With the variety of The Arts, some sites are not topic specific but act as portals providing resources, association links, discussion forums, blogs, journals, magazines, … .
This page primarily looks at sites that have been developed in Australia, many with original resources.
Also check the Drama and Competitions pages for other potential resources.
Unless otherwise stated the resources are free.
Remember some sites are not Australian though we have concentrated on these. Check carefully to be sure others conform to Australian requirements before use, e.g. spelling, terminology, guidelines, … .
- Updated !
Amuse - P-10 resources
‘aMuse represents the full spectrum of music education philosophies and approaches implemented by primary and secondary teachers by providing an extensive range of professional learning programs, conferences, publications and web-based resources and networks to support music educators and the students they teach. aMuse is the major provider of such services for school music teachers in Victoria’. Previously known as Victorian Schools’ Music Association. -
ASME Links
Includes groups, associations, state department areas, members specialist pages, more. -
Art Education Australia
‘We are the peak national body for visual art education in Australia’. Links to involvement with the Australian Curriculum, News, Publications, Members’ area [including Education Resources] and a small selection of resources which are available to all. -
Art Education Victoria - Creativity for life
‘Categories include Arts Sector; Primary; Secondary; and Secondary VCE. The Resource Centre provides a Category filter to help refine your search’. They also have a separate Links page which provides access to more art resources from a range of other entities. -
Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association
‘Australia’s uniting body for teachers, educators and industry practitioners working and creating in the performing arts. We connect teachers and educators with industry across a multitude of experiences, knowledge and professional development’. -
Drama Australia
‘Drama Australia is the peak national body that represents and advocates on behalf of all state and territory drama education associations in Australia. All members of state and territory Drama associations are automatically members of Drama Australia’. Links are provide to all state and territory bodies. These bodies each have resources. Some are restricted to members, some resources are available to all who want them. Two with open access resources can be accessed at New ! Drama Victoria [select resources from the top menu] and Drama NSW - Free Resources. -
National Advocates for Arts Education
‘We work with the government of the day and other decision makers to ensure all Australian children have access to a quality arts education by including the arts in national curriculum documents’. -
National Association for the Visual Arts - Art Education in Schools
While ‘the National Association for the Visual Arts [NAVA] leads advocacy, policy and action for a contemporary Australian arts sector’, it has also held an interest in the development of Art Education in School and, through this, the national curriculum. -
‘The Visual Arts and Design Educators Association of NSW seeks to promote the study of Visual Arts and Design education and to inspire and support Visual Art and Design teacher’.
Act Ease
‘Act Ease is designed to build teacher capacity and ability to teach drama in primary schools. It has been created with a group of teachers, industry experts and university sector representatives to develop teacher capacity’. Further detail, download from the site. - New !
Art4MyRoom - Australian Art Teaching Resources/Art Teaching Ideas
‘Art4myroom is a subscription based website developed specifically for K-6 teachers. It provides art lessons in association with the new school curriculum and includes step-by-step instructions, supported by colourful samples of children’s artworks’. -
Australian Art Teaching Resources [Art4MyRoom]
‘Art4myroom is a subscription-based [but quite reasonable] website developed specifically for K-6 teachers. It provides art lessons in association with the new school curriculum and includes step-by-step instructions, supported by colourful samples of children’s artworks’. Check sections listed in the menu at the bottom of the home page. -
Creative Arts
‘Students discover a variety of art forms through a study of dance, drama, music and visual arts where they learn to appreciate, make and perform’. Dept. of Education, NSW. Curriculum Stages, further information, resources [via the stage sections], Safe working practices, more. There are also links to Updated ! Creative Arts resources. ‘Browse our expanding collection of resources. In the catalogue, select by stage or syllabus’ -
Creative Arts
NESA. Syllabus, Assessment support and advice, sample units, sample work, more. -
Curriculum Area resources
Includes ‘curriculum-specific planning, assessment and reporting advice, links to relevant external resources, curriculum-specific information and contact information for the relevant curriculum area manager’. Select The Arts, or one of the listed areas within this curriculum. VCAA. -
‘Sample scope and sequences; Sample assessment schedules and tasks; Teaching and learning resources; Preliminary resources; HSC resources; Assessment in the HSC; Syllabus; Contact us’. The same applies for New ! Music 1. -
Drama Archives - Australian Curriculum
Selected units of work integrating Drama with other aspects of education. -
Drama - Teacher [FUSE]
Department of Education & Training, Victoria. ‘Start exploring resources aligned to the Victorian Curriculum. Find Content Codes in the the More details section of each resource’. Nearly 50 items at time of update. You might also wish to check similar resources for Dance. 220+ at time of update. -
HSC Creative Arts [HSC Hub]
‘We’re continually building pages to connect teachers and students with HSC resources’. 10 Courses listed ranging from Ceramics to Visual Design. Each contains relevant resources for that specific aspect. -
Learning Resources - National Gallery of Australia
‘Our range of diverse learning resources includes ‘look, think, create’ activities, audio and video components, art making projects and much more. Learn about artists, exhibitions or themes, and get hands-on with creative projects. All our resources have cross-curriculum learning outcomes. See Art from Home for creative activities for the whole family’. Also check the For Teachers & Students information for additional assistance. - Updated !
Literacy in the Creative Arts
‘The creative arts and literacy are linked in many and varied ways. The literacy of the creative arts video [3:8] unpacks these connections through research and examples of literacy embedded in the creative arts’. - Updated !
Introduction to music within the Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus
NSW Education. ‘Introduction to music within the Creative Arts K-6 offers teachers and school leaders the opportunity to engage in professional learning in music as an artform within the NSW Creative Arts K-6 syllabus’. More detail from the page. Primary education. -
P-10 Drama Teaching and Learning Resources
In addition to the resources and assistance listed, you can also access similar material for Dance, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts using links from the menu on the left. -
Covers the Arts area. Filter by type, level, etc., using the options on the left. More than 300 resources listed at time of update. -
The Arts
DET, Victoria. Links to resources, etc., in The Arts. ‘In the curriculum the arts includes dance, drama, media arts, music, visual arts and visual communication design’. -
The Arts Lessons [Australian Curriculum Lessons]
A range of units, some on specific Arts areas, others integrated with related educational areas. -
The Arts - The Australian Curriculum
‘Understand how The Arts works’. Take a specific area from among Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts . -
VCE resources
From AMUSE. General and specific resources.
You now need to be able to log in to access this site. - Updated !
Visual Arts
Dept. of Education, NSW. ‘Visual arts involves making various art forms such as painting, drawing and digital media. On this page are Resources, Sample unit starters and Websites’. -
Visual Arts VCAA
‘Curriculum area resources support teachers to implement the curriculum. Resources are organised by Planning resources, Teaching resources and Assessment resources’. -
Working with Curriculum - The Arts
Australian Curriculum - SA Teachers & Leaders Resource. ‘Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts’. 6 sections. A variety of resources [video, interactive resource, print, … ]. Other subject areas available from the Working with Curriculum page.
- New !
36 Purposeful Art Activities and Resources for the
Classroom [Teach Starter]
‘Are you looking for quick and easy, yet purposeful visual arts lesson ideas for your classroom ? In the interests of helping busy teachers, we have put together some Visual Arts teaching posters and resources to help with your art lesson planning’.. -
Shakespeare HUB
‘Welcome to the Shakespeare Hub, a digital library of resources about Shakespeare and his plays’. You can also access Play resources and also Student Programs. Sign up to stay informed of our latest productions, special ticket offers and general information about the Company. Contact us using the email link’. -
‘ClickView is the leading video content resource for primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary settings. Access visually stunning, curriculum-aligned video content and teacher resources, plus contextual on-demand TV, your own video library and interactive question layers for formative assessment. All schools - including those without a ClickView subscription - can access our curated taster collection of free teaching resources’. See examples in the Video section below. -
Digital Resources for Teachers and Students
Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. ‘Access audio, video, photographs, artist statements and curatorial interpretation with a few clicks. Discover ideas for pre- and post-visit activities, and interactive teaching tools for the classroom’. Select by Resource Type or Curriculum Area. -
Education Resources QAGOMA
‘Connect curriculum with exhibitions and our Collection through a range of learning resources for primary and secondary levels’. [Previously listed under a different title and descriptor.] -
Education Resources
The Art Gallery of Western Australia. Resource documents, both current and archived, in PDF format. -
eResources - Arts &
National Library of Australia. Select Browse eResources › A › Arts & Humanities › Art and/or Performing Arts and/or Music. Free, Licenced or Online resources. -
The Arts Unit [NSW]
‘Responsible for dance, drama and music ensembles; runs camps and student workshops in dance, drama, choral and instrumental work; visual art exhibitions; debating, public speaking and spelling competitions; events and festivals; professional learning workshops and opportunities for teachers’; more.
The authority in charge of developing the Australian Curriculum. Check the Education Bodies, Boards,… section above for specific details [The Arts - The Australian Curriculum]. The Version 9.0 Australian Curriculum has recently been implemented. This may change some aspects of links to subject information. -
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia - Educational Resources
‘Digital educational resources with teachers’ notes are available on AustralianScreen, as well as specialist resources on Australian history, the First World War and more’. The Arts area is represented by items such as AustralianScreen, Carriberrie and Twelve Canoes. See greater detail listed under the Indigenous Arts section below. -
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia - Education Programs
‘Our education programs support the Australian Curriculum and offer an engaging learning experience. School groups can explore Australia’s social, cultural and technological history through film and sound’. These are held in house. Full details from the site. -
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia - Learning
‘Students can engage with the amazing world of Australian film, television, radio, music and gaming with our fun-filled, curriculum-aligned programs for all ages’. -
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia - Media and
‘Media and Me is a facilitated media literacy program that examines storytelling through animation, advertising, gaming, social media, film and music and explores how media has evolved over time in its methods of influencing and persuading viewers’. - Updated !
National Training Organisations in
The Performing Arts
‘The Australian Government has provided operational funding to national performing arts training organisations for more than 30 years. The organisations’ training programs promote artistic and cultural excellence. Together with the Australian Film, Television and Radio School, these organisations comprise ARTS8 : the Australian Roundtable for Arts Training Excellence’. -
NIDA - Schools
and Teachers
‘Online school workshops, Free teacher resources, Learning opportunities for students, Learning opportunities for teachers’ and more. -
The Arts and Culture : A quick guide to Key Internet Links
Parliament of Australia. ‘This Quick Guide provides links to Australian Government organisations responsible for the arts and culture, state and territory government websites, regional arts websites, non-government organisations websites and international organisations. It also provides links to a range of organisations by art form : ballet and dance, film, libraries, literature, museums and galleries, music and opera, performing arts education, theatre and visual arts’.
AFTRS Media Lab
‘Free media arts resources for schools. Providing accessible media arts resources to Australian primary and secondary teachers and students. Media Lab will help build core creativity and storytelling skills that will be required for the jobs of the future’. -
AGSA - Education
‘See the world differently through creative learning opportunities. Art can inspire, spark curiosity, engage critical thought and reveal different perspectives on the world around us. Our learning tours, workshops, programs and study resources encourage experimentation, enable discovery and enhance knowledge and skills for students at all levels’. -
Arts : Live
‘Creative Learning Lives Here. Explore hundreds of hours of learning through the Arts. Register for free’. Much is free but some is subscription-based material. -
Arts-POP - Managing Resources, Visual Arts
‘Welcome to Arts-POP. Of the ten packages that make up Arts-POP, five are art-form specific These packages illustrate how a unit of work can be designed, delivered and evaluated to show how specific aesthetic knowledge and skills can be achieved and made visible. The remaining five packages address the challenges of implementing the arts curriculum for teachers, school leaders and school communities’. -
ASPA Education
The Why ASPA Education section provides information on a wide range of Performing Arts programs for schools including specialist song and dance workshops and professional development opportunities for teachers. -
Australian Plays Transform [APT]
The Home of Australian Playscripts. ‘Australian Plays Transform [APT] is Australia’s national play development, publication and licensing organisation. It hosts the world’s largest online showcase and searchable database of the best Australian playwriting’. Fee-based but worthwhile considering. -
Cool Australia - Arts Curriculum Materials
260+ resources including a selection where they ‘have partnered with Ludo Studio to create a range of Bluey educational resources’. Many of the resources not only reflect The Arts but also integrate other learning concepts such as well-being and inclusivity. -
Dance Teaching Ideas
‘The website was created to assist primary teachers and home-schooling parents in developing and implementing high quality, inclusive dance and Arts lessons. There are complete lesson plans you can use immediately in your classroom and articles to support you creating your own Primary teaching resources that are fun for you and your students’. -
Dance Teaching Resources, Worksheets & Activities
Teach Starter. ‘A collection of teaching resources to use when learning about dance in your primary classroom. Use the customisable banner widget to make a dance related display banner for your classroom. Also provided are posters that highlight the elements of dance’. Restricted Free access or a Subscription. - New !
Drama, Dance, Visual Art and Music Resources for Primary Schools
‘We have worked with experienced educators and authors to create a selection of music, drama, dance and visual arts resources for primary school. Explore our Arts teaching resources to get your students Mad About Dance or involved in Music and More !’. -
Drama Teaching Resources, Worksheets & Activities
‘An extensive collection of teaching resources to use when learning about drama in your primary classroom’. More than 100 resources are listed. Restricted Free access or a Subscription. -
Draw Paint Academy - Free Art Resources
A mix of resources from A Beginner’s Guide to Painting, free email courses through to improving knowledge of famous paintings. -
Educational Resources – ACMF
‘As part of its fundraising efforts, the ACMF has developed educational resource packs that contain captivating music lessons and activity plans that are available for purchase. These downloadable packs are designed to enable teachers who are not trained in the delivery of music education lessons to easily engage and captivate their students in participatory music activities’. - Updated !
Education Resources [Australian Dance Theatre]
‘Created to support teachers’ and students’ understanding of Garry Stewart’s creation South and The Beginning of Nature for Australian Dance Theatre. The resources begin with detailed information about the background to the work. This includes the creative process and influences that drove the creation of the work. The workshops that follow are materials for Years 3-4, 5-6, and 7-10. We also have Education Packs available to Primary and Secondary school teachers for many of the company’s other mainstage works’. -
Every Chance to Dance
A streaming platform for movement education. ‘A simple click and you can teach a class that meets the P.E and Dance curriculum outcomes’. Multiple Individual and School subscription options. -
Free Resources – Kodály Australia
‘Kodály Australia is pleased to provide FREE resources to support Australian Kodály-inspired teaching and learning. Permission to use the resources hosted on the Kodály Australia website is granted through open access principles. This includes acknowledging Kodály Australia [KMEIA Inc]. Resources may not be used for commercial gain unless written permission is obtained’.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Art - Teacher Lesson Plan
National Gallery of Australia. Kindergarten – Year 12. ‘Lesson Plan designed to support developing students’ understanding of the significance of the Aboriginal Memorial and revealing the rich diversity of First Nations arts practice from the National Gallery’s collection’. A second resource can be found at Ever Present : First Peoples Art of Australia - National Gallery of Australia. Others may also be worthy of consideration. -
Aboriginal Art Education & Teacher Resources [Japingka Gallery]
‘Quality educational resources that may be useful for teachers and educators in primary and secondary schools who would like to incorporate information about Australian Aboriginal artists and their art into lessons. The resources have either been developed or reviewed by Japingka Aboriginal Art Gallery using material artists have chosen to share’. -
Aboriginal Musicians & Albums [Albums & songs [Creative Spirits]
‘Explore Australian Aboriginal music, browse albums or listen to many sample tracks on YouTube’. Artists range from Archie Roach, Ruby Hunter and Jimmy Little to Yothu Yindi, Warumpi Band and Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. -
Carriberrie 360° Experience
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia. ‘A digital immersive experience celebrating Indigenous Australian song and dance’. Teacher Guide provided. -
Education Resources - Bangarra
‘Bangarra’s eResources are part of our Education Program, created in partnership with Education Services Australia, provide insight into the creative process of iconic Bangarra works. Designed for primary and secondary teachers, they can be used to build class activities, promote discussion and develop skills in creating contemporary dance. eResources include printable downloads and are fully accessible’. -
Free Indigenous Teaching Resources [Crackerjack Education]
‘Click on the images below to enjoy a range of free Indigenous teaching resources’. While it covers all subject areas there are a number for The Arts such as Art Styles : Year 4 [Teaching with Aunty]. They also have Teaching With Aunty Lessons -
Kimberley Rock Art : An Overview
Japingka Aboriginal Art Gallery. ‘We wanted to create accessible and accurate information about why this art is important and what we can learn from it’. Opens at an Overview, which is only one of five presentations. -
Narragunnawali -
Resource Guide, The Arts- Media Arts
‘The information and resources contained in this guide provide a platform for teachers and educators to consider how to effectively embed important ideas around reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions, within the specific subject/learning area of The Arts - Media Arts’. -
Teaching with Aunty Lessons
These ‘contain step-by-step teaching notes for creating culturally rich instruction by utilising a wide range of resources on the site. They ensure the cultural content within each resource is identified and explained in an easy and practical manner. Teaching With Aunty lessons give confidence and ease of mind to non-Indigenous teachers when teaching about Australia’s ancient culture’.
Kids ‘n’ Music
‘Original and upbeat songs that reinforce the therapy concepts set in place by speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists’, more. [Please note that the above services operate mainly in Western Australia]. Fee-based.
‘Video art lessons and resource plans for primary schools, teachers and kids at home’. Free trial. Reasonable costs for nominated periods up to a year. Lessons run ‘on average, 8-12 minutes each’ and come complete with a lesson page. -
Curriculum Media Arts: Video examples of Arts practice
‘This suite of four videos supports the implementation of The Australian Curriculum : Media Arts by providing examples of media arts practices in a classroom environment’. -
Canva Collage Maker
‘Create stunning photo collages in Canva with our amazingly simple drag-and-drop design tool’. Check the contents listed under the Education link in the top menu. Free to join. - New !
Apple. As on user indicates ‘This free app represents an amazing act of generosity towards all people who love Shakespeare and would like to get to know him better. Setting aside the complete texts of the plays and poems, with easy and straightforward navigation, there's heaps of information on historical aspects, a biography, portrait gallery, there's synopses, information on and analyses of characters, and much else’. High rating. Fee-based.
For links to competitions [rather than spectaculars], nationally and in various states/territories, go to the Competitions & Challenges pages.
- New !
Catholic Schools Music Festival
‘The CSMF is a showcase of talent from students within upper primary and secondary Catholic schools involving approximately 2 000 students who spend 7 months preparing for their moment on stage. Performances are held each September, with each evening featuring a massed choir, instrumental ensembles, vocal groups and solo artists’.
Creative Generation
‘Creative Generation - State Schools Onstage [CGEN] continues to give students, teachers and school communities the opportunity to be involved in a professionally produced, award-winning arena spectacular’.
Instrumental Fanfare
‘Fanfare is the biennial state-wide festival of bands and orchestras from Queensland state schools [next in 2024]. It showcases the exciting music making that is occurring in school-based ensembles across the state’. It alternates with the Choral Fanfare which helps ‘Queensland state schools to promote and celebrate school-based choral music programs’. Next in 2023.
NT Music School Battle of the School Bands
Northern Territory Music School. ‘NT Music School Battle of the School Bands is a band competition for Northern Territory schools, which sees the winners play alongside international acts at Territory Day 2023 Concert. NT Music School Battle of the School Bands is open to middle and senior students [Years 7-12] enrolled in government and non-government schools. Students can enter as a soloist, duo or band’.
Queensland Catholic Schools & Colleges Music Festival
‘QCMF showcases the very best in music education, covering a diverse range of genres within the classical and contemporary styles. Performers range from six to eighteen years of age and participate in brass, wind, string, percussion, jazz and choral ensembles’.
Tasmanian Rock Challenge
‘Founded in 1989, Rock Challenge is a state-wide College and High School music competition and an iconic event on the student calendar’.
Schools Spectacular
‘Since 1984, the Schools Spectacular has grown to become more than just a showcase highlighting the talents of the students of New South Wales Public Schools. It is an iconic cultural event incorporating students from diverse backgrounds and communities from the length and breadth of the state’.
Victorian State Schools Spectacular
‘The annual Victorian State Schools Spectacular program is an invaluable performing arts opportunity for Victoria’s government primary and secondary school students’.
West Australian Government Schools Music Society
‘Every year the Western Australian Government Schools Music Society [WAGSMS] runs a series of Concerts at the Crown Theatre and Mandurah Performing Arts Centre’. All details are on the site.
MTC Education [Melbourne Theatre Company]
‘Learn more about MTC’s award-winning education program, connecting young people and teachers to Melbourne’s home of theatre through access, insight and creativity. Programs, Resources, Virtual Workshops, Productions for the Year, Working with Regional Schools ’ and more. -
Music Analysis
‘Clear and concise theoretical study guides for more than 1 000 works of classical and popular music, by an experienced music educator. Designed for musicians, students and teachers. Available for immediate delivery in PDF format’. Free resources are found here. -
Music Fun Worksheets
‘Resources for Teachers and Students. You may choose from a large range of resources dealing with various music concepts. Choose and download your chosen worksheets in pdf format. We also have teacher resources to download which make the organisational aspects of music teaching easier for the teacher. We can post you a book of worksheets at no cost whatever - not even the postage. There are five books to choose from’. -
Music [Teacher Superstore]
A range of more than 50 resources with a variety of prices. Narrow your request by using the filters on the left of the page. -
Mzuri Dance
‘Facilitates learning and development of students’ technical and artistic ability in dance, music and performance. We provide professional performances, classes and workshops specialising in African music and dance. Programs are aligned with the Victorian School Curriculum’. Based in Melbourne. Fee-based. - New !
New Resources to support Primary Dance, Drama
and Music []
‘On this page : FUSE resources; Blended Arts Education Program [Dance and Drama] virtual lessons and incursion; Music in Schools online teaching resources; and Find out more’.. -
Quality Early Learning Music Programs for Educators
‘Musical Child offers teaching resources, programs and training in early learning through music for all educators of babies, toddlers and children aged 0-5 years. You simply buy our resources and start using them straight away. The approach is about the child improving their social skills by playing music together and learning through music’. -
Resources for Music Teachers and Educators [Australian Music Centre]
‘Engage your students with music of our time and place’. This page provides extensive detail about a range of resources. -
Ross Hamilton - Music Links
‘Click on a section below to jump to the links for that section’ Very extensive and covers 16 areas from General Reference to Associations. Each link has the name of the source, plus the url. -
Secondary Drama Resources [Tes]
‘Make a statement with drama lesson plans and resources from Tes. Popular sections include Dramatic Style and form; Plays; Practitioners; Scriptwriters; and Stagecraft’. -
Shows for Schools
‘Find the right event for your students. Search under various criteria [in school/excursions, year level, term, curriculum area, more]. Send an Enquiry or Booking directly to the company’. Fee listed on the Enquiry page. -
Stage Secrets - Free Resources
A small collection of resources that link to ‘many school communities, organisations and groups to promote multiculturalism, world theatre and to demonstrate how Commedia dell’Arte can be a vehicle for the learning of many other art forms and theatre skills’. Previously listed under the title of Commedia con Corinna. -
State Education Resources
State Theatre Company South Australia. ‘Show Specific Resources; Playwriting Resources; General Resources and Activities; Other Show Resources; and Purchase Scripts : This [last] collection includes written, video and audio resources to ensure students with different learning styles can find a way to engage in both the classroom and the digital space’. -
Sydney Theatre Company - Education Resources
‘Education Resources; Past Education Resources; Project Resources; Magazine; Archives; STC Documentaries; The School Drama Book [includes 22 classroom units]; Connecting through Drama Book; and STC archives including archival recordings of past STC plays’. Also check New ! Season 2023 - Sydney Theatre Company. You can also link to Education resources from this site. - New !
Teaching Dance and Drama []
‘New resources are available to support primary teachers to feel confident in planning and delivering dance and drama curriculum in the classroom. Quality dance and drama education engages, inspires and enriches students to reach their creative and expressive potential. The resources developed by Ausdance Victoria and Drama Victoria include virtual lessons and lesson plans for teachers with students in Grades 3 to 6’. -
The Arts Educational Resources and Supplies [Teacher Superstore]
Nearly 220 resources [at time of update] covering selectable sections for Drama, Dance, Media, Music, Photography and Visual Arts. They also have a page covering Art & Craft. Fee-based. -
The Song Room
‘Our aim is to bridge the education equity gap for all Australian children by facilitating learning through the arts, starting with our most vulnerable groups and reaching all communities that lack specialist music and arts education’. -
Twinkl - F-2 - The Arts - Australian Teaching Resources
‘Help your Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 children explore the Arts with our assortment of teaching resources, all made to meet Australian Curriculum standards’. Similar collections available for Years 3-4, Years 5-6, Years 7-10 and Inclusive Education. You can also access specific areas within this wider grouping. Subscriptions to access fully. -
TUNE IN - Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra
‘Welcome to TUNE IN, a collection of 48 stand-alone pages of activities that can be completed independently, online. TUNE IN is for everyone; students, families and life-long learners. TUNE IN introduces students to a range of orchestral works from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods, as well as six works specifically written for children by living Australian composers’.
ABC iview : Arts Docuseries
‘Your one-stop destination for informative and entertaining docuseries charting the history of arts, dance and film movements’. Some resources have multiple episodes. -
ABC iview : - Primary Arts
Several series covering different topics. Each has multiple episodes, e.g. Art with Mati and Dada has 39 episodes [7min. each]. -
ABC Kids - Early Education - Creativity and Self-Expression
‘Celebrating all the ways we can express ourselves and connect with others. A collection dedicated to art, music, song, language, communication, dance and movement e.g. Play School Art Crew, Beanies Music Clips, Art With Mati and Dada, … ’. -
Arts [Secondary]
Clickview. This catalogue covers five sections of The Arts - Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts. Select the relevant section to find appropriate resources. -
Dance [Primary]
Clickview. A small collection. It includes two of the Bangarra Dance Troupe. Covers the complete Primary age spectrum. -
Drama [Primary]
Clickview. A small collection of videos relating to one Shakespearean play - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. -
Music [Primary]
Clickview. 80 videos ranging from Elements of music to music from different countries and even to music composition. Covers all age levels within the Primary sector. -
Sydney Theatre Company - YouTube Channel
‘Sydney Theatre Company offers audiences an eclectic program of Australian plays, interpretations of the classic repertoire and the best of new international writing. Our YouTube channel provides behind-the-scenes access, previews of our productions and interviews with leading artists. With a spectacular selection of 16 plays [including 2 special add-ons], there is a grand adventure awaiting you next year. Classic plays and bold new voices, big nights out and intimate one-of-a-kind performances, globe-trotting journeys and stories that come straight from the heart : STC’s 2023 Season is a whole world of theatrical magic’. -
Visual Arts [Primary]
Clickview. A broad selection of 89 videos covering areas such as The Cartoon, Animation, Sketching ideas and the arts of selected countries.
Zart Art
‘School and educational supplier of art and craft materials and resources. We also provide professional development workshops for teachers and educators of the visual arts’. Activities to do, products to create, a newsletter, special publications and more.
- New !
20 Best Music Websites for Schools -
Educators Technology
‘This post isn’t just a roundup—it’s a one-stop shop that brings together web tools for creating music, scores of music sheets for budding Beethovens, interactive games that make learning musical notations a blast, and even lesson plans to help you integrate it all seamlessly into your classroom’. -
Art History [Khan Academy]
‘A brief introduction to art history. We understand the history of humanity through art. From prehistoric depictions of bison to contemporary abstraction, artists have addressed their time and place in history and expressed universal truths for tens of thousands of years’.
International. -
Art History Teaching Resources
‘A peer-populated platform for art history teachers. AHTR is home to a constantly evolving and collectively authored online repository of art history teaching content including, but not limited to, lesson plans, video introductions to museums, book reviews, image clusters, and classroom and museum activities’.
USA. -
Arts on the Move - Drama Resources
Drama resources grouped under the following - Drama Games, Drama Methods and Creative Resources. In addition there is an extensive collection under Education in the menu at the top.
UK. -
Drama Resource - Creative ideas for teaching drama
‘Drama Games - View each category by clicking on the tabs; Drama Teaching Tips - A selection of articles on drama teaching. These can be filtered using the blue buttons; Resources - including Apps, Downloads, podcasts, Useful Links, Videos and more; Online training; and Courses’. Some material requires a subscription. You can also access a second site from the home page. The Inspiring Drama Teacher which has Online Course Parts 1 and 2, Monthly Live Zoom Sessions with teachers worldwide, Lesson Plan Assignment [marked and returned with practical comments], Course Certificate, Drama Lesson Plan Vault and Recordings of all our incredible and practical Zoom sessions. Subscription required, either individual or school.
UK. -
Drama Toolkit
‘Drama Toolkit is a resource and support website for Drama teachers, workshop facilitators and Drama practitioners. Drama Lessons, Session Plans and Schemes of Work, so you can concentrate on using the Arts as an amazing tool for children and young people’.
UK. -
Digital Theatre+
‘Unlock your students’ potential with award-winning productions, behind-the-scenes insights and thousands of time-saving resources for English and Drama’. Subscription required.
International. -
Frantic Digital
‘A new digital resource designed to take you behind the scenes of the Frantic Method; sharing insights into the creative and rehearsal process [Frantic Flashbacks], practical creative tasks [Frantic Create] and fun, production related warm ups that can all be safely tried at home. We hope you enjoy the films, warm-ups and creative tasks’. Videos, Production Page, Resource Pack, Music from the show for each selection.
UK. -
Improv Encyclopedia
‘Improv Encyclopedia is the largest collection or resources for improvisation theatre on the web. Here you will find tons of stuff related to improvisation theatre, also known as improv or impro. Multiple sections : Improv Games, Improv Exercises in multriple categories, Warm-ups, a comprehensive Improv Glossary, Lists, Improv Forms, Improv Groups plus more - and It’s free for non-commercial use’. A second improvwiki link is found at the Improv Theatre which includes some of the above as well.
‘Audacity is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, MacOS, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Audacity is free, open source software’.
International. -
‘Free Software Never Looked This Awesome. An app that covers the aspects of rendering, modelling, sculpting, Animation and Rigging, Story Artist, VFX, Simulation, Pipeline, Video Editing, Scripting and Interface. Versions available for Windows, MacOS, Linux and other versions’.
Deep Art Effects
Windows, Mac, Linux. Android and Apple Apps. ‘The ultimate art editing app for photo editing lovers that uses artificial intelligence to transform photos and selfies into famous works of art, all in high HD quality. Use free art filters and art effects. Choose from more than 40 art styles and find your favourite artistic photo effects’.
International. -
Design Photo Collage Online
A ‘new online tool for creating collages. It has some nice templates and options to change the background along with its colour. It’s really easy to use and anyone can create a photo collage and download it for free’.
UK. -
Drama Apps - Drama Resource
10 app recommendations ranging from Shakespeare, a Line Learner through to a Drama PropBox. Also check items from the menu at the top of the page - Games, Teaching and Resources [the last is much more than just the apps listing]. The About menu item, provides the developer’s background but also provides links to his books upon the subject.
UK. -
Filmed Live Musicals
‘Welcome to the most comprehensive Online Searchable Database for Filmed Live Musicals. Search The Database and discover new musicals from around the world’. Where to Stream shows you a range of options where this can be done, with brief comments and cost information [for many there is no cost].
USA. -
Android and iOS. Free [with in-app purchases]. ‘FlipaClip allows teachers and students to learn any subject through animation. The intense focus required for animation reinforces the subject matter while making learning fun’.
USA. -
Google Arts & Culture
Android and iOS. ‘Google Arts & Culture puts the treasures, stories and knowledge of over 2 000 cultural institutions from 80 countries at your fingertips’. The list of inclusions has to be seen to be believed.
International. -
Digital Painting. Creative Freedom. ‘Krita is a professional, FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone’. Windows, Mac and Linux.
International. -
Android. ‘Practice music theory and train your sight reading skills. Learn all important topics of music theory. Start with simple notes in treble clef for total beginners up to identification of exotic scale modes in mezzo-soprano clef’. There is also an Apple version available here. Free [with in-app purchases].
National Theatre London
‘National Theatre Live is National Theatre London’s ground-breaking project to broadcast the best of British theatre to cinemas in the UK and internationally. Unmissable theatre, any time anywhere. We’re streaming worldwide on the brand new National Theatre at Home’.
UK. -
Paint 3D
Microsoft. Free. ‘Whether you’re an artist or just want to try out some doodles, Paint 3D makes it easy to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life. And now, create in every dimension. Make 2D masterpieces or 3D models that you can play with from all angles. Available in 65 languages’. Windows 10 or higher.
International. -
PBS LearningMedia - The Arts
‘Bring Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Art into your classroom with these standards-aligned resources. Videos [2 030], Interactive Lessons, Interactives [44], Lesson Plans [148], Galleries [341], Audio [48], Images [276], Documents [153], Webpages [113] and Collections [377]’ [at time of update].
USA. -
Pixar in a Box
‘A behind-the-scenes look at how Pixar artists do their jobs. You will be able to animate bouncing balls, build a swarm of robots, and make virtual fireworks explode. The subjects you learn in school - maths, science, computer science, and humanities - are used every day to create amazing movies at Pixar’.
International. -
Synfig Studio
‘Synfig Studio is a free and open-source 2D animation software, designed as a powerful industrial-strength solution for creating film-quality animation using a vector and bitmap artwork. It eliminates the need to create animation frame-by-frame, allowing you to produce 2D animation of a higher quality. Windows, Linux, MacOS and OSX’.
MENZA [Music Education New Zealand Aotearoa] - Resources
You can browse the resources either by Academic Areas or by Topics [Audio mixing to Video]. There is also information about events and news if you are interested. Use the menus on the left to access specific areas.
#MetKids [The Metropolitan Museum of Art]
‘Introduces kids to different artworks. Made for kids with the help of kids, it features a large interactive cartoon map of the Met. Kids can click on red dots to learn more about the artwork. On your journeys you’ll find fun facts, project ideas and behind-the-scenes videos made by curious kids like you’.
USA. - New !
The School Musicals Comapony
‘The School Musicals Company has set about changing the landscape of traditional school musicals, offering beautifully presented, carefully crafted, engaging and exciting stories with catchy, contemporary songs perfectly pitched to enthuse and inspire young performers’.
UK. -
Video Resources - Manhattan Theatre Club
‘Here you will find short videos that may be used at home or in the classroom to ignite the imaginations of high school playwrights. Please feel free to share with us any work created as a result of these digital workshops’. Major sections include Building Character, Creating Setting - Introduction, Dramatic Conflict and Family Drama Playwriting Workshop Series, each of which has a number of sub-sections.
USA. - New !
Websites Every Art Teacher Should Know - The Arty Teacher
‘There are lots of websites out there that are useful to art teachers and below is a collection that I think every art teacher should know. You might be looking for inspiring artists to introduce to your students. You might want websites that you can direct your students to. You could be looking for artworks that you can use in the classroom. There are websites to explore that, with guidance, could be used as a cover/sub lesson. There is so much out there to help you and improve your subject knowledge’..