crossword [n.]

A crossword or crossword puzzle is a word game in which you work out the answers and write them in the white squares of a pattern of small black and white squares.
Collins Dictionaries

This page includes a variety of crossword material. Crosswords, cryptic crosswords, crossword software, crossword solvers, crosswords for kids, different types of crosswords, how to solve cryptic crosswords, … .


  • Aussie Crosswords
    ‘Our free Aussie crossword puzzles are a word game that involves filling in the white squares with letters by solving the clues provided. The words can be filled in horizontally or vertically and you must take into account the direction and number of letters in each word. Join thousands of seniors and older Australians and play our free Aussie crossword puzzle. No download or subscription required’. Aimed at adults rather than children.
  • Australian Crossword Puzzles to Print [Primary Resources]
    Twinkl. ‘A collection of Australian crossword puzzles to print and complete. Your children can test their knowledge and learn new things while solving fun puzzles’.
  • Best Crosswords
    ‘ is the largest supplier of free crossword puzzles on the web, publishing 15 grids daily from an archive of more 100 000. You can play in your web browser, smartphone, tablet or print in high resolution’.
  • Boatload Puzzles
    ‘Boatload of Crosswords is the world’s largest supply of crossword puzzles. Solve Boatload of Crosswords’ 40 000 free online crossword puzzles’.
  • Browse Printable Crossword Worksheets []
    ‘Our curated collection of crossword puzzles worksheets cover every subject across all grade levels. So next time you want to boost your child’s knowledge about winter, adjectives, division or ocean animals, print out our crossword puzzles and add a little joy to the usual homework routine’.
  • Crossword
    Seniors Online Victoria. Multiple quick crosswords with one added every day.
  • Crossword Hobbyist
    ‘Browse crosswords created by other members of the Crossword Hobbyist community. Puzzles are always free to solve. You can also browse newspaper-style crosswords or word searches’. There is a complete creation process so you can make your own. Crosswords by grade, Culture, Foreign Languages, Historical figures, Maths, Science and many more topics.
  • Crossword Labs
    ‘Crossword Labs is the simplest way to build, print, share and solve crossword puzzles online. It’s free, fast and easy. No ads, no watermarks, and no registration required. Over one million crossword puzzles made’.
  • Crossword Puzzle Games
    ‘This web site offers 32 400 free crossword puzzles and fun tools for people who enjoy word games. Get some help with a puzzle or create your own, free. Crosswords are divided into four categories. Each category has a different grid size’.
  • Crossword Puzzles
    Crosswords under a variety of headings. Ordinary, cryptic, dictionaries, themed, help, more. Also links to US crosswords, UK crosswords, Sudoku puzzles, crossword dictionaries and much more.
  • Crossword Puzzles - EnglishMaven
    ‘Free online crossword puzzles. These puzzles are fun activities intended for students of all ages and ability levels’. Several levels.
  • Crossword Puzzles for ESL Students - Easy [English Study Materials, ESL, EFL]
    Access the easy version plus the Not-so-easy type as well.
  • Crossword Puzzles [Explore Learning and Teaching]
    Griffith University. ‘Adapt the intrinsic benefits of game playing to motivate learning by developing interactive crossword puzzles for students to solve’.
  • Crossword Puzzles [The Spruce Crafts]
    ‘The Best Places to find Crosswords Online, Easy Crossword Puzzles and Word Games, 10 Tips for Solving Crossword Puzzles, Easter Crosswords, Word Searches and Puzzles for Kids’ and other links to resources in this area.
  • Crossword Puzzle Worksheets
    ‘Not only are crossword Puzzles fun to complete, but they also provide for a great teaching opportunity. Pass these worksheets out to students between more difficult lessons. This will give them a gentle break, allowing them to work together and relax. Best of all, they’ll still be learning while they do them’.
  • Crosswords
    ‘Play Free Daily Crosswords from The New Daily’.
  • Crosswords For Kids
    ‘Free Crossword Puzzles to Play Online or Print !’. Each crossword has a difficulty ranking on the site.
  • Crosswords [The Guardian]
    ‘Free crosswords that can be completed online by mobile, tablet and desktop, and are printable. Blog, Quick, Cryptic, Prize, Weekend, Quiptic, Genius, Speedy, Everyman and Azed’. Also sudoku puzzles.
  • Daily Crossword
    ‘A crossword a day keeps the doctor away ! Get your daily dose of crossword puzzles here first. Beat today’s puzzle ? Go back and play another daily puzzle’. Check the other options at the bottom of the page.
  • Daily Quick Crossword
    ‘Solve it online or print it out’. A new puzzle each day plus links to other puzzle sources.
  • Daily Quick Crossword - Simply Daily Puzzles
    ‘A free daily online crossword that’s not too difficult. Solve it online, or use the printable version if you prefer to solve the traditional way with pencil and paper. Use the timer if you want to check your solving speed’.
    A dictionary and thesaurus as well as crosswords. The page includes a link to their own Crossword Solver if you get stuck.
  • Easy Online Crossword Puzzles For Kids in Grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
    ‘Here you can find easy crossword puzzles for children and students in elementary and middle school. All of them are fully interactive, and come with answers. They could be used as a simple and fun way to practice language comprehension and expand vocabulary, not through rehearsal and studying, but through playing amusing games’.
  • Free Crossword Puzzles
    Crossword Puzzles; Archive; various levels; even an option to print them out.
  • Free Daily Printable Crossword Puzzles
    ‘These are our 7 printable crossword puzzles for today. Remember, they’re updated daily so don’t forget to check back regularly’. Some are clearly marked as easier than others.
  • Free Online Crossword Puzzles
    Arkadium. ‘With many different types of free online crossword puzzles to choose from, we have something for everyone’. There are also links to other puzzle collections and puzzle games.
  • Funtrivia Crosswords for Children
    About 120 puzzles specifically for children as part of a collection of 8 500+ puzzles, many of which may also be suitable.
  • Healthy Brain
    ‘Give your brain a small challenge by playing a game of crossword. There’s a new puzzle every day’. Alzheimer Society of Canada. Also access other puzzles from this site including Sudoku and Wordsearch. You can even learn about Challenging Your Brain.
  • Large Print Puzzles - Free Collection
    ‘Each crossword puzzle PDF file includes a puzzle grid, one or two definitions pages and a solution page. Each crossword puzzle PDF file includes a puzzle grid, one or two definitions pages, and a solution page. Each word search PDF file includes a puzzle grid page with word list and a solution page with a hidden message. You may make unlimited copies of any of the original large print puzzles posted on our website free puzzle pages for personal, senior centre, medical facility, fire district or classroom use’.
  • Maths Crossword Puzzle Topics
    ‘Maths crossword puzzles can include maths vocabulary, story problems, or even equations. Many of the maths crossword puzzles available here combine these maths crossword puzzle clues. Select a category to find a maths crossword puzzle to meet your needs, or make your own maths crossword puzzle’. 1 500+ puzzles available.
  • Maths Crosswords
    Super Teacher Worksheets. ‘Maths crossword puzzles make it fun for students to review addition, subtraction, multiplication and division’. Other worksheets also available.
  • Play Lovatts Free Online Crosswords & Puzzles
    Multiple types and levels of difficulty from Easy to Cryptic plus code crackers, word search, Trivia Quiz, Sudoku, Wheel Words, more.
  • Printable Crossword Puzzles
    ‘These printable crossword puzzles are smaller [9 x 9 grids] than standard crossword puzzles which make them ideal for beginner or kid crossword puzzle fans. All the crossword puzzles are printable on any standard home printer’. They also have 15 x 15 grids, plus booklets of 50 puzzles with solutions, etc., for a small fee.
  • Printable Crossword Puzzles for Kids
    ‘Our collection of free printable crossword puzzles for kids is an easy and fun way for children and students of all ages to become familiar with a subject or just to enjoy themselves. If you get stumped on any of them, not to worry, of course we will give you the answers’.
  • Printable Crossword Puzzles [teAchnology]
    ‘A whole bunch of crossword puzzles for you to print. We feature a wide range of titles’. 40 topic areas.
  • Printable Daily Crosswords
    ‘Printable crossword puzzles, can easily be downloaded whenever you want. Besides having access to printable crossword puzzles at anytime, free printable crossword puzzles offer players a whole new level of enjoyment’.
  • Puzzle Choice Crossword Puzzles
    ‘Try the Daily Crossword or choose from a variety of printable and online crossword styles below’.
  • Puzzler’s Cave
    ‘All the crosswords are completely free and require no subscription at all. Click here to browse all our crosswords. Whilst you’re here, you don’t just have to play crosswords, you can also create them using the free Puzzlers’ Cave Crossword Compiler’.
  • Puzzles for Kids
    ‘Looking for an easy crossword puzzle for kids ? We have a varied collection so you can choose your favorite free crossword to play with your child today. Printable crosswords are a great way to help expand a child’s vocabulary and young learners love this great activity. Whether your child learns from home or in the classroom, use these printable crossword worksheets in your lesson to make learning fun’.
  • The Australian Crossword Club
    ‘Aims to provide enjoyment and stimulation to the devotees of the crossword puzzle. The Club’s monthly magazine Crozworld is filled with prize crosswords of all types together with lively discussion’. News, e-CrOZwords and more.
  • Word Games - Free Crossword Games
    ‘If you like Crosswords, give any of these free online Crossword puzzle variants a shot. Best supply of crossword puzzles, playable for free online everyday’.

Top of Page


  • 15 Best Crossword Apps for Android & iOS
    All are available for both formats. Clear descriptions of each.
  • Crossword Puzzle Free
    Android App on Google Play. ‘A crossword puzzle for the entire family’.
  • Crossword Puzzle Maker
    The Teacher’s Corner. Full instructions are provided. There is also a compilation page listing not only puzzle makers but other crossword resources. You can find it at Crossword Puzzle Maker Teaching Resources [TPT].
  • ‎Crossword – World’s Biggest
    Apple iOS, Free [but IAP]. ‘Now you can enjoy a new crossword challenge every day with this giant collection of 100s of original puzzles’. You can also go to Apple App Store and find many more Crossword apps to choose from.
  • Discovery Education’s Puzzlemaker
    ‘Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customised word search, criss-cross, math puzzles and more-using your own word lists’.
  • EclipseCrossword
    ‘The fast, easy, free way to create crosswords in minutes for Windows PCs. You come up with the words and clues, and in seconds, EclipseCrossword will turn them into a custom crossword puzzle. Then, print it out, or share it online’.
  • Google Play - Crossword Apps
    From easy to cryptic, quick crosswords, crosswords from specific newspapers, photo crosswords, … . Most are free to use.
  • Instant Online Crossword Puzzle Maker
    Instructions provided, several options.
  • Puzzler’s Cave Crossword Compiler
    ‘Specifically designed to make creating crosswords as simple and quick as possible. Be amazed at how quickly you will be able to design and build your own crosswords’. Freeware. Registering brings several additional benefits [Fee-based].
  • Send a Crossword
    App for Android and Apple. ‘The only app to send personalised crosswords as a postcard or online’.
  • The Best Crossword Apps for iPhone
    ‘Everyone loves a good crossword puzzle, so today we are going to look at a collection of the best crossword apps for the iPhone’.
  • The best crossword software for Windows 10/11
    ‘Many people enjoy solving crosswords and if you want, you can easily create crosswords on your PC’.
  • Wordplay
    ‘If you like crosswords and other word games, making words out of letters in general, then Wordplay is right up your alley. Use all your wits, test your memory and take your word knowledge to new heights as Wordplay combines the most sophisticated word search mechanics available’. Apple and Microsoft versions, multiple sources.


  • 10 Tips for Solving Crossword Puzzles
    The Spruce Crafts. ‘Whether a novice or sophomore you can become a better solver. These 10 tips will improve your crossword puzzle solving skills. Whether you’re a novice or a puzzle solver wishing to improve, these techniques will have you solving crosswords faster and more efficiently’.
  • Beginner’s guide to solving cryptic crosswords
    ‘At first glance, cryptic crossword clues can appear daunting, but what no one ever tells you is this : the answer is right in front of you by definition. Every crossword clue contains a definition of the answer you’re looking for. All you have to do is find it … ’. From The Guardian in the UK.
  • Crossword Dictionary
    ‘Online Tool For Solving Crossword Puzzles ! Our database contains over 235 000 entries, including expressions, movie titles, names, etc. !’
  • Crossword-Solver
    Not only a solver, but also links to other resources, short articles about aspects of crosswords, links to free crossword puzzles, answers every player should know plus much more.
  • Crossword Solver - Crossword Help for Missing Letters
    ‘The crossword solver helps to find words with missing letters. Sometimes it is easy to get stuck on a crossword clue. If you already have some letters and a length of the crossword puzzle then we can help. Our crossword clue solver searches for answers from a dictionary of over 558 516 words, city names, names and other clues’.
  • Crossword Solver []
    ‘Struggling to get that one last answer to a perplexing clue ? We can help you solve those tricky clues in your crossword puzzle. Search thousands of crossword puzzle answers on’.
  • Crossword Solver : Get Crossword Help and Solve Word Games
    ‘Get instant crossword help for any clue or cryptic puzzle on Crossword Solver. Just enter the crossword clue and letter count to find your crossword answers’.
  • Crossword Solver [ONL]
    ‘Our Crossword Puzzle Solver is built around simplicity to help you solve those tricky clues in the game. All you need to do is enter clues in the input field and click Find Answers and our database will find hints and answers based on the pattern you have specified’.
  • How do you solve a crossword puzzle for Beginners
    ‘It can be difficult to know where to start when you are just starting out with crossword puzzles but there are tips and tricks that can help. Read on to find out some of our favourites’. Other information can be found by using the menu at the top of the page.
  • How to Solve a Cryptic Crossword
    WikiHow. ‘Every cryptic clue contains a definition, wordplay and an indicator term. After you learn this formula as well as the eight most common cryptic crossword devices, you’ll be on your way to solving even the toughest of cryptic crosswords !’
  • One Across
    ‘Enter the length of the answer, fill in any letters you already know and then enter the clue’. Also has Cryptograms, Anagrams and a Dictionary Search.
  • Solving Cryptic Crosswords
    ‘Cryptic crosswords can seem dauntingly nonsensical at first glance. But the fundamental principles of cryptic clueing are actually quite simple. Here is a tour of the eight common types of wordplay, along with hints on how to spot them’.
  • The Crossword Solver
    ‘Our crossword solver uses a database of over 350 000 words, 118 000 definitions, 2.5 million thesaurus entries and an ever-growing database of clues to provide you with the answers to your unsolved crossword puzzles and clues’.
  • Tips for Solving Crossword Puzzles
    ‘You don’t have to be a crossword puzzle expert to enjoy solving easy puzzles or even more challenging ones. But when you sit down to work on any crossword grid, you’ll likely enjoy yourself more if you keep these simple tips in mind. [Part of Easy Crosswords For Dummies Cheat Sheet]’.
  • Unscramble
    As well as providing a “Crossword Finder”, you can also get assistance with anagrams, Definitions, synonyms, antonyms and related words and rhyming words for a word of your choice.
  • Word Find - Crossword Clue Solver
    ‘Crossword solvers can be a valuable resource for completing difficult or unknown words in a crossword puzzle. They can also be useful for improving your vocabulary and learning new words’. There are also links to related areas.
  • WordFinder® - Crossword Solver
    ‘If crossword clues are leaving you perplexed, fret no longer. WordFinder’s crossword solver is the solution to all your crossword-solving problems. All you need is at least one letter in the word and we do the rest for you. Solving a crossword has never been easier and a crossword-solving tool has never been this seamless’.
  • Wordplays™ Crossword Solver
    ‘The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles’.


  • Crossword
    ‘Types, Clues : Conventions and Types, Major Variants, History, Non-English languages, Construction, Software, Notation and links’. Wikipedia.

Crossword Makers

  • 5 Free Crossword Puzzle Makers : Best tools for Teachers
    ‘Playing or answering crossword puzzles is not only for learners regardless of the year level, but also Adults. In fact, according to Science, crossword puzzles are good for mental health because they help in strengthening or improve a person’s memory and other intellectual skills’. Note that not all of these are free.
  • 8 Best Crossword Makers for Teachers and Kids in 2023
    ‘One perpetual challenge is finding ways to keep students engaged and tuned in to learning. An effective tool that works with virtually any subject matter, learning style, or grade level is crossword puzzles. Before you panic and think “I don’t have the time or the ability to make crossword puzzles”, relax. I’ve got you covered with a selection of teachers’ crossword maker apps that you can use online’.
  • 9 Reliable Tools to Create Crossword Puzzle Games
    Inspirationfeed. ‘When looking for the best puzzle generator, consider a service that’s affordable, easy to use, and comes with numerous customizable features. The reviewed tools are a great place to begin your search for cool and interactive puzzle creators’. A mix of free and small cost puzzle makers.
  • 11 Best Crossword Puzzle Makers in 2023
    ‘The best crossword puzzle makers help you create educational crosswords. Whether you are a teacher or a parent who wants to develop spelling skills and thinking abilities in your child, you do not need to figure out a crossword by yourself, as you can use one of the crossword puzzle generators instead. There are online crossword generators as well as versions for desktop and mobile devices’.
  • Crossword Puzzle Maker
    ‘This easy-to-use tool allows you to provide your own questions and answers list and create custom crosswords in minutes. You can then download and print them instantly. So get creative and have some fun !’.
  • Crossword Puzzle Maker with Text or Images
    ‘Free crossword maker that you can use to make crossword puzzles for classroom use, home, parties or any occasion. The crossword puzzle maker allows you to create classic crossword puzzles with text clues or with pictures as the clues’.
  • Crossword Puzzles
    ‘In the Create mode, the tool offers the opportunity to enter words and their clues before it generates the puzzle. The tool also includes a Play mode with crossword puzzles for students in Grades K–12. Included with each puzzle are a For Teachers page with troubleshooting help and ideas for use as well as a Tips and Hints page designed to scaffold students’ learning and help them do the research necessary to solve the puzzle’.
  • Crossword Puzzle Reading Worksheet Generator []
    A simple to operate methodology leading to crosswords you can use.
  • Easy Crossword Puzzle Maker
    Create Your Own Crossword. ‘We offer : Fully customisable crossword puzzle grid; Save-as-you-go editing; Access to your crossword puzzles from any computer; Sophisticated auto-arrange algorithm; Uncluttered, easy-to-use interface; and Response from a real human if anything goes wrong [which we can afford because it rarely does]’. Note that there is a small fee on a monthly basis for access.
  • Free Crossword Maker for Kids
    The Printable Worksheets Creator. ‘The page create simple crossword puzzles, but you can make it as difficult as you like. Fill in the words and the clues and let the puzzle maker creates crossword puzzle. You can use the vocabulary of the level of your students, which makes this the perfect tool to use in your classroom. Then you can download the free printable PDF file, which you can print for your kids. Or select one of the saved games. After loading the words and clues you are able to make changes’.
  • How to Create a Crossword Puzzle – 6 Simple Steps
    There is an introductory section leading up to these. The steps themselves are well set out and easy to understand.
  • How to Make Crossword Puzzles
    WikiHow. ‘Crossword puzzles and other mind games generate hours of healthy fun and are credited with keeping minds agile. They’re also excellent educational tools, allowing you to engage your students and encourage them to connect concepts with vocabulary. For some people, creating a crossword puzzle is just as rewarding as solving one. The process can be very simple, or very involved, depending on your interest level’.
  • Crossword Unclued
    While there is a range of material on this site about crosswords, perhaps the most useful can be found through the menus on the right. Here you can find help on how to solve cryptic crosswords [from beginners on], crossword sites, puzzles online and more.
  • How to Finish a Crossword Puzzle
    WikiHow. 6 basic steps with text and images.

Videos [YouTube]

  • How to Create a Crossword Puzzle [WIRED]
    ‘New York Times crossword puzzle constructor [also known as a cruciverbalist], David Kwong, shows us how he makes a crossword puzzle’. [11:28]
  • How To Solve Cryptic Crosswords
    ‘We go through the basics of cryptic crossword clues. The rule [yes, there’s just one !]; the basic conventions; useful tips; clue types. This is an excellent how-to guide for anyone interested in getting into cryptics’. [36:58]
  • Inside the Minds of Crossword-Puzzle Creators [The New Yorker]
    ‘The New Yorker’s cruciverbalists, Anna Shechtman and Erik Agard, discuss dating, pop culture and the art of the clue in the new age of crossword puzzles’. [9:03]
  • Make Your Own Crossword Puzzle in Microsoft PowerPoint
    ‘You don’t need any special website to create your own crossword puzzle, you can use Microsoft PowerPoint to make your own puzzle from scratch. Bring on your creativity as you learn the steps to making your own crossword puzzle’. [9:29]

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