One way or another, there will always be some level of change on any site. This may be significant such as when complete design changes occur, or small in comparison with the addition or removal of small amounts of data [e.g. an added conference]. As skills and options increase, there may be other changes. This has been the case since the internet and its use by others began.
We are always going through times such as these. Additionally, there are times when changes are less visible but just as important - e.g. cleaning out, updating and/or improving code.
We are also going to be looking for more visual evidence of education over the generations. We already have a small collection of images we feel are appropriate but will be seeking more to maintain the presentation.
Future details will be listed by date over the remainder of this year.
18 January 2024
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Updates pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 18 January 2024].
Page Updates
The following pages have been fully updated :
18 January 2024 :
About Us; ANZAC Day; Comvicts & Colonies; Contact Us; Disclaimer; Easter & Easter Traditions; Famous Australians; Policy [Site]; Famous Australians; Site Information; Site Map; Special Days & Public Holidays; Subjects Areas.
9 January 2024 :
Bahasa Indonesian - Aussie Educator; Duty of Care; Early Learning Resources; Enrolments; Enrolments 2; Enrolments 3; Homeschooling Resources; Indigenous Education Resources; Language Resources; Mathematics Resources ; Online Learning Resources; Physical Education Resources; Reporting Resources; Science Resources; Special Education Resources; Study Skills Resources; Teacher Employment; Teacher Employment 2; Technology & Design Resources; The Arts Resources;
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan. [One group of pages will have these removed at the end of January.]
- Minor adjustments to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated. Several corrections have been made across a series of pages.
1 December 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Updates pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 30 November 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Australian Culture, Australian Culture [2], Blogs, Pods and Tweets, Indigenous Languages and Multifaith Calendar.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Minor adjustments are still being made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated. Several corrections have been made across a series of pages.
1 November 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Updates pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 26 October 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Special Education, Christmas, Behaviour Disorders, Teaching Overseas and Sitemap.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Minor adjustments are still being made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated. Several corrections have been made across a series of pages.
1 October 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Updates pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 28 September 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Poetry, Theories, Physical Education, The Olympics and The Olympics 2.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. All pages have had this happen. Some minor adjustments may still be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated. Several corrections have been made across a series of pages.
1 September 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 31 August 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Choosing a School, Resolving Issues, Home Schooling, Home Schooling 2 and The Depression [in Australia].
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. All pages have had this happen. Some minor adjustments may still be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated.
1 August 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 27 July 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Gifted Education, Financial Support, Textbooks and Textbooks 2.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. All pages have had this happen. Some minor adjustments may still be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 July 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 29 June 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Professional Development, Professional Development 2, Drama and Online Education.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. All pages have had this happen. Some minor adjustments may still be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 June 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Thursday [last done 25 May 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Crosswords, Scholarships, Scholarships 2 and Curriculum.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. All pages have had this happen. Some minor adjustments may still be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 May 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last Thursday 27 April 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Indigenous Education, Sign Language [Auslan], Subject Areas and Vocational Education [no longer archived].
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. All pages have had this happen. Some minor adjustments may still be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 April 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 30 Marchr 2023].
Page Updates
- The following pages have been fully updated : Beginning Teachers, Teacher Employment, Teacher Employment 2 and Languages Other Than English [LOTE].
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. All pages have had this happen. Some minor adjustments may still be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 March 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 23 February 2023].
Page Updates
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of format. At present all pages have had this occur. Some minor adjustments may be made to ensure all pages reflect the exact structure designated.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
19 January 2023
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 15 December 2022].
Page Updates
Pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered
appropriate. These include some with format changes, some with content updates and some with both. The listing includes : Calendar pages
plus the Special Days and Multifaith Calendar pages; Competiton pages; Conference pages; Home pages for all sections; Indonesian; Convicts & Colonies;
Behaviour Disorders, Blogs/Pods/Tweets, Duty of Care, Educational Journals, Enrolment [3 pages], ESL, History of Education, Homeschooling [2 pages],
Styles, Theories; All of the Resources pages; Christmas; and University Open Days.
Be aware two pages have something wrong if you are using a screen with less than 400 pixels width [Behaviour Disorders and Homeschooling [page 1]. We have spent a fair bit of time but have yet to solve the difficulty. We will work on until this has been achieved. Meanwhile we will continue to work on the remaining pages to bring them up to the newest format and hopefully with many also having their content updated wherever possible.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. They should not affect any usage of the site once completed.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of presentation. Other minor adjustments have been made both in terms of presentation and accurate placement of links. It is planned to do the same with a further group of pages next month.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 December 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 24 November].
Page Updates
- 4 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. These are : Multifaith Calendar, Special Days, Australian Culture and Australian Culture [Page 2].
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. They should not affect any usage of the site once completed.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of presentation. Presentation on smaller screens has improved. Other minor adjustments have been made both in terms of presentation and accurate placement of links. It is planned to do the same with another group of pages next month.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 November 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 27 October].
Page Updates
- 4 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. These are : Education Blogs, Pods & Tweets, Language Resources, Science Resources and The Arts Resources.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from selected pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. They should not affect any usage of the site once completed.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of presentation. Presentation on smaller screens has improved. Other minor adjustments have been made both in terms of presentation and accurate placement of links. It is planned to do the same with another group of pages next month.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 October 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 29 September].
Page Updates
- 3 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. These are : Behaviour Disorders which has not only been updated but also de-archived, Education Theories [previously Learning Theories] and Christmas. The Sitemap page has also been updated to reflect these changes.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. They should not affect any usage of the site once completed.
- Pages continue being standardised in terms of presentation. Presentation on smaller screens has improved. Other minor adjustments have been made both in terms of presentation and accurate placement of links. It is planned to do the same with another group of pages next month.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 September 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 26 August].
Page Updates
- 3 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. These pages are : Special Education which has not only been updated but also de-archived, Special Education Resources and Physical Education Resources. The Sitemap page has also been updated to reflect this as has the online search process. Another group of pages will be done over the coming month.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan. This was also done with a number of other pages where individual links have been added.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- All of the Resources pages have been standardised in terms of presentation. Presentation on smaller screens has been improved. Other minor adjustments have been made both in terms of presentation and accurate placement of links. It is hoped to do the same with another group of pages over the next month.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 August 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 29 July].
Page Updates
- One page has been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. This is the Convicts and Colonies page which has not only been updated but also de-archived. The Sitemap page has been updated to reflect this as has the Curriculum home page and also the Sitemap file for the whole site.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan. This was also done with a number of other pages where individual links have been added.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- All of the Resources pages have been standardised in terms of presentation. Presentation on smaller screens has been improved. Other minor adjustments have been made both in terms of presentation and accurate placement of links. It is hoped to do the same with another group of pages over the next month.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 July 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 1 July].
Page Updates
- 2 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. These pages are : Home Schooling 2 [including the quarterly research listing update] and The Depression which has not only been updated but also de-archived. The Sitemap page has also been updated to reflect this as has the online search process. See information about changes to the Resources pages in the next section. Another group of pages will be done over the coming month.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan. This was also done with a number of other pages where individual links have been added.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- All of the Resources pages have been standardised in terms of presentation. Presentation on smaller screens has been improved. Other minor adjustments have been made both in terms of presentation and accurate placement of links. It is hoped to do the same with another group of pages over the next month.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 June 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 27 May].
Page Updates
- 2 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. These pages are : Study Skills and Early Learning Resources. Another group of pages will be done over the next month.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan. This was also done with a number of other pages where individual links have been added.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This is still consuming considerable time to reach the standard desired.
1 May 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [last done 29 April].
Page Updates
- 5 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced and new links added where considered appropriate. These pages are : The Olympics [pages 1 and 2], Home Schooling Resources, Mathematics Resources and Physical Education. Another group of pages will be done during the next month
- The remaining Resources pages have been tidied up in several ways.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan. This was also done with the Resources page - see above.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This will still take some time to reach the standard desired.
1 April 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday.
Page Updates
- 4 pages have been fully updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced. Additional pages have been link-checked and corrections added. Other pages have had links added. Starts have been made on the next sequence of updates. Research updates completed with Beginning Teacher and Homeschooling 2 pages.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This will still take some time to reach the standard desired.
1 March 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], Research Page, University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page is updated each Friday.
Page Updates
- 12 pages have been updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced. Additional pages have been link-checked and corrections added. Other pages have had links added.
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Several items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- Work continues with the accessibility level of the site. This will still take some time to reach the standard desired.
1 February 2022
Regular Updates
- Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page and this page. The News Headlines page has been updated each Friday.
Page Updates
- 6 pages have been updated, ensuring all links work, with broken links updated, removed or replaced. Additional links added on all pages
Other Changes
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from several pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- Work has now started to improve the accessibility level of the site. This will take some time to reach the standard desired.
17 January 2022
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page. The News Headlines page has been updated each Friday. The sitemap.xml file has been be renewed and uploaded.
Page Updates
- 30 pages have been updated, ensuring all links work, have been updated or, in some cases, removed. Additional links have been added on multiple pages
- The Competition pages have been fully revamped. The content of these pages has been updated, along with a number of additions as well as removals of links.
Other Changes
- Updates of selected pages using accumulated links and suggestions from a range of sources.
- Ensuring links to changed pages work. Applies especially with de-archived pages especially those having links from/to other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from fully updated pages as per the 3 monthly plan.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
- Work has begun to improve the accessibility level of the site. This will take further time to reach the standard desired.
1 December 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page.
- The News Headlines page has been updated each Friday.
- The sitemap.xml file has been be renewed and uploaded in the first week of the month. You can still access these pages via the Site Map on the site or through the menu/section home page/page process.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During November, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded the :
Education Journals [de-archived], Culture [2] [also de-archived]; and Styles. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys, … . A new, annotated image from our educational past has been added.
- Check the home page for details relating to the December/January period, including important dates, updates and other changes.
Other Changes
- Updates of selected pages using accumulated links and suggestions from a range of sources.
- Ensuring links to changed pages work. Applies especially with de-archived pages especially those having links from/to other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from fully updated pages as per the 3 monthly plan indicated at the end of March.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Other modifications needed are to be completed over the coming period. They should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 November 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday.
- The sitemap.xml file will be renewed and uploaded in the first week of the month. You can still access these pages via the Site Map on the site or through the menu/section home page/page process.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During October, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded the :
Special Days, Indonesian and Blogs, Pods, Tweets. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys, … . A new, annotated image from our educational past has been added.
Other Changes
- Updates of selected pages using accumulated links and suggestions from a range of sources.
- Ensuring links to changed pages work. Applies especially with de-archived pages especially those having links from/to other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from fully updated pages as per the 3 monthly plan indicated at the end of March.
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - LOTE, Styles, Education Journals [de-archived] and Culture [2] [also de-archived].
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 October 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [Last updated today].
- The sitemap.xml file will be renewed and uploaded in the week after the first of the month. You can still access these pages via the Site Map on the site or through the menu/section home page/page process.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During September, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded the :
Study Skills, Language Resources, Science Resources and The Arts Resources [The Resources home page has been updated to reflect the links to de-archived Resources pages ]. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys, … . A new, annotated image from our educational past has been added.
Other Changes
- Updates of selected pages using accumulated links and suggestions from a range of sources.
- Ensuring links to changed pages work. Applies especially with Resources pages which have links on/to a number of other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from fully updated pages as per the 3 monthly plan indicated at the end of March.
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - Special Days [if not already done], Indonesian and Blogs, Pods, Tweets plus Culture [2] and LOTE, [the last two, time permitting].
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 September 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [Last updated today].
- The sitemap.xml file will be renewed and uploaded in the week after the first of the month. You can still access these pages via the Site Map on the site or through the menu/section home page/page process.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During August, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded the :
Multifaith Calendars, Early Learning Resources, Special Education Resources and Physical Education Resources pages. [The Resources home page has also been updated to reflect the changed links for de-archived Resources pages ]. The Culture [page 1], previously planned to be updated in July was completed in early August. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys, … . A new, annotated image from our educational past has been added.
Other Changes
- We have also begun a concerted effort to update groups of pages each month using accumulated links and suggestions from a range of sources.
- Adjustments to ensure links to changed pages continue to work. Applies especially with Resource pages which have been de-archived and have some links on/to a number of other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from fully updated pages as per the 3 monthly plan indicated at the end of March.
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - Language Resources, Science Resources, The Arts Resources and Study Skills and Special Days, time permitting. [Resource pages to be de-archived and the Resource home page adjusted as needed].
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 August 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [Last updated today].
- The sitemap.xml file will be renewed and uploaded in the week after the first of the month. You can still access these pages via the Site Map on the site or through the menu/section home page/page process.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During July, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded the :
Physical Education, Mathematics Resources, and Poetry pages. [The Resources home page has also been updated to reflect the changed link for Mathematics Resources]. The Culture [page 1], previously planned to be updated in July will now be completed during August. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys and other selected items. A new image from our educational past has been added.
Other Changes
- Research articles on both the Beginning Teachers and Home Schooling pages have been updated as part of a regular update program [March, July, November].
- The Online Learning Resources page has been updated and has been moved back to the main Resources list rather than being an archived page.
- We have also begun a concerted effort to update groups of pages each month using accumulated links and suggestions from a range of sources.
- Adjustments to ensure links to changed pages continue to work. Applies especially with Resource pages which have been de-archived and have some links on/to a number of other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from fully updated pages as per the 3 monthly plan indicated at the end of March.
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - Multifaith Calendars, Early Learning Resources, Special Education Resources and Physical Education Resources [Resource pages to be de-archived and the Resource home page adjusted as needed]. Also note information re the Culture [Page 1] above.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 July 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated and, depending on which they are, new material may have been added. This covers : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page. The home page is also modified as required.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday [Last updated 25 June 2021].
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During June, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded the :
ESL Resources, Home Schooling Resources, Reporting Resources pages [all the above pages to be de-archived], while the Resources Home Page has also been updated to reflect this. [See information re The Olympics pages in the Other Changes section.] - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys and other selected items. A new image from our educational past has been added.
Other Changes
- Adjustments to ensure links to changed pages continue to work. Applies especially with Resource pages which have been de-archived and have some links on/to a number of other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from listed pages as per 3 month plan indicated at the end of March.
- The Olympics pages are being updated ready for the Olympic Games, beginning 23 July through till 8 August 2021 [unless the Games are affected by Covid-19 in some way].
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - Physical Education, Mathematics Resources, Poetry and Culture [page 1] [Resource page and Culture page to be de-archived and the Resource and Curriculum home pages adjusted as needed].
- A new sitemap.xml file has been created and uploaded to ensure accurate links to files will be available to search engines. This will occur each month, or otherwise, as required.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 June 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated and, depending on which they are, new material may have been added. This covers : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page. The home page is also modified as required.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During May, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded the :
Duty of Care, Technology & Design Resources and English as a Second Language [ESL] pages, with the ESL Resources not yet completed. [The Resource page being de-archived]. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys and other selected items. A new image from our educational past has been added.
Other Changes
- Adjustments to ensure links to changed pages continue to work. Applies especially with Resource pages which have been de-archived and have some links on/to a number of other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from listed pages as per 3 month plan indicated at the end of March.
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - ESL Resources, Home Schooling Resources, Early Learning Resources and Special Education Resources [all the above pages to be de-archived]. All selections are based on accumulated usage data from the past 6 months. Latest evidence has changed some of these. See information above.
- A new sitemap.xml file has been created and uploaded to ensure accurate links to files will be available to search engines. This will occur each month, or otherwise, as required.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 May 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated and, depending on which they are, new material may have been added. This covers : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page. The home page is also modified as required.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During April, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded :
Financial Support, Gifted Education and Textbooks 1 & 2 [now de-archived] pages. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys and other selected items. A new image from our educational past has been added.
Other Changes
- Adjustments to ensure links to changed pages continue to work. Applies especially with the two Resources page which have been de-archived and have some links on a number of other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from listed pages as per 3 month plan indicated at the end of March.
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - Duty of Care, English as a Second Language [ESL], ESL Resources and the Technology & Design Resources [the last 2 pages to be de-archived] page. All selections are based on accumulated usage data from the previous 6 months.
- A new sitemap.xml file has been created and uploaded to ensure accurate links to files will be available to search engines. This will occur each month, or otherwise, as required.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 April 2021
Regular Updates
- The following pages have been updated and, depending on which they are, new material may have been added. This covers : Calendar pages [4], Conference pages [4], Competition pages [2], University Open Days page, Research Article page and this page. The home page is also modified as required.
- The News Headlines page is updated each Friday.
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
During March, the following pages have been fully updated and uploaded :
Drama, Crosswords, Online Education and Indigenous Resources. - Home page updated with items offering options for individuals to find comparisons, take part in surveys and access articles from the new AERO research body. A new image from the past has been added.
During March, the research article sections on the following pages have been fully updated and the pages uploaded :
Homeschooling [Page 2] and Beginning Teachers.
Other Changes
- Adjustments to ensure links to changed pages continue to work. Applies especially with the Indigenous Resources page which has been de-archived and has links on a number of other pages.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators removed from listed pages as per 3 month plan indicated at the end of March.
- It is planned to fully update the following pages during the next month - Financial Support, Gifted Education, Textbooks 1 & 2 [pages to be de-archived] and the English as a Second Language [ESL] page. All selections are based on accumulated usage data from the previous 6 months.
- A new sitemap.xml file will be created and uploaded to ensure accurate links to files will be available to search engines. With planned monthly changes, this will occur each month.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.
1 March 2021
Full Page Updates
- Being fully updated includes checking every link individually, replacing those that no longer work or are no longer relevant and adding new links deemed appropriate. The format and/or organisation of the page may be modified. The number of these pages may vary depending on other demands.
- There will be a number of pages de-archived over the next several months. This is based on more than 6 months of page usage data. At the present time, all archived pages have working links as of the date at the bottom of each page. Any links indicated as not working correctly were removed at that time.
During February, the following pages have been fully updated :
School Subjects, Easter and ANZAC Day. - Most important of all has been the major change to the home page. This has now become simply an introductory page to the rest of the site. Some material previously found there is now found on individual pages. An aspect, Images of education over the years, has been added. Only a small area will contain other information, most of which will be concerned with offering opportunities to provide input to various education reviews, proposed changes, etc., as well as raise awareness of new programs that have become available [see the current front page]. It is also likely the front page will have colour and other graphical changes before we finalise it.
Other Changes
- As a result of changes to the home page, three new pages have been added. These are the News Headlines, Research Articles and Updates and Changes pages. These will only be accessible from the home page and the Sitemap.
- New ! and Updated ! indicators will be added to relevant links on all pages, especially those which have been fully updated. Our intent is that these will only remain for the following 3 full months before being removed.
- It is hoped to fully update all of the following pages during the next month - Drama, Online Education, Indigenous Education Resources [first page to be de-archived] and the Crosswords page. All selections are based on accumulated usage data from the past 6 months.
- Some items coming to light during the changes have been updated. Others are listed to be completed over the coming month. It should not affect any usage of the site while being completed.