There are multiple ways to get textbooks at no cost. Some are older versions, some written with licences such as Creative Commons and GNU Free Documentation. It is simply knowing where to look.

Included are both Free Online and Free Downloadable texts in various formats e.g. ebooks, PDF, Word, … . Listed books are at Tertiary or senior secondary level unless otherwise indicated.

They are listed under Major Learning Areas, then Specific Areas in these. The Other Subjects section includes the remainder. Areas such as Mathematics, Sciences and Computing have larger offerings.

This page looks at major sources for free textbook and textbooks for Education, Mathematics and Technology & Computing.

The Second Page looks at Language, Science, Social Sciences, Other Subjects and Preprints.

No Outright Recommendation is given for any textbook. Individuals must make their own decision.


  • 16 Best Ways to Get Free Textbooks
    ‘Whether you’re studying at a major university, taking online college courses, or just learning on your own, there are tons of ways to find free textbooks online. Some books can be viewed in your browser while other are available for download in PDF format’. Each entry has a brief entry plus what are seen as likes and dislikes. A number of the inclusions have already been added to the listing here.
  • 1 000+ Open Textbooks and Learning Resources for All Subjects
    ‘This list is essentially a free online textbook library. Here, we’ve gathered hundreds of links to open textbooks and online courses from different websites and sorted them by subject’.
  • 200 Free Textbooks ➟ Open Culture
    ‘Free textbooks written by knowledgeable scholars are a relatively new phenomenon. Below, find a list of 200 free Textbooks’.
  • 2020ok Books
    Covers areas from Art & Photography through to Travel but also includes most academic areas.
  • 60+ Places to Find and Use Audio and Ebooks
    While there are audio and ebooks, fiction and non-fiction, there is also a section for Free education books and textbooks with numerous sites, a number of which are included separately on these pages. There is also a section for Reference works.
  • Academic Commons
    ‘Academic Commons provides global access to research and scholarship produced at Columbia University and its affiliate institutions. Discover what researchers and scholars are sharing in Academic Commons, Browse highliughted contributions from across Columbia and its affiliate institutions’.
  • Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts
    ‘This is a collection of Public Domain and Open Access documents with a focus on American and English literature as well as Western philosophy’.
  • Best Free eBooks Online
    ‘Sites that legally offer free books, some for business, others just for reading and listening [audio]’. Really extensive but not just education and business books.
  • BCcampus OpenEd
    ‘Made available online to be freely used by students, teachers and members of the public. They are available for free as online versions and as low-cost printed versions should students opt for these. They are licensed with a Creative Commons license’. Most titles have multiple downloads including the actual book and related materials.
  • Bibliomania
    Reference books, classic fiction / drama / … , literature book notes, study guides, articles, interviews and more.
  • Bookboon
    Check the Categories link in the top menu for access to specific areas. Use the Free ebooks download. This group has now established a monthly fee [varies depending on choice]. Use the Pricing link to see what is involved and what each price provides’.
  • Bookshelf
    ‘Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare. Search, read and discover. Free access to over 700 texts in life science and healthcare. Bookshelf enables users to easily browse, retrieve and read content, and spurs discovery of related information’. Tertiary level. Material is also provided up to and including 2023.
  • CK-12 Foundation
    ‘CK-12 provides open-source content and technology tools to help teachers provide learning opportunities for students globally’. Click pon Subjects in the top menu to narrow your search to subject and grade level.
  • College Open Textbooks
    ‘We have made a decision to redirect visitors from to other resources we believe are more valuable for students, teachers and institutions’. Extensive list of links to suppliers of open material.
  • Directory of Open Access Books ➟ DOAB
    ‘Over 68 000 academic peer-reviewed books. Generally speaking, all books listed in DOAB are free to read and share for non-commercial use. Please check the licence if you want to re-use the contents of a book. Use the Browse pages to look at several books that are related in some way. Check the menu on thr right of the home page to see subject areas, specific topics, publisher, language, when issued and more’.
  • eBookLobby
    ‘These free ebooks are divided into different categories. Categories range from business, art and computing to education’.
  • Find OER -
    Multiple sections including Images, Textbooks, Course Materials and Simulations. Hover over individual items for the title and full descriptor to be available, prior to using the link to visit the site.
  • Find Open Textbooks ➟ Open Education Resources [OERs]
    ‘Open textbooks are part of a larger movement called “Open Educational Resources” [OER]. An open textbook is a textbook with an open copyright license that allows the material to be freely accessed, shared and adapted. They are free for anyone to view and download in an online format and can be made available in a print format at a nominal cost’. A collection of material and sites from a Canadian university.
  • Gradesaver
    ‘Study Guides are offered for free by GradeSaver on novels, plays, poems and films ranging from Animal Farm to Yonnondio : From the Thirties. Each study guide includes summaries, essays, an in-depth chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quiz. Study guides are available in PDF format’.
  • LibreTexts ➟ Free The Textbook
    ‘The LibreTexts mission is to unite students, faculty and scholars in a cooperative effort to develop an easy-to-use online platform for the construction, customization and dissemination of open educational resources [OER] to reduce the burdens of unreasonable textbook costs to our students and society’. 2 236 Textbooks, Textmaps and LibreTexts at time of update. Use the Explore the Libraries link at the top to access books in a wide range of subjects.
  • Macquarie Textbooks ➟ StudentVIP
    Options include both buying and selling texts. Individual options are listed with more than 3 000 books at the time of update.
  • Milne Open Textbooks
    ‘Milne Library Publishing at SUNY Geneseo manages and maintains Milne Open Textbooks, a catalogue of open textbooks authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff. Use the Textbooks link to access Browse by author, browse by subject, browse by SUNY affiliation while you can actually Adopt a Textbook’. Covers a significant range of subject areas.
    ‘The MERLOT system provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers’. Not restricted to texts, with options for various material and also a wide range of filters.
  • OAPEN ➟ Browsing by Subject
    Browse using the Alphabetical menu at the top of the page to find specific items among the very extensive listing of subject areas. Check the For Researchers link to access additional information.
  • OER Commons
    ‘Open Author helps you build and publish Open Educational Resources for you and for the benefit of educators and learners everywhere. Extensive Library, Powerful Findability. Search through collections curated by our digital librarians’.
  • Open Book Project
    ‘The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topic’. Check the menu on the left to find material from books to tutorials, Courses to multimedia and more.
  • OpenStax
    ‘We publish high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are absolutely free online and low cost in print. Seriously. We are also conducting cutting edge learning research and providing free interactive, standards-aligned Algebra I curriculum giving educators and students the tools they need to drive learning and achievement. Check out our current library of textbooks, our research platform Kinetic and our RAISE curriculum.’.
  • OpenStax CNX
    ‘House[s] one of the largest repositories of open educational resources in the world. All materials are housed free of charge in a variety of formats. Content is accessible not only online, but in PDF and EPUB formats, as well as being available through a print-on-demand option’. Previously included under the title Connexions.
  • Open Textbook Library
    ‘Open textbooks are licensed by authors and publishers to be freely used and adapted. Download, edit and distribute them at no cost. Now offering 1 258 open textbooks, the Open Textbook Library is supported by the Open Education Network’.
  • Oxford Academic
    ‘If you are looking for a specific book simply type the book’s title or ISBN into the search bar at the top right of the screen. You may need to then refine or modify your search to find exactly what you’re looking for. You can also search across all OUP books and journals, or find content within each of the products from their own dedicated homepages’. Access through a subscribing institution. Prevuoiusly listed as Oxford Scholarship Online.
  • PDF Books Library
    ‘PDF Books World library is a high quality resource for free PDF books, which are digitized version of books attained the public domain status. Our mission is to transform the most popular works of legendary authors to modern reading room. We publish PDF books on many subjects for readers of all ages including Fiction, Non-Fiction, Academic and Children’s writings’.
  • Perlego
    An accessible education for every aspiration. ‘For a subscription fee that is lower than the cost of one textbook, users can access over one million textbooks covering more than 950 study areas. Think of titles that span from the basics of essay writing and AI to climate change, respiratory medicine and many more’.
  • Perseus Digital Library
    ‘An evolving digital library, . . . Our primary goal is to bring a wide range of source materials to as large an audience as possible. Our flagship collection, under development since 1987, covers the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. We are applying what we have learned from Classics to other subjects within the humanities and beyond’.
  • Project Gutenberg
    ‘70 000 free ebooks in the Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalogue. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy’. Also try the Australian version, which has options/material unavailable at the US site.
  • Publishers of OA books ➟ Open Access Directory
    Part of Springer Link. ‘This list is part of the Open Access Directory’. You can access the listed items via the Alphabetical links in the menu on the right. Links to universities and other groups. One option provided is to acces via your institution. Usually this appears to require linking in to the library there.
  • Science Books Online
    ‘Science Books Online lists free science e-books, textbooks, lecture notes, monographs and other science related documents. All texts are available for free reading online, or for downloading in various formats. Select your favorite category from the menu on the top left corner of the screen or see all the categories below. For the list of recently added books, please scroll down the page’.



  • Fishpond
    Second-Hand books listed under specific areas, e.g. Education, Pyschology, Philosophy, Law, Science and Technology.
  • eBooks and eTextbooks ➟ Open educational resources [OER]
    Library Guide at University of Queensland. ‘Find, create and evaluate OER materials, available to legally and freely copy, such as ebooks, images, audio, video and software. Understand copyright and Creative Commons [CC] licences’. You can open textbooks by subject areas.
  • State Library of NSW ➟ eResources
    ‘Search, browse the A-Z list, or filter and sort through eresources. Alternatively go back to the eResources homepage’.
  • StudentVIP Textbooks
    ‘Australia’s largest second-hand textbook site is a 100% Free service for StudentVIP members’. More than 47 500 books. Lists universities where they have links in each state/territory. If you have some textbooks that are no longer required, you may be able to sell them to this group.
  • Sydney University Press ➟ Open Access
    ‘Open Access [OA] refers to the free distribution of online versions of books and other publications. All books published by Sydney University Press which are made openly available have undergone standard quality assessment and peer review. SUP OA books are available from the Sydney Open Library and as downloadable PDF files from the Sydney eScholarship Repository. SUP Law books are available from AUSTLII :
  • UNSW Second-Hand Bookshop
    Information about when, where and and how is provided. Currently closed as a result of Covid. Monitor to see when it re-opens.
  • UQU ➟ Secondhand Texts & Stationery
    ‘Save with Mates Rates at the Secondhand Stationary & Texts and take advantage of exclusive offers and 10% off all food & drinks all semester long [please note this excludes alcohol, not to be used in conjunction with other offers]’.


    ‘Booksellers on AbeBooks offer a vast selection of new and used textbooks’. Material is sent by the owners who are selling through AbeBooks. You can also get international editions as well as the American books. Check regarding shipping costs.
  • BooksIntoCash
    ‘Type in the ISBN barcode numbers from your books, click the button,and see our prices. Have a lot of books ? Copy and paste your entire spreadsheet or list into the window below to see offering prices all at once. Minimum order : just $50.00. ’. No free shipping to/from Australia as far as we can see.
  • Online Textbooks ➟ MIT OpenCourseWare
    ‘This page is an index to the online textbooks in MIT OpenCourseWare. Each link below goes to a course or resource page that contains the textbook files’.
  • Sparknotes
    Study guides [in booklet form] covering numerous areas [Shakespeare, Literature, Other Subjects, Test Prep PLUS, … They even run a blog which may prove of value to you.
    ‘Find free etextbooks available for immediate download, by entering title, author, or key words for the textbook. We bring you free digital textbooks from all sources and for all courses ! We offer free etextbooks for many subject categories and for all tablet and digital textbook viewing devices’.
  • Textbook Revolution
    ‘On this site you’ll find links and reviews of textbooks and select educational resources. Some of the books are PDF files, others are viewable online as e-books, while some are simply web sites containing course or multimedia content’.
  • The Assayer
    ‘Welcome to The Assayer, a catalogue of books that have been made free by their authors. The site has been running since 2001. It’s open source. When you see the icon image, it means that the book’s author has made it free to read, modify and sell, using a license such as Wikipedia’s. Books without the icon have been intentionally made free to read by their authors, but are not part of the free-information ecosystem’.
  • The Best Places to Read and Download Educational e-Books ➟ Educators Technology
    ‘In this I share with you some of very good platforms where you can search for, access and download a wide variety of reading materials including eBooks, periodicals, newspapers, textbooks and several other documents’.
  • The National Academies Press
    ‘The National Academies Press [NAP] publishes the publications of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. NAP publishes more than 200 publications per year’. Each is available to downbload as a PDF document or you can read them online.
  • The Online Books Page
    University of Pennsylvania. Browse by subject term, call number [often Library of Congress] or use an alphabetical listing of all subject terms. use the previous or next indicators to move back or forth. The items included are indicated under the main heading. More than 3 million books are included.
  • Wikibooks
    ‘Wikibooks is a Wikimedia project for collaboratively writing open-content textbooks that anyone, including you, can edit right now by clicking on the edit link that appears near the top of each Wikibooks page. Wikibooks has two subprojects : Wikijunior which is aimed at children and the Cookbook which is our collection of recipes and culinary topics’ About 3 500 books currently included at time of last update.

Top of Page


  • 20+ Pedagogy Books for Free ! ➟
    ‘No more wasting your time on the web looking for books about pedagogy, here on our site you have a lot of options to choose from. Just browse through the selection of more than 20 pedagogy books in PDF format that we have available for you to find the one you need’. You can either read online or download a PDF version. There are links to fursther aspecxts of education as you scroll down beyond the above listing.
  • A Framework for K-12 Science Education : Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas
    ‘Proposes a new approach to K-12 science education that will capture students’ interest and provide them with the necessary foundational knowledge in the field’. Additional Book information, Contents [ based on a SKIM process - highlighting the most significant text within every poage in the chapter], Resources, more. Free in PDF format or you can read it for free online.
  • An Introduction to Education
    An eight chapter book ranging from Fundamental Concepts of Education to Sociocultural Perspectives : An Opportunity to Understand Science Education in a Different Dimension. ‘The book An Introduction to Education is a set of strategies and materials in education, developed to assist teachers in guiding their classroom and students in understanding fundamental subjects of teaching’.
  • A Teachers Guide to Special Education
    Tristan Bone - ‘With general education classroom teachers facing increased demands - from additional assessments to accountability to larger class sizes to working with students with disabilities - the profession of teaching is more complex and challenging than ever. We don’t have all the answers for dealing with its every demand, but we do have concrete suggestions and descriptions of procedures and processes that can change the way teachers work with students with disabilities’. You need to register, but this is free and it does give you ‘access to 47 million papers’.
  • Blended Learning in K-12
    ‘This book,“Blended Learning in K-12”, is an overview of the concept of blended learning and how it relates to the integration of technologies in the K-12 environment’.
  • Education & Professional Development ➟ LibreTexts
    ‘Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, however learners can also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. Formal education is commonly divided formally into such stages as Preschool or Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and then College, University, or Apprenticeship. Two LibreTexts sections that are connected to this topic are the K12 library and the Early Childhood Education section’.
  • Education for a Digital World : Advice, Guidelines and Effective Practice from Around the Globe
    Education for a Digital World contains a comprehensive collection of proven strategies and tools for effective online teaching, based on the principles of learning as a social process. It offers practical, contemporary guidance to support e-learning decision-making, instructional choices, as well as program and course planning and development’.There are a number of reviews provided. This is a 5 part book with 31 sub-sections. Avaulable to downoad in PDF format.
  • Education for an Information Age
    Bernard John Poole; Elizabeth Sky-McIlvain. ‘The primary goal of the text is to help you incorporate the computer into your K-12 curriculum’. Multiple formats available [PDF, ePub, Kindle, Daisy, … ].
  • Education ➟ Free Books at EBD
    Education books [60+] covering various aspects. There are also links in the menu on the right to a range of other educational areas [e.g. Astronomy, Biology, Business, … ]. Most seem to have PDF downloads or you can read online.
  • Education Textbooks ➟ Open Textbook Library
    Examples cover from Early Childhood to Tertiary levels. Click on the Read More button to access more information including formats available, Table of Contents, Creator[s], further information about the book and more.
  • Early Childhood Education ➟ OER by Discipline Directory
    There are Collections, Courses and Textbooks linked to this area of education. Click on each link for access to their contents. This is one section of a link listing of education areas ranging from Education - General through Digital Education, Disabilities, K-12, Learning to Open Education and Open Pedagogy. Some sections have more than others [e.g. the last listed]. Various options to read/view/listen to the material ewhich is made available. Links to major sections available can be found on this page - Education.
  • Exceptional children : an introduction to special education
    Covers ‘Defining special education; Planning and providing special education services; Special education in a culturally diverse society; Parents and families of children with special needs; Early childhood special education; Mental retardation; Learning disabilities; Emotional and behavioral disorders; Communication disorders; Hearing loss; Blindness and low vision; Physical impairments and special health care needs; Severe disabilities; Giftedness and talent development; and Transition to adulthood’. Similar items are listed. Collections this is available from and much more. There is a a second book by the same title at EBIN which gives access to a PDF version [11th edition].
  • Free books on Education ➟ Download Sites
    ‘The Best Places to Read and Download Educational e-Books’ provide a select list. There is then an extensive list of sites with link, brief description and more for free downloads.
  • Free Educational Books & eBooks
    Not all the inclusions will be applicable in the educational sector but many are well worth considering. Multiple formats though not all are offered with the same, or as many, options.
  • Free High School Learning Materials
    While much is USA-oriented, there are still many links to material usable in other areas of the world. Includes Textbooks and Audio-Video [the first section is better than the others]. Grouped in topic areas to make it easier to find what you want to use.
  • Free eBooks ➟ Free online resources for teachers
    Library Guides at University of Melbourne. ‘ The Free online resources for teachers guide can help you get started. It is intended as a resource to beginning and practicing teachers, and to showcase the many freely available teacher resources on the web’. The annotated ist includes a nuber of links already included in these pages.
  • Google ➟ Books
    Introductory information about books related to education. Each entry provides significant details about the book, at least an example section, places where it can be found and further samples from the publisher collection. The books are not free from this source, but would certainly provide enough information to help you decide whether to follow up your initial reaction or not.
  • Knowing What Students Know
    ‘The Science and Design of Educational Assessment’ 2001. Free in to download in PDF format while you can also read it online. As the authors indicate - ‘While there are many strategies for improving the educational process, we need a way to find out what works and what doesn’t work as well. Educational assessment seeks to determine just how well students are learning and is an integral part of our quest for improved education’.
  • Open Textbook Library ➟ Education Textbooks
    Extensive listing of well-annotated texts covering numerous areas and levels [early childhood to tertiary] of education. Most available in several formats, e.g. online, ebook, PDF. Some books are very recent [e.g. 2023]. In addition to the Education selection, there are sections for numerous other educational topics. More than 1 250 books at time of update.
  • Taking Science to School
    2007. ‘By looking at a broad range of questions, this book provides a basic foundation for guiding science teaching and supporting students in their learning’. Download free in PDF format or read free online.
  • Teaching Assistant’s Handbook
    2005. ‘Janet Kay’s best-selling Teaching Assistant’s Handbook has been revised and updated especially for Teaching Assistants working in the primary school’.
  • Teaching with Style
    2002. A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles, Tony Grasha. You can see the full PDF or Download it, but you will need to register [free] in order to do so.

Top of Page


  • 2020ok Mathematics
    Select sub-categories from Applied Maths to Trigonometry. Many have further subs-sections listed e.g. Applied - Differential Equations, Game Theory, General, Linear Programming, Probability & Statistics, Vector Analysis.
  • 50+ Maths Books for Free ! [PDF] ➟
    ‘Love maths ? Welcome to our library, where you can download the best math books for free. Our collection of books covers all branches of mathematics, including the three most important ones : Algebra, Calculus and Geometry. But we don’t stop there, we also offer materials on other fascinating areas such as statistics, number theory, topology and many more. In addition, our selection of maths books has been carefully curated to offer materials for both beginners and experts. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking your first steps in this science or if you’re already knowledgeable’.
  • A First Course in Linear Algebra ➟ A Free Textbook
    ‘This is an evolving description of books and software that could be used to design a totally open undergraduate mathematics curriculum. This is meant to be a selective list, so you can consider these to be personal recommendations, not just links I’ve found promising. As such there will be a limited number of entries in each category. The first criteria in selecting texts is that preference will be given to those that are truly free - as in free to copy, free to modify, free to distribute, free to sell. For example, a text that prohibits commercial use does not have full freedom. Licensing terms are summarised for each item. The second criteria is that I have to have some reason to believe the text is accurate and has a selection of content that is in line with typical university courses. First some comprehensive software, then lower-division [including introductory programming], concluding with upper-division [alphabetically by subject]. Suggestions are encouraged, especially for empty categories or books you have used in a course, but inclusion is subject to the above discussion’.
  • AMS : Mathematics History Books [and more]
    ‘Free Online Books and Free Online Resources’ primarily covering mathematics history. Also has Biographies and Interviews with famous Mathematicians plus Obituaries and Tributes for mathematicians of note. Readers may now view online the full archive of the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society since 1891, searchable and fully integrated with the modern Bulletin, freely accessible to all.
  • Approved Textbooks ➟ American Inst. of Mathematics
    ‘The list groups open textbooks by course title. All the books have been judged to meet the evaluation criteria set by the AIM editorial board’. Extensive listing with multiple options for some individual titles.
  • Best Ed Lessons ➟ Best Free Math Textbooks Education Lessons and Learning Materials
    ‘The Best Free Educational Lessons for Homeschool, Primary, Middle and High School Students and Teachers – we are non-profit, no fees, no ads’. Check the Topic areas in the menu on the right for specific Mathematical aspects.
  • Free Mathematics Books
    ‘Alphabetical list of online mathematics books, textbooks, monographs, lecture notes and other documents freely available on the web’. A Categorised Directory is found here.
  • Free Mathematics Textbooks ➟ SolutionInn
    30 books are listed. As you can see from the markers at the top and bottom of each book listing, they are all free.
  • Free Math Textbooks ➟ Open Culture
    ‘Free textbooks [aka open textbooks] written by knowledgeable scholars are a relatively new phenomenon. Below, find a meta list of Free Math Textbooks, part of our larger collection of 200 Free Textbooks : A Meta Collection. Also see our online collection, 1 700 Free Online Courses from Top Universities’.
  • Free Maths Textbooks for Year 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12
    ‘Check out our Ezy Maths digital textbooks below. They are all free, simple and hand-written ! At each link you will find a list of the topics available and download links. Each textbook has a question book and a worked solutions book’.
  • Free, Online Mathematics Books
    Online texts, books and similar resources related to Mathematics, online Maths Courses and Lecture Notes.
  • Helping Children Learn Mathematics
    ‘Helping Children Learn Mathematics provides comprehensive and reliable information that will guide efforts to improve school mathematics from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. The authors explain the five strands of mathematical proficiency and discuss the major changes that need to be made in mathematics instruction, instructional materials, assessments, teacher education, and the broader educational system and answers some of the frequently asked questions when it comes to mathematics instruction. The book concludes by providing recommended actions for parents and caregivers, teachers, administrators, and policy makers, stressing the importance that everyone work together to ensure a mathematically literate society’.
  • LibreTexts ➟ Mathematics
    ‘Welcome to the Mathematics Library. This Living Library is a principal hub of the LibreTexts project, which is a multi-institutional collaborative venture to develop the next generation of open-access texts to improve post-secondary education at all levels of higher learning. The LibreTexts approach is highly collaborative where an Open Access textbook environment is under constant revision by students, faculty, and outside experts to supplant conventional paper-based books’.
  • Mathematics Books Online
    ‘General, Elementary Algebra & Trigonometry, Abstract Algebra, Mathematical Analysis & Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Geometry & Topology, Mathematical Logic, Category Theory, Number Theory, Probability & Statistics, Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics & Mathematical Physics, History of Mathematics & Popular Books’.
  • Mathematics for Elementary Teachers ➟ Open Textbook Library
    ‘This book will help you to understand elementary mathematics more deeply, gain facility with creating and using mathematical notation, develop a habit of looking for reasons and creating mathematical explanations and become more comfortable exploring unfamiliar mathematical situations.The primary goal of this book is to help you learn to think like a mathematician in some very specific ways’. Some comments in the top/left section suggest specific aspects are not included.
  • MSRI Book Series
    ‘The book series Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications is now published by Cambridge University Press and new books are posted here in full text, a few months after publication. All these volumes are in print’.
  • Online Mathematics Textbooks
    More than 75 links to online texts Free to use. Mathematics from Calculus to an Introduction to Vectors.
  • OpenStax Mathematics
    ‘Peer-reviewed. Openly licensed. 100% free. And backed by additional learning resources. Review our OpenStax textbooks and decide if they are right for your course. Simple to adopt, free to use. We make it easy to improve student access to higher education’.
  • Open Textbook Library ➟ Mathematics
    Use the Filters on the left of the page to find books in individual languages, different Licenses used, Formats [including a number of formats such as eBook] or simply peruse the individual books listed.
  • Virtual Maths Library
    ‘Interactive Maths Resources !’ Geared for K-12. Covers all the major topics. Each section has links taking you to specific activities, games, explanations, etc..


  • +20 Free Algebra Books [PDF] ➟
    ‘If you are interested in studying about this important mathematical discipline, check out our more than 20 books on algebra in PDF format, available for immediate download to your electronic devices’.
  • Algebra [all content] ➟ Khan Academy
    A full course with a Course Summary on the left [from an Introduction through to Matrices] and descriptions and links to each of the 20 units on the right. You can also access their Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 presentations using these links.
  • Elementary Algebra ➟ Open Textbook Library
    ‘Traditionally, the study of algebra is separated into two parts, elementary algebra and intermediate algebra. This textbook, Elementary Algebra, is the first part, written in a clear and concise manner, making no assumption of prior algebra experience. It carefully guides students from the basics to the more advanced techniques required to be successful in the next course. A second text is Linear Algebra. This text covers the standard material for a US undergraduate first course’. You can find other Algebra texts [free] by going to the Algebra Textbooks page.
  • Free Algebra Ebooks
    ‘Below is a collection of free algebra ebooks that are downloadable. They include math ebooks on High School Algebra, Trigonometry, College Algebra, Linear Algebra, and Abstract Algebra’. There are 30+ books.
  • Free College Algebra Textbook Available for Download ➟ OpenStax
    College Algebra 2e provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra course. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book addresses the needs of a variety of courses. College Algebra 2e offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they’ve learned’.
  • Linear Algebra [J Hefferon]
    ‘ Linear Algebra is a text for a first US undergraduate Linear Algebra course. You can use it as a main text, as a supplement, or for independent study. It is Free. The book, the complete answers to all exercises, classroom presentation slides and a lab manual using Sage, are all available for download. You can also buy a paper copy of the book for not much money’.
  • Linear Algebra [Peter Petersen]
    ‘This book covers the aspects of linear algebra that are included in most advanced undergraduate texts. All the usual topics from complex vectors spaces, complex inner products, The Spectral theorem for normal operators, dual spaces, quotient spaces, the minimal polynomial, the Jordan canonical form and the rational canonical form are explained. A chapter on determinants has been included as the last chapter. Download [PDF] or read it online for free’. There are also more than 40 texts linked to Algebra in their Free Mathematics Books section.


  • Advanced Calculus
    Lynn Loomis and Schlomo Sternberg. Harvard University.
  • Calculus Calculator
    Topics are listed on the left of the site with sub-topics found by clicking on the topic title. You can also enter a problem and gain results abut this. In addition, there is also a Pre Calculus Calculator having a similar format available from the menu at the top of the page.
  • Calculus ➟ Maths is Fun
    ‘The word Calculus comes from Latin meaning “small stone”, because it is like understanding something by looking at small pieces. Differential Calculus cuts something into small pieces to find how it changes. Integral Calculus joins [integrates] the small pieces together to find how much there is’. Sections include Limits, Derivatives [Differential Calculus], Integration [Integral Calculus], Differential Equations plus a Bonus Topic [Bifurcation].
  • Calculus 1 ➟ Full College Course
    ‘This course combines two courses taught by Dr. Green. She teaches both Calculus 1 and a Calculus 1 Corequisite course, designed to be taken at the same time. In this video, the lectures from the Corequisite course, which review important Algebra and Trigonometry concepts, have been interspersed with the Calculus 1 lectures at the places suggested by Dr. Green’. [11:53:47]
  • Calculus 1 ➟ Khan Academy
    A Course Summary is provided as is a listing of the various topics covered. Each of these contains a listing of the topics within that topic. Among related books by this group are Integral Calculus [a brief introduction is also provided] and Precalculus. Check the Courses menu item at the top for further titles in the Mathematics listing.
  • Calculus Online Textbook
    Online text by Gilbert Strang, 2005. MIT Open Courseware. ‘Published in 1991 by Wellesley-Cambridge Press, the book is a useful resource for educators and self-learners alike. It is well organised, covers single variable and multivariable calculus in depth and is rich with applications. There is also an online Instructor’s Manual and a Student Study Guide. The complete textbook is also available as a single file [PDF - 38.5MB]. MIT Professor Gilbert Strang has created a series of videos to show ways in which calculus is important in our lives. The videos, which include real-life examples to illustrate the concepts, are ideal for high school students, college students and anyone interested in learning the basics of calculus’.
    This site contains a significant number of sources for information relating to Calculus. Sections including Resources for the Calculus Student and Resources for the Calculus Instructor. Links to other Calculus sites include these section lists : Sites with Calculus Exams; Tutorials and Courses in Calculus; Animated demonstrations of Calculus; Sites with calculus Problems; Sites with Sage, Mathematica, Maple, etc. based Calculus notebooks and problems; Online Texts; Tutorials and explanations of Calculus topics; Calculus videos; Collections of Calculus site links; Vector Calculus and multivariable Calculus sites; Calculators that compute derivatives, integrals, etc.; Calculus applets and software; Applications of Calculus; Calculus and Society, History, etc.; Commercial Calculus products; Related Topics : Precalculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, etc.; and Fun Math Links.
  • Calculus Study Guide
    University of Sydney. Two and a half pages of links to specific aspects of Calculus. Each item/section has a PDF link to related information. Modules [21] also include YouTube videos demonstrating a specific process. Well worth reviewing.
  • Introduction to Calculus
    A story is used to introduce the use of Calculus. A different approach that could prove very effective. The Conclusion includes links to two [2] further Introduction topics [Derivatives and Integration]. There is also a Mathopolis Question Database plus two other items in the Here’s more box.
  • Introduction to Calculus ➟ Coursera
    University of Sydney. ‘There are 5 modules in this course. The focus and themes of the Introduction to Calculus course address the most important foundations for applications of Mathematics in Science, Engineering and Commerce. The course emphasises the key ideas and historical motivation for Calculus, while at the same time striking a balance between theory and application, leading to a mastery of key threshold concepts in Foundational Mathematics’. There are also links to related courses.
  • Precalculus [Collingwood, Prince, Conroy]
    2011. ‘The basic theme of this book is to study precalculus within the context of problem solving’.


  • 25+ General Math Books for Free ! [PDF] ➟
    ‘There are many reasons why learning mathematics through general math books in PDF format can be useful for students. Many of these books have simple explanations and are of varying degrees of instruction. The books below are the closest to a wish list for any aspiring mathematician or person interested in mathematics. We highly recommend each one of these titles in this list of over 25 general Mathematics books in PDF format to help you understand mathematics in your life’. Also available to read online.
  • 50+ Math Books for Free ! [PDF] ➟
    ‘Our collection of books covers all branches of mathematics, including the three most important ones : algebra, calculus and geometry. But we don’t stop there, we also offer materials on other fascinating areas such as statistics, number theory, topology and many more. In addition, our selection of math books has been carefully curated to offer materials for both beginners and experts’. Over 300 books at time of update.
  • A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra v2 [Victor Shoup]
    ‘Basic concepts from computational number theory and algebra, including all the necessary mathematical background. PDF format under a Creative Commons license’.
  • An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers [Leo Moser]
    ‘An expanded version of a series of lectures for graduate students on elementary number theory’.
  • Basic Concepts of Mathematics [Elias Zakon]
    ‘This book helps the student complete the transition from purely manipulative to rigorous mathematics. The clear exposition covers many topics that are assumed by later courses but are often not covered with any depth or organisation : basic set theory, induction, quantifiers, functions and relations, equivalence relations, properties of the real numbers [including consequences of the completeness axiom], fields and basic properties of n-dimensional Euclidean spaces’.
  • Dave’s Short Trig Course
    18 chapters from Who Should Take This Course ? via Applications of Trigonometry to a Summary of Trigonometric Identities.
  • Differential Equations [Paul Dawkins]
    2011. ‘Basic Concepts; First Order Differential Equations; Second Order Differential Equations; Laplace Transforms; Systems of Differential Equations; Series Solutions; Higher Order Differential Equations; Boundary Value Problems and Fourier Series; Partial Differential Equations’. There is also a short list of similar books. Download in PDF format or read it online.
  • Free Mathematics Book Sites
    A listing of site where you can download free books. Includes books, lecture notes, monographs as well. Some links may also appear in other sections of our collection here.
  • Free Math Textbooks ➟ Open Culture
    ‘Free textbooks [aka open textbooks] written by knowledgeable scholars are a relatively new phenomenon. Below, find a meta list of Free Math Textbooks, part of our larger collection 200 Free Textbooks : A Meta Collection’.
  • Free Maths Textbooks for Year 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12
    ‘Check out our Ezy Math digital textbooks below. They are all free, simple and hand-written ! At each link you will find a list of the topics available and download links. Each textbook has a question book and a worked solutions book’. Covers Years 3 - 12.
  • Functions and Their Graphs by J. Nicholas, J. Hunter, J. Hargreaves
    ‘Table of contents : Functions [Definition of a function, Domain and range of a function, Specifying or restricting the domain of a function]; More about functions; Piecewise functions and solving inequalities; Polynomials; Solutions to exercises’. Download as a PDF file or read it online.
  • General Mathematics Books
    56 Books at time of update. Each entry provides Title, Author[s], link, number of pages, format[s] available.
  • Introduction to Probability, Statistics and Random Processes
    ‘For undergraduate as well as first-year graduate level courses on the subject. It can be used by both students and practitioners in engineering, mathematics, finance, and other related fields. The entire textbook, Short video lectures, Online calculators for important functions and distributions, a solutions manual for instructors and Lecture slides’. There is also a Students’ Solutions Guide. Available to read online but otherwise available for purchase from Amazon.
  • Learn Maths from Start to Finish ➟ Open Library
    ‘This collection shows textbooks from The Math Sorcerer’s YouTube video called How to Learn Mathematics from START to FINISH. He recommended books for self-studying from basic logic and proof-writing to graduate-level topics such as real analysis’.
  • Mathematics Books for Free ➟ Maths Questions and Answers
    These are at tertiary level;. Other text attract a nominal fee per month but will provide a 30-day free trial. 69 books linked at time of update.
  • Mathematics Textbooks ➟ Open Textbook Library
    Use the Filters on the left menu to narrow your search. Each book is listed with the following : Title, Copyright Year, Contributor, Publisher, License, Comment[s], Ratings, Review[s] plus a link to Read more which takes you to further information including formats, Table of Contents, Ancillary Material and further details about book and/or author.
  • Project Gutenberg ➟ Books in Mathematics [sorted by popularity]
    Several pages of links to books related to mathematics. Included are what would be described as historical mathematics books, by authors from previous periods. This makes for a fascinating view of maths over a long period of time and covering mathematical discoveries over an equally lengthy period.
  • Subject > Mathematics ➟ OpenStax
    ‘Review our OpenStax textbooks and decide if they are right for your course. Simple to adopt, free to use. We make it easy to improve student access to education materials in K12 and higher education’. Listed material covers a range of mathematical sectors, e.g. Algebra, Calculus, Precalculus and Statistics. Fairly small in number but high in quality.
  • The Chaos Hypertextbook
    Mathematics in the Age of the Computer. ‘For anyone with an interest in chaos, fractals, non-linear dynamics or mathematics in general. A book introducing basic concepts from computational number theory and algebra, including all the necessary mathematical background’.
  • The Golden E-Book of Graphs of Mathematical Functions
    ‘This EBook is a simple introduction to 2D and 3D-functions, parametric equations, conformal mappings, image transformations from 2D to 3D, real surfaces, warped planes, spiral trajectories and a final chapter about the geometrical curves of interplanetary journeys’. Buy for US$1.00 and you will get a PDF [6MB] file.

Top of Page


  • Computer Technology Books
    More than 300 books. Each provides a range of details and options from the very simplest to other options. Ratings are provided for all inclusions. Also included is a select Readers also enjoyed collection of related texts.
  • Free Ebooks for Science & Technology Students
    Research Guides at New York University. General collections, Textbooks and Maths and Technology Collections. Briefly annotated links to some quite good sources covering this area.
  • Free Books on Technology, Computers, Science
    Well annotated listing covering multiple pages. Each major entry has a brief resume plus links to PDF availability where this is offered. Some individual titles are included on the following section.
  • Google Books ➟ Technology
    A large collection covering many pages. Briefly annotated inclusions with Title, Author and brief description. Not all items are free [or sometimes even very accessible] but there is a wealth of information and guidance to help you access items wherever possible.
  • Technology ➟ IntechOpen
    16 areas within the Technology area are listed [e.g. Educational Technology, Knowledge Engineering, Multimedia, … ] Individual books have Chapter lists, Full Title, Author/Editor, Publication details, Book metrics, … . The Headline Menu allows access to other resources.


  • A Practical Theory of Programming
    ‘You can download the book [in PDF format] right here. Download symbols, solutions to exercises, laws etc. for printing and a change log. The course Formal Methods of Software Design, based on the book is available online free. It includes lectures and transcripts’. Also available in Chinese.
  • Building Accessible Websites [Joe Clark]
    Last revised in 2019 and can only be read online. It is available for purchase online [Amazon].
  • Computer and Information Science ➟ IntechOpen
    ‘506 Open Access Books’ listed under 11 sections from Artificial Intelligence to Theory of Computation. Further information is available such as - Individual Chapters, Book Metrics and more. You can order a print copy or download a PDF copy [free registration required for this].
  • Computers ➟ MIT Press
    A very, small collection of Open Access texts. These are part of a much larger [1 400+ at time of update] collection available from a nominated series of sources, which may have discounts on specified titles.
  • List of Free ebooks from Microsoft Press
    ‘Microsoft Virtual Academy is one such initiative. It lets you load your digital library with free eBooks from Microsoft Press Store. Most friendly feature about this is all Microsoft eBooks are available in PDF, EPUB and Mobi for Kindle formats. The eBooks are available for Windows 10, Office, Azure, Marinara, Share Point, Power BI, System Centre, etc.’.
  • Foundations of Computation [Critical, Eck]
    2011. ‘The first half of the course covers material on logic, sets and functions that would often be taught in a course in discrete mathematics. The second part covers material on automata, formal languages and grammar that would ordinarily be encountered in an upper level course in theoretical computer science’. Available to download in PDF format.
    ‘Programming Books, Java Books, Data Science Books, Python Books, C++ Books, Mathematics Books. Annotated entries’. Further links in the menu on the left. Full book details on the book page plus Book Description, Reviews, Book Categories, Read and Download links and Similar Books.
    ‘Database of Free/Open Access Online Computer Science Books, Textbooks and Lecture Notes’. Select the relevant area from the Book Categories, then select the specific areas from the listing. Categories and their specific parts have a wide range/number of books included. Related areas area also included in the overall collection.
  • Green Tea Press
    ‘All of our books are available under free licenses that allow you to copy and distribute the text; you are also free to modify it, so you can adapt the books to different needs and help develop new material. These books are available in a variety of electronic formats; some are also for sale in hard copy’.
  • How To Design Programs [2nd Edition]
    MIT Press. ‘Places computer science in the core of a liberal arts education. Unlike other introductory books, it focuses on the program design process. Includes the environment, teacher guides, exercises for all levels, solutions and additional projects’. MIT, 2014 version but only just released. Available to read online.
  • Introduction to Machine Learning [Nils Nilsson]
    Stanford University. ‘A modern course in machine learning would include much of the material in these notes and a good deal more. Download the notes : Introduction to Machine Learning [2.1 MB]’.
  • O’Reilly Open Books
    ‘While the books listed here use various open licenses, since 2003 we’ve focused on using the licenses created by Creative Commons. Major listing are English-Language Books and Out-of-Print Books. A small collection German Online Books and a single Polish Language Book’.
  • Python Bibliotheca
    ‘Aims to be a library of educational materials using Python to teach computer programming’. Includes textbooks for beginners, tutorials, multimedia, more. Check the menu on the left to access different materials/sections. Everything here is free !
  • Software Engineering for Internet Applications
    MIT Press 2006. ‘The textbook for the MIT course Software Engineering for Internet Applications for juniors and seniors in Computer Science’. Chapter listing, Reference Chapters, Glossary, more.

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