Study skills :

Study skills encompass a broad range of tactics and strategies that ultimately allow students to effectively learn, organise and recall new information. Although children are often expected to develop study skills naturally, research indicates that many students exhibit study skill deficits and require explicit instruction to acquire and appropriately use study skills.
[Encyclopedia of Child Behaviour and Development]

Study Skills cover multiple areas from note taking to exam preparation, time management to listening skills, stopping procrastination to getting more from lectures and lessons, understanding your learning style to increasing effectiveness through to writing better essays. These make up an area capable of significant improvement via a clearer understanding of what to do or not do. Simple changes can bring large improvements.

Most tertiary bodies offer advice and support in the area of study skills development. Check with your university or other body.

There is no single method for enhancing your study skills. Look to take the best of what is offered so you get the best result.

This page provides access to information on all areas in the scope of study skills. Some target specific topics. These include Learning Styles, Time Management, specific methods, Assessing Your Study Skills, Bad Habits and parental advice sites. Others are portals to multi-topic areas. They come from Australia and overseas, from schools, universities and other sources.



  • Academic Skills [Deakin Univ.]
    ‘Use these academic skills guides to help you achieve your best this trimester – and don’t forget too that Study Support is always on hand to help’. Their Study Support page has a range of Student Guides which offer assistance in this area. Also check their 13 simple ways to study more effectively.
  • Academic Skills Support [UNSW Current Students]
    ‘Our Academic Skills Team want you to make the most of your university studies. Here you’ll find resources and support to help you develop and refine your skills’.
  • Academic Support
    James Cook University. ‘We have a range of learning support services and resources available – from one-on-one academic advice to learning workshops and online resources. Looking for learning advice ? Visit the Learning Advice desk in the library’. Introductory video and links to several specific areas.
  • Assignment writing guides and samples
    Swinburne University. ‘If you’re looking for useful guides for assignment writing and language skills check out our range of study skills resources’.
  • Develop Study Skills [UNE]
    ‘Develop your study skills to succeed at university. Critical thinking, Academic Reading, Note making, Time Management, tUNEup, Tertiary Literacy Assessment and Managing stress’. Also check their New ! Getting Help with Study page where ‘There are a range of support services available to students. If you are experiencing difficulties with academic skills or require study support, you may wish to access the assistance provided by the Academic Skills Office, or seek assistance through New !  Studiosity in New !  myLearn’.
  • Exam Preparation and Study Tips
    Griffith University. ‘The video presentation for this session presents some great advice to help you prepare confidently and effectively for your exam, including outlining some useful study techniques you can try. The Resources section includes a tip sheet you can download which outlines the study strategies highlighted in the video presentation in addition to some useful links to other helpful web resources’. Includes the Transition and Tertiary Preparedness [TTP] Program - covering six major areas including Study Skills.
  • Federation University Study Skills
    ‘Here you will find comprehensive academic learning materials to guide you on your journey as a tertiary student. This includes advice on referencing, writing, reading, managing your time, essay planning and much more. Take control of your learning, improve your writing skills and succeed with integrity. If you need help make an appointment with an LSA [Learning Skills Advisor]’.
  • Guides - Federation University Australia
    Guides being offered include ‘New students’ guide to the library, Finding Resources, Help with Study Skills, Subject Guides and Help with referencing’. You should also check their Study Skills For Life page. ‘This includes advice on referencing, writing, reading, managing your time, essay planning and much more’.
  • How to Study Effectively : 28 Tactics & Techniques
    ‘How do you reach your study goals and remain a happy and healthy human ? Today we’ll cover how to study and remember - and how to get all those books in your head, without all the stress’. The post covers 6 major areas achieving this. Text and videos.
  • Learning and Academic Skills
    Swinburne University of Technology. ‘Get help with your assignments and build your study skills with Learning and Academic Skills [LAS]. No matter what level or course you are enrolled in, our team of Learning and Academic Skills advisors can help you tackle your assessments and develop your study skills, including with’ the listed options.
  • Learning Hub [Academic Language and Learning]
    The University of Sydney. ‘The Learning Hub provides learning support to students at any stage, from your initial transition into undergraduate study to postgraduate coursework and higher degree research. We’ve developed a number of resources to help you independently develop your skills in : writing, critical thinking, research skills, group work, exam preparation, time management and oral presentations. We also provide face-to-face support, workshops and individual consultations to provide targeted assistance’.
  • Learning Support and Programs
    LaTrobe University. Sections include Pre-study Programs,, In-semester study support, Non-study period support, Problems with assessments or exams and more.
  • Updated !  Academic Skills
    University of Melbourne. ‘Academic Skills provides one-on-one advice, workshops and resources to help you develop the communication and study skills that will set you up to succeed in your next assignment, upcoming semester, further study and career outside of university’.
  • Quick Guides [Southern Cross University]
    ‘Our Quick Guides are an easy-to-use resource. They are designed to be downloaded so that you can refer to them quickly and easily while you are either working on an assignment or have reached some sticking point with your studies’. They are part of a larger Learning Zone where other help can also be found.
  • Researching and Referencing : Study Skills Resources
    TAFE New South Wales. ‘This guide provides support to staff and students on research skills, referencing, study and writing skills and digital literacy. Websites, Online Tutorials, Study Skills Support Services, Smarthinking, Free eBooks and Read&Write software program’.
  • Study Better - Monash University
    ‘Develop new study habits, manage your tasks and time, read and study more effectively and thrive in your classes’. Multiple sections from Adjust to university expectations to Booking a consultation with a learning advisor. Previously listed under a different title.
  • Studying successfully Online
    ‘Studying online is a different experience from attending lectures on campus and you need to be motivated and good at organising your time. You can develop good study habits to support your online learning using our Study Smart resources. The resources listed [below] will be particularly helpful for you to develop these skills and habits’. Western Sydney University.
  • Study Link [CSU]
    ‘Study Link at Charles Sturt University offers short, online subjects that prepare you for success in your degree, wherever you choose to study. Whether you’re just considering uni studies, starting university or continuing in a later year, there’s a Study Link subject to help you. Even if you’re not starting a degree, you can take a Study Link subject to up-skill for work, or even just to help the kids with their homework !’ Check regarding information about possible Study Link Fees - most Australian residents can enrol in Study Link for free. You should also check their Study support and advice page.
  • Study Preparation
    Open Universities Australia. ‘Get ready to meet the challenges of online learning head on. Boost your study skills to get the most out of your degree. Here’s our shortlist of courses that cover topics like the basics of online learning, essential academic skills, academic writing and maths. Some are paid subjects offered through OUA by leading Australian universities and others are free short courses’.
  • Study Skills - ANU
    ‘Brush up on your study skills or learn some new ideas to help you with your academic work. There are a range of resources, tips and ideas to help you make the transition into university study. There is something here for everyone no matter your College or your level of study’.
  • Study Skills - Charles Darwin University
    ‘Open access to academic resources and practical study help’. Multiple sections clearly indicated. Even free study skills workshops [email link to access these].
  • Study Skills [Curtin University]
    ‘Study Habits, Group Work, Tests and Exams, Oral Presentations, Critical Thinking and LANTITE’.
  • Study Skills for students with a Specific Learning Disability [SpLD]
    ADCET. ‘A range of strategies are listed that are used by students with SLDs to address reading, writing, comprehension and organisational barriers’. There are also annotated links to further resources.
  • Study Skills for Tertiary Education [Literacy] - Autism STEP Australia
    ‘Target audience : People on the Autism Spectrum who are attending Senior High School, TAFE or University’. Fee-based.
  • Study Skills [Uni. Canberra]
    ‘Study Skills aims to ensure that all UC and UCC students can cultivate the skills and confidence that will lead to study success in an inclusive, friendly, student-driven environment. We build students’ skills and facilitate independent learning across a range of programs and connect students to a variety of UC support services where appropriate’. Programs range from Drop-in Study Help Sessions to Academic support for Higher Degree by Research [HDR] students. ‘There are also plenty of programs in place to assist with your studies, both as a new student and throughout your experience with us’. Check the Study Skills programs listed on this page.
  • Study skills - my.UQ
    University of Queensland. ‘If you want to pick up a few handy study skills that will help you through uni and beyond, we’ve got you covered ! Read through our online guides [or sign up for one of our learning workshops]’.
  • Study Smart [QUT]
    ‘Study Smart can be used by all students looking to develop their information research and literacy skills and achieve assignment success at university. Choose one module or complete all four. Test your knowledge by taking the Study Smart Quiz on Blackboard if you are a QUT student’.
  • Study Tips []
    A series of articles about different study aspects. Note that not all the articles necessarily relate to study.
  • TAFE NSW Student Services
    Links to a range of areas of support. One specific service includes information on Study Support. The introduction also provides information about assistance.
  • Tertiary Studies [Better Health]
    Six units linked to tertiary studies including Time Management, settling in, managing stress and several more.
  • UniSkills [Curtin University]
    ‘Need help with your study or assignments ? Our modules will assist you throughout your university journey ! Take this quiz to identify the best resources for your study needs’. Replaces a previous inclusion from the same source.


  • Atomi - Learning made easy
    ‘The ultimate resource for students and teachers. Video lessons, interactive quizzes and smart revision powered by AI’. Free to try. Pricing available for both individual students and schools.
  • Check what your school offers :
    Many schools, particularly secondary schools, provide strategies that have been successfully used to develop study skills that benefit your learning both now and in the future. Examples can be found at Updated !  Quakers Hill High School [Studying at High School] and Hawkesbury High School.
  • Elevate Coaching
    ‘We help school students transform their entire approach to studying in 12 weeks. Elevate Coaching develops your child’s techniques in Time Management, Motivation, Growth Mindset, Stress Management and Exams. Our coaches help your child to re-shape their attitude and forge new habits that are modelled on the very habits used by past top students’. Similar coaching available for Essay Writing. Both programs are Fee-based.
  • NSW Students Online
    One section is a Study Guide, along with other HSC information.
  • Spectrum Tuition Blog
    ‘Learning Tips and Inspirational Stories’. While their tuition work in Melbourne is fee-based, their ‘weekly blog provides helpful study tips for parents and students. Common topics include test preparation, time management and writing skills’. The blog is free.
  • Study habits for success : tips for students
    ‘Here are some suggestions to help you learn as efficiently as possible’.
  • Study Skills [Mastermind Australia]
    ‘Our courses are conducted by highly skilled teachers who have identified the most efficient and effective study skills strategies and can clearly explain how you can adopt these successful techniques to improve your study habits. These classes will present a number of options so that you can discover the techniques that are best suited to your learning style’. Check their Updated !  Brochures for programs and costs.
  • Study Skills - Essential Study Skills For High School Students
    ‘If you are looking for ways to help your son or daughter with their studies then our Essential Study Skills Course will equip them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to study more effectively and achieve better results’. Fee-based but with options for small group involvement [12 student maximum] or on an individual basis. Face-to-face or online.
  • Study Skills, Ergo
    State Library of Victoria. Getting Organised, Survive Exams, Manage Stress while also adding Research Skills, Essay Writing Skills.
  • Study Skills Handbook Online]
    When ‘your school subscribes to, ALL of your Years 7-12 students, parents and teachers can access the study skills resources and units of learning on the site’. Read the About page for further details. Your school may already subscribe to this.
  • Study Skills Programs for High School Students [in Australia]
    ‘Learn4Life Education is a leading Study Skills programs provider of over ten years. Each program covers important learning skills which are written to support the curriculum for Australian schools’. Programs are run in schools. Fee-based but appears reasonable.
  • Updated !  Study Tips
    SACE, South Australia. ‘To get the most from your time, it’s important to think about how, when and where you’ll study. Successful students find a balance that gives them time to sleep, relax and enjoy interests outside schoolwork, as well as providing enough time for assignments, learning for tests and exams and other study’. Multiple sections.
  • Study Vibe
    ‘Studyvibe has hundreds of carefully curated resources to support you. New resources are added regularly. Check out the A-Z guide for topics or use the SEARCH ​feature’. Multiple sections are linked from the home page. You can join for free.
  • Successful Study Skills [Learning Links]
    ‘In this article we provide some practical tips and strategies for high school students with learning support needs to study and be greater prepared for the class tests, yearly exams and essays they face on a regular basis’.
  • Top 10 Study Tips for Your High School Journey
    ‘Learn the skills you need to ace your way through High School’. In addition, be sure to look at the Guides, Tips and Tools found on the Resources pages. Courses are fee-based.
  • New !  VCE Study Tips and Advice [tsfx]
    Victoria. A wide range of common sense points and information.


  • New !  12 Examples of Academic Skills[(Plus Tips To Improve Them] ‘In this article, we discuss what academic skills are, explain why they’re important and provide a list of common academic skills to improve for both academic and professional success’.
  • How To Reduce Stress and Prepare for Exams [headspace]
    ‘To help reduce stress and ensure that you’re as organised as you can be, learn more about planning and looking after yourself and about staying focused in order to be as ready for the exam as you can be’.
  • How to Study
    Youth Central. Victorian Government. Dealing with study stress, How to study better [includes getting a tutor, top 10 exam tips, more], Study help for people in or leaving state care, other information. A related page is Top 10 Study Tips.
  • Improving Your Study Skills
    Teacher Vision. 5 topics designed to assist an improvement in study skills. Related resources also listed.
  • New !  Study Assistance
    While directed to tertiary students, many of the offerings are equally suitable for students in senior secondary. Deakin University.
  • Study Skills Australia
    ‘The Study Skills Program is driven by this simple logic - ‘‘Before learning anything, you need to learn how to learn’’. Commercial program. People may find it useful.
  • Study Skills for Dummies
    If you can’t do it any other way, buy or borrow this book and read how to do it.
  • Study Skills, Top Tips for Parents
    ‘Helping your child cope with the demands of school’. Multiple tips, commonly presented as articles. You can also access Study Skills Resources and Freebies which are found in the Parents, Students and Individuals section.
  • Top 10 study tips
    Youth Central Victoria. ‘Study isn’t just for the night before an assignment’s due or the night before an exam. It’s never too early – or too late – to develop good study habits. The sooner you get into a good study groove, the easier everything will be and the more your chances of getting good marks will improve. Here are our top tips for getting the most out of study’.

Top of Page



  • New !  11 Good Study Habits to Develop
    Coursera. ‘Studying can be hard. The good news is that anybody can develop good study habits to make studying more effective, efficient and enjoyable. Want to develop good study habits ? Start small - don’t expect to do everything in this list, at least not right away; pick one or two instead. It’s also important to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself’.
  • 17 Scientifically Proven Ways to Study Better This Year
    ‘For better or worse, studying is part of college life. It is also a technique that requires patience, practice and trial and error. As you think about studying methods that are right for you, consider the tips below. You might find techniques that will help you get the most out of your college classes’. Some interesting inclusions.
  • 25 Scientifically Proven Tips for Effective Studying [2022 Edition]
    ‘In this guide, we explore scientifically-proven study techniques from scientific journals and some of the world’s best resources like Harvard, Yale, MIT and Cornell. In a hurry ? Skip ahead to the section that interests you most’.
  • New !  Essential Study Habits for Successful College Students
    ‘Find a complete list of resources to help you build the study skills and lifestyle habits you need to experience success in college’.
    INDIA [in English].
  • How to Improve Your Study Skills : …
    15 Steps [with Pictures], Wikihow. ‘Studying is a skill you can improve, just like any other’.
  • How to Study [1]
    ‘This is your comprehensive guide for how to study ? Here’s what we’ll cover today to help you conquer that upcoming test : Create a Study Plan, Prioritise, Prepare Mentally and Physically, Use the Best Study Methods, Explore Memorisation Techniques, Read Effectively with Reading Techniques, Utilise Note-taking Strategies and Accomplish Goals’. Text and images. Previously listed as The Complete Guide to Effective Studying.
  • How to Study [2]
    ‘Learning Online; Taking Notes; Reading Strategies; Study For and taking Exams’. Cornell University Learning Strategies Centre.
  • How to Study Effectively : 12 Secrets For Success
    Oxford Learning. ‘Knowing how to study effectively is a skill that will benefit you for life. Developing effective study skills requires lots of time and patience. If you follow these tips you’ll be on your way to discovering which type of studying works best for you - so you can knock your next test out of the park’.
  • How to Study More Effectively - Top Methods for College
    ‘Learn several tips on how to study, such as scientifically-proven note taking methods, tricks for getting the most out of the time you spend reading and programs that can help you take more effective notes. Knowing any one method won’t be enough; finding the ones that work best for you and using them in conjunction with one another, however, can be the difference’.
  • How To Study ULTRA-Effectively For Exams : 37 Proven Strategies For 2022
    Exam Study Expert. ‘There are 6 areas you need to “win” in order to study as effectively as possible. So you’ll find the 37 strategies grouped into the following 6 “chapters”’. Free Guide, blog, Podcast, Resources, more.
  • New !  Study and Learning Handouts
    Texas A & M University. General Study Skills; Maths Help; Time Management; Note-Taking; Reading Strategies; Test Taking; Final Exam Preparation; even some Videos.
  • Study Skills Help Centre
    The Open University, UK. ‘Studying with us helps to develop many skills, and this range of information will help you reach your full potential’. This page was previously listed as Skills for OU Study. A second page can be found at Study skills for online learning.
  • Studying 101 : Study Smarter Not Harder – Learning Centre
    The Learning Centre, University of North Carolina. ‘This handout offers several tips on effective studying. Implementing these tips into your regular study routine will help you to efficiently and effectively learn course material. Experiment with them and find some that work for you’.
  • Study Skills for College Students
    ‘Our study skills guides were designed with college students in mind. General study tips, Time management, note taking, reading comprehension, essay writing, test taking, active listening, stress management, researching and memorisation are only a few of the topics addressed. We’ve gathered lots of helpful resources to aid you in your college studying. Top smartphone apps for studying, tips to improve concentration, ways to be more efficient in study groups, and lots more’.
  • Study Skills for Students
    University of Oxford. Department for Continuing Education. ‘The Study Skills Program provides guidance across the range of study skills needed at undergraduate level’. You should also check their Updated ! A Guide to Producing Coursework which is a ‘a mini-guide to preparing and writing a range of assignments for open access courses’.
  • Study Skills Information
    Virginia Tech. ‘In the Explore menu above the heading and in the sidebar on the right you will find a number of study skills, tips and techniques that will promote various aspects of your overall learning and study skills’.
  • Study Skills in STEM - Introduction [Maths Careers]
    ‘There are many reasons for wanting to study. You must make the most of your time at university, both in terms of work and play. I suppose you can handle the play part ! This guide covers some ideas to enhance the work part’. Links to individual Study Skills pages are listed after the introduction section.
  • Study Well - University of Saskatchewan
    ‘It doesn’t matter if you are in your first year or doing a PhD, there are always ways to improve your academic performance by finding study strategies that work for you. Study smarter, not harder ! By actively developing good study skills and learning strategies, you will keep your motivation high and achieve your goals more easily and more efficiently’.
  • The EAP Toolkit
    ‘The English for Academic Purposes Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of resources and activities that are designed to improve students’ academic English and study skills, primarily in a higher education setting. It provides over 100 hours of learning materials’. Previously listed as the Study Skills Toolkit.
  • The Study Space : Home Page
    ‘Head to the Essential Skills for Study section for advice on developing a study strategy that works for you’. Multiple sections are available to assist you.
  • Top 10 Study Skills and Techniques []
    ‘Developing good study habits will help make the most of your study time. The following ten skills and techniques will help you study efficiently and remember the things you have learned’.
  • Video Resources
    University of Florida. Includes 18 videos covering the basics of study skills. They have also ‘created over 1 500 videos designed to assist for specific [UF] courses’ that may be of use. There are also links to other resources.
  • Website Links
    Cengage Learning. Annotated links about specific study skills topics. A Second Listing, done in chapters, is found here.
  • Web Sites on Study Skills
    “The Basics of Effective Learning”. Bucks County Community College. Collated in directories from Learning Style Assessments and Information to Test Taking and Additional Resources. You might also look at their Study Skills page.


  • 9 Quick and Easy Study Skills Lesson Plans for High School
    Crash Course Study Skills. 9 sections, each with a video and specific directions for activities. The activities range from Taking Notes to Exercise and Learning.
  • Updated !  BBC Bitesize Support
    ‘Bitesize Support is the go-to place to support you through your studies and other life challenges. With tips and advice to help with revision, exam stress, bullying and more … we’ve got you. Study and Support, Wellbeing and other support, Revision : Memory hacks and tips, Revision : How to get organised’. Most include a video [with transcript] as well as other detailed information.
  • Effective Study Skills : 15 Study Skills Every Student needs in 2022
    ‘By actively developing effective study skills and studying strategies, you will avoid the anxiety and temptation that comes with writing exams, listening to audio teaching and topic presentations. Whether you are in high school or in college, mastering effective study techniques will help you attend your academic goals’. Multiple sections run from How to study effectively for exams- Best Tips through to Mobile Applications to help you develop effective study skills.
  • Homework and Study Habits
    Tips For Kids and Teenagers. Common sense information, links to other sites, Free Homework charts, more. Child Development Institute.
  • How to Study Effectively : 12 Secrets For Success
    Oxford Learning. ‘Knowing how to study effectively is a skill that will benefit you for life. Developing effective study skills requires lots of time and patience. If you follow these tips you’ll be on your way to discovering which type of studying works best for you - so you can knock your next test out of the park’.
  • Student’s Guide to Improving Study Skills
    ‘This guide is here to help students determine their current study effectiveness and equip them with the study skills they need to succeed’. Multiple sections, e.g. Common Study Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them and 8 Apps to Improve Study Skills.
  • Study Skills Course : Engaging & Practical [Thinker Academy]
    ‘The course is self-paced. It includes 22 lessons, each of which can be completed within 15 minutes. Your teen gets the most out of their Thinker Academy Study Skills course if they complete a lesson each week and practice applying the techniques to their schoolwork a couple of extra times’. The course is fee-based but appears reasonable.
  • Study Skills: Tips and Activities for Elementary School
    K5 Learning. ‘Helping our children understand the right way to study is essential for their success. Here’s a collection of articles that focus on study skills for kids. Some focus on test preparation, others on study skills tips and yet other articles focus on specific subjects, such as Maths study skills or Spelling study skills’.
  • Study Skills for Students [Education Corner®]
    ‘Our study skills guides for students will provide everything you need in order to learn more effectively. If you’ll take the time to learn and apply the study skills concepts and principles taught in our guides you’ll not only improve your performance in school but also your ability to learn in general’.
  • Study Skills & Test Preparation
    ‘Help your students [grades K-12] study more effectively, with these articles and printable handouts. There are test-taking tips, time-management advice, homework help, help with reading textbooks and memorisation, more’.
  • Study Skills Worksheets & Teaching Resources [Teachers Pay Teachers]
    Extensive range of annotated links to individual resources. Filter to target what you are seeking using the filters available on the left.
  • Study Tips to Score in Exams
    Singapore. ‘Exams are a crucial part of every child’s education but some children struggle with them. Here are some valuable study tips which will help your child prepare better for their exams’. Multiple articles.
  • Supporting Study
    Education Scotland. Basic overview, links to other resources. Some aspects may not be relevant in Australia. Part of a larger Learning at Home site which has a wide range of suggestions for specific areas.
  • Teaching Study Skills to Empower Your Students [Global Cognition]
    ‘Teaching study skills to your students is a great way to show them how they can take more ownership of their learning. It doesn’t have to take much time, as you can integrate study skills activities into the normal flow of your class. Here are some quick tips on how to teach study skills in your class from day one’. A second page from the same group, is titled 21 Study Tips : Learn the Strategies that Set Top Students Apart.
  • TeAchnology - Study Skills Activity Worksheets
    ‘Printable Study Skills Activity Worksheets : This set of worksheets can really help you determine how you learn best. We feature a number of graphic organisers to help you focus your thoughts’. There are also Resources For Understanding Study Skills.
  • What study skills do secondary school students need ? ‘Devoting time to revision is only half the battle, students need the right study skills to get the most from their efforts. As reading textbooks and notes are the main way students will study on their own, we wanted to provide some pointers to help refine their study skills’. Extensive listing of these.


  • 7 Daily Habits of High Performance Students
    ‘I [have] made something a bit different to what I normally do. This is a video of - from what I observed at university - the 7 most effective habits that the majority of high performance students implemented into their daily lives’. [18:56 - 7 sections]. YouTube.
  • 5 Bad Study Habits You Should Resolve to Avoid
    From the Study Hacks blog. A little dated but still applicable.
  • Effective Study Skills
    ‘This ADPRIMA web page on study skills, and what some may refer to as study tips, is designed to help you improve your learning and understanding, and ultimately your grades’. Options for Fee-based material.
  • Homework Help
    ‘Improve your study skills with these tips for time management, organisation and research. Resources are also available for parents looking to help their child focus’. Also check the Study Methods page which has an extensive range of articles on specific aspects.
  • How to Improve Your Studying Skills []
    ‘We continue to add practical articles about study skills and related areas. For your convenience, the currently available articles are grouped into categories’. Categories range from Studying to Taking Tests and beyond. It is a part of the following website link.
  • How to Study
    ‘Welcome to the most comprehensive Study Skills website. Good study skills are essential for learning and succeeding in school. How-To-Study provides all the resources you need to develop great study skills. So go ahead, explore !’
  • How To Study More Effectively
    ‘Three methods : Setting Yourself up for Success; Studying Smarter; Using Notes to Study’. It also includes a video and Questions & Answers. Highly rated information from Wiki-How.
  • How To Study PDF 7th Edition by Ron Fry
    English PDF. It may be slightly dated but it was considered the book at the time. Studying hasn’t really changed that much and its 8 chapters cover all the essentials. This version is from 2011.
  • How to Study SMARTER, Not HARDER
    Covers ‘Intro, Advanced Information Processing, Spaced Repetition, Pareto Principle, Feynman Technique’. [9:30].
  • Learning Skills
    Mind Tools. 14 Articles on specific topics from Virtual Learning, How to learn from your mistakes and The Cornell Note-Taking System, Purposeful Practice and more.
  • Learning to Learn Online
    ‘This course teaches you how to develop a personal plan to learn in an online environment. Online learning differs from traditional classroom methodologies and requires a different toolset to master. This course shows you how to manage your time, complete assignments and communicate with instructors. All Alison courses are free to enrol, study and complete’.
  • Mammoth Memory
    ‘Our method will certainly help to make the material you are learning more memorable. However, it is not designed to work after just one sitting. To retain information permanently, it must be continually reviewed. If possible, use Mammoth Memory during short, regular study sessions spread throughout the year rather than cramming the night before an exam’.
  • Updated !  MemoMaster
    ‘Outliner software to administer and file all sorts of texts and calculations !’.
  • Sage - Study Skills
    ‘We have a range of resources to help you study smarter and ensure success throughout your course. There is both free and fee-based material. You can also watch videos such as Study Skills Tips : Master the basics of academic writing’. This is only the first of 18 videos in the series covering Study Skills which are found by using this link - Study Skills Tips.
  • New !  Stress Management for College Students
    ‘How does stress affect college students ? Everyone has a different response to it, but generally, chronic or severe stress isn’t healthy. Here’s a look at stress management for college students, whether it’s getting involved in the community, leading a Christian lifestyle or making relationships with professors who want you to succeed - there are ways to manage college stress. In This Article : Understanding the Causes and Triggers of Your College Stress plus Actionable Tips for Managing College Stress’.
  • Study and Learning Skills and Strategies for Online Classes
    ‘If you’re just getting started with online courses, or if you’ve taken a few but are finding yourself struggling, these study and learning strategies will help you find success in your education’.
  • Study Resources and Test Taking Tips
    Introduction then multiple sections with specific components related listed for each. Sections cover Types of Learners, Primed to Learn, Testing, Study Skills, Classroom Learning, Science and Technology and Research Papers/Essay Writing.
  • Study Skills [SkillsYouNeed]
    ‘Our pages provide generic study skills advice – appropriate to learners across all disciplines and in different life circumstances’. The menu at the top shows the wide range of skills covered on this site, of which Study Skills is just one. Well worth a visit.
  • Study Skills, Study Strategies
    ‘Rehearsal and rote learning, Reading and listening, Flashcards, Summary methods, Visual imagery, Acronyms and mnemonics, Examination strategies, Spacing, Interleaving and blocking, Retrieval and testing, Time management, organisation and lifestyle changes, Studying environment, Analogies and Concept mapping’. Wikipedia.
  • Study Skills, Wikibooks
    Managing Your Time, Taking Notes, Reading, Listening To Lectures, Memorising, Having Discussions, Writing Tests, Writing Term Papers, Alternative Techniques, links, more. From Wikibooks. You may need to use the external link at the bottom to access the printable version.
  • New !  The Complete Study Guide For Every Type Of Learner [Oxford Learning]
    ‘We’ve put together the Complete Study Guide to help you discover what type of learner you are and how to study smarter with study strategies for each of the different learning styles !’
  • What Works, What Doesn’t
    ‘Some study techniques accelerate learning, whereas others are just a waste of time - but which ones are which ? An unprecedented review maps the best pathways to knowledge’.


  • 100 Activities for Teaching Study Skills
    SAGE Publications Ltd. ‘A sourcebook of activities for study skills tutors, teachers and support staff. This practical, user-friendly guide is designed to complement your existing study skills materials, and provide innovative and imaginative ways for you to motivate and engage your students. You might also consider Teaching, Learning and Study Skills which is a book for tutors, lecturers and teachers in further and higher education, who need to teach their students how to study, learn and communicate effectively’.
  • How to Help Teens Develop Good Study Habits
    ‘Good study habits don’t always come easily or naturally. Most teens need to be taught how to develop them. And that can be hard when you’re not sure how much [or how little] to supervise or be involved with their homework’.
  • How to Teach Study Skills [with Pictures]
    wikiHow. Multi-section presentation last updated in 2021. You can also download the the content in PDF format for a very small fee.
  • Teaching Study Skills [Pinterest]
    A significant number of pins provide a huge variety of information and advice.
  • Teaching Study Skills to Empower Your Students
    Global Cognition. ‘Teaching study skills to your students is a great way to show them how they can take more ownership of their learning. It doesn’t have to take much time, as you can integrate study skills activities into the normal flow of your class’.
  • Teaching Study Skills : Ideas That Work !
    Education World. ‘Three educators share their tips and tricks to improve study skills’.
  • Tips for Teaching Study Skills
    Pathway 2 Success. ‘Teaching these skills early on is important to help all learners do their best. I’ve put together a list of ideas and resources, but check out this year long Executive Functioning and Study Skills activities set if you want to get started on teaching these skills right away’.

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