This is the last headline page for 2023. The next will be provided on 18 January 2024.
These headlines are some of the major items from the last week [Thursday to Thursday].
A majority of the sites have been developed in Australia. They cover all major educational areas from Early Childhood to universities, schools to Vocational Education. They cover many of the major topics addressed during that week. We have tried to include as diverse a range of sources as feasible. We have also tried to ensure there is free access to the items included, though there will be some with limited access when it is felt they are relevant.
Unless otherwise stated the resources are from sources within Australia and, where possible, cover all areas of Australia.
We have also left links from the previous two collections further down the page. The majority of the links usually remain available online for a reasonable period of time after publication.
This Period
21 December 2023 - 18 January 2024
- Australian admission and completion rates sink [16/1]
- School-leavers put off uni to work and save money instead [14/1]
- Australia’s graduate visa maximum age reduction sparks debate [12/1]
- Vietnam : Melbourne adds 11 schools to direct entry list [11/1]
- The Melbourne uni with the fewest low-income students revealed [11/1]
- January university offers are going out across Australia – here’s what you need to know [11/1]
- University degree dropout rate reaches record high in 2022 [10/1]
- Australian higher education in 2022 [10/1]
- Revealed : Australian universities’ top agencies working onshore [9/1]
- World’s first transparent, open ranking system set to launch [8/1]
- University dropouts reach record high [8/1]
- Research funding has been politicised and universities are losing public trust - is this the year that will reverse those trends ? [8/1]
- Existential panic at the ivory tower [4/1]
- The 2003 Cabinet papers and Brendan Nelson’s higher education reforms [4/1]
- Young Australians shun worthless university degrees [3/1]
- Clare’s bungled Uni Scheme traps struggling students in debt [2/1]
- #3 TOP IA STORY OF 2023 : HECS indexation increasing unaffordable student debt [31/12]
- Changes needed in university teacher training [31/12]
- ‘Debt trap’ open for failing students [30/12]
- Five WA university courses you probably haven’t heard of [26/12]
- Australian universities : Why 2023 was a tough year for higher education sector [22/12]
- Health and arts tussle for first place as university offers released [21/12]
International Students
- Australia Needs A New International Education Strategy [15/1]
- Why students should consider studying in Australia [12/1]
- International students : New work visa age limit ‘biased against women, barrier to highly skilled’ claim students and academics [5/1]
- Australia’s universities can boost soft power in “competitive” landscape [2/1]
- This Sydney university has made billions from international students. Here’s what it’s doing with it [1/1]
- International education’s winners and losers of 2023 [29/12]
- Why Students are Choosing to Study in Australia [26/12]
- #8 TOP IA Story of 2023 : Boom in international students could have unintended consequences [28/12]
- ‘Prune the tree’ - halting new colleges considered amid student visa crackdown [24/12]
- International education policy settings must look to our future [22/12]
- International students didn’t cause the housing crisis [22/12]
- Future Must Guide International Education Policy Settings [22/12]
- Summer camp ignites high school students’ passion for tech [18/1]
- As school costs rise, charities and community groups are helping parents get through [18/1]
- Blind faith in Australia’s education ‘system’ is failing our kids [17/1]
- Revealed : Australia’s most, and least, affordable cities for education [17/1]
- Jahmel can’t do his homework at home without a laptop. It’s a school essential his family can’t afford [17/1]
- Cost of living Australia : Inflation brings a brutal start to the school year [17/1]
- How AIcould re-evaluate current approaches to teaching and learning [16/1]
- It’s time for a rethink on selective schools [16/1]
- What does mental health look like in Australia’s schools ? [15/1]
- Neuroscience offers few practical insights when it comes to reading instruction [15/1]
- What schools should know about the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission [14/1]
- Big switch : the Sydney suburbs rejecting public education [14/1]
- Nearly 80% of Australian students say they ‘didn’t fully try’ in latest PISA tests [12/1]
- More remote students graduate Year 12 [Northern Territory] [12/1]
- Computer science summer program draws in high school students [11/1]
- Ex-teachers being cold-called in desperate act to address shortage [10/1]
- Why it’s time to overhaul the NT’s dysfunctional education bureaucracy [10/1
- Back to school : School supplies, uniforms, tuition to cost Australian parents $5 000 in 2024 [9/1]
- Sydney private school fees rise to almost $50k for Year 12 [8/1]
- Worried about school refusal ? How to use the holidays to help your child [8/1]
- NSW Anti-Discrimination Act : Christian groups argue for right to hire, fire staff based on sexuality [8/1]
- Leading improvement collaboratively and sustainably : Evolution of the School Improvement Tool [5/1]
- What do teachers do in the school holidays ? They work, plan and rest [5/1]
- ‘Mum, Dad, I’m bored !’ How to teach children to manage their own boredom these holidays [4/1]
- Mobile phone ban driving decline in school incidents [SA] [4/1]
- Give teachers the tools for a calm, orderly classroom [3/1]
- Productivity Commission Should Recommend Ending Tax Deductibility For All Donations To Private Schools [3/1]
- HSC tutoring and coaching colleges are ‘undermining’ the HSC, experts say [3/1]
- Calls to expand S.A. concession eligibility for online students [3/1]
- How School Leaders can address the inequities of the AI Digital Divide [2/1]
- Alarm over school discipline as Education Department overrules expulsions [29/12]
- Australia continues to passively abuse disadvantaged students [29/12]
- The children with a one-in-four chance of finishing school [28/12]/li>
- Pitting us against each other is no way to improve our crumbling school system [25/12]
- Victoria’s student dropout rate highest in a decade [24/12]
- Service providers hope to expand family and domestic violence prevention measures in schools [24/12]
- Regional families calling for a funding increase to support children’s education [22/12]
- Regional Success for Families as First Teachers in 2023 [22/12]
- Plan to lift literacy released [22/12]
- There’s a call for a new ‘behaviour curriculum’ in Australian schools. Is that a good idea ? [22/12]
Early Childhood
- Early Years Strategy - Survey [ends 9 February] [16/1]
- The New and Improved EYLF 2.0 + MTOP 2.0 [12/1]
- NSW Government opens inquiries into early childhood for children with disability [9/1]
- Burnout and low wages : Why Tracy joined the exodus of workers quitting the early childhood sector [8/1]
- Free three-year-old preschool is here [1/1]
- Report into safety in Early Childhood Education and Care settings [21/12]
Vocational Education
- Closing the Gap when it comes to skills and training [16/1]
- TAFE SA enrolments soar by 65 per cent [10/1]
- Call to lift ban on foreigners doing trade apprenticeships [10/1]
- Pilot VET program helping NSW students upskill [9/1]
- Keeping it Human : AI and the future of teaching and learning at TAFE [9/1]
- Productivity Pathways to help students upskill [9/1]
- What needs to change in vocational education [7/1]
- Over a dozen vocational education and training providers shut down [6/1]
- The National Skills Agreement a sign of unity in our VET sector [5/1]
- Up to $30 billion in funding unlocked from today in National Skills Agreement [2/1]
- $285 million skills and training win for Tasmania [31/12]
- The sacrifices mature-age rural students make - would you sell your house to finance your studies ? [17/1]
- Skills passport consultation begins [17/1]
- Australian MP defends transfer commission ban as agents voice concerns [16/1]
- ASQA IQ – January 2024 [16/1]
- Key research bolsters drive to improve foundation skills [15/1]
- 10 best youth and student exchange programmes [9/1]
- Finding the right AI for the right job – it’s still about the evidence [9/1]
- Pros and Cons of the 4-Day School Week [USA] [8/1]
- The new working poor is educated and female [2/1]
- Hospital offers virtual education program for kids with illness [30/12]
- USI added to myGov to make access easier [29/12]
- A victory for commonsense ! [23/12]
- Global education expenditure to reach $10 trillion by 2030 [22/12]
14 - 21 December 2023
- What’s going on with domestic undergraduate numbers ? Part 1, Demographic differences [20/12]
- Human factors are what makes a university great [20/12]
- Alternative pathways to ATAR for university entrance not all created equal [19/12]
- Universities Australia appoints new Chief Executive [19/12]
- The revised support for students policy [18/12]
- University isn’t right for everyone. Pushing young people to go can have devastating effects [18/12]
- Who’s teaching the teachers ? [16/12]
- Skilling up Australians in areas of national priority [15/12]
- New microcredential courses in teaching, nursing and engineering [15/12]
- University entry cut-offs may fall as demand hits new low [15/12]
International Students
- Planned 35 year old age limit on temporary graduate visas is poor policy [20/12]
- Australia visas prioritised by provider risk under new directive [19/12]
- International students left in limbo as new migration strategy reduces eligible age for graduate visa [15/12]
- Indians exempt from Australia’s student visa changes [14/12]
- NAPLAN data reveals mixed picture on student attendance [21/12]
- Private schools had biggest decline in PISA results, data shows [20/12]
- Fix workload and salaries to keep teachers teaching [20/12]
- The school that rocketed up the HSC rankings by 200 places [19/12]
- Address the stress before school starts back [19/12]
- Budget boost an opportunity to close $40bn school funding gap [19/12]
- Students thrive most with parent-teacher support – new study [18/12]
- The program giving teachers 12 extra days a year for wellbeing [18/12]
- What lies behind the political hesitancy to fully fund Australia’s public schools ? [18/12]
- Private Schools Had The Biggest Decline in PISA Results [18/12]
- ‘Dog’s breakfast’ philanthropy laws contributing to private school over-funding, report says [17/12]
- Australia’s science curriculum is not broken; teachers and students need more resources from private publishers [17/12]
- If only we had an HSC honour roll based on more than a number [17/12]
- New review makes groundbreaking call for transformation of Australia’s school system [17/12]
- The Future of the Australian Education Sector in 2024 [17/12]
- ATAR is not ‘destination defining’ as students receive their final results [16/12]
- Elite schools ‘should lose taxpayer funds’, review suggests [15/12]
- School is over, but life is just beginning [15/12]
- The Magic Of Powerful, Future-Ready Teaching [15/12]
- Four in 10 kids missed at least a month of school this year [15/12]
- The problem with school league tables [15/12]
- ‘Practically perfect’ : why the media's focus on ‘top’ Year 12 students needs to change [15/12]
- The WA schools achieving above and beyond in NAPLAN [15/12]
- Every school in Australia ranked [15/12]
- Latest information on the nation’s schools now live on website [15/12] [My School website]
- Improving Outcomes for All : The Report of the Independent Expert Panel’s Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System [11/12]
Early Childhood
- Report into safety in Early Childhood Education and Care settings [21/12]
- From the Ground Up wins Award of Excellence and Impact in Education from ACDE [20/12]
- The approved learning frameworks change in 2024 - are yoiu ready ? [19/12]
- Quality ECEC systems are the benchmark for successful policy making [18/12]
- Demand for educators shows no sign of abating with job postings hitting new record high [17/12]
Vocational Education
- Apprentice and trainee completions rise [19/12]
- VET graduates in demand [14/12]