The policy of this web site is to provide as much information as possible about Australian education and related areas, directly or by links to other sites where information is available;

We try to make accessing information [directly or indirectly] as simple and quick as possible. We try to provide navigation which lets you to move around the site, and to and from the site, as easily as possible. We omitted all those “lovely, whizz-bang” additions that could be provided - flash, masses of animations, significant graphics, etc.. Our aim is information and access - not prettiness;

We try to provide a brief, but accurate, descriptor for most site links. These reflect OUR understanding of them. You are free to disagree with these. You may disagree via email on the Contact Us page. We reserve the right to accept or ignore any suggestions you may make;

We accept there are areas not included which you feel should be. We are willing to consider additions. We again reserve the right to accept or reject any recommendations made;

Every effort is made to preclude material considered offensive, rude or pornographic. We try very hard to do so [even to the point of removing pages], though sites have sometimes been ‘taken over’ without our knowledge.

The final arbiter of what is acceptable to you remains your right and responsibility.

We try to exclude options requiring children or young adults to provide personal details and Warn Most Strongly against them doing so;

It is the intent of the webmasters to revise, modify and present the site content on a regular basis. We regret any interference with your usage. Any interruptions are always minimised;

You are requested to read the Disclaimer to understand both our, and your, obligations in relation to this site;

Other than the above, we hope you find the site useful, enjoyable and informative.

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