sports deliver high quality, modified sporting games and activities. Choose from the options below to view some of the resources available’. Also check their Resource Hub. -
Safe and Inclusive Sport
‘Building the capacity and capability of sport to provide safe, ethical and inclusive sporting environments’. Multiple sections covered. -
Munch & Move
Lessons, lesson ideas, professional development, more. Replacement option for previously listed Healthy Kids website. - Updated !
Safety Guidelines
for Children and Young People in Sport and Recreation
Sports Medicine Australia. ‘The Australian Government has moved to make sport safer for young Australians with the launch of new national guidelines to promote safety in sport and a national sport injury prevention program’.
Don’t be fooled. There is a great collection of links to physical education resources covering multiple areas available through this site. They include adapted physical activities. Worth a visit. -
Australian Curriculum Lessons
- Health and PE
Select options from a range of lessons linked to the Australian Curriculum for this area. -
Australian Screen, Sport and Health
The clips available range from Body Image [including teacher’s notes] to History of Australian Sport, Human Growth and Development to The Olympic Games, covering a spectrum of 13 topics. -
Body Image [Health Direct]
Links to resources about Body Image and related conditions. Health Direct, Australia. -
Clearinghouse For Sport
‘Connecting people in sport to a world of ideas, experience and knowledge’. Knowledge base and Resources. Multiple aspects are covered. -
Looks at body image and self-esteem. Activities, information, teacher resources. Based on an Australian book of the same name. Video, teacher’s notes available at no charge. -
Gymnastics Resources for Primary Schools [Gymnastics 4 Hire]
Site includes Teaching Tips, Resources including Lesson Plans and related material, Gymnastics Articles Index, Links, even equipment hire. -
Classroom - Physical Education
12 books covering the AHPES Physical Education series, the Life Fit Books, PE Activities, PE Games books and Teaching Skills for Ball games. -
OzSwoosh Education [Coach Craig Rowe]
‘Basketball basics for Beginner Coaches and Teachers’. A significant range of short videos on specific aspects. Check the Playlists for specific topics. Examples include Youth Basketball Drills for Kids, Popular Uploads and many more. Well worth visiting. -
Primary Physical Education
TES Australia. ‘Keeping your class engaged with fun and unique teaching resources is vital in helping them reach their potential. With Tes Resources you’ll never be short of teaching ideas. We have a range of tried and tested materials created by teachers for teachers’. -
Physical Education Resources
A significant range of resources from TES Australia. Most are fee-based but generally are less than $10. Those that are free are clearly marked. Covers a wider scope than the preceding link. -
Primary School Teaching Resources
‘Explore the many factors that influence health, wellbeing, physical activity and sporting performance with VEA’s videos’. Curriculum aligned. -
Teach Starter - Physical Education Teaching
‘Physical education teaching resources for primary school students and teachers. This large selection of educational resources includes posters, borders and banners to decorate your classroom, as well as comprehensive learning activities such as comprehension pieces, worksheets, activities and inquiry tasks to immerse your students in learning about physical education. Within the Physical education category, you will also find resources for teaching and playing different types of sports’. Fee-based but reasonable. -
Teacher Superstore - Health &
Physical Education Resources and Supplies
450+ products at time of updating. Use filters to narrow the selection - Year Level, Publisher [if known], Product Type and Price Range. You can also narrow the choice using the area links at the top of the products. -
The PE Geek
‘I am a Physical Education Teacher from country Victoria, Australia. As I am also Information Technology trained I delight in aiming to engage students in my classes using Web 2.0 tools. The purpose of my blog is to detail the different ways I am trialling these technologies in my classes’. -
Twinkl - Key Stage 3 Physical
Education Secondary Resources
A wide range of resources including some designed for UK GCSE level but still usable in Australia. Other education levels using the links from the menu at the top of this page. -
User Friendly Resources -
Physical Education
Sub-categories and age filters available. Covers a wide concept of Physical Education. Fee-based.
Ace Fitness
American Council on Exercise. ‘Our ACE Fit® Exercise Library offers a variety of movements to choose from. Browse through total-body exercises or movements that target more specific areas of the body. Each comes with a detailed description and photos to help ensure proper form’.
USA. -
Approaches to physical activity in the primary years - Scotland
‘These films [and other information] highlight a range of approaches which have been used in different settings to embed daily physical activity into the life of the school’.
Child Nutrition Resources
Child Nutrition Sharing Site. While US-based, there are sections of value. Resource Hub and Programs. USA. Includes the ‘Healthy Meals Resource System’ previously listed separately.
USA. -
Elite soccer drills for Kids
‘If the child enjoys playing football and wants to improve then this article is for you with some elite soccer drills for kids that can be practised at home without the need for team mates’. Suitable for children from 6 to 14. Annual fee for access.
UK. -
Field Day Activities
Running a PE Field [curriculum] Day ? PE activities successfully used for this. Each done in detail, so adopt or adapt as needed.
USA. -
Fit for Life : Online Resources for Encouraging Physical
Education World. ‘Jog to the Web when you need fitness facts and ideas that will get your students up and moving !’ An Archive page still has a number of active links to lesson plans.
USA. -
Free Physical Education Worksheets [Teachers Pay Teachers]
More than 300 available at time of update. Wide range of material. Note that for fee-based items dollars are US not Australian.
USA. -
Getting Healthy is Fun
‘Lesson Plans, Recipes, Activities and games to teach Healthy Living’. Dole.
USA. -
Healthy Living Resources
‘Healthy Living, Active Living and Healthy Eating Resources, including Eat Smart Meet Smart’. Each of the three sections has multiple listings of activities and/or information.
Kids in Motion [PBS LearningMedia]
Physical Education/HealthFrom Public Broadcasting Service in America. Along with their other Health And Physical Education Resources you have access to documents, a significant number of videos on specific topics and much more, all of high quality.
USA. -
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans - Pre-School, Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-12. Each has briefly annotated links providing title, grade level and a brief description. Links to other curriculum areas from the menu on the left.
USA. -
US Dept. of Agriculture. ‘Eat Healthy; Life Stages [includes Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Teens, … ]; Resources [Tools, Print Materials, Graphics, Videos]; Professionals [Toolkits]; MyPlate Kitchen’.
USA. -
Ophea Teaching Tools
Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities. ‘Login and browse by topic or grade to find ready-to-go resources to help you implement physical activity and Health & Physical Education [H&PE] and build healthy active schools and communities’.
CANADA. - New !
Resources - Years 1-8 [PENZ]
Grouped under Key Resources and Other Key Resources and includes individual items and collections. A second page covers New ! Resources Years 9-13 [PENZ]
PE Office
‘The new PE Office VLE is a knowledge bank of unique and essential resources for PE departments, coaches, sports leaders and any one involved in Sport’. PE Lesson Plans, Schemes of Work, Interactive PE, Primary PE, Secondary PE, more. Registration required. Fee-based.
UK. -
PE Scholar
‘Outstanding resources, expert-led courses, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Helping physical education thrive’.
USA. -
PE & Sports
Education World. ‘Be sure to see our PE & Health Subject Centre for more great lesson ideas and articles’.
USA. -
PE Teacher’s Websites -
‘If you are looking for some great information and tools to use in your class, you need to check out some of these teacher’ s websites. There is enough here to keep you learning for hours’. Includes websites, blogs and YouTube presentations.
USA. -
Physical Education Activities
‘The physical education activities have been designed to support children and youth in both the at-home and in-school learning environments in developing, acquiring and learning a range of important competencies’.
‘The PE games you will find on this site are used by professional physical education teachers as part of successful programs in school gyms â here you’ll find amazing ideas for P.E. â tried, tested and proven by physed teachers and coaches. There is also a direct link to a YOUTUBE Channel : Physedgames YouTube’.
USA. -
Physical and Health Education K
British Columbia. ‘Background Information, Core Competencies, Big Ideas, Curricular Competency, Content and Change Grade [to find different levels, e.g. Y4]’.
Physical Education Central [PECentral]
Links to all aspects of Physical Education. Major sections include the following :
App Central for Health and Physical Education Teachers
‘This section includes information to assist teachers in learning how Applications [Apps] can be used in health and physical education classes’. -
PEC Dance Adapted PE Sites
Annotated links to various sources of information and other resources, particularly for students with disability. Use the menu at the top to look at an even wider list of resources and other assistance. Prices included. -
PEC Fitness Web Sites
Annotated links to Fitness resources and programs. Not all may apply in the Australian setting. -
PEC Top Sport-related Web Sites
A wide range of links for various sporting activities grouped as Individual Sports, Team Sports and Other Sport Sites. -
PE Videos/Pictures
‘This section showcases videos and photos from the world of health and physical education. Thanks to our friends at for hosting our videos’. -
Preschool Physical Education [PE Central]
‘In this section of PE Central we share information that should be helpful to those who are responsible for providing movement programs for young children [ages 3-6]. If you have ideas, information you would like to share, or you have a question about preschool physical education, send an e-mail to’. Instructional Videos, Lesson Ideas, Homemade Pre-K Equipment, Research Articles/Resources, FAQs, Web Sites, Books and Products.
Physical Education Guide
‘Knowing how to stay active and which foods you need is part of your overall physical education. You can find plenty of resources online to help you build strength and energy and keep your body healthy’. Games, Nutritional activities, exercises, activities and more. Interesting sources for some inclusions.
USA. -
Physical Education Links
Extensive selection of annotated links for Physical Education.
USA. -
Physical Education Links,
Resources and Activities
Internet4Classrooms. ‘The portal is used by teachers, parents and students of all ages on six of the seven continents [there are not many classrooms in Antarctica] and is available to anyone with an Internet connection’.
USA. -
Physical Education Practitioner Research Network
‘The aim of this website is to bring together physical education teachers, coaches, physical activity leaders, volunteers and university practitioners from around the world to talk about practice, young peoples’ experiences of physical activity, and research’.
UK. -
Physical Education Printables, Lessons &
References Collections of links related to PE and other curriculum areas. US-oriented, but many are still suitable.
USA. -
Physical Education Update
‘PE Update’s condensed, illustrated article format, videos and super-fast article abstracts allow you to learn what you need’.
You need to be a member to access the materials. Membership is not free, but is quite cheap. However, there are hundreds of free articles available from the home page.
Primary Resources
Warm-up Activities, Dance & Gymnastics, a range of games, Fitness & Athletics and more.
UK. -
Saskatchewan Physical
Education Curriculum
This opens to the Kindergarten level. Select other levels using the Browse by Grade link at the top, or the grades in the menu across the top of the main section. Curriculum Document, Outcomes and Indicators, Resources. You can also download a PDF version of the Curriculum for each level, including Outcomes and Indicators.
Sports Coaching Made Easy
‘Take inspiration from over 15, 000 drill videos and animations, use ready-made session plans from our pro coaches or plan your own and use advice from the community to become a more confident coach’. Includes a School section.
USA. -
Staying Healthy and Avoiding Injuries
in Sports
Contains multiple sections covering areas such as Sprains and Strains, Knee Injuries, Fractures and more. Each has general information and advice plus links to further information on specific areas of these.
USA. -
Major areas covered include Coaching, Anatomy &Physiology, Sports Psychology, Fitness & Training, Biomechanics and Quizzes. ‘TeachPE draws on the expertise and experience of many talented people in specific areas including specialist teachers and coaches’.
UK. -
The PE Shed
‘The home of Physical Education resources, games and ideas. We make teaching PE simple, fun and engaging. All of the resources can be downloaded as a PDF document’. Video Channel, Shop, PE Resources, PE Game Ides, Sport Themed Ideas, Blog and more.
UK. -
The Physical Educator
‘Rethinking what can be done in Physical Education’. Sections include Learn, Resources and a Shop. Their Visuals are an interesting concept.
15 Physical Education Youtube Channels
A fascinating collection including Australian and New Zealand videos. They range from Adaptive PE [2 channels] to professional learning. Also has a Latest Videos listing.
22 Physical Education/Tech
Integration ideas
22 “Pins” that range from 17 Videos for Teacher Mentors and Coaches to Adapted Physical Education and Assistive Technology. There are also links to other sites including Physical Education Activities and Top 10 PE Games. -
Amanda’s Physical Education -
Educational Software
Something really different, but also potentially quite useful.
USA. -
Best PE Apps and Online Resources to Keep Kids Moving
2021. ‘With so many PE apps, videos and online resources available, it’s easier than ever to incorporate P.E. into your daily learning plan. This list will have you and your students sweating in no time !’ Quite a list ranging from Just Dance to 7-Minute Workout for Kids App. Selected by an experienced high school teacher they cover all levels and a variety of skills.
USA. -
Best Practice P.E. Videos
Videos covering most activities and sports. Ranges from P.E. Classroom management to individual sports.
USA. -
FitStats Education
‘The most powerful web-based fitness assessment, physical activity tracking, survey and health promotion software available today for K-12 Schools. It can be extensively customised in order to use any custom measurement, … ’. If you are looking for technology to achieve these, then this might be for you.
USA. -
muve Dance-along Video blog
Something a little different but still linked to fitness. Developed in Hawaii and used by young people and adults alike. Could easily be used as something different to still achieve a given aim.
USA. -
PE Central Media Centre
‘In this section we feature a number of PE and Health related video clips. We want to thank our friends at for hosting our videos’.
USA. -
PE Teacher’ s Websites [Teachphysed]
‘If you are looking for some great information and tools to use in your class, you need to check out some of these teacher’s websites. There is enough here to keep you learning for hours’.
USA. -
Physical Education Playlist
Select from the extensive range of videos available. Everything from TEDx talks to Team Teaching in PE, 12 Fun Physical Education Games to Effective Warm-up Routines and much more. Select only what you find useful. A second listing can be found at Physical Education Teaching Playlists. This site contains several of the same videos but many additional videos as well, including a number from Australia. - New !
Publications and Resources
Association for Physical Education. A collection of resources ranging from advice to posters, maintaining equipment [safety]. engaging all students and much more. You might also be interested in information about their curriculum information [British].
UK. -
Top 10 Free Physical Education Apps
Gopher PE Blog. ‘We gathered the best free physical education apps for teachers to take your teaching to the next level. Check out our recommendations and comment at the bottom if there are any we may have missed. Challenge yourself to learn new technology and incorporate these apps into your teaching’. Also has Free Resources, Activities, Teaching Tips, the original blog and more.
USA. -
We Have the Moves ! Physical Activity Resource
Sesame Street - PBS Learning Media. ‘Inside We Have the Moves, child care providers can find fun-filled activities to help incorporate physical activity into everyday moments’.