Professional development [n.]

Professional development may be used in reference to a wide variety of specialised training, formal education, or advanced professional learning intended to help administrators, teachers, and other educators improve their professional knowledge, competence, skill, and effectiveness.
The Glossary of Education Reform

Professional Development is an integral component of teacher development. At best, it is a process that works individually with the strengths and needs of a specific teacher to create higher capability and understanding. Continuing or Continuous Professional Development, Staff Development and Mentoring are other common terms used in this area.

For many years, professional development was carried out face-to-face - in the workplace, through activities provided/required by employers, as part of the activities of a range of associations and/or professional bodies and in some cases through further, individual study [e.g. additional degree].

Involvement with overseas groups and activities was reasonably limited. This has undergone significant change. Particularly with the increasing availability and use of technology and also because of the impact of circumstances as are occurring at present.

Instead of meetings, workshops conferences - we now need to consider Live Streamed Webinars, Virtual Events, Zoom Workshops, Online Summits, Digital Seminars, Asynchronous Events, On Demand Programs, . . .

You can take part in professional development from virtually anywhere on the planet without leaving home or place of work. You can also access presentations from educators who previously you would only know by name or research. The breadth of what is available is almost limitless.

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers [All Career Stages] and the Standard for Principals provide a basis for much of the formal professional development requirement in all states and territories.

Other Sources of professional development for each state links to resources usually only found in that state/territory. Additional resources are found in the Australian listing on the second page.

This page looks at nationally available Australian PD sources. It also has sections on International sources, Leadership Development and On-demand Programs.

The Second Page looks at looks at nationally available Australian professional development sources. It has sections on Leadership Development, On-demand Programs, links to associations and other resources/programs. The new second page has now been uploaded.

The following pages also include links to this area Conferences and Beginning Teachers.


  • Professional Learning - ACT Teacher Quality Institute
    ‘Continuing professional learning is an integral part of teacher development. Teachers, like other professionals, make a career-long commitment to learn new skills, explore new ideas and build knowledge, all for the benefit of their students. All ACT teachers must complete a minimum of 20 hours professional learning each year to maintain their registration. The ACT requirement mirrors provisions for maintaining teacher registration across Australia, with direct links to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers [all Career Stages] or Principal Standard. The Australian Professional Standard for Principals provides a framework for what you should know, understand and do to succeed as a principal or school leader’.


  • Professional Learning
    Home page for the ACT Government system. This includes links to the following and more :
  • Continuing Professional Learning and Program Accreditation Policy
    ‘This policy provides the framework for the continuing professional learning and development of ACT teachers required for registration purposes, the recognition of providers of accredited professional development programs and the accreditation of such programs’.
  • Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning [HBCTL]
  • Human Resources Management [B.8]
    ‘The Directorate promotes a culture where teachers and school leaders expect and are expected to be active in professional learning. Quality professional learning activities are offered’.
  • People, Practice, Performance
    ‘The School Performance and Accountability Framework has school improvement at its centre, with the National School Improvement Tool [NSIT] its core feature’.
  • Professional Learning and Events Calendar
    ‘The Professional Learning and Events Calendar provides information on events including courses, workshops, seminars and meetings for teachers or administrative staff throughout the Directorate [schools and/or Central Office]’.
  • Professional Learning Framework Overview
    A succinct presentation of what is required. Linked to requirements for professional development over the nominated period.
  • Professional Teaching Framework
    Lists ‘Indicators of Professional Knowledge, Indicators of Professional Practice, Indicators of Professional Relationships and Indicators of Professional Attributes’.
  • Teacher Scholarships
    ‘The ACT Teacher Scholarship Program provides financial support to ACT teachers and school leaders within the Education Directorate to undertake further education, training and/or research aligned to current Directorate priorities that will lead to an improvement in student learning outcomes. Education Directorate staff who would like further information can find out more by accessing the Education Staff Service Portal’.


  • ACT College and Career Readiness Solutions for K12 Professionals
    ‘ACT product training and professional learning for educators and career development professionals’.
  • Association of Independent Schools of the ACT [AISACT]
    Multiple events covering a wide range of educational topics.
  • National Gallery of Australia - Educator Programs
    ‘NGA Education is offering TQI accredited professional learning that will empower educators to harness the national collection as a teaching resource’.
  • National Museum of Australia - Professional Development
    ‘The National Museum of Australia provides professional development programs for new and established teachers. These hands-on sessions explore pedagogical approaches and practical techniques to engage students with historical content and develop their skills. We now offer professional learning courses online as well. Scroll down for upcoming dates. All our courses are accredited with TQI and NESA’.
  • NSW & ACT Independent Education Union
    Links to professional development and training.
  • Professional Learning Providers - ACT Teacher Quality Institute
    ‘Schools and other providers help teachers and school leaders in the ACT engage in high-quality professional learning and meet their annual requirements for professional registration by developing and delivering quality accredited professional learning programs confirming participant attendance so teachers can include those hours when renewing their registration’. This page provides a good backgrounbd to the process and how to become a Professional Learning Provider.
  • TQI Accredited Professional Learning Programs
    Included ‘is the list of programs that are currently Accredited. For more information about a program, including session times and availability, use the contact information below to contact the provider or visit the Events page of the Teacher Portal’.

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  • Maintaining your accreditation - NSW Education Standards
    ‘Maintenance of accreditation requires a teacher to demonstrate how their practice continues to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers[All Career Stages] at the relevant career stage. Maintenance of accreditation is a requirement for all teachers accredited at Proficient, Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher level. Each maintenance period is either 5 years for teachers working full-time or 7 years for teachers working part-time or casual. Teachers must complete at least 100 hours of professional development [PD] in each maintenance period to support their practice and ongoing professional growth’.


  • Professional Learning - Catholic Schools NSW
    ‘The Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning Framework identifies opportunities, across a range of modalities, for both formal and informal learning to enhance individual knowledge, skills and professional practice and enhance the school’s and/or system’s collective effectiveness’.


  • Find a Professional Development Course
    ‘Teachers can use the information on this page to find a professional development [PD] course. PD courses may or may not be NESA Accredited PD. Courses that are not accredited may be able to be logged as Elective PD, if they meet the Elective PD guidelines. Be sure to see the list of NESA Accredited PD courses delivered by other providers [updated 15 May 2023, PDF, 198 pages, 2.6MB]’.
  • MyPL
    ‘MyPL allows all staff within the Department of Education to manage their professional learning. It is available in the DoE staff portal’. Multiple sections cover all aspects.
  • Other Providers - Creative Arts
    An annotated listing of groups within NSW and other areas of Australia who provide quality professional development in the areas of Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts.
  • Professional Development Requirements
    This page covers ‘Changes to PD requirements; NESA Accredited PD; Elective PD; Professional commitment activities; Further study as PD; and Recognition of professional growth during COVID-19’.
  • Professional Learning
    ‘Professional learning is a key component of continuous improvement’. Multiple sections from Leadership to Future-focused professional learning.
  • Professional Learning for Teachers and School Staff
    ‘This policy provides direction for relevant and effective professional learning that supports teachers, leaders and non-teaching staff in their ongoing development which is critical to every student’s progress and achievement’. Last update March 2023.
  • Quality Teaching Model
    ‘The Quality Teaching Model is a pedagogical model helping to develop a shared understanding of what constitutes quality teaching and provide a framework for teachers’ professional self-reflection and school improvement practices. The Quality Teaching Model is supported by Quality Teaching Rounds, professional learning that enhances collaboration and builds capacity of school teams to analyse their teaching practice and improve student outcomes’.
  • What is QTR ?
    ‘Quality Teaching Rounds [QTR] is high-impact, evidence-backed professional development that makes a significant difference for teachers and students. QTR empowers teachers to enrich student learning through collaborative, teacher-driven analysis and refinement of practice. Research has shown QTR improves student outcomes by up to 25%, improves the quality of teaching, lifts teacher morale and positively impacts school culture’. Be sure to read the whole page to get the full impact of what is involved.


  • AIS Leadership Centre
    The Centre ‘offers a variety of programs in four strands’. Be sure to check all the sections to understand the breadth of what is involved. You should also check their Professional Learning Courses and Events for specific information about these for the current year. These range from conferences to webinars. Many courses are not restricted to AIS personnel.


  • Completing Elective PD
    ‘Completing Elective PD gives opportunities to engage in activities that grow your professional knowledge, understanding and practice to improve child/student outcomes. Elective PD gives you greater flexibility to undertake self-directed activities aligned to your professional learning goals’.
  • Find a PD Provider
    ‘There are currently 610 endorsed providers of NESA Registered PD that deliver over 22 000 courses to teachers in NSW. Understand what types of professional development count for the accreditation journey you are on’.
  • Great Teaching, Inspired Learning – A Blueprint for Action
    ‘Launched in 2013, the NSW Government’s Great Teaching, Inspired Learning – A Blueprint for Action includes 47 actions for improving teacher quality and student learning outcomes in NSW schools ’.
  • NESA Learning
    ‘Primary and secondary teachers in NSW can complete courses at their own pace, in their own time and from any device. Hours will be counted towards your Teacher Accreditation maintenance’. Courses vary from year to year.
  • NESA Accredited PD courses delivered by other providers
    ‘This list shows all NESA Accredited PD courses approved to be delivered by providers other than the Authorised Providers, independent schools or NESA itself. This list is updated fortnightly. We recommend that you view the list on the Find a PD Course webapge rather than save a copy of the list. Courses are grouped first by Priority Area, then by Career Stage, then by mode of delivery, then by cost’.
  • NESA - Professional Development
    ‘Professional Development includes processes, activities and experiences that provide opportunities for teachers to extend their learning and support their accreditation against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers [the Standards]’. Different types of professional development are linked.


Remember to check the links to NESA Accredited PD courses delivered by other providers from the NESA links above. There is a significant collection of PD sources included, one link having 600+ listed providers.

  • ACHPER Professional Learning Calendar
    ‘ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive suite of professional learning workshops and events throughout the school year conducted during school terms, both in and out of school hours. Thousands of NSW PDHPE teachers have identified and shared their challenges with us. We have used this knowledge to develop a professional learning program which addresses the key needs of our profession’.
  • Continuing Professional Development - The University of Sydney
    ‘As a leading provider of professional learning for the education and social work sectors, we offer a wide range of purpose-designed and industry-accredited workshops, short courses and conferences in a variety of settings’. Select relevant sections from the menu on the left.
  • Difference Differently
    ‘Together For Humanity offers a number of NESA registered Professional Learning courses. The courses all align with the Australian Professional Teaching Standards for teachers and are free’. They also have a second site for online learning at Together For Humanity.
  • ECTARC Training and Professional Development
    ‘ECTARC offers a wide range of professional development workshops to the early childhood sector. Educators can choose to participate in an online workshop or attend a face-to-face inservice workshop. Please click on the links for course details or to enrol online’.
  • Gifted NSW - Professional Learning For Schools
    ‘Gifted NSW has teamed up with professionals working in the gifted field to oversee, collaborate and partly fund Gifted Professional Development for schools, thus making it accessible and affordable. Workshops are designed to be single hour presentations so that they may be incorporated into a regular staff meeting within a school, though follow up and customised presentations can certainly be discussed’.
  • Gonski Institute for Education
    ‘Progress your career or re-vitalise your school by undertaking professional learning with the Gonski Institute for Education. Our offerings are research-based, practical, and will link your ability to action change in your personal sphere of influence with larger systemic issues of equity in education. We offer both short workshops and degree programs in Educational Leadership, including the Doctor of Education program’.
  • ICTE Solutions Australia
    ‘We provide online professional development for teachers in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Learn how to Teach and Assess ICT Capability [General Capability in the Australian Curriculum] from our Online PD courses [Teacher, Early Childhood, Primary Teachers, Literacy Course, Leadership Courses, Formative Assessment]. You should also check the the Tags in the listing on the left of the page to filter what is on offer. NESA and TQI approved.
  • Lexis Education
    ‘Lexis Education is a leader in the delivery of train-the-trainer professional development courses addressing language, literacy and learning across the curriculum. All professional development courses are intended for classroom teachers and are based on the train-the-trainer model’.
  • MCA Australia - Teacher Professional Development
    ‘Our NESA-accredited professional learning programs are for early childhood, primary and secondary teachers and educators. We share our artist-led approaches and resources for developing creative learning experiences through contemporary art’.
  • Northern Beaches & Mosman College
    ‘In this constantly changing world, employees are frequently challenged to develop new skills, knowledge and approaches in order to perform well in their roles. Professional development is critical to developing our workforce capability and furthering our skills within the workplace or for future job roles. With a range of courses on offer individuals can enrol in a course or speak to the college about tailored courses to meet their learning requirements’.
  • NSW & ACT Independent Education Union
    Links to professional development and training. Topic, Date and a link to further details.
  • Professional Learning Events - University of NSW
    ‘We’re the preferred provider of professional development and training for the NSW Education Standards Authority [NESA] and are renowned for our innovative work with the Matraville Education Partnership. Our progressive Professional Learning programs offer accredited and non-accredited learning options so you can specialise in the areas of education where you’d like to make a critical difference’ especially in gifted and special education.
  • Professional Teachers’ Council
    Access their Professional Development Events here, where you can filter the offerings in several ways.
  • Self-paced Professional Learning Modules
    ‘As part of the Continuing Professional Development Framework, the Academic Development team from the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience Portfolio offer a selection of self-paced learning modules. Each module takes approximately two hours to complete’. Designed for the tertiary level.
  • The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation [CESE]
    ‘CESE offers registered professional learning for NSW public school staff. Professional learning includes face-to-face workshops, as well as our ‘CESE publications’ online courses, designed to connect education research with school context’. A selection of topics are listed while there is also a link to Role-based suggestions for a variety of levels.
  • Training Services NSW
    Professional development opportunities in the training sector.

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  • Evidence Guide - Teacher Registration Board
    ‘Professional Learning Requirements [p.6] : To meet the professional learning requirement for Registration Renewal, fully registered teachers are required to have completed a minimum 100 hours of professional learning over the five year period prior to the application for registration renewal. The mandatory minimum 100 hours of professional learning must be a variety of experiences of professional development/professional learning that renews, enhances, develops and/or changes professional practice; and links to the Standards [Australian Professional Standards for Teachers - All Career Stages]’.



  • Professional Development
    ‘Access a range of professional development activities through the Catholic Education Office in Darwin and support staff employed by the Department of Education’.


  • AIS Northern Territory
    While this page does not provide detail about professional development it does provide some background as to some aspects of your teaching experience. It will also provide you with contact details to find out more information.


  • Cool Australia Professional Development - Courses Archive
    A significant range of courses, each covering a range of lessons. They also cover all levels of school education. There appears to be standard fee for every course [$49.95 at time of update. Everything from STEM to areas such as sustainability, numeracy, relationships, nature play and the list goes on.
    ‘The English Teachers’ Association of the Northern Territory provides support, professional development and advocacy for those involved in the teaching of English in the Northern Territory’.
  • Professional Development Framework [Teacher Registration Board]
    ‘The Framework provides guidance for all Northern Territory teachers around working individually and collaboratively to improve the quality of their teaching practice and empowers teachers to achieve professional growth, improve professional standing and progress within the teaching profession’.
  • Professional Teachers’ Association of the Northern Territory - Members Services
    While many apply to union aspects this page also includes activities and processes designed to provide professional development activities and options.
  • Teacher Registration Board NT - Professional Learning/Development
    ‘Teacher professional learning is an ongoing process supported by planned learning activities and programs designed to enhance professional knowledge, practice and engagement’.

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  • Continuing Professional Development Framework
    Information includes an Overview, Resources [including Policy and Framework, Full Registration Fact Sheet and Frequently Asked Question], CPD Aufit information and CPD Examples.
  • Continuing Professional Development [CPD] Requirements - Queensland College of Teachers
    ‘CPD is an annual requirement for teachers with full registration whether your situation is Teaching full-time, Teaching part-time or Doing supply or contract teaching. You must complete at least 20 hours of CPD for any calendar year in which you teach 20 days or more. There is no CPD requirement for any year in which you teach fewer than 20 days. You must demonstrate a balance across the following areas - Employer/school directed and supported CPD, Teacher identified CPD, a range of types of CPD activities and completion of at least the minimum annual amount required’.
  • Continuing Professional Development for Teachers
    This links with the above site. PD is provided by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authory [QCAA]. ‘The QCAA offers high-quality professional development for teachers from Kindergarten to Year 12. This includes workshops, webinars, forums, online resources and training for NAPLAN test markers and QCAA assessors’.


  • Events and Resources
    ‘The following websites will help you access professional development opportunities and resources related to the vocational education and training industry’.
  • Professional development and support - Early Childhood
    ‘Early childhood education and care educators can access professional development services and resources through organisations including listed industry groups and peak representative bodies’.
  • Professional Learning Opportunities [Department of Education]
    ‘A wide variety of professional learning opportunities are available to departmental staff through both internal and external providers’.
  • Staff Professional Development
    Detailed information re development days [dates, fixed/flexible, student arrangements, … ]; when they need to be organised; FAQs and more.
  • Teacher Learning Centres
    ‘To assist schools with supporting preservice, beginning and early career teachers with Teacher Relief Scheme [TRS] payments as they progress along the teaching continuum by providing consistent and streamlined professional development that empowers confident and capable teaching professionals’.
  • QLearn
    ‘QLearn is the department’s new digital learning management system for student learning that has replaced The Learning Place. Coming later in 2023, parents with a QParents account will have observer access to their child’s learning in QLearn, enabling them to keep up to date with their child’s learning via notifications, plan for a successful year by viewing the course calendar, be more engaged in their child’s classroom activities and track their child’s learning progress via access to assignment, feedback and grades’.




  • ACHPER Qld - Events & Workshops
    Select relevant workshops by using the options available on this page. You should also check information on the Events page.
  • Autism Queensland - Professional Development & Parent Education
    ‘Autism Queensland delivers autism-focussed webinars, face to face workshops and specialised training services for a range of audiences including Parents & Carers, Educators, Teacher Aides &/or School Officers, OHSC & Vacation Care staff’ and others.
  • GLC Professional Learning Programs
    ‘The GLC provides a selection of Professional Learning [PL] programs for pre-service, early years, primary and secondary school educators. The aim of our PL programs is to strengthen the capacity of educators to effectively implement Global Citizenship Education’.
  • Professional and Executive Education [Queensland University of Technology]
    Covers a wide range of areas one of which is Education though other areas such as Digital Capability and Leadership. Their Professional Development Planner can be downloaded from the above page.
  • Professional Development and Events
    Information, links to related information. Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
  • Professional Development and Support
    Queensland School Music. Includes various approaches including ‘Music Teacher Seminars, Curriculum Roadshows, Mandatory Training Modules and Twilight professional development’.
  • Professional Learning and Consultancy - Lady Gowrie Qld
    ‘Lady Gowrie Qld offers a range of Professional Learning Sessions for Early Childhood Professionals that meets the requirements of the National Quality Standards, Early Years Learning Framework and Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines’.
  • Professional Learning & Events [Independent Schools Queensland]
    ‘ISQ Connect&Learn is an online platform enabling member schools to register for credible, research-based face-to-face events, live webinars and online learning offerings’.
  • QCAN
    ‘Wednesdays; Conference; Symposium; Collaborative Learning Opportunities; In-Service Training; Online Learning Portal’.
  • Learning for the Profession by the Profession - QASSP
    This page offers options for ‘Senior Leaders; Middle leaders; Teacher Leaders; Teaching and Learning; and Research and Publishing’. There is a great diversity both in terms of topics and with presentations right across the state.
  • QELi
    ‘QELi is a peak professional leadership institute, serving the state, Catholic and independent education sectors. All our programs are able to be customised for groups within schools, systems and sectors’.
  • Professional Development [SPELD Queensland]
    ‘Speld Qld offers Professional Development opportunities to all schools, organisations, parent groups and individuals, across Queensland. Our sessions are designed to promote awareness of Specific Learning Differences [SLD’s] in order to improve learning outcomes for students’.
  • UQx [The University of Queensland]
    ‘Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. The University of Queensland courses found below can be audited free or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee. Select a course to learn more’. Relevant courses in leadership, working in teams, psychology, Deep Learning, more.

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  • Professional Learning Calendar
    ‘The Teachers Registration Board does not endorse or accredit any of the programs or activities listed in the professional learning calendar. Teachers are encouraged to use their professional judgement to seek out activities specific to their teaching circumstances’.
  • Professional Learning Online Opportunities
    An annotated collection of links to online professional learning resources collated by the Teacher Registration Board of South Australia.
  • Professional Learning Policy
  • Professional Learning Resources
    ‘The resources on this page are a good starting point to help you find professional learning opportunities. This list should not be considered exhaustive and you are encouraged to take ownership of your learning by seeking out further activities that are both interesting and relevant to your specific circumstances. Please note that the resources on this page are suggestions only’.
  • Professional Learning - Teachers Registration Board of South Australia
    ‘100 hours of professional learning referenced to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers - All Career Stages in each 5-year term of registration is a compulsory requirement for all registered teachers. This minimum requirement applies regardless of whether you are working full-time, part-time, or as a temporary relief teacher, are interstate or overseas, have been on leave from employment [e.g. parenting leave, long service leave, retired] or you are not employed as a teacher’.


  • Professional Learning
    You can access information about a number of events and programs, though this may not apply to teaching staff outside the AIS. but one listed option is a link to the ISQ’s Connect and Learn Series. However, you must be able to sign in to access the offerings in this collection’.


  • Professional Development
    ‘The Catholic Education Office co-ordinates and facilitates opportunities for teaching and non-teaching staff to participate in a large range of professional learning opportunities. A variety of options can be found on the CESA Registration Centre’.


  • Music Education Professional Development Packages
    ‘The Music Education Strategy provides professional development [PD] and learning packages for South Australian Government classroom teachers, preschool educators and leaders each year. The packages are most suitable for educators working in the primary and early years, but are also open to secondary educators. Collaborating with external music associations, the music education professional development packages focus on upskilling and enhancing confidence and capacity to deliver music education’.
  • Professional Experience Placements in SA government Schools, Preschools and Centres
    Experiences offered ‘as a support to undergraduate and post graduate students’.
  • Professional Learning Opportunities For Country Teachers and Leaders
    ‘Teachers and leaders can advance their careers in the country through a range of professional learning opportunities. These opportunities help you refine your skills and learn new ones, as well as expand your network of colleagues and mentors’. Multiple programs.
  • Teaching for Effective Learning Framework
    ‘Identifies the characteristics of effective teaching and learning to establish broad domains of teacher action and relevant pedagogy’.


  • ACHPER SA Professional Learning
    Details for the current year are available while you can watch a short video on our Professional Learning here.
  • Centre for Learning and Professional Development [University of Adelaide]
    ‘Assists the University community to improve student learning and staff teaching through development programs and research’.
  • Drama South Australia - Professional Learning
    A variety of workshops and mini-conferences.
  • Educators SA Professional Learning
    Check Professional Learning options. Includes an Early Career Educator Hub, Safe Environments Training plus courses run by other professional groups.
  • Gowrie SA
    ‘Gowrie SA can offer a range of customised professional development and support options for education and early childhood services in SA including long day care, family day care, outside school hours care, kindergarten/preschool, early years of school, in-home care, Aboriginal services and occasional care’.
  • Leaders Institute Of South Australia
    ‘The Leaders Institute provides unique leadership development opportunities that deliver beneficial change for individuals, organisations and society as a whole’.
  • Orbis
    ‘Orbis delivers professional learning for educators that is anchored in the South Australian context, aligned with the curriculum and underpinned by the latest research. Using contemporary research and best practice, we work with world-class providers to offer flexible, differentiated programs that support you to be your best’.
  • Short Courses and Professional Development
    University of Adelaide. ‘Our online, face-to-face and blended range of professional and continuing education courses will ensure you learn, grow, adapt and thrive with Professional and Continuing Education [PACE]’.
  • Scitech/Educators Professional Learning
    ‘Scitech’s professional learning consultants have years of classroom teaching experience and innovative approaches to support you in implementing the Mathematics, Digital Technologies and Science curricula, boosting student engagement and achievement. We have developed several award-winning and outstanding programs in STEM education. Check out the tiles below for current and past programs’.

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  • Managing Your Professional Learning & Development
    ‘Professional development activities and practices contribute to a teacher’s professional competence and enhance the quality of teaching and learning. Types of professional development are listed’ as are a range of providers. You are also reminded to ensure Recording of professional development in TRB Online.
  • Performance and Development Framework
    Teachers Registration Board Tasmania. ‘The Framework highlights what is required to build a comprehensive and effective approach to high performance and development’.
  • Renewal of Registration Policy
    You are reminded of this as professional learning is one component in ensuring this renewal. ‘If you have engaged [appropriately] in professional development in the last five years you have met the Board’s professional development requirements’.
  • Types of Professional Development
    Teachers Registration Board Tasmania. ‘Professional development includes activities and practices which contribute to a teacher’s professional competence and enhance the quality of teaching and learning’. A listing of these are provided on this page.


The full title of the previous Department of Education is now Department for Education, Children and Young People.

  • Good Teaching Guide - A Guide for Staff Discussion
    ‘The purpose of this guide is to raise the debate across schools to gain a common understanding of what makes a good teacher. It is the foundation of the Good Teaching series’.
  • PEIRS Program
    ‘The PEIRS program encourages pre-service teachers to undertake school experience in participating rural and isolated schools by providing support for accommodation and travel’. Download a Brochure here.
  • Professional Learning Institute
    ‘The Department’s Professional Learning Institute offers a large number of courses for school leaders and teachers’ including Empowering Support Teachers, Principal Induction, School Improvement Through Inquiry and more.
  • Teach Learn Live Podcast
    ‘Every day, students, teachers, families and communities are working hard to ensure young Tasmanians have the skills they need to respond to a rapidly changing world. Hear from engaging teachers, inspiring school leaders and amazing communities who are making a difference as they teach, learn and live in Tasmania’.


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  • Codes of Conduct and Ethics - Victorian Institute of Teaching
    ‘The Code of Conduct supports all teachers to understand the expectations of the teaching profession and the community in relation to their professional conduct, personal conduct and professional competence. Download a copy of the Codes via the links provided on this page. VIT has also developed a range of resources to support both educational leaders and their teachers in understanding the Codes’. These are listed on the above page.
  • Continuing education for teachers - Victorian Institute of Teaching
    ‘Teachers who want to learn more about specific education topics or work in a specialist teaching area may consider undertaking a continuing education program. Continuing education programs do not need to be endorsed for teachers to use the program to be counted towards their renewal of registration requirements’.
  • Professional Learning - Victorian Institute of Teaching
    ‘Any activities that teachers engage in that develop their professional knowledge and practice to support student learning and that are relevant to their teaching context can be counted as professional learning. The VIT expects that all professional learning activities used as evidence to be formal and/or informal learning experiences aimed at improving the teacher’s knowledge, practice and competencies in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers [APST].
  • Victorian Institute of Teaching - Latest News
    This has sections that cover - Education providers; Employers; Events and seminars; Excellence in teaching; Professional conduct; Professional learning; Registration information; and VIT updates.


  • Catholic Leadership Centre
    ‘The Catholic Leadership Centre is a world class conference and learning facility for professional learning programs and executive courses to support Catholic education and key agencies’.
  • Leadership
    ‘Effective leaders are learners themselves, engaging and inspiring school communities to build collaborative learning cultures. Staff in Catholic schools are encouraged to engage in professional learning, always seeking innovative and sustainable ways to improve their practice’.
  • Professional Learning
    ‘Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools [MACS] provides support for principals in Catholic schools to undertake Professional Learning. This targeted professional learning is intended to enhance and affirm principals in their leadership role within the local and broader Catholic community and beyond’.
  • Sandhurst Diocese - Professional Learning
    ‘Professional learning provides rich opportunities for teachers to develop and enhance their professional knowledge and practice, in order to progress the quality of learning and teaching and school improvement. Professional Learning registration is now accessed through OPL [Online Professional Learning] in CEVN’. You need to be able to sign in to access this material.




  • Education for Educators
    ‘World-class learning for schools and teachers begins here Includes Professional learning, Flagship Programs, even a Learning Newshub’.
  • isLearn
    A major source for Independent Schools. You need to be able to register and you will then be able to access materials and more.


  • A3 - Australian Arts Alive
    School workshops and teacher professional development.
  • ACHPER [Victoria] Professional Learning Program
    eLearn; Conferences; Workshops; Webinars; and In-school Workshops.
  • Arc - Learning
    ‘Teachers wanted to find better learning resources online. So we put together a selection of the top resources from our educators and our partners. Arc is always learning and we want to hear what our educators think about the resources we provide. Start searching today and give us your feedback’.
  • Coaching and Mentoring [Gowrie Victoria]
    ‘Gowrie Victoria plans and delivers professional development to meet your needs based on extensive needs analysis, including feedback from early childhood education and care services’.
  • Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria
    ‘Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria is a community with access to professional learning, support, advocacy and a vibrant network of passionate educators. DLTV provides innovative and comprehensive professional support to all educators from pre-service teachers to principals, covering early years to careers’.
  • In Clued-Ed
    ‘Programs for primary, secondary, tertiary education and special needs’. Now based in Castlemaine, Victoria.
  • Latrobe University - Professional Development
    ‘Our professional development courses have been designed for a range of sectors to support professionals in responding to the changing needs of families and communities. These workshops are informed by our practice-research and have a strong focus on practical application’.
  • Professional Development - VCAA
    ‘Opportunities available for principals, teachers and school administration staff’. For example, F-10 Professional Learning.
  • Professional Teachers’ Associations
    ‘These associations provide ubject-specific professional learning that helps teachers to keep developing subject knowledge and expertise throughout their careers. Find your subjects’ and see what is available from those listed.

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  • Professional Learning - Teachers Registration Board of Western Australia
    ‘The minimum number of hours of professional learning activities that will be required for the renewal of teacher registration are as follows : Full Registration - 100 hours [over 5 years]; Limited or Provisional Registration granted for 3 years - 60 hours; Limited or Provisional Registration granted for less than 3 years - Calculated on a pro rata basis for the period since the registration was last granted or renewed, to the date of application at the rate of 20 hours for each year’. Information about types of Professional Learning Activities and various links are also available from this page.


  • Professional Development [Catholic Education]
    ‘We offer learning experiences to teaching and non-teaching staff throughout Catholic Education Western Australia, supporting them to build their career inside and beyond the classroom. Visit our Professional Learning Portal to discover a range of relevant, collaborative and future-focused courses and workshops, supporting best practice and the delivery of a world-class education for our students’.


  • Career Progression - Department of Education
    ‘As your career progresses there is a range of professional learning to support your development and aspirations. We have a strong focus on professional learning and development and encourage our staff to participate in learning that is responsive to the diverse requirements of schools, regions, professional support networks and learning communities’.
  • Leadership Institute
    Programs for different groups - Aspiring Principals; Principal Career Stages; Department Leaders; Emerging Leaders; Middle Leaders; Newsletters.
    You need to be able to log in to access this site and/or each section of it.
  • Professional learning - Department of Education
    ‘Our Horizons short courses aim to build on current skills and prepare pre-service teachers for high demand teaching areas. Horizons short courses are for pre-service teachers looking to build curriculum knowledge, planning and practical skills, and prepare for future teaching opportunities in specialist areas’.


  • AISWA Professional Learning
    ‘AISWA creates and delivers high quality Professional Learning [PL] so that schools can keep up with the ever-changing educational landscape. These PL experiences include school-based training, seminars, hands-on workshops, conferences, network meetings, study tours, online courses, licenced/partnership training initiatives and one-on-one consultation’. Available to teachers not working in the Independent sector when places are available.


  • ACHPER WA - Professional Learning
    Forums; seminars; professional learning opportunities; conferences and other information.
  • Greenhouse Education - Professional Development
    ‘Each course is designed to bring you specific, relevant information, targeted at exploring the issues currently faced by the Early Education and Care profession in Western Australia. These courses run for 2-hours and can be delivered at our campus in Ocean Keys or onsite at your centre’.
  • MAWA Events and Activities
    ‘Teacher Professional Learning’ provides many opportunities. ‘MAWA now offers Zoom Meetings for all MAWA delivered PL. MAWA provides a consultancy service where Professional Officers will work with your Mathematics department and/or individual teachers within your school or within your network clusters’.
  • One World Centre
    ‘Through a range of workshops and consultations designed to meet the needs of the people we work with, the OWC provides professional learning opportunities that foster responsible and skilled global citizenship for a sustainable world’.
  • Professional Development [School Curriculum and Standards Authority]
    ‘The School Curriculum and Standards Authority hosts a range of events that support teachers. These include assessment seminars, consensus moderation and professional development events’.
  • Scitech - Professional Development Programs for Educators
    ‘Our interactive STEM workshops can be booked by your school or network and be delivered at Scitech or onsite’.
  • SDERA Professional Learning
    Building The Capacity of Educators. ‘Face-to-face workshops and webinars are free to all educators from public, Catholic and independent schools, and early childhood education and care services. Workshops are available around Western Australia and support for teacher relief is provided’.
  • Signature Leadership Program
    ‘A year-long intensive, experiential leadership program’. Includes school leaders.
  • The Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia [PTCWA]
    ‘The key aim of PTCWA is to promote professionalism in teaching through an enhancement of the work of professional education associations. It provides a wider context for the work of these associations through facilitation of networking and communication between individual associations’. The list of Members can be found on this page.

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