With the range of Technology & Design areas, some sites are not topic specific but act as portals providing resources, association links, discussion forums, blogs, journals, magazines, … .

This page provides technology support, food technology resources, software, technology skills, tutorials and more. Additional resources now include those for Internet safety/online safety/cybersafety/eSafety [all with the same meaning].

You can find some related resources on the Competitions pages, Blogs, Pods, Tweets … page, Textbooks pages [secondary and tertiary], Science Resources page and even the Duty of Care [Cybersafety] pages.

We have tried to ensure resources are free to use wherever possible.

Remember, some sites are not Australian. Check carefully to be sure they conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. spelling, terminology, guidelines, … .




A number of sites are on the Duty of Care page as indicated above. We will only be recording resource pages below. For other aspects use that link.

  • A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents
    ‘This won’t surprise parents, but children and teenagers are online a lot nowadays. This Article contains : What is Cyberbullying ? How Can Parents Prevent Cyberbullying ? How to Care for a Cyberbullying Victim; and Resources for Parents’. Even though this comes from the United Kingdom, the concerns are the same as those for many parents and children in Australia. Well worth reading.
  • Be Deadly Online
    eSafety Commissioner. ‘Explores cyberbullying, digital reputation and respect for others, through short videos and posters created by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’. Secondary level students.
  • Cool Australia - eSafety for Kids Education Resources
    ‘The eSafety for Kids education package is a whole-school approach to eSafety [cyber safety]. Containing six lesson plans, a Take-It-Home Resource Pack for parents and School Facilitation Guide, it provides all a school needs to ensure kids are getting age-appropriate, consistent guidance on how to stay safe online. The eSafety for Kids education package was developed in consultation with a team of experts’.
  • Cyberocean [Surfshark]
    ‘Welcome to Cyberocean - a place where you can decide how little Shark’s story will unfold. Join them on a journey to learn how to notice and avoid cyber threats. Choose a story : Cyberbullying, Dangers of Gaming or Phishing. Each story aims to illustrate how cybercriminals can mask their intentions, educate kids on recognising risks and instruct how they should act if the project scenarios happen in real life’.
  • Cyber Safety - Department of Education WA
    ‘Tips to help your children be safe and responsible online users’.
  • Cyber Safety : Discussion Guides [SBS Learn]
    ‘This resource addresses cyberbullying, image sharing and promoting positive experiences online and includes : 2 discussion guides - one for teachers, one for parents/carers; 1 downloadable classroom poster with support services; Short clips specially selected for classroom use, and classified as PG; NB. the series is classified M, so we recommend using our clips, or watching the series with a responsible adult’.
  • Cyber Security Awareness Resources
    Digital.NSW. ‘Cyber Security NSW provides a range of cyber security awareness materials such as digital posters, and guidance materials. Topics covered include phishing, passwords, remote working and Wi-Fi security. The links are available to download and distribute across your NSW Government agency or council’.
  • eSafetyeducation
    Check the Curriculum resources listed for Early Years, Primary and Secondary with a Video Library as well.
  • eSafety NSW
    Cyber security and protecting children. A wide range of resources suitable for students to parents.
  • eSafety Education
    ‘Discover resources designed to help schools and other educators teach online safety lessons’. Part of the eSafety Commissioner site. other sections include Cybersmart Challenge and Classroom Resources.
  • eSafety For Kids - School Facilitation Guide - Cool Australia
    ‘This School Facilitation Guide will support teachers and school leaders in delivering a whole-school approach to eSafety. It encompasses notes on how to best deliver the eSafety for Kids unit of work in your school, along with guides for getting the community and parents/caregivers involved in the process. It is designed to work alongside the Take It Home Resource Pack, which can be provided directly to parents/caregivers’. You should also check their other eSafety Resource Units.
  • eSafety Professional Learning Modules
    ECA and the eSafety Commissioner. ‘The modules are part of the eSafety Early Years Program which provides online safety advice and tips within a positive framework for prior to school aged children, their parents, carers and their educators in an Australian context’.
  • How to Tell if Social Media Is Harming Your Mental Health
    ‘While social media is an excellent tool for staying in touch with friends and family, finding communities based on interests and communicating quickly, it can also negatively impact mental health. Depending on the circumstances, social media can have a positive, negative or neutral impact on mental health. For many, social media is a great tool to stay connected and maintain relationships. However, it can also be dangerous and harm our mental health. It is important to examine your own mental health needs to understand what aspects of social media might be unhealthy for you and to keep an eye out for the warning signs’.
  • Internet Safety - ABC Behind the News [BTN]
    ‘Have you ever wondered why many internet sites and services are banned for kids under 13? To mark Safer Internet Day on the 6th of February, we’re going to find out about that and some of the other rules designed to keep you safe online’..
  • Internet Safety Guide for Kids [CyberGhost Privacy Hub]
    ‘Online Threats to Kids; How to Protect Your Kids from Online Threats; Keeping Kids Safe on Social Media; Online Security Tips for Parents; The Internet and Teenagers; and The Bottom Line’. Well thought out and presented.
  • Safer Technologies 4 Schools
    Supporting Schools, Teachers and Parents. ‘ST4S has been developed to enhance the security, privacy, interoperability and online safety of software applications and services commonly used by Australian schools. The goals and standards of ST4S are shared by all Australian education jurisdictions – including state, territory, Catholic and independent school sectors – for the benefit of the whole education community’.
  • Teacher’s Guide to Cybersecurity - Everything You Need to Know in 2023
    ‘The cyber world of modern education can be dangerous, both to your students and to you as a teacher’. This presentation provides a background preview of the needs for safety measures as well as providing information about a range of topics related to cyber usage going from your own security to educational solutions. Well worth reading and adding to your skillset.
  • The Parents’ Guide to teaching your teen Online Safety [MyTutor]
    ‘Online safety is near the top of the worry list for most parents today. More teens than ever are using social media channels daily and they’re doing everything from learning to socialising, gaming to shopping. For teens, learning how to spot the risks and keep safe online is a life skill that will be helpful for years to come. The first step to keeping teens safe is to be aware of how your child is using social media. Rather than banning screens altogether – research has shown that confiscating teens’ phones is futile – try to engage with their world as much as possible. Here, we’ve pulled together the top social media platforms, with the relevant online safety advice’.


  • Design and Technologies
    Victoria, Education and Training. “Learning and teaching support” from VCAA, FUSE and VicSTEM.
  • Digital Technologies : An Introduction
    ‘Members of the Digital Technologies Advisory Group discuss the features of the curriculum’. ACARA.
  • Digital Technologies Hub
    ‘Find resources to help teachers, students and families learn about Digital Technologies. Sections for Teachers, School Leaders, Students and Families. Featured Content, Calendar of Events and Latest News from this area’. Education Services Australia.
  • Digital Technologies and ICT Resources [NESA]
    ‘Activities, projects, lesson plans, tutorials’. Grouped under specific headings. Not all are Australian.
  • Digital Technologies [VCAA]
    ‘Curriculum area-specific resources have been developed to support teachers implementing the curriculum, organised by “Help me plan”, “Help me find a teaching resource” and “Help me assess”’.
  • Product Design and Technology Index [VCAA]
    As well as information on curriculum and assessment it includes links to support material.
  • New !  STEM education in Victoria |
    ‘Our STEM in the Education State plan brings together all of the actions that will help us to deliver the vision for improved learning and outcomes in STEM. It is also the start of a conversation about where to head next in early learning, education and training and how to involve our communities and businesses in this important work. Read more at New !  STEM in the Education State - Plan [PDF, 1.2MB]’.
  • Updated !  STEM Education Resources Toolkit
    ‘The aim of the National STEM School Education Resources Toolkit is to assist schools and industry to establish new STEM initiatives, form school-industry partnerships, and evaluate existing and future STEM initiatives. The Toolkit is a resource for teachers, school leaders, parents, and industry partners. It aims to support the implementation of quality STEM initiatives in schools’.
  • Updated !  VicSTEM
    ‘VicSTEM brings together a range of STEM resources, activities and programs, helping early years childhood educators, teachers, learners and families to access the information and services they need quickly and easily’.


  • ADSEI – Resources
    ‘ADSEI resources will appear here as they are created. Check out the Resources & Workshops menu for datasets related to specific subjects. Many datasets and project ideas are cross curriculum. All of the resources available here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial 3.0 Australia [CC BY-NC 3.0 AU]. You are free to Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format’.
  • Australian Curriculum Teaching Resources - Digital Technologies
    Teach Starter. ‘93 teaching resources that will make your classroom buzz !’ Annotated links to items. They also have a Design and Technologies page with 76 items.
  • Canva
    ‘Easily create beautiful designs and documents. It has everything you need for amazing design’. A free version and an Education version are both available.
  • Classroom Projects
    Designability.‘Designability offers a range of fully resourced projects with student and teacher notes along with video, project materials, equipment and training’. 30+ projects to use.
  • Clickview - Design and Technology
    ‘We’re on a mission to create meaningful experiences for students at all levels of learning. We encourage deeper understanding through video and thrive on supporting teachers to find great content for their classes and lectures’. Areas covered include : Design and Technology; Food Technology; Information and Communications Technology; and Textiles. Wide range with clear descriptions of content for each. Secondary school level. Previously listed as being from VEA and included in the section above.
  • Clickview- Primary Catalogue
    Resources are listed under categories. These include Design and Technology; Food Technology; Information and Communications Technology. About 80 videos with clear descriptions, each being geared to the age group and topic. Previously listed as being from VEA and included in the section above.
  • CSER Digital Technologies Education
    ‘We run a range of Digital Technologies Programs for Australian teachers, including our free, online CSER MOOC courses, free professional learning events, and our National Lending Library’.
  • CSER - The Computer Science Education Research Group
    University of Adelaide. You can access a number of their videos on YouTube or subscribe to their YouTube channel. This is free. 15 videos at time of inclusion. One example is Teaching outside with STE[A]M and Sustainable Development Goals [40:23].
  • New !  CSIRO Education and Outreach - Resources
    ‘These sections include free virtual events for teachers and students, Educational datasets and other teacher resources to download and utilise in your classroom’.
  • Design and Technologies Curriculum
    Another great site by Joanne Villis. There is a range of information and activities included, especially in relation to [see the next section].
  • Digital Technologies Lesson Plans [Australian Curriculum Lessons]
    A small collection of lesson plans. Also access other learning areas.
  • Digital Technologies Program for Primary Schools [OpenSTEM]
    ‘The OpenSTEM Digital Technologies Program for Primary Schools [F-6] is now available with initial units for each year level, resource PDFs, free software, a board game and other useful resources’.
  • Digital Technologies Resources [ACCE
    ‘The following is a list of Digital Technologies resources developed from the states/territories with assisted funding from the Australian Council for Computers in Education’.
    ‘Free blogs for teachers, researchers, librarians, other education professionals’.
  • Updated !  Free Workshop Safety Tests [Paper Versions]
    ‘If you are like me and need a free and simple way of making sure your students understand workshop safety and safe tool usage click on the “Tests” link at the top of the page for online testing and marking. Latest Update - 3D Printing Work Unit’. Check the other options available in the menu at the top of the page.
  • Innovative Teaching Ideas - Teaching Resources
    Scroll down the Home page to the STEM, Digital Technologies & ICT sector and explore the options.
  • Inter-tech Education
    A blog by Joanne Villis on all things technological in education. Links to other sites and resources.
  • Makerspace & STEM
    Modern TeachingAids. ‘Encourage your children to improvise and innovate with our great range of STEM kits, or awaken a sense of wonder as they program simple robots, machines, and even flying drones to carry out instructions’.
  • Moodle Service Network
    ‘Course management system designed to help educators who want to create quality online courses. Used all over the world’. Based in Australia.
  • New !  Primary Teacher Resources [ICTE Solutions Aust.]
    Individual items through to multi-grade bundles [also available separately for each grade]. Fee-based but reasonable.
  • Updated !  Questacon - Hands On Activities
    The National Science and Technology Centre. ‘Looking to experiment, learn and play ? We’ve got hands-on activities – with everyday household items – for all ages. Find something to try at home or in the classroom !’ Multiple pages of activities covering Mathematics, various Science areas [e.g. Biology, Physics, Chemistry, … ] even Arts and Design.
  • Resources [Grok Academy]
    ‘Grok Academy is an Australian EdTech charity that aims to educate all learners in transformative computing knowledge, skills, and dispositions, empowering them to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the future’. Use the filters to aid your search or scan the options presented.
  • SchoolAgProjects
    A very simple page with a mass of usable material through projects on specific topics. Links provided for a wide range of Technologies areas. Their School Science Lessons page provides links to resources in a wider range of areas.
  • Scootle - Technology
    Resource listings for multiple areas in the Technologies domain, e.g. Design, Engineering, Food Technology, Industrial Arts, ICT, . . . .
  • Scootle - Digital Technologies
    ‘Scootle resources are currently aligned with the Australian Curriculum : Digital Technologies. Use the filters provided to refine the curriculum results shown by year level, strand, general capability or cross curriculum priority’.
  • SlideShare [Joanne Villis]
    Nearly 30 slideshare presentations related to Technology aspects and concepts.
  • STELR [Innovative STEM Teaching]
    ‘The primary aim of STELR is to address the problem of low participation rates in STEM subjects at the upper secondary school level. It does this by developing teaching modules relating these subjects to highly relevant issues affecting all students’.
  • Technology Explained
    ‘The ABC “Technology Explained” initiative aims to dispel the myths around new technologies and devices and explore the kinds of journeys and possibilities they can and will take us on in an ever-changing, technology driven world’.
  • Technology Resources [SLQ Wiki]
    State Library of Queensland. A good listing under groupings A-D, E-O; P-Z and #.
  • TES Australia - Technologies Resources
    Filters on the left allow you to narrow your search. Items have brief summary and rating. A mix of free and fee-based material.
  • The GiST - Girls in STEM Toolkit
    ‘The GiST provides resources to inspire and inform girls, schools and families in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Explore activities, resources, case studies, lessons, study pathways and careers’.
  • The Queensland STEM Education Network [QSEN]
    ‘A consortium of Queensland Universities providing a range of high quality programs and initiatives designed to build STEM capacity across the state’.
  • The STARportal
    ‘By offering the most comprehensive collection of STEM activities and providers, the STARportal is the go-to place for families to discover local STEM activities for the children in their lives and for providers to find partners with which to collaborate’. Office of the Chief Scientist.
  • Tuts+
    ‘Discover free how-to tutorials and over 1 300 video courses. Build an app, create a website, or learn a new skill’.

Top of Page



  • 7 Apps for learning to Code
    ‘Today we will focus on several amazing apps that can help you learn how to code – while being interesting and fun. Even though the offered courses are quite similar, individual preferences will lead you to the appropriate learning platform’.
  • A Beginner’s Glossary of Coding and Programming Terms
    ‘Getting started with coding can seem intimidating at first because this field has its own terminology. But once you understand what these common terms mean, it can be much less daunting for people of any age to take up coding. General Programming Terminology, Languages, Resources [links to further information] and Related articles’.
  • BBC Bitesize - Design and Technology
    ‘Design and Technology is the study of the creation, design, manufacture and evaluation of products’. Select from 4 levels and 9 major areas. A second site, Digital Technology only covers two levels.
  • Beginners Guide to Graphic Design
    ‘45 Episode FREE Series’. Free PDF Worksheet and listing of all episodes provided on the home page of this site. Check his other offerings in the item menu on the right.
    ‘Our vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science as part of their core K-12 education. also created the annual Hour of Code campaign, which has engaged more than 15% of all students in the world’.
  • Codecademy
    ‘Cheatsheets; Projects; Articles; Blog; Forums; Chat; Chapters; Events’. A significant section of this is free. Some has a monthly charge.
  • Coding For Kids : 46 Free Classes, Websites and Apps
    CodeWizardsHQ. Well annotated descriptions are provided for each of these. As well, CodeWizardsHQ also runs coding classes for students and provides worthwhile articles plus much more.
  • Coding [Learning Resources]
    A mix of resources. Product Reviews, Teachers Hub, Shop.
  • Computer Basics
    Goodwill Community Foundation LearnFree. Check the “Topics” listing to access all the tutorials currently available. There is also a link to their YouTube Playlist [17 videos at time of inclusion].
  • Computer Sciences : Vocabulary for Coding and Programming
    ‘For those who are just getting started in computer programming, there are so many foreign-sounding words and phrases that it can be intimidating. A good first step is to acquaint yourself with some of the most common and important terms used in the field and what they mean’. A short glossary plus links to Web Languages, Software Languages, K-12 games, Adults hands-on Learning and other Resources.
  • Design Squad Global
    ‘Design Squad Global empowers middle school kids to solve real-world problems and understand the impact of engineering in a global context. Refreshed weekly with challenges, videos and activities, the website is one of the only places on the web where kids can share their engineering ideas with other kids’. PBS Kids.
  • Design and Technology Resources
    ‘Secondary design, engineering and technology resources’. Specific area option buttons are included. Thousands of items. Most are fee-based but reasonable in price. The Australian site is listed in the section above. TES.
  • Digital Technologies [Senior Secondary]
    New Zealand Curriculum Guides. ‘A series of eight teaching and learning programs have been developed to support teachers who are choosing to assess using the new achievement standards. Also Achievement Standards support and Resources’.
  • Discovery Education : Coding
    ‘Discovery Education Coding provides complete support for teaching coding in primary schools’. Fee-based.
  • DTHM4kaiako - Resources
    ‘Find resources for the Digital Technology and Hangarau Matihiko. Currently there are 109 resources listed containing 239 components’.
  • Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
    Check the Categories section. ‘A resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators’.
  • Educational Technology Resources [TeacherVision]
    ‘Browse these listings for the best videos, digital books, websites, and online games to combine both the subject matter and a lesson on computer skills! You will also find tips and tricks regarding internet safety and the best plan to help your students avoid cyberbullying, cheating, and online dangers’.
  • Electrical Engineering Educational and Multimedia Resources
    A numbered grouping with annotations and multiple options for most of these.
  • Free Online Information Technology Courses
    ‘The core idea behind all information technology studies is learning how to properly organise and store data using various telecommunication systems’ These are at college level. A larger collection of free courses is also available for Online Computer Science Courses.
  • How To Make A Website [2023] Step By Step Guide
    ‘A simple to follow, free tutorial on how you can build your own website in less than 1 hour’.
  • How to Make a Website - A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
    ‘I wrote this free guide to help anyone - from bloggers to business owners - make their own website without having to learn code’. Among the many things to help are a HTML Cheat Sheet [Updated With New HTML5 Tags] in various formats.
  • HTML 5 Cheat Sheet
    ‘This HTML 5 “Mega” cheat sheet is for all you front end types to get your little hands on. So whether you are a web design novice or a seasoned grizzly veteran this will hopefully come in use[ful] for your next project’. The author also supplies a The Mega CSS3 Cheat Sheet Infographic and a The jQuery Mega Cheat Sheet. All are available online and in PDF format to download.
  • New !  Investing in People . . .
    Why training is the best defence against cybersecurity and data threats. ‘As technology advances, so too do the methods criminals [and others] use to try and gain unlawful access to sensitive information. Investing in your team is one of the best ways to stay ahead of the threat and keep your organisation safe. In this guide, we’ll explore how training employees on cybersecurity and data protection protocols allows organisations to build a secure line of defence’. While British in origin, it is still relevant in other areas.
  • Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything
    ‘As an educational technologist, I continue to learn each day. When I develop new presentations or explore a new passion, I create a page of resources. This site will serve as the entry point to these resources, ideas, tips and tricks’. The links to the pages are below.
  • Kids’ Coding Activities Guide
    Router Network. ‘The most fun way to learn how to program is with games and puzzles. Whether you’re a young kid just getting started, a teen who already has a bit of experience, or an advanced learner looking for new challenges, there’s a game on the Internet just for you’. A collection of annotated links to examples of this.
  • Kids’ Computer Basics : Keyboarding
    Router Network. ‘Knowing how to use a computer is something everyone needs to learn because so many jobs involve computers. To use a computer, you’ll need to know how to type on a keyboard. There are lots of games and programs you can use to learn how to type, so picking up this skill can be fun, too’. Sections include - Posture, Touch Typing, Basics [Topics], Beginner Skills, Games and Programs.

Top of Page


This includes programs useful in, and for, schools. Most programs may be free to use in educational settings, some may not be, so make sure to check. Others listed offer advice on how to create various site formats or how to best use specific programs.


  • Adobe - Creative Cloud for Education
    ‘Adobe tools empower students to think creatively and communicate expressively, so they can turn their classroom ideas into college and career opportunities. And we offer special pricing for education, from individual students to entire institutions’.
  • Adobe Photoshop Tutorial : The Basics for Beginners
    ‘Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners, going over many important aspects when first starting graphic design’. [36:56].
  • DesignCap
    ‘Simple yet powerful editing tools enable you to customize your design as the way you want’. Free trial available but the real benefit comes with one of two plans. Both appear reasonable and certainly provide much greater scope for the user. [In US$.]
  • DesignEvo
    ‘DesignEvo is a free online logo maker with 10 000+ templates that anyone can use to bring to life a compelling, unique logo in minutes. There are also Millions of icons plus 100+ stylish fonts, Fully customizable features and so much more’. Try it and you will see how easy it is to use.
  • FlexClip
    ‘FlexClip’s free education video maker helps you break down complex educational topics into engaging videos with joyful music in minutes. Whether you need a video for academic discussion, curriculum or how-to , you can effortlessly make a great one by adding videos, images, texts and more’. Free usage has several limitations but the Basic level has additional options at what appears a reasonable price. Price is in US$.
  • Fotojet
    ‘FotoJet meets all of your needs for making quality graphic designs, creating photo collages and editing photos’. Free trial available so you can decide the viability for your needs. Pricing cost is very reasonable. [It is in US$]. This brings significant extras.
  • Recordcast
    ‘Capture anything worth sharing on your screen using our all-in-one online screen recorder and video editor’. Free trial available so you can decide the viability for your needs. Pricing cost is very reasonable [in US$]. Wide range of options available. Free may be useful, upgrading is not unreasonable and brings many benefits.


  • All Microsoft 365 Apps Explained in 6 Minutes
    ‘We’ve summarised all the tools, what plans they’re part of and how they work in the Microsoft ecosystem’. [6:50]
  • Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Word
    ‘Learn the basics of effectively using Microsoft Word, including how to format images so that they can be moved freely around your document and positioned where you want them to be. [18.5min.] If you like this video, here’s my entire playlist of Word tutorials [24 videos] : Microsoft Word.
  • Compute Expert - The Place to Learn Excel
    ‘Master the use of Excel’. Providing sections covering Excel Tutorials, Formula Options, Calculation and Tips and Tricks. Be sure to check the other links at the bottom of the page for other links to various topics that you will find useful.
  • Education Help & Learning - Microsoft Support
    ‘Connect remotely and access the tools you need with Microsoft Teams and Office 365. Stuck ? Our tools are here to help. We talked to students, went through our best resources, and now we’re delivering those insights straight to you’.
  • Excel Blog for the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced User
    ‘Right below you find 100+ Excel tutorials. All tutorials are super practical and include free exercises. Simply download the included sample file and start practicing your Excel skills’.
  • Excel Easy
    ‘Want to learn much more about Excel ? You can find related examples and features [300 Examples]. Introduction, Basics; Functions, Data Analysis and more’.
  • Excel Tutorials and Practice Tests
    Covers a large range of areas based around 3 main topics - Formulas & Functions, Keyboard Shortcuts, and VBA Coding. To keep a record you need to set up a free account.
  • Learn Excel - The Smart Way
    Includes Basic Excel, Advanced Excel, Resources including videos and tutorials, templates and more.
  • Logogenie
    ‘Try out our easy to use free logo maker and create a company logo by yourself in under 5 minutes ! Logo design doesn’t get any easier then this ! Our logo generator lets you experiment with different icons, fonts and colors’. There are a set of short video tutorials to help you achieve the best possible result. There are also packages you can purchase if you want to go in that direction.
  • The Beginner’s Guide to Excel
    ‘Learn the basics of using Microsoft Excel, including the anatomy of a spreadsheet, how to enter data, how to make your data look good so it’s easier to read and use, and more. [21:47] If you like this video, here’s more help at My entire playlist of Excel tutorials [100+ videos]’.
  • The Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint
    ‘Learn everything you need to know to get started using Microsoft PowerPoint ! You’ll learn all the basics plus more, including : how to choose a design theme, add text and pictures to a slide, adding new slides, animating items and more. [23:13]
    Here’s My entire PowerPoint playlist.
  • Pluralsight
    ‘ is now Pluralsight. Grow your skills with experiences like assessments, paths and expert-led content on today’s most in-demand technologies’.
  • Scratch [for Educators]
    ‘Your students can use Scratch to code their own interactive stories, animations, and games. In the process, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today’s society. Educators are integrating Scratch across many different subject areas and age groups. A project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge’. There is also a free app called ScratchJr for younger children [ages 5-7].
  • STEAM Resources [STARnet]
    ‘The STAR Library Network [STAR Net] provides resources, e.g. Blogs, STEAM kit ideas, @Home activities and facilitation strategies’.
  • Teach Your Kids Code
    8 reasons why every child should learn to code. ‘Join the thousands of other families who are interested in teaching their kids to code ! You’ll get access to amazingly simple and fun ideas to get your kids coding in no time !’
  • Tech&Learning
    ‘Tools and ideas to transform education’. News, How To, Remote Learning, Classroom Tools, Higher Ed, Events, Resources, Webinars, Magazines, more.
  • Technology in the Classroom [Education World]
    Expand the resource listing by using the extensive Technology menu shown on the left.
  • Technology Online - Links for Digital Technologies
    ‘This page provides tables with links to some useful Digital Technologies resources suggested by teachers. Select the images in the tables to view information about the links. Junior primary, Middle primary, Upper primary, Secondary, Computational thinking, Designing and developing digital technologies, All resources’.
  • The Juni Blog - Coding for Kids Blog
    ‘The Juni Learning blog provides online educational resources about Computer Science, Mathematics and English for kids and their parents’. One example is Basic Programming For Kids - Have Fun & Learn With Us.
  • Website
    Computing and internet skills for all levels. From The Basics to Advanced Tutorials and Staying Safe.
  • What Is Digital Citizenship ? - Guide for Parents
    ‘Not only do we need to keep our kids safe from physical dangers and harm, but we also need to instruct them on how to be good people offline and online. Let this digital citizenship guide be another resource in your parenting tool belt to help raise happy, healthy children into adults’.

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