This is the last headline page for 2023. The next will be provided on 18 January 2024.

These headlines are some of the major items from the last week [Thursday to Thursday].

A majority of the sites have been developed in Australia. They cover all major educational areas from Early Childhood to universities, schools to Vocational Education. They cover many of the major topics addressed during that week. We have tried to include as diverse a range of sources as feasible. We have also tried to ensure there is free access to the items included, though there will be some with limited access when it is felt they are relevant.

Unless otherwise stated the resources are from sources within Australia and, where possible, cover all areas of Australia.

We have also left links from the previous two collections further down the page. The majority of the links usually remain available online for a reasonable period of time after publication.

This Period

21 December 2023 - 18 January 2024


International Students


Early Childhood

Vocational Education


Top of Page

14 - 21 December 2023


International Students


Early Childhood

Vocational Education


Top of Page

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