Student Competitions
Each year, a multitude of competitions are available for students and schools. These cover all curriculum areas. Some are run by subject organisations, others by governments, private organisations, even international groups.
Competitions are listed in curriculum areas [Language, Mathematics, The Arts, … ] plus Challenges and Other Areas sections. In some cases, the listing is broken into sub-directories, e.g. Language → Writing, Spelling, Public Speaking, Debating, … .
Sporting competitions and events such as Eisteddfods are not listed on either page.
Competitions vary from local, state, national and international level. While most run in calendar years, others start in one year and end in the next, e.g. Tropfest, ANZAC Day. Many are free to enter, others have entry fees either for individuals or teams. In addition, included competitions may apply to different levels or combinations of school levels or ages as indicated.
We have broken the listing into two pages for two reasons. The first limits the size of both pages. The second allows for additions over the coming year from recommendations or our discovery.
A button indicating which group of students it is intended for. Some buttons have an *.
For details see the second last point below. - This is the link to the competition page. Click on it to find information including an overview, entry, rules, date[s], venue, costs, … .
- A short summary of the competition and any special features.
- * = special factors about the competition, e.g. groupings, geographic areas, male/female, homeschoolers or not, … .
- Directions [including links] to essential information such as Entry requirements, Key Dates, special requirements [e.g. number of words for a story], costs, prizes, contact details, etc..
AIA Healthiest Schools Challenge
‘Schools will have the chance to showcase their healthy initiatives and win exclusive prizes with our new regional challenge, launching in October 2022 [November in Australia]. The entry process for the challenge is a very simple two-step process. You will be required to login with your registration details and then complete an online form consisting of a series of questions. There will also be an opportunity to submit visual evidence to support your entry, which is optional. Winning schools from the four locations will then be automatically entered into the regional competition to determine one overall winner, both in the primary and secondary school categories’.
* ‘Available to children within the above ages, whose schools are involved in the AIA Healthiest Schools Program. If interested in this, there is considerable information in the Program Guide using the link at the top of this entry’.
For all details go to the last two pages of the Program Guide. Monitor for 2024 information.
Asia Pacific Open Championships FIRST Australia
‘Each FIRST LEGO League partner [from 2020 invited regions] will receive a Google form link for pre-registration to be forwarded to qualified/invited teams. Registration will begin on Friday, 3 July at 8 am. Teams should plan to arrive in Sydney the night before’. Other details from the site.
FIRST Tech Challenge schedule for 2024 is now available. Check the page above for relevant details.
Australian and New Zealand Brain Bee Challenge
‘Motivates young people to learn about the brain. Created to inspire students to pursue careers in neuroscience research. A test of knowledge about important facts concerning intelligence, memory, emotions, sensations, movement, stress, ageing, sleep, Alzheimer’s disease and stroke’. Round 1 in Schools, Round 2 is at State/Region Level, Round 3 is National. Organised for Year 10 students. Brain Bee lessons can be found here : Updated !
Check the Brain Bee FAQ 2024 as a starting point for the coming Challenge. Previous information only. Monitor regularly for further updates..
Australian International Model Solar Challenge
‘Tens of thousands of Australian high school and primary students have participated in this hands-on science program’. In addition to the main challenge, there are also state events found in the links below.
The above page has links to an earlier year’s Registration Information plus a Contact link where you can get in touch and find out more. Monitor for 2024 information.
Years 1 -12
‘The UNSW SunSprint Model Solar Challenge runs each year on the first Saturday
in September - coinciding with UNSW Open Day. SunSprint is on Friday and Saturday while MiniSprint, Solar Boats and the Solar Pursuit
events are on Saturday’. Registration via Sunsprint and Minisprint in the top
menu. Previously held in October each year.
Tasmanian Model Solar Challenge
The solar challenge is open to students up to Year 12
Descriptor, date and venue are available from the above page.
Years 1 -12
The Event
page provides date and venue [first paragraph] plus further information. A
First Steps - click here page also provides
information including a link [email] so you can ‘be kept up to date on the event plus other useful information’.
The Victorian State Challenge usually takes place on the third weekend in October every year.
‘We offer seven different academic Challenges in areas of STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics], fine arts, service learning, and early learning. Challenge Experience is found here’.
For those interested, Starting a Team details are available from the site with a link to the Australian affiliate available to determine cost in A$s. Check the Team Programs section on the home page for details of each program [4 in total] and times when the competitive programs are held and information about the non-competitive programs.
‘Every September, FLL releases a Challenge, which is based on a real-world scientific topic. Each Challenge has two parts : the Robot Game and the Project’. The Australian part of an international group found at The Challenge - FIRST LEGO League.
The competition runs from April to early December.
‘Designed for high school students to compete head to head, using a sports model. Teams are responsible for designing, building, and programming their robots to compete in an alliance format against other teams’. Through Macquarie University and FIRST Australia.
The FIRST® Tech Challenge season in Australia began in June, when teams generally form and registration opens. Season kick-off is in early September when the season’s game is announced. The design and build season runs from September to the end of October. Tournament season varies by region and can begin as early as October and continues through April. Regional Qualifying Events in Australia advance teams to the Australian National Championship [in December] and winners earn spots at FIRST Championship USA at the end of [the following] April.
‘The Game Changer Challenge is the NSW Department’s award-winning design thinking competition. Open to all 2 200+ public schools across the state the challenge centres on discovering solutions for a real-world, wicked problem by applying classroom learning. Now in its fifth year, the Game Changer Challenge will be returning bigger and better than ever ! All teams will work through both the create and advocate processes to produce a robust solution to one of our society’s most pressing issues’.
Initial information previously released in Term 1. Video submissions previously closed in the last week of May. Virtual semi-finals ran in the 6th and 7th weeks of Term 3. Grand final [three days] has been held in Week 5 of Term 4. Find Key Dates for the current year on this page [once finalised].
‘The Global Academic Challenge is a unique opportunity to stretch high-achieving students to apply their knowledge and skills beyond the curriculum. The questions encourage students to actively engage with real-life contexts to solve problems, apply knowledge and employ a range of strategies. The Challenge is a valuable opportunity to recognise what your students can achieve and to celebrate their academic success within your school community. The challenge operates across three different learning areas, Mathematics, Reading and Science’.
* ‘The Global Academic Challenge is available to all schools in Australia. Registrations are now open. Register to join the Challenge as the Challenge is currently available through registered schools only’.
All essential information from Administering the Challenge [including Challenge Dates] through Registration, Pricing, last date to purchase assessments, Requests, FAQs and contact information are available on the Schools page. Check the downloads of resources and information on this page such as the Information flyer - Your quick guide to the competition [plus several others].
Updated ! Global Cardboard Challenge
‘Celebrates child creativity and the role communities can play in fostering it. Kids of all ages are invited to build anything they can dream up using cardboard, recycled materials and imagination’. Resources available from the site. [USA, but done in 46 countries.]
‘Cardboard Challenges can take place any time of year in any context’. FAQs are answered on a Updated ! Special FAQs Page.
History Makers School Video Challenge
‘Research a moment that matters to your class, school, community or the nation. You might be inspired by these websites : Defining Moments in Australian History, Australian’s Defining Moments Digital Classroom and Momentous, or tell us about a moment that is unique to your local area. Collaborate with your classmates to produce a video about your defining moment. Stage a play, perform a dance, film an artwork, make a documentary, produce an animation or surprise us with your creativity. Your video must be at least 30 seconds long and no longer than 4 minutes.
* Teachers must submit all entries on behalf of their students or school. Prizes will be awarded to 10 winners [$2 000] and 10 runners up [$500] in the categories listed on the page above..
All details are provided on, or linked from, the above page. Monitor for 2024 details.
International Mathematical Modelling Challenge [IM²C]
ACER. ‘A new team-based mathematical competition for Australian secondary students. Operating in teams, comprising up to four students from the same school, participants must work collaboratively to solve a problem [set globally] by devising and applying an original mathematical model’. All details on the main site.
Important Dates for 2024 are found on the Registration and Rules page. The Challenge begins in early February. Register for the free information pack and IM²C updates. For further information, check out the IM²C 2024 Awards page.
A Reading Challenge supporting a charity. Four age groupings 0-6, 7-12, 13-17, 18 and Above. All details on their site.
Monitor the site for information regarding the 2024 Readathon. You can also Register your Interest for 2024. By sharing your information [this way], you agree to receive communications from us. This should provide all the information you need.
‘Encourages students to use research and inquiry based learning to discover more about the past. Students from Primary years to Year 12, 19 years of age or younger in Australian schools. The theme for 2024 is still to be clarified’. There are also links to register your interest for 2024 and to submit your entry for that year.
Check the Key Dates page, the How to Enter page and the Welcome Kit Request Form which will help you to register and will also provide feedback on details relating to the new competition. The Submit your entry page has further details. In 2023, the submission closing date was in the last quarter of August.
Opti-MINDS Creative Sustainability Challenge
‘A creative problem solving event for teams of participants from Preschool to Adult within 4 divisions. They are required to solve demanding, open-ended Challenges from one of the following categories : Language Literature; Science Engineering; Social Sciences’. Operates in Queensland, New Zealand and now Western Australia.
* ‘Teams of 4 to 7 members may be entered according to details : DIVISION I – P-6, DIVISION II – P-9, DIVISION III – P-12 and OPEN DIVISION – P-ADULT including Tertiary Students : Open to EVERYONE!!!’.
Important dates for 2024 have still to be announced. Regional events have previously run in the second half of August with the Queensland State Final held in mid-October.
Premier’s Reading Challenges [6]
ACT Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge
‘You can choose your own books or ask your parents, teacher, librarian at your school or Library for their suggestions. This year, why don’t you challenge yourself to read something different ?’
Important Dates and Instructions for Students are found on the How to Meet the Challenge page with the Reading Challenge starting early in February and closing in early August.
NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge
‘The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely’. There is now a separate Student’s Page as well as the main page.
Important Dates and Rules will be found on the Rules page.
Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge [Northern Territory]
‘The Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge encourages students to read more books for pleasure. Every student from Transition to Year 6 in the Northern Territory is challenged to read 12 books in 24 weeks. Eligible books include printed books, digital books and audiobooks. For younger children, a book that is read aloud by an adult counts towards their total’. The challenge begins in early March and closes in the second half of August.
Key Dates and Guidelines plus information about Student Reading Records, Access to books, Grants for remote schools, Students with disability, Home education families and more are found via the home page. In previous years the Challenge has run from Term 1, Week 6 and closed at the end of Term 3, Week 6.
Queensland Premier’s Reading Challenge
‘The Premier’s Reading Challenge is not a competition but a way to encourage students to develop a love of reading for life’. A School Information Kit should be available shortly. Teachers and parents can determine when they commence and conclude the reading challenge to suit their requirements, as long as they are within the time frames outlined.
* Prep to Year 9, as well as children [aged up to 5 years] enrolled in an early childhood centre.
Find all Key Dates on this page. Monitor for 2024 details.
South Australian Premier’s Reading Challenge
‘The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier in 2004 to encourage students to read more books and enjoy reading and also to improve literacy levels’.
* Includes students ‘in South Australian government and non-government schools as well as home education students’.
Find all Key Dates and other information on this page. The Challenge commences on the first day of the school year and reading concludes in week 7 of Term 3.
Tasmanian Premier’s Reading Challenge
‘Reading is just like sport - the more you practise the better you get. I encourage students to take up the challenge of reading at least 10 books in 10 weeks’.
* Includes students ‘in government and non-government schools as well as home education students’.
For Important Dates, check the Key Dates section.
Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge
‘Literacy and numeracy skills lay the foundation for success in learning and in life. The challenge is a practical and fun way for children and students from birth to year 10 to build these life skills’.
* Includes students in government and non-government schools as well as home education students. ‘For children below school age see details at the bottom of this page’.
For Important Dates, check the Challenge Dates here. 2024 details still to be added. Previously began early in Term 1 and ended in mid-September.
Premier’s Other Challenges [2]
NSW Premier’s Sporting Challenge
‘The Premier’s Sporting Challenge [PSC] is a multi-faceted program offering a range of initiatives to students and teachers across the state. It is a multi-faceted program and an initiative which encourages corporate and school staff to become more active and focus on their wellbeing over a 10 week Challenge period during Term 3’. An additional component, ‘Race Around Australia [RAA] was added to the NSW Premier’s Sporting Challenge suite of programs in 2021 and there are important changes that PSC Facilitators and schools should be aware of’ if you have not been involved for longer than this, so be sure to check these.
The Challenge period commences any time after registration but has to conclude by the last week of Term 3 [10 weeks maximum for the challenge] to allow for award certificates to be printed and distributed to schools. All other details via links from the home page.
Premier’s Be Active Challenge - SA
‘The Premier’s be active Challenge is about encouraging students to be more active, more often. Participants are rewarded with medals if they complete at least 60 minutes of physical activity on at least 5 days per week for at least 4 weeks’. Information for Government Schools, Non-Government Schools and Home Schools/Families.
* ‘Open to all South Australian students, as well as home schools and families’.
For Important Dates, check the Key Dates page. Monitor for this for 2024 dates. They should be similar to those for 2023.
Other Challenges
‘Readers Cup is organised by the Queensland Branch of the Children’s Book Council of Australia. It challenges students to read widely, work collaboratively in a team and continue developing a love of reading. It allows readers to compete at a regional and state level similar to sporting competitions and to meet other students with an equal passion for books’.
* Queensland only. Not all regions will include Years 9 - 10. Check the Regional Information for details of your region or email your regional coordinator.
A Timeline provides both information and dates across Terms 1 - 3. The 2024 competition will open for registration in March.
Science and Engineering Challenge
‘A nationwide STEM* outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. Through the SEC, students experience aspects of science and engineering which they would not usually see in their school environment’.
* Information about activities for both groups [and retired activities] are detailed on the Our Activities page.
The Events page provides both events and dates for all states and territories as well as State and National Finals. There is also information available about the Qualification System for the current year. Currently this is for 2023. Monitor for 2024 data which should be available by February.
Secondary Schools Culinary Challenge
Australian Culinary Federation. ‘Each year the Australian Culinary Federation [ACF] conducts a cooking competition for Secondary School Students in each Australian state. This competition is a great opportunity for students with an interest in becoming a chef to gain invaluable contacts within the hospitality industry. It is also a lot of fun, and a great learning experience for staff and students alike. The aim of this competition is to give students an insight into the hospitality industry and to identify and encourage students who demonstrate a talent and a passion for cooking. The Winners of these competitions will be attending the National Secondary Schools Final. In 2023 the ACF will be running Secondary School Culinary Competitions in all Regions for the first time’.
* ‘If you are in years 10, 11 or 12, enrolled in a Secondary School and are studying either a Hospitality or Commercial Cookery course, then you are eligible to enter your state competition. The winners of each State competition will be eligible to compete in the National Final. Competitors must be aged 19 years or less on 31st October 2023’.
Information covering Date, Venue, Address and Competition Liaison, plus Criteria, is available for each state and territory [see home page]. A registration form and other information is also available from the home page. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
‘‘The STEM Video Game challenge 2024 theme is STARS - This year we want you to build a game that incorporates one or more aspects of ‘stars’. Your challenge is to build a game that involves a network in some way. Check out the 2024 theme sheet to get your creative juices flowing’. Students are encouraged to design, build and submit an original educational video game that includes science, technology, engineering and mathematics [STEM] content or themes’.
* ‘You must be enrolled in Years 3–12 in a school located in Australia or are home-schooled in Australia’.
Key Dates for 2024 [the Challenge opened in early October 2023] are found in the What you need to know/Important dates for the 2024 Challenge section of the home page [scroll down to to this]. There is also The Mentors Handbook. [This still shows 2022 information at time of update.] This is also included in the Technology section on the second page.
‘The Student Blogging Challenge is about embracing all of the benefits of blogging — from learning digital writing skills, and digital citizenship, to developing an authentic audience and connecting with others around the globe. The challenge is made up of a series of 8 weekly tasks all designed to improve blogging and commenting skills, while connecting students with a global audience. The challenge is totally free and is open to both classes and individual student bloggers from all over the world’.
* ‘The challenge is open to all age groups [K-12] worldwide. However, it is most suitable for ages 8 to 16. Students aged 18+ may prefer to volunteer as a commenter’.
Check the About The Challenge page for current information. As well, you can Sign up for our newsletter if you would like to be notified when it restarts.
The Harvard Crimson Global Essay Competition 2024
‘The Harvard Crimson Global Essay Competition provides a platform for young, ambitious high school students to exercise their writing skills in a non-traditional environment. This competition encourages students to challenge themselves and explore different writing styles to ultimately strengthen their writing skills. Each participant is invited to attend best-in-class workshops, explore careers in writing and compete for exclusive opportunities and global recognition! Check out the HCGEC [2022] Regional and Global Prizes for more details. The entire competition is held online, removing geographical barriers to entry. Workshops and webinars will guide participants through the competition. Represent your country and region on the global stage. Please see the FAQ page for further common queries’ [not yet 2024]. The competition runs into a second year.
* Open to all high school students covered by the Competitor Hub/Competition Guidelines/Eligibility criteria or have not started university studies yet and are under the age of 18.
Regional essay submissions - Each participant must submit their essay by Sunday, January 29 [early birds can do so from early to late December]. Regional Qualifiers are held during February while the Global Round is held in early March. 2024 dates now available. Late submissions will not be accepted. Several webinars are usually held during January.
‘Each year, inspired by a different overarching theme, the Quest incorporates the main disciplines of Mathematics, Sciences and Humanities in a journey of discovery. The Quest Preliminary Challenge is offered over two days. In partnership with a number of universities, the Quest Challenge is offered in Australia and Internationally. The first step is to nominate your school and be endorsed by a teacher at the school’.
The Nominate Your School process is available here. Check the Programs Overview here.
The Schools Recycle Right Challenge
‘The Schools Recycle Right Challenge runs from early October to mid-November and offers a wide range of recycling themed activities, lesson plans and events ideas that have been developed specifically for Australian schools. The aim of this guide is to assist you in planning your school’s National Recycling Week activities’.
* ‘This competition is open to students enrolled in Government and non-Government schools in all Australian States and Territories. All entries may be used by Planet Ark and its sponsors/stakeholder to promote National Recycling Week, the Schools Recycle Right Challenge and future schools competition’.
You can download the Getting Started Guide here. You can stay connected through the link on the home page. The Schools Recycle Right Challenge runs from early October to mid-November and offers a wide range of recycling themed activities, lesson plans and events ideas that have been developed specifically for Australian schools. 2024 actual dates should be available soon.
‘The Victorian Maths Challenge is a fun way for you, your family and friends to explore and solve problems. Take on as few or as many challenges as you like. Work together to find your own solutions. Head to the Gallery to check out entries from our first Challenge participants. Choose a Challenge’ from the options on the Home Page.
These can be done at any time within the family or at school. You can Submit your entries once you have completed the challenge[s] you have chosen.
‘Each year thousands of students on six continents participate in the World Scholar’s Cup. The Join the Program - Start a New Team page provides you with a clear process on how to do this. We recommend you check out our Program Introduction and watch this quick 7-8 minute video or World Scholar’s Cup Overview and we hope to see you soon at one of our upcoming regional and global events. Every World Scholar’s Cup features four exciting events [see home page]. Click through to explore them !’
* There is no limit to the number of teams from a school. Most schools send at least 4. Teams should have three members. Two-member teams are welcome, but face scoring limitations. Check other options.
The Event Calendar page provides information on the Calendar, Registration, the Global Rounds, dates for the Australian Rounds [e.g. Canberra - February 19-20, 2024], the Tournament of Champions and much more.
Wakakirri Challenges
Both ‘Dance school groups and Community Groups’ can enter this competition. Full details from the home page.
2024 Registration is now open. Primary School information, Secondary School Information plus Dance or Community Group can be selected by following the Select the Division/ Choose an option item. Registrations CLOSE at the end of Term 1.
‘The aim of Wakakirri is to teach students about themselves and others through the creating and sharing of stories and by this process develop students’ educational outcomes, lifestyle choices and community awareness. Any primary school can enter. Group sizes can range from 20 to 120. Wakakirri is a festival, not a competition but Wakakirri does acknowledge schools who exemplify the Wakakirri ethos Great Stories Inspire Change via a number of awards including Excellence in Performing Arts’.
2024 Registration is now open. Primary School information, Secondary School Information plus Dance or Community Group can be selected by following the Select the Division/ Choose an option item. Registrations CLOSE at the end of Term 1.
‘Schools can choose to tell any story that they wish. Schools’ performances are often inspired by the Wakakirri ethos Great Stories Inspire Change and the annual festival motif [in 2023 the motif is CHANGE]. A Wakakirri Story-Dance is a 3-7 minute performance by a group of students who theatrically tell a story using a combination of dancing, creative movement and acting to pre-recorded music. Schools can tell any story and use any combination of dance, creative movement, acting, music, live singing, props, costumes, sets and film projections. The possibilities are endless’.
2024 Registration is now open. Primary School information, Secondary School Information plus Dance or Community Group can be selected by following the Select the Division/ Choose an option item. Registrations CLOSE at the end of Term 1.
Westpac Youth Impact Challenge
‘The Westpac Youth Impact Challenge is a nationwide initiative open to all young people around Australia aged 7 to 21 years. The Challenge aims to help young Australians solve problems in their local communities. To take part in the Challenge, participants must identify a local problem and brainstorm an innovative business or social change idea to solve it. Participants can choose to work individually, or in a group of up to 3. Young people in this age bracket who are not in traditional schooling or University can also apply’. Other details available from the site.
* 3 sections : Primary school students aged 7 - 12, Secondary students ages 13 - 17 and Young Adults aged 18 - 21. When registering you are asked to indicate one of 5 groupings across this age range.
Registration for the Challenge is now open. Registrations close Friday, 5 April 2024 at 4:00pm [AEST]. The Terms & Conditions booklet includes Registration, commencement and entry closure dates, as well as other guidelines.
Wombat Books Illustration Challenge
‘Entrants must be aged between 7-18 years and school age. For students finishing Year 12 in 2023 they must submit while they are still at school. Children must have parental permission to be considered for the challenge’. All other details available from the site.
2023 information is currently available from the site and covers all the essential details required to give you the best possible chance not only to enjoy but also to achieve. The Challenge closed on 1 November 2023.
‘The ACTDU coordinates six annual competitions open to all school students in Years 5 to 12. Our competitions are a great forum for students to explore their public speaking and problem solving skills. We aim to foster a positive, encouraging and exciting environment for students. All debates are adjudicated by an ACTDU accredited adjudicator and students will have the opportunity to seek feedback from the adjudicator after every debate’. Different competitions in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 include those listed below.
Updated ! The Junior Premier Competition [ACT]
‘The Semester 2 competitions run from August to October and typically include 6 preliminary rounds and 3 final rounds. These competitions include The Junior Premier Competition’.
Key Dates are found here [scroll down to these]. You can also find a full listing on their Calendar.
Updated ! The Senior Premier Competition [ACT]
‘The Semester 2 competitions run from August to October and typically include 6 preliminary rounds and 3 final rounds. These competitions include The Senior Premier Competition’.
Key Dates are found here [scroll down to these]. You can also find a full listing on their Calendar.
The Advanced Premier Competition [ACT]
‘The Semester 2 competitions run from August to October and typically include 6 preliminary rounds and 3 final rounds. These competitions include The Advanced Premier Competition’.
Key Dates are found here [scroll down to these]. You can also find a full listing on their Calendar.
ANVDC - Australian National Virtual Debating Competition
‘The ANVDC provides a unique opportunity for students to build their confidence, expand their knowledge and engage with their peers nationally in a friendly debating format that is open to newcomers. Don’t let travel and distance hold you back. Expand your student opportunities without the hassle of traditional in-person competitions. With the guarantee of expert adjudicators, students gain the crucial skills and experience that comes from feedback delivered by professionals. All staff and adjudicators have a valid Working With Children Check’.
* The competition will be run as a Round Robin + Knockout event across the following divisions : Primary School [Years 5+6], Junior School [Years 7+8], Middle School [Years 9+10] and Senior School [Opens]. Teams will be placed into groups with the top two teams from each group progressing to the knockout stages.
All essential information can be found via the About page [still showing 2023 details], their Handbook and the Rules page. There is also an option to use the Contact Us link for any further information you may require.
‘We welcome participation from all high schools, whether public or private, and our focus is to make the competition as inclusive as possible, providing a welcoming but competitive environment for students to hone their skills and build their confidence. The competition is open for students in Years 9 to 12 [if you are interested in debating for students in Years 7 and 8, please take a look at our Junior Secondary Program]. Information about Regional Debating Programs can be found using this link. The DAV is also able to provide a variety of training programs to assist students to prepare for the competition ahead. If you would like to book one of our experienced trainers please see our Training and Adjudicator services. Competition details can be found via those listed below.
We will once again be offering an online version of the schools competition that will run alongside the in-person competition. D grade debates will run at 4pm and all other grades will run at 5:30pm.
British Parliamentary Competitions [Vic.]
‘The DAV hosts annual BP competitions for Juniors [Years 7 to 8], Intermediate [Years 9-10] and Seniors [Years 11 to 12]. Each competition takes place over a single day, with students participating in a training session conducted by experienced British Parliamentary debaters, before taking part in a three round tournament of debates’.
Dates, Venues and the Registration Date for the Senior, Intermediate and Junior Competitions are found on the page above. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
Monash Asian Studies Debate Competition [Vic.]
‘A debating competition open to students from Years 10-12, in conjunction with the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University. The topics will focus on contemporary issues relevant to Asia. Debates will be hosted online through the Zoom videoconferencing platform’.
Registration closure date, Debating commencement and Debating completion dates are listed on the above page. ‘A flyer with a list of topics and other information has not yet been published for 2024’.
Junior Secondary Program [Vic.]
‘An introduction to debating for Junior Secondary students in Years 7 and 8. The program is designed to provide training in the basic skills and structure of debating whilst also giving students an opportunity to participate in three ‘friendly’ inter-school debates’.
The Information Pack will be available here, while Online Protocols are available here. You can also find Date and Region details here [Second half of the year]. 2024 details have now been added.
Schools Competition [Vic.]
‘The competition is divided into 20 regions encompassing both inner and outer Melbourne suburbs, Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo. The format of the competition is Australian 3-on-3 style – with three speakers to each team, debating over five rounds, spread across the year. Click here to access our Schools Competition resource guides. 2023 topics and resource guides were released in Term One 2023’.
Registrations for this have now closed. Use these links to find information about Draws and Regional Dates and Venues. Other information available from the home page above. 2024 details have now been added.
Women’s Competition [Vic.]
‘Historically women have been underrepresented in debating and as such we would like to offer this unique opportunity for them to further develop their skills in a friendly environment outside of the main Schools Competition. Students will register individually and be randomly allocated to a team of three on arrival. The day will begin with a training session led by some of the DAV’s best female trainers. All debates will be secret topics with one hour of preparation time.
Dates, venue, registration [check process details] and training sessions [Years 11 and 12] details were all available from the above page. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
‘Debating develops essential skills such as critical thinking, public speaking, research, teamwork and active listening. Students represent their schools in state-wide competitions. A variety of digital resources are available and offer valuable insights to participants and support teachers in establishing and delivering successful debating programs in their school’. In addition, there are Primary Debating Workshops held at various locations across the state which provide an opportunity for students to hone their debating skills’. See specific competition details below.
The Premier’s Debating Challenge [NSW]
This has four [4] levels - Years 5 and 6, Years 7 and 8, Years 9 and 10 and Years 11 and 12. The Premier’s Debating Challenge is ‘open to all NSW government schools, with the aim of developing the public speaking and reasoning skills of students’. Access specific information about each level via links from the above page. In addition, each page has links to selected digital resources [plus a link to more digital resources] for interested students.
The Premier’s Debating Challenge Information Guide [2023] is available. It will provide essential dates [including State Finals], entry process, cost, how organised, when some different levels run and more. Monitor for 2024 dates to be added.
Combined High Schools Debating [NSW]
‘The Combined High Schools teams comprise 4 members, who compete in debates against government and non-government schools. Medallions and CHS ties are awarded to team members of both the Firsts and the Seconds. The NSW Representative Debating Cup is awarded to the champion representative team from CHS’ and the three major non-government groupings [Greater Public Schools, Combined Associated Schools and Archdale Representative Schools].
The page above shows How to apply, Rules of competition, Stages of competition and other related details. Check back for details of how to apply in Term 2.
Junior State Debating Championships [NSW]
‘The Junior State Debating Championships involve representative regional teams. Teams engage in a series of debates and workshops with experienced adjudicators, before the winning regional team is awarded the Neil Gunther Shield’. In addition the page has links to selected digital resources [plus a link to more digital resources] for interested students.
‘In Term 3 each region runs debating trials to pick a squad of their very best Years 9 and 10 debaters. That squad goes on to represent the region against the other nine regions at a championships debating camp which generally runs from Monday to Wednesday morning in early December at the Women’s College of the University of Sydney’. Monitor the Attachments link on the right of the page for an Information Guide. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
Primary Schools State Debating Championships [NSW]
‘Each NSW region selects four outstanding debaters from Years 5 and 6 to represent them at the Primary Schools State Debating Championships. Each year the teams gather in late November in Collaroy on Sydney’s northern beaches to battle it out across 5 rounds, semis and a final to determine a state champion’. In addition, each page has links to selected digital resources [plus a link to more digital resources] for interested students.
Check information About the competition, Cost, plus date and venue as indicated above. Monitor the Attachments link on the right of the page for a 2024 Information Guide.
Queensland Debating Union [Qld]
‘We run a variety of programs, including annual
debating competitions in Brisbane and Toowoomba. We also work with a number of regional affiliates throughout the State to provide resources,
training and support. Our competitions include thousands of students across the State’. Use the links on the right to access information for
various groups. Competitions are held for the following - Brisbane Secondary Schools, Junior Secondary Competition and Primary School Competition.
Calendar [QDU] is included in the site. It includes dates as per Term/Week, Cut Off Days to register, Venues and more. Click on the Image above the words Venue Information for a listing of these. A copy of the Competition Rules can be downloaded using this link.
Schools’ Competition [SADA] [SA]
‘The SADA’s primary function is to run the SADA Schools’ Competition - South
Australia’s premier debating competition which has run continuously since 1966. The competition is aimed at students from Years 5 to 12 of
all abilities’. There are 5 levels in the Schools Competition - Junior [Years 5-7]; Intermediate [Years 8-9, Levels A and B] to
Senior [Years 10-12, Levels A and B]. Full details of each are available on the above page. Note : Primary school
students of appropriate years from all South Australian schools [including IPSHA schools] are eligible to debate in the SADA Schools’ Competition.
The Competition Registration Forms for both competitions are available via the home page menus [now closed]. You can download the Schools’ Competition Rules and Policies here.
Schools’ Competitions [TDU] [Tas.]
‘The TDU organises and conducts schools competitions for all levels of secondary education in southern Tasmania and works with partners in the north of the state and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to conduct an annual statewide tournament. The TDU also undertakes training and development of debaters and adjudicators across the state, and each year selects a team to represent Tasmania at the Australian Debating Championships’. The ‘Parliamentary Shield draws together the best debaters from public, independent and private schools around Tasmania. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates on TDU competitions, meetings, events and activities. Competition Rules are found here.
Registrations are now open for our Junior and Senior Development Programs for 2023-24, including the Junior Development Weekend for students entering Grades 8 and 9 in 2024 and Debate Camp for students entering Grades 10-12 in 2024.
UN Youth Australia. ‘Evatt is a Model United Nations Security Council diplomacy competition. More than 2 000 students compete in Evatt each year. The competition takes the form of a mock session of the UN Security Council. Teams of two students debate, amend and vote on a prepared resolution from the perspective of their assigned nation. Each state and territory has its own Evatt Competition throughout the school year, with top students in each state going to the National Finals’. Links are provided for all states and territories.
Find details for all participating states and territories using the links beneath the page header on the home page, e.g. Registration dates, rules, contact links, . . . . Check to ensure whether it will run in 2024 or not.
Public Speaking
Every year the DAV runs a series of Public Speaking Competitions for students. There are four [4] different levels - Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Details relating to who, format involved, cost per individual, Registration details, speech length, … , will be found on the following pages.
Primary School Public Speaking Competition [Vic.]
‘The competition aims to give young speakers the opportunity to put their ideas forward in front of an audience whilst expanding their knowledge of current affairs. Students will develop the “building blocks” of public presentation’. Competitions include both Online and In-person formats.
Details about Who, Format, Cost, Registration [closing date], Speech submission [closing date], Prepared Speech details, plus general information are available from the above page. Contact for any other details.
Junior Public Speaking Competition [Vic.]
‘Students will be required to submit an unedited video of a 4-5 minute speech on a set topic, which must be persuasive in nature. This will then be assessed by two DAV adjudicators who will provide a score and written feedback by email. Top ranked students will progress to a finals series, which will require a second video speech to be submitted. In 2021 there was an online competition to supplement the face-to-face program’.
Details about Who, Format, Cost, Registration [closing date], Speech submission [closing date], Prepared Speech details, Capacity limits, plus general information are available from the above page. There is also a listing showing Region/Venue/Date [and some time details]. Monitor to see if this will run in 2024.
Intermediate Public Speaking Competition [Vic.]
‘Students will be required to present a 5-6 minute speech on a topic of their choosing, which must be persuasive in nature, as well as two impromptu speeches’. There are both Face-to-Face and Online versions of the competition.
Details about Who, Format, Cost, Registration [closing date], Speech submission [closing date], Prepared Speech details, Finalist notification [Online version], plus general information are available from the above page. Monitor to see if this will run in 2024.
Senior Public Speaking Competition [Vic.]
‘Senior students will be given the opportunity to extend their existing public speaking skills by presenting one prepared and two impromptu speeches [extended times compared to Intermediate students]’. There are both Face-to-Face and Online versions of the competition.
Details about Who, Format, Cost, Registration [link available, closing date], Speech submission [closing date], Prepared Speech details, Finalist notification [Online version], plus general information are available from the above page. Monitor to see if it will run in 2024.
Legacy Junior Public Speaking Awards
‘The prepared speech is on a topic of the competitor’s choosing on any subject relating to the ideals of voluntary service, social justice, caring, personal effort, personal sacrifice and/or mateship. The speech should have substance which, in the space of time available, should be developed logically to a convincing conclusion. The topic chosen will be broad in nature, capable of a variety of interpretations to suit the experience and background of 12 to 14 year olds’. There is also an impromptu speech.
See below for various State details.
Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award [NSW]
‘The Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award competition is open to public schools and non-government schools across NSW. Students will compete in local and regional finals to determine a state champion who will then go on to represent NSW at the national final. The Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award aims to encourage the use of clear and effective spoken English’.
Enquiries, Attachments and Links can be accessed on the right hand side of the page.
Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award [Vic.]
‘The Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award is aimed at enhancing the oral communication and public speaking skills of secondary students aged 12 to 14 years and help young people appreciate the ideals of Legacy – voluntary service, caring, mateship and remembrance’. Contact details for further information are provided on the home page.
Monitor for 2024 information regarding this program.
Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award [SA]
‘The Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award is aimed at enhancing the oral communication and public speaking skills of secondary students aged 12 to 14 years, and help young people appreciate the ideals of Legacy – voluntary service, caring, mateship and remembrance’. Note : students from Broken Hill can take part in the South Australian Award.
Dates for the current competition [Venue, Heats, State Final and National Final - including dates for each] are found on the home page. You can download a pack including Guidelines and Forms from the home page. 2023 still currently showing. Monitor for 2024 dates.
‘The award aims to encourage and maintain the best use of clear effective spoken English. At the National level the award consists of : a prepared speech of eight minutes on a subject of the contestant’s choice, an interview and an impromptu speech of three minutes on a subject chosen by the organisers. Each student speaks on the same subject after a four minute preparation time’. Details on the site. Run in each state by the Government Education Department [e.g. ACT, NSW [see below as well], South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia].
The dates for 2024 to be announced.
Calendar, competitions, resources, more. NSW Department of Education Arts Unit. Information includes the following competitions, plus others previously listed provide relevant information for all competitions.
Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition [NSW]
‘The Multicultural Perspective Speaking Competition is open to NSW public primary and central school students. They will compete in either a Year 3 and 4 or a Year 5 and 6 age division delivering speeches on a multicultural theme. Over 2 000 students compete annually in the competition from across the state’.
For general competition information, last year’s results, downloadable tips for getting started and entry, please visit Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition FAQs. Monitor for 2024 details. Related digital resources and a link to further digital resources also on the page.
The Plain English Speaking Award [NSW]
‘The Plain English Speaking Award has provided an invaluable opportunity for NSW senior students to improve their confidence and to develop their speech writing and public speaking skills. Successful speakers progress through local, regional and state rounds where they deliver both prepared and impromptu speeches, with the eventual state champion representing NSW at the National Final’.
A 2023 Plain English Speaking Award information guide [PDF 550.13 KB] is available. Monitor for 2024 information to be added.
Updated ! Secondary Schools’ Public Speaking Competition [Qld]
The English Speaking Union. ‘This competition requires students to speak on a subject of their choice inspired by a broad ESU nominated topic connected to ESU’s philosophy. Students in the Grand Finals will speak to new nominated topics for the required Prepared and Impromptu speaking section’.
Venues plus dates for Heats and Grand Finals for Intermediate, Junior and Senior groups can be found on the home page. Additional email notices will be sent in advance of the nomination dates and grand finals. The starting time will depend on the number of contestants and will be circulated by email. Monitor for 2024 information to be uploaded.
‘Rostrum Voice of Youth is a national speaking competition which provides an excellent opportunity for secondary school students to gain experience and confidence in expressing their views and communicating a message. The competition is divided into Junior and Senior Divisions. Each state [except for Queensland and Western Australia] runs its own sets of heats and finals. The Northern Territory will participate with South Australia and ACT students will participate with New South Wales’. Run by Rostrum.
* Juniors [aged 11 years as at 1/1/22 and in Years 7, 8 or 9] and Seniors [under 18 as at 1/1/22 and in Years 10,11 or 12].
The Information for all students page provides all essential information for 2023 including a full resource listing. Monitor for 2024 details to replce the current ones.
The Premier’s Spelling Bee [NSW]
‘The NSW Premier’s Spelling Bee is a fun way to encourage literacy amongst public primary school children. The program includes activities that encourage students to become more confident users of language through broadening their vocabulary, and promotes improved literacy skills in conjunction with the NSW English K-10 syllabus’. The site also includes Spelling Bee resources [these are a few years old].The Spelling Bee has two sections - Junior [Years 3 and 4] and Senior [Years 5 and 6].
There are a range of Attachments and Links from the home pages for each level [see above] which will provide all essential details including date. 2024 dates are now listed, beginning in March.
The Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee
‘The inaugural PM’s Spelling Bee is planned to run in Term One by free classroom educational
literacy site Kids News and is open to all students across Australia in Years 3 to 8. The PM’s Spelling
Bee will be a digital competition run online in school classrooms’.
* Includes Homeschoolers. Three reading levels for Yr 3-4 [Green], Yr 5-6 [Orange] and Yr 7-8 [Red].
Competition Dates for School Round, State/Territory Finals and National Final, plus Rules and Prizes are found on the page above. 2024 dates have yet to be added but it will run.
New ! 2024 Roly Sussex Short Story Competition
The English Speaking Union. ‘This competition is named after Professor Roly Sussex. He is an Emeritus Professor of Applied Language Studies at the University of Queensland and a leading champion for language and languages in Australia. It is designed to foster original creative writing of outstanding quality, including experimental, challenging or thought-provoking work’.
Entrants to the Secondary Schoolsection must be enrolled full-time at a secondary school. Submissions previously closed in mid-October. Monitor for other 2024 details early in the coming year. Be sure to read the Notes for Entrants section.
Australian Writers’ Resource - Competitions
Competitions done in Closing Date order. Not all are for students or young people, but all have a clear indication of age range and topic/format. New listings this Month are at the top of the home page.
* Includes a wide range of other options for people of all ages and entry fees ranging from zero upwards, including charges in other currencies. Some are also for specific groups such as Indigenous authors. Prize details are provided.
Be sure to check the Update at the top of the above page.
‘The Ayn Rand Institute has held worldwide essay contests for students on Ayn Rand’s fiction for more than thirty years. Essays will be judged on whether the student is able to argue for and justify his or her view—not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. Theme : one of three set questions on Anthem’. There are separate prizes for Australian entrants.
* You may enter if you are in a LOWER grade, but not if you are in a HIGHER grade.
Interested in participating in next year’s contest ? Fill out the contact form and we’ll email you with more information about the 2024 contest - including instructions on how to enter. Use the Submit button to complete the process. You can also Register for Contest Updates.
Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
‘The Ayn Rand Institute has held worldwide essay contests for students on Ayn Rand’s fiction for more than thirty years. Essays will be judged on whether the student is able to argue for and justify his or her view - not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. Theme : one of three set questions on Atlas Shrugged’. There are separate prizes for Australian entrants.
* Also includes College Undergraduates and Graduate Students. You may enter if you are in a LOWER grade, but not if you are in a HIGHER grade
Find details including the Entry Deadline - this is 6 November 2023. Interested in participating in next year‘s contest ? Fill out the contact form and we’ll email you with more information about the 2024 contest - including instructions on how to enter. Use the Submit button to complete the process.
Ayn Rand The Fountainhead Essay Contest
‘The Ayn Rand Institute has held worldwide essay contests for students on Ayn Rand’s fiction for more than thirty years. Essays will be judged on whether the student is able to argue for and justify his or her view - not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses’. There are separate prizes for Australian entrants.
* You may enter if you are in a LOWER grade, but not if you are in a HIGHER grade.
Interested in participating in next year‘s contest ? Fill out the contact form and we’ll email you with more information about the 2024 contest - including instructions on how to enter. Use the Submit button to complete the process. You can also Register for Contest Updates.
Craig Silvey Award for Young Writers [City of Subiaco] [WA]
‘The City of Subiaco presents the annual Craig Silvey Award for Young Writers. This creative writing award is open to Western Australian school students and encourages imagination, innovation and creativity. To stay up to date with award information and receive reminders sign up to our mailing list here’.
* ‘There are 5 categories covering Years 1 - 2; Years 3 - 4; Years 5 - 6; Years 7 - 9; and Years 10 - 12. There is also an overall winner’.
‘This new award [replacing the Tim Winton Award] launched in 2023’. Monitor for details relating to the 2024 Award’.
CYA Hatchlings
‘Category options are detailed , H01 - Picture Books and
H02 - Chapter Book* [Judged as one category, the classification is for judging purposes only]. All Hatchling entries have historically gone
in front of a professional editor, but this is not guaranteed’.
* ‘All writers and illustrators who are 8 – 18 years old [as of the nominated date] worldwide, who have not been published in book format within the section’s genres. All entries must have a parent or guardians’ electronic signature of permission on the entry form’.
The Competition Guidelines Book has all the required information for entrants in the Competition. Previous competitions have closed in early April.
Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards
‘The oldest and largest poetry competition for school aged children in Australia. Please read our Conditions of Entry
here before registering for the competition. The
Learning Resources page has both resources and links to other material for teachers while the
Conditions of Entry page has a range of
* Six sections [see Award categories and Prizes] plus three other special Awards.
Check the How to Enter page for an Optional Theme, submission information and relevant dates [entries and results].
Education Perfect [EP] English Championships
‘The EP English Championships [EPEC] designed to create a fun learning environment to engage students in learning English, foster healthy competition amongst students and provide an opportunity to acknowledge and reward academic success in schools’.
Dates, Prizes, Certificates and Rules are detailed on the home page. There is also a ‘a full list of Rules for the ANZ Competition here’.
FAW NSW Hilarie Lindsay Short Story Competition
Writing Competition for Australian School Children. ‘Entries are sought in four sections corresponding to different year groupings’. Conditions are detailed for those who wish to enter.
* There are four [4] sections. ‘Section 1 : Years 10, 11 and 12. [Max. 60 lines.]; Section 2 : Years 7, 8 and 9. [Max. 40 lines.]; Section 3 : Years 5 and 6. [Max. 40 lines.]; and Section 4 : Year 4 and under. [Max. 20 lines.]’.
Details are available through the site. Competition closed on 31 August 2023. Winners were to be notified by 31 October. Monitor for details relating to the 2024 competition.
FAW Tasmania 2024 Nairda Lyne Award
‘For an original, unpublished short story suitable for children aged 8-12 years’. Be sure to check the general Competition Conditions listed at the top of the page, as well as the specifics for each award.
Information, including the fact Entries close on March 31st, 2024 [and must be postmarked by this date to be eligible for judging] are found on the above page.
Furious Fiction Writing Competition
‘The Furious Fiction writing competition is a monthly competition which is presented by the Australian Writers’ Centre. This fun, fast – and best of all – FREE short story challenge blasts off on the first Friday of every month. Anyone in the world aged 17 years and older is able to take part. Each month a new topic is provided – which will entail a specific topic of location, an action and specific words’.
Opens : 5pm [Sydney/Melbourne time] on the first Friday of the month. Closes : 55 hours later [midnight, Sunday]. Word limit : 500 words. All other details from the page above.
‘Designed to recognise and reward talented young writers. It aims to encourage expressive and creative writing. Australian Year 11 and 12 students are invited to submit a piece of writing [800 to 1 000 words]. The essays can be fiction or non-fiction and on any topic’.
Download the PDF document attached to this competition for relevant information including the submission date [previously the first day in May].
‘Heywire is an exciting competition from the ABC, calling for stories from high school aged students in regional, rural and remote Australia and we want to hear from you ! Entries must be a true story about an aspect of your life. Stories can be in any format : text, video or audio - whatever form suits you best. Most of our entries are text but feel free to be creative. The recommended length is 400 words’.
* ‘You must be aged 16-22 on 31 January 2023. You must also live in Australia, but not in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth or Sydney’ [i.e. rural or remote].
The Entry Form is found on this page, while other details can be found on the home page, The FAQs page and, most importantly, The Terms and Conditions page especially for the Competition Period Dates.
Immerse Education Essay Competition
‘The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides the opportunity for students aged 13-18 to submit essay responses to a question of their choice relating to a subject of interest. There are over twenty questions to choose from which can be found in our full Essay Competition Guide. 10 winners will receive a 100% scholarship to study with us at a world-leading university of their choosing. Oustanding runners-up also receive partial scholarships [Check the page above. There is a sliding list of these]’.
* There are two separate lists of Essay Topics - one for those aged 13-15 and a second list for those aged 16-18.
The Essay Competition is still open but will close on 4th January 2024. If interested, the Entry Form can be found on the home page. Results are announced on 4 February 2024. Register to receive the free Essay Competition guidance. The competition usually opens in September.
International Essay Contest for Young People
The Goi Peace Foundation. ‘This annual essay contest is organised in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world. This program is an activity within the framework of the UNESCO Global Action Program [GAP] on Education for Sustainable Development [ESD]’.
* ‘Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old [as of the nominated date] in one of the following age categories : a] Children [ages up to 14] b] Youth [ages 15 - 25]’.
Guidelines for the 2024 International Essay Contest for Young People will be announced on this website and through the Goi Peace Foundation’s mailing list and Facebook page by mid-February 2024. The Essay Contest Flyer [PDF] should also be available. It includes all required information.
Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Little Black Dress Spooky Story Competition
‘The judges will be looking for good quality original, unpublished writing with engaging characters and a compelling narrative including an excellent beginning, middle and end. Entries must be rated PG and should address the set theme. The Youth section open to both WA and interstate writers’ and is Free to enter. Youth entries are limited to one and have a maximum of 500 words.
The theme for 2024 is ‘Don’t Look Up’. Details are available on the page above including theme, costs, limits, how to submit, prizes and relevant dates. Entries have previously opened in October and closed in mid-March.
Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Centre Poetry Competition
‘Open to Australian residents and citizens only. You will need a Submittable account to enter this competition. Don’t worry ! It is free and easy to set up’. The Youth category is free to enter. This category only has a line count of 50 lines of poetry and a limit of one entry per person.
Details are available on the page above including theme, costs, limits, how to submit, prizes and relevant dates. Previous events have run from May to December with a competition deadline late in September.
There are both Poetry and Prose sections with various age levels. Run by a group in Gladstone and the surrounding area in South Australia. No entry fee for school students. All necessary details on the entry form. Details regarding the Winners’ Examples from 2023 are found here
* ‘Competition Categories - Age 5-8 years; Age 9-12 years; Age 13-18 years; Open section for both Prose and CJ Dennis Poetry awards. The poetry award also has an Open Bush Poetry section’.
The home page has a link to the Conditions of Entry [see above], closing date for entries and a listing of sections, including limits on size as well as prizes for each. Monitor for details relating to 2024.
‘Little Stories.Big Ideas is a flash fiction competition for Secondary School Students. Winners will be chosen from 2 categories, Years 7 to 9 and Years 10 to 12. We hope to inspire and encourage the next generation of storytellers. The competition runs four times per year, and is free to enter. Each quarterly competition will have a theme. Entries must be 100 words or less, and incorporate the current theme. How the theme is included is up to the imagination of the writer. Any literary style is welcome – short-story form, poem, haiku, limerick, song – but entries must be in English’. News about the results of the each Competition can be found at the News Category site. You should also check their School Information Pack.
‘The entry form and all the details for each term’s themed competition can be found on the Entry Form page. Submission and closing dates for entries are advised on the website, our social media pages and circulated to all who have subscribed to receive email updates’.
National Child Writes Competition
2022 - ‘Instead of a competition this year, we are doing the absolute opposite ! If you happen upon this page, having googled for ‘competitions’ or opportunities for your primary school aged children, please have this instead … FREE ACCESS TO OUR ONLINE PROGRAM - Write your own book’. Details from the site.
Monitor for future information.
Nillumbik Prize for Contemporary Writing
‘The Prize offers contemporary Australian writers an opportunity to win cash prizes and to profile their work. The 2024 Nillumbik Prize for Contemporary Writing is presented in partnership with Writers Victoria’. An Open competition, Australia wide [entry fee] and a Local competition, for people who live, work or study in the Shire of Nillumbik [entry is free]. Entry to ‘local’ and ‘youth’ categories is free. Entrants must be Australian citizens.
Conditions of Entry are found here. Note : This is a Biennial competition but from the information supplied runs across two years. Entries must be submitted on the nominated date in one year with prize winners announced in early May of the following year.
New ! OxBright Essay Competition 2024
‘Test your academic skills with the OxBright Essay Competition. Designed for bright 15-18 year olds, the competition will challenge you to go beyond the school curriculum and think about the future of your subject. Think big, stretch yourself – and stand out from the crowd when the time comes to apply to university. The OxBright Essay Competition gives you the chance to think about the future, challenge yourself beyond the school curriculum and consider your subject through a wider lens. All shortlisted entrants will be invited to attend one of our Online Conferences free of charge and there are a variety of prestigious prizes for the winners’.
‘Entries close at 9pm UK time on 31st March 2024. We’ll be in touch within two weeks of your entry to let you know whether you’ve been shortlisted. The first 1 000 shortlisted entrants are invited to attend one of our Conferences, free of charge. All shortlisted entrants and their parents and teachers will be invited to attend our Awards Ceremony in April 2024, where the winners will be announced.
‘Are you an up-and-coming writer or artist ? OzKids provides a platform for you to enter your work and have it assessed by a panel of experts. All approved entries are published here on the website. Some are selected for publication in our OzKids Magazine and at the end of the year, the winners are announced. So what are you waiting for, get started today’. Covers all year levels [3 sections].
Registration form was linked from the above page. Closing Date was the end of September. Go to the Contact Us page and use the contact details to find answers to any questions you may have. Monitor for information relating to the 2024 Program.
Patrick White Indigenous Writing Awards
‘These awards are open to all Indigenous Australian students in NSW from Kindergarten through
to Year 12. The Competition Criteria are found here’
including FAQs and links to relevant entry forms. Previous
Award Winner’s Works can be read via links on this page
* ‘These awards are open to all Indigenous Australian students in NSW from Kindergarten through to Year 12, with a Group Competition for Years K – 3’.
The Closing Date for entries should be found on each of the Individual Entry Forms as well as a listing of Guidelines ranging from format to prizes. Applications for this competition close at the end of Term 3 each Year.
‘POEM FOREST is a free nature writing prize that literally breathes life back into the natural world that sustains us. In partnership with The Australian Botanic Garden, POEM FOREST deepens our connection with nature by inviting students and communities to create and publish poems inspired by the natural environment. All entries will be published on the Red Room Poetry website with a worldwide audience of 300 000+ readers. A selection of poems and poem excerpts will also be published on botanical tags in the POEM FOREST at the Australian Botanic Garden’.
* ‘Categories of entry include Lower primary [F–Year 3]; Upper primary [Years 4–6]; Lower secondary [Years 7–9]; Upper secondary [Years 10–12]; Threatened Species [F–12]; Accredited Teacher [All ages]; and Australian Botanic Gardens prize [F–12]’. POEM FOREST 2023 Winners can be found here.
The Terms and Conditions page provides Key Dates [mostly from March to November], Eligibility, Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Personal Information, Contact information and a link to the Entry form.
QIEU Literary Competition [Qld/NT]
‘The Literary Competition invites Queensland and Northern Territory students and teachers to share their literary prowess by submitting either poetry, short stories or non-fiction prose. It is Queensland’s longest running literary competition’. It includes Queensland state and independent schools and Northern Territory independent schools.
* ‘Award Categories include Years 5-6; Years 7-8; Years 9-10; Years 11-12; and Open [Teachers and School Support Staff]’.
Dates for closure of entries and the Presentation Evening are included on the above page. The competition has now been completed for 2023 [late August]. Monitor for 2024 information.
SAETA Young Writers Award [SA]
‘The Young Writers Award is open to all South Australian students. It is free of a topic. The aim is to encourage creative writing on any subject. You may write poetry or prose, up to 1 000 words’.
* ‘Categories from Reception to Year 12. 6 categories [R/1, 2/3, 4/5/6, 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 in each of the Poetry and Prose sections’.
The page above has a link to the Entry Form as well as Competition Information such as the the date of the Launch and date entries close [May to August] and lists of previous winners.
Somerset National Poetry Prize
‘The purpose is to encourage a love of writing poetry amongst secondary school students, to affirm it as a worthwhile literary pursuit, and to stimulate excellence in writing. It also aims to inspire and enrich youth literature. State winners will have the opportunity to attend Somerset Storyfest, be billeted by students of the Somerset Wordsmiths’ Club and attend the events at Storyfest over the three days, where the national winner will be announced’.
* ‘ALL current secondary students who are Australian citizens or permanent residents attending school in Australia. Students receiving home schooling are eligible to enter’.
This competition operates across two years. Entries open in July, close in December with the Award Ceremony held in March of the following year. Exact dates will be on the above page around the middle of the year. Conditions of Entry are also available.
Storyathon [Let’s Write Microstories]
‘STORYATHON is an exciting and free online event for students from Australia and New Zealand. Students are challenged to write a story that is EXACTLY 100 words. They’re tiny narratives challenging students to tighten their language, experiment with words and focus their message. Fewer characters, fewer events, a better eye for detail !’. We look forward to welcoming you again for Storyathon !
Scroll down the above page for Tips for Students, FAQs, number of entries per individual, Cost [Free] and more, including the fact ‘Storyathon is [now] an annual event that runs from September to November’.
Storyfest National Novella Writing Competition
‘The Storyfest National Novella Writing Competition is open to all Australian high school students. It is a wonderful opportunity for serious student writers, encouraging them in their literary growth - and there are also some fantastic prizes on offer ! State winners will have the opportunity to attend Somerset Storyfest and be billeted with members of the Somerset Wordsmiths’ Club’.
* ‘Entrants must be under 19 years of age as at date of close of entries. Students receiving home schooling are eligible to enter’.
This competition operates across two years. Entries open in July, close in December with the Award Ceremony held in March of the following year. Exact dates will be on the above page prior to the middle of the year. Conditions of Entry are also available here. You can subscribe to receive information and Festival updates using the option available at the bottom of the above page.
New ! Stringybark Open Short Story Award 2024
‘This is our flagship short story award and we are excited to read your entries. The theme is completely open, however there must be a link, no matter how small, to Australia. It could be a reference to a vegemite sambo or democracy sausage. The story must be : 1 500 words or fewer in length; have a link to Australia; and be written for an audience aged 16 and above. We have an award pool of over $1 350 in cash and books to encourage you in this endeavour’.
Opened : 12 December 2023. Closes : 11:59 pm AEST 25 February 2024. Length : ≤1500 words. Award value : Over $1350 in cash and books. Entry fees : $15 for one story, $28 for two stories, $39 for three stories [max].
Student Bush Poetry [Qld]
The Royal Queensland Show [EKKA]. ‘Pint-sized poets can showcase their budding talents in the Student classes of the Bush Poetry Competition. Students can recite anything from poems by published authors such as Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson to original works crafted themselves. This year the competition may again feature both virtual and live performance classes’.
* ‘This competition is aligned and recommended for Year 4 students. However, all year levels are welcome to enter’.
Key Dates, cost and Australian Curriculum Alignment details are found on the above page. You can also subscribe to receive updates on the Bush Poetry Competition via the above page.
The ISF-UNESCO World Tales Short Story Competition
‘With the aim to foster imagination, resourcefulness and ingenuity, UNESCO and the Idries Shah Foundation [ISF] launch the World Tales Short Story Competition in close collaboration with the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities of UNESCO [ICCAR]. Young teenagers from all over the globe are invited to write about challenges of today and tomorrow in the format of a short story, and share their perspectives.
* Check The World Tales StoryBank which ‘will upload and store all of the world’s ancient stories. Access to this invaluable resource will be free. Through an interactive website, children and educators alike will be able to read and listen to tales drawn from across the ages and learn about the lands and cultures which nurtured them’.
A second page link is found at the UNESCO Idries Shah Competition launch page and previously provided full details about the competition.
The Hachette Australia Prize for Young Writers
‘The Hachette Australia Prize for Young Writers is a developmental award open to Australian secondary school-aged students across the nation. The prize recognises writing excellence in three categories : Fiction, Creative Nonfiction and Poetry. Entries can include writing for readers of any age’. Prizes are awarded for each category.
In 2023 ‘Submissions opened in May and closed in August’. Monitor for 2024 Key Dates.
The Letter Review Prize for Short Fiction
‘Letter Review is offering $1 000 USD Prize pool in a competition for short fiction up to 5 000 words. No genre or theme restrictions : all stories welcome. Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. Three Winners are announced who are published and share in the Prize money. Twenty writers are longlisted. All entries are considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize and for further anthologies. The Prize is judged blind to ensure fairness. See our Previous Winners Page here and our Community Comments Page here’. Check details and information using the Guidelines ^ link in the box for this prize. Enter by using the SUBMIT button [red]’.
Ends on 31 December 2023, 12.00pm [USA EST]. In Australia this is equivalent to January 1, 2024, 4:00 pm [AEST]. There is a fee to enter. No AI generated content please. Monitor for future 2024 information.
The Letter Review Prize for Poetry
‘Poetry is one of the most ancient and revered forms of creative expression, stretching back to the dawn of literature. Poetry competitions represent a wonderful opportunity for emerging writers to demonstrate their ability and secure publication. They also offer established writers an exciting arena in which to showcase new work. Excitingly, poets are now more popular than ever, in part due to the explosion of poetry in the digital sphere. Letter Review is offering $800 USD total Prize pool in a competition for poems of not more than 70 lines. No subject or style restrictions : all poems welcome. Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. Three Winners are announced who are published and share in the Prize money. Twenty poets will be Longlisted. All entries are considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize and for further anthologies. The Prize is judged blind to ensure fairness. See our Previous Winners Page here, and our Comments / Testimonials Page here’. Check details and information using the Guidelines ^ link in the box for this prize. Enter by using the SUBMIT button [red]’.
Ends on 31 December 2023, 12.00pm [USA EST]. In Australia this is equivalent to January 1, 2024, 4:00 pm [AEST]. ‘Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. There are no style or subject restrictions. There is a fee to enter. No AI generated content please’. Monitor for future 2024 information.
The Letter Review Prize for Nonfiction
‘Letter Review is offering $1 000 USD total Prize pool in a competition for nonfiction up to 5 000 words in length. The Prize is open to writers who live anywhere in the world. Three Winners are announced who are published and share in the Prize money. Twenty writers will be Longlisted. All entries are considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize and for further anthologies. The Prize is judged blind to ensure fairness. See our Previous Winners Page and our Comments / Testimonials Page. Check details and information using the Guidelines ^ link in the box for this prize. Enter by using the SUBMIT button [red]’.
Ends on 31 December 2023, 12.00pm [USA EST]. In Australia this is equivalent to January 1, 2024, 4:00 pm [AEST]. ‘Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. There are no style or subject restrictions. There is a fee to enter. No AI generated content please’. Monitor for future 2024 information.
The Letter Review Prize for Unpublished Books
‘Letter Review is offering $1 000 USD total Prize pool in a competition for Unpublished Books including Novels, Short Story Collections, Poetry Collections and Nonfiction Books. Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. Three Winners are announced who share in the Prize money. Twenty entrants will be Longlisted. The Prize is judged blind to ensure fairness. See our Previous Winners Page and our Comments / Testimonials Page. Check details and information using the Guidelines ^ link in the box for this prize. Enter by using the SUBMIT button [red]’.
Ends on 31 December 2023, 12.00pm [USA EST]. In Australia this is equivalent to January 1, 2024, 4:00 pm [AEST]. ‘Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. There are no style or subject restrictions. There is a fee to enter. No AI generated content please’. Monitor for future 2024 information.
The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition
‘The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition is the world’s oldest international writing competition for schools, established in 1883. With thousands of young people taking part each year, it is an important way to recognise achievement, elevate youth voices and develop key skills through creative writing’.
* ‘The competition is open to nationals or residents of all Commonwealth countries and territories [see the Terms and Conditions page for additional options]. Entrants must select a Senior or Junior topic depending on their age on 30 June’.
All essential information, including dates, entry submission, formats and more can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions page.
What Matters ? Competition [Whitlam Institute]
‘The competition receives thousands of entries covering a wide range of subjects, putting paid to the idea that young Australians are disengaged and disaffected. Year after year we are reminded how passionate, observant and articulate young people are and how deeply driven they are by a sense of social justice as they offer us a window into not just what concerns them, but what inspires them’.
‘Entries can be submitted at school or at home at’. until it closes [usually in May]. Introducing the What Matters ? Writing Competition offers advice and information. You can also sign up to receive updates about the What Matters ? Competition [at the bottom of this page].
‘Write a Book in a Day is a fun, creative and collaborative competition for students [and adult] writing groups. Teams of up to ten have just twelve hours to write and illustrate a book from start to finish. To make it even more fun, unique parameters must be included in the story. Digital editions of the completed stories are made available on the Online Library and shared with hospitals across Australia’.
Information on How to Enter, How it Works and Frequently Asked Questions are available from the site as well as a Manual which covers all essential details from judging to presentations and more. Be sure to read the Manual. Winners were announced on Thursday 9 November. Monitor for 2024 information soon after this.
WriteOn [NSW]
‘WriteOn is an annual writing competition open to all NSW primary students. This competition provides students with the opportunity to become published authors and showcase their incredible creativity and talent’. NESA.
* Includes homeschooled students as well as those attending schools.
Competition Guidelines are provided as are points to consider and also judging details. For further information you can email
‘Each month, Write the World holds a new competition, developed around a particular idea or genre of writing, such as poetry, fantasy, sports journalism or flash fiction. Competitions encourage you to dig deeper into the writing process, try out new genres and share your work with a sea of eager readers’. Check the Educator Resources for Teaching Writing page for ideas that might be of assistance.
For other topics see their Competitions page’. See details regarding 2024 monthly competitions.
Young Tasmanian Writers’ Prize
‘A short fiction competition open to all Tasmanians enrolled in Years 7-12. Sponsored by Forty South Publishing, with the generous support of the Tasmanian Association for the Teaching of English [TATE]’. Terms and Conditions are available from the site in PDF format.
* There are Junior and Senior sections in the competition as well as the Peter Sharp Memorial Award. Available to all students enrolled in Years 7-12.
Competition has now closed for 2023. Monitor for 2024 information details as they are posted.
New ! Young Writers Award
‘The Young Writers Award is now open to South Australian students R-12. It is free of topic. Entries can be poetry or prose, up to 1 000 words. Please make separate submissions for each entry. [Up to 2 per student] You can send one email with all entry attachments if entering on behalf of multiple students. Please make separate submissions for each entry [Up to 2 per student]. You can send one email with all entry attachments if entering on behalf of multiple students. Teachers entering on behalf of their students can upload entries directly here’.
Enter online here. Entries Close : 17th May 2024. Terms and Conditions plus other information is also supplied.
Western Australian Junior Mathematics Olympiad [WAJO]
‘The aim of the competition is to identify the most gifted students in Mathematics. Special conditions : No calculators. Brains only. There is a combination of online and paper-based formats’.
* The competition is targeted at the Year 9 Level and is open to Year 9 [and younger] Students. There are Year 9 and Year 8 Prizes awarded.
Details including dates, venues, requirements, Prize Ceremony and Award information are all found on the above page. You can also access Questions and Solutions from previous events. Monitor for 2024 information.
Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads
‘The APSMO Maths Olympiad has been operating in primary schools since 1987 and in high schools since 2003. Each year thousands of schools participate in the competition from around Australia, New Zealand and internationally. It is aimed at challenging participants’ maths problem solving abilities. Maths Explorer Years 3 & 4, Maths Olympiad - Years 5-6 and Maths Olympiad - Years 7-8’. Registration and further information from the site.
* There is no lower age limit and in some instances, exceptional students from Years 3 and 4 may successfully compete in the Program. The Senior program is aimed at high achieving Years 7 and 8 students [and up to Year 9 in New Zealand]. Registration is only open to schools in Australia and New Zealand, as well as Australian International Schools.
2024 Competition Dates are still to be listed. Monitor for these. FAQs and Awards information are also available. All are found by using the page links above.
‘The Australian Mathematics Trust is a leading provider of mathematics and algorithmics enrichment programs and global competitions. We hold mathematics and algorithmics competitions, administer enrichment activities, conduct workshops for students and teachers, and publish books on mathematical enrichment for Australian and international students’. Not included is the Australian Mathematical Olympiad - ‘Around 200 students are invited to participate in this event from Australia and New Zealand. The contest is held over two days in February and is used to select students to attend the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee’s Selection School’.
The Australian Informatics Olympiad, Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad, Computational and Algorithmic Thinking [CAT] as well as the Oxford University Computing Challenge are also run by the Australian Mathematics Trust and are listed as a group under the Australian Mathematics Trust heading in the Technology section of the Competitions pages.
Australian Mathematics Trust Competitions [5]
Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad
‘This four-hour contest is designed to stretch talented students. It is suited to Years 7 to 10 level and particularly for those who have completed Maths Enrichment [Gauss or Noether level]; are high achievers in the Australian Mathematics Competition [AMC]; students who have acquired knowledge in Olympiad problem solving. We also use the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad [AIMO] as one of the competitions to determine which students are selected to a number of invitation only events’.
Details regarding registration, the date of the Olympiad - 12th September 2024, length of competition, running the AIMO and more are all available from the above page.
Australian Mathematics Competition
‘The AMC is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives; it is open to students in Years 3 to 12. Australia’s leading educators and academics, with a deep understanding of our national curriculum standards, actively design the unique AMC problems each year’.
The AMC is normally held in August. Check the above page for links to How to run the competition, Registering students and Try our Problems. Essential details for 2024 can now be found on the home page covering Key dates : 6-8 August 2024, Signing students up to the competition and much more.
Computational and Algorithmic Thinking [CAT] Competition
‘The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking [CAT] competition is a one-hour problem-solving competition designed to encourage student curiosity and promote multiple modes of thinking. Neither teachers nor students need computer programming ability, but the competition helps identify students’ computer programming potential. The competition has a mixture of multiple-choice and integer answers and incorporates unique ‘three-stage tasks’ that encourage students to develop informal algorithms and apply them to test data of increasing size or complexity. The original problems are designed to be quick to solve and highly approachable and range in difficulty from very easy to challenging’.
* The CAT has four divisions : Upper Primary [Years 5–6], Junior [Years 7–8], Intermediate [Years 9–10] and Senior [Years 11–12]. Paper and online versions are available. Cost per student : A$8.00 [Australia and New Zealand].
This year we allowed a three-day window, to give you more flexible scheduling in your classes. While you can choose any day in this range, it’s ideal to have your students sit CAT on the same day. Key Dates for 2024 paper and Online entries [21-23 May 2024] and also for the Submission of Student Answer Sheets are listed on the above page.
Kangourou sans Frontières [KSF]
‘In Australia, Kangourou sans Frontières [KSF] is an online only, multiple-choice competition for Years 3–12 and may only be entered by schools also competing in the Australian Mathematics Competition. All papers have 30 questions except Middle Primary, which has 24. The primary papers are 60 minutes, and the high school papers are 75 minutes. There are free practice questions on our competition site to try’. Available only when bundled with the AMC.
The KSF competition was previously held in late March. Essential details can also be found on the home page covering Key dates, Signing students up to the competition and much more. 2024 details are now available including event dates - 26-28 March 2024.
Maths Challenge for Young Australians
‘Maths Challenge is a fun problem-solving program for students in Years 3 to 10, designed to extend their mathematical skills. Interesting problems are presented in a staged approach that encourages critical thinking. Taken individually or as a small group, it runs over a maximum of four consecutive weeks between March and June 2024’.
Essential details for 2024 can be found on the home page covering Key dates [March to June 2024], Signing students up to the competition and much more.
Maths Enrichment for Young Australians
‘Maths Enrichment is designed for advanced students in Years 4–10 and is available to run over 12–16 weeks between April and October. This allows for greater flexibility in your schedule to cater for all students. We supply all study materials. You’ll receive a range of materials including a sample letter to parents, student problems, a director’s handbook and a teacher guide including extension problems and marking schemes. Each student participates in one stage. The stages are in order of difficulty with general year level recommendations : Ramanujan [Years 4–5], Newton [Years 5–6], Dirichlet [Years 6–7], Euler [Years 7–8], Gauss [Years 8–9], Noether [very able students in Years 9–10] and Pólya [top 10% Year 10]. Ramanujan, Newton and Dirichlet have 8 problems, Euler and Gauss have 12 problems, and Noether and Pólya have 16 problems. The Director’s Handbook is also available to download’. Monitor this to ensure it is the appropriate version.
Maths Enrichment is a 12–16 week program held flexibly between April and October. Essential details can also be found on the home page covering Key dates, Signing students up to the competition and much more. There is also a More Information section which includes Sample Maths Enrichment Problems. 2024 details are now available [April to October 2024].
Education Perfect [EP] - Maths Championships
‘This is a free event which offers an opportunity to raise the profile of Mathematics at your school. The competitive element threaded through EP inspires students to engage, giving them a chance for revision and helping refine their understanding of concepts and subject areas [other curriculum area Championships will also be found on these pages]’.
Championship Dates, Prizes, Certificates and basic rules are found on the page above. There is also further information specifically for Teachers & Tutors, Students, Parents and IT Staff via the menu on the Help page and also the ANZ Education Perfect World Series FAQ page which includes a range of information across all ANZ Education Perfect Competitions. Check back soon for 2024 dates !
Have Sum Fun Competition [Face-to-Face] [WA]
MAWA. ‘The Have Sum Fun Competition is an exciting Mathematics initiative that uses a quiz-night format. Teams of six students race against the clock to solve four intense rounds of eight challenging problems. Teams can only have a maximum of three students of the higher year level; e.g., in the Year 7 to 8 competition only three Year 8s are allowed in the team. There is a school trophy for the winning team, individual trophies for the winning team members and prizes for members of the three runner-up teams. Calculators or smart watches are not permitted. Select the venue you will be attending to have access to the venue map and supporting documents’.
* The competition is held in several categories - Years 5 and 6, Years 7 and 8, Years 9 and 10 and Years 11 and 12. For students in Western Australia only.
2024 Competition Dates/Locations details are found on the page above.
Have Sum Fun Online [WA]
MAWA. ‘Have Sum Fun Online [HSFOL] is a maths quiz of problems for both students at home and school year-level teams of four students. HSFOL is designed to foster mathematical problem solving for students in Years 3-10 across Australia. The competition consists of three rounds of 10 questions, where competitors have one hour to complete each round of questions. As long as the three rounds are done in order, they can all be accessed at any time over the three-week period. Download the Practice Questions and also try the Online Practice Questions to see what the quiz will be like to Have Sum Fun On Line’.
* The competition is held in three categories - Years 5 and 6, Years 7 and 8 and Years 9 and 10, For students in Western Australia only.
Quiz dates have usually occurred in Terms 2, 3 and 4. Monitor for 2024 details.
IM2C International Mathematical Modelling Challenge
‘The IM2C poses a number of real-world mathematical scenarios and each team works for several days using freely available material [from the web and other sources]. At the end of this time, each team presents a report on their solution. The challenge awards prizes to the top teams. The challenge has two levels : a national and an international level. On the basis of the results of the national competitions, teams will be invited to enter the international level’.
‘Register below for the free information pack and IM2C updates’. Registration, Rules and all relevant dates are found on the Team Registration page. 2024 information is already included [February/March]. Related information is also available through links in the menu on the left of this page.
New ! International Mathematical Tournament of Towns
‘The Tournament of Towns is an international mathematical Olympiad for school students of grades 8-11 [if 11 is the last grade]. The peculiarity of the Tournament is dedication not at a sport success, but at a deep consideration of problems. It helps to develop qualities necessary for scientific research. The Tournament is held annually since the spring of 1980. Starting from 1982/83 it has two rounds : Fall and Spring, both with two levels - O-level [basic] and A-level [advanced]. The A-level is comparable in its difficulty with the All-Russian and International Mathematical Olympiads, the O-level is somewhat simpler. It is not obligatory to participate in all rounds or levels. Each level is held separately for Juniors [Grades 8-9] and Seniors [Grades 10-11]. Any school student of any grade can participate in the Tournament for his grade or higher’.
* ‘If Year 11 is the last grade [also see notes above]. Students with outstanding results receive an invitation to the annual Summer Conference of the Tournament of Towns’.
Dates for the Spring Tournaments are provided at the top of the page for 2024. The Fall dates have yet to be finalised but will be similar to those given for 2023. Other details from the menu at the top, left of the home page.
MAT Problem Solving Competition [Tas.]
‘Through this Competition, some outstanding Mathematics students have been identified. For other students, the competition has sparked an interest in Mathematics. The event consists of a set of mathematical problems which aim to test the student’s logic. There are normally 8 - 12 questions for each of the four divisions : Primary [5/6], Junior [7/8], Intermediate [9/10] and Senior [11/12] which are undertaken within a 2-hour time frame [1.5 hours for Primary]’.
For full details plus other information contact the Mathematical Association of Tasmania using the the links provided on the above page. Past Problem Solving Competition results can be found Here. This competition is normally run during March. Monitor for 2024 details.
M. L. Urquhart Mathematics Competition [Tas.]
‘Scroll down the above page for The M. L. Urquhart Mathematics Competition, which is an annual problem solving competition for Tasmanian students in Years 11 and 12. This Competition is the most mathematically demanding of competitions conducted by the Association. Students have three hours in which to attempt five questions. The winner of the Competition receives the Urquhart Medal, a framed certificate and prize money. Certificates and prize money are also awarded to students deserving of an Honourable Mention’.
It is free to enter the M. L. Urquhart Mathematics Competition. Competition information, including competition papers, is distributed by Mr. David Coulson []. Registrations are restricted to a maximum of three students per college. M. L. Urquhart Mathematics Competition Details can also be found on this page.
National Mathematics Talent Quest
‘The National Mathematics Talent Quest [MTQ] is unique in Australia. The quest accepts the top entries from states and territories across Australia. The process for participating may be different from state to state. In some places, entries for the MTQ are combined with other activities, for example - the Queensland Science Contest [Mathematics Category]. Students should check this with their teachers. For those states that don’t have a local competition, schools are welcome to enter their student’s investigations through the Mathematical Association of Victoria’s competition [This cannot be confirmed for 2024 at the moment]. Entries come via the following 5 competitions [see below]’.
* Students in each year level compete with each other. For each year, there are three categories : individual, group and class entries.
Students typically work on their projects in Term 2 or early Term 3. The schools judge the projects in early August each year and send their best projects to the AAMT state or territory association by late August. The national judging usually takes place in September each year. Dates were also supplied for the early rounds on the above page. Monitor for specific 2024 details.
National Mathematics Talent Quest - State Events
Investigating with Mathematics [NSW]
‘The purpose of the investigation is to explore ‘real-life’ situations and problems to engage students and teachers in mathematics. It involves students formulating their own questions from a given situation. Investigating with Mathematics tasks meet Working Mathematically syllabus outcomes as well as outcomes in the strands in which the investigation takes place. There are three entry categories : individual, small group [no more than 5] and whole class. A maximum of 3 investigation entries per category per school may be submitted’.
Key Information and Dates, State Awards Ceremony information, the Entry process [and dates], Cost, Examples from the previous year and other important information [downloads] will be available for 2024 from the above page.
Maths Talent Quest [Vic.]
MAV, Victoria. ‘All Victorian and Tasmanian students from the Early Years to Year 12 can enter the Maths Talent Quest, through their school. One entry per category can then be entered for National Contention judging. Winners will also qualify for the National Maths Talent Quest where national winners will be announced at the MTQ Awards Ceremony’.
Register your interest in the MTQ and FLIP Challenge using the link on the page above. You will also be able to download the 2024 MTQ flyer once it has been posted. It will contain essential information. Note : The website is often updated with information for both teachers and students, so please check regularly.
Maths Talent Quest [WA]
MAWA. ‘The focus of the Maths Talent Quest is on the process of mathematical investigations. Open to all primary and secondary students, the Maths Talent Quest aims to promote interest in mathematics and foster positive attitudes amongst students, teachers and parents. Looking at real life situations and finding that mathematics is everywhere helps capture the imagination of both teachers and students alike. The Maths Talent Quest allows students to investigate mathematics on an individual, group or class basis with the opportunity to have fun exploring mathematics in real life situations. Children in early years settings are also welcome to enter the MTQ, these entries will be entered at a Foundation level’.
Registration for School and Project entry, Key Dates and a Handbook will be made available on the above page as soon as they have been finalised.
Queensland Science Contest [Mathematical Investigations] [Qld]
‘The Queensland Science Contest is an opportunity for Queensland students from Prep to Grade 12 to have their [scientific] work judged for awards and prizes’. Select the Mathematical Investigation Category for this competition. Projects in this category investigate a particular mathematical theme or concept in a new context. For example, students may investigate the mathematical content and ideas behind a specific interest, such as sporting seasons, or budgeting for a holiday.
Use The Handbook and also the Other Information page links on the above pages to access further information beyond what is already provided here. Monitor for 2024 information to be added to the above page.
South Australian Mathematics Enrichment Project/Maths Talent Quest [SA]
Select Project Based Competitions from the available options. ‘The Junior Secondary Mathematics Enrichment Project/South Australian Mathematics Talent Quest [JSMEP/SAMTQ] are competitions run annually aimed at promoting interest in mathematics and fostering positive attitudes. The focus of the JSMEP/SAMTQ are on using mathematics to investigate a topic of interest to the student/s. The best of these entries will then be entered into the [NMTQ] National Maths Talent Quest’. There are three levels. The youngest is the SAMTQ Primary level. There is also the Junior Secondary Mathematics Enrichment Project and the South Australian Mathematics Talent Quest [Senior Division].
Each section provides a wide range of information covering their specific grouping. There are also links to a range of resources.
School Mathematics Competition : The University of Melbourne
‘The competition is of a demanding standard, designed to identify real mathematical talent. The nature of the problems is different from that encountered in school mathematics syllabi, being less mechanical and requiring a higher level of mathematical insight and creativity. As such, participation is likely to be rewarding only to those students who have a real love for, and ability in, mathematics. The competition is separated into three divisions : Junior Division - Students in Years 7 and 8; Intermediate Division - Students in Years 9 and 10; Senior Division - Students in Years 11 and 12’.
Links from the above page provide access to Registration information, Information [Information for School Coordinators, FAQs, Important Dates, Contact and other information about the competition] and Resources [from previous years’ competitions]. The most recent competition was held early in May. Monitor for information about the 2024 competition.
The Hamann School Mathematics Competition
‘The aim of the competition is to encourage interested and motivated students to enjoy the challenge of non-standard problems. While some of the questions require extended knowledge and responses, the new format aims to give a wide range of students the opportunity to achieve some success’. All other details from the site.
The above page provides Competition Details, rules regarding scientific and graphic calculators, Awards, Presentation Night [date and venue], cost and Entry Form. The most recent was held in February/March. Monitor for 2024 information.
The UNSW School Mathematics Competition [NSW/ACT]
‘The competition is designed to assess mathematical insight and ingenuity rather than efficiency in tackling routine examples. Students are encouraged to enter the competition if they are able to make some progress towards the solution of at least one of the past problems [see Past Competitions]. If your school has participated in the recent past, your school should receive a formal invitation letter from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney’.
* ‘Open to participation by secondary school students in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. It is run in two divisions : Junior, up to and including Year 10 and Senior, Years 11 and 12’ .
The home page provides access to Past competition questions, solutions and winners while there are also Contact details, a link to the Competition Team if you wish to participate for the first time. Previous Timeline and Key Dates are provided plus additional General Information. Monitor for 2024 information.
The University of Queensland/QAMT Problem Solving Competition [Qld]
‘The annual UQ/QAMT Problem Solving Competition is open to all students of secondary schools in Queensland. The entry fee is only $5.00. There are three competition papers, one each for Years 7 and 8, Years 9 and 10 and Years 11 and 12. All of the papers are two hours long. The papers consist of questions which require an answer but working should also be shown. The problems do not usually require any greater knowledge than that possessed by good students but will need a certain amount of ingenuity and thought for their solution. You will need your own paper [10 sheets should be sufficient]’.
* ‘Three divisions [see above]. Students enter through their school. Non-CAS calculators may be used’ .
The 2024 Problem Solving Competition will be held on Friday, April 26th [to accommodate the change in NAPLAN dates]. Schools will be able to register for the competition through QAMT. Winners will be announced in Term 2. Prizes and certificates will be awarded by the judges.
The University of Queensland/QAMT Year 5/6 & 7/8 Quiz [Qld]
‘The Quiz is organised into five sessions – Session 1 : Estimation; Session 2 : Speed; Session 3 : Written Problems; Session 4 : Individual questions; and Session 5 : General Maths knowledge. The number of teams registered is left open for each school – you may enter as many teams as you think would benefit from the experience’.
* ‘Two divisions - Years 5 - 6 and Years 7 - 8 for students in Queensland’ .
Quiz Registration should open in Term 2. Key Dates will be listed on the above page. In 2023 Quiz Round 1 was in Term 3 Weeks 3 to 9. Regions or individual schools run Round 1 whenever is convenient for them within these seven weeks. Quiz Round 2 was in Term 4 Weeks 1 to 2. State Finals were held in late October. Monitor for 2024 information which should be similar to these.
‘The home of the world’s largest online maths competition. Compete against students across the globe in a worldwide celebration of mathematics. You can pre-register for WMD as either a school/class or as a parent. If you’re a Mathletics user, then you don’t need to register. Students log in and complete 20 by 60-second live maths games, earning 1 point for each question they answer correctly. A Champions Challenge will usually take place 3 weeks after World Maths Day’.
Frequently Asked Questions will provide most of the answers you need. Held in March in 2023. Monitor for the inclusion of 2024 details.
Other Areas
Campaign for AI Safety Law Competition
‘The goal of the competition is to create a draft treaty document that is based on and inspired by a movement to pause further development of AI, pending scaffolding through appropriate international governance and legal structures, as exemplified in the article Pausing AI Developments Isn’t Enough. We Need to Shut it All Down’. All the relevant detail regarding, for example, Competition brief, Prizes, example sources for inspiration, how to participate, Judging criteria length, … ; are available from the site. ‘The judges’ decision is final and cannot be appealed. Prizes will be awarded only if submissions meet basic quality requirements for treaty drafts. By submitting a draft, you agree to publication of your draft on this website and waiving copyright to your draft’.
Monitor to see if there is a follow-on activity in 2024.
Christmas Card Competition [NSW]
‘The annual competition is now open to students from Kindergarten to Year 6. 2023’s 30 winning artists will have their artwork featured in a pack of Christmas cards used by Minister Car, Education Secretary Murat Dizdar and the Department’s Deputy Secretaries, along with a book pack and 20 copies of the card for their personal use. It is probable the same will apply in 2024. Schools can submit artwork entries on behalf of students by email to by 5pm on the nominated date in October. Please name saved artwork files in the format of schoolname-firstname-lastname.png, such as Christmas-PS-Santa-Claus.png. Artworks can be created in any medium but should be no larger than 21cm x 30cm [A4]. The artworks may be in portrait or landscape format’.
Submit artwork to by the due date. The winning artists were notified by 10 November in 2023. Monitor for 2024 details to be provided.
Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition
‘A prestigious annual competition that awards winners with a ‘Power Trip’ to Canberra where winners meet inspiring politicians/CEOs, receive leadership and public speaking training, tour Parliament, score a mentor, get their work published and more’. Note the Eligibility Criteria.
* ‘We are now accepting applications from students based on the MySchool website classification – most schools identified as Inner Regional, Outer Regional, Remote and Very Remote and not classified as being in a Major City, are eligible to apply ! However, students who attend school in a capital city, even if it fits the above MySchool classification, are ineligible to enter. For students in Tasmania and the Northern Territory, you may be eligible if you are from a rural area but attend boarding school in Darwin or Hobart’.
Eligibility criteria [also see above], Closing date for entries, Terms & Conditions and Subscribing for Updates can be achieved via the Home page. ‘Country to Canberra is excited to be reviewing all the incredible entries in our 2023 Leadership Competition. Stay tuned as winners will be announced shortly’, Monitor for 2024 details.
‘The da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students. Students compete in teams of eight across 10 disciplines. The Decathlon is designed to celebrate the academic gifts of Australian youth by providing a stimulating and challenging competition run in the spirit of an Olympic Decathlon’. There are local and state competitions as well as the national one.
* The competition is broken into divisions at the initial level. There can be some variations among these depending on the state or territory. The National Final is for Years 7-10 .
Details of 2024 Themes [Regionals, State and Nationals], Dates [Regional, State, National and even International], venues and contacts can be found on the Events page.
Edstart Achievement Awards Program
‘Edstart’s Achievement Awards Program is an opportunity for students to be recognised in an area they are passionate about. We’re aiming to support some of Australia’s young minds in the following categories : Technology and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment, Performing and Visual Arts, Entrepreneurship, Sport and Physical Wellbeing and Social Impact. Winners agree to participate in activities for the purpose of promoting the Edstart Achievement Awards Program. If a winner is under 18 years of age, then the award grant will be provided to a parent or guardian on their behalf. Each winner will receive an award to recognise their achievement, as well as a $1 500 grant to fund a project, initiative or training related to their category’. Scroll down to the Some more details section for more information.
* A nomination can be submitted by any primary or secondary student with parent/guardian approval or by a parent/guardian on a student’s behalf. You can submit a separate entry for each category if you wish to apply for more than one of the award categories.
Monitor for 2024 information. In 2023, nominations closed on 9 June.
Ekka : Education - Competitions [Qld]
This page provides access to all competitions in the Education sector of EKKA. Each provides relevant details as indicated below. One competition [Student Bush Poetry] is listed in the Language section on this page. Two other examples of the range of competitions are provided directly below this entry.
* Most competitions are aligned to a specific school level. However, most also include the statement ‘However, all year levels are welcome to enter’. Check the specific detail for each competition .
Entry opening and closing dates, Judging date, cost per entry and Australian curriculum alignment. Other information is found on all competition pages. You can also subscribe for updates. There is also contact information if required. Monitor for 2024 information to be included.
Ekka : Education on Show Competition [Qld]
‘Education on Show is a competition devoted to showcasing work by Queensland students from Prep to Year 10. The competition covers a wide range of contemporary curriculum-related skills and activities and is open to the whole school to enter. Students will be able to come and see winning work on display to the public during the show period’.
Entry Opening and Closing dates, Judging date and Cost per entry. See the competition guide for the relevant curriculum alignment. You can also subscribe for updates. There is also contact information if required. Monitor for 2024 information to be included.
Ekka : School Garden Competition [Qld]
‘The School Garden Competition is a great opportunity for school students to learn and apply their gardening skills in a fun, competitive environment and win fantastic prizes. Students are invited to design and build a traditional veggie garden for display at the Ekka. Students must also create a simple recipe using their garden produce as key ingredients’.
* This competition is aligned and recommended for Year 1 students. However, all year levels are welcome to enter.
Entry Opening and Closing dates, Judging date, Cost per entry and Australian Curriculum alignment. You can also subscribe for updates. There is also contact information if required. Monitor for 2024 information to be included.
Updated ! Ethics Olympiad
‘The Ethics Olympiad provides schools with a unique opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, collaboration and communication. The students [Eth-letes] are trained by a coach [usually a teacher at their school] in order to prepare for an Olympiad. New ethical cases are released each year and are provided to participating schools well before the event. During an Ethics Olympiad students engage with each other and students from other schools on interesting and relevant cases. As of 2020 we moved the event online. Participating schools use Zoom to link up with other schools’. More information available using the links on the left of the above page.
* The Olympiad operates on three levels - Junior School [10-12 years], Middle School [12-14 years] and Senior School [15-28 years].
Registration for each of the 3 levels is found in the menu on the left of the home page. Information about Training Clinics is found via this link. Information pages for each level provide information, Event Dates, Terms & Conditions, Start and Finish Times, Year levels, a Registration Form and additional information. New pages including 2024 Junior School Ethics Olympiad Registration [includes Key Dates] and 2024 Senior Ethics Olympiad Resources have already been added.
Farm Safety Creative Competition
Kidsafe Victoria. ‘Kidsafe Victoria’s Farm Safety Creative Competition has returned. The competition invites all Victorian preschoolers and primary school students to get creative and design educational materials that promote injury prevention on the farm, to learn about farm safety in a fun and engaging way. The Farm Safety Creative Competition is proudly supported by the Victorian Government’s Smarter, Safer Farms Program. Competition entry is free’.
Dates and information are usually found on the home page. There are also Competition Packs [Teachers Pack, Parents Pack and an Early Childhood Pack]. ‘The first two include competition details, background information on farm safety topics, helpful tips for students to develop their entries and a range of learning resources for all year groups’ Monitor to see whether this will be run in 2024 or not.
‘Australia’s largest national youth entrepreneurship competition. We’re shining the spotlight on our young Australian entrepreneurs, who have a real passion and want to show us what they’re made of. Are you a budding inventor ? A quirky scientist ? A creative artist ? An aspiring engineer ? A magical maths mind ? An ideas person ? The possibilities are endless. Submit your 3 minute pitch by the deadline’.
* Age Categories were added in 2021 - Under 18, Under 16, Under 14 and Under 12.
You can Apply here once the opening date is finalised. Rules for the pitch are found here. There is an FAQ page to assist you. Deadline to apply is in the second half of the year. Entries closed 10 November 2023. Monitor for 2024 information to be added.
The News of the Future - Schools Competition. ‘Front Page is an initiative of Nine and Australian Teachers of Media [ATOM]. It provides Australian schools and classes with the opportunity to create and submit a short school newspaper and win fantastic prizes in the process. Entering ATOM’s competitions will engage students in activities that fit with school curricula, and encourage team building and confidence as students work together producing content’.
* The competition includes three age-group categories : Upper Primary [Years 4–6], Lower Secondary [Years 7–9] and Upper Secondary [Years 10–12].
Use the Before Entering link to access Rules and Guidelines [Dates, Entry and Judging, Prizes and other information], Terms & Conditions and Resources [including Resource Guides]. Other menu items speak for themselves. NOT BEING HELD IN 2023 - Monitor for details about 2024 You can Subscribe to their mailing list for updates using this link.
Future Problem Solving Program Australia
‘FPS encourages students from grades P-12 to become more aware of a diverse range of community and global topics. These include business and economics, science and technology and social and political concerns affecting our world today. Some of the topics include STEM, Global Citizenship and HASS issues. FPS offers a wide range of educational publications and instructional materials as well as virtual content. Virtual support is available through videos and instructional e-learning experiences. Once registered for the desired learning options, participants start with practice topics. After the practice topics, competitive topics are offered for qualification submissions to the National Finals’.
* Involvement is in 4 sections - Primary Programs [A non-competitive problem-solving program designed for, but not limited to, implementation in the regular classroom divided into two stages : Foundational Skills [Prep -2] and Developing Skills [Grades 3-4]; Junior Division [5-6]; Middle Division [7-9]; and Senior Division [10-12].
Register your team using this page. The Educator’s Guide provides information on how to get started, while the Key Dates page provides dates for 2024, topics and information about National Finals and the International Conference to which the top teams and individuals from the National Finals are issued invitations. This is held in the USA in the following year. Program Options for schools are found on the home page.
‘To promote understanding and appreciation of Korean history and culture, KSCPP is hosting a National Essay Contest in Australia. We have held a similar contest for students in the US for the past 14 years, and are now expanding the program to Australia, Canada and the UK. Choose from one of three topics based on the nominated book, which can be downloaded for free from this site. Submit entries to with the subject heading “2023 Essay Contest”. There will be three winners in each section : 1st prize [$500], 2nd prize [$200], 3rd prize [$100]. Honorable mentions [$50] may also be awarded at the panel’s discretion’.
* The essay contest is open to students in two groups : Group A [Years 5-8] and Group B [Years 9-12].
Essay Topic, Awards, Entry information, Deadline for entries and address to use, date for announcement of winners and other instructions are all available from the bottom section of the above page. All submissions are due by November 5, 2023. The winners will be announced no later than December 3, 2023. Monitor for 2024 details to be added after that date.
Languages Championships - Education Perfect [EP]
‘The EP Languages Championships [EPLC] is a free event where students can compete at their own ability level. This competition is designed to help boost your students’ personal learning journey, engage the students with curriculum-aligned content and motivate them to compete on an international stage’.
On the above page : When is this event taking place ?, Who can take part ?, What languages are included ?, How much does it cost to enter ?, How does the competition work ?, How do I register my students ?, My students already have EP accounts . . . what do I need to do ?, Can I enrol additional students ?, How do my students access the competition ?, How can I track my students’ progress ? Student Prizes and Certificates and Promotional Resources. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
‘The competition for little humans with big ideas. Little Big Idea is a competition to find the big, innovative ideas that’ll shape the future - from the little, creative kids who’ll be living through it. Find a problem, Invent something, Upload your invention. Enter a drawing, picture or video, with 200 words or less, explaining your idea. Check what previous winners have done or visit the Inspiration Station. Sign up to receive updates on what is happening and when’.
* The competition includes three categories : Category 1 [Years 3 & 4], Category 2 [Years 5 & 6] and Category 3 [Years 7 & 8]. There is a Winner and 3 Runners-up for each category.
The Terms and Conditions page shows sections which cover all required information for participation each year. Most activity is in the second half of the year. Use the Stay Updated links to be kept in the loop with what is happening. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
MLTANSW Linguafest [NSW]
‘Following the format of the Tropfest competition, students are asked to create and submit a short film based on the theme chosen by the MLTANSW. Somewhere in the film, students need to have an item [specified each year]. The teacher/school submitting the film MUST be a CURRENT [financial] member of the MLTANSW in order to access the information’.
The above page lists theme and signature item, specific requirements, Marking Criteria, Prizes, specific dates, entry information and form. Virtual screening and Awards Presentation will be Friday 17 November 2023. Monitor for 2024 details to be added.
Mock Trial Competitions [3]
Mock Trial Competition [The Law Society of NSW] [NSW]
‘Open to schools across NSW for students in Years 10 and 11, the program aims to introduce students to the NSW judicial system by providing practical experience into the running of a court case in a true-to-life adversarial setting. Students learn advocacy, debating and problem-solving skills’.
Use the Find out more link for Registration information about the 2024 competition, Terms & Conditions and How the competition is conducted. The home page also supplies Resources as well as a range of information about Mock Trial Materials and Procedures [including timetable and manual].
Mock Trial Competition [Law Society of South Australia] [SA]
‘The Law Society of South Australia Mock Trial Competition comprises a series of simulated court cases and is designed to bring young South Australians closer to the workings of our State’s legal system while teaching them to present a persuasive argument. The competition is limited to 32 teams. Each team comprises seven students and schools may enter two teams if less than 32 schools register’.
The above page provides general information, phone and email contact if desiring further information, Resources for Schools information including a 2024 Registration Form for Schools and a 2024 Registration Form for Coaches and Judges, others still to be updated. The manual covers Key dates and Contacts, Rules & Procedures and much more on all aspects of the competition for the current year [monitor for 2024 information in these areas].
Mock Trial Competition [Law Society of Western Australia] [WA]
‘The Mock Trial Competition provides an enjoyable, dynamic way of introducing students to the law. It provides students with an opportunity to learn valuable skills in research and the development and presentation of a persuasive argument. The cases are presented by two teams – a prosecution/plaintiff team and a defence team – made up of students playing the roles of barristers, solicitors, witnesses and court officials’.
* The competition is open to students enrolled in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are not older than 18 years of age as at 31 December of the year of the competition. A team must consist of no fewer than eight students and no more than 12.
The Overview button at the top right of the above page gives access to the Mock Trial Flyer for the current year [still to be activated] and a Manual that includes Registration, Rules, Timetable and general information plus information about Rules of Evidence. For more information please contact the Mock Trial Co-ordinator using this link - or [08] 9324 8604.
National High School Mooting Competition
‘The Bond University Faculty of Law conducts one of Australia’s oldest high school mooting competitions. The national competition brings together schools from every state and territory who battle it out in front of real judges, barristers and members of the legal profession and academe. The National High School Mooting Competition will be hosted online, on a video-conferencing platform. The National Grand Final will be on campus. The competition is by invitation only’.
If you would like to register your interest for the National High School Mooting Competition, please Contact Us. Frequently Asked Questions are found here. Monitor for 2024 information which should be available early in the new year.
NSW Negotiations Competition [UN Youth] [NSW]
‘The NSW Negotiations Competition is an international diplomacy and negotiation competition that immerses students in the role of state negotiators finding practical and pragmatic solutions to important geopolitical international disputes. The Competition enables delegates to develop their creativity, problem solving, communication, critical thinking and teamwork skills. Please note that the NSW Negotiations Competition will be taking place entirely online, using Zoom’.
* Students from Years 10-12 compete in teams of two students from the same school. The competition takes the form of two sessions; session one and session two. Each team will participate in 1 Round One session and 1 Round Two session.
Event Details [When, Where, Who, Cost, plus more] should soon be available. You can also download Negotiations Delegate Handbook for additional information. Monitor for 2024 details which should be added by mid Term 2 at the latest.
Linked with a children’s book podcast called ‘One More Page’. It’s all about kids’ books with author interviews, book reviews and more. Every fortnight we have a competition which includes prize giveaways’.
A new competition is offered every fortnight. The site provides details about when entries close for each competition. Monitor to see whether the competition is still running in 2024.
Panda Competition [ACT+]
‘Conducted every year by the Australia China Friendship Society. Students are asked to creatively focus on an aspect of the annual topic. This can be through a drawing or painting, creative works such as a collage or 3-dimensional construction, an essay, poem or other creative individual effort, appropriate to the student’s age and school grade. Preschool and Year 1 and 2 students in the ACT and Queanbeyan can also enter colouring in’.
* Only students in the ACT and Queanbeyan are eligible to enter the competition.
The above page provides information including the topic for the current year, Conditions of entry, Closing date for entries and judging as well as the Awards ceremony. You can download a Flyer using the link at the bottom of the page. There is also an email link if you need to find further information, Monitor for 2024 information details which are likely to be added during Term 2 at the latest.
Perth Royal Show - School Scarecrow [WA]
‘The Across the Seasons Scarecrow Competition is a creative and fun category aimed at engaging young people and schools in drawing awareness towards where food comes from and how the four seasons influences the variety and diversity of plants and animals. Farmers produce a wide range of food and fibre products all year-round. The aim of this year’s Scarecrow Competition is to celebrate and highlight the types of foods produced from each season – summer, autumn, winter and spring’.
* Open to Primary Schools within Western Australia. Restricted to one [1] entry per school and Free to enter.
Entry information available [this requires an account]. The Flyer available from the site for the current year will provide Competition details, Competition Rules, Judging and Results [including dates] and another link to enter the competition. For more information please contact the Competition and Event Coordinator.
‘A Philosothon is an event that encourages school students to investigate ethical and philosophical questions in the context of ‘communities of inquiry’. Participating in the event helps students to develop higher order thinking and communication skills through a series of discussions with students from other schools. While there is an element of competition in a Philosothon, it aims to promote a sense of community by developing a shared understanding in a spirit of cooperation. Invitations to participate in the Australasian Philosothon are sent to the winning schools from each regional Philosothon’.
* ‘Students will remain in Year level groups [7/8, 9, 10 & 11/12] for their first two assessed Communities of Inquiries and then for the final two sessions the year levels will be mixed’.
The above page provides links to the Program, Judges Guide, Information Kits - Students, Information Kits - Organising Teachers, Facilitator’s Guide and Stimulus Material for the current year. Monitor for 2024 information to be provided.
‘Students are invited to produce a short story, poem or essay of up to 1 000 words, or an illustration, exploring what respect means to them. This is a great opportunity for students to reflect on and share their understanding of respect – while also encouraging parents and teachers to have open, ongoing and proactive conversations on this important issue. Eight written and two illustrative winning entries will be published in a national Respect Stories book. The winners will also take home a $500 VISA gift card for themselves and one for their school’.
* ‘Any student enrolled in an Australian school aged 10-14 years-old [must be 14 or under as of their entry submission date]’.
Entries are now closed. Find out how to enter and get more information on the How to enter page. Find helpful resources and advice on the Competition Resources page. Other details on the Respect Stories FAQs page. The last of these contains all relevant details for entry, key dates and more. Monitor to see whether this will still operate in 2024.
Say Yes To Respectful Relationships Poster Competition 2023
‘The aim of the competition is to provide a conversation starter for schools to help facilitate discussions that foster respectful and positive relationships. We believe in teaching children to identify healthy vs unhealthy relationship behaviours from a young age, as this can empower them to recognise times when they may need support as they grow into adulthood’.
The How to get Involved section at the bottom of the above page has 4 sections covering : Register your School, Create your Posters, Submit your Poster and Virtual Awards Ceremony. For all other competition enquiries, please contact or use the phone number provided. Monitor to see whether this will still operate in 2024.
School Competitions [Royal Agricultural Society of NSW]
‘The Sydney Royal Easter Show is the largest classroom in New South Wales. It is also the place students can come and show what they have learned and be judged for the hard work in agricultural pursuits. The tradition of exhibiting and judging for schools continues today and includes poultry, pig, goat, honey and scarecrows. Entry is free for all schools – city, metropolitan rural and regional’.
All Competitions and sub-competitions provide required information for participation. As a minimum, most list an Overview, Key dates & Schedule, Contact details, Results and information about Sponsors & Supporters. Some provide further specific information. Some require your contact in order to access further information. Check early in the year to be sure of entry. You can also Subscribe to School Competition Updates. Monitor for 2024 details which should become available during Term 1.
‘If you’re a student in Year 7–12, we want you to think outside the box and develop creative products that highlight the value of tax and/or super in the community. You can be as creative as you like - some examples include : Write It - short stories, a script or a marketing proposal; Make It - artworks, comic strips, songs or a prototype of an app or game; Film It - videos, skits or music clips’.
* ‘There are two categories in the competition, Junior [Years 7–9] and Senior [Years 10–12]. Students must be enrolled in the Australian education system’.
Use the four 4 links on the left of the home page to access essential information. The Competition Teacher’s Kit gives the option to make an Expression of Interest and to receive a number of updates. Monitor for 2024 information which one hopes will be available during Term 1 [or early Term 2 at the latest].
‘Tournament of Minds is a problem solving program for all primary and secondary student providing the opportunity to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaborative enterprise, excellence and teamwork. Tournament’s aim is to enhance the potential of our youth by developing diverse skills, enterprise, time management and the discipline to work collaboratively within a challenging and competitive environment. They are required to solve demanding, open-ended challenges from one of the following disciplines : The Arts, STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics], Language Literature or Social Sciences’.
* ‘Teams in the Primary Division must be a mix of students from at least two year levels with a maximum of four students from any one year. Teams in the Secondary Division must be a mix of students from at least two year levels [up to and including Year 10] with a minimum of two students from the year of entry to secondary school in your state and a maximum of four students from any one year’. Teams consist of seven [7] students.
While there is information on many of the pages, the Help page [see top menu] covers all essentials. Note : Important dates for the current Tournament for your Branch [state or territory] are listed on individual Branch home pages. Registration opens early in the tournament year. Monitor for when 2024 information is made available.
University of Southern Queensland Secondary Schools Moot Competition [Qld]
‘Hosted by the School of Law and Justice and established for schools in the Darling Downs, Lockyer, Ipswich and Springfield regions, this free competition broadens the knowledge and experience of law for Year 11 and 12 secondary students. Through close analysis and argument of a legal problem, competitors will gain valuable and fun practical experience in a law court environment and a better understanding of how the law functions’.
* ‘Hosted by the School of Law and Justice and established for schools in the Darling Downs, Lockyer, Ipswich and Springfield regions’.
Monitor for 2024 competition details. Previously ran from mid-March to early September..