Be Aware !

  1. As we have indicated on the front page of the site, we are no longer able to maintain the site to the standard we feel is essential.
  2. We thank you for your support and suggestions over more than 20 years, as we went from one page to 98 pages today, with all pages active and none archived as has occurred at various times. In addition, the pages have increased significantly in size/content.
  3. While we have appreciated greatly the vast range of suggestions, there will no longer be a need for these.
  4. As a result, our link used for suggestions will soon be retired. Should you try to link till that occurs you will simply receive an auto-reply indicating the site is closed.
  5. You are welcome to continue visiting the site. We will continue to monitor its use and provide access to it while we consider it is still seen to be of value. Once we believe usage indicates it is not, the site will be taken down. A warning will be added to the home page indicating this will occur and when that date is.

Once again, thanks for your previous support.

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