Link-Checked & Updated Pages
The following groups of pages are checked more often as they are the core of what the site is about. Normally these will be checked no less than twice a year and fully updated once.
- The Curriculum menu.
- The Education menu.
- The Teachers menu.
- The Calendar pages. [Updated monthly].
- The Conference pages. [Updated monthly].
- The Competitions page. [Updated monthly].
- Research Articles [via the Home page or Sitemap]. [Updated monthly].
- Updates & Changes [via the Home page or Sitemap]. [Updated monthly].
- News Headlines [via the Home page or Sitemap]. [Updated weekly].
We try to have all other pages checked as often as possible but look to fully update these once a year.
The date each page was last updated is indicated in the footer.
Font/Image Size Information
Rather than include a limited option to change font size, use one of the following methods. This allows you greater scope with font/image sizes.
Chrome -
Go to the Menu button at the top right corner ➟ Zoom
➟ Zoom In/Zoom Out using the - and + controls;
Edge -
click on the More Action icon [...] at the top right ➟ Zoom
➟ Zoom In/Zoom Out using the - and + controls;
FireFox -
Go to the Menu button at the top right corner ➟ Zoom
➟ Zoom In/Zoom Out using the - and + controls;
IE -
Go to View [on toolbar] ➟ Zoom ➟ Choose from
the list provided;
Opera -
Click on Opera Icon [top left] ➟ Zoom ➟ Zoom
In/Zoom Out using the - and + controls;
Safari -
View ➟ Zoom ➟ Zoom In/Zoom Out using the -
and + controls [Alternately use Command with the - or + key;
UC Browser -
Settings ➟ Font & Layout ➟ Enable options
2 and 3 [Enhanced Layout & Force page to zoom] ➟ Drag the slider to adjust page size;
Alternately, you can change font size by holding down Control [Windows] and using the scroll wheel on the mouse, or by using the Command key [Mac] and either ‘+’ or ‘-’.
Tablets and smartphones allow the use of touch signals [e.g. pinch] to increase or decrease the size of print, etc.. See details for your specific device.
Programs Used
- A group of colour programs including WebAIM : Color Contrast Checker, Paletton - The Colour Scheme Designer and Color Hexa.
EditPad Lite
Used for developing page code. -
Used for spellchecking pages with Australian English. [Also backup for EditPad Lite.} -
W3C Markup Validation Service
Checking and validation of HTML5. -
W3C CSS Validation Service
Checking and validation of CSS3. -
Free Backlink Checker by LRT
Validation of all external links. -
Google Analytics
Web Analytics & Reporting -
MS Excel
Data maintenance. - Icon selections including Font Awesome Icons and Icomoon.
Symbols Used
- ‘This is a direct quote’.
- Where the descriptor for a URL is enclosed in single inverted commas, it is a direct quote. Sometimes, additional descriptions are included by the webmasters.
- Where an acronym is used, you will usually find a zigzag line under the acronym. Move the pointer over the acronym and a container will show you the full title.
- Happy Times
This is a direct link to a PDF download. Other links may lead to PDF documents, but may not be a direct download.
[This link does not go to an actual document.] - Funny Times
This is a direct link to a Word document download. Other links may lead to Word documents, but may not be a direct
[This link does not go to an actual document.] - Good Data
This is a direct link to an Excel document download. Other links may lead to Excel documents, but may not be a
direct download.
[This link does not go to an actual document.] - Email Link
This is an email link. It will take you to your email program of choice so you can send an email.
[This link does not go to an actual email link.] - YouTube
This is a link to a YouTube video.
[This link goes to the home page.] - New !
- New Link. This link has been added at this update. The “New” indicator will remain for a short period of time after inclusion.
- Updated !
- Updated Link. This link has been updated and is no longer from the original site. The “Updated” indicator will remain for a short period of time after inclusion.
- This page has been added to the site.
- This option, is now found in the Main Menu. It provides an “essentials” format. If you are printing a page using this link, you will find when using a Mozilla based browser, Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer 8+, Safari and Opera, the URL will be printed after each link title on the printed page. It does not work on versions of some others including Internet Explorer up to IE7.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following may contain images and voices of deceased persons.
- This notification is provided on both pages and page sections where information is provided relating to or about Australian Indigenous people.
This page has been Archived.
It has been left for your use but no other links will be added.
- This notice has been placed on all Archived pages. As indicated, the pages have been left for those who find
them useful.
However : no links will be added to them and they are no longer updated.