Reporting is not just tied to assessment. It can be used for social and developmental concerns, or simply reporting what is happening within the school. It can be done in writing, face-to-face, online, through conferences, … . It may be system, school, teacher or parent initiated. It can be general or very specific.
Below is a collection of resources for reporting from different reporting styles to comment banks, parent/teacher conferences to electronic formats linked to assessment, newsletters, more.
We have tried to ensure resources are free to use wherever possible.
Remember some sites are not Australian. Check carefully to be sure they conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. spelling, terminology, guidelines, … .
- New !
Assessment and School Reports [South Australia]
Covers School Reports, Understanding school reports and NAPLAN Reports. -
Student Reporting
‘Student reports are one way ACT public schools inform parents about their children’s learning. Schools provide a range of other opportunities for parents to be informed about their children’s learning through parent-teacher interviews, three-way interviews, learning journeys, exhibitions, performances and portfolios’. -
Reporting [NSW]
‘Communicating with parents about their child’s progress’. Also check items in the menu on the left. -
Reporting Advice and Guidelines [Prep to Year 10]
A presentation of the basics for reporting student progress from the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority. - Updated !
School Reports [Department for Education,
Children and Young People, Tasmania]
‘Did you know ?; Where to start; Reports; Where can I get more information ?’. You can also download a copy of the New ! School Reports FAQs here. -
Reporting on Student Achievement
Western Australia. Policy document which includes Components of written reports, Achievement in learning areas, Reporting for different levels, Mid-year reporting, Modified reporting and Recognition of an alternative method of reporting student achievement. Australia. -
Reporting Student Achievement
and Progress [Foundation to 10]
Education and Training, Victoria. Policy, Guidance and Resources. Resources section has a range of documents including Quick Tips for Writing Reports and Student Report Writing Checklist. -
School Reports [NT.GOV.AU]
‘This guide has information on primary year reports, middle year reports, senior secondary reports and reports for students with special needs’. -
Victorian Curriculum
F-10 EAL Reporting Resource
‘This resource is for teachers of EAL students in mainstream education settings and new arrivals programs. You can use it to identify your students’ current level of English language proficiency’.
Includes conferences, student-led conferences, Parent-Teacher Interviews, more.
7 ways to prepare for Parent Teacher Night
Kidspot. ‘Parent teacher conferences are a time when you have a one-on-one dialogue with your child’s teacher, so it’s worth doing more than just showing up to parent teacher night at the right time’. I have had difficulty in accessing this except through the use of Opera browser. If you strike problems you might wish to check the New Zealand version which is available at New ! 7 Ways To Prepare For Parent Teacher Night [Kidspot]. -
12 Tips for Parent-Teacher
‘Here are my top tips for the all-important parent teacher interviews’. TeachStarter [AU]. -
Helpful Hints
for Parent Teacher Meetings
Brochure from TASSO. -
Parent/Teacher Interviews [NT]
Northern Territory Council of Government Schools Organisation. Well presented, point format presentation. -
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Rubrics, survey sheets, checklists, student-led conference templates, more. 145 at time of inclusion. -
Parent-Teacher Interviews : Primary School
What to expect; Why it’s worth going; what to talk about; Preschool and Primary level; After the interview; more. -
Questions to ask in a Parent-teacher Conference
Prepared by Murdoch University. ‘A parent-teacher conference is a valuable opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s academic and personal progress. Having a game plan and knowing what questions to ask will put you in the best position to get the most out of the exercise for you and your high school student’. - New !
Student Reports and Parent-Teacher Conferences
Victoria. ‘Reports and parent-teacher conferences let you know how your child is going at school’. -
Tips for Parent-teacher Interviews
[The Catholic Weekly]
‘To ensure you walk away satisfied with the information you are given about your child and how they are performing at school, here are some useful parent-teacher interview preparation tips’.
5 Resources for Parent-
Teacher Conferences [Edutopia]
‘From ideas for highlighting student progress, to questions every parent should ask, these are some of our favourite articles and resources that cover parent-teacher conferencing’.
USA. -
5 Strategies for a
Successful Parent-Teacher Conference
Edutopia. ‘Parent-teacher conferences don’t have to be such a headache. Educators weigh in on how to solve common problems’.
USA. -
8 Tips for Great
Parent-Teacher Conferences
‘In reality, a parent-teacher conference can have a huge impact on student work and behaviour. This list is focused on helping teachers prepare themselves for these often difficult conferences’. The first point is by far the most important wherever this is possible. Also includes a short video.
USA. -
A Guide to Implementing Student-Led Parent Conferences in
your Classroom
‘Includes an informative article on how to implement student-led conferences in your classroom. Also includes a kit for implementing student-led parent conferences’.
USA. -
How to Have
Productive Teacher Student Conferences
Specific detail from Classroom.
USA. -
How to Survive Even
the Scariest Parent Conferences [We Are Teachers]
‘Here are some survival tips from me, but also from some veterans, who are total pros at dealing with “Those” Parents’.
USA. -
Parent Conference Resources
TeacherVision. Lengthy article in sub-topic format for teachers.
USA. -
Parent-Teacher Conferences for Student
Success [MiddleWeb]
A presentation based around links to numerous ideas and methods.
USA. -
Parent-Teacher Conference Tip Sheets for Principals, Teachers, and Parents
‘These tip sheets from Global Family Research Project are designed to support educators and families in conducting productive, successful parent-teacher conferences’. Download the Tip Sheet here.
USA. -
Parent-Teacher Conference Video - Tips for Productive &
Positive Conferences
‘The tips in this video would also be beneficial for teachers implementing Student Led Conferences. This video is ideal for elementary [primary] teachers, principals, administrators and new teachers, but the ideas could be adapted for any grade level’. [5:31]
Student-Led Conferences [ProTeacher]
‘Many teachers hold student led conferences during Report Card time. This collection gathers all of the great ideas in one place’.
USA. -
Student-led Conferences and Three-way Conferences
Overview, then access to examples of implementation in several schools. Part of a larger Reporting to parents, families and whānau section of the site.
Student-led Conferences Overview [Ontario]
‘A great video produced by Curriculum Services Canada, which explains the what, how and why for student-led conferences’.
Student-Led Conferences Hold Kids Accountable
‘Would you like to find a way to actively engage students in their learning process and increase parent attendance at conferences ? Student-led conferences can accomplish those two objectives’.
USA. -
Conferences : Resources for Educators
Edutopia. ‘Whether you already do student-led conferences or are interested in making a shift, this list includes a variety of go-to examples, guides, tips and forms to help launch or improve these meetings’.
USA. -
Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences
Overview and points to remember from a teacher who has experienced them. Part of a Scholastic Blog.
USA. -
Teacher Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences
‘Learn how to maximise your time with parents and thoughtfully present your students’ strengths and weaknesses’. Scholastic.
USA. -
Using Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences
Multiple ideas. Edutopia Blog.
USA. -
What Is an IEP ?
Multiple articles and videos cover every aspect of these. Be aware some references are not relevant to Australian situations [e.g. 504 Plan], while many others will still be relevant.
USA. -
When Students Lead Their Learning
‘Students take a lead role in understanding and communicating their progress when they reflect on their learning in front of parents and panels of experts’.
you Need to Know about Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences [Turnitin]
‘Here are a few dos and don’ts for educators and families alike : Tips For Teachers; Tips for Parents-Caregivers; Related Articles’.
USA. -
How to Prepare for a Virtual Parent-Teacher Conference [TeachHUB]
‘Following these basic guidelines will ensure that parents leave their virtual parent-teacher conference feeling confident that their child is in good hands’.
USA. -
Questions About Virtual Parent Teacher
Conferences ? We’ve Got Answers
‘We’ve put together answers to some of the biggest questions teachers have about conducting virtual parent-teacher conferences’.
USA. -
Tips for Maximising
Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences [Nerdy]
‘Keep reading to learn four ways parent-teacher conferences will be different and how you can maximise the experience’.
USA. -
Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences [Step by Step Instructions]
‘This system will allow you to easily manage virtual parent-teacher conferences’. Be sure to read ALL the introductory comments so you know what programs, etc., are being used. [17:50] -
Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences and Zoom [With Waiting Rooms]
‘This tutorial shows you how to use Zoom for Virtual Parent Teacher conferences, and waiting rooms to keep meetings organised’. Be sure to read ALL the introductory comments so you know what programs, etc., are being used. [9:47] -
Virtual Parent-
Teacher Conferences Resources [TpT]
Extensive listing of resources covering every action required.
While there are a range of comments provided, teachers are reminded these should only be used as guides and other factors should be taken into consideration - the child, the setting, the subject, special factors, systemic restraints, etc..
In addition, we repeat what was always a mantra while we were actively engaged in education - don’t use meaningless comments, for example : “Child X was a pleasure to teach this semester’. What does this mean ? They were excellent in their studies, they were really quiet and didn’t annoy me, they always smiled and did what they were told, … ”.
Comments should always be specific, directed at the topic involved, reflect the child’s achievement, or lack of, and be meaningful for all parties involved - teachers, parents, students.
Wherever possible it should be positive, with recommendations or suggestions for the future. It should always have evidence to back up any assertion which is being made and be capable of being effectively addressed in any interview situation.
Finally, remember, the comment banks in the second section below are not Australian and therefore could have an added cultural difference.
Accelerus [for Teachers]
‘Accelerus has been designed to make the task of assessment and reporting as easy and effortless as possible, saving valuable time and helping teachers get back to the job of teaching students and making a difference’. -
Australian Curriculum Reports
‘We have thousands of personalised report comments based on different personality types, behaviours, effort and academic achievement. Our report comment bank is directly related to the Australian, Western Australian and Victorian Curriculum. Our next phase will be to implement report comments that relate to the New South Wales Curriculum. When you login to your membership, you will be able to choose the curriculum that best suits your location’. Fee-based, but a free trial is available. -
Australian General
Report Comments [TpT]
This listing contains some of the items found via the following link, but also has a range of other items. A huge range of options across levels and subjects, all relating to the Australian Curriculum. Fee-based. -
Australian Report Writing Comments
Worksheets & Teaching Resources. A huge range of options across levels and subjects, all relating to the Australian Curriculum. Some are for one area, others are “bundles” which have been grouped. Fee-based. -
Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] Report Writing Bank of Statements
Twinkl. All those included are relevant to Australia, some covering specific states. You should also check the related Australian Report Writing Bank of Statements Foundation to Year 6 for a much greater collection. You need to sign up to make a Free account in order to download. -
Health and Physical Education Report Card Comments - Foundation to Year 6 Teaching Resource
‘Use this report card writing resource when reporting on Health and Physical Education. These report card comments have been written using the Learning Areas and Content Descriptions found in the Australian Curriculum v8.3’. TeachStarter [AU]. -
Mrs Strawberry [TpT]
Extensive list of packages covering reporting grade descriptors for levels/subject areas [e.g. Yr 7, English]. All this collection are linked to the Australian Curriculum. Fee-based but reasonable. -
Report Card Comments for
Weak Students [Complete School Reports]
‘Writing report card comments for weak or struggling students in your classroom can be challenging. Your comments need to reflect the reason why your student may be struggling in a subject area. Attached to the bottom of this document are 40 sample report card comments for struggling students which may assist you in writing your report card comments for weak students in your class’. Their home page is listed above under Australian Curriculum Reports. -
Report Card Comments - Using the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
‘I would like to offer you some tips on how to use one of our existing resources to create your own differentiated comment banks’. A second site from the same group is Tips and Ideas to make Writing Report Card Comments Easier.TeachStarter [AU].
5 Types of Report Card Comments for Elementary Teachers
‘The following phrases and statements can help you tailor your comments for each specific student. Writing report card comments designed to instil ambition within students can empower them to make positive changes. Try to provide specific examples whenever you can to make your report card comments more personal’.
USA. -
50 Quick Report Card Comments
For Assessing Elementary Student’s Reading Skills
‘Below are fifty report card comments that will help you access your student’s reading skills. These comments will help give the child’s parents a greater understanding of their child’s current skill level and will help them in aiding their child’s reading skills’.
USA. -
50 Sample Report Card Comments for Any Teaching
‘Report card comments for students whose skills are emerging; Report card comments for students whose skills are developing; Report card comments for students whose skills are proficient; Report card comments for students whose skills are extending’.
USA. -
100 Sample Report Card Comments and …
5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards. ‘Here are a few tips to help you provide honest and valuable feedback while being encouraging and professional, including 100 sample report card comments that you can use today’.
USA. -
105 Report Card Comments to Use and Adapt
Check the listed areas in the menu on the left. Not only are there many comments, there is also further information with ‘Tips for teachers to write more effective report card comments’.
USA. -
125 Report Card Comments [Education World]
‘We have organised our 125 report card comments by category. Read the entire list or click one of the category links below to jump to that list’.
USA. -
Comment Ideas for Report Cards
Nearly 300 starters for end of year comments. Done some time ago but still relevant.
Just the Right Words : 201 Report Card Comments
Scholastic. ‘This big collection contains comments for student achievement in every content area as well as language for addressing behavioural and social issues. Complete with sentence stems, word lists and report card writing tips’. Fee-based.
USA. -
Report Card and IEP Comments
‘Over 1 830 report card and Individual Education Plan comments organised in a ready-to-use format. Insert student name into the comment that most accurately matches the level of achievement’.
Report Card Comments
Language Arts; Maths; Science and Social Studies; Spelling and Handwriting; Behaviour, General Conduct and Social Skills.
USA. -
Report Card Comments and Phrases - Character and Social/Emotional Traits
‘Help parents and students appreciate the development and importance of 21st Century skills and character traits while making the report card writing process faster and easier. Suitable for all grade levels’. A second, related area is covered by Report Card Comments and Phrases — Personality & Attitude.
USA. -
Report Card Comments
and Phrases for All Subjects
Teachervision. ‘Report card comments help parents to understand where their child is growing or struggling as a student. Save time while properly addressing each student’s needs with our selection of resources’. Includes the links above. Multiple grouping covering both subjects and levels as well as advice.
USA. -
Report Card Comments [TeacherCreated]
‘Here and on the next six pages are a variety of comments you can use to help complete your report cards each term. It is sometimes difficult to find the words you need. These will help you’. Covers major areas plus Comments for school records.
USA. -
Report Card Comments [TeAchnology]
‘General comments that apply to very objective criteria [as well as] behavioural comments that speak to effort, motivation, and consistency’. Grouped in grade levels for both General and Behavioural Comments. The are also links to other sites with Report Card Comments.
USA. -
Report Card Comments Teachers Would Love to Use
Collection of humorous truths [?] about students, that you wouldn’t be willing to use. -
Report Comment Bank
‘Welcome to a massive online school report comments bank. This report comments bank has been made to speed up producing school reports’.
You need to be able to log in to access the nearly 300 000 comments.
UK. -
School Report Writer
‘SchoolReportWriter.COM is a highly-rated free online app for teachers that will improve the quality of your student progress reports, reduce stress and cut days off the task. Access 40 000 report card comments from Australia, Canada, UK, USA, IB World Schools and more. Import comments from other systems such as : Teachers Report Assistant, Australia’s Accelerus and the UK’s Report Comment Bank [see above]’.
School Report Writer -
Comment Bank Files
‘1 000s of primary and secondary report card comments to download from teachers in Australia, New Zealand and beyond’. Grouped under curriculum/subject headings, with an additional 350 Primary level collections. Video guide available. Specific country listings, including Australia, for different levels and topics. View online or download.
Teacher Report Card Comments
‘Specialises in ready-to-use, printable, downloadable report card comments designed to save teachers’ time’. Note this is fee-based, though there appear to be free samples.